Google Display Network Ads – Complete Guide 2021-2022 – Marketium Club

Building a valuable, recognizable brand is the most important thing that can happen to your business, and Google Display Ads advertising gives you a platform to do just that.

Keeping your brand at the top of your prospects’ minds is absolutely crucial if you want them to eventually choose your company over the many others who are competing for their business.
Google Display Advertising offers many essential tools to help you do just that.

Google Display Network (GDN) connects your offer with your target audience through multiple channels and placements to create a positive experience for your prospects.

The Google Display Network reaches 90% of Internet users worldwide, across millions of websites, news pages, blogs, and Google sites like Gmail and

In this article, you’ll find a complete guide to the world of Display Advertising. You’ll learn everything there is to know about Google Ads (Adwords) Display advertising, to become a PPC Hero.

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Google Display Ads Guide Quick Navigation:

display ads conversion tracking


Google Ads Conversion Tracking: The Basic Setup

Conversion tracking involves generating an HTML code in the Conversion section of the Google Ads account that you insert into your landing page on your website immediately after your lead reaches the conversion event (i.e. “Thank you page”, “Order Confirmation” or “Thanks for Your Email”).

Alright, let’s get started

display ads conversion tracking setup

1.0. Navigate to Tools and Settings tab

select Conversions

create Conversion

display ads conversions

1.1. Select the kind of conversion to track

select the source of conversion you’d like to track

display ads conversion tracking website

Here’s a more detailed walkthrough of the Website conversions source:

Within Websites conversions you can choose from the following categories:

  • Sales categories:
    • Purchase
    • Add to cart
    • Begin checkout
    • Subscribe
  • Leads categories:
    • Contact
    • Submit lead form
    • Book appointment
    • Sign-up
    • Request quote
    • Get directions
    • Outbound click
  • More categories:
    • Page view
    • Other

1.2. Select the appropriate Category

Enter the name of your conversion

display ads conversions category name

1.3. Select Use the same value for each conversion (if the same value should be recorded for each sale/lead) 

Choose a currency and enter the value (amount) of your conversion

display ads conversions value count

1.4. Select the Click-through conversion window

click-through conversion window

Conversions can happen days after a person interacts with your ad. Select the maximum time after an ad interaction that you want to count conversions

The conversion window is how long a conversion can be recorded after an ad interaction.

Example of a click-through conversions window

Say your window is 30 days. If someone clicks your ad then makes a purchase 29 days later, it’s counted as a conversion. If they make the purchase 31 days after the ad click, it’s not counted as a conversion.

1.5. Select the View-through conversion window

display ads view through conversion window

Your view-through conversion window is how long a view-through conversion can be recorded after an impression.

View-through conversions are conversions that happen after an impression of, not an interaction with, your ad.

1.6. Include in “Conversions”

display ads conversions includes

This setting lets you decide if these conversions should be included in your “Conversions” and “Conversion value” columns. If you uncheck it, data will still appear in the “All Conv.” column.

1.7. Select the Attribution model

and then press Create and Continue

display ads attribution model

As a definition according to Google, attribution modeling is: “the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths.”

Last-Click Model (Default Model)

When setting up a campaign on Google Ads, if you have never tweaked your attribution settings, you will always be running the last-click attribution model.

This is the default setting for Google Ads and Google Analytics.

Last-click is exactly what you’d think it is: giving credit for conversions/sales/ whatever your goal is to the last-clicked keyword or ad, etc.


1.8. Click Create And Continue

1.9. Tag setup

Install the tag yourself

You’ve created a conversion action. Now, set up the tag to add to your website.
display ads tag setup

Global site tag

To set up your conversion tracking lead form, you should paste the global site tag and an event snippet in the code your page uses.

Copy the provided tag and paste it in between the <head></head> tags of every page of your website. Or if you’re using WordPress, just paste this code once in the header.php file. You only need to install the global site tag once per account, even if you are tracking multiple actions.

display ads tag snippet

Event snippet

The event snippet works with the global site tag to track actions that should be counted as conversions. Choose whether to track conversions on a page load or click.

Select which event you want to track:

  • Page load: Count conversions when someone loads a new page, such as an “Order Confirmation” page or “Thank you page”;
  • Click: Count conversions when customers click a button or link (such as a “Buy Now” button).

Copy the provided snippet and paste it in between the <head></head> tags of the page(s) you’d like to track (i.e. “Thank you page, right after the global site tag.

display ads tag event snippet

Things to note:

  • It might take a few hours to verify that the tag is on your website. To make sure your tag is working, check the tracking status on the “Conversion actions” page.
  • You can also use the Google Tag Assistant
  • You can edit conversion actions at any time on the conversions page.

Learn more about Google Ads Conversion Tracking

display ads campaign set up


Create Campaign And Choose Objectives: Choose the most appropriate to your goals

Create New Campaign

2.0. Navigate to the Campaigns section

create new campaign

2.1. Select the goal that would make this campaign successful to you

select goals
In order to run Google Display Ads choose one of the following campaign goals:

  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website traffic
  • Brand awareness and reach

2.2. Select a campaign type


select campaign type

2.3. Select a campaign subtype

Standard display campaign

campaign subtype

2.4. Enter your website

and press


insert website

display ads location geo


Campaign name, Location, Language, Bidding, Budget: make sure to check this option

enter campaign name geo location

3.0. Enter your campaign name

Choose the target location

❗ Make sure to check the option: People in or regularly in your targeted locations. Otherwise, your ad will be shown to all people from the globe who showed interest in your targeted location.


Bidding and Budget: Determine a Bid Strategy Based on Your Goals

google display bidding

4.0. In the bidding section select bid strategy directly

Select Manual CPC

manual cpc bidding

If you’re launching a brand new Display campaign I’d recommend starting with the Manual CPC bidding to have more control over your bids and spend.

After optimizations and some time of running you might switch your campaign bidding to Automated bid strategies as follows:

  • Target CPA

  • Target ROAS

  • Maximize clicks

  • Maximize conversions

    (be cautious with this type of bidding, cause it most likely overspends your budget)

  • Viewable CPM

4.1. Help increase conversions with Enhanced CPC

enhanced CPC

What’s Enhanced CPC?

Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) can help you get more conversions from manual bidding. ECPC works by raising your max bid. CPC bids for clicks that seem more likely to lead to conversions and lowering your max. CPC bids for clicks that seem less likely to convert. This feature can help increase conversions and get more value from your budget.

PRO TIP: A lower cost per click (CPC) isn’t always better.

Because Google Ads works in an auction system, the price fluctuates depending on how much advertisers are willing to bid.

When bids are higher it’s likely (not guaranteed) they can afford to bid higher because the ad is more likely to convert and turn into a sale – and therefore produce a good ROI.

4.2. Set your daily budget

google display budget

4.3. Budget requirements for Target CPA bidding type

For campaigns using Target CPA bidding, it’s recommended to set a budget that’s at least 15 times your target CPA. Use the chart below to understand how long it takes to optimize your campaign depending on the current budget.

Budget setting Optimization time More than 15 times your target CPA 7 to 8 days 10 to 15 times your target CPA 2 weeks 5 to 10 times your target CPA 3 weeks

display ads additional settings


Additional settings: act like a PRO and take most of it

additional settings

5.0. Ad rotations

Select Do not optimize

additional settings ad rotation

I would recommend selecting the “Do not optimize” option from the beginning, especially if you’d like to test a whole bunch of creatives. It’s important to pay attention to this setting because most likely Google algorithms wouldn’t give a chance to each of your ad creatives to perform.

5.1. Devices

Select specific targeting for devices

additional settings devices

I would recommend testing each device type in a separate ad group for more accurate results and an easier optimization process.

5.2. Campaign URL options (You can skip this step if you’ve set conversion tracking template in Step #1: Conversion Tracking)

google display ads campaign url options

A tracking template lets you put additional information in the URL to identify the source of an individual ad click.

For example, you can add URL parameters that will tell you which campaign and ad group contained the ad that the user clicked on, what type of device the user was on, and which keyword triggered the ad.

If you want to track — for each individual click — which campaign, ad group, and keyword triggered the ad that the user clicks on, you can set the tracking template to:


Tips for setting up your tracking template

  • A tracking template at the ad group, campaign, or account level applies to all of the ads in the corresponding ad group, campaign, or account.
  • If you define multiple tracking templates at different levels, the most specific template is used. The keyword tracking template is the most specific followed by the ad, ad group, campaign, then account.
  • Use https:// instead of http:// in the tracking template to make sure your click measurements and redirects aren’t interrupted.
  • You can view which tracking template is applied in the “Tracking template source” column.
  • With parallel tracking, use of HTTP in this field can disrupt your click measurement/redirect systems:
    • While we don’t have control over the subsequent redirects, Google Ads will always use HTTPS for the first tracking call if it’s not entered as such.
    • All subsequent redirect URLs need to be HTTPS. The redirects also need to be server-side

Campaign URL Builder allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics.

You’ll just need to fill out the required fields (like on the screen below), and once complete the full campaign URL will be generated for you.

5.3. Dynamic ads

display ads dynamic ads

If your business type matches the list of available ones, you could use Dynamic ads for personalized ads.

Dynamic ads let you show personalized content based on what people have viewed on your landing page or the entire website.

To show content from your website in these ads, you would need to set up a data feed.

5.4. Select which conversions are included in the “Conversions” column for this campaign

Use the account-level “Include in ‘Conversions’” settings

display ads conversions included

5.5. Content exclusions

Opt out of showing your ads on content that doesn’t fit your brand

display ads content exclusions

In my case, I would deselect the following content types:

  • DL-G: General audiences
  • Content suitable for families
  • DL-PG: Most audiences with parental guidance
  • Tragedy and conflict
  • Live streaming YouTube video
  • Embedded YouTube videos
  • Below-the-fold
  • Parked domains
  • In-video

display ads audience targeting


Display Network Targeting Options: Test Different Audiences and Placements

6.0. Create your ad group

Ad group name

display ads create ad group

6.1. Define your Audiences, Demographics (People: who you want to reach)

Within Google Display Network ads you can choose from the following targeting types:

    • Keyword targeting
    • Placements
    • Topics
    • People and audiences targeting
      • Demographic targeting:
        • Gender
        • Age
        • Parental status
        • Household income
      • Detailed demographics:
        • Parental Status
        • Marital Status
        • Education
        • Homeownership Status
        • Employment
      • What their interests and habits are (Affinity interests)
      • What they are actively researching or planning (In-market interests and life events)
      • How they have interacted with your business (Remarketing and similar audiences)
      • Custom Audiences:
        • People with any of these interests or purchase intentions
        • People who searched for any of these terms on Google
        • People who browse types of websites
        • People who use types of apps
        • People who visited certain places

display ads audiences

Audiences are groups of people with specific interests, intents, and demographics, as estimated by Google. They’re people you can show your ads to.

audiences list

Select one of the audience types to define who should see your ads: 

Who they are (Detailed demographics)

  • Parental Status
    • Parents
  • Marital Status
    • Single
    • In a Relationship
    • Married
  • Education
    • Current College Students
    • High School Graduate
    • Bachelor’s Degree
    • Advanced Degree
  • Homeownership Status
    • Homeowners
    • Rentals
  • Employment
    • Company Size
    • Industry

What their interests and habits are (Affinity)

  • Beauty & Wellness
  • Banking & Finance
  • Food & Dining
  • Home & Garden
  • Lifestyles & Hobbies
  • Media & Entertainment
  • News & Politics
  • Shoppers
  • Sports & Fitness
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Vehicles & Transportation

In-market audiences

  • Apparel & Accessories
  • Autos & Vehicles
  • Baby & Children’s Products
  • Beauty & Personal Care
  • Business Services
  • Computers & Peripherals
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Dating Services
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Event Tickets
  • Financial Services
  • Food
  • Gifts & Occasions
  • Home & Garden
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Real Estate
  • Seasonal Shopping
  • Software
  • Sports & Fitness
  • Telecom
  • Travel

What they are actively researching or planning (Life events)

  • Business Creation
  • College Graduation
  • Home Renovation
  • Job Change
  • Marriage
  • Moving
  • New Pet
  • Purchasing a Home
  • Retirement

How they have interacted with your business (Remarketing)

  • Website visitors (People who visited your website or landing pages):
    • Visitors of a page
    • Visitors of a page who also visited another page
    • Visitors of a page who did not visit another page
    • Visitors of a page during specific dates
    • Visitors of a page with specific tags
  • App users (People who’ve downloaded your mobile app)
  • YouTube users (People who interacted with your YouTube channel or videos):
    • Viewed any video from a channel
    • Viewed certain videos
    • Viewed any video (as an ad) from a channel
    • Viewed certain videos as ads
    • Subscribed to a channel
    • Visited a channel page
    • Liked any video from a channel
    • Added any video from a channel to a playlist
    • Shared any video from a channel
  • Customer list (List of customer data that you’ve collected):
    • Emails, Phones, and/or Mailing Addresses
    • User IDs
    • Mobile Device IDs
  • Combined lists/Custom combination (A list created from multiple existing remarketing lists)

Your combined audiences (Combined audiences)

With combined audiences, you can define your ideal audience more accurately by combining existing audiences.

Your custom audiences (Custom audiences)

  • Custom Audiences:
    • People with any of these interests or purchase intentions
    • People who searched for any of these terms on Google
    • People who browse types of websites
    • People who use types of apps
    • People who visited certain places

The image below may help you choose the best audience type for your campaign goal.

detailed targeting


❗ I would suggest picking one audience type per ad group for accuracy and an easier optimization process. You may also skip the audience targeting and proceed to the next steps if you wish to target just specific placements (i.e. websites/apps/app categories/youtube channels/youtube videos)

Data from your audience sources may be used to improve the bidding and targeting of your audience campaigns.

Related to Audience Targeting: Installed App Category Targeting

TIP: Adding too many targeting options or restrictions may limit your campaign’s reach.

6.2. Demographics (Reach people based on age, gender, parental status, or household income)

display ads demographics

With demographic targeting, you can reach people who are likely to be in the demographic groups that you choose, including age, gender, parental status, or household income.

Later, you can manage your demographics in your campaign’s Audience section Demographics

google display network demographics

For instance, you can exclude specific Age, Gender, Household Income which doesn’t perform well for your campaign.

Content Targeting

6.3. Content: where you want your ads to show

display ads content targeting

Narrow your reach with:

  • Keywords (Keyword targeting lets you choose words or phrases related to your products or services. The keywords you choose help show your ads on relevant websites, apps, and videos);
  • Topics (Topics are based on broad industries or interests, such as agriculture or music.);
  • or Placements.

Pro Tip: For Google Display Network Ads, keep your keyword list small, around 5-20 very related keywords and phrases that are highly relevant to your ad content.


Website placements

In the placement section, you can choose specific websites, videos, or apps where you’d like to show your ads.

Let’s say you have a list of websites where you’d like your ads to be shown.

Then you should:

Navigate to the Placements

Websites tab

Enter the list of desired websites

Add placements

enter websites

display ads placement targeting websites

Google Display Network placements

Targeting or Observation option?

targeting or observation option

When adding placements or audience you can choose from 2 options:

  • Targeting

  • Observation

I would recommend going with the Targeting option, especially if you’d like showing your ads only on specific placements from the list you’ve added. Thus your ads will be shown only within the placements you’ve added to the list.

Otherwise, if you’d like to expand your reach and find new audiences for your business you can go with the Observation option.

Optimized targeting

google display ads optimized targeting

Optimized targeting helps you get more conversions within your budget. Google may find people beyond your targeting signals.

This means, when selecting this option Google will show your ads to audiences and in placement beyond your targeting and it may lead to a worse performance sometimes,

PRO TIP: Leave the Optimized targeting option unchecked if you’d like to target only specific placements without expansion of your reach

If you’d like to target only specific placements, such as specific websites, it’s important to uncheck the Optimized targeting option.

Otherwise, Google will ignore your specific placements for targeting and your ads will be shown on different placements as well.

Where to find Optimized targeting option:

Navigate to your campaign’s ad group

in the Settings click Edit ad group targeting

Expand Optimized targeting settings

Uncheck Use optimized targeting

optimized targeting option setting uncheck

optimized targeting uncheck

NOTE: Targeting expansion is now available as Optimized targeting for any new Display campaigns that you create. Like targeting expansion, optimized targeting looks at any audience segments you’ve added to your targeting and uses that as a starting point to find new and relevant audiences for the campaign.

Learn more about Google Ads Targeting Options And Best Practices

Similar audiences

According to Google, by combining the Similar Audience targeting with remarketing, you can increase conversions by up to 41%.

Navigate to Similar Audiences section to learn how to set up and utilize this feature.

display ads targeting expansion

6.4. Targeting expansion

Increase your reach based on the positive targeting and the settings selected above

Reach more users by letting Google look for high-performing audiences similar to your target. Expanding reach can increase impressions, clicks, and conversions.

display ads targeting expansion

NOTE: Targeting expansion is now available as Optimized targeting for any new Display campaigns that you create. Like targeting expansion, optimized targeting looks at any audience segments you’ve added to your targeting and uses that as a starting point to find new and relevant audiences for the campaign.

PRO TIP: If you want to target only specific placements in your display campaign, better turn this feature off. Otherwise, your ads will be shown on different placements, other than you’ve targeted

display ads creatives


Google Display Ad Creatives: Responsive or Fixed-size Uploaded Ads. Create your ads

Standart Google Display campaign allows creating 2 types of ads:

  • Responsive display ads
  • Fixed-size display ads, which you should upload manually

7.1. Responsive display ads

google display ads responsive ads

Responsive display ads can increase your reach and save time spent creating different versions of your ads.

When you create a responsive display ad by uploading different assets into Google Ads, Google uses a machine learning model to determine the optimal combination of assets for each ad slot based on predictions built from your performance history.

Responsive Mobile Ad Sizes

google display-ads-responsive ads mobile sizes

Responsive Desktop Ad Sizes

responsive display ad sizes desktop

Complete the fields all necessary information:

  • Add the Final URL

  • Add Images and logos

  • Add up to 20 videos

  • Add up to 5 headlines

  • Add a Long headline

  • Add up to 5 descriptions

  • Add a Business name



Responsive Video Ads

google video ads create video ad

Google responsive video ads are part of display network ads, where advertisers can add up to 5 videos. These video ads will trigger in a display ad unit.

Responsive ads automatically adjust their appearance, size, and format to serve on available ad inventory on the Google display network.

How to use Google Responsive Video Ads?

Enter a YouTube URL to define video in your ad unit asset. You can search for videos within the screen as below and can add up to 5 videos. Google will auto-rotate these videos and show high-performing video ad sets often.

google responsive video ads creation

google video ads responsive video ads

Learn more about Google Video Ads Complete Guide 2021 & Best Practices

7.2. Fixed-size Uploaded Display Ads

If you don’t want to use Responsive ads but want just fixed-size ads, navigate to your campaign Ads & Extensions menu section click Create Ad  Upload display ads

google display ads upload display ads

Enter your landing page URL

Choose your display ads that you want to upload

click DONE

upload display ads process

Desktop Banner Sizes Display Ads

Mobile Device Display Ads Banner Sizes

Most Common Google Ads Display Ad Sizes

We’ve listed standard Google Ads display ad sizes in pixels. Note that all banners must be less than 150KB in file size.

  • 250 x 250 – Square
  • 200 x 200 – Small square
  • 468 x 60 – Banner
  • 728 x 90 – Leaderboard
  • 300 x 250 – Inline rectangle
  • 336 x 280 – Large rectangle
  • 120 x 600 – Skyscraper
  • 160 x 600 – Wide skyscraper
  • 300 x 600 – Half-Page ad
  • 970 x 90 – Large leaderboard
  • 300 x 50 – Mobile banner
  • 320 x 50 – Mobile banner
  • 320 x 100 – Large mobile banner

Best Performing Google Ads Display Sizes

We’ve listed the top five best-performing banner ad sizes according to Google. The picture next to each size shows you the location and relative size on the page.

1. Medium Rectangle (300×250)

Google Ads Display Ads 300x250px

2. Large Rectangle (336×280)

Google Ads Display Ads 336x280px

3. Leaderboard (728×90)

Banner 728x90px

4. Half Page (300×600)

Banner 300x600px

5. Large Mobile Banner (320×100)

Banner 320x100px


Pro Tip #1: Create Ads in every possible format and find out which one works best for your product or service. Google suggests 5-10 images per aspect ratio.

Pro Tip #2: Create 3 to 4 ads per ad group, trying out different messages with different images. See which ad performs the best with your customers. Google Ads can automatically show the better-performing ads within an ad group more often. This removes the guesswork and lets you build on what you’ve learned from your experiments.



Requirements for using HTML5 ads

You should be able to gain access to HTML5 ads in your Google Ads account once your account has generated sufficient history on our platform and has met the following requirements:

  • Account has been open for more than 90 days.
  • Account has more than USD 9,000 total lifetime spend.
  • Account has a good history of policy compliance.

Keep in mind, that meeting the requirements above doesn’t always guarantee access to HTML5 ads.

If HTML5 ads are unavailable in your account, you can apply for access via google’s form. Before you submit your application, make sure that your account meets the eligibility criteria listed below. You will receive an email notification with a status update within 7 business days of your application submission.

  • Account has a good history of policy compliance.
  • Account has a good payment history.
  • Account has more than USD 1,000 total lifetime spend.

If you’re looking to create HTML5 ads, you may use Google Web Designer platform that will help make your make different size advertisements, which means that Google will show your ads in a variety of sizes and aspect ratios.


You can build ads with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). AMPHTML ads load faster than regular ads, which makes them ideal for mobile devices.


  • AMPHTML ads have a reduced file size that increases the speed of the rendering process.
  • AMPHTML ads are verified before being served to prevent malware, for a safe user experience.
  • Faster ad displays can lead to a higher click-through rate because users are able to view the loaded ad instantly.
  • The ads can run on any device, including non-AMP pages and AMP pages.
  • It is impossible to spread malware with AMPHTML ads.
  • Faster and lighter ads often lead to a boost in campaign ROI.

display ads creatives


Google Display Ads Best Practices And Strategies

Here are the best tips and tricks to maximize ROI and improve quality scores through Google Display Ads.

You could use Google Search Network and Display Ads to keep them as distinct as possible by analyzing users’ intent to them towards your goals. Frame your visuals and ad copy accordingly to hit the right spot in the consumer psyche.

Remember that Search Ads work best when pushing a product, whereas Display Ads are a medium for creating general awareness for your brand and boosting product recollection.

Google Ads Funnel

8.1. Exclude apps

If you don’t like to show your ads in Apps, you can exclude the them in campaign Exclusions setting.

I would strongly recommend excluding apps from the beginning if you’d like your budget spending to go smoothly because there’re many apps that are developed for the purpose of earning money from just clicking on ads.

After you’ll set your campaign, navigate to Placements Exclusions and exclude all the app categories from your targeting, cause they may spend all your budget without any significant results.

display ads placement exclusions

In the opened window choose your campaign from which you’d like to exclude placements Click App categories (141) Check all categories in the list in order to exclude them from your campaign (it’s 141 app categories to exclude, I know it’s awful, but it’s the only way to get rid of useless spending).

Make sure to open all the lists and check every single category.

exclude placements

8.2. Ad Frequency Management: Control The Maximum Amount Of Time Users See Your Ad On Google Display Network

In Google Ads, you can set a preference for how often your ads are shown to the same user per day, week, or month. As these numbers change, monitor how your CTR, conversions, conversion rates, or other KPIs (again depending on the campaign’s goals) change as your unique user and frequency numbers change.

Frequency capping helps control the maximum number of times an individual user sees your ad on the Display Network.

You can then use this data to update your frequency capping settings in your Display Network campaigns.

In your Google Display Network campaign settings, navigate to the Settings option. There, you will see the Frequency management section:

frequency cap

In my experience, it’s best to set a daily cap to 5 impressions per day per single user.

kids placements

8.3. Exclude kids/children topics

I found it very useful to exclude children/kids-related topics if it doesn’t represent your target audience. It works pretty well especially for news campaigns, that haven’t been optimized yet.

Below you can find a complete list of kids/children-related topics for exclusion:

  • Baby Safety
  • Baby Strollers & Transport
  • Baby & Toddler Toys
  • Baby Feeding
  • Babies & Toddlers
  • Baby & Pet Names
  • Baby Care & Hygiene
  • Children’s Clothing
  • Children’s Literature
  • Kids’ Bikes
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Homeschooling
  • Parenting
  • Child Care
  • Pregnancy & Maternity
  • Family-Oriented Games & Activities
  • Toys

retargeting remarketing


Remarketing: What Types Of Remarketing Can Be Used On Google Display Ads

On the Google Display Network, you can target in two ways. First, you can target leads on the internet who may have no previous knowledge of your website, brand, products, or services. Second, you can remarket to users who have engaged with your website in some form.

Remarketing is a way to connect with people who previously interacted with your website or mobile app. It allows you to strategically position your ads in front of these audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites, thus helping you increase your brand awareness or remind those audiences to make a purchase. And by the way, retargeting with display ads have a high ROI.

Remarketing campaigns can lead to a 147% greater increase in revenue.

There are 2 retargeting options available with Google Display Ads:

  • Standard remarketing: Show ads to your past visitors as they browse sites and apps on the Display Network.
  • Dynamic remarketing: Boost your results with dynamic remarketing, which takes remarketing to the next level with ads that include products or services that people viewed on your website or app.

The main difference between these 2 types of remarketing campaigns is the following: while traditional remarketing targets your past visitors with static ads, dynamic remarketing goes a step further.

Dynamic remarketing

Dynamic remarketing campaigns show your previous website visitors tailored and more personalized ads based on products or services they viewed on your website. These campaigns provide you with extra settings and reports specifically for reaching previous visitors.

How to create a dynamic remarketing campaign for Display

  • First of all, you need to Upload the feed


    Business data

  • In Data feeds window click the plus icon

    , Choose Dynamic ad feed

     Choose your business schema and upload the file

  • Then create your Display ads campaign
  • In Additional settings click on the down arrow for “Dynamic ads”
  • Check the box beside “Use dynamic ads feed for personalized ads”
  • Click Save

Standard remarketing

Some of the most common standard remarketing audiences include:

  • General website visitors
  • Users who have submitted a form
  • Users who have downloaded content
  • Users who have viewed specific product pages
  • Users who have signed up for an account or trial offer
  • Users who have completed a transaction or purchased a product
  • Users who have begun any of the above actions but abandoned the page before completing it

Learn more about Remarketing Lists and Best Remarketing Practices

similar audiences


Similar Audiences

Similar audiences are created by Google from your remarketing audience (mentioned above). Basically it’s a kind of look a like feature.

How it works

Google Ads looks at the recent search activity of the visitors in your remarketing list to help aggregate search behavior of the visitors in your list. Based on this information, the system automatically finds new potential customers whose search behavior is similar to that of people in your remarketing list.

As we’ve mentioned before, according to Google, by combining your Similar audiences with remarketing audiences, you can increase conversions by up to 41%.

Keep in mind

A similar audiences list is automatically created from a remarketing list or Customer Match list with at least 1,000 cookies with enough similarity in search behavior to create a corresponding similar audience.

Where to find similar audiences?

Navigate to Tools and Settings tab

select Audience manager

click on the Segment section

now you can find a Similar audience in the DATA SEGMENTS section


google display ads similar audiences

Learn how to create and add similar audiences to your targeting.

display ads automated rules


Automated Rules: Best Practices

Automated rules let you make changes in your account automatically, based on the settings and conditions you choose. You can change your ad status, budget, bids, and more.

Rules Action List

automated rules actions all

There are the following actions available for automated rules in Google Ads:

  • Enable campaign/ad group/ads/keyword
  • Pause campaign/ad group/ads/keyword
  • Change campaign budget
  • Change ad group/keyword bids
  • Change keyword bidding
  • Change labels
  • Send Email

How To Set Automated Rules

  • Go to the Campaigns, Ad Groups, or Keywords pages.
  • Click the 3-dot icon above the statistics table.
  • Select Create an automated rule.
  • Select Change budgets from the “Type of rule” drop-down.
  • Choose which campaigns to change budgets for (All enabled campaigns, All enabled and paused campaigns, or Select campaigns).
  • Under the “Action” drop-down select Increase budget. You can choose to increase your budget by a percentage or specific amount. If you’d like to ensure your budget cost doesn’t exceed a certain amount for the billing period, you can set an optional upper budget limit.
  • To add a condition, click

    ADD, under “Condition”.

  • Define the frequency of your rule.
  • Choose the type of email updates you’d like to receive on issues affecting your rule.
  • Name your rule.
  • Click Preview to ensure you’ve set up your rule to run the way you want. Previewing is just for verification and doesn’t make any permanent changes to your account.
  • When you’re done, click Save rule.

Tips and guidelines for using automated rules

Use limits

  • Set minimum and maximum limits for your bids and budgets so they don’t get too high or too low. Continuously raising bids can lead to unnecessarily high CPCs, while ongoing decreases could noticeably reduce your traffic.

Check the Google Ads Automated Rules Complete Guide for more details.

google display network ads optimizations


Google Display Network Ads Optimization Tips

12.1. Exclude bad performing placements

The main optimization process around Google Display ads goes around checking, analyzing, and excluding bad performing placements and bidding higher on good performing placements.

Navigate to campaign’s Placements 

click Where ads showed

exclude bad placements

Select bad performing placements 

click Edit

Exclude from ad group or Exclude from the campaign

exclude placement from campaign

Criteria to exclude placements from your campaign:

  • Placements don’t convert at all, or

    cost per conversion (CPC or CPCon)

    is too high and exceeds your target cost per acquisition (CPA);

  • The placement’s click-through rate (CTR) is too low, and it spends most of your budget without incoming conversions from it.

Learn more about optimizing your Google Display Ads in this complete guide.

P.S. I hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions, suggestions, or you’d like to share something related to the topic, please drop a line in the comment section below.

Cheers 👋