Gauss’ Law

Creative Commons License
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Gauss’ Law

This lecture is based on HRW, Sections 24.1-24.5

  • Coulomb’s Law provides one way to solve problems involving
    electricity — but it can sometimes require big, messy
    Gauss’ Law provides a very different way to approach
    certain types of problems; it can make the solution
    much simpler to find.
  • Electric flux through a surface is defined as the dot product
    of the electric field and the “vector area” of the surface,
    where the “vector area” points in the direction of the normal
    to the surface
  • Units of electric flux are N-m^2/C
  • Flux going INTO a closed surface is negative;
    flux coming OUT OF a closed surface is positive
  • Gauss’ Law states that the net electric flux through any closed
    surface is equal to the electic charge enclosed by that surface,
    divided by the permittivity of free space (epsilon-nought)
  • Charges in a conductor arrange themselves so that
    • the electric field within the conductor is zero
    • all electric charges are on the exterior surface of the conductor
    • the electric field just outside the conductor is perpendicular to
      the surface, with magnitude

                      (surface charge density / epsilon-nought)

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Creative Commons License
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.