Google My Business Logo: How To Add, Remove & Optimize?

You must have seen people worldwide are curious to understand Google’s algorithm. It is so because Google perpetually develops itself to catch up with its utilizer’s demands and always stays on the cutting edge. For example, today, Google filters its experience via Google My Business. This blog will be a guiding angel to those unaware of what Google My Business is and how you can schedule Google My Business posts using a social media scheduler to help you ace the game. Today, we are here not solely to discuss Google my business logo, but a lot more than that, continue reading to unearth the same. 

Sky rocket your views on Google’s local listings!

Easily keep your GMB profile updated and active with RecurPost’s automation features.


Table Of Content 

You must have heard people talk about Google my business logo, which may have further triggered you with a question- what is Google My Business? Today, we have done all the heavy-lifting and are here with this blog to simplify things for you. 

Google My Business is a tool designed to assist or help businesses manage their online presence via the Grand Google platform. The part that makes it the best is- it is cost-free. It’s solely cost-free. 

It goes without saying that Google My Business is an amalgamation of online directory listing and social media platforms. Business owners design and claim ownership of their Google My Business listing as an online directory. They even offer specifications, such as hours, locations, and images. 

Business owners can conveniently post on their Google My Business profile on social media. Like any other social media story, these posts are temporary- they automatically get removed after one week. One more thing that makes Google My Business avant-garde is- your valuable customers can post images of your business to your listing, that too without writing a review. 

In this world of digitalization, Google My Business is one of the most popular local listing directories on the internet. Millions of businesses across the globe are profiting from Google My Business (GBM) to acknowledge people regarding information about their company. So, what’s keeping you distant? Start your Google My Business Page and see for yourself how it allows your business to get more accessible on Google search and in Google maps.

It is not solely a way of showcasing your business to potential clients, but it will also teach you what your audience is looking for and how easily they interact with your company! 

Before you know how to get or input Google My Business Logo, it is vital you understand if all the businesses across the globe qualify for GMB or not. So, any business- big or small with a physical location or any company that visits a physical site, such as a client’s home or business gets to clarify for GMB listing. 

Do all business qualify for Google My Business Logo

Google has its criteria. Hence, to qualify for the Google My Business listing, a business owner or any particular business employee must contact clients during the mentioned hours. Being in this industry for some time now, we have seen people thinking, what if my business doesn’t have a legitimate address right now? Do I still get to utilize Google My Business? Can I use Google My Business as a key to my content marketing strategy?

Let us break it to you- if your business currently doesn’t have an office for people to visit, you can categorize your business under service area business. There is a different listing named service area business listing. This list allows you to set a radius of the area you provide services to without having a physical business address. 

So, all the businesses that do not have a physical office location or don’t service their clients at a business location do not qualify for GMB listing. So, if you are looking for examples of the same, let us help you. The list of non-qualifiers includes- strictly e-commerce businesses, rental properties, and any digital businesses with a 100% online presence.

So, on Google My Business, profiles can be solely created for businesses that carry physical locations where clients can easily visit or travel and see them wherever they are. 

It is hard to believe, but it is what it is. Currently, Google My Business and its other features are available for free. But, like the Google maps application(it is the application where Google My Business listing appears), Google My Business listing is also free. 

Yes, that is true- anyone can add a place to Google maps that too at no cost. But you must understand that you should not edit and add specific information such as hours or offerings. To get access to that listing- you must claim your business. You can do this via a Google My Business account, which is also easily accessible and free.

How to edit Google My Business Page

There is no denying that numerous people worldwide want to unearth how to add Google My Business Logo. But before you learn that, you must know some more specifications about Google My Business. Following is the procedure for editing the Google My Business page. 

  1. Start by signing in to Google My Business by going to For this, you may not necessarily require a Gmail account. But you will need your business email address or any email you wish to utilize for your new local listing. 
  2. Once you sign in, click “info” on the menu bar, and you will get to spot multiple sections you can edit. 
  3. Now take your time here; ensure that all the information you add is legit and updated.
  4. Just a small tip, always make sure to add accurate store hours. If you operate on 24*7 business or service, you can set that. 
  5. If you have a particular holiday calendar, ensure to add the same on the listing in a separate section. 
  6. Remember that you can not edit or remove information from other sources. Other sources here imply “Reviews from the web” or editorial summaries.
  7. As soon as you follow all the steps mentioned above, move your cursor to “apply.” It will save all the changes you made. 
  8. Do not get hyper, as these changes may take a few days to display on your Google My Business page. Although, some changes will appear immediately as the Google My Business page owner! 

There is no denying that numerous people are unaware of the types of photos added to the Google My Business listing. You must understand that there exist three types of images that you can post to your Google My Business listing. So, without further ado, let us understand the same. 

Which photos can be added to GMB listing

  1. Google My Business Logo: The Google My Business logo plays an essential role as it helps your clients rectify your business on Google. The companies that showcase their specifications, such as phone numbers, locations, opening hours, the business profile, will make the logo outstanding. As soon as you add logo to Google My Business, you will see a rise in your online business presence. 
  2. Cover Photo: Secondly comes the cover photo. You can add a cover photo at the top of the profile that carries the potential of describing your business the best. But you must know that the cover photo does not show up as the first photo for your business in certain situations. 
  3. Additional Photos- Businesses must consider uploading numerous photos to emphasize features of their business that can motivate clients to purchase. 

Now that you know how to edit the Google My Business page learns how to add new aspects that make your business unique. The two factors that play a vital role in making your Google My Business page unique are Google My Business Logo and cover photo. 

Numerous people must be wondering what is so special about the cover photo or Google My Business Logo? Let us break it to you- an appropriate picture will help potential clients and clients identify your business and learn more about your products, services, team, and your way of working!

Following is the method, how you will get to easily add a cover a photo on Google My Business Page. 

  1. Start by ensuring that your cover picture is in the PNG or JPG file format. Yes, that is right. The GMB post image size guide suggests the size must be between 10KB and 5MB. Also, ensure that it has a minimum resolution of 720 x 720 pixels.
  2. Secondly, sign in to your Google My Business account if you haven’t already. Then, click photos from the main menu now. 
  3. Now comes the step where you pick the picture you want to upload. Finally, you can change your cover picture. 
  4. You can pick and upload the picture from your desktop. If you have a picture in your GMB that you wish to utilize as your cover picture, select the one you’ve already uploaded on your GMB. 
  5. In the end, click on upload. 
  1. Start by signing in to your Google My Business profile on your computer. 
  2. You will see a menu on the left; click on photos. 
  3. Below the “overview” tab, you will get to know the following- 
  • If no logo were added previously, you would see the logo card; click choose a photo. 
  • In case you already have a logo and wish to change it, click on the pencil icon next to “logo” to change the current logo and add a new one. 
  • Google My Business Logo PNG or JPG, both formats work equally well. So ensure your logo is in one of these two formats and between 10 KB and 5 MB. With a business logo maker, you can customize company name, change color, font style as you need without involving a graphic designer.

4. Once you get done with it, you will see a pop-up logo box. As soon as it appears on your screen, you can either drag the logo or click on the blue button “select a photo from your desktop” to open the “file explorer.” Don’t you stress, as you can also pick the pictures already in your profile by pressing “albums” or “photos tagged of your business”

As you select the image file for your logo, you can precisely optimize your logo. 

  • You get to see a simple crop/center tool; you will notice a square with tiny boxes on edge, and inside, you will see the logo while the outside gets blurred. Efficiently utilize the boxes on each edge to enhance or minimize the focus area and push the square around. After that, you will see the area inside the square on your profile. 
  • You can further utilize the “left” and “right” buttons to rotate your logo. 
  • The image you utilize for your Google My Business logo must be between 10 KB and 5 MB. 
  • You even get the opportunity to add a caption to your logo; you can do so by pressing “add a caption.” You must add your business name logo + main service/product + main city/town

5. After completing all the points mentioned above, click on “set logo.” 

Numerous people know how to add Google My Business Logo but carry insufficient information about removing it. So today, we are here to teach our readers about the same. However, before we dive into the procedure, you must understand that you can delete any images you posted in the past under the Photo tabs in the left column. Following is the procedure of the same- 

  1. On your desktop, sign in to Google My Business. 
  2. Secondly, click on “photos” from the main menu. 
  3. Take your cursor to the photo you want to delete and click on it. 
  4. You will see a “trash” icon in the top-right corner; click on it. This icon appears solely for the picture you have already uploaded. 
  5. Confirm it when you see a prompt for delete action. 

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that helps its users have the freedom to focus on what they are best at. Yes, that is right. 

How can RecurPost help for GMB post

You won’t disagree with us when we state that long gone are the days when people used to post on their personal or business social media profiles manually. Today, they instead focus and invest their time in their business rather than social media profiles. However, it does not change the fact that social media presence is essential, and for the same, they trust social media scheduler RecurPost. 

Being a social media scheduling tool, RecurPost effectively supports Google My Business in addition to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. With RecurPost’s help, you can effortlessly schedule Google My Business Posts and with its feature such as social media bulk scheduling, social calendar, team collaboration, etc. It also allows you to post on one or multiple GMB locations simultaneously. From GMB posts image size guide to how to create Google My Business listing, RecurPost can help you with anything and everything. 

You know google my business posts only last for seven days, so you must often post on it. But, if you get too consumed handling your business, trust RecurPost. It will track the best time for posting and do the postings appropriately.

RecurPost supports posting across multiple networks beyond GMB

RecurPost offers scheduling Google My Business posts

Manage your content marketing strategy effectively by investing in an excellent social media tool like RecurPost. It enables you to plan for a scheduled posting on major platforms in a few easy steps.

RecurPost lets you schedule Facebook posts and schedule Instagram posts to increase your brand awareness. RecurPost allows scheduled posting on profiles, pages, and groups on Facebook. You can create fun with reels and short stories while scheduling posts on Instagram.

Promote your brand where industry professionals are active. Schedule LinkedIn posts on personal and business pages and connect with them. Utilizing this tool, you can schedule tweets at the best times of the day.

Additionally, RecurPost is a fantastic Pinterest scheduler for the visual-heavy marketer. It enables you to schedule Google Business Profile posts to share coupon codes or inform about an event to call your local customers on the party floor.

Connect with us via our website if you wish to know more about free Hootsuite alternatives, MeetEdgar alternatives or RecurPost pricing! 

Ultimately, we would like to summarize this blog by stating that no matter how big or small your organization is, you will get immense benefits from building a Google My Business page. It will offer you an opportunity to optimize your visibility on Google, along with growing your prospects. Apart from this, you will also get the chance to generate more traffic to your physical storefront. If you have any more queries about Google My Business Logo or wish to read more about it, comment below! 

Sky rocket your views on Google’s local listings!

Easily keep your GMB profile updated and active with RecurPost’s automation features.


1. What should be Google my business logo size?

According to our research, the Google My Business logo size must be between 10 KB and 5 MB, and the recommended resolution stays 720 px tall, 720 px wide during the Minimum resolution — 250 px tall, 250 px wide. 

2. How to change Google My Business Logo? 

Following is the step-by-step method of how to change Google My Business Logo.
– Start by visiting on your desktop. 
– Secondly, click on your business profile. 
– You will see “website,” click on the same on the bottom left. 
– Click “edit header photo” on the right. 
– Now upload or drag the desired photo/logo. 
– That is how you get done with it. Happy to see your new logo? Let us know in the comment section. 

3. Why is my Logo not visible on Google My Business? 

Being in the industry for some time now, RecurPost has precisely seen that there are mainly two errors that keep your business Logo from being visible on Google My Business. Also, it has nothing to do with the performance of your business profile, so don’t worry about the same. Instead, check for the below two-
– To start with, it is usually the size of the Logo. You must ensure that the Logo quality stays at least 720×720 pixels.
– The second thing that mostly stops your Logo from showcasing is its size. You must keep your Logo’s size between 10 KB and 5 MB. 
– If there are still errors in your Logo, you must feel free to contact the Google My Business support team; they will guide you through it

4. Can businesses with no address use Google My Business? 

The answer is yes. Even if your business does not have a physical store upfront, you can still qualify for the Google My Business listing. In addition, you can mark your business as a service area business to do the same. It will allow you to set a radius of the area you provide services to without having a physical address.

5. Are there any charges for Google My Business Listing? 

There is nothing you got to worry about as Google does not charge for Google My Business listings. The best part is that you can acquire multiple listings under one account at no charges. No denying, your listing is free, but you are not exactly free to publish whatever you like on your profile. Google does have restrictions regarding the type of content you include in your listing and Google posts to ensure you stay aligned with their mission. 

6. Is it possible to remove customer photos from Google My Business? 

Yes, all you got to do is follow the below-mentioned steps. 
– Then, start by signing in to your Google My Business account. 
– Click on photos from the menu you see on the left. 
– Move your cursor to the customer photos you want to remove. 
– Once you get on the image you want to remove, click on the “Flag” icon in the top-right corner.
– There and then, you will see a pop-up box with reasons for the photo removal request; take your time and choose the one applicable, and press “Report.” That’s how it is done, what’s keeping you distant? Remove the photos you don’t find a fit from your Google My Business page now! 

Debbie Moran

Debbie Moran is a Digital marketing strategist with 5+ years of experience producing advertising for brands and helping leaders showcase their brand to the correct audience. She has been a part of RecurPost since 2019 and handles all the activities required to grow our brand’s online presence.