Functions of Marketing in Business

While many people believe that marketing is advertising, public relations, social media, email blasts, promotions, direct mail and other forms of business communications, those types of communications fall under the last function of marketing, known as marketing communications, or marcom.

The four main functions of marketing, also known as the “Marketing Mix” or “Four Ps,” center on Product, Price, Place and Promotion, explains marketing website Purely Branded. Some gurus identify a dozen or more functions of marketing, but they all fall under one of the classical marketing theories of the Four Ps.

Understanding the role of marketing in business and using the Four Ps can help small-business owners create comprehensive marketing plans that touch on every area of making and selling a product or service.

Product Development Function

Many entrepreneurs begin with a general idea for a product they believe will be successful. The first function of marketing focuses on product development, which helps companies refine ideas for new products or guides them in researching ways to improve products, according to

This function of marketing looks at the features customers want in a particular product and its competition. For example, budget-conscious consumers might want a lawnmower that is reliable and has a good warranty. Consumers who are very much into their yards will want a lawnmower with more bells and whistles.

Marketing teams use surveys, focus groups, retailer data and other research to learn what consumers want.

Using this research, a company might make low-cost, bare-bones, affordable lawn mowers, or it might make high-end mowers with a variety of features and add-ons. In some cases, the company might develop two different brands or mowers with different names, targeting each consumer type.

Pricing Strategy Function

Once companies have determined what product they want to sell and have decided on its features, they need to figure out what price they can sell it for. They start by looking at what it takes to make, advertise and deliver the product and run the company. This is the break-even point.

Next, companies look at what consumers are willing to pay for a product. In some cases, companies use marketing to set the price of their products higher than necessary because they want to create “perceived value” or position their product as superior to the others in its space. Some companies set their prices lower than they need to because they want a bigger market share or want to prevent competitors from entering the market.

Place of Sale Function

Determining where a company should sell its product is a key role of marketing in business. It can be almost as important as the features and price of the product, which is why “Place” – or distribution strategy – is a key function of marketing. Some consumers buy a company’s product simply because it’s easy to buy. A distribution channel can affect a company’s brand. For example, selling shampoo in big boxes sends a different message about the product’s quality than selling in salons only.

Marketing teams analyze their customers’ buying habits and decide if they should sell in brick-and-mortar stores, online, in catalogs, using TV and radio ads, direct mail or other distribution channels.

Product Promotion Function

Only after the Product, Price and Place functions of marketing are complete do marketing teams look at promoting products. This requires considerable research into what motivates customers to buy certain items. This marketing function also entails research where consumers get their messages regarding products and services.

Using this information, sales and marketing teams decide what types of promotions mix they will use. These can include print, broadcast, internet, outdoor and mobile advertising. They can also include public relations campaigns, loyalty programs, coupons, discounts, sales, social media channels, blogs, direct mail and catalogs.