GitHub – AstarNetwork/Astar: The dApp hub for blockchains of the future


Astar Network is an interoperable blockchain based the Substrate framework and the hub for dApps within the Polkadot Ecosystem.
With Astar Network and Shiden Network, people can stake their tokens to a Smart Contract for rewarding projects that provide value to the network.

For contributing to this project, please read our Contribution Guideline.

Building From Source

This section assumes that the developer is running on either macOS or Debian-variant operating system. For Windows, although there are ways to run it, we recommend using WSL or from a virtual machine for stability.

Execute the following command from your terminal to set up the development environment and build the node runtime.


install Substrate development environment via the automatic script $ curl -sSf


bash -s -- --fast


clone the Git repository $ git clone --recurse-submodules


change current working directory $




compile the node


note: you may encounter some errors if `wasm32-unknown-unknown` is not installed, or if the toolchain channel is outdated $ cargo build --release


show list of available commands $ ./target/release/astar-collator --help

Building with Nix


install Nix package manager: $ curl




run from root of the project folder (`Astar/` folder) $ nix-shell -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-21.05 third-party/nix/shell.nix --run


cargo build --release


Running a Collator Node

To set up a collator node, you must have a fully synced node with the proper arguments, which can be done with the following command.


start the Shiden collator node with $ ./target/release/astar-collator \ --base-path


path to save blocks


\ --name


node display name


\ --port 30333 \ --ws-port 9944 \ --rpc-port 9933 \ --telemetry-url


wss:// 0


\ --rpc-cors all \ --collator

Now, you can obtain the node’s session key by sending the following RPC payload.


send `rotate_keys` request $ curl -H


Content-Type: application/json




{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"author_rotateKeys", "id":1 }




should return a long string of hex, which is your session key {














<session key in hex>







After this step, you should have a validator node online with a session key for your node.
For key management and validator rewards, consult our validator guide online.

Run RPC Tests

RPC tests suite can be run for any release. To run tests go to Click Run workflow, in the dropdown input the release version tag you want to run the test suite. Then click the green Run workflow button to start the test suite.

Screenshot from 2022-07-07 15-28-46

Further Reading