Full text of “Ready For IELTS Student Book”

Full text of “Ready For IELTS Student Book”


Ready for 



with key 

Sam McCarter 

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Contents Map 


Language focus 


We are all friends now 
Page 6 

1 Present simple, present continuous and . ^ 

past simple ! ?f**9P eo *>' e 

2 Likes and dislikes 2 .e<as of movement 

Technology - now and then 
Page 18 


Thrill seekers 
Page 30 

Ready for Listening 
Page 42 


Global problems and opportunities 
Page 48 


The future 
Page 60 

Fruits and seeds 
Page 72 

Ready for Reading 
Page 84 

The world of work and training 
Page 92 


The history of geography 
Page 104 


What is beauty? 
Page 116 

Ready for Writing 
Page 128 

a Is it art? 
■U Page 140 

1 Past simple and present perfect 

2 Habit in the past 
Adverbs of frequency 

Vetfcs of cause and effect 
Word bunding: Qualifying adjectives 

1 Comparison 

2 Adjectives with prepositions 


Wore Duilding: Adjectives ending in 

1 Countable and uncountable nouns 1 General category nouns 

2 Making suggestions 2 Dewing ideas by expanding the meaning of 


Ways of looking at the future 

1 Adjective/noun collocations 

2 Verbs of prediction 

Word building: Forming adjectives 
from nouns 

Transitive and intransitive verbs 

1 Conservation 

2 Describing sequences 

Conditionals 1 

1 Work 

2 Collocations 

Referring in a text 

Modal verbs for evaluating 

1 Nouns relating to places 

2 Verbs relating to changes in maps 


Word building: Prefixes over- 
and under- 

Defining and non-defining clauses 


1 1 Se h 1 °? andS0a0l09y Conditionals 2 

The family 

Word building: Suffixes -hood and -ship 

a Travelling around the world 
Page 164 


Adjectives with multiple meaning 

Ready for Speaking 
Page 176 

a n The importance of infrastructure 
1-5 Page 182 

Nouns related to systems 

Concession Word building: Modal verbs to 


a a Money and happiness 
■ ** Page 194 

Substitution and ellipsis 

Money matters 

Word building: Values and beliefs 

Additional material Checklists 

Page 206 page 209 

Page 211 







C~ rosing suitable section headings from a list 

Vrrtence completion , ELTS Task} , ELTS Section j IELTS Part 2 

certification of information in the text- 
"-je FalselNot Given 

oe-tification of information in the text- 
~’j<e FalselNot Given 
v_ ^pie-choice 

seating information 
certification of information in the text- 
FalselNot Given 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Task 1 

IELTS Section 2 

IELTS Section 3 

IELTS Part 2 

t IELTS Part 1 

2 IELTS Part 2 

3 IELTS Part 3 

Sj-^ary completion 
certification of writer's views/daims- 
•es No/Not Given 

i.j^mary completion 
Snort-answer questions 

seating information 
ratification of information in the text- 
~'-e'FalselNot Given 
f cw-chart completion 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Task 1 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Section 4 

IELTS Section 1 

IELTS Section 2 

1 IELTS Parti 

2 IELTS Part 2 

3 IELTS Part 3 

IELTS Part 3 

IELTS Part 1 


Sentence completion 

Sentence completion 
'ace completion 

Sentence completion 



Summary completion 

seating information 
Science completion 

iw-nmary completion 

certification of information in the text- 

"'-e FalselNot Given 

locating information 
certification of writer's views/claims 
•es.No/Not Given 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Task 1 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Task 2 

IELTS Task 1 

IELTS Section 3 

IELTS Section 4 

IELTS Section 3 

IELTS Section 2 

IELTS Section 1 

IELTS Section 2 

IELTS Section 3 

1 IELTS Part 3 

2 IELTS Part 2 

IELTS Part 2 

1 IELTS Part 2 

2 IELTS Part 3 

1 IELTS Part 3 

2 IELTS Part 2 

IELTS Part 2 

1 IELTS Parti 

2 IELTS Part 2 

IELTS Part 2 

_xating information 

oentification of information in the text— 

~\e'FalselNot Given 

Sentence completion 


Grammar reference 

IELTS Task 1 

IELTS Section 4 

IELTS Part 3 

Listening scripts 

Sample answer sheets 

Answer key 

Page 227 

Page 238 

Page 241 



Welcome to Ready for IELTS, a course which 
is designed to help you prepare for the IELTS 
Academic exam. 

The book aims to help students with a global IELTS 
band score of 5 to progress to a band score of 
6.5/7. Students with a minimum score of 4/5 in any 
aspect of the exam can also use this book to help 
them achieve a global band score up to 6.5/7. For 
example, to achieve a global band score of 5 upwards 
a candidate would need minimum scores of 4, 5, 5, 

5 (in any order) in the four modules of Listening, 
Academic Reading, Academic Writing and Speaking. 

The book contains a wide range of activities aimed 
at improving your English and developing the 
language and skills you need to improve your band 
score. As well as providing thorough practice in 
reading, writing, listening and speaking, each unit 
of Ready for IELTS includes one or more Language 
focus sections, which analyze the main grammar 
areas that are required for the exam, together with 
Vocabulary slots and regular Word building sections. 

Throughout the book you will find the following 
boxes, which are designed to help you when 
performing the different tasks: 

• What to expect in the exam: these contain useful 
information on what you should be prepared to 
see, hear or do in a particular type of task in the 

• How to go about it: these give advice and 
guidelines on how to deal with different types of 
tasks and specific questions. 

• Don't forget!: these provide a reminder of 
important points to bear in mind when answering 
a particular type of question. 

Further information and advice is included in the 
four supplementary ‘Ready for ... ' units, one for 
each of the four parts of the exam. These are found 
at regular intervals in the book and can be used at 
appropriate moments during the course. 

At the end of each unit there is a two page Review 
of the language covered in the unit. As a quick 
revision guide along with the Wordlists and Grammar 
Reference, you may want to refer back to the Review 
sections as you progress through the book. 

At the end of the book in the Grammar reference 
you will find detailed explanations of the grammar 
areas seen in the units. There is also an extensive 
Wordlist, based on the vocabulary in each unit, 
and comprehensive checklists for the writing and 

In each unit you will find practice in: the reading 
test using full passages, either Task 1 or Task 2 of the 
academic writing test, one or more of the parts of the 
speaking test and one section of the listening test. 
Each section of the listening test is covered in turn 
throughout the book, so there is the equivalent of 
three and a half full listening tests in the main units 
with an additional example of each section in the 
Ready for Listening section. 

Overview of the examination 

The IELTS Academic exam consists of four tests: 
Listening, Academic Reading, Academic Writing and 
Speaking. For more information and advice on each 
module, see the appropriate ‘Ready for ...' unit, as 
well as the relevant sections in the main units of the 

IELTS Listening approximately 30 minutes 

The Listening test has 40 questions and lasts 
approximately 30 minutes. You hear each section 
once only and you answer the questions in the 
question booklet as you listen. At the end of the test 
you have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the 
answer sheet. 

Section 1 A conversation between two people. Its subject 
is concerned with social issues. 

Section 2 A monologue or a conversation between two 
people. Its subject is concerned with social 

Section 3 A conversation involving up to four people. The 
situation is related to education and training. 

Section 4 A monologue. The context is related to education 
and training. 

Question types 

Sentence completion 

Notes/form/summary/flow-chart completion 
Labelling a diagram/plan/map 




IELTS Academic Reading 1 hour 

In the Academic Reading test there are three 
passages, which are from various sources like 
books, journals, magazines and newspapers. The 
passages do not require specialist knowledge for you 
to understand them, and at least one of the three 
passages contains a detailed logical argument. 

Question types 

Choosing suitable paragraph headings from a list 

Identification of information using 'True/False/Not Given' 

Identification of the writer's claims using 'Yes/No/Not Given' 

Sentence completion 

Notes/summary/flow-chart/table completion 

Labelling a diagram 



You may also be asked a specific question such as: 

What do you consider to be the major influence? 

What do you think are the causes of this problem 
and what solutions can you suggest? 

IELTS Speaking 11-14 minutes 

The IELTS Speaking test lasts between 11 and 14 
minutes and consists of three parts. The exam is 

Part Task type 

<1 Candidates are asked questions about a variety 

of familiar topics such as their family, their 
job/studies or their interests. Part 1 lasts four to 
five minutes. 

2 Candidates talk about a given topic for one to 
two minutes. You are given one minute to think 
about the topic and make notes. 

3 Candidates have a discussion with the examiner 
linked to the topic in Part 2. Part 3 lasts between 
four to five minutes. 

Saw McCarter 

IELTS Academic Writing 1 hour 

The Academic Writing test lasts one hour and there 
are two tasks. You are advised to spend 20 minutes 
on Task 1 and asked to write at least 150 words. 

For Task 2 you are advised to spend 40 minutes and 
asked to write at least 250 words. 

Task Task type 

1 Candidates are asked to describe data, 

presented as a graph, chart or table, or a 
diagram such as a map or process, using their 
own words. 

2 Candidates are given a question containing a 

point of view, argument or problem. 

The instructions in the questions follow these 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of... 

Discuss both these views and give your own 


To what extent do you agree or disagree? 


We are all friends now 

Vocabulary 1: Describing people 

1 With a partner, describe what is happening in each of the photographs. Then 

discuss the questions below. 

r . Do the photographs give you any clues about the personalities of the people in them? 

• Which, if any, of the people appeal to you as friends? Why? 

2 Match the people in each photograph with one or more of the adjectives below. Give at 
least one reason for each choice. 


The student in picture 5 looks very hard-working and conscientious, because he seems 
to be studying hard. 

hard-working artistic supportive adventurous talkative chatty 
sporty creative wise considerate conscientious helpful dynamic 


3 C> ‘People generally judge other people just by their appearance without knowing 
them’. Do you think this is true? Why/Why not? Do you do this yourself? 


We are all friends now 

4 For 1-14 below, decide what the adjective is for each noun. There may be more than 
one possible answer. 

Noun Adjective 

1 respect _ 

2 ambition _ 

3 care _ 

4 sense of humour _ 

5 talent _ 

6 generosity _ 

7 cheerfulness _ 

Noun Adjective 

8 sociability _ 

9 calmness _ 

10 punctuality _ 

11 reliability _ 

12 loyalty _ 

13 honesty _ 

14 patience _ 

5 Work in pairs. Each of the sentences 1-12 below describe people. Match each sentence 
to an adjective from exercise 4. 

1 He tells jokes all the time and makes us all laugh. 

2 She rarely loses her temper with anyone, which is why I like her so much. 

3 She is never sad. She is always smiling and positive about everything. 

4 He plays the piano exceptionally well. I hope to be as good as him one day. 

5 She is a shrewd businesswoman with a strong desire to succeed in everything she does. 

6 She loves being around people all the time, chatting and making new friends. 

7 He is valued and appreciated by everyone who knows him. 

8 She gives a lot of money away to charities and to people who need it. 

9 He is a faithful friend, and always supports me when things go wrong. 

10 When she was younger she devoted her time to looking after seriously ill people. 

11 You can trust him with anything. He never lets anyone down. 

12 He’s never late for work, no matter what happens. 

6 Think of a friend who has one or more of the qualities above. With a partner, 
describe the friend by explaining the qualities they have. 

7 €* > How do you think your friends see you? Write down three adjectives from 
exercise 4 or look at the Wordlist on page 211. Show the words to your partner and ask 
each other: Why do you think you are ... ? 

8 Is it possible to make loyal and sincere friends on social networking sites on the 
Internet? Why/Why not? 

Is the Internet a safe place to make friends? Why/Why not? 



We are all friends now 



IELTS Reading Passage 




What to expect in the exam 

• IELTS Reading has three reading passages and 40 questions. 

• You should spend about 20 minutes on each passage. 

• See the introduction to Ready for Reading on page 84 for information 
about the different types of passages and questions in IELTS Reading. 

You are going to read a passage with three sets of questions. Read 
the title and the subheading of the passage. Decide what kind 
of‘sites’ they are talking about - are they commercial, social, or 
financial websites? 

How important is it to make friends at a new college 
or university? Why? How do you think social networks at a 
university can help students in their studies? 

Skim (see Ready for Reading on page 84) questions 1-6 
below. These give you a summary of the passage. With a partner, 
discuss what you think the passage is about by using words like 
Facebook, social networking, face to face, research and social 
integration to help you. 

How to go about it 

• Read the title and skim 
the whole passage to 
get an overall idea of 
the content. Spend no 
more than two minutes 
skimming the passage at 
this stage. 

• Learn to analyze the 
headings quickly. Look 
at heading (i). Put a box 
around result. Does it 
mean 'outcome? Would 
you expect to find results 
at the beginning, middle 
or end of the passage? 

• For heading (ii), put a box 
around the word aims. 
What tense do you expect 
to see in the paragraph? 
What words are similar 

to aim: goal, plan, hope, 

• For heading (iii), there is 
no noun like aim or result, 
but can you translate the 
word what into a noun? 

Is it methods, ways, 
premises ? 

• Use the same methods 
with headings iv-ix. You 
will not need to use all of 
the headings. 

• When you have finished, 
always check the 
sequence of the headings 
you have chosen to make 
sure it makes sense. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the 
reading passage below. 

Questions 1-6 

The reading passage has six sections, A-F. 

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below. 

List of Headings 

i The expected result of the project 

ii Further aims of the research project 

iii What the research project is based on 

iv The use of expertise from countries around the 

v A need to concentrate on academic integration 

vi A lack of knowledge about the effect of social 
networking on student retention 

vii An emphasis until now on academic rather than 
social integration 

viii The reason for using Facebook to recruit students 
ix Increasing the chance of withdrawal 

1 Section A 

2 Section B 

3 Section C 

4 Section D 

5 Section E 

6 Section F 



We are all friends now 

Face-to-face or Facebook? 

Can online networking sites help new students settle into umvers, y. 

Can online networking sites such as Facebook 
and MySpace, help new students settle into 
university social and academic life and ™"’ mize 
the chance of them withdrawing from their 


Researchers at the University of Leicester are 
Sow looking for first-year University of Leicester 
students who use Facebook to help their 
pioneering research into this issue. They should 
not be too difficult to recruit. The reason for 
this is that student use of the online networking 
site Facebook is running at a phenomenal , 
with almost 10,000 present and past students 
and staff participating. 

Currently, 95 per cent of 16-18 year olds 
intending to go to university are using social 
networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. 

B ‘Yet we know little about how this phenomenon 
impacts on the student experience and, in 
particular, if and how it helps them ' nt ®§ r ^ 
into university life,’ commented Jane Wellens, 
Education Developer in the University of 
Leicester’s Staff Development Centre. She is 
Sing with Dr Clare Madge, of the Department 
of Geography, Tristram Hooley, of CRAC, the 
Career Development Organisation, and Julia 
Meek, an independent evaluation consultan . 

‘The expectations and online experience of the 
latest and next generations of students requires 
universities to think carefully about how, and 
whether, to use these new technologies and 
meeting spaces to enhance the social aspects 
of student integration into university life, she 
further commented. 

C Academic and social integration into university 
life are key factors influencing individual 
students’ experiences and the likelihood o 
their withdrawing from their student courses. 
Until now most research in the field has 
concentrated on academic support ra ^her t 
integration into the wider social world of the 

Students are now so used to using social 
networking sites that one university in the US 
has actually been running sessions to encourage 
students to build up face-to-face networks. 

One aspect of the Leicester project is to 
explore whether there are differences in the 
longevity and nature of university friendships 
that students establish face-to-face compared 
with those they make online through social 
networking sites. 

The Leicester project builds on internationally 
acclaimed work the University has already 
started on teaching and learning online. 

recently used Facebook as a means of 

encouraging students on an online module to 
get to know one another, ’ Jane Wellens sai . 

■This raised many issues such as where the 
boundary between public and privatespaceis, 
and how comfortable students (and staff) of 
different ages feel regarding the use o su 
technology. ’ 

The Leicester project also draws on 

internationally recognized expertise by this 
specific team of researchers in online research 
methodologies. As Clare Madge of the 
Department of Geography at the University 
of Leicester stated: ‘This project will e 
using both an online questionnaire and virtual 
interviews, and will innovate in the use of 
Facebook itself as a site to conduct virtual 

E What Dr Wellens and her colleagues hope to 
establish from the new research P r °i e ^’ s 
how Leicester students are using Facebook as 
part of their social and learning expertence • 
and whether joining the University s Facebook 
network before they come to Leicester helps 
students to settle down more easily into 
university life- 

They will also be looking to see if there is 
any way that university support servicesand 
academic departments can use the online social 
networking sites to help students integrate 
into university life, and how the sites might 
be reshaping our everyday lives in terms of 
the importance of place-based versus virtual 

F Research results are expected to influence 
university policies at Leicester and beyond. 

‘It may affect the way the University uses its 
Facebook network,’ said Dr Wellens. ne 

outcome might be that the Univers.ty wou d 

use these sites to bring new students together 
before their arrival, or to bring together current 
and new students to provide peer support. It 
will also ascertain students’ views about the 
ways in which the University and its staff 
should, or shouldn’t, use Facebook for academic 


We are all friends now 

Questions 7-10 

Complete the sentences below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

7 Access to Facebook by students is happening at a. 

8 Few details exist on how much networking sites help students fit into. 

9 Most research has in the past focused on. 

10 One aim of the project is to determine if the length and nature of.made 

online or face-to-face vary. 

Questions 11-13 

Do the following statements agree with the information in the reading passage? 


TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

11 The only research methodology used at Leicester will be virtual interviews. 

12 The Leicester team will focus on research from the UK rather the USA or Europe. 

13 One possible development in the future is that existing students will help those who 
have just started university for the first time. 

O Reacting to the text 

Do you think using websites such as Facebook to help students integrate into university 
life is a good idea? Why/Why not? 

In terms of socializing, do these sites reduce or increase social contact? 

Language focus 1: Present simple, present continuous and past simple 

Scan (see Ready for Reading on page 84) the reading passage 
on page 9 as quickly as you can to find the following: 

1 This raised many issues such as where the boundary 
between ... 

2 Student use of the online networking site Facebook is 
running at a phenomenal level ... 

3 Yet we know little about how this phenomenon 
impacts on the student experience ... 

4 The Leicester project builds on internationally 
acclaimed work ... 

In each of the sentences above, underline the main verbs and 
decide whether the present simple, present continuous or 
past simple tense is used. 

Match the tenses in exercise 2 with an appropriate 
explanation a-d. 

a These events/actions occur routinely and repeatedly, 
b An action which is still going on and is not finished yet. 
c The event occurred in the past at a definite time, 
d This is always true, like a fact or a state. 

Read more about the present simple, present 
continuous and past simple in the Grammar reference on 
page 219. 

Complete sentences 1-6 below by putting the verb in 
brackets into the present simple, present continuous or past 

1 A mentor (help) new students integrate into university 
life. That is their function. 

2 Fewer older people (participate) in social websites then 
compared to now. 

3 The research (impact) on the way the new students were 
helped on their arrival at the university. 

4 When I was young, my parents (influence) my attitude to 
education enormously. 

5 Researchers (now recruit) students for academic research. 

6 Each time I go on the net, I (feel) that the amount of 
information is overwhelming. 

Scan the reading passage 
on page 9 and find 
the main verb in each 
sentence in exercise 4. Are 
they in the same tenses as 
in exercise 4? If not, what 
tense are they in? 


We are all friends now 

Listening ) 

IELTS Section 1 

2 Which numbers do you find difficult to understand? Write down 5 sets of numbers, 
for example, 6633, 6363, 3663, 677 331, 3553. Give them to a partner and ask him/her 
to dictate the numbers to you slowly and then quickly in any order. Write down the 
numbers you hear. 

What to expect in the exam 

• In IELTS Listening Section 1 you will hear a conversation between two people once only. The 
recording tells you what the conversation is about. In this case it's a young woman answering an 
advert looking for help at a charity event. 

• You will be given time to look at the questions before you begin and in the middle of the 

• At the end of the section you will be given time to check your answers. 

• You will hear an example. 

• See the introduction to Ready for Listening on page 42 for information about the different types 
of questions in IELTS Listening. 

Look at questions 1-8 and predict whether the answer is a noun, name, number or 

3 What letters do you find difficult to understand? Write them down then give them to a 
partner and ask him/her to dictate the letters to you in any order, for example, f-p-t-f-g- 
j-l-m-f-b-d. Write down the letters you hear. 

4 Look at questions 9 and 10. If you wanted someone to help you organize an event, what 
qualities would you want the person to have? Use the following questions to help you 
exclude some possibilities and predict the answer. 

Is it desirable to: 

• take risks or to be timid? • get on with people or dislike people? 

• be adaptable or obstinate? • be good at sport or to be lazy? 

• be on time or sometimes to be late? 

.v to go 
: out it 

o 1.1 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 

erline the 
ds in the 
itions that 
i you that the 
ver is coming 
Try to predict 
: answers. 

? answer can 
r a word(s) or a 
*iber, read the 
itions to check 
i is required. 

tise transferring 
r answers to an 
ver sheet. 
i careful that 
I do not create 
akes during the 

J the instructions 
jlly and note 
I limits. 

Questions 1-4 

Complete the notes below. 

Write no more than ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER lor each answer. 

Notes, on, voLun,teenn^) 






1 . 

.... Hall 


Friday to Sunday 



2 . 



10 am 



3 . 

.... pm 

Type of 


now required: - 

4 . 



We are all friends now 

Questions 5-8 

Complete the form below. 

Write no more than ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 


Andrea 5. 


90 6 .Mansions, 

62 Park Avenue, London, SW1 4PQ 



Telephone in the: 


Questions 9 and 10 

Choose TWO letters, A-E. 

Which TWO types of people are mentioned as desirable? 

A adventurous 
B inflexible 
C punctual 
D friendly 
E sporty 

5 Have you ever been in a situation where you had to explain your qualities or 

strengths? Describe the situation to a partner. 

Language focus 2: Likes and dislikes 

1 In the conversation in the listening practice, Andrea explains 
what kind of person she is by saying what she likes. 

I like working with other people. 

Why does she use the - ing form of the verb after likel 

2 Work in pairs. For 1-7 below, decide which sentences are 

1 Gabriella likes swimming a lot. 

2 John likes to get there on time. He doesn't like lateness. 

3 Would you like joining our study group? 

4 Why did you hate playing football as a child? 

5 Do you really dislike being in this country? 

6 My grandparents loved looking after us as kids. 

7 As Joseph is independent, he enjoys to do things alone. 

Read more about likes and dislikes in the Grammar 
reference on page 219. 

3 For sentences 1-9 below, put the verb in brackets into the 
correct form. More than one answer may be correct. 

1 Most of my friends dislike (play) computer games. 

2 I'd like (live) near the sea as the air is fresh. 

3 Certain animals hate (be) around people. 

4 He likes (keep) the garden tidy, even though it takes a lot 
of time. 

5 He enjoys (take) long walks on his own along the 

6 As she is punctual herself, she likes other people (be) on 

7 Sarah loves (socialize) with other people rather than 
(stay) at home alone. 

8 He can't stand (play) sport. 

9 Wouldn't you prefer (see) this film at the cinema? 

Rewrite sentences 1-8 below using the verb in brackets. Do 
not change the meaning. 

1 The idea of living in the countryside appeals to me. (I'd like) 

2 Nowadays people don't seem to take any pleasure in 
doing certain sports, (dislike) 

3 Adrian cleans the kitchen every morning, (like) 

4 She gets enormous enjoyment from shopping, (enjoy) 

5 Pedro has a hatred of playing video games, (can't stand) 

6 He expects honesty in people he knows, (like) 

7 She wants to see the film on DVD at home, not in the 
cinema, (would prefer) 

8 He really likes to mingle with other people at parties, 

Work in pairs. Ask your partner about two sports he/ 
she likes doing and two sports he/she doesn't like doing. Use 
the questions below and ask for reasons and examples. 

Why do you like/enjoy/dislike... ? 

Why don't you like/enjoy... ? 

Are the sports your partner talked about popular in 
your country? Is the popularity of these sports increasing or 
decreasing? Why? 



We are all friends now 

How to go 
about it 

tf you are asked 
to talk about a 
person, name 
the person. Try to 
visualize the person 
and an activity they 
30 which you like. 

* Use the minute you 
have to make brief 
notes. Develop 
your notes as you 

Try to use the 
following words 
as you explain: for 
example . . when/ 
if..., because..., 
and so... . 







Look at the photographs below. Choose at least two adjectives to describe each of the 
adults. Use the adjectives in Vocabulary 1 on page 6. 

Spend one minute making brief notes. 

Work in pairs. Take turns talking about the topic, using your notes to guide you. 
You should speak for up to two minutes; time each other using a stopwatch. 

1 ■ 


Decide which person appeals to you most. Look at the adjectives you chose for the 
person and make notes for the following: 

• what kind of person they are generally • why he/she appeals to you 

• what he/she did when he/she was younger • what activities he/she is doing now 

C v > Use your notes to tell your partner about the person. 

Look at the following Part 2 task card. Decide which tense you are going to use for each 
part of the topic. 

Describe a person you would like to be similar to. 

You should say: 
who this person is 
what they are like generally 
what qualities this person has 
and explain why you would like to be similar to this person. 

We are all friends now 

Vocabulary 2: Verbs of movement 

1 Work in pairs. Match the parts of the graph 1-10 with the verbs a-j. 



a hit a low 



b fell and then levelled off 



c remained flat/stable 


D-F \ 

d plummeted 



e rose gradually 



f fell gradually 



g soared 



h dipped 



i fluctuated 



j hit a peak 

2 For sentences 1-10 below, use the verbs in exercise 1 to replace the underlined text. 

1 The price of laptops dropped followed bv a period of stability . 

2 Numbers reached a high in the year 2009. 

3 The amount of money spent fell slightly and th en quickly recovered. 

4 Visitor numbers to the website plunged in the first quarter of the year. 

5 Book purchases increased slowly but surely over the year. 

6 The number of students applying to the university stabilized over the decade. 

7 Attendance at the conference decreased steadily last year. 

8 The growth rate was erratic during the previous year. 

9 Member numbers reached their lowest point in March. 

10 Car sales rocketed over the period. 

3 To add variety to your writing you can use nouns instead of verbs to describe 
movement. Look at the nouns in the box below and decide which ones are not correct. 

a drop a plunge a bottom out an increase stabilization 
fluctuations a decline a rocket a soar a plummet a rise 
a dip a fall a level off a climb apeak a surge 

4 Rewrite the sentences from exercise 2 using nouns instead of verbs. Use the following 
structure: There wus o. (+ adjective) + noun + in .... For three of the sentences this is not 
possible. Make any other necessary' changes. 


There was a drop in the price of laptops followed by a period of stability. 



We are all friends now 


lElTS Task 1 

Vhat to 
expect in the 

} In IELTS Writing 
Task 1 you will be 
asked to describe 
some data (graph, 
chart or table) ora 

You are asked to 
write at least 150 

•'ou should spend 
about 20 minutes 
on this task. 

Study the data 
carefully, noting 
any special 

Make sure you 
summarize rather 
than just list data. 
Always write an 
overview of the 
data. This can 
come after the 
introduction, or 
at the end as a 


1 Work in pairs. Read the Task 1 question below and the three introductions a-c 
which follow. Decide which is the best introduction and why. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The 9 raph below provides a breakdown of the UK weekly market share of visits 
to three social networking websites between March 2007 and March 2008. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and 
make comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 


2 . 0 % 


UK Weekly Market Share of Visits 

1 . 0 % 





10 07 05 02 30 
Mar Apr May Jun Jun 

— — - www.bebo.com 

28 25 22 20 17 15 12 09 08 

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 


■ www.myspace.com 

* www.facebook.com 

a The graph below shows in percentage terms the UK weekly market share of 
visits to three websites between March 2007 and March 2005. 

b The chart below shows the percentage of hitstothnse websites over the period of ayear. 

c The chart illustrates the market share of hits to various social networking sites in 
the UK on a weekly basis over one year to March 2005. 

2 Complete the gaps in the following model answer for the task with the correct form 
ol a suitable verb. There may be more than one possible answer. 

The graph 1_ 

- the proportion of hits to three social networking sites on a 

weekly basis from 10th March 2007 to 6th March 2006. 

Generally speaking, the trends in the market share of the three sites 2 

The most viewed site 3 

market 4-dramatically from approximately 0.2 5 per cent on 10th March 

2007 to 1.96 per cent on 6th March 2006. This 5 _nearly an eightfold 

increase over the period. It 6_noticeable that the market share of Facebook 

7 - a hi 9 h of around 2.2 per cent during December 2006, with peaks being hit 

by the other two sites during the same period. 

The market share of hits to the bebo site, meanwhile, 3 

_ dearly www.facebook.com, whose share of the 

_ at a slower pace 

from about 1.2 to 1.44 per cent,arise of approximately 40 per cent. In contrast to the 

other two websites, the market share of www.myspace.com 9__ decreasing from 

approximately the same level as www.bebo.com on 10th March 2007to 0.69 percent. 

Now cover the model answer above and make notes about what you remember 
about it. Then use your notes to write your own answer to the question. 







Match nouns 1-8 with an 

1 honesty a 

2 punctuality b 

3 generosity c 

4 cheerfulness d 

5 reliability e 

6 ambition f 

7 talent g 

8 sociability h 

explanation a-h. 

is about being happy and optimistic 

is about having a special gift or skill to do something 

is about one's dreams and desires 

is about being able to depend on someone 

is about being on time 

is about enjoying the company of others 

is not just about money; it’s about being kind as well 

is about not telling lies 

2 Complete the gaps in the following extracts from IELTS Speaking Part 2 with a suitable 
adjective. Then decide what the candidates were asked to describe. 


person that I 

would like to be similar to is 
my father. At first he appears very 
serious, but he has a very 

1 _ side to him. He loves to 

make people laugh. His stories are usually 
about people and they are very funny, but he 
never says anything bad about the people. 

He is a very 2 _ person and 

always takes everyone’s feelings into 
consideration. ’ 


elder brother is 
the sort of person who is 

always 3 _; 

he is never late for anything, no 
matter how unimportant it is. He 
says that being on time when you are 
meeting someone is about showing 
them respect. So as you can imagine 

he is highly 4 _ 

amongst his friends. ’ 

‘What really 

appeals to me about my 
grandfather is that he is very 

5_, as he has many gifts. 

He s very 6 _ and he’s always 

drawing. He can make anything with his 
hands and he can play the piano and violin a 
well. And when we were children he was very 

7_ when he explained things to i 

1 never remember him losing his temper. I cat 
honestly say that l have never met anyone as 

8 _. You can depend on him 

for anything.’ 

Present simple, present continuous and past simple 

1 Sentences 1-12 relate to four people: Sonja, Wei, Ahmed and Tony. Three sentences 
relate to each person. Read the sentences and decide which relate to each person. 

1 As a child she dreamt of working as an air hostess, or a job dealing with people. 

2 He built his own computer when he was in his teens. 

3 When she was a child her grandfather taught her to paint. 

4 Sonja can’t stand chatting on computers; she enjoys socializing face to face. 

5 Now she’s working as a tour guide. 

6 He is currently conducting research for a book on modern Chinese writers. 

7 She is drawing a sketch, which she plans to turn into an oil painting soon. 

8 Wei is very artistic and spends all her time in her studio painting and drawing. 

9 He loves reading and any intellectual hobbies like music and philosophy. 

10 He’s very talented and is creating his own website at the moment. 

11 Tony is a doctor of literature; he studied a huge amount of Chinese literature for his PhD. 

12 Ahmed likes to spend his time and money on technology. 


We are all friends now 

2 Decide whether each sentence 1-12 in exercise 1 tells you: 
a what activity the people are involved in at the moment 
b about their state of mind and habits 
c about their past 


1 Complete sentences 1-10 with a word from the box below. Make any necessary changes. 




remain steady trend 




show noticeable 

1 The most_feature of the chart was the sharp fall in theatre attendances. 

2 The graph_the increase in the market share of Facebook compared to the 

other two sites. 

3 Shopper numbers_over most of the year, but the last three months were 

less erratic. 

4 There was a_in visitors to the site during the holiday period with numbers 

almost doubling. 

5 The amount of energy used_throughout the first nine months and then it 

began to increase. 

6 Sales_in September, hitting a low for the year. 

7 There was a gradual_in profits over last year. 

8 The trend for two of the sites was upward, with the other being clearly-, 

9 There was very little difference in the_in sales for all five companies, with the 

exception of Sewell Ltd. 

10 The chart provides a_of the number of passenger miles travelled according 

to different modes of transport. 

2 Use the words in 1-8 below to create sentences that provide a suitable overview for a 
Task 1 question. Make any necessary changes to the words. 


book sales overall rise period 

Overall book sales rose during the period. 

1 trend attendances clear upward 

2 increase student numbers over the year 

3 market share fall overall past decade 

4 trend cost train journeys flat generally speaking 

5 trend prices downward overall 

6 miles covered shoppers declined 

7 price of grain steady rise in the last six months 

8 clear downward trend flights abroad 



Vocabulary: Verbs of cause and effect 

1 Work in pairs. Look at the photographs and discuss the questions below. 

• Name each item. What do you know about each one? What do they all have in common? 

• Choose three of the items and decide how they have shaped people's lives. 

• Which do you think have a direct influence on people's lives today? Give reasons and examples. 

2 In academic writing sentences with nouns are more common than sentences with 

verbs. For some verbs the noun form is the same as the verb, for example, influence. You 
can also make nouns from verbs bv adding endings like: -ment, -ion and -ing. Decide 
what the noun form is for each of the verbs 1-16 below. Which verb does not follow anv 
of these patterns? 

improve improvement 


























Technology-now and then 

3 Work in pairs. The verbs and nouns in exercise 2 can be used to describe changes in 
something. Decide if you would use each verb and noun to describe a positive change, a 
negative change, or a neutral change (one that is neither positive nor negative). 

4 Rewrite sentences 1-9 below so that they contain the verb in brackets. Make any other 
necessary changes. 


The use of mobile phones is having a dramatic effect on the way we communicate, (affect) 

The use of mobile phones is dramatically affecting the way we communicate. 

1 The demand for fuel is bringing about the destruction of the way of life of the inhabitants 
of rainforests, (destroy) 

2 People constantly debate whether television has a positive or negative influence on 
society, (influence) 

3 The company restructuring will lead to a significant improvement in profits, (improve) 

4 Climate change has led to the ruin of many crops. 


5 The fire did not do as much harm to the 
mountainside as people first thought, (harm) 

6 The conflict resulted in a sharp deterioration in 
relations between the two countries, (deteriorate) 

7 The affair caused enormous damage to his 
reputation, (damage) 

8 Artificial intelligence is having a huge impact on the 
development of technology, (impact) 

9 Many people like Einstein and Newton changed the 
shape of the world, (shape) 

5 For sentences 1-6 below, complete the gaps using the nouns in exercise 2. 

1 Advertising companies increase sales through the_tion of goods on TV. 

2 Some pessimists argue that the human race’s love of technology will eventually cause 

the_tion of society. 

3 _ments in technology have gathered pace in recent years as the speed of 

computers has increased. 

4 The greatest human_ment is the invention of the wheel, not the computer. 

5 What is the_tion of the latest electronic gadgets for consumers? 

6 Why is the_ing of new ideas so crucial for developing new products? 

"listening ) 

BJS Section 2 

What to expect in the exam 

• In IELTS Listening Section 2 you will hear a monologue (one person speaking), but sometimes 
you may hear one person answering questions. The topic is usually of general interest and 
there can be two or three sets of questions. 

• You will be given time to look at the questions before you begin and in the middle of the 

• At the end of the section, you will be given time to check your answers. 

The items listed in questions 16-20 on page 20 are in the order they appear in the 
monologue. You will probably not hear the same words and phrases, so you will have to 
listen for synonyms or paraphrases. Look at the adjectives listed in A-F and think of at 
least one synonym for each. 




IB Technology-now and then 

c> 1.2 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 

Questions 11-15 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 

How to go 
about it 

• You can use the 
questions to 
prepare yourself for 
the answers. For 
example, look at 
question 11, you can 
use the question to 
be ready to listen 
for 'how many prize 
winners there were'. 

• If the different 
sections of the 
questions have 
headings, skim 
the headings and 
questions to get a 
general idea of the 

• Underline words 
in the stem of the 
questions and 
alternatives which 
you think will help 
you listen for the 
answer. Most of 
the words you 
need to listen for 
are paraphrases or 
synonyms of these 

• Do not underline the 
whole of the stem of 
the multiple-choice 
question. Mark only 
words like nouns, 
names, verbs or 
function words like 
because, which you 
think will tell you the 
answer is about to 

Penwood Museum Competition 

11 In the sixth summer show competition, there were 
A five prize winners. 

B four prize winners. 

C three prize winners. 

12 The theme of this year’s competition is 

A involving young people in the museum’s activities. 

B forming better links between local people and the museum. 

C improving the local community’s access to art appreciation. 

13 The competition was open to those aged 
A 13-19. 

B 15-19. 

C 13-18. 

14 During the preparation for the entry the competitors were 
A able to use the museum’s educational facilities. 

B not permitted to use the museum’s educational facilities. 

C allowed to buy any of the equipment they needed. 

15 According to the speaker, the prize-winning exhibit has 
A had no influence at all on attendances. 

B led to a big reduction in attendances. 

C brought about an increase in attendances. 

Questions 16-20 

The Video Commentaries 

What did the older people say about each piece of equipment? 

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F next to questions 
16 - 20 . 



A too large 

1 6 early wooden-framed TV 

B boring 

17 early radios 

C more convenient 

18 microwave ovens 

D exciting 

19 laptops 

E well-constructed 

20 old cameras 

F still looked fashionable 



Technology-now and then 

Reading ) 

IELTS Reading Passage 

How to go about it 

sr Some IELTS reading passages do not have a title. For these passages, look at the last question 
which will be a multiple-choice question. There are usually four alternatives. One alternative covers 
the whole passage and the others generally relate to parts of the passage, so they will give you an 
idea of what the passage is about. 

• Skim the passage and the questions as quickly as you can. Remember the questions will give you a 
summary of the content of the passage. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading 
passage below. 

The long period of the Bronze Age 
in China, which began around 
2000 B.C., saw the growth and 
maturity of a civilization that 
would be sustained in its essential 
aspects for another 2,000 years. In 
the early stages of this development, the 
process of urbanization went hand in 
hand with the establishment of a social order. 
In China, as in other societies, the mechanism 
that generated social cohesion, and at a 
later stage statecraft, was ritualization. As 
most of the paraphernalia for early rituals 
were made in bronze and as rituals carried 
such an important social function, it is 
perhaps possible to read into the forms and 
decorations of these objects some of the 
central concerns of the societies (at least the 
upper sectors of the societies) that produced 

There were probably a number of early 
centers of bronze technology, but the area 
along the Yellow River in present-day Henan 
Province emerged as the center of the most 
advanced and literate cultures of the time and 
became the seat of the political and military 
power of the Shang dynasty (ca. 1600-1050 
B.C.). the earliest archaeologically recorded 
dynasty in Chinese history. The Shang 
dynasty was conquered by the people of Zhou, 
who came from farther up the Yellow River 
in the area of Xi’an in Shaanxi Province. In 
the first years of the Zhou dynasty (ca. 1046- 
2 56 B.C.). known as the Western Zhou (ca. 
1046-771 B.C.), the ruling house of Zhou 
exercised a certain degree of ‘imperial’ power 
over most of central China. With the move of 
the capital to Luoyang in 771 B.C.. however, 
the power of the Zhou rulers declined and 
the country divided into a number of nearly 
autonomous feudal states with nominal 
allegiance to the emperor. The second phase 
of the Zhou dynasty known as the Eastern 

Zhou (771-256 B.C.), is 
subdivided into two periods, 
the Spring and Autumn period 
(770-ca. 475 B.C.) and the 
Warring States period (ca. 475- 
221 B.C.). During the Warring 
States period, seven major states 
contended for supreme control of the 
country, ending with the unification of China 
under the Oin in 221 B.C. 

Although there is uncertainty as to when 
metallurgy began in China, there is reason to 
believe that early bronze-working developed 
autonomously, independent of outside 
influences. The era of the Shang and the Zhou 
dynasties is generally known as the Bronze 
Age of China, because bronze, an alloy of 
copper and tin. used to fashion weapons, 
parts of chariots, and ritual vessels, played 
an important role in the material culture of 
the time. Iron appeared in China toward the 
end of the period, during the Eastern Zhou 

One of the most distinctive and characteristic 
images decorating Shang-dynasty bronze 
vessels is the so-called taotie. The primary 
attribute of this frontal animal-like mask is 
a prominent pair of eyes, often protruding 
in high relief. Between the eyes is a nose, 
often with nostrils at the base. Taotie can 
also include jaws and fangs, horns, ears, 
and eyebrows. Many versions include a split 
animal-like body with legs and tail, each 
flank showm in profile on either side of the 
mask. While following a general form, the 
appearance and specific components of 
taotie masks varied by period and place of 
production. Other common motifs for Shang 
ritual bronze vessels w 7 ere dragons, birds, 
bovine creatures, and a variety of geometric 
patterns. Currently, the significance of the 
taotie, as w 7 ell as the other decorative motifs, 
in Shang society is unknowm. 



Technology-now and then 

Jade, along with bronze, represents the 
highest achievement of Bronze Age material 
culture. In many respects, the Shang dynasty 
can be regarded as the culmination of 2,000 
years of the art of jade carving. Shang 
craftsmen had full command of the artistic 
and technical language developed in the 
diverse late Neolithic cultures that had a 
jade-working tradition. On the other hand, 
some developments in Shang and Zhou 
jade carving can be regarded as evidence of 
decline. While Bronze Age jade workers no 

doubt had better tools - if only the advantage 
of metal ones - the great patience and skill of 
the earlier period seem to be lacking. 

If the precise function of ritual jades in the 
late Neolithic is indeterminate, such is not 
the case in the Bronze Age. Written records 
and archaeological evidence inform us that 
jades were used in sacrificial offerings to gods 
and ancestors, in burial rites, for recording 
treaties between states, and in formal 
ceremonies at the courts of kings. 

How to go 
about it 

For questions 1-6 
Look for words 
and paraphrases of 
words that will help 
you scan for the 

For questions 7-12: 

- Find the words 
bronze, taotie and 
jade in the passage 
and put a box 
around them, so you 
can see them easily. 

Read the statements 
and underline the 
information to scan 

Scan the passage 
for words and 
paraphrases of 
words in the 

For question 13: 

Look for the title that 
focuses on all the 
information in the 
text and not just part 
of it. 

Questions 1-6 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? 


TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

1 As the migration of people to towns and cities took place, Chinese society became more 

2 According to evidence that has been unearthed, the Zhou people lost power to the 

3 At the end of the Zhou dynasty, there were nine powers seeking to rule China. 

4 Iron was introduced to China from outside. 

5 There was only one type of taotie. 

6 There is some proof that later jade carving was superior to earlier examples. 

Questions 7-12 

Classify the following descriptions as relating to 
A Bronze 
B Taotie 
C Jade 

List of Descriptions 

7 Its decoration depended on when and where it was made. 

8 Its meaning in one period of history is still a mystery. 


9 Its decoration illustrates issues with which the elite in China dealt with. 

10 It was not worked with the same degree of sophistication as in previous times. 

11 It sprang up spontaneously without any help from beyond China. 

12 The time when it was first produced is not known. 



Technology-now and then 

Question 13 

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. 

Which of the following is the most suitable title for the reading passage? 

A The importance of jade carvings 
B The Chinese Bronze Age 
C The decline of the Bronze Age 
D How iron was introduced to China 

{ > Reacting to the text 

‘History has nothing to teach us, so there is no point dwelling on the past.’ 

Do you agree with the statement? Does ancient history have any relevance today? 

Language focus 1: Past simple and present perfect 

1 Look at the verb tenses in the reading passage on page 21 
and answer the following questions: 

• Which tense is used more often: the past simple or the 
present perfect? Why do you think this is? 

• Which is more common, the active or the passive voice? 

Read more about how the tenses are used in the 
Grammar reference on page 220. 

2 For sentences 1-8 below, decide if the verb in brackets should 
be active or passive. Then put it into the past simple. 

1 The invention of the plough (revolutionize) agriculture. 

2 What (contribute) to the rapid pace of change in the 
world in the 20th century? 

3 The impact of a comet (lead) to the extinction of the 

4 Chess first (play) in India. 

5 The radio (invent) in Italy by Marconi. 

6 When people (create) cities, it (shape) the way the human 
race (live) forever. 

7 Before the advent of mechanized transport, people 
(travel) for days between countries. 

8 The mountainous landscape in Greece (influence) the 
development of ancient city states. 

3 For sentences 1 -8 below, underline the correct verb form in 

1 Not long ago, I (began/have begun/was begun) to study 
another language. 

2 When we (were/have been) young, we (had/didn't have/ 
haven't had) many toys, but children nowadays (became/ 
have become/have been become) used to having lots of 
toys and games. 

3 Recently, companies (started/have started/have been 
started) thinking about moving into space tourism. 

4 In the middle of the 20th century, new materials 

like plastic (transformed/have transformed/have been 
transformed) kitchenware. 

5 I first (went/have gone/have been gone) to South 
America in the early seventies, but I (never visited/have 
never visited/have never been visited) Asia. 

6 (Did you ever see/Have you ever seen/Did you ever 
seen) the Northern Lights? 

7 In the past five years, survival rates for people with 
certain illnesses (improved/have improved/have been 

8 Yesterday, I (did/have done/have been done) something I 
(did not do/have not done/have not been done) before. 

I (spent/have spent/have been spent) the whole day 
reading a novel. 

4 Write five statements about yourself, using the structure / 
have never ..., but /... and the time phrases below. 

The day before yesterday ... 

Three days/weeks ago ... 

Last weeklmonth/year ... 

The week before last ... 


I have never been to a gym/the theatre on my own, but 
yesterday I went to the cinema for the first time by 

5 Work in pairs. Tell your partner your sentences. Then 

ask each other questions to find out more details. Use the 
following words in your questions: when, why, why not, 
what, how, how long. 



Technology-now and then 

Word building: Qualifying adjectives 

1 In IELTS Writing Task 2, IELTS Speaking Part 3 and IELTS Listening it is important 
be able to qualify ideas and recognize when ideas are being qualified. In the listening 
practice on page 20 you heard people using adjectives like too big, stylish and handy to 
make positive or negative comments about objects. For each adjective 1-12 below, write 
the opposite form in the correct column of the table. 




1 convenient 

l IAA/6 IaI £ lA/t 

2 practical 

3 important 

4 necessary 

5 significant 

6 harmful 

7 valuable 

8 useful 

9 effective 

10 appealing 

11 worthwhile 

12 inspiring 

2 Decide which of the words below' are synonyms for the word important. 
crucial pointless vital essential empty key critical 

3 Decide w'hich of the words below is a synonym for the w'ord unimportant. 
trivial harmless worthless insignificant 

4 For sentences 1-6 below, decide w'hich adjective from exercise 1 can be used to replace 
the underlined words. Make any necessary changes. 


Many of the early technologies we take for granted are those that we cannot do without . 


1 Some ideas from the 1950s were not very sensible 
or easy to use . 

2 Using hydrogen cars to combat global warming is a 
solution that produces the desired result . 

3 Underground transport systems built in the 19th 
century are still easy to use for commuters. 

4 The coordination skills learnt when doing practical 
work like making things by hand proved to be 
extremely useful for young people. 

5 Instead of being an activity which does no harm , 
playing computer games can cause emotional 
damage to young players. 

6 The work of people like Louis Daguerre, who 
shaped the world of cinema, can only be considered 
as stimulating and motivating to later generations. 



Technology-now and then 

Language focus 2: Habit in the past 

1 Look at the following statements from the listening practice 
on page 20. 

They remembered how they would all go round to ..., 

... all of whom used to have one ... 

Complete the remaining gap in the line with a suitable 
adverb of frequency. 

Decide where on the line you can add the words in the box 

occasionally often not often normally 

regularly hardly ever rarely commonly 

Statements a-c below explain the reasons why we use 
would and used to to talk about the past. Decide which 
statements describe why they are used in the examples 

a Like the simple past, would and used to show repeated 
actions/activities that no longer happen, 
b Would is used for reminiscing about the past, 
c Used to is used to talk about states that no longer exist, 
while would is only used to describe repeated actions/ 
activities. Would is not usually used in negative or yes/no 

Read more about would and used to in the Grammar 
reference on page 220. 

2 For 1 -8 below decide which sentences are correct. Then 
decide why the incorrect sentences are wrong. 

1 I would work at the post office during holidays when I 
was young. 

2 Students used to play silly games, but they would never 
hurt anyone. 

3 My father would work as a lawyer, but he didn't do it for 

4 People in my hometown would hold lots of parties at all 
times of the year. 

5 My uncle used to mend machinery and would even build 
his own car. 

6 My brothers and sisters didn't use to go to university. 

They went straight into work after secondary school. 

7 As a rule, people left their doors unlocked; there never 
used to be any break-ins. 

8 People didn't use to throw things out rather than 
mending them, as they do now. 

Adverbs of frequency 

1 Look at the following sentence from the listening practice on 
page 20 and underline the adverb of frequency. Decide where 
this word fits in the line below showing adverbs of frequency. 

They remembered how they would sometimes all go 
round to someone's house to watch TV as a special treat. 

1 Always 100% 


2 _ 

3 Frequently 

4 _ 

5 Seldom 

6 Never 0% 

Read more about adverbs of frequency in the 
Grammar reference on page 220. 

4 For questions 1 -8 below, decide if the adverb of frequency in 

italics is suitable. Replace the adverbs that are not suitable. 

1 I always read the newspaper in the morning. I only read it 
in the afternoon. 

2 I would sometimes play games with my friends in the 
summer evenings. We used to meet up about five times a 

3 I have never liked any computer games, but as a teenager 
I would play board games. 

4 Governments seldom listen to their people. It happens 
only once in a while. 

5 Where I come from, people usually tend to greet each 
other in the street each time they meet, but sometimes 
they don't. 

6 In some parts of the world people have hardly ever left 
their villages, maybe only once in a lifetime. 

7 When I was a child I often used to watch my grandfather 
working; as a rule nearly every day. 

8 At school, I would always do my homework on time. I was 
never late. 

5 Write a sentence about your childhood and early life for each 
of the sentence beginnings below. 


I would... 

I would go to the river near my home rather than eit at 
home all day in front of a machine. 

1 I used to... 

2 I would sometimes... 

3 I used to always... 

4 I would hardly ever... 



Technology-now and then 

(Speaking ) 

Work in pairs. Look at the following Part 2 task 
card and make notes. 

Describe something which you have made. 
You should say: 
what it was 
when you made it 
how you felt about making it 
and explain why you made it. 

2 Compare your notes with another pair. Consider the following: 

• The number of words in your notes 

• Are your notes easy to read at a glance? Why/Why not? 

(Writing: ) 

IELTS Task 2 

How to go 
about it 

Two different views 
are expressed in the 
question. On a piece 
of paper, make two 
columns A and B. 
Choose one of the 
views and write a list 
of ideas in column 
A in one to two 
minutes. Do not 
exclude any ideas. 
Then write a list of 
opposing views in 
column B. Select 
one or two ideas 
from each column. 

Express your own 
opinions by either 
balancing the two 
views or supporting 
one view. 

Write an 
introduction that 
paraphrases the 
question. Keep 
the introduction 
brief - two to three 
sentences is enough. 

3 C ^ Work in pairs. Take turns talking about the topic, using your notes to guide you. 
You should speak for up to two minutes; time each other using a stopwatch. When your 
partner has finished speaking, give him/her feedback using the checklist on page 210. 

What to expect in the exam 

• In IELTS Writing Task 2 you will be asked to write an essay about a topic of general interest. 

You are asked to write at least 250 words. 

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

1 Work in pairs. Read the Task 2 question below and answer questions 1-10 which follow. 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Some people fear that technology is gradually taking over control of our lives, while 
others think that it has led to many positive developments in all aspects of their lives. 

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

Is it crucial to write more than 250 words? 

Do you need to give reasons and examples to support your answer? Should the 
examples be personal or abstract? 

Can you give results, causes and effects and express reservations to support your 

Is there an upper and lower limit to the number of paragraphs you can write? 

How many parts are there in the above question? 

How many ideas do you need to write about? 

Can you state your opinion in the first paragraph? 

8 How long should each paragraph be? 

9 Is there only one way to answer the question? 

10 What are complex sentences? How do you write them? 



Technology-now and then 

2 Work in pairs. Look at the following introductions to an answer to the question. Decide 
which two are suitable and why. 

1 Technology is now used in all areas of our lives: the home, at work and in education. Most 
people use computers everyday. 

2 Some people fear that technology is gradually taking control of our lives. Others think that 
it has led to many positive developments in all areas of their lives. 

3 In some peoples eyes the influence of technology over our lives is beneficial and yet to 
others it is harmful. The arguments on both sides are valid, but there is, in my opinion, little 
to be anxious about regarding the use of technology. 

4 As with any development, people worry about how new technology will affect their lives. 
There are, however, many people who see the benefits of technology, and so are in favour of 
its use. 

3 The paragraph below continues the argument from one of the introductory paragraphs 
in exercise 2. Read the paragraph and match it to an introduction. 

To some people technology appears to be controlling people's lives, ttowever, i 
feel the overwhelming effect Is beneficial, because tike computers, 

mobile phones etc. has brought enormous Improvements to many people's 
lives worldwide. Tafee, for cko rupie, the Impact technology has had on 
communication. Computers have revolutionized the way Items such os 
letters, messages and packages are sent. A gulcfe message, for Instore, 
can be transmitted between New york and Beijing In seconds either by text 
message or by email. Moreover very large files such as reports and even 
whole books that were once sent by post can now be transmitted in, order to 
save time and money. As a result, the economy benefits. 

4 Put each of the linking words in bold in exercise 3 into the correct box in the table 











5 Decide what other words can be used to indicate examples and add them to the table. 

6 Decide which words in the box below can be used to replace the words in exercise 3 and 4 
and add them to the table. 

but although 

since as 




despite so 



what is more 

also and so 


7 Write your own answer for the Task 2 question in exercise 1. When you have finished, 
check your answer using the checklist on page 209. 





Complete the gaps in 1-8 below with a suitable word. There may be more than one 
possible answer. 

1 How have young people been_by video games? 

2 What do you think has been the greatest_in the world in recent years? 

3 Who do you think has done the most to_the world in the past 50 years? 

4 What is the_of overusing computers? 

5 Has technology_the way we live? 

6 What has been the most crucial_in your life in the past year? 

7 Do you believe that as human beings we are_the planet? 

8 What do you think you can do to_your career? 

Word building 

1 Complete the following qualifying adjectives from page 24. 

1 c_t 

2 s_t 

3 u_g 

4 n_y 

5 w_s 

6 a_g 

7 h_s 

8 i _e 

9 c_I 

10 i _t 

2 For 1-6 below, underline the correct adjective in italics. 

1 The restrictions on car movements are harmless/harmful to the economy. 

2 In some ways using technology is dangerous, but by and large it is very useful/detrimental. 

3 Many people thought the film was rather inspiring/dull, but the critics felt it was just very 

4 Training courses need to teach relevant practical skills, but in most cases they are totally 

5 Learning to read efficiently is crucial/unimportant in today’s world, but unfortunately not 
enough is being done to improve people’s skills. 

6 Do you think it is necessary/inconvenient to know how things work or are made? Or is it 
unnecessary in the modern world? 



Technology-now and then 

Past simple and present perfect 

In three of the sentences below the underlined phrases need to change places. Decide 
which three sentences need to be changed and correct them. Make any necessary 


I have listened to the radio yesterday, but I didn’t listen to it this morning. 

I listened to the radio yesterday, but I haven't listened to it this morning. 

1 I have played the piano yesterday at home, but I didn’t play it today yet. 

2 I have never eaten dates, but I had figs for the first time a few days ago. 

3 More new inventions have been created since 1900 than were created at any time before 

4 Although the latest developments in technology affected the way we live, I think the 
wheel has made a greater impact when it was invented. 

5 Many people throughout the ancient world developed ideas that have influenced modern 
education more than is realized. 

6 My grandfather has designed a new type of car engine when he was in his twenties. 

I designed one too as part of the engineering course I’m doing. 

Habit in the past 

In the following extract from IELTS Speaking Part 2, underline the five mistakes in the 
verbs and verb phrases in italics. Then decide what the candidate was asked to describe. 

'The place 

I’d like to describe is 
my hometown, where I lived until 
I was ten years old. I 1 hadn't visited my 
hometown for the last 15 years. So recently I 2 
decided to pay a short visit. I can't say that I 3 would 
know what to expect. Fields where I 4 would play with 
my friends 5 were now covered with buildings and the 
school I 6 would attend is no longer there. It 7 has been 
::tmed into a superimirket. A lot of famous people 8 used to 
mend the school, so I am surprised that permission 9 was 
given to knock it down. 

If I remember rightly, it 10 would rain a lot when 
I was a child, but 11 it has never seemed 
to annoy us kids. We 12 have just 
carried on regardless. 

Spelling check 

As quickly as you can, look at the following lists of words and (c ircle ) the correct 
























Thrill seekers 

Vocabulary: Sports 

1 With a partner, describe what is happening in each of the photographs. Then 

discuss the questions below. 

• Do any of these activities appeal to you? Why/Why not? 

• Which activity do you think is the most exciting/popular/risky? 

• What is the attraction of extreme sports compared with activities such as playing computer 
games or reading? 

2 For 1-8 in the table below decide what sport is connected with the place and the 
equipment. There may be more than one possible answer. 




















sea reefs 

oxygen tank 







3 Work in pairs. Give at least one example of each type of sport in 1-10 below. You may 
use a dictionary to help you, if necessary. 

1 motor 3 water 5 racquet 7 winter 9 outdoor 

2 field 4 combat 6 equestrian 8 indoor 10 team 



Thrill seekers 

(Listening ) 

IELTS Section 3 

dw to go 

30Ut it 

Skim the questions 
lo get an idea of the 
content of what you 
w II hear. 

Mark any specific 
information in 
tables, for example, 
numbers, nouns, 
headings etc. 

Try to decide the 
tyoe of word that 
is r equired, for 
example, noun, 
verb ,etc. Also try 
to decide whether 
rouns are singular 
& plural. 

Check the number 
of words required. 

Do not write any 
words from the 
questions on the 
answer sheet. For 
example, if the 
question is, 'in the 

.' and the 

correct answer is 
morning, the answer 
m the morning would 
be wrong. 

What to expect in the exam 

• In IELTS Listening Section 3 there can be two or more speakers having a discussion about 
a subject of an academic nature. You need to concentrate and learn to recognize who is 

• At the beginning of the recording the topic of the conversation is mentioned. 

• You will be given time to look at the questions before you begin and in the middle of the 

• At the end of the section you will be given time to check your answers. 

O 1.3 SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 

Question 21 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 

21 The initial purpose of the case study was to look only at the club’s 
A health and safety policy. 

B sporting achievements. 

C management structure. 

Questions 22-25 

Complete the notes below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 

Stars Club Case Study 

Club background 

• 600 members overall 

• 23 st aff inc luding 22.workers 

So far in terviewe d around 23. 

Face-to-face interviews preferable to a questionnaire 

Would be able t o ask fo r 24.where necessary 

Good administration/very focused managers 
Manage ment group has team 25. 

Being there is an exhilarating experience 

Questions 26-30 

Complete the table below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 

Reasons for Club’s Success 


Comments by researchers 


funding from government, 
private 26.and 


to pay for facilities, 

27.and time 

off work 

quality of 28. 


encouraging people to reach 
their 29. 

motivation and 

30.of athletes 


to become the best in their 




Thrill seekers 

Language focus 1: Comparison 

1 Look at the following extract from the listening practice on 
page 31. 

a ... what's made it (the club) more successful than 
other local clubs... 

This can be rewritten as: 

b ... why it (the club) has had more success than other 
local clubs 

c ... why it (the club) has succeeded more than ... 

Look at sentences a-c above and decide whether each one 
uses a noun, verb or adjective to make a comparison. Why is the 
comparative of the adjective formed with the word morel 

Read more about comparison in the Grammar reference 
on page 220. 

2 Complete the table below. 




the worst 








3 For 1-8 below, put the word in brackets into the correct 

comparative or superlative form. 

1 It's much (easy) to find places to do specialist sports 
outside cities and towns. 

2 Activities like bowling are far (popular) among older 
age groups. 

3 Which sport do you think is (energetic) of all? 

4 People who do some physical activity are supposed to be 
(happy) than less active people. 

5 It is becoming (difficult) for people to organize their lives 
around leisure activities nowadays. 

6 Is work (stressful) aspect of modern life? 

7 Is mental activity (important) than physical activity? 

8 People don't realize that racing drivers are (fit) individuals 

4 Work in pairs. Look at sentences 1-8 in exercise 3 and decide 
what the noun is for each adjective. 

5 Rewrite sentences 1-8 in exercise 3 using a noun instead of 
an adjective. Make any necessary changes. 


1 It's much (easy) to find places to do specialist sports 
outside cities and towns. 

Places to do specialist sports can be found 
with more ease outside cities and towns. 

6 The questionnaire below contains some mistakes. Rewrite the 
questions that are incorrect. 

Do you agree that... 

1 football is exciting than swimming? 

2 athletics is the most boring activity to watch on TV? 

3 extreme sports like sky-diving are dangerouser 
than hiking? 

4 you need to be fiter to go cycling than walking? 

5 table tennis is not most exciting sport in the world? 

6 people are lazier nowadays than they were in the 

7 rowing is a sport only for richest people? 

8 tennis is more exhilarating than skiing? 

9 watching sport on TV or the Internet is less exciting 
than seeing it live? 

10. racquet sports like squash and tennis are tiring than 
many other sports? 

7 Use the questionnaire to interview other students in 
your class. Ask for reasons and examples. If someone agrees 
with a statement, put a tick (/) next to the question. 

www. books 



Thrill seekers 

Word building: Adjectives ending in -ing/-ed 

In the listening practice on page 31, Marcello says: 

Its a really exhilarating experience being there. I can’t wait to go in every day. 

The adjective exhilarating comes from the verb exhilarate. There are two types of 
adjectives that can be made from the verb: 

• Verb + - ing: exhilarating Something is exhilarating if it makes me feel exhilarated. 

• Verb + -ed: exhilarated / feel exhilarated because something is exhilarating. 

Adjectives ending in -ingl-ed like exhilarating and exhilarated are used to evaluate or 
express an opinion about something. Like the speaker in the listening practice you can 
use adjectives like this in your speaking and writing to express your judgement about an 
idea, event, experience, etc. 

1 For 1-8 below, underline the correct adjective in italics. 

1 Do you find sports like mountaineering and 
parkour 0illing)thrilled to watch? 

2 Do you think people get irritatingliftrtatedjdy 
the constant encouragement to do something 

3 Why do you think people are interesting / 

c interested in extreme sports? 

4 Do you think sports stars are as 
motivating/motivated for young people now 
as in the past? 

5 What makes funfair rides like roller coasters 
excitingjexcited ? 

6 Are you the sort of person who considers 
sports programmes on TV qnhoyingiannoyed, or do you get annoying/annoyed by other 
types of programmes? 

7 Do you think extreme sports are more challenging^/challenged than other sports? 

8 Do you feel invigorated/invigorating when you do any type of energetic activity? 

2 Work in pairs. Choose three questions from exercise 1 to ask your partner. Take 
turns asking and answering the questions. Give reasons and examples in your answers. 

3 Work in pairs. For 1-8 below, use a form of the word in brackets (noun, verb or 
adjective) to complete the sentences. 

1 It is rare to see a whole stadium 
(electrify) by a player’s 

2 These days I don’t think young 
people feel (challenge) enough 
physically at school or work. 

3 Where I come from people find 
football more (interest) than other 

4 Some sports like snowboarding 
and skateboarding seem to hold 
some (fascinate) for young people. 

5 Being (motivate) to take up some activity, however gentle, is not always easy. 

6 The thrill of modern computer games is as (excite) as some real sports. 

7 People often feel (refresh) after doing strenuous physical exercise. 

8 Other people may find as much (excite) in reading a book as in climbing a mountain. 



Thrill seekers 

(Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 1 

What to expect in the exam 

• In IELTS Speaking Part 1 you will be asked about familiar topics, for example, 
common pastimes in your country now compared with the past. 

• In Part 1 the discussion is more personal and less abstract than in Parts 2 and 3. 

1 Make examiners questions from the following lists of words. 

1 what/kinds/sports/popular/your country? 

2 they/as popular/used be/in past? 

3 are/same games/popular/as in past? 

4 do/young people/more physical activities/extreme sports/now past? 

5 what/makes/these games/interesting/people? 

6 sports/challenging/now than/they in the past 

7 young people/challenged more/nowadays in the past? 

2 Work in pairs. Take turns playing the role of the examiner and the candidate. 

Ask and answer the questions. Try to use some of the adjectives from the Word building 
section on page 33. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

Readers can join a unique experiment to 
discover what goes on in our brains and 
bodies at the fairground. 

Roger Highfield reports. 



For decades, thrill-seekers have happily queued to 
experience a few seconds of the adrenaline-spiking, 
intestine-twisting thrills of roller coaster and other 
funfair joy rides. Nowadays, people also spend hours 
living out the virtual excitement of computer games. 

An experiment will soon lay bare the science of thrills 
and help to build the foundation of the next generation 
of funfair rides and sensational computer games. 

Brendan Walker, a self-proclaimed 'thrill engineer', is curating this extraordinary venture where people can 
become a guinea pig. Fairground: Thrill Laboratory, at the Science Museum's Dana Centre, will include three 
different rides over three weeks - the Booster, to measure the physiology of excitement and thrill; a ghost 
train, to measure fear and the tingle of anticipation; and Miami Trip, a gentler ride designed to explore 



Thrill seekers 

- One of the collaborators in the thrill lab is Prof Tom Rodden. Its impetus is the blurring of the boundary 

' between the real and the digital worlds, he explained: today, trainers count footsteps, wrist watches can 
measure heart rate satellites can detect where we are and, all the while, computer games are being p ay 
in the streets not just the living room, and computer accessories such as joysticks are being replaced with 

real-world objects such as tennis racquets. 

D Doctors already understand the broad effects of joy rides. As a roller coaster puts the body through 

weiqhtlessness high gravitational forces and acceleration, the brain struggles to makesense 9 

and chanqinq signals from the senses. There are effects on the vestibular system, located in the inner ear, 
that detects position and motion, and on the somatic nervous system, which controls voluntary systems in 

the body, such as heartbeat. 

E Added to the confusion of these signals are the messages from the eye, which ma y be dl ^ er ^ nt from ° Se 
The other systems. This can lead to peculiar effects such as the vection illusion (think of when you are 
stopped at a traffic light and the car next to you edges forward - you feel as though you are moving). 

F Overall the brain responds to an exhilarating ride by triggering the release of a potent cocktail of 

biochemicals to deal with the body's stress, including more adrenaline (epinephrine) and norepinephrine 
“h «n suppress pain and boost the glow of euphoria that follow. The result can be p easure but can also 
be nausea. Military and Nasa researchers have studied the problem for half a century, calling it simulate 

G B^raineers and scientists have not figured out how to fool the senses at the same rate at the same time. 
They still don't know for sure who might get sick. Meanwhile, the latest rides are pushing the boundarie 
Endurance The human body cannot take much more of a G-force than the latest rollercoasters so we need 
to understand more about what distinguishes a spine-tingling thrill from a gut-emptying fright to ensure the 
experience is memorable for the right reasons. 

H At the thrill lab volunteers will be asked to try the fairground rides while hooked up to special equipment 
This includes an accelerometer that measures the G-force their body is subjected to; a measurei of^ Wood 
oxygen levels; measures of skin conductance (sweating) and an ECG monitor that keeps track of their heart 
rate 9 In addition, a helmet-mounted video camera will film their expressions, rom the first gasp to the last 
scream As with astronauts and test pilots, information will be beamed in real time to a computer. A 
measurements will be displayed publicly. Aside from providing amusement for onlookers, participants can 
relive their terrifying experiences. 

I This study will help designers of amusement parks to squeeze more shrieks out of people by cr e atin 9 ™ e 
illusion of imminent death, said Prof Rodden. Equally, the next generation of rides will sense when too 
many people feel nauseous and wind down accordingly. In short, .hey will be 

♦illation This work will also help computer games to escape the boundaries of the Xbox and PlayStaho . 
Steve Benford, of the mixed-reality lab at the University of Nottingham, believes that the thrill lab will he p 
to design more immersive rides and games, 'real-time adaptive spaces. 

dw to go 
i out it 

; jestions 1-6: 

-fad the instructions 
-frefully. In this 
rstance, you can 
jse any letter more 
—an once. 

Z~eck if any of the 
r^ormation in the 
:-'ases looks as if 
- mght fit together 
is the same 

i -: ~eck if any pieces 
:f information 
nA follow other 
'formation in the 

Questions 1-6 

The reading passage has nine paragraphs, A-I. 

Which paragraph contains the following information? 
NB You may use any letter more than once. 

1 the impact on the human auditory system 

2 what the lab experiments will show onlookers 


3 the purpose of having different test ridgs 

4 the various types of medical apparatus employed to monitor the research 

5 the substances produced in reaction to thrilling rides 

6 specific assistance to those designing amusement parks in the future 




Thrill seekers 

Questions 7-12 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? 

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

More people now get thrills from computer games than fairground rides. 


8 The brain has difficulty understanding the messages sent from the senses during 
rollercoaster rides. 

9 Simulator sickness has been under investigation by a large number of researchers. 

* fir 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

10 The most recent rollercoasters take the human body further than their G-force limits. 

11 The lab volunteers will consist of equal numbers of men and women. (y 

12 Future rides will be able to adapt to people's reactions. 

Question 13 

Choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D. 

13 Which of the following is the most suitable title for the reading passage? 
A Roller coasters and their effects on the brain 
B What makes fairground rides so thrilling? 

C The equipment used to test the efficacy of funfair rides 
D How the brain copes with fear in response to funfair rides 

CD Reacting to the text 

Do you find roller coasters 'thrilling’? Why/Why not? 
Why do you think people enjoy extreme rides? 

Language focus 2: Adjectives with prepositions 

1 For 1 -10 below, underline the correct preposition in italics. 

1 lam very keen aboutlonlfor swimming, especially first 
thing in the morning. 

2 Some people are addicted bylwithlto sports, they spend 
all their time glued to the TV. 

3 He's mad forltolabout parachuting. It's something I 
personally can't understand. 

4 I'm not interested inlbylwith going to the gym. 

5 I easily get bored inlaboutlwith doing nothing. 

6 I can't say I'm indifferent inltolabout sport, but I don't 
like spending my time watching it. 

7 I used to be very enthusiastic onlaboutlwith team sports, 
but not any more. 

8 I'm not sure I'm capable tolforlof running for long 

9 I'm really passionate forlaboutlon travelling around the 
world and meeting fellow hockey enthusiasts. 

10 I am fond aboutltolof travelling but my brother is 
fanatical forlaboutlwith visiting new places. 

0^ Read more about adjectives with prepositions 
in the Grammar reference on page 221. 

Work in pairs. Match the sentence beginnings 1-7 with the 
endings a-g. It is possible to match two of the sentence 
beginnings with more than one ending. 


1 am mad 


to any kind of physical activity. 


1 am not keen 


about playing computer games. 


1 am bored 


on team sports. 


1 am interested 


in walking in the countryside. 


1 am passionate 


with watching sport on TV. 


1 am fond 


about doing all kinds of exercise. 


1 am indifferent 


of reading the sports pages in 
the newspaper. 



Thrill seekers 

3 Look at questions 1-6 in the table below and underline the answer which is most suitable for you. If none are suitable, write your 
own answer in the 'other' box. 

1 Which sport do you like the most? 





2 Who do you prefer doing it with? 

a colleague 

a friend 



3 How often do you like doing it? 

once a week 

twice a week 

three times a week 


4 When do you normally like to do it? 





5 How would you describe your 
attitude to the sport? 





6 Why do you enjoy doing it? 





4 Explain your answers to a partner using the adjectives and prepositions in exercise 1. 

Speaking ) 1 

IELTS Part 2 


"Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 3 

Look at the following Part 2 task card. Make notes to prepare your answer using the 
adjectives and questions and answers in the Language focus 2 exercises on page 36 to 
help you. 

Describe a sporting activity you like. 

You should say: 

when you first played it 
who you do it with 
where you do it 

and explain why you enjoy doing it. 

Work in pairs. Take turns talking about the topic, using your notes to guide you. 
You should speak for up to two minutes; time each other using a stopwatch. When your 
partner has finished speaking, give him/her the feedback using the checklist on page 210. 

What to expect in the exam 

• In IELTS Speaking Part 3 you will have a discussion with the examiner, which is linked to the 
topic of Part 2. However, the questions will be more abstract and you need to talk about general 
ideas, not about yourself and your own experiences as in Parts 1 and 2. 

1 Decide which three of the following phrases describe the main reasons for 

people doing sport. Then discuss your answers with a partner, giving reasons and 

1 to keep fit 

2 so they can lose weight 

3 so that they can make friends 

4 in order to help them relax 

5 so as to get an adrenaline rush 

6 in order to escape from the real world 

2 Underline the words in 1-6 above that indicate purpose. Then use these phrases to write 
your own sentences explaining why you do sporting activities. 

3 It is important to give variety to what you say. Rephrase items 1-6 using the following 
structure: because they + want/would like/would rather/would rather not/like to ... . Make 
any necessary' changes. 



Thrill seekers 

How to go 
about it 

• You need to develop 
your ideas by using 
simple signposts 
such as 'purpose' 

• Give reasons and 

4 Work in pairs. Look at the Part 3 questions below and choose one or two 

questions from each. Briefly discuss them using the expressions of purpose in exercise 
1. Then take turns asking each other the questions. When your partner has finished 
speaking, give him/her feedback using the checklist on page 210. 


Physical activity 

Do you think that doing physical activity is important nowadays? 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing any kind of physical activity? 

Are people less active than they were in the past? Why/Why not? 

In what ways can people be encouraged to adopt a less sedentary and more active lifestyle? 

Benefits of sport 

What are the social benefits of doing sporting activities? 

Are we more risk averse than we were in the past, that is, do we seek to avoid risks 

How can the lives of young people be made more challenging? 

What are the benefits to the individual and society of people being involved in extreme 
sports? Why? 

(Writing: ) 1 

IELTS Task 1 

Look at the following Task 1 question. Then write the answers to questions 1-9 below in 
full sentences. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The table below shows the percentage of adults aged 16 and over who participated in 
various activities in the four weeks prior to interview in the United Kingdom in 2002. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make 
comparisons where relevant 

Write at least 150 words. 

Participation in various sporting activities 

Males (%) 

Females (%) 

Total (%) 






Cue sports (eg. billards) 
















Weight training 




Keep fit/Yoga 




At least one activity 1 




' Includes other items not separately listed. 

1 Did fewer women than men go swimming? 

2 Was there a far greater proportion of men than women involved in walking? 

3 Were males less likely to take part in sporting activities? 

4 Did nearly twice as many women as men go cycling? 



Thrill seekers 

5 Does the table compare data about male and female involvement in a selection of 
activities in the United Kingdom in 2002? 

6 Did ten per cent of men play football, while no women played? 

7 Compared with males, did more than twice as many females go to keep fit/yoga classes? 

8 Was football the least popular activity overall? 

9 Overall, were males more involved in physical activity than females? 

2 Work in pairs. Match each of your answers to the questions in exercise 1 to section a, b 
or c below. 

a the introduction b the overview c specific data 

3 Underline the words and phrases used to make comparisons in questions 1-9 in 
exercise 1. 

4 Rewrite sentences 1-6 using the words and phrases in the box below. Make any 
necessary changes. 

a smaller proportion of 

a third of the number of 

40% of 

three-quarters half 

five times the number of 

over 50% 


Twice as many cars were sold in June compared to March. 

Half as many care were sold in March compared to June. 

3on*t forget 

'•'ake sure your 
-reduction does 
'otjust copy the 
iVrite a clear 
: .erview. 

Select data and 
compare specific 
:3ta f but do not just 
/.rite a list. 


1 The football match was attended by three times as many spectators as the rugby match. 

2 The sports department was visited by only 20 per cent of the shoppers in February 2009 
when compared to February 2008. 

3 More than four out of every ten competitors were from the main city. 

4 The bulk of players were from overseas rather than home-grown. 

5 A quarter of the members of the sports club paid by cash rather than credit card. 

6 The team lost just under half of the games they played last season. 

Write an answer for the Task 1 question below using the comparative structures in 
Language focus 1 on page 32 and the words and phrases in exercise 4. When you have 
finished, check your answer using the checklist on page 209. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The table below gives information about the participation of 11-14 year-olds by 
gender in extreme sports in the UK in 2003. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make 
comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

Extreme sports that 11-14 year-olds participated in, by gender, 2003 


Male (%) 

Female (%) 

Total (%) 


Mountain biking 








Mountain Climbing 



















1 Decide if the sports in the box below are indoor sports, outdoor sports or both. Then put 
them in the correct column in the table. 

golf snowboarding 



football baseball 






2 Decide which of the sports in exercise 1 require each piece of equipment 1-10 below? 

a ball 


a board 

a wall 





a racquet 

a net 


a bat 

goal posts 




1 Rewrite sentences 1-6 below using an adjective made from the noun underlined . 


People’s lives have less excitement nowadays than in previous generations. 

People’s lives are less exciting nowadays than in previous generations. 

1 Does windsurfing involve greater expense than ordinary surfing? 

2 I find that watching sport has greater appeal for me than taking part. 

3 Which sport presents a greater challenge than any other? 

4 Which sport has the best safety on record? 

5 As they are old, the facilities have less value than those at other clubs. 

6 The club has more success than similar organizations. 

2 Write a full sentence for each list of words in 1-8 below. 

1 India/not/be/big/Africa 

2 Pacific Ocean/be/wide/Atlantic Ocean 

3 mountaineers/not/earn/much/footballers 

4 football matches/attract/far great/numbers/squash tournaments 

5 parkour/seem/much/risky/skateboarding 

6 many sports/demand/stamina/intellect 

7 active/life/be/considerable/harmful/sedentary lifestyle 

8 private cars/make/much/noise/lorries 


Thrill seekers 

Adjectives with prepositions 

Complete sentences 1—7 with a suitable adjective. There may be more than one possible 

1 Are you_on listening to sports commentaries on the radio? 

2 Are you_in meeting famous sports people? 

3 He has enormous stamina. He is_of running for hours. 

4 Sport is like a drug to some people. They are completely_to doing it or 

watching it. 

5 Some people do not find sport interesting. They are completely___ to it. 

6 I like adventure films, but I wouldn’t say I was wildly_about them! 

7 I get easily_with watching sport on TV. 

Word building 

1 For 1-8 below, underline the adjectives and decide if they are correct. Correct any 

1 I found that I was fascinated by the skill required in the game of baseball. 

2 It was clear that he was very motivating and wanted to go back to the gym. 

3 We were all thrilled by the pace of the football game. 

4 Is the noise of the motorbikes in motorsports irritated for you? 

5 I was very interesting in trying out snowboarding for the first time. 

6 She was excited to watch in the horse race, especially when she overtook everyone. 

7 I wasn t annoyed at all by the fact that the rugby team lost; it was a good game. 

8 I was not really challenging by the game of tennis, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

2 Match 1-5 below with a-e to complete the IELTS Speaking Part 1 answers. 

1 I really find skiing thrilling. 

2 I love playing football and rugby, 

3 I’m mad about baseball, especially live 

4 I am very keen on indoor sports, 

5 I’m really enthusiastic about extreme 
sports like hang-gliding. 

a Some people are frightened of heights, 
but I find flying fascinating. 

b I find being in the stadium electrifying. 

c as they are very fast moving team sports and they’re challenging mentally and physically. 

d because where I grew up the weather was too cold to play outside. So I became 
interested in badminton and squash. 

e It’s so exciting racing down a mountain slope at high speed. 

3 The IELTS Speaking Part 1 statements in exercise 2 are personal, but in Part 3 you need 
to talk about abstract ideas. Choose a statement in exercise 3 and write three or four 
sentences about the sport in an abstract way. 


I’m mad about baseball, especially live matches. I find being in the stadium electrifying. 

People generally like baseball because they find the atmosphere in the stadium 

The atmosphere in the stadium at baseball games is often electrifying. 

It is thrilling to watch baseball in a packed stadium. 


Ready for 



The IELTS Listening module has 40 questions and lasts approximately 30 minutes. 
There are four sections with ten questions in each. 

The first two sections are of a social nature. Section 1 is a conversation between 
two people and Section 2 is usually a monologue. However, Section 2 can also be a 
conversation between two people. Sections 3 and 4 are connected with education and 
training. Section 3 is a conversation involving up to four people and Section 4 is a 

You hear each section once only and answer the questions in the question booklet as 
you listen. You are given time to check your answers at the end of each section. At the 
end of the test you have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. A 
brief description is given at the beginning of each section. At the beginning of section 1 
an example is always given. 

The question types used are: 

• multiple choice • notes/form/summary/flow-chart completion 

• short-answer questions • classification 

• sentence completion • matching 

• labelling a diagram/plan/map 

Section 1 

Section 1 is a conversation between two speakers in a social setting (for example, 
enrolling in a club or buying something), which involves the exchange of information 
like personal details. 

The section is divided into two parts. You will be given time to look at the questions 
before each part. 

1 1 -4 Listen and follow the instructions. 

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 

Questions 1-6 

Complete the form below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 

Details for book search 




Book Search 


1 . 


Davne 2. 

ISBN number 

978-0- 3 . 

Paperback book 



Ready for Listening 

Only published in 
No longer in print 
Book category 
Search types: 

4 . 

5 .fiction 


6 £. 

Questions 7-10 

Complete the sentences below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER lor each answer. 
7 The caller’s mobile number is 08967. 

8 Her email address [email protected]. 

9 Her address is.Chaucer House, Ludlow Park Drive, Richmond, 

SW20 9RL. 

10 She doesn’t want to receive any emails about 

2 Work in pairs. Look at the listening script on page 228 and check your answers. 
Underline the words in the questions which show the answer is about to be given. 

Match these words with the answers in the script. 

3 With your partner, discuss the type of questions you have problems with, for 
example, writing down numbers, words with plural endings, or answers which are close 
together or far apart. Compare them with another pair of students. Keep a record of the 
problem areas and think about them while you are studying by yourself and before you 
do a test. 

Section 2 

In Section 2 you will hear a monologue of a social nature like a radio broadcast or a talk 
about a place, but be aware than you may also hear a conversation between two people. 

There may be two or three types of question. The recording is divided into two parts, 
but you will be given time to look at the questions before each part. 

1 In questions 11-16 on page 44, decide which you think you should listen for first: items 
A-G or the parts of the cinema 11-16. 

2 Work in pairs. Decide what synonyms you might hear for the words in A-G. 

3 For questions 17-20, underline the word or words which show the answer is about to 



Ready for Listening 

4 ^7^ 1.5 Listen and follow the instructions. 

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 

Questions 11-16 

Which change has been made to each part of the cinema? 

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 


Regal Cinema Complex 

A enlarged 
B replaced 
C still closed 
D thoroughly cleaned 
E split up 
F brightened up 
G moved 

Part of the cinema 

11 facade 

12 auditorium 

13 foyer 

14 bar 

15 roof terrace 

16 cinema shop 

Questions 17-20 

Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 

17 The renovated cinema will open again from 

A 14th July. 

B 4th July. 

C 14th June. 

18 Which group will receive free tickets during the first week of opening 7 
A Pensioners who attend any evening session. 

B Young people aged 17-25. 

C Children who arrive for a matinee performance. 

19 On Wednesdays the reduction on ticket prices for cinema members will be 

A 25%. 

B 50%. 

C 33%. 

20 A new development at the cinema is the 
A cinematography classes. 

B weekly workshops. 

C monthly talks. 





Ready for Listening 

C monthly talks. 

5 Work in pairs. Look at the listening script on page 229 and check your answers. Find 
the synonyms for the words or phrases in questions 11-16. Were any of the words you 
chose in exercise 2 used? 

Section 3 

In Section 3 you will hear a conversation between two to four people on a topic 
connected with education or training, like preparing for a tutorial or receiving feedback 
on an assignment. 

There may be only one type of question or up to three. The recording is divided into two 
parts, but you will be given time to look at the questions before each part. 

1 Work in pairs. For question 21, decide which words in the stem help prepare you for the 
answer. Decide what synonyms might you hear for each. 

2 For questions 22-24, decide which aspects of research you think are most likely to be 
still undecided at the beginning of a research project. Then think of synonyms for the 
words in A-G. 

3 For questions 25-30, decide w hich answers are numbers and which answers could be 

4 1.6 Listen and follow' the instructions. 

SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 

Question 21 

Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 

21 Zahra’s talk is on electronic gadgets that people 
A find very annoying to have to listen to. 

B bought in the recent past. 

C feel they have to carry with them. 

Questions 22-24 
Choose THREE letters, A-G. 

Which THREE of the following elements of conducting Zahra’s research are mentioned as not 
yet decided? 

A length of the questionnaire 
B pictures to use 
C volume of data 
D duration of interviews 
E period of research 
F age of interviewees 

Cr e^nrjr a .iwi - 



Ready for Listening 

Questions 25-30 

Complete the table below. 


Questionnaire on gadgets 

Tim’s electronic 




Excluding phoning mainly 
for sending 

• texts 

• 25. 



Typing assignments and 26. 



Just listening to music 


Future newspaper reader 

Eventually for 29. 


5 Work in pairs. Look at the listening script on page 229 to check if any of the words or 
phrases you chose for exercise 2 were used. 

Section 4 

In Section 4 you will hear a talk or lecture of an educational/academic nature. You do 
not need any specialist knowledge to understand the talk. 

There may be only one type of question or up to three. There is no break in the middle, 
but there is a pause of a few seconds. You will be given time to look at all of the questions 
before you begin. 

1 Work in pairs. For questions 31-35, decide which words in the stem indicate the answer 
is about to be given. Then think of paraphrases for the alternatives A-C. 

2 For questions 36-40, study the diagram carefully and make sure you know the sequence 
the information is given in. 

3 1 .7 Listen and follow the instructions. 

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 

Questions 31-35 

Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 

Cloud-seeding to provide rain 

31 Boreholes provide water for 
A industrial use. 

B agricultural purposes. 

C domestic consumption. 

32 According to the speaker, in the past people have tried to induce rain by 
A supernatural means. 

B using fires. 

C special dances. 



Ready for Listening 

33 There is some proof that seeding clouds increases rainfall by 
A 15%. 

B 55%. 

C 25%. 

34 According to the speaker, why do some people not support cloud seeding? 
A The benefits of the practice are limited. 

B The costs of the equipment are too great. 

C The effects of playing with nature are unknown. 

35 The country that is most keen on cloud seeding is 
A Russia. 

B China. 

C the USA. 

Questions 36-40 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 

How cloud seeding works 



From the air 

From the ground 

Silver iodide crystals 
released in clouds 

40 Silver iodide crystals carried 
up by heat to. 

dropped from 


\ ' \\^ \ 

37 Drops of water combine with 38 Ground seeding 

crystals to make the. 

and then fall as rain or snow 

4 Check your answers in the listening script on page 230. 

What to expect in the exam 

At the end of Section 4 you will be given ten minutes to 
transfer your answers from the question booklet to the 
answer sheet. In order that you do not lose any marks 
when you are transferring your answers it is important to 
do the following: 

make sure that you transfer all the answers and put 
them in the correct boxes 
take great care with spelling, especially with plural 
words and countable and uncountable nouns 
make sure that you do not copy words from the 
questions as part of the answers 



Global problems 

and opportunities. 

Vocabulary 1: General category nouns 

1 ^ With a partner, describe each ol the photographs. Then discuss the questions 




• Describe your reaction to each photograph. 

• Do you think any of the photographs present any opportunities? Give reasons and examples. 

• Do you think problems and difficult situations can present us with opportunities? 

Nouns such as situation and problem can help you to organize your ideas when you are 
writing or speaking and to understand what you are reading about. Which noun can 
you use in both of the gaps below? 

Computer waste is a serious world __. It is now accumulating alt over the world 

The _, however can be solved by ... 

Match each group of adjectives 1-8 with a noun a-h that collocates with 
adjectives in the group. 

1 acute/serious/insurmountable 

2 golden/excellent/perfect 

3 adverse/unfavourable/trying 

4 ideal/dangerous/sticky 

5 imaginative/effective/perfect 

6 memorable/festive/state 

7 significant/political/momentous 

8 burning/controversial/thorny 

all of the 

a circumstances 
b problem 
c opportunity 
d event 
e issue 
f occasion 
g situation 
h solution 


Global problems and opportunities 

3 Complete sentences 1-8 with a word from the box below. Make any necessary changes. 

issue incident outcome problem possibility 
impression dilemma event 

1 I would like to describe an amusing_from my work. 

2 There is a faint_that the plan will succeed. 

3 All governments face a terrible_over funding priorities. 

4 A series of significant_occurred in the early part of the 19th century, 

which changed the face of transport for ever. 

5 Instead of being seen as a serious_, the situation should be thought of as 

a golden opportunity. 

6 Energy costs have been a burning_several times in the last few decades. 

7 The sight of the natural forest made a profound_on me. 

8 The_of the talks was not totally unexpected. 

4 Match each sentence 1-6 with a sentence a- 
help you identify the connection. 

1 I lost my wallet last week. 

2 I went to my sister’s wedding. 

3 After leaving college, I found 
myself with lots of free time. 

4 Both sides refuse to talk to each other. 

5 Experimentation on animals is 

6 I was offered a scholarship to 
go to university. 

-f. Use the adjectives and nouns in a-f to 

a It was too good an opportunity to miss, 
b It is a rather awkward situation, 
c It is a divisive issue that arouses 

d It was the happiest event of her life, 
e These were the perfect circumstances to 
write my first novel, 
f It was an annoying incident, which 
I reported to the police. 

5 O) Work in pairs. Choose one or more of the following events and tell your partner 
what happened: 

• an amusing incident from your work • an event that made a profound 

• a golden opportunity you missed impression on you 

^Listening ) 

iELTS Section 4 

What to expect in the exam 

• In IELTS Listening Section 4 you will hear a monologue once only. It is of an academic nature, but 
does not require specialist knowledge. 

• You are told at the beginning of the recording what the topic is about. Sometimes there is a 
heading for the questions or part of the questions. 

• There is a short pause in the middle of the monologue. 

• Section 4 is slightly more difficult than Section 3. 

How to go about it 

Skim the questions quickly to get an idea of the content. 

• Underline words, dates etc. that will help to show that the answer is coming. 

Sometimes, the answers come close together and sometimes there is a big gap between them. 
Make sure you do not lose concentration. 

When you have to complete gaps, check the number of words or numbers that you need 
to write and decide what type of words are required: nouns (singular or plural, countable or 
uncountable), verbs, adjectives or adverbs. 

Work in pail's. Describe the railway system in your country. Say when it was first 
introduced and how efficient it is. 



Global problems and opportunities 

1.8 SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 

Questions 31-37 

Complete the table below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 


Modern railway developments 


William Jessop’s 31.is considered to be the first one ever built. 


The achievements of Richard Trevithick passed mainly 32. 


The Salamanca was the first commercially successful 33. 


The Darlington to Stockton railway was at first constructed to carry 

34.Carrying 35.was considered unimportant. 


The Liverpool to Manchester line was the first modern railway, because it carried 

merchandise and 36.on a fixed timetable. 37.were felt 

to be hindering the growth of the cities and towns in the area. 

Questions 38-40 
Choose THREE letters, A-F. 

Which THREE of the following consequences of the opening of the new Liverpool to 
Manchester railway are mentioned? 

A Coal became scarce 
B Cotton prices rose 
C Passenger numbers rose 
D The volume of goods transported went up 
E No new canals were built 
F Canal charges fell 

Global problems and opportunities 

Language focus 1: Countable and uncountable nouns 

1 At the beginning of the listening practice on page 50 you 
heard the phrases below. Underline the nouns and decide 
which are countable and which are uncountable? 

... the development of early forms of transport... 

... new opportunities for innovation and progress... 

... in the evolution ... 

2 Match each uncountable noun 1-10 with a countable noun 
a-j that is associated with it. What other countable nouns 

can you add in each category? 









































Read more about countable and uncountable nouns 
in the Grammar reference on page 221. 

3 For sentences 1-8, replace the words in italics with a word or 
phrase from the box below. Make any necessary changes to 
the verb. 

suggestions machines information behaviour 
musical instruments robberies and thefts language 

1 Cans and bottles are an eyesore on any city street. 

2 Some machinery is expensive to maintain. 

3 The actions of football hooligans cost the public large 
amounts of money. 

4 Details about the damage appeared in the newspaper. 

5 Crime is surprisingly on the decrease. 

6 Music is played by many people as a means of relaxation. 

7 Advice from the right person about which career path to 
follow is vital. 

8 The words and phrases all children pick up follow fairly 
similar patterns. 

4 Expand the notes below into sentences. Put the nouns into 

the singular or plural and use the correct form of the verb. 

1 many business now demand lot work employee 

2 people expect good weather when go holiday 

3 theatre audience decline generally but audience for new 
musical extremely small last night 

4 increased use public transport bus train good environment 

5 with increase price paper book newspaper become 

6 coffee tea commodity which see fall in value recently 

7 entertainment like horror and violent film should ban 

8 electronic goods refrigerators cause considerable harm 

5 For sentences 1 -8 below, underline the correct word in 


1 There is now no need for people to throw away 
equipment/equipments like computer/computers. 

2 The weather/weathers deteriorated rapidly with severe 
storm/storms forecast. 

3 Information/Informations like bank detail/details 
should not be revealed for security reasons. 

4 Business/Businesses done on the Internet can save 
business/businesses large amounts of money. 

5 People frequently travel with a huge amount of luggage / 
luggages, when only a small number of case/cases is 
allowed on board. 

6 Furniture/Furnitures is made by skilled craftsmen 
working in woodlwoods from different tree/trees. 

7 Waste/Wastes such as litter/litters ought to be recycled, 
not thrown away. 

8 People sometimes need to do other job/jobs besides their 
permanent work/works to earn more money/moneys. 

Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 1 

In IELTS Speaking Part 1 you may be asked to talk about the natural resources in your 
country such as oil and metal, or food products such as tea and coffee. Look at the 
examiners questions below. Underline the countable nouns and ( ^ircle )the uncountable 

1 Describe the main types of food resources that are 
produced in your country. 

2 What goods are manufactured in your home country? 

3 What types of food are produced in your country? 

4 What produce is exported/imported? 

5 What is the staple food in your country? 

6 What commodities are produced in your country? 

7 Is the merchandise sold in the shops in your country 
the same as in other countries you have visited? 

8 What crops are grown in your country? 


Work in pairs. Choose three or four of the questions in exercise 1. Take turns 
asking and answering the questions. Pay particular attention to the nouns and verbs. 


Global problems and opportunities 


IELTS Reading Passaqe 

What are the three most shocking environmental catastrophes that you have heard 
or read about in the media recently? Do you think financial penalties are a way to stop sud 
incidents? Whv/Whv not? 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

? of sea life , 

A 'plastic soup’ of waste floating in 
the Pacific Ocean is growing at an 
alarming rate, and now covers an 
area twice the size of the continental 
United States, scientists have said. 

The vast expanse of debris - in effect 
the world's largest rubbish dump - is I 
held in place by swirling underwater 
currents. This drifting 'soup' stretches 
from about 500 nautical miles off the 
Californian coast, across the northern 
Pacific, past Hawaii and almost as far I 
as Japan. 

Charles Moore, an American 
oceanographer who discovered the 
'Great Pacific Garbage Patch', or 
'trash vortex', believes that about 100 
million tons of flotsam are circulating 
in the region. Marcus Eriksen, a 
research director of the US-based 
Algalita Marine Research Foundation, which Mr Moore founded, said yesterday: 'The original idea that people 
had was that it was an island of plastic garbage that you could almost walk on. It is not quite like that. It is 
almost like a plastic soup. It is endless for an area that is maybe twice the size as continental United States.' 

The 'soup' is actually two linked areas, either side of the islands of Hawaii, known as the Western and Eastern 
Pacific Garbage Patches. About one-fifth of the debris - which includes everything from footballs and kayaks to 
Lego blocks and carrier bags - is thrown off ships or oil platforms. The rest comes from land. 

Mr Moore, a former sailor, came across the sea of waste by chance in 1997 while taking a short cut home 
from a Los Angeles to Hawaii yacht race. He had steered his craft into the 'North Pacific gyre' - a vortex where 
the ocean circulates slowly because of little wind and extreme high pressure systems. Usually sailors avoid it. 

He was astonished to find himself surrounded by rubbish, day after day, thousands of miles from land. 'Every 
time I came on deck, there was trash floating by,' he said in an interview. 'How could we have fouled such a 
huge area? How could this go on for a week?' 

Mr Moore, the heir to a family fortune from the oil industry, subsequently sold his business interests and 
became an environmental activist. He warned yesterday that unless consumers cut back on their use of 
disposable plastics, the plastic stew would double in size over the next decade. 

Professor David Karl, an oceanographer at the University of Hawaii, said more research was needed to 
establish the size and nature of the plastic soup, but that there was 'no reason to doubt' Algalita's findings. 

'After all, the plastic trash is going somewhere and it is about time we got a full accounting of the distribution 
of plastic in the marine ecosystem and especially its fate and impact on marine ecosystems.' 

Professor Karl is co-ordinating an expedition with Algalita in search of the garbage patch later this year and 
believes the expanse of debris actually represents a new habitat. Historically, rubbish that ends up in oceanic 
gyres has biodegraded. But modern plastics are so durable that objects half-a-century old have been found 
in the north Pacific dump. 'Every little piece of plastic manufactured in the past 50 years that made it into the 
ocean is still out there somewhere,' said Tony Andrady, a chemist with the US-based Research Triangle Institute 
Mr Moore said that because the sea of rubbish is translucent and lies just below the water's surface, it is not 
detectable in satellite photographs. 'You only see it from the bows of ships,' he said. 

According to the UN Environment Programme, plastic debris causes the deaths of more than a million seabirds 
every year, as well as more than 100,000 marine mammals. Syringes, cigarette lighters and toothbrushes have 
been found inside the stomachs of dead seabirds, which mistake them for food. 



Global problems and opportunities 

How to go 
about it 

^questions 1-9: 

• Decide whether 
the summary 
relates to one part 
or the whole of 
the passage. This 
summary relates to 
the whole passage 
and does not have a 
title, so look at the 
title of the passage 
and then skim the 

- Skim the summary 
without looking at 
the wordlist. 

• Decide what type 
of word is needed 
for each space and 
think of your own 
word. The answers 
can be all nouns, or 
a mixture of nouns, 
verbs, adjectives 
and adverbs. 

• Skim the wordlist 
and try to answer 
where you can, 
using grammar and 
collocation to help 

• Check your answers 
with the passage. 
Sometimes the 
answers in the 
summary are in a 
different order from 
the passage, 
questions 10-13: 

• Yes/No/Not Given 
questions check the 
views or claims of 
the writer. Underline 
the words in the 
questions that will 
help you scan for 
the information in 
the passage. 

Plastic is believed to constitute 90 per cent of all rubbish floating in the oceans. The UN 
Environment Programme estimated in 2006 that every square mile of ocean contains 
46,000 pieces of floating plastic. 

Dr Eriksen said the slowly rotating mass of rubbish-laden water poses a risk to human 
health too. Hundreds of millions of tiny plastic pellets, or nurdles - the raw materials for 
the plastic industry - are lost or spilled every year, working their way into the sea. These 
pollutants act as chemical sponges attracting man-made chemicals such as hydrocarbons 
and the pesticide DDT. They then enter the food chain. 'What goes into the ocean goes into 
these animals and onto your dinner plate. It's that simple,' said Dr Eriksen. 

Questions 1-9 

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-Q, below. 

Research has shown that the increase in the amount of 1.in the Pacific Ocean 

is disturbing. According to one estimate, there are millions of tons of rubbish floating in the 

region. The plastic rubbish covers an area approximately 2.that of the USA. 

Some of the garbage comes from ships and oil rigs, but the vast 3.is not 

from the sea. The ‘North Pacific gyre’, which sailors tend to keep away from, was already 

4 .in the late nineties with predictions of the size of the plastic soup 

5 .twofold in the following ten years. An expedition is being arranged to find 

the sea junk which Professor Karl thinks is a new living 6.While in the past 

rubbish in the sea broke up, today’s plastic is so-7.that some pieces half a 

century old have been found. And the problems all this plastic junk causes? Thousands of 
sea 8.are killed every year and the plastic is now a threat to human food 


A polluted 

B junk 

C short-lived 

D majority 

E increasing 

F cleaner 

G twice 

H thrice 

1 consumption 

J link 

K creatures 

L produce 

M minority 

N long-lasting 

O decreasing 

P environment 

Q world 

Questions 10-13 

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the reading passage? 

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer 

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer 

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 

10 The plastic soup is the biggest collection of waste on the planet. 

11 The soup is made of three areas connected together. 

12 The amount of plastic waste in the sea will remain roughly stable. 

13 Most of the rubbish in the sea appears to be made up of plastic. 

Reacting to the text 

Were you surprised by the scale of the ocean pollution described in the passage? 

Do you think anything can be done to deal with the situation, or are we fighting a losing 



Global problems and opportunities 

Language focus 2: Making suggestions 

1 Work in pairs. The reading passage on page 52 
describes a major environmental problem. Decide which 
one of the following suggestions is the best solution to the 

1 The United Nations Environment Programme could be 
given powers to fine nations who cause pollution. 

2 The most important step is to prevent the situation from 
becoming worse by introducing heavy punishments for 
pollution, including imprisonment. 

3 Countries on the Pacific Rim should seize the opportunity 
to start a clean up programme. 

4 Ships ought to be sent to the area to remove the waste 
from the water. 

2 Underline the words used to make a suggestion in each 
sentence 1-4 in exercise 1 .Then decide whether each 
measure is a strong or tentative (weak) suggestion. 

Read more about making suggestions in the 
Grammar reference on page 221. 

3 Work in pairs. Look at the following statements 1-7 
about grave concerns that the world faces today. Discuss 
what you think might be the best solution for each. 

1 There is famine in many parts of the world. 

2 Poverty has still not been eradicated. 

3 Floods are occurring more frequently. 

4 Many of the world's waterways have little life in them. 

5 Many species of animals are becoming extinct. 

6 Many cities are becoming overcrowded. 

7 Water is becoming scarce in various regions. 

4 Rewrite sentences a-g below using the modal verbs in 


The most important step is to prevent the situation from 
becoming worse, (should) 

The situation should be prevented from becoming worse. 

a The best example I can think of is for governments to try to 
encourage people to return to the countryside, (ought to) 
b Another possible course of action is for banks to cancel 
the international debts of poor countries, (could) 
c One suggestion is for governments to provide poorer 
countries with the skills to feed themselves, (should) 
d One possible answer is to oxygenate rivers and 
reintroduce fish, (could) 

e One possibility is to put protection orders on all wild 
animals, (can) 

f There is a slim chance that water desalination plants will 
work in some regions, (might) 

g I think that planting more trees is the best option, (should) 

5 Match each suggestion in exercise 4 to a problem in exercise 3. 

6 Work in pairs. Write one new suggestion for each 
problem in exercise 3. Then change partners and ask each 
other questions about the suggestions you have made. Use 
the following questions: 

What do you think is the answer to solve/tacklel 
remedy/deal with/eradicate/improve ... ? 

What do you think can be done to... ? 

Vocabulary 2: Developing ideas by expanding the meaning of adjectives 

1 When we write and speak we can use words that are similar in meaning to develop or 
explain our ideas. For 1-7 below, underline the correct verb in italics. 

1 Some people find buying consumer goods very satisfying. Sometimes, it is just the act 
of purchasing which coaxes!pleases them. 

2 Positive health education on TV can be motivating. It can encourage/frighten people to 
improve their lifestyle. 

3 The results were alarming. It frightened/interested the government so much they actually 
took some action. 

4 The news on TV is sometimes very worrying. It can trouble/tempt people all day long. 

5 Disaster movies are very appealing to many people. It is the fact that they feel 
comfortable and safe themselves as they watch that excites/attracts them. 

6 I found the festivities really interesting. They bothered/fascinated me so much that I had 
to read more about them. 

7 The scale of crime in some cities has been so shocking it has stunned/pleased even 
the police. 

2 Rewrite 1-7 in exercise 1 by transforming the verb in italics into the adjective and the 
adjective into the verb. 



Some people find buying consumer goods very pleasing. Sometimes, it isjust the act of 
purchasing which satisfies them. 


Global problems and opportunities 

1 In Task 2 the instructions ask you to support your ideas by giving reasons and examples, 
so it is important to know how to link your ideas to form paragraphs. Read the 
following paragraph on homelessness and decide whether the words that will go in each 
gap will introduce an example, result, contrast, reason, purpose or concession. 

Many major cities like New York, London or Paris face problems relating to 

homelessness, mainly 1_there is a shortage of housing and high 

rents for property. 2_there are many empty properties in these 

cities, which could be used to alleviate the situation. Governments should 

3_encourage property owners to rent out the properties to those 

without homes. 4_, incentives can be given to owners by giving 

tax relief or subsidies 5_help release empty properties on to the 

market. Measures like this would 6_help to alleviate the situation. 

7_this is not a complete answer to the problem, it ought to be 


2 Complete each gap in the paragraph in exercise 1 with a linking word from the box 

for example therefore yet in order to because although then 

3 Put the linking words and phrases in the box below into the correct column in the table. 


nevertheless though nonetheless 


still but 

yet even so while even if 

despite the fact that 

much as 

in spite of the fact that 




4 For sentences 1-5 below, underline the correct word in italics. There may be more than 
one possible answer. 

1 People tend to be pessimistic about their present circumstances. But/However,/Although 
I think the human race is eternally optimistic; otherwise, how would we survive? 

2 Man-made problems such as the plastic soup in the Pacific Ocean are disastrous, 
but/however,/although perhaps this time we can learn from our mistakes. 

3 While/Although/However, green technology is certainly beneficial, there are issues that 
we need to be careful about. 

4 Even so,/Even if/Though the human race faces problems, there are always opportunities 
to use them for further development. 

5 Many people believe that the changes we see in the world are a result of natural causes. 
Even so,/Nonetheless,/Whereas there is compelling evidence to the contrary. 



Global problems and opportunities 

How to go 
about it 

Write any ideas 
that you can think 
of that relate to 
the essay topic. 
Write the ideas at 
random around the 
page or vertically 
down the left hand 

; Select two or three 
main ideas and 
link other ideas 
from the list to 
the main ideas. 
Alternatively, take 
one idea and think 
of other nouns 
and adjectives that 
relate to it. 

5 Work in pairs. Look at the Task 2 question below and make a list of 5-7 ideas for your - 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

It is generally agreed that the amount of rubbish created by humans today is a worldwide 
problem. What do you think are the main causes of this situation? What measures can be 
used to tackle the problem? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

6 As a class, identify the linking words and phrases you would use to develop and connect 
your ideas. 

7 Look at the following ideas relating to the question. Decide whether each column A and 
B relates to causes or examples. Then match each item 1-6 in A with an item a-f in B. 








lack of education 
and ignorance 
natural causes 
unchecked development 
increased consumption 
energy demands 







merchandise, for example, cars/clothes/ 


throwing away waste like plastic bottles/paper 

large cities like Mexico City/London 

infrastructure for roads/airports 

disasters such as flooding/avalanches 

8 Write your own answer to the question in exercise 5. When you have finished, check 
vour answer using the checklist on page 209. 



Global problems and opportunities 

(Speaking ) 

1 Prepare notes for the following Part 2 task card. 

Describe a recent incident where you damaged 
the environment. 

You should say: 

when it happened 

where it happened 

how you felt about it 

and explain what you learnt from this incident. 

- —-- 

2 Work in pairs. Take turns talking about the topic, using your notes to guide you. 

Speak for up to two minutes; time each other using a stopwatch. 

(Speaking ) 1 

Work in pairs. Look at each Part 3 question below and decide: 

• what synonyms you can use for the nouns, verbs and adjectives in each sentence. 

How to go 
about it 

Develop your answers 
with reasons and 

Try to use synonyms 
of words in the 
questions where you 

Use words like but 
and although to 
show contrast and 

Make sure you use 
uncountable and 
countable nouns 
with the correct form 
of the verb. 

Use adjectives to 
qualify ideas and 
associated words to 
develop them. 

• whether you are likely to use uncountable or countable nouns to begin each answer. 

News and events 

Do media like TV and newspapers influence the way people behave? Why? 
How can the media encourage people to change their behaviour as regards the 
environment? Which do you think is the best means of achieving this? 

Do you think the future will be any different? Will there be more environmental 
issues to concern us? 

World problems 

Do you think that people should be concerned about the world’s environmental 

What do you think individuals can do to tackle world electronic waste like 
computers, if anything? 

Do you think waste created from discarded machines is causing more problems 
nowadays than in the past? 

Do you think mankind faces more dilemmas now than in the past? 

2 Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions above, asking 

additional questions where necessary; Choose two or more of the bullet points in the 
‘How to go about it' box above to check as you listen to your partner. Give each other 
feedback after each role-play. 



Q Review 


1 Decide which noun is being explained in 1-6 below. 

1 _A situation where you have to make difficult choices. 

2 _A matter like a problem that you discuss. 

3 _Something which happens that is usually important or historic; more than 

just an occasion or an incident. 

4 _Something which gives you a chance to do something. 

5 _ Something which happens that is minor; it is not a big or important event. 

6 _A feeling you have about someone or something. 

2 Read the following extracts from IELTS Speaking Part 2. Decide whether the nouns in 
italics are correct. Replace the nouns that are not correct. 

I would like to describe 
an incident that happened to me at college. 

Just before a major presentation on crisis management in 
environmental disasters I almost had a 1 crisis myself. A minor 
2 event happened which made a lasting 3 impression on me. I lost my bag: 

I was daydreaming and left it on a bench. My money, keys, mobile and laptop 
everything was in it. It was a terrible 4 problem to be in. I saw the 
5 possibility of failing my course flash in front of me. Someone in the distance, 
another student, saw it happen and came rushing after me. A minor 
6 occasion perhaps, but it taught me that there are 7 events when 
you meet honest people. All 8 situations are, in fact, 
perfect 9 opportunities for making friends. 

3 Use the initial letter before each blank space to help you complete the sentences below' 
with an appropriate adjective and verb. Be careful with the form of each verb. 

1 The film was s_. It s_me completely and I couldn’t stop 

thinking about it. 

2 When you find a book that is i_and it f_you, it is difficult to put 


3 What makes the sea so a_? I think it a_people because it is so 


4 Sorting out problems is so s_. It is the relief of removing difficulty from their 

lives which p_people. 

5 Some images at the exhibition on the destruction of the environment are so a_ 

that it left people extremely f_. 

6 I don’t find government attempts to change behaviour very m_. They 

frighten people rather than e_them. 

7 The news item about the plastic soup in the Pacific Ocean was w_. It 

t_me for days. 



Global problems and opportunities 

Countable and uncountable nouns 

For 1-9 below, complete the table with a suitable uncountable noun for the examples of 
countable nouns that are given. 

Uncountable nouns 

Countable nouns 

1 litter 

bottles and cans 


coats and hats 




trunks and cases 


bananas and pineapples 


bedsits and rooms 


wardrobes and beds 


robberies and muggings 


journals and films 

Making suggestions 

Suggest as many solutions as you can to the problem of water shortages in the world. 
Give the results of the suggestions. Use the following words: should, ought to, might, 
could, one possibility, one step. 


Mobile desalination plants could be built and sent in response to emergencies around 
the world. This would help poor nations who cannot afford to build permanent plants. 

One possibility is to train the public to conserve the water supply when they are using 
water at home. For example, when cleaning their teeth people could turn the tap off 
while they brush. 


1 For sentences 1-4 below, underline the correct word in italics. There may be more than 
one possible answer. 

1 The steps that need to be taken are unacceptable to some people. Nevertheless,/Yet/Still 
they need to be taken. 

2 Despite the fact that/ln spite of that!However, there are constant public campaigns to 
help prevent pollution, the public continue to ignore the warnings. 

3 Immigration is frequently seen as a negative issue, yet/however,/even so, it is vital for 
most modern economies. 

4 Much as!Although!But I am against short-term solutions to problems, I think the 
government should donate food immediately. 

2 Look at the two examples below of IELTS Writing Task 2 questions. What are the 
similarities and differences between them? Think about the topic and how you would 
organize the answer. 

a Some people feel that water shortages will cause serious problems in the future, while 
others believe that such shortages are just temporary natural events. What is your opinion? 
b Water shortages are causing serious problems all over the world. What do you think are 
the main causes of this situation? 



Language focus: Ways of looking at the future 

1 O Work in groups. Look at the pictures below. Which represents your view of what the future will look like? Why? 

2 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below. 

Do you think machines will control our lives in the future? In 
what ways? Give reasons. 

How do you think machines will improve our lives in the 

Do you think it is possible that machines will control or 
govern the planet in the future? 

3 Read statements 1-6 below and decide whether each is a 
prediction, plan or fixed schedule. 

1 We re going to visit 
a science exhibition this 

think people will be 
living on Mars in 20 years. 

2 I’m leaving in 50 minutes. 

4 By 2050 machines like 
robots will have taken over 
our world. 

5 Civilization as we know it 
will no longer exist. It will be 
very advanced technologically. 

6 The space shuttle to the 
moon lifts off at 10pm. 

4 Match descriptions a-f below to sentences 1 -6 in exercise 3. 

a The present continuous tense is used for fixed 

b Going to is used for intentions or plans, 
c The future simple tense is used for predictions or instant 

d The future continuous tense is used for a situation which 
will be happening at a particular time in the future, 
e The future perfect tense is used for a completed action at 
or before a point of time in the future, 
f The present simple tense is used for events that relate to 
a schedule/timetable. 

Read more about different ways to talk about the 
future in the Grammar reference on page 222. 

5 For 1 -5 below, underline the two verb phrases and match 
them to a description a-f in exercise 4. 

1 As we're flying tomorrow morning at 8 am, shall I arrange 
an alarm call for 5 am? 

2 Why are the government going to spend less money on 
technological research in the future? I think it'll do a lot 
of harm. 

3 By tomorrow, we'll have completed the computer project 
and it'll be working perfectly. 

4 Some people believe robots are going to be the next big 
techno craze, but it won't last long. 

5 When she arrives tomorrow, she'll be carrying a red bag. 



The future 

t For 1-5 below, replace the verb that is in the wrong tense. 

1 People will be living in space in the year 2050, but will 
they really have enjoyed it? 

2 According to the timetable, the train arrives at noon. 

I'll sit at the front if you are looking for me. 

3 I'm staying at the Braganza Hotel for four days next 
week, so I'll have met you on Tuesday. 

4 The government are going to change the law next 
month. At least that's their intention, but I bet something 
is happening to make them change their minds. 

5 The public will have become better informed about 
healthy eating by then, and are thus going to improve 
their general well-being. 

7 Work in pairs. For sentences 1 -6 below, decide whether you 

can rewrite each one using the tense in brackets. Decide what 

the difference is. 

1 I'll be seeing the doctor next Wednesday at 2.00. 

(present simple) 

2 Society is not going to change dramatically by 2030. 
(future perfect) 

3 The ageing population is going to cause more problems in 
terms of cost in the future. 

(present continuous) 

4 The world will certainly have changed for the better by 

(going to) 

5 The human race will be living in more closely-knit 
communities in the future. 

(simple future) 

6 My diary is full, but perhaps I'll be able to meet you on 

(going to) 

8 Work in pairs. Make predictions about what your life 

will be like next year, five years from now and ten years from 
now. Give reasons and examples. 

Vocabulary 1: Adjective/noun collocations 

1 Work in pairs. For 1-8 below, use an adjective fr om the box to replace the words in 
italics to make a common collocation. Place the adjective before the noun. 

1 a civilization that is current and contemporary 

2 societies that live off the land 

3 a culture that is stronger than other cultures 

4 communities that are doing well and are successful 

5 the public that is made up of ordinary people 

6 populations that live in towns and cities 

7 the elite that controls and runs a country 

8 a people that live in a particular region 









2 Complete each gap in the paragraph below with one of the noun collocations fr om 
exercise 1. 

The 1_has widely different views about what life will be like in 

years to come. 5ome pessimists predict that 2_as we know it will 

collapse in the near future, and that people will end up living in 3_ 

just as their ancestors did before the Industrial Revolution. Othersthinkthat 

4_will increase in size so much that there will be no agricultural 

land left, and that there will be one 5 _rather than the multicultural 

world of today with a 6_made up of robots controlling everything 

and everyone. 

3 Work in groups. What is your reaction to the predictions in exercise 2? Do you 
think life will be very different in the near future? Why/Why not? 

www.booksmania.net 1 

The future 

(Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 3 

1 C^> Work in pairs. Use the picture 

below to help you talk about the world 
in the future. Describe the following: 

• what will be happening 

• what will happen 

• what will have happened 

Useful expressions 

In 101201501100 years' time ... 

Over the next century... 

Before the end of the century... 

By the time we reach the end of the century... 
In the coming decades... 


Don't forget 

In Part 3 you need 
to talk in more 
abstract terms. 


IELTS Section 1 


£ Work in pairs. Look at the Part 3 questions below. Then take turns asking and 
answering the questions. When you have finished, give each other feedback using the 
checklist on page 210. _ 


Do you think we should be pessimistic about machines like robots taking over 
our lives? Why?/Why not? 

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using machines 
like robots? 

The world in the future 

In what ways do you think society will change in the future? 

How do you think modern civilization will develop over the next half century? 

Do you think humans will be living on another planet in the future? Why/Why 

Why do you think people make predictions about the future? 

You will hear someone enquiring about and booking an exhibition. Before you listen to 
the conversation, check the meaning of the following words and phrases. 

1 booking office 

2 preview 

3 the week after next 

4 restrictions 

5 sign up for 

6 come up 

7 register 

8 range 


The future 

Don't forget! 

Read the questions 
and check whether 
numbers or words 
are required. 

Check if there are 
any answers that 
may contain plural 

C> i.9 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 

Questions 1-6 

Complete the notes below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER lor each answer. 

Notes on Exhibition 

Example Answer 

Title of Exhibition: Robots: the end ofmodern civilization 

Two free: 1. 

Day(s) exhibition full: 2. 

Days chosen by caller: 3 .and 

Reference number: 


Eating facilities 

• 15 restaurants 

• Including 5 .cafes 

• Local restaurants putting on 6 .... 

Questions 7-10 


• Halls of Residence £30 a night 

• Hotels from about £30 to approximately 7 £. 

Transport Links 

• Within walking distance of the station and 8.from the airport 

• It is possible to catch bus number 9. 

• A taxi costs no more than 10 £. 

2 > Do you like going to exhibitions? 

Do you like to book in advance or do you like to turn up on the spur of the moment? 
Would you go to an exhibition on robots? Why/Why not? 

The future 

Word building: Forming adjectives from nouns 

1 Work in pairs. Make adjectives from the nouns in the box below and add them to the 
correct column in the table. 

use luxury technology success population space 
beauty agriculture tradition nation danger industry 

Adjectives ending -a/ 

Adjectives ending -ous 

Adjectives ending -ful 

For 1-8 below, complete the gaps with a suitable adjective from exercise 1. 

_, but in the future 

1 At the moment some houses in my community are very 
they will not be so big. 

2 I cannot say it is a. 

computers spread that will change. 

3 The area where I was brought up is very. 

society at the moment, but as the Internet and 

with lots of trees and stunning 

gardens, but I think all this beauty will be destroyed by future developments. 

4 My home town still survives on the production of-crafts, but I think that 

modern industry is beginning to creep in. 

5 We have many_monuments, but people forget what important events they 


_office blocks with all the latest modern facilities and expensive furniture wil 

replace old factories and buildings 

7 I come from one of the most 

regions of the world, and I think it will become 

even more crowded in the future. 

8 My home town is. 
overwhelmed yet. 

at attracting tourists, but it’s not in danger of becoming 




IELTS Reading Passage 

CD Work in pairs. Choose one or more statement from exercise 2 that relates to you 
Explain the statements you have chosen. Give reasons and examples. 

Glance quickly at the title, sub-title and the passage as a whole and write down at least 
five points that you think the text will contain. Then answer the following questions: 

• what made you choose the five points you wrote down? 

• what do you think the word pragmatics might mean in the sub-heading? 



The future 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage 

As Japan builds a new generation of robot companions, U.S. firms focus on pragmatics 

Meet Wakamaru and Roomba, two householdhelper robots with 
very different pedigrees. Wakamaru, from Mitsubishi Heavy 
Industries, is a waist-high bot with a canary yellow exterior and 
limpid eyes. It can recognize 10,000 Japanese words, identify 
eight family members by face or voice, remind you to make an 
appointment or make your beds and, if somebody breaks into your 
house, send photographs of the intruder to your mobile phone. 
When the machine rolled off the assembly line in 2005, Mitsubishi 
expected U.S. sales to reach 10,000 models a year, despite the 
bot’s $15,000 price tag. Instead, the company filled only a few 
dozen orders. Wakamaru is now off the market and being rented 
out as a receptionist at $1,000 a day. 

Roomba, by contrast, looks more like an appliance than a robotic 

friend. The frisbee-like disc’s sole purpose is to vacuum, which it does automatically, thanks to sensors that adjust the settings 
to suit different floor types, avoid drop-offs like stairs and navigate between table legs and household pets. Starting price: 

$130. Massachusetts firm iRobotCorp. has sold more than 3 million of the machines. 

Wakamaru and Roomba represent radically different approaches to the next big thing in robotics: the use of robot assistants 
in the office, hospital and home. The Japanese, who have long been fascinated by the robot as android, are concentrating 
on making machines that look and act like human beings. U.S. firms, on the other hand, have eschewed the flashier android 
approach and instead are emphasizing products that, like Roomba, are narrowly targeted to specific tasks like mowing lawns, 
cleaning pools and taking patients’ vital signs. 

So far, the success of Roomba suggests that the U.S. firms have the upper hand. But the race is only beginning and the stakes 
are potentially huge. The market for personal and service robots is about $3 billion now, but is expected to reach $15 billion 
by 2015, according to the Japan Robotics Association and market analysts like ABI Research. In 10 years or so, experts 
predict, sales of personal robots could surpass sales of industrial robots, now about $4.6 billion a year. 

The issue for robot developers is whether the technology of artificial intelligence will allow Japanese developers to fulfill their 
vision of friendly robots capable of working alongside people. If so, Japan could be in a position to dominate the next phase of 
robotics. If not, the Americans, with their pragmatic but uninspiring designs, could win the race. 

Japan approaches this new market from a position of strength. Over the past 50 years, it has become the undisputed leader 
in industrial robots, supplying 40 percent of the world market. At the same time, Japanese pop culture has become saturated 
with images of friendly droids from Manga cartoons and anime, and bots by Sony and Honda are as famous in Tokyo as Jessica 
Simpson is in Texas. Japan’s robot industry - with the help of $100 million in research funding from the government - is 
driven in large part by the dream of a day when droids will aid humans in almost every aspect of daily life. 

There’s the egg-shaped PaPeRo recently rated the most popular bot in Japan by Robot Life magazine - which works select 
day-care centers, singing songs and reading e-mails to children according to texted instructions from parents. There’s 
Actroid, a mannequinesque gynoid who wows corporate guests with her dynamic facial expressions and cheeky conversation 
skills (ask her how much she weighs, and she’ll tell you what she can bench-press). 

Japanese and American firms have their eyes on the same prize: the market for home health care, particularly for the elderly. As 
baby boomers hit retirement age, the need to monitor and assist seniors will create a surge in demand for personal-care robots, 
experts say. Since 2001, the Japanese government has spent $210 million on research to meet its goal of deploying robots to 
support its aging workforce. (It’s timeline specifies that bots should be able to straighten a room by the end of this year, make 
beds by 2013, and help with baths and meals by 2025.) The desire to field human-like robots, however, is an impediment. Honda, 
for instance, decided to keep its Asimo robot bipedal, even though its two feet are impractical in homes with stairs and clutter. 

The one field in which Japanese robots have a clear lead requires no practical applications: entertainment robots, a $185 million 
market that is expected to rise to $3 billion by 2014, according to private research firms. 

All this grass-roots robotics innovation has led tech giants to predict that in the next twenty years, robots could be the biggest 
technological revolution since PCs and the Internet. Whether these robots are cleaning up homes or serving as co-workers, 
entertainers and friends depends on which vision wins out. 



The future 

How to go 
about it 

For questions 1-7 
Skim the summary 
to decide whether it 
relates to the whole 
passage or part of it. 
This summary does 
not have a title so 
look at the title of 
the passage. 

• Check the word limit 
for each answer. 

■ Always think about 
the types of words 
that are needed, for 
example, nouns, 
verbs, adjectives etc. 

Do not write any 
words on the answer 
sheet that are 
paraphrased in the 

For questions 8-11: 

Read the stem and 
underline any words 
that you think will be 

Read each 
alternative as a 
complete sentence 
by combining it with 
the stem. 

Locate the 
information in the 

For questions 12 and 


• Use names, numbers 
and paraphrases 
of the nouns in 
the questions to 
help you locate 
the answers in the 

Questions 1-7 

Complete the summary below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

When Wakamaru first appeared on the market, Mitsubishi forecast robot sales in thousands 

in the US, but sales figures were very low. The robot is now on hire as a 1. 

Roomba, an American robot which was designed only to 2.has sales running 

into the millions. These two machines symbolize two very 3.in the world of robot 

technology. The Japanese focus is on making machines that behave like 4 .while 

the U.S. are concentrating on robots that do specific tasks. In effect, the choice is between 

friendly robots working with people or machines that are 5.but boring. Japanese 

and American firms are after the same market: health provision at home, especially for 
6.Tech giants project that in the coming decades there is a possibility robots will 

be the most important 7. 

Questions 8-11 

Choose the correct letter A. B, C or D. 

8 Wakamaru is 

A the same height as a human being. 

B shorter than a human being. 

C heavier than a human being. 

D quicker than a human being. 

9 The purpose of Romba’s sensors is to help it 
A move around objects. 

B navigate the stairs. 

C polish different surfaces. 

D clean household pets. 

10 US firms prefer robots 

A that are very cheap to make. 

B that can act as companions. 

C that focus on designated tasks. 

D that look like humans. 

11 The battle in artificial intelligence is between 

A creating practical robots and friendly robots. 

B producing cost effective and attractive robots. 

C building fast and efficient robots. 

D making elegant and industrial robots. 

_ —■ . . . ^ 



The future 

Questions 12 and 13 

Answer the questions below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each 

12 What has Japan’s position been in the industrial robots market over the past half 

13 What was the Japanese government’s expenditure on research into using robots to help 
elderly workers? 

Reacting to the text 

Would you like to have a robot in your home? Why/Why not? 

How soon do you think robots will be commonplace in people s homes? 

Do you think we have anything to fear from the development of robots, or can they only 
be beneficial? Give reasons and examples. 

Vocabulary 2: Verbs of prediction 

1 Underline the four verbs in the box below that cannot be used to indicate prediction in 
an IELTS Writing Task 1 answer. 



forecast assume 




anticipate expect 


2 Decide what the noun and adjective is for the correct verbs in exercise 1. 

3 Rewrite sentences 1-8 below using the words which follow each sentence. 


It is predicted that computer sales will account for 20 per cent of the total 
... are predicted ... 

Computer sales are predicted to account for 20 per cent of the total. 

1 By the year 2030 the population will have increased to nearly 70 million. 

...it is estimated ... 

2 Spectator numbers will be rising dramatically towards the end of the year. 

3 The projected sales next month will be lower than this month. 

It is... 

4 It is forecast that passenger numbers will increase substantially. 

The forecast is... 

5 Sales will climb at the rate of 20 per cent a year. 

... predicted... 

6 Attendances will decline gradually in the next two years. 

... are anticipated ... 

7 Advances in technology are not expected to slow down in the coming years. 
It is expected ... 

8 The estimated recovery in ticket purchases will happen in the third quarter. 
... are estimated ... 



The future 

(Writing: ) 

IELTS Task 1 

1 Look at the Task 1 question below. Then for 1-12 in the model answer below, put the 
verb in brackets into the correct tense. 

What to 
expect in 
the exam 

Pie charts indicate 

They can contain 
percentages adding 
up to 100%, as 
in the example 
here, or they can 
contain units in 
proportions that 
add up to more 
than 100. They can 
show changes over 
time in different pie 
charts, or all relate 
to the same year. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The charts below show the world traffic volume measured in passenger-kilometre-miles. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make 
comparisons where relevant. __ 



□ High-speed 

23.4 trillion pkm 

53 trillion pkm 

103 trillion pkm 

The pie charts (1 show) the changes in the proportions of pkm for a range of different 
forms of transport every thirty years between 1990 and 2050 along with the total 
number of passenger kilometres. 

The most striking feature of the chart (2 be) the rise in traffic volume from high-speed 
transport. It (3 expect) to see a dramatic increase, climbing from just 9% of traffic 
volume in 1990 to 25%, and then 41 % in 2020 and 2050 respectively. By contrast, it 
(4 predict) that there will be fewer automobile pkm, which (5 shrink) from 53% of market 
share to 43%, and to 35% in 2050. 

While railways (6 see) the most significant fall in traffic volume percentage-wise, it 
(7 anticipate) that buses (B fare) better. The former (9 represent) 9% of total traffic 
volume in 1990, but the projected figure for 2050 (10 be) just 4%, a drop of more than 
50%. This (11 compare) with traffic volume for buses in 2050 of 20% against 26% in 
2020, and 29% in 1990. 

It is clear that high speed transport (12 expect) to increasingly dominate the market. 

2 Underline the linking words in the model answer. 

3 Find examples in the model answer where the pronouns it and this and the phrase the 
former are used to connect ideas between sentences. What does each one refer to? 

4 For 1-5, underline two suitable words or phrases in italics to link the information. Use 
the punctuation to help you. 

1 By 2020 it is predicted that more of the total traffic volume of the total 53 trillion pkm will 
be accounted for by high-speed transport than in 1990 (25% against 9%). By 
contrast/While/By comparison automobiles are expected to account for 43% and 53% in 
the respective years. 




The future 

2 In the year 2050 it is projected that high-speed transport will account for 41 % of total 
traffic volume. By contrast/Whereas/Meanwhile, bus use is expected to shrink to 20%. 

3 In 1960 automobiles accounted for 54% of the traffic volume, but/whereas/in contrast 
high-speed transport represented only 3%. 

4 The majority of traffic volume was made up of automobiles in 1990 at 53%. 
Meanwhile/But/By contrast , buses accounted for 29%, with the railways and high-speed 
transport coming next with 9% each. 

5 The proportion of passenger traffic miles accounted for by automobiles is expected to 
decrease to 43% by 2020, whereas/whilst/meanwhile it is forecast that the pkm for 
railways will shrink by a smaller amount: 29% to 26%. 

5 Use the lists of words in 1-4 below to write your own sentences about the pie charts in 
exercise 1. Add the relevant data from the charts. 

1 high-speed transport account for traffic volume in 1990 while in 2050 forecast represent 

2 estimate proportion traffic volume automobiles 2050 in contrast to 1990 

3 in 1990 automobiles make up bulk passenger kilometres but 2050 this forecast drop to 

4 in 1990 out of a total traffic volume of 23.4 trillion pkm automobiles account for buses, 
railways and high-speed transport respectively by comparison by 2020 anticipate high 
speed transport jump automobiles buses railways 

6 Write your own answer for the Task 1 question below. When you have finished, check 
your answer using the checklist on page 209. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The charts below provide information about energy generation by fuel type in Florida 
in two separate years. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and make 
comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 
Energy generation by fuel type 

6 . 7 % 2 . 1 % 

11% 1.5% 

11 . 1 % 


2017 forecast 

Natural gas Coal ^ Other ^j| Nuclear Oil | Renewables 



© Review 


1 For 1-8 below, replace the underlined phrases with a suitable adjective/noun 

1 Do you think the civilization of today will change much over the next century? 

2 Should we try to protect the remaining societies that live off the land ? 

3 Are populations that live in the towns under threat from increasing violence? 

4 Will the cultures that are stronger than others always be in control? 

5 Are peoples that have lived in certain parts of the world for centuries under threat? 

6 Do the elites that control countries have any idea what the lives of ordinary people are 

7 Do communities that are doing well in inner cities have a beneficial impact on society in 

8 Does the opinion of the public at large influence governments? 

2 Use a collocation dictionary or a thesaurus to find one more adjective that you can use 
with each noun in the collocations in exercise 1. 

Word building 

Rewrite sentences 1-8 below by using an adjective made from the underlined noun and 
then add a reason. 


Flats in the capital city do not have much space. 

Flats in the capital city are not very spacious, because there are so many people looking 
to find a place to live. 

1 Electronic dictionaries are not really of much use . 

2 In certain south-east Asian countries technology ; 
much more advanced than in the West. 

3 This country has many buildings of great beauty . 

4 The population of Bangladesh is enormous. 

5 Jobs involved in agriculture are very demanding. 

6 Living a life of luxury is not open to all of us. 

7 Astronauts face many dangers when they go out 
into space. 

8 Skills that follow old traditions are going out of 



The future 

Ways of looking at the future 

1 For 1-5 below, put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form. 

1 I ’m leaving for New Zealand 
on Friday of this week. The plane 
(leave) at 6 am in the morning, and 
after several stops I (sit) in a hotel in 
Auckland sometime on Monday. I 
think it’s going to be an exciting trip. 

2 I don't think the human race (land) 
on other planets in the solar system by the 
year 2050 as the cost will be astronomical. 
However, l do think that the moon will be 
inhabited in the next 20 years or so. 

3 I think tha t putting money in to space 
research is essential, because it (lead), as in fact 
it has already done, to many new developments 
in medicine and technology. 

4 I am optimistic about the future. I think we 
arc going to have to face challenges in the near 
future, but people (rise) to them just as they 
have done in the past. For example, some deadly 
diseases like malaria certainly (disappear). 

5 Vtn not really sure, but generally I think the world 
in the future (be) a better place than it is today. People 
(live) in a society free of cares and worries, where all 
of the work (do) by robots and other machines. These 
machines will be so lifelike that it (be) impossible to tell 
the difference between them. 

2 Which four of the extracts in exercise 1 would you expect as an 
answer to an 1ELTS Speaking Part 3 question? Why is the other 
extract not suitable? 

Proof reading 

As quickly as you can, find the mistakes in sentences 1-10 below. 

1 By the year 2020 the population will increased to nearly 120 million. 

2 By 2015 it is predicted that car journeys will decline. Whereas high-speed rail transport 
will be expanding. 

3 The pie chart show the developments in transportation over time. 

4 It is forecast that passengers number will increase substantially. 

5 Trafic volume on the railways is projected to rise in the coming decades. 

6 The number of journeys taken will fall drammatically in the near future. 

7 The majority of trips is make up of train journeys. 

8 The strike feature is the rise in rail journeys. 

9 The number of passenger journeys made by car will fall, by contrast high-speed 
transport will shoot up. 

10 It is predict that the number of people using the system will rise. 



Fruits and seeds 

(Reading ) 

With a partner, describe what is happening in each of the photographs below. 

IELTS Reading Passage 


Skim each of the following short texts a-e and match them to the four processes shown1 
in the pictures. It is not possible to match one of the texts to a picture. Decide what 
process it describes. 

a When it has flowered, fruit is produced which 
in turn becomes seeds. These either fall to the 
ground or are carried by birds or animals to other 
places, or they are carried along by the wind. 
When they drop to the ground they wait until the 
spring of the next year. Then they germinate and 
grow, and the process repeats itself. 

b Once it blooms, the crop is picked by hand or 
machine. Then it is taken to a factory where 
the oil is extracted from the plant. It is then 
distilled to make an essence which is used in 
perfumes and toiletries. 

d The plants produce flowers. When the flowers 
open, they attract insects which pollinate the 

c It lays its egg on the leaves of plants. When the 
eggs hatch, the caterpillars eat the leaves. They 
then form a cocoon from which a new insect 

e When the fruit ripens, it is collected by hand or 
machine and taken to a factory where it is 
crushed to extract the juice. Once the juice is 
packaged, it is sent to shops to be sold. 

3 Look at each text again. Underline the words that helped you match them to the 

4 Underline the words that helped you decide which process was being explained in the 
description that did not match any of the pictures. 

How to go about it 

• Look at the picture and the title The Life of a Pomegranate'. What kind of information do you 
think the passage will contain? Decide if the passage is descriptive, factual or argumentative. 



Fruits and seeds 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13. which are based on the reading passage below. 

The life of a pomegranate 

A Steeped in history and 

romance and almost in a class 
by itself, the pomegranate, 

Punica granatum L, belongs 
to the family Punicaceae, 
which includes only one 
genus and two species, the 
other one, little-known, being 
P. protopunica Balf, peculiar 
to the island of Socotra. 

B An attractive shrub or small tree, to 20 or 30 
ft (6 or 10 m) high, the pomegranate is much- 
branched, more or less spiny and extremely 
long-lived, some specimens at Versailles known 
to have survived two centuries. It has a strong 
tendency to sucker from the base.The leaves are 
evergreen, opposite or in whorls of 5 or 6, 
short-stemmed, 3/8 to 4 in (1-10 cm) long, 
leathery. Showy flowers grow on the branch tips 
singly or as many as 5 in a cluster.They are 11/4 
in (3 cm) wide and characterized by the thick, 
tubular, red calyx, having 5 to 8 fleshy, pointed 
sepals. Nearly round, but crowned at the base 
by the prominent calyx, the fruit, 2 1/2 to 5 in 
(6.25-12.5 cm) wide, has a tough, leathery skin 
or rind, basically yellow, more or less overlaid 
with light or deep pink or rich red. 

C The interior is separated by membranous walls 
and white spongy tissue (rag) into compartments 
packed with transparent sacs filled with tart, 
flavorful, fleshy,juicy, red, pink or whitish pulp 
(technically the aril). In each sac, there is one 
white or red, angular, soft or hard seed.The seeds 
represent about 52% of the weight of the whole 

D The pomegranate tree is native from Iran to 
the Himalayas in northern India, and has been 
cultivated since ancient times throughout 
the Mediterranean region of Asia, Africa and 
Europe.The fruit was used in many ways as it is 
today and was featured in Egyptian mythology 
and art, praised in ancient document and it was 
carried by desert caravans for the sake of its 
thirst-quenching juice. It traveled to central and 
southern India from Iran about the first century 
A.D. and was reported growing in Indonesia in 
1416. It has been widely cultivated throughout 
India and drier parts of southeast Asia, Malaya, 
the East Indies and tropical Africa.The most 
important growing regions are Egypt, China, 
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, 
India, Burma and Saudi Arabia. 

It is rather commonly 
planted and has become 
naturalized in Bermuda, where 
it was first recorded in 1621, 
but only occasionally seen in 
the Bahamas,West Indies and 
warm areas of South and Central 
America. Many people grow it 
at cool altitudes in the interior 
of Honduras. In Mexico it is 
frequently planted. 

The tree was introduced in California by 
Spanish settlers in 1769. It is grown for its 
fruit mostly in the dry zones of that state and 
Arizona. In California, commercial pomegranate 
cultivation is concentrated in Tulare, Fresno and 
Kern counties, with small plantings in Imperial 
and Riverside counties.There were 2,000 acres 
(810 ha) of fruit-bearing trees in these areas in 
the 1920s. Production declined from lack of 
demand in the 1930s, but new plantings were 
made when demand increased in the 1960s. 

G The species is primarily mild-temperate to 

subtropical and naturally adapted to regions with 
cool winters and hot summers, but certain types 
are grown in home dooryards in tropical areas 
such as various islands of the Bahamas and West 
Indies. In southern Florida, fruit development is 
enhanced after a cold winter. Elsewhere in the 
United States, the pomegranate can be grown 
outdoors as far north as Washington County, 
Utah, and Washington D.C., though it doesn’t 
fruit in the latter locations. It can be severely 
injured by temperatures below 12° F (-11.11°C). 
The plant favors a semi-arid climate and is 
extremely drought-tolerant. 

H Rooted cuttings or seedlings are set out in 
pre-fertilized pits 2 ft (60 cm) deep and wide 
and are spaced 12 to 18 ft (3.5-5.5 m) apart, 
depending on the fertility of the soil. Initially, 
the plants are cut back to 24 to 30 in (60-75 cm) 
in height and after they branch out the lower 
branches are pruned to provide a clear main 
stem. In as much as fruits are borne only at the 
tips of new growth, it is recommended that 
for the first 3 years the branches be judiciously 
shortened annually to encourage the maximum 
number of new shoots on all sides, prevent 
straggly development and achieve a strong, well- 
framed plant. After the 3rd year, only suckers and 
dead branches are removed. 

Fruits and seeds 

How to go 
about it 

For questions 9-13: 

• Flow charts usually 
have a heading so 
use this to locate the 
relevant part of the 

Treat the flow-chart 
like a summary. 

The text may be in 
note form so pay 
particular attention 
to the grammar. 

• Sometimes the 
information in the 
flow-chart may be 
in a different order 
from the reading 

Don't forget! 

• For questions 
that require you 
to complete 
information, check 
the number of 
words required for 
each blank space. 

Questions 1-4 

The reading passage has eight paragraphs A-H. 

Which paragraph contains the following information? 

NB You may use any letter more than once. 

1 what the inside of the pomegranate looks like 

2 domestic cultivation of the pomegranate tree 

3 what the pomegranate tree looks like 

4 the area where the pomegranate tree originated from 

Questions 5-8 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? 

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

5 The pomegranate tree lives only for a short time. 

6 The flowers of the pomegranate are particularly enticing to both bees and birds. 

7 The seeds make up a small proportion of the weight of the pomegranate fruit. 

8 The pomegranate tree can withstand very dry weather conditions. 

Questions 9-13 

Complete the flow-chart below. 

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. 

The Reproduction of Pomegranates 

Cuttings sown in 9. 


Soil fertility dictates gap between plants 


At first plants clipped 


To make branchless 10., lower growth is removed 


Pomegranate found at the 11.of new growth 


Branches cut back yearly over 3 years to: 

• produce new shoots 

• stop untidy 12. 

• make the plants shapely and sturdy 


From the third year onwards only 13 .and dead branches cut off 



Fruits and seeds 

Reacting to the text 

Is it important for us to know how things like trees, plants, insects and animals grow? 
Why/Why not? 

How common is it for people in your country 7 to grow their own produce? Is it less 
common now than in the past? 

2 CT’fr Work with a new partner. Take turns talking about the topic, using your notes to 
guide you. When you have finished, discuss with your partner whether you followed the 

3 Improve your notes and take turns talking about the topic again. Belore you start 
look at the checklist on page 210 and choose one or more criteria you would like your 
partner to check as you speak. 



Fruits and seeds 

Vocabulary 1: Conservation 

1 For sentences 1-8 below, choose a word from a-e to complete each of the gaps. 

1 Tr ee —_is crucial, because trees are the_of the planet; 

we chop them down at our peril. ggbMjjSfc 

a extinction b heart dungs d preserves e conservation 

2 The countryside in my home country needs__ because it is being 

_by more and more buildings. 

a spoilt b a guard c protection d defence e broken 

3 In the_season the countryside is not at all_as it is 

buzzing with activity. 

a plant b tranquil c seed d scenic e planting 

4 A huge factory, which is now derelict,_the landscape, but the scenery is j 

still_with wooded hills and streams. 

a controls b dominates c extravagant d spectacular e rules 

5 People come for miles to admire the_across the valley, because the 

area has some breathtaking_. 

a scenery b scenic c outlook d observation e view 

6 From the mountain top you have a_view of the valley, with beaches 

_into the distance. 

a stretching b panoramic c lengthening d panorama e landscape 

7 People go to New York to shop and to take in the_like the Statue of 

Liberty, but they also like to visit open_like Central Park. 

a sightings b spaces c areas d sights e views 

8 I think it is necessary to_the environment, because wildlife 

will_if we don’t. 

a disappear b depart c safeguard d uphold e offend 

2 For sentences 1-6 below, complete the gaps with a word from the a-e choices in 
exercise 1. Make any necessary changes. 

1 The coastline has some breathtaking__ which attract people from all over 

2 As trees produce oxygen they keep us alive, which is why they are often called 

the_of the planet. 

3 The beach_for miles with lots of wildlife, but it is an_that is 

in danger of being_if we don’t conserve it for future generations. 

4 Tourists spend a lot of money travelling around trying to take in as many_ 

as possible in a city. 

5 Wildlife like lions and tigers should not be kept in zoos, but how else can they be protected 

from extinction and_forever? 

6 _schemes that protect particular_of international 

importance like the Amazon forest are vital to all of us. 

3 CD Work in groups. Read the sentences in exercise 1 
and 2 and discuss the questions below. 

1 Do you think it is important to have conservation schemes 
to protect the environment? Why/Why not? 

2 In what ways can people safeguard the countryside? 

3 Do you think the landscapes in countries around the 
world will be destroyed or protected in the future? Give 
reasons and examples. 

Useful expressions 

I think ...is im porta nt/cr 
vita!lessen tia!/necessary 

In order to... 

If we don't do anything, 
One way is to... 
Another possibility is to 
... can/could/should .. 
for example, ... 



Fruits and seeds 

Language focus: Transitive and intransitive verbs 

1 Read explanations a and b below. Decide which describes a 
transitive verb and which describes an intransitive verb. 

a A verb which takes an object and can be used in the 

b A verb which does not take an object and cannot be used 
in the passive. 

Read more about transitive and intransitive verbs in 
the Grammar reference on page 222. 

2 Look at text a in exercise 2 on page 72 and underline the 
verbs. Then decide which are intransitive and which are 

3 The verbs in the box below can all be used to describe 
processes and lifecycles. Some verbs can be transitive or 
intransitive depending on the context in which they are 
used. Decide whether the verbs in the box are transitive, 
intransitive or both and write them under the correct heading 

in the table. 

4 Work in pairs. Use your own knowledge to answer 
questions 1-6 below using suitable singular or plural nouns. 

1 What rises and sets every day? 

2 What is harvested to make bread? 

3 What leaves are picked to make a hot drink from China? 

4 What is white and is woven to make a very light cloth? 

5 What emerges from a cocoon to become a flying insect? 

6 What are colourful, grown in gardens and look and smell 
very nice? 

5 Write a sentence for each question 1 -6 in exercise 4. Where 
possible, replace the verb in the question with one of the 
verbs in the box below or a verb of your own. 

reap/gather harvest come out of bloom 
break up break produce plant cultivate 
utilize create increase exist keep in touch 
go down 

6 Underline the intransitive verbs and verb phrases in the box 


pollinate blossom 


grow tall 


become bigger 

come out 



transplant grow 

ripen appear 

open up 

cultivate bear 

eat fall 


7 Work in pairs. Decide which verbs and verb phrases in the box 
in exercise 6 can be used with each of the nouns in the box 

seeds saplings branches tree buds 
flowers fruit 

8 Before you look at the text below, describe the lifecycle of an 
apple tree in your own words using the diagram below. 

9 Complete the gaps in the text below with the verbs and 
nouns from exercise 6 and 7. Use the present tense and make 
any necessary changes to the nouns. 

The life of an apple tree 

The 1_of the apple tree 2_in trays 

where they grow until they reach a certain size. Then they 

are 3_into the fields. When they reach a certain 

height, the saplings are 4_to increase the 

production of apples. As the 5_grow taller, the 

branches 6_, and then the branches sprout 

7 _.The tree blossoms attract bees that in turn 

8 _the flowers. In the autumn, the 9_ 

begins to 10_, and then the leaves fall. The fruit 

is then 11_and the apples are graded, sorted and 

taken in special refrigerator lorries for storage or distribution 
to the market. 



Fruits and seeds 


IELTS Section 2 

1.10 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 

How to go 
about it 

For questions 14-17: 

Study the map 
carefully. Do not 
assume that 'A' 
will be the first 
thing you hear, the 
description is more 
likely to start at the 

Think of words 
that are related 
to sequence, for 
example, then, next 
etc. as these will 
indicate steps in 
the sequence. 

• North is marked 
on the map, so 
think about the 
four points of the 

Questions 11-13 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 

11 The weekend scheme for teenagers was started up 
A 15 years ago. 

B 2 years ago. 

C 10 years ago. 

12 When the teenagers first arrive, they don’t like it, because they can’t 
A contact people. 

B use the Internet. 

C watch TV. 

13 The centre receives most of its money from 
A donations. 

B the nursery. 

C courses. 

Questions 14-17 

Label the map below. 

Write the correct letter, A-K, next to the questions 14-17. 

Fairbridge Countryside and Woodland Centre 

14 Oak Lodge 

15 Ash Lodge 

16 Picnic Area 

17 Plant Nursery 




Fruits and seeds 

Questions 18-20 

Complete the sentences below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TOO WORDS for each answer. 

18 As the centre is high up, there are spectacular.of the surrounding area. 

19 As no trees have been cut down, the.has not altered for centuries. 

20 As people walk through the woodland, people are asked not to remove.or 

Vocabulary 2: Describing sequences 

1 Decide which one of the follwing linking words or phrases in the box below cannot be 
used to describe sequences. 

initially first at last then next as soon as once after 
before following that after that finally when where 

2 Work in pairs. Underline the linking words in 1-7 below and find the first step in the 
sequence. Then decide what is being described and put the sentences in order. 

1 If it is the latter, the broken components are mended 

2 and the phone is then sent for sale. 

3 Once a device is broken, it is either thrown away or sent for recycling. 

4 These are then shipped to a different factory for assembly. 

5 First, the various internal components like the chip are manufactured in one place. 

6 After that they are dispatched to a central warehouse for distribution. 

7 At the same time, the case and the SIM card are produced. 

3 Compare this manufacturing process with the natural lifecycle described in the life of 
an apple tree on page 77. Decide which contains the most transitive verbs. 

4 Match 1-6 below with a sentence or part of a sentence a-f to complete the sequence. 

1 As soon as the wheat is fully grown, 

2 Before it is wrapped, 

3 Once the mangoes are ripe they are picked, 

4 The components are imported and then put together. 

5 When the tea bush reaches a certain height, the leaves are picked. 

6 Milk production goes through various stages. When the cows are milked, the milk is 
taken to a dairy where various products are made. 

a the chocolate is put into moulds and left to cool. 

b It is heated to kill bacteria to make it suitable for drinking, or churned to produce butter, 
c and sent to the market for sale, or kept in a cold refrigerator for export, 
d it is reaped. 

e They are then dried, sorted, blended and wrapped in packets for sale, 
f After that the machines are put into boxes and transported to warehouses or to shops. 

5 Match each of the words below to a sequence in exercise 4. 

storage delivery pasteurization harvesting assembly packaging 

6 Decide what the verb is for each noun in exercise 5. 



Fruits and seeds 

(Writing: ) 

Work in groups. Describe the steps in the process below. Try to use the words in 
the box. 

throw away 



buy rubbish tip 

landfill collect 




crush recycled 

new bottles 

2 Complete the gaps in the text below with suitable linking words from Vocabulary 2 on 
page 79. Think of as many linking words as you can for each gap. 

The fizzy drink is bought in the shop. 1_it is drunk, it is either 

thrown away, in which case it is thrown into a rubbish tip, or it is put into a recycling 

bin. 2_the recycled bottles are collected and taken to a special 

centre, 3_the glass is sorted. After this step, the glass is 

crushed and 4_it is used for making new glass. This glass is 

5_made into new bottles which are delivered to various bottling 

plants, 6_ = _the various drinks are added. 

3 Find the word step in the text in exercise 2. Which other words can you use instead of 
step ? 

4 Write an introduction and an overview for the text in exercise 2. 



Fruits and seeds 

5 Write your own answer for the Task 1 question below. When you have I inished, check 
vour answer using the checklist on page 209. 

How to go about it 

• Write an overview using words to describe sequences such as stage, step and phase. 

• Use the correct tense to describe the sequence. As this is a cycle that is repeated, use the 
present simple. 

• Make sure that you use transitive and intransitive verbs correctly. 

• Make sure that you use the active and passive correctly. 

• Use linking words related to sequence, eg. first, then, next, after that, subsequently, once, as soon as, 
when, where .... 

Make sure 
you write an 
introduction which 
paraphrases the 
rubric. Do not copy 

Write a minimum 
of 150 words. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The diagram below shows the production of a lead pencil. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, 
and make comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

The production of a pencil 

4 months replanted 3 years thinned 


painted, sharpened, stamped 






Texts A and B below are short extracts from IELTS Speaking Part 2. Complete the gaps 
with a suitable form of the word in brackets. 

The countryside where 
I was brought up is completely 
_ (spoil). The area is part of a large 

. (conserve) scheme, which aims to protect 

the trees from destruction. There are several notable landmarks 

which 3_ (domination) the landscape, but there are 

no factories or large motorways, which means that being there is 
very relaxing. The best thing is the spectacular 

4_ (scene), and the 

5_ (panorama) views across 

the valley 

If you go to a city like Faris, 
you have to make sure you take in all the 

important & _ (sightings) like the Eiffel 

Tower. Faris is a city which is famous for its open 

7_ (spacious) as well as old houses. 

It is important that both aspects of the city are 

& _ (protection), because if they 

9_ (appear), it will be a loss 

for all of us. 

Transitive and intransitive verbs 

1 In the text below, underline the verbs and decide which are transitive and which are 

When the rain falls to earth, it is absorbed by the soil, from which it is extracted 
by trees and other plants. Any extra water runs off the land into streams or 
rivers, which are important for reducing flooding as they carry the water away 
down to the sea or to lakes. If there is a lot of rain, the water level in rivers rises 
and flooding occurs. Water is collected in dams to provide drinking water. When it 
is needed, it is sent to water treatment plants where it is treated and purified. 

2 For 1-6 below, write sentences to describe a step or sequence using the words given. 
Add conjunctions such as after and adverbs such as then. Make sure that you use the 
letter s in the correct place. 

1 sun/shine 

2 rice/harvest/clean/store/sell 

3 cotton/grow/make cloth/pick/weave/made into 

4 fruit/pick/squeeze/dilute/concentrate/bottle 

5 mobile/sell/use/become worn/throw away 

6 butterfly/lay/caterpillar/eat/leaves/makecocoon/butterfly/emerge/lay/repeat 



Fruits and seeds 

Following directions 

The following sentences take you on a tour through the map below. Follow the line and 
decide whether the sentences are correct or not. Correct the sentences that are wrong. 

1 We start off here at the bottom of Theed Street. 

2 The tour takes us past Wren House on the right. 

3 We then turn left into Chatham Street. 

4 We go past Brompton Palace which is on the north side of the street on our left. 

5 Just after the palace we immediately turn right into Manor Way, where we stop and look 
at the building of the College of Music, which is on our left. 

6 We then turn left into Weston Avenue to look at the Old City Hall, which is on the north 
side of the street. 

7 We continue to the end of Weston Avenue where we go south. 

8 We then turn left and finish our tour on the north side of the Old City Hall. 



Weston Avenue 

The Old City Hall 

Theed Street 

Start here 

Proof reading 

In sentences 1-9 below, there is either a letter s missing or there is one too many. Find 
the mistakes and correct them. Try to complete the exercise in less than two minutes. 

1 When the seed germinate, the plant begins to grow. 

2 As soon as the wood is burnt, carbon dioxide is released into the atmospheres, which 
can then cause serious problems. 

3 The diagram show how the water is purified. 

4 Trees are the lung of the planet as they purify the air we breathe. 

5 If the plant produces fruit, it releases the seed which are either carried away by the wind 
or birds. 

6 More conservation projects need to be organized if we are to save the countrysides. 

7 Pomegranate are now found in many countries in the world. 

8 What are the most common fruits in your parts of the country? 

9 It is clear that there are seven step in the process. 




p Reading 


In the IELTS Academic Reading module there are three passages which are from 
various sources like books, journals, magazines and newspapers. The passages do 
not require specialist knowledge for you to understand them. At least one of the three 
passages contains a detailed logical argument. 

The question types used are: 

• choosing suitable paragraph headings from a list 

• identification of information using ‘True/False/Not Given' questions 

• identification of writers views/claims using ‘Yes/No/Not Given' questions 

• multiple-choice 

• short-answer 

• sentence completion 

• notes/sum mary/flow-chart/table completion 

• labelling a diagram 

• classification 

• matching 

You will have one hour to answer 40 questions, which is about 90 seconds for each 
question. This means that you need to learn to move around the reading passage and 
the questions quickly. In the exam there is no time to ‘study’ the reading passages. In 
order to be as fast as possible there are three important strategies that you need to 

• scanning and skimming - these are reading skills that you need to employ at 
different times to answer various types of questions 

• understanding the different questions types 

• understanding when to leave questions you cannot do initially, move on and come 

back later 

Scanning a text 

You can use scanning to look for words and paraphrases of words. How you find the 
words does not matter, and if you scan from left to right it is difficult to stop your brain 
from reading. Try the following methods, using a pen or pencil to guide your eye. 

1 Scan from the bottom up through the text, looking left to right or right to left. 

1 Text Text Text Text Text Text 

Text Text Text Text Text Text 

Text Text Text Text Text Text 

2 Scan in a zigzag from left to right. 

2 Text Text Text Text Text Text 

Text Text Text Text Text Text 



Ready for Reading 

3 Scan in a zigzag from right to left. 

3 Text Text Text Text Text Text 

Text Text Text Text Text Text 

\ iz 

Text Text Text Text Text Text 

Below is an extract from a reading passage. Scan the paragraphs for the words below. 
1 linear 2 sacred 3 elite 4 symbolic 5 complicated 


The Bronze Age in China refers to the period 
between about 2000 and 771 BC. when bronze 
was produced on a massive scale for weapons 
and ritual objects used by the ruling elite. 
Traditional Chinese histories, written in later 
centuries, speak of a series of ancient rulers 
who invented agriculture, writing, and the arts 
of government. The last of these legendary 
rulers, Yu. is credited with controlling Hoods 
and founding the Xia dynasty. Yu also cast nine 
sacred bronze vessels that became symbolic of 
the right to rule, and these were passed on to 
subsequent dynasties. While the account in 
the traditional histories is linear, with states 
following one another in a logical progression, the archaeological record reveals a more 
complicated picture of Bronze Age China. 

Archaeological investigation has confirmed much of the legendary history of the dynasty 
following the Xia - the Shang - but the existence of Xia itself is still debated. Today Chinese 
scholars generally identify Xia with the Erlitou culture, but debate continues on whether 
Erlitou represents an early stage of the Shang dynasty, or whether it is entirely unique. In any 
event, new prototypes emerged at Erlitou - in architecture, bronze vessels, tomb structures, 
and weapons - that greatly influenced material culture in the Shang and subsequent Zhou 

Skimming a text 

Skimming involves moving over the text quickly without engaging deeply in order to get 
a general understanding. Work in pairs. Read alternate sentences in the text above only 
using the nouns and verbs and see how much you can understand. 



Ready for Reading 

Understanding 'True/False/Not Given' statements 

‘True/False/Not Given’ statements are used to check if statements agree with 
information in the reading passage. 

1 Work in pairs. Without looking back at the extract on page 85, underline the words 
which you think are the most important to help you understand the meaning in the 
‘True/False/Not Given’ sentences 1-10 below. Use the list a-j to help you identify the 
important words. 

a verbs to do with cause and effect, for example, lead to, bring about 
b restricting words, for example, only 
c quantities, for example, all, majority, little 

d adjectives that qualify, for example, particular, inevitable, mistaken, higher 
e adverbs that qualify, for example, largely, slightly 
f numbers 

g ‘negative’ verbs, for example, ignore, fail 

h verbs/phrases that indicate doubt, for example, suggest: It is suggested... 
i comparisons 

j verbs to do with linking, for example, connect, link 

1 The Bronze Age in China lasted more than a thousand years. 

2 Bronze was used more for weapons than for ritual objects. 

3 According to later Chinese histories, ancient rulers were only interested in the 
administrative side of leadership. 

4 Yu is said to have established the Xia dynasty. 

5 Ten sacred vessels were made by Yu. 

6 The sacred vessels were destroyed at the end of each dynasty. 

7 The Chinese Bronze Age was a simpler period than discoveries show. 

8 All of the legendary history of the Xia has been substantiated by archaeology. 

9 The Xia are connected with the Erlitou culture. 

10 The Erlitou culture had an impact on the Zhou. 

2 Scan the text to locate the information in statements 1-10 and decide whether they are 
‘true’, ‘false’ or 'not given’. 

Understanding 'Yes/No/Not Given' statements 

‘Yes/No/Not Given’ statements are used to check if statements agree with the claims or 
views of the writer in the reading passage - i.e. does the writer make a judgement about 
information in the reading passage? 

Checkins claims is similar to checking information. Look at the ‘True/False/Not Given 
statements above. All of the statements can be classed as claims, but only statement 7 
could be classed as an opinion or view. For example, statement 1 cannot be an opinion 
because it is either a statement of fact or a claim. The same applies to statement 2 and 
so on. You can put It is a fact that or / claim that in front of all these statements, but you 
cannot sav 1 believe that before the statements, because it is not a matter ol opinion. Can 
you say: I believe that water boils at 100 degrees centigrade? It is a claim until it is proven. 



Ready for Reading 

1 Work in pairs. Look at the extract and statements 1-9 below. The words underlined 
highlight the views expressed in the statements. These words can occur in statements 
checking the views of the writer. Decide what the function of the words underlined is in 
each sentence. 


There are different ways to encourage people, both adults and children, to read. Some 
adults are clearly intimidated by the environment of libraries and bookshops in a 
way that children are not. therefore, making libraries more appealing by creating an 
inviting environment that is modern and relaxing is likely to appeal to both young 
people and adults, even those who would not normally use a library. Offering facilities 
other than books such as a coffee shop, computers, DVD lending facilities and a 
wide range of magazines and newspapers will also entice people through the library 
doors. Once in, there is then a chance that some may look at books as people have a 
tendency to browse just as they might do in a supermarket or other shop. So maybe 
there is a place for teaching library managers marketing skills. This, however, may be 
a step too far for some people. Nevertheless, if the aim is to encourage people to read, 
then any solution is worth a try. 

Starting young and using the young to attract the old is the long-term approach. 
Bookshops and libraries in the UK organize reading groups for young children, 
discussion groups, lectures and chess clubs, all of which are worthwhile activities for 
attracting readers. Reading groups for children have the added benefit of attracting 
adults who may not read themselves, but who may start browsing while they are 
waiting for their children. 

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the extract above? 

YES if the statement agrees with the view's of the writer 

NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer 

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks of this 

1 It is easier for children to go into libraries than some adult members of the public. 

2 The best way to attract people into libraries is by making them more welcoming. 

3 Libraries should be allowed to sell books and magazines. 

4 People tend to browse when they enter any large building. 

5 Marketing skills could be taught to those who run libraries. 

6 There is a chance that teaching marketing skills to managers will be unpopular. 

7 Having reading clubs for children in libraries is an effective measure. 

8 Discussion groups are of Nttle use in encouraging people to visit libraries. 

9 Reading clubs are better suited to book shops than libraries. 

2 Answer questions 1-9. 



Ready for Reading 

Don't forget 

• Look at the title of 
the passage. Then 
skim the passage 
and the questions 
as they will help 
summarize the 
passage for you. 

• Check what type 
of passage it is - is 
it about a problem, 
causes and 
solutions, etc. 

• Look at the 
important words 
in the headings 
like importance, 
contrast, role, 
methods, need, 
factors, how, etc. 

• Always look at the 
examples, if any are 

• When you have 
finished, always 
check the sequence 
of the headings 
you have chosen to 
make sure that it 
makes sense. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on questions 1-13, which are based on the reading 
passage on page 89. 

Questions 1-6 

The reading passage has eight paragraphs A-H. 

Choose the correct headings for paragraphs B and D-H from the list of headings below. 










List of Headings 

Organizations observing coastal change and their specific duties 
The importance of geoscientists in coastal management 
The link between research and funding 
The complexity of making decisions about coastal defences 
Sites that are of special interest 

A contrast between engineered and natural defence techniques 

The role played by the Environment Agency in preventing flooding 

The methods employed to check coastal change 

The need for an integrated approach to coastal management 

Factors leading to coastal erosion 

How management plans for the coastline operate 



Paragraph A 



Paragraph B 



Paragraph C 



Paragraph D 


Paragraph E 


Paragraph F 


Paragraph G 


Paragraph H 



Ready for Reading 

Coastal Erosion 

A There is little doubt that rates of coastal change will 
escalate with enhanced rates of sea level rise and 
increasing storminess, both of which are associated 
with global warming. These changes are likely to 
have a significant impact on coastal populations 
and infrastructure. Sea levels are expected to rise 
significantly over the next century, largely as a result 
of the melting of ice sheets and thermal expansion 
of the oceans. Global warming will also change 
ocean currents, world weather patterns, winds, 
coastal currents, waves and storms. The increase in 
the frequency and size of the latter, which have an 
enormous influence on coastal change and near-shore 
sediment transport, will have a major impact on the 
form of UK coasts. 

B Geological, archaeological and historical records are 
used to establish the nature of past coastal change. 
Monitoring of coastal change is also undertaken 
using a broad range of techniques including airborne 
laser ranging technology (LIDAR) and digital aerial 
photogrammetry. These techniques are used to 
determine coastal topography, coastal erosion, 
and shoreline position with high accuracy. The 
bathymetry of offshore areas is determined by several 
geophysical techniques including side-scan sonar 
or multi-beam surveys. In the UK geoscientists are 
widely involved in projects that address past coastal 
change and monitor how coasts are changing today. 
The principal aim of many of these studies is to 
understand the natural processes that govern coastal 
change in order to predict the patterns and rates of 
future coastal evolution. 

C A broad range of decision-makers, including 
coastal zone planners, government and authorities 
require accurate and well-researched information 
in managing the coastal zone. Much of the impetus 
and funding for such research is derived from the 
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural 
Affairs (DEFRA). 

D Some agencies have particular responsibilities for 
monitoring particular aspects of coastal change. For 
instance, the Environment Agency has responsibilities 
for flooding in England and Wales. Three national 
agencies (English Nature, the Conservancy Council 
for Scotland and the Countryside Council for Wales) 
are responsible for preserving flora, fauna and 
geological features, including those along the coast. 
The best examples of wildlife habitats, geological 
features and landforms are designated as Sites of 
Special Scientific Interest (SSSI: there are about 
6500 of these covering about 9% of the UK land 
area). Many surveys are carried out by the Ordnance 
Survey, the Hydrographic Office or the British 
Geological Survey. Other monitoring schemes are run 
by other government research institutes, universities 
and local government. Some funding for UK coastal 
projects is derived from the European Union. 

E Much of this research on coastal change forms the 
basis for integrated coastal zone management on 
a local, national and international level. In the UK, 
Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs) are required 
for coastal management. Each of the SMPs is 
required to consider coastal change and issues such 
as sediment transport in the near-shore zone. Most 



Ready,for Reading 

SMPs consider distinct parts of the coast, such as 
complete estuaries or sections of coast in which near¬ 
shore sediment is largely ‘contained 1 within a coastal 
cell, or behaves in a consistent manner. SMPs broadly 
recommend, in scientific and technical terms, where: 
the process of erosion can be checked; the line can 
be held; ‘managed retreat 1 of the coastline is the only 
option. Such evaluation is important given the high 
costs of coastal defences, which can only escalate in 
future years. 

F Currently about 44% of the English and Welsh coast 
is protected by some form of coastal defence. Difficult 
decisions will need to be made to determine how this 
percentage will change in response to the increased 
rates of coastal erosion caused by sea-level rise. 
These decisions cannot be made without widespread 
consultation and will need to balance the 
socio-economic needs of developers, landowners and 
residents with coastal protection and environmental 
groups. Furthermore, they will need to take aspects 
of European legislation (e.g. the Habitats Directive) 
that have been incorporated into British law, into 

G Coastal managers have to consider not only which 
parts of the coast they should attempt to defend, 
but also which type of defence is most appropriate. 

Locally it will be best to defend coastal areas using 
traditional constructions, such as sea-walls, dykes, 
groynes and breakwaters. Such engineered ‘hard 1 
structures are expensive and may only result in 
enhanced coastal erosion on adjacent coasts. 

The alternative approach is to work with natural 
processes and create ‘soft’ engineered solutions, 
e.g. by encouraging accumulation of sediments in 
selected areas. For example, sediments accumulating 
in estuarine salt marshes protect the estuaries and 
associated human infrastructure from erosion, storm 
surges and coastal flooding. 

H Whatever approach is used, no section of coast 
should be studied or managed in isolation. The 
whole picture must be understood, in regard to 
changes in the past, the present position and how 
any coastal management scheme will be affected 
by future changes. The best and most sustainable 
options probably lie in an integrated coastal zone 
management approach.These may contain multiple 
response strategies that can be modified for different 
socio-economic factors and environmental conditions, 
working with natural processes rather than against 
them. Geoscientists have a key role to play in 
providing the foundations for such management. 

Don't forget 

• Read the stem and underline any words that you think will be paraphrased, for example, 
decelerate in question 7. This will help you locate the information in the text. 

• Read each alternative as a complete sentence by combining it with the stem. 

• Locate the information in the text. 

Questions 7-9 

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. 

7 Coastal change will accelerate as 
A coastal populations increase. 

B various events in the oceans occur. 
C sea levels gradually fall. 

D the oceans cool down. 

8 Methods like LIDAR are employed to 

A confirm the shape of the coastline of the past. 

B halt the spread of coastal erosion to neighbouring areas. 
C provide data on off-shore areas of the coastline. 

D establish the shape of the coastline with great precision. 

9 Some national agencies have 

A coastal and inland responsibilities for conservation. 

B only inland preservation responsibilities. 

C charge of designating SSSIs. 

D a duty to monitor coastal and inland flooding. 



Ready for Reading 

Recognizing and understanding basic text relationships 

Work in groups. Learning to recognize the type ot texts that are contained in the reading 
passages can help you to find your way around the text more easily. In your groups, 
answer questions 1-10. 

1 Look at the heading of the passage on page 89. What does the word ‘impact' tell 
you about the passage? 

2 Is the word erosion’ related to cause or effect? 

3 In the headings you have chosen for paragraphs A-H, do any of them contain 
causes, effects or solutions? 

4 Are these words for causes, effects and solutions, or synonyms? 

5 Look at question 7. Is the stem the cause or the effect? 

6 Look at question 8. Is the stem the cause or the effect? 

7 In the summary (questions 10-13), find a synonym for the word solutions . 

8 Is the passage based on cause/effect and problem/solution or is it historical? 

9 Is the passage on The Bronze Age: Xia Dynasty on page 85 based on cause/effect 
and problem/solution or is it historical? 

10 What other text types do you know from your own reading? 



The world of work and training 

(Speaking ) i 

IELTS Part 3 

With a partner, look at the photographs below and describe what kind of 
training is taking place and how it is being conducted. 

Don't forget! 

• Talk about abstract 
details and avoid 
personal examples. 

• Make sure you 
support your 
answers by giving 
examples and 
causes and effects. 


2 C ^ Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the following Part 3 questions. 
When your partner has finished speaking, give him/her feedback using the checklist on 
page 210. 

Work and aspirations 

Do young people today have the same aspirations as previous generations? 

Why/Why not? 

Do you think it is good to have aims and goals in life? 

In what ways can these aims and aspirations be achieved? 

How different do you think the world of work and training is for young people 
today? Do they have more opportunities now compared to the past? 

Is the way that students learn nowadays different from the past? 


The world of work and training 

Vocabulary 1: Work 

1 Work in pairs. For sentences 1-8 below, underline the correct word in italics. 

1 I want to be independent, so I’d like to earn my own profession/qualifications/livelihood. 

2 The job/work/profession ethic varies from country to country and from one profession to 

3 I would really like to have a good job/work/livelihood, which allows me to achieve my aims. 

4 It isn’t easy holding down a job/work/livelihood, especially with children to look after. 

5 Is your idea of a profession/qualifications/job based on a 9 to 5 job? 

6 I am a teacher by career/profession/qualifications. 

7 In order to improve their qualifications/job/work prospects, and thus to climb the career / 
profession/qualifications ladder, students need to study hard. 

8 Being up-to-date is essential; otherwise, it is possible to miss out on the best job/work/ 
livelihood opportunities. 

2 Look at the sentences in exercise 1. Decide if you can use the word occupation instead ol 
any of the alternatives. 



IELTS Reading Passage 

3 < > Work in pairs. Use the list of skills below and your own ideas to decide which 

three skills are most important for your work life and your social life. Give examples 
and reasons for your choices. 

• using the computer • calculating in your head 

• writing longhand • socializing 

• playing a musical instrument 

Don't forget! 

• If there is no title, look at the last question and the illustration, then skim the questions 
and the text. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

Few students taking a Masters in Business 
Administration (MBA) are there through sheer love 
of learning. Most want to lear n in orde r to appl y their 
knowledge once the course is over. On the other 
hand, the MBA is an academic course. How do you 
take account of these conflicting needs when it 
comes to assessment? 'In education generally - not 
just in the MBA world - there is a move away from 
traditional exams towards people looking for ways 
to make assessment more relevant,' says Jeannette 
Purcell, chief executive of the Association of MBAs 
(AMBA). She says that exams will always exist 
because so much of an MBA involves acquiring 
knowledge best tested through a written paper, but 
'business schools are developing programmes to 
become more practical, more applied, using real life 
situations and assessment has to reflect that change.' 



The world of work and training 

One reason for this is the rise in the executive 
over the full-time MBA, which means most 
students are studying while working for a 
company. Another is a changing approach towards 
learning. Oliver Westall, Lancaster University 
Management School's MBA director, says: 'When 
I began teaching many years ago, there was 
an attitude that we decided what ought to be 
taught, because we knew what students needed 
to know. Now, increasingly, especially when 
students come to our MBA programme with an 
average of seven years' experience^, sensible 
faculties realise that students can bring a lot more 
to the table when they share their experience.' 

Business schools therefore now often assess 
students on their ability to work as part of a 
team, while some even include an element of 
peer assessment in which students mark each 
other's contributions. Dublin City University 
assesses its MBA students through team 
presentations, teanvwritten assignments, case 
study analyses, individual work-based projects, 
strategic organisational analyses and business 
plans. Exams account for less than 50 per cent 
of the total marks awarded, while teamwork 
accounts for around 30 per cent. Melrona Kirrane, 
academic director of the MBA programme, says 
team-based assessment raises issues every year. 
'MBA students are enormously competitive and 
quite aggressive and hostile,' she says. 'They 
are there for their own purposes and they aren't 
impressed when other team members don't play 
their part.' But she saysjt remains a key part of 
assessment, because being able to function well 
in a team is vital in any business organisation. 

Teamwork is also tested in consultancies for real 
companies, which is also playing an increasingly 
important role in assessment for many 
institutions. Full-time MBAs at Ashridge complete 
their written exams within three months of 
starting the programme, to provide a foundation 
of knowledge, and the rest of the course 
focuses on practical work. They can choose to 
take a consulting project for up to eight weeks 
or submit a 10,000 word dissertation. For the 
past two years, Coventry University has allowed 
students to do a company internship rather than a 
dissertation in their final semester. Three quarters 
of their mark in this is based on a report they 
present to the company, a further 10 per cent on 
the employer's assessment, and 15 per cent on a 
piece reflecting on their own learning. 

Gareth Griffiths, MBA programme director at 
Aston University, where students undertake a 
consultancy project at the end of the course 
worth a third of the overall mark, says that while 
employers' opinions are important they have 
to be treated with caution because they can 
expect far too much or too little. Sometimes 
they cannot be objective because they hope to 
employ the student in future. This struggle to be 
objective is a common concern when it comes 
to alternative methods of assessment. 'I think 
any alternative to assessment by exams is not 
going to be as rigorous or as accurate,' says 
Purcell. But she argues that the more these 
alternative assessment methods are used, the 
better business schools will get at using them 
effectively. And there are ways of ensuring 
rigour, such as benchmarking across different 
courses and assessors, and making sure that 
assessments are based on more than one 
person's opinion, and on fixed criteria. 

While AMBA (the Association of MBAs) would 
expect a course to involve some exams before 
it gave accreditation, Purcell says, it would be 
concerned if exams were the only assessment 
method. Meanwhile, few would suggest 
that alternative assessment methods are an 
easy option for the student. Marie Hardie, 
postgraduate internship manager in Coventry 
University's business school, says students find 
they not only have to get used to a company's 
culture in a few weeks, they often have to 
persuade them to part with money - 'Not an 
easy thing to do'. Overseas students can find 
non-exam assessments particularly stressful. 
While exams can be challenging for those 
whose first language isn't English, so can verbal 

Dan Gray, an Ashridge MBA student, says that 
while he appreciates his course's practical 
focus, exams are still important, After all,' he 
says, 'exams test your ability to perform under 
pressure, and that's a critical skill for any senior 
manager.' But it is not the only skill. 'If you think 
about what employers want from MBA students, 
they want well rounded people who have 
demonstrated skills in all areas and have been 
assessed in many different ways,' says Purcell. 
Marco Romero's assessment for consultancy 
work he carried out for the Birmingham Chamber 
of Commerce during his MBA was so positive 
that he is still working for them. 



The world of work and training 

ow to go 

30Ut it 

questions 1-5: 

Put a box around 
the names of the 
people in the 
passage. This will 
help you find the 
answers more 

Underline words 
or phrases in the 
statements that will 
nelp you match the 
statements and the 

Some sentences 
A/ill be complete 
paraphrases of the 
text so you need to 
be able to recognize 
questions 6-12: 

Decide which 
Types of words are 
missing. Try to guess 
the meaning of the 
missing word and 
took for a synonym 
n the passage. 
Check the word 

Don't write words 
on the answer 
sheet that are in the 

Questions 1-5 

Look at the following people (Questions 1-5) and the list of statements below. 

Match each person with the correct statement, A-H. 

1 Jeannette Purcell 

2 Oliver Westall 

W 3 Melrona Kirrane 

4 Gareth Griffiths 

5 Dan Gray 

List of Statements 

A concedes that practical skills are important, but maintains that exams are a 
valuable assessment tool 

B feels that testing by exams is more thorough and precise than other methods 
C says that written exams are becoming more and more critical 
D suggests the views of employers are not always impartial 
E thinks that MBA students have more practical know-how nowadays 
F states that evaluation by peers should be included in any course assessment 
G thinks persuading companies to pay for courses is difficult 
H believes team-based assessment to be essential in evaluation of MBA students 

Questions 6-12 

Complete the sentences below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

6 Purcell believes that other methods of assessment are replacing......./.W... 

7 Business students are now tested on being able to function in a . 

8 At Dublin City University A.,....'. . .still makes up less of the total marks than 


9 On full-time MBAs at Ashridge written exams are done early so students can concentrate 

on .CfA..' 

10 One way to ensure the thoroughness of testing is not to rely on just one individual’s 

11 To students from outside the UK the testing that is not based on exams is sometimes 

especially . 

12 One form of assessment that is sometimes demanding for students who are not native 
speakers of English is ..V.Jf L >> 

Question 13 

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. 

13 Which of the following is the most suitable title for the reading passage? 

A The end of written exams? C Practical assessment in decline? 

B The importance of MBAs D Teamwork and written exams compared 

Reacting to the text 

Do you think that written exams are old-fashioned? Why/Why not? 
What kind of tests do you like or dislike. Why? 

If you were able to create your ideal course, what would it be like? 



The world of work and training 

(Listening ) 

IELTS Section 3 

1 Work in pairs. Make a list of points that you need to consider when you are 

doing a presentation. Then discuss which would be the most important for you and 

Don't forget 

• Skim the questions to see what the topic is and underline words that will help you listen for the answer. 

^> 1.11 SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 

Questions 21-25 

Choose FIVE letters, A-H. 

Which FIVE improvements does 
Olivia suggest? 

A check the equipment 
B reduce the pace 
C include more data 
D distribute the handouts 
E make the talk longer 
F improve the organization 
G make the talk shorter 
H check the room layout 

Questions 26-28 

Complete the sentences below. 


for each answer. 


26 He thinks that he used an 
excessive amount of 
.in his talk. 

27 He was frightened that they 

would appear . 

28 He feels the main thing for him 

is to control his . 

Questions 29 and 30 

Answer the questions below. 

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. 

29 What did the students and the tutor say the presentation was? 

Vo 6 


30 What is the tutor going to photocopy for them to take away? 

2 C ^ Have you ever given a presentation? What kind of presentation was it? 

Did you feel it went well? Why/Why not? What would you do differently if you had to do 
it again? 



The world of work and training 

Language focus: Conditionals 1 

1 Look at the statements below from the listening practice on 
page 96. Identify the tenses and number the boxes as follows: 

1 1st conditional 

2 2nd conditional 

3 3rd conditional 

_I If we had given ourselves more time, it would have 

flowed better 

_i ... but if I had to do it again, I'd change a few things. 

HI If Ido it again, I'll spend more time practising to make 
it run more smoothly. 

Read more about conditionals in the Grammar 
reference on page 223. 

2 For sentences 1 -8 below, put the verbs in brackets into the 
correct tense. 

1 If young people_(give) opportunities to 

prepare for the changes affecting the world, finding a job 
will prove easier for them in the future. 

3 Work in pairs. Each person should choose one of 

the statements in exercise 2. Discuss each statement by 

explaining why you agree or disagree with it. Give reasons 

and examples. 

4 Complete sentences 1 -6 below with your own words. 

1 Were the government to take more responsibility for 
people's training needs, then ... 

2 Had I been able to choose ... 

3 If the change in the pace of life continues at its current 

4 If people are not adaptable and prepared to change jobs, 

5 It is important for everyone nowadays to aim to have 
some kind of profession; otherwise,... 

6 Unless my parents had been prepared to sacrifice a lot to 
educate me,... 

5 For 1-6 below decide which word is missing in each sentence. 

1 The educational process for children is free of unnecessary 

2 If time and effort_(devote) to creating 

closer economic ties in the past, countries would have 
come closer together. 

3 Unless young people invest time in acquiring new skills, 

they_(find) life harder in the future. 

4 I would not have achieved the results unless I 
_(work) hard. 

5 Going to university_(turn out to be) an 

enjoyable experience if students balance studying time 
with making new friends. 

6 I think more money needs to be put into education; 
otherwise, the high standards we have reached 

7 If people pursued their goals, they_(succeed) 

whatever happened. 

8 Many people would love to turn the clock back and lead 

the same life again if they_(have) the chance. 

stress, they won't develop properly. 

2 Had there been skills shortages in rich countries, workers 
from poorer countries would not have moved there. 

3 If my father had not migrated to Australia, I have been 
born in Japan. 

4 If people did have qualifications, it would be more 
difficult to assess their suitability for a job. 

5 Some adults had better literacy and numeracy skills, they 
would access the job market more easily. 

6 Had universities permitted to expand faster, there would 
have been a more skilled workforce now. 

Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the 
following questions. You will need to decide which questions 
are relevant to your partner. 

1 What would happen if you didn't go to university? 

2 What would have happened if you hadn't learnt English? 

3 What will you do if you get through university? 

4 If you had another chance, would you follow a different 
career path? 

5 Were you to go to university, how would it change your 

Do you think success as a student and in life in 
general is a matter of luck or a result of planning? Give 
reasons and examples. 



The world of work and training 

Vocabulary 2: Collocations 

1 Work in pairs. For 1-10 below, underline the word or phase in each list which cannot befl 
used with the noun in italics. 

1 benefit 

2 advantage 

3 opportunity 

4 success 

5 prospects 

6 disadvantage 

7 failure 

8 achievement 

9 improvement 
10 chance 

considerable / enjoy / make / derive / accrue / gain / financial 

huge / considerable / education / enjoy / gain / outweigh / take 

ample / once in a lifetime / silver / career / provide / seize / squander 

enormous / large / enjoy / achieve / guarantee / depends on 

excellent / get / offer / boost / damage / long-term / employment / career 

distinct / obvious / suffer / have / enjoy / offset 

total / complete / achieve / result in / end in / expect 

outstanding / accrue / impressive / proudest / represent / a lack of 

huge / massive / show / make / take up / scope / room 

good / deserve / give somebody / throw away / possess / arise / take 

2 Complete the gaps in 1-8 below with a word or phrase from exercise 1. There may be 
more than one possible answer. 

1 Achieving_in life depends on many factors like qualifications, but it 

cannot always be_by having them. 

2 Even if an academic career ends in_, it does not mean that someone’s 

_career_are seriously_. 

3 Everyone_a fair_at succeeding in life, but all too often 

people squander the opportunity. 

4 I made a huge_in my last years at school, but looking back there was 

certainly_for more. 

5 A person who has a vocational education in plumbing or engineering does not suffer any 

_in life. On the contrary, having such an education is a_ 

6 The financial_that_from acquiring training and skills 

mean that one can enjoy the fruits of one’s labours. 

7 Finding my first job_the proudest_in my life so far. 

8 Going to university in my country is a_that needs to be 

_once it comes. 

3 With a partner, discuss what advantages, opportunities and achievements you 

have had in your lives so far. Are there any opportunities that you have thrown away? 



The world of work and training 

'Speaking ) 1 

IELTS Part 2 

Prepare brief notes for one of the following Part 2 task cards. Limit yourself to no more 
than ten words. Use words and phrases from Vocabulary 2 on page 98. 

Describe a school that you liked. 

You should say: 

where the school was 
when you attended it 
what it was like 

and explain why you liked this school. 

Describe an achievement that you will never forget. 

You should say: 

what the achievement is 
when it happened 
what it means to you 

and explain why you will never forget this achievement. 

2 With a partner, take turns talking about the topic. When your partner has 

finished speaking, give him/her feedback using the checklist on page 210. 

Writing: ) 

IELTS Task 2 

Work in groups. Discuss the structure and content of the answer required for the 
following Task 2 question, using questions 1-4 below to help you. Before you discuss 
the question you may want to skim the reading passage on page 93 again and look at 
Vocabulary 1 on page 93 and Vocabulary 2 on page 98. 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

In the modern world there is a movement away from written exams to more 
practical assessment. 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

mmwnm ' mvmm * .... . . : »"m> . . .. ... .mmmmm m .mm.. n .. 

1 Do you have to write about both the advantages and the disadvantages? 

2 Do you have to devote equal space to each? 

3 How many advantages/disadvantages do you need to write about? 

4 Do you have to use as many connecting devices as possible? 



The world of work and training 

2 Read the model answer below and underline the words from Vocabulary 2 exercise 1 on 
page 98. 

Testing students and workers takes various forms including written, oral and practical 
assessment. However, although written tests are still the most popular way to check 
achievement at work and university, a range of alternative methods like problem-solving, 
role-play, oral presentation and work-based assessment are becoming more common. 
Both approaches of evaluating student attainment are valid, but each tests different 

Some people believe that there is considerable benefit to be gained from using 
written exams compared to more practical testing methods. For example, from an 
administrative point of view, the former are generally easier to deal with. Moreover, if 
factual knowledge is being tested, then it is easier to check it on a written paper than in 
a group problem-solving exercise. However, the obvious disadvantage of written tests 
is that they do not suit everyone. Take students in Italy where oral exams are used as 
a means of checking knowledge. Switching to written tests could then be problematic. 
Conversely, students used only to written tests would be at a distinct disadvantage, if 
they were asked to take a more practical exam. 

Other people feel that written tests are of little benefit, as they do not always assess 
students or workers fitness for the vast array of opportunities that the real world 
of work provides. Functioning in the real world involves making quick decisions, working 
with other people and using different types of intelligence like emotional and social 
intelligence. Therefore, it makes sense to test in the same way. Those people who will 
enjoy success in the future will be those who are able to operate efficiently within 
systems and find their way around, i.e. the ones who can manipulate knowledge and use 
experience rather than possess knowledge. 



The world of work and training 

3 Find words and phrases in the model answer that have the same meaning as each of the 
words and phrases in the box below. There may be more than one possible answer. 

assessing/examining preferred various means while methods 
enormous derived angle on the other hand be appropriate for use 

4 Work in pairs. Find examples of the following in the second paragraph of the model 
answer. Underline the linking words that identify these functions. 

• a result 

• a condition 

• a contrast 

• an example 

5 Work in pairs. For sentences 1-5 below, add punctuation to connect the information. 

1 Learning skills as opposed to knowledge makes people more practical moreover it gives 
them greater flexibility as skills are often transferable. 

2 Skills are very much in vogue however knowledge is also essential. 

3 There are many skills that young people have acquired take texting for example this is 
sometimes criticized but it teaches language skills in a different way. 

4 It is difficult to distinguish knowledge from experience furthermore skills are also linked 
to both. 

5 If skills like manipulating knowledge are learnt then it will benefit both the individual and 
the economy. * 

6 Work in groups. Discuss the following Task 2 question.Then write your own 
answer. When you have finished, check your answer using the checklist on page 209. 

Don't forget 

• Make a list of any words or ideas that come into your head related to both sides. 

• Sometimes writing a full idea might take too long. 1-3 words are enough to remind you. 

• As you make your list, do not exclude any ideas. 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

In the modern world, more and more emphasis is being placed on the acquisition 
of practical skills rather than knowledge from text books or other sources. 

Discuss the advantages a nd disadvantages of this trend. _ 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 






1 Match each sentence beginning 1 

1 He is a policeman 

2 She earns her 

3 I don't really like the idea of 

4 Holding down several 

5 I would like to improve my 

6 I gained new qualifications to 

7 I wouldn’t change my 

8 Having a very strong 

-8 with an ending a-h. 

a work ethic always helps, 
b living working in a chemist shop, 
c jobs is difficult if you have a family, 
d career prospects, 
e by profession, 
f climb the career ladder, 
g occupation, 
h a 9 to 5 job. 

2 For 1-8 below, unjumble the words to make a sentence and find the unnecessary word. 

1 qualifications needed for the job livelihood what are 

2 both and work is good for job you physically mentally 

3 in wood profession by making earns his carvings he living delicate very 

4 as profession a very noble working farmer is qualification a 

5 the future profession will have social work I’d like to do be connected the job with in 

6 is demanding career an like very occupation teaching but also having rewarding 

7 a engineering have possible work career in if I like would to 

8 in especially interested banking I’m in a occupation finance career 

3 For sentences 1-8 below, replace each of the underlined words with a word of your own. 

1 They achieved considerable success in their working lives. 

2 I derived real benefit from a university education. 

3 My qualifications gave me a huge advantage at the interview. 

4 His employment prospects are enhanced by the opening of the new bank. 

5 Many opportunities have been wasted here. 

6 There is an obvious disadvantage to concentrating on only one learning mechanism. 

7 There is always scope for improvement, no matter who you are. 

8 It was such an outstanding achievement to come top in the exams. 



The world of work and training 

Conditionals 1 

1 For each sentence 1-7 below, complete the first gap with if, unless or otherwise-, some 
sentences may not require a word. For the second gap, put the verb in brackets into the 
correct tense. 

1 _they had followed the guidelines, they_(succeed). 

2 _the country is to progress, then new technologies_(need) to 

be embraced with open arms. 

3 _they don’t put more effort into the scheme, it_(not succeed). 

4 _the government_(encourage) more people to take up 

training, it would benefit us all. 

5 I think that more houses need to be built;_there_(be) a crisis. 

6 _were we ever to inhabit the moon, I_(be) very surprised. 

7 _written exams are removed from the education system, it_(cause) 

enormous upset. 

2 Rewrite sentences 1-7 in exercise 1 using the words below. 

1 had 

2 otherwise 

3 unless 

4 were 

5 if not 

6 if 

7 otherwise 

Proof reading 

1 Find and correct the mistakes in the following extract from an IELTS Writing Task 2 

If people feel that they are not given the eame oportunities ae their colleagues In 
the work place, they will then begin to feel disatisfied. That’s when the problems 
set in. For the work environment to be relaxe, people need to work as a team. This 
can reduce quiet a lot of tension. Morover, by working with people rather than 
against them, the work enviroment will be much more comfortable ... 

2 Look at the following list of words and decide whether the spelling is correct. When you 
have finished, check your answers with a dictionary. 

1 thoroughness 

2 acheivement 

3 enhanced 

4 intprovment 

5 profession 

6 carier 

7 qualHcations 

8 flexbility 

9 ccnversly 

10 assessment 

11 memorable 

12 excesive 



The history of geography 

Vocabulary 1: Nouns relating to places 

1 C’ i Work in groups. Describe the similarities and the differences between the maps. 
Then discuss the questions below. 

• What do you think the purpose is of each map? 

• When was the last time you consulted a map of some kind? Why did you use it? 

• How has technology changed the way we prepare maps? 

• Do you think satellite maps invade our privacy? 



The history of geography 

2 For 1-8 below, decide which of the nouns in brackets go in each gap. Some nouns are 
interchangeable. Make any necessary changes. 

1 The poor_I grew up in is very different now. It used be a very rough 

_, but now it is a quiet residential street, (area/neighbourhood) 

2 Yes I had a favourite_I liked to visit, but it has become a real tourist 

_, so I don’t go there anymore, (place/spot) 

3 The park in the business_is surrounded by a pedestrian_, 

which makes it a real haven of peace, (zone/district) 

4 My family home is in a magnificent_overlooking the sea. It’s a 

_famed for its views, (region/location) 

5 The_I now live in is quite built-up, but it still has quite a lot of big open 

_. (area/space) 

6 There have been a few burglaries in the_recently, but by and large it is a 

very safe_. (vicinity/neighbourhood) 

7 India has some beautiful_to visit, especially in the northern- 

of the country, where you can avoid most of the tourist hot_. 


8 The house was built in a beautiful_on a hillside with a stream and 

surrounded by trees. This whole_is spectacular at any time of the year 

but especially in the autumn, (region/setting) 


Work in pairs. You can build up a description of a place by adding phrases after the 
noun. Decide which phrases 1-10 you associate most with phrases a-j. There may be 
more than one possible answer. 

1 on a cliff top 

2 on a hillside 

3 a wooded hillside 

4 an open space 

5 an empty desert 

6 a noisy neighbourhood 

7 a temperate zone 

8 a sandy beach 

9 a secluded lake 
10 a rugged mountain 

a surrounded by trees 
b overlooking the sea 
c with no houses, just endless fields 
d covered with trees 
e with lots of cars and people 
f covered with rock and crags 

g fed by a high waterfall and disturbed only by birdsong 
h with huge sand dunes and no people 
i teeming with wildlife 

j stretching into the distance and pounded by the 
Pacific Ocean 

4 For 1-4 below, put the words in italics into the correct order. 

1 I live in a block of flats, small a overlooking garden. It’s in a really beautiful and quiet old 
buildings neighbourhood with. And though it’s in the heart of the city, it is a peaceful 
area, sound only the odd by the of birds and disturbed car. 

2 My family home is on a beach seashore miles along the stretching for. It’s an ideal place 
for sports enthusiasts opportunity of boating with for lots of plenty and swimming. The 
house, though two built years ago hundred, is still in good condition. 

3 My family come from a village by mountains beautiful surrounded. In summer the 
mountainside, purple its with flowers, is a blaze of colour. 

4 My dream location for a house would be a secluded lake with a height falling by trees 
great waterfall from a surrounded or even a hillside with covered views out but with 
looking trees over the countryside. 



The history of geography 

(Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 2 

Work in pairs. Make questions with the phrases below. 

a region of your country 
the neighbourhood you live in 
a place with fond memories 
a square you like 
a seaside town you like 

Useful expressions 

Can you describe ... ? 
Where... ? 

When... ? 

How often ... ? 

Why do you... ? 

2 Work with a new partner. Take turns asking and answering the questions you 

made in exercise 1. 

3 Work in pairs. It is important to try to control the rhythm of your speech. Mark the 
stress in the words in the sentence beginnings 1-5 below. Put o above the syllables 
which have a secondary stress and 0 above the syllables which have the main stress. 


o o o 0 o 

We went to a nice place by the sea yesterday 

1 I was living in a small flat when I first came here, but then I... 

2 We stayed in a nice hotel overlooking the sea, because ... 

3 The place is very special to me, because it... 

4 The place I’m going to describe for you is ... 

5 I like the area very much, because it’s ... 

4 Work in pairs. Practise saying the phrases in exercise 3. First say the words with 
the stressed syllables {went nice place sea yesterday). Then say the sentence {We went to a 
nice place by the sea yesterday.). 


Work in pairs. Make notes for the following Part 2 task card.Where possible, use words 
from Vocabulary 1 on page 104 and the sentence beginnings in exercise 3. 

Describe a place which is special for you. ; 
You should say: 
where it is 

when you first went there 

what appeals to you about it 

and explain why this place is special 
to you. 

6 Take turns talking about the topic. When your partner has finished speaking, give 

him/her feedback using the checklist on page 210. Then practise talking about the topic 

Don't forget 

• Time yourselves. You should speak for 
up to two minutes 



^sterling ) 

The history of geography 

1 How are lectures usually organized? How can you understand the main ideas in 
a lecture? 

2 Read the notes in questions 31-40 below. Decide what the subject of the lecture you will 
hear is. Then decide how many major sections there are. 

3 Look at each gap in the notes and answer questions 1-6 below. 

1 What kind of information is missing? Is it a noun, adjective, verb, adverb or number? 

2 If it is a noun, is the noun singular or plural? 

3 Which answers relate to time? 

4 Which answers relate to a reason for something? 

5 Which is an idea suggested by the other words in the notes? 

6 Which is a number or a percentage? 

< 32.1 SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 

Questions 31-40 

Complete the notes below. 


Migration of early humans 

Human migration has occurred throughout history 

First significant migration occurred approximately 31.years ago 

Early pioneers did not survive 

Earth experienced changes in 32.about 70,000 years ago 

New band of modern humans left Africa 


- China about 50,000 years ago and Europe about 33.years ago 

- the open steppes of Siberia some 40,000 years ago 

- roughly 20,000 years ago arriving in Japan, then linked to the main 34. 

- Australia was reached across the sea on 35.50,000 years ago 

- America via Alaska some time between 15 and 13,000 years ago 

Migration within Africa 

Bantu occupied around 36.of the African continent by 1,000 AD 

Stimulus for the Bantu migration was perhaps the farming of the 37. 

Population expansion led to movement into surrounding areas that were not heavily 

Iron production introduced from 38. 

The Bantu used iron tools to fell trees, clear forests and 39. 

Iron meant they had a 40.over their neighbours 



The history of geography 

Language focus: Referring in a text 

1 Look at the following extracts from the listening practice on 
page 107. Decide what the words in bold refer to. 

If we look at the first slide here, we can see the route this 
first group of modem humans took as they made their 
way across the Red Sea here, which was then a dry bed. 
Then through Arabia and into what is now the Middle 
East. But these early pioneers soon died out. 

But at that time, just like today the earth was subject to 
shifts in temperature. About 70,000years ago, the planet 
became warmer and another group ... 

2 Look at sentences 1-3 below. What does the word in bold 
refer to in each sentence? 

1 The neighbourhood is very noisy because it is full of 
shops and restaurants. 

2 As the region is full of large farms, it is very rich. 

3 The cost of farming has increased dramatically over the 
period. This (rise)has led to inflation. 

3 Why is it not possible to use this instead of it in sentences 
1 and 2? 

4 It is not possible to use it instead of this in sentence 3, 
although you can leave out the word rise. Decide why. 

Read more about referring in a text in the Grammar 
reference on page 223. 

5 Underline the correct alternative in italics in 1-8 below. 

1 The poor neighbourhood where I live now was very 
different a few years ago. The neighbourhood/lt/This 
used to be much more pleasant then. 

2 The region is full of many places to see. That/This/It is 
what makes thislitlthat such a fantastic place to live. 

3 The location for the new airport has been changed to 
somewhere completely different. This new development/ 
It/They will cost a lot of money. 

4 When I first discovered the woodland it/this/that was not 
known by many people, but now it/this/that is visited by 
dozens of people everyday. 

5 The area has been transformed by the building of new 
factories and a business park. This/It/That has 
unfortunately made the place less attractive. 

6 Various industrial sites are for sale at the moment, but 
they/it/these are too expensive. This/That/It will stop the 
area from developing. 

7 The neighbourhoods in the north of the city are 
industrialized, while these/they/those in the south are 
more residential. 

8 More people have moved away from the city centre to 
the suburbs. As a result, these/they/these areas are 
becoming more crowded and expensive. 

6 For 1-7 below, remove the repetition in each sentence by 

using a suitable reference. 

1 The price of property in this region is increasing, and 

the increase in the price of property in this region is set to 

2 The neighbourhood was poor once but the neighbourhood 
is rich now. 

3 I like visiting the seaside when nobody is around; visiting 
the seaside when nobody is around is very relaxing. 

4 If people make an effort to clean up after themselves 
when people visit parks, then parks will be much more 
inviting for the public in general. 

5 He suggested I should go away for a couple of days. The 
suggestion that I should go away for a few days is okay, 
but the suggestion that I should go away for a couple of 
days is an expensive solution. 

6 The government should pass laws to protect more areas 
of great natural beauty. Passing laws to protect more 
areas of great natural beauty would benefit all of us. 

7 Progress cannot be stopped. Progress is inevitable, even if 
the progress is very slow and the progress stops altogether 
for a while. But progress stopping altogether for a while is 
unlikely to happen. 

7 Work in groups. Discuss the idea in sentence 7 in 
exercise 6. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 


IELTS Reading Passage 


Work in pairs. As quickly as you can, find words in the reading passage which have the 
same meaning as words 1-10 below. 

1 intricate 6 future 

2 intangible 7 non-spiritual 

3 representations 8 man-made objects 

4 associations 9 deep 

5 local 10 assemble 

2 Work in groups. Bring together the information you have ab :h e tevt so far. 



The history of geography 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 


The history and study of cartography or map 
making shows how maps have influenced human 
affairs in the past. It necessarily involves not only 
the technical process used to make maps, but also 
observes the motives for their making and their 
role in forming society's views of space and place. 

All humans possess a complex spatial knowledge 
of their environment. This 'cognitive mapping' 
is created through direct experience and by 
communication with others. However, the more 
formal activity of map making usually arises from 
the social needs of complex, extensive, and often 
highly bureaucratic societies. For societies in 
which humans live and communicate within small 
groups, there is little need to make maps of the 
terrestrial environment. Thus, it is probable that 
the function of a few petroglyphs that can broadly 
be identified as maps from the Upper Palaeolithic 
period, c. 30,000 BC, was probably magical 
-and cosmographical (perhaps associated with 
agricultural fertility rites), and most of the images 
are in abstract as if viewed from above. Important 
Neolithic examples include a representation of 
the Anatolian town Catal Huyuk (in present-day 
Turkey) from about 6200 BC, and a series of 
complex topographical images from the foothills of 
the Italian Alps in Valcamonica dating from around 
1500 BC. 

The very terms 'map' and 'cartography', with 
their strong Western overtones, are unsatisfactory 
for small indigenous local cultures, even though 
iconic representations of territory that approach 
the European functions of maps have existed. The 
form of these spatial expressions may be in an oral 
or kinaesthetic ritual performance rather than an 
inscription industrial societies normally regard as a 

There are several characteristics that indigenous 
maps share cross-culturally. One is to serve as a 
record of a creation story or genealogical lineage 
of a people, as in many Ojibwa migration charts. 
Here, where migrations, astronomical events, 
battles, and other events are recorded for posterity, 
the representation of time and space is conflated 
in the form of the map, so that events separated 
by many centuries may appear side by side. In 
Australia, reconstructions of the legendary tracks 
of ancestors, the Dreamings, are recorded in 
bark paintings and other media of Aboriginal art. 
Sacred and secular uses are often merged, so that 
a representation of the cardinal directions in the 
cosmos may be embodied in the plan of a village 
or house, as in the Dogon peoples of the Sahara. 

There are also didactic or mnemonic uses of maps 
in local indigenous cultures. For example, the stick 
charts of the people of the Marshall Islands (the 
only group that made these forms of map) are 
a training aid for navigators for understanding 
the location and pattern of ocean swells. In 
Africa, memory boards are used in initiation rites 
establishing lineage of kingships and recalling the 
location of famous events. Among the Apache, 
notched sticks were used to remember landmarks 
for expeditions. 

Surviving artefacts from the civilizations of 
Mespotamia show a profound knowledge of 
astronomy for astrological purposes, as well as a 
practical knowledge of geometry and surveying in 
field surveys for taxation and irrigation purposes. 
These are mainly in the form of hundreds of 
clay tablets recording cadastral (landownership) 
information, mostly dating from the 1st millennium 
BC. Fewer map artefacts survive from ancient 
Egypt, but there is graphic evidence in wall 






' ED The history of geography 

paintings, inscriptions, and manuscripts of surveying 
instruments used to survey buildings and re¬ 
establish field markers after the annual flooding 
of the Nile had swept them away. The A'h-mos^ 
or Rhind mathematical papyrus in the British 
Museum (dating between 1750 and 1580 BC) 
is an important source of such information. 

Different types of maps were made in 
_the European Middle Ages. The first of 
these are manuscript sea charts, mainly 
of the Mediterranean (the so-called 
portolan charts), originating from the 
13th century. From the earliest 

known chart, the Carte Pisane (c 1275), to 
charts of the 17th century, the method of 
construction appears to have been the same: 
they seem to have been compiled from 
bearings and rough distances gleaned from 
repeated voyages, written itineraries, or 
other charts. The radiating lines of constant r- 
direction commonly found on these charts 
appear to have been used for navigation purposes \ 
rather than in their compilation, for they are usually 
added later, and are rarely found in the same 
place on two charts. The mention of the magnetic 
compass on board ship in the 13th century has led 
some to associate it with these lines. 


How to go 
about it 

For questions 1-5 

• First read 
the sentence 
beginnings and 
then the endings. 

• Check for 
beginnings and 
endings that 
don't fit together. 

• Scan the reading 
passage for words 
or paraphrases 

of words in 
the sentence 
beginnings. Put 
a box around the 
words in the text 
to help you refer 
to them. 

• Match the 
endings to the 
words you have 
located in the 

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G, below. 

1 The analysis of a map 

2 Awareness of one’s surroundings 

3 A land map 

4 A Neolithic example 

5 The term cartography 

A teaches us about the trade and commerce. 

B indicates the main settlements in antiquity. 

C reveals its impact on human development. 

D conjures up images that are related to developed, as opposed 
to traditional societies. 

E develops through practice and contact with different people. 

F serves very little purpose for isolated communities. 

G contains an image of a town. 

Questions 6-11 

Complete the table below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

The ways different groups used maps 




employed maps where 6 .and.were 

brought together 

Australian Aborigines 

recorded information on various materials including 



combined bearings in the 8.with the 

9.of their living spaces 


www. boo ks man ia. net 

The history of geography 


marked sticks as a memory aid for 10. 


used geometry and surveying for various reasons with 
details recorded on 11. 

Questions 12 and 13 

Choose TWO letters, A-E. 

Which TWO features of the creating of manuscript sea charts are mentioned by the writer in the 

A The lines on the maps were drawn as the maps were made. 

B The lines on the maps seem to be used for map reading at sea. 

C The lines are always located in the same place on sea charts. 

D Other charts were not used in the creation of sea charts. 

E The process of making the maps is apparently identical in each case. 

Reacting to the text 

Is modem technology like satnavs lessening our ability to interact with the environment 
first-hand and reducing spatial awareness in people? 

Vocabulary 2: Verbs relating to changes in maps 

1 Work in pairs. Match each sentence beginning 1-7 with an ending a-g. There may he 
more than one possible answer 

1 The centre of the town 

2 Several old buildings 

3 A new school 

4 The old houses 

5 Some old derelict factories 

6 A line of old trees 

7 The bank 

a replaced the old hospital, 
b were knocked down to make way for a new 

c were pulled down, with a new multi-storey car park 
taking their place. 

d were demolished to create a large open space which 
was turned into a park, 
e was chopped down to widen the road, 
f was converted into a restaurant and the cinema was 
torn down. 

g was completely transformed over the ten year period. 

2 Underline the most suitable verb in italics in sentences 1-8 below. Then put it into the 
correct tense. 

1 The railway extend/expand to the centre of town, and three new stations were built. 

2 As the town extend/expand, all the open spaces were used up for housing. 

3 An airport construct/become on a greenfield site on the edge of the town. 

4 The neighbourhood completely change/demolish with the building of new apartments. 

5 The area around the town turn into/become more built-up. 

6 A number of dramatic developments take place/convert, which alter/expand the 
character of the town completely. 

7 The area turn into/become less rural and leafy with the building of new offices. 

8 The empty space near the university develop/become into a park. 



The history of geography 

3 Work in pairs. Decide which verbs in exercise 2 can be turned into nouns with the 
endings below. 

-ation -ition -sion -tion -ment 

4 For 1-8 in exercise 2, decide if it is possible to rewrite the sentences using a noun and 
adding the verbs below. Rewrite the sentences where possible. 

be happen occur take place 

5 In the following sentence, underline the phrase which would give a good overview. 

The area underwent a complete transformation/became different/turned into something 
new over the period. 

(Writing: ) 

Work in pairs. Underline the adverbs in each sentence 1-5 below which relate to the 
map on page 206 and decide if they are in the correct position. If they need to be moved, 
decide if you need to make any other changes to the sentence. 

1 A residential area is located in the north-west of the town. 

2 To the north - east of the residential area there are several derelict warehouses. 

3 South of the warehouses in the north are located some offices. 

4 West of the river and south of the residential area is situated the Arts Centre. 

5 The university is sited in the north-east, west of the woodland. 

2 Work in pairs. Write sentences to describe where the remaining places 6-11 are on the 

3 fT* Work in pairs. 

Student A: Look at the map of the town of Sandring in the year 2009 on page 206, 
which has the names of places 1-1 missing. Listen to Student Bs description and write 
down the name of each place. 

Student B: Look at the map of the town of Sandring in the year 2009 on page 208, 
which has the names of the places marked. Describe to Student A where each place is 
located. When you have finished, show Student A your map to check their answers. 

Useful expressions 

in the northlsouthleast/west of... 
north/south/east/west of... 
to the north/south/eastlwest of... 
there is..., 

... lies, is situated, is sited, is located, 
stands, runs/flows 

4 Look at the map of the town of Sandring in 2000 on page 206 and the Student B map of 
Sandring in 2009. Decide if sentences 1-10 below about Sandring in 2009 are true or 

1 The hospital in the west of the town was converted into a hotel. 

2 Where the park stands there used to be a university. 

3 The public gardens in the south-east of the town were destroyed to make way for an 
entertainment area. 

4 The school was still in the same place in the west of the town. 

5 In place of the park there is an industrial wasteland. 

6 The fields on the south-west border of the town have become an industrial zone. 



The history of geography 

7 The quarry just south of the centre of the town has been transformed into a lake. 

8 The coach station in the centre of the town was converted into a railway station. 

9 A shopping centre was built in the north of the town, replacing part of the residential area. 
10 Overall, the town has become much less rural with more buildings being constructed. 

an't forget! 

>'ou need to write an 

Avoid listing the 

You cannot 
summarize trends, 
cut you can 
summarize overall 


Words and phrases 1-10 below can all be used to describe change. Rewrite each 
sentence 1-10 in exercise 4 using the words below. There may be more than one 
possible answer. 

1 build in place of 

2 give way to 

3 build on the site of 

4 not change 

5 turn into 9 replace/build 

6 give over to 10 urban transformation 

7 become 

8 reconstruct to become 

6 Write an answer for the Task 1 question below. When you have finished, check your 
answer using the checklist on page 209. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The maps below show the changes experienced by the town of Lakeside at the 
beginning of the 21st Century 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and 
make comparisons where necessary 

Write at least 150 words. 

Lakeside 2000 Lakeside 2009 

N N 





Some of the underlined nouns in sentences 1-8 below have been moved between the 
sentences. Decide which sentences are correct. 

1 The world is a wonderful region teeming with life of all kinds. 

2 The mountainside provided a perfect location for the end of the film. 

3 This animal is only found in the southern place of Africa and nowhere else. 

4 The world is divided into different climate spaces . 

5 There are very few open zones in the centres of major cities. 

6 This is the exact spot on the river where I first learnt to swim. 

7 There are very few empty houses in the district as there is a shortage of housing. 

8 The financial vicinity of the city stretches along the river bank for miles. 


1 In the extract from IELTS Speaking 
Part 2, the candidate is describing a 
special place. Complete gaps 1-5 with 
a phrase a-e. 

a If I remember rightly, the first time 
b What I particularly like about it is the 
c And why do I like it so much? 
d it would have to be 
e breathtaking setting of any place 

I think 

1_a sandy 

beach near where I was born. It has the 

most 2_I have seen in 

the world. I don’t believe it can be beaten. 

3 _I laid eyes on it I was 

a bout 15 years of age. 4 _sand 

seems to stretch as far as the eye can see. On 
the other side of the bay there are mountains 
sweeping gently down to the sea. 


Well, it’s_ 

2 In the extract below the candidate is talking about the same topic. 

There are seven words which should not be there. Underline the extra words. 

And why 

it is this place so special for me? Well, I 
think it's because it is really peaceful over there. I can sit for 
hours without seeing anyone, just gazing into the distance space; it 
is so relaxing. There are no any noisy streets with the car radios and people, 
only a peaceful riverbank surrounded by trees and flowers with the only 
sounds be those of the birds and the river flowing down through the 
wood. I am often wonder how long it will stay like that. 



The history of geography 

3 Mark the stress in the words in phrases 1-5 below. When you have finished, practise 
saying the phrases. First read the words with the stressed syllable. Then practise saying 
the whole phrase. 

1 The place I’d like to describe is a hillside covered ... 

2 A place that’s special for me is a mountain with ... 

3 The place I like the best is a park stretching ... 

4 It has to be a forest teeming ... 

5 I’d like to tell you about a valley surrounded ... 

4 Complete the sentence beginnings 1-5 in exercise 4. 

Referring in a text 

For 1-6 below, complete the gaps with it, this, that or these. 

1 My neighbourhood is improving gradually._is now a safer place to walk 

around at night. 

2 The map was created by craftsmen of the highest standard. It is clear_were 

highly trained. 

3 The Bantu migrated through huge areas of central and southern Africa._led to 

the spread of the language from its origins in West Africa. 

4 The government should try to improve facilities for people in your area, as_ 

would surely help reduce crime. 

5 And what can be done about the problem of the rubbish in scenic areas?_ 

can be cleared away, but_is not the best solution to the problem._ 

needs more drastic measures._can take the form of fines for people who 

dump their waste wherever they want rather than taking_to special rubbish 


6 It is surely the government’s responsibility to protect animals in the wild._ 

could be done by making the smuggling of endangered species from one region of 

the world to another more difficult by increasing checks on animal imports._ 

in turn would make ... 

Proof reading 

As quickly as you can, underline the ten mistakes in the following model answ'er for an 
IELTS Writing Task 1 question. 

The maps illustrates how the town of Marsden underwent a total tranformation in the 
twenty years between 190S and 2006, changing from a small to a large town. 

First, it lost the park in the north of the town, which was substituted by a supermarket. 
The hospital was chopped down and instead a five-star hotel was built surrounding 
by trees and a huge car park. The centre of the town also saw a number of change. 
Moreover, several skyscrapers erected on the site of the old factories and the 
university halls of residence were turned offices. The territory is also less green than it 
used to be with the main park east of the shopping complex being converted into a car 

As the population increase there was a greater demand for housing. So the fields on the 
edge of the town were given over to housing estates, further increasing the urbanization 
of the area. 



What is beauty? 

Vocabulary: Beauty 

1 C' Work in groups. Describe the buildings in each of the photographs. Name them 
if you can. Then discuss the questions below. 

• What is your reaction to the buildings in the photographs? Do you tr r« r*?, are 

beautiful? Why/Why not? 

• What is your favourite building or monument? 

• Is it important to live in beautiful surroundings? Why/Why not? 

2 In your groups, evaluate each of the buildings in the r : -graphs in exercise 

1. Rank the buildings according to how beautiful you think the\ are I = the most 
beautiful, 5 = the least beautiful. Give reasons. 



What is beauty? 

3 For 1-6 below, complete the gaps with a building from exercise 1 so that the statement 
is true for you. Then complete the statement using your own ideas. 


I think building_is breathtaking, as ... 

I think building 1 is breathtaking, as it combines the old and the new and fits perfectly 
into the space it is in. 

1 I find building_very old-fashioned, because ... 

2 Building_says nothing to me at all, because ... 

3 Building_is not as beautiful as Petra, because ... 

4 I find structures like building_very depressing, as they ... 

5 Building_is very charming, but building_is very alluring; it 

makes me want to ... 

6 When I look at the photograph of building_it makes me feel nostalgic, 

because ... 

4 Work in pairs. When you evaluate a building you can: A describe it physically; B say 
what effect it has on you. Look at the adjectives in the box below and decide which 
category they fit in, A or B. 


overawed tall melancholic 




dazzling humbling beautiful 



overwhelmed emotional ecstatic high 





5 Complete the gaps in 1-6 below with a word made from an adjective in exercise 4. 


When I saw the Taj Mahal for the first time it made a huge impression on me. 

1 They tried to_the town centre by putting flowers in baskets and painting and 

renovating the buildings, but it didn’t work. 

2 Standing next to the Sphinx made me feel very_. 

3 I was filled with_at the sight of the Himalayas. I was taken aback by their 


4 Thinking of places that I love sometimes fills me with_, but this is not a 

negative feeling. 

5 When I look at photographs of my home country they_so many memories 

and usually make me feel homesick. 

6 The sight of the old people wandering through the ruins made me_about life 

and how things can change very suddenly. 

6 Work in groups. Transform at least three sentences from exercise 5 by changing the 
noun to a verb or an adjective where possible. 


When I saw the Taj Mahal for the first time it made a huge impression on me . 

When I saw the Taj Mahal for the first time it impressed me enormously . 

1 Work in pairs. Choose at least three monuments that you think represent 

important times in your country's development or are symbolic of your country. 
Describe each structure to your partner and explain why it is of importance. Try to use 
the vocabulary from this section. 



What is beauty? 


IELTS Section 3 

You are going to listen to a conversation between a tutor and a student about a film 
project. Look at questions 21-30 below and decide what the project is about. 

2 Work in pairs. You will hear words 1-10 below during the conversation. Check the 
meaning of the words. Use a dictionary’ to check the meaning of any words you don't 

1 perception 

2 collage 

3 take in 

4 grandeur 

5 digital stills 

6 narrow down 

7 access 9 fade 

8 discipline 10 click 

Don't forget 

• Underline the 
words in the 
questions that warn 
you that the answer 
is coming soon. 

<3 2.2 SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 

Questions 21-25 

Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 

21 Malcolm thinks the subject of his project may not be 

A concrete enough. 

B interesting enough. 

C very academic. 

22 Malcolm’s reaction to India 
was one of 

A indifference. 

B dislike. 

C awe. 

23 Malcolm feels the pictures he 
took of the Ganges etc. are 

A breathtaking. 

B interesting. 

C uninspiring. 

24 The tutor suggests Malcolm should 

A concentrate on photos of buildings only. 

B reduce the number of photographic stills to ten. 
C use only photos of famous places. 

25 Malcolm intends to make a film that is similar to a 

A movie preview. 
B TV advert. 

C music video. 

Questions 26-30 

Complete the sentences below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 

26 Malcolm’s tutor thinks it would be a useful discipline to stick to a. 

27 The tutor reminds Malcolm about the shortness of peoples. 

28 The details about submitting the project can be found on the. 

29 The submission form needs to contain details about the. 

30 With the submission form,.copies of the DVD need to be handed in. 


C Would you like to make a film about a place you have Which place 

would you choose? Why? 



What is beauty? 

Word building: Prefixes under - and over - 

When Malcolm is describing the buildings in New Delhi during the conversation with 
his tutor he says: ‘I think they are really underrated*. You can add the prefixes under- and 
over- to change the meaning of words. 

1 Complete the gaps in sentences 1-10 below using a word made from a verb in the box by 
adding the prefix under or over. 

fund value price run state come estimate awe rate (x 2) take 


However stunning the tourist attraction is, the entrance fee is definitely overpriced . 

1 Many scientists have_the importance of early archaeological 

discoveries. They are much more significant than was once thought. 

2 The monuments were totally_by tourists. I couldn’t take any pictures. 

3 The museum is really_. It’s a very boring building. 

4 Artefacts from a long time ago are frequently_. At auctions they may 

only sell for a fraction of the price of modern art. 

5 Some people are completely_with emotion when they visit Florence. 

It’s a syndrome called the Stendhal effect. 

6 The museum_the theme park as the most popular attraction last year. 

7 Many buildings and monuments of international significance are crumbling, because 

government repair schemes are_. 

8 The ruins of Greater Zimbabwe are seriously_. I think they are more 

important than they are thought to be. 

9 The architecture of the building is very_. It is this simplicity which 

makes it magnificent. 

10 I was completely_by the carvings. I’ve never seen anything like them. 

2 Write a sentence about each of the following: 

• a place, country, monument or film etc. which you think is important, but which 
other people do not value 

• a place, country', monument or film etc. which you do not rate highly, but which 
other people do 



What is beauty? 

(Speaking ) i 

IELTS Part 2 

You can emphasize your own opinion by contrasting it using linking words such as but, 
though, although, however, nevertheless, even so, even though, etc. 

Even though it leaves some people cold, I have a sentimental attachment to it. 

Write sentences about buildings that are important, or have been important, in your 
life. Use at least five of the words and phrases 1-6 below and the linking words above. 


Even though the building where I went to secondary school leaves some people cold, I 
have a sentimental attachment to it. 

1 leave me cold 

2 bring back memories 

3 bleak but my home 

4 ugly/unattractive/unsightly/unpleasant 

5 in a rundown area 

6 beautiful to see/to look at/to visit 

2 Choose one of the sentences you have written and practise the rhythm by reading it out 
loud. Read the secondary stresses first and then the whole sentence. Then, decide which 
syllable has the main stress in each clause. 

oo oo oo oO 

Even though the building where I went to secondary school leaves some people cold, l have 

Useful expressions 

0 o 

a sentimental attachment to it. 

3 Think of at least two 

buildings that have had an 
impact on you or reflect your life 
or personality. With a partner, 
explain the effect these buildings 
have had on you. Use the 
sentences in exercise 1. 

What made (the building) important to me is... 

The reason i chose (the building) is... 

(The building) makes me... 

When I see (the building) or photographs of (the building), it 
makes me feel... 

(The building) is underrated, but... 

4 Look at the following Part 2 task card. Choose ten verbs and/ or adjectives from this unit 
so far, which will help you explain why the building is important to you. Write a note for 
each heading on the task card. Then narrow your verbs and adjectives down to three or 
four. Use the useful expressions in the box to help organize your answer. 

Describe your favourite building. 

You should say: 
what the building is 
where it is 
what it is like 

and explain why it is your favourite building. 

Don't forget! 

• In the exam you will only have one minute to prepare. 

5 Work in pairs. Take turns talking about the topic. Use your notes to guide you. 

You should speak for up to two minutes; time each other using a stopwatch. When you 
have finished, give each other feedback using the checklist on page 210. 



What is beauty? 

(Speaking ) 

Don't forget! 

» Use adjectives to 
evaluate. Then 
give reasons and 

» Use linking words 
like but, although, 
however etc. 

» Keep your ideas 

Reading ) 

IELTS Reading Passage 

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. Try to include the verbs and 
adjectives that you have used in this unit so far. 

Beautiful surroundings 

Do people need to have beautiful surroundings? Why? 

What is the effect of living and working in attractive buildings? 

Which is more important, the design or the function of a building? Why? 

Is it important to try to make cities pleasing to the eye? 

Concepts of beauty 

What does beauty mean? Does it mean the same for everyone? 

Do you think the desire to acquire beautiful objects drives consumerism? 


Are there differences in the concepts of beauty and taste between cultures? 

What are they? 

Work in groups. Look quickly at the title of the reading passage and skim the passage 
and the questions. Close your books and share as much information about the passage as 

2 In your groups, make a list of three or four things that you would expect to read in a passage 
about an architect. 

3 Scan the passage and find words and phrases that have the opposite meaning to 1-7 below. 

1 separated 3 hated 5 revealing 7 unoriginal 

2 alien/strange 4 attacked 6 talentless 

How to go about it 

* As some of the questions relate to dates, put boxes around the dates in the passage. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

Giles Gilbert Scott Architect (1880-1960) 

A bastion of the architectural establishment in early 20th century Britain, Giles Gilbert Scott 
; (1880-1960) fused tradition with modernity by applying historic styles to industrial structures 
; in his designs from the Battersea and Bankside power stations in London, to Liverpool Anglican 
Cathedral , and to the K2 telephone kiosk. 

At the top of the splendid Portland stone tomb of the 19th century architect John Soane and 
his wife and son, in St Pancras Old Church Gardens, north London, is a dome in a surprisingly 
familiar shape. Designed by Soane in 1815 as a monument to his beloved wife, the tomb is 
one of his most romantic designs, ornate in form and decorated by stone carvings of snakes 
and pineapples. It is familiar not because of its association with Soane's family tomb, but 
because of its influence on the design of the red K2 telephone kiosks, which were once a 
common sight throughout Britain. 

The architect who designed the K2, Giles Gilbert Scott, admired Soane's work and had 
recently become a trustee of the Sir John Soane Museum in London when invited in 1924 to 
enter a competition to design a public telephone kiosk. The shape of his design was inspired 
by the central domed structure of Soane's tomb. By rooting his design in Britain's architectural 
heritage, Scott transformed the telephone kiosk from what was then seen as an intimidating 




What is beauty? 

symbol of modernity into something that seemed reassuringly familiar. When the wooden models of the 
competing designs were exhibited outside the National Gallery, Giles Gilbert Scott's was chosen as the 

Scott continued to package modernity in British traditionalism throughout his career. In his inaugural 
address as president of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1933, when Britain was finally succumbing 
to modernism and the architectural profession was split by battling 'trads v. rads', he advocated a 'middle 
line' of both embracing technological progress and the human qualities of architecture. The 'middle line' 
was illustrated by Scott's best known London buildings, the power stations at Battersea (1929-1935) and 
Bankside (1947-1960), where he disguised their industrial purpose behind Gothic facades. Battersea, 
in particular, became a popular London landmark. Yet in an age when progressive architects such as Le 
Corbusier and Jean Prouve romanticised technology, Scott's attempts to popularise industrial buildings by 
obfuscating their function seemed, at best, conservative. 

It is not surprising that Giles Gilbert Scott appeared unable to escape Britain's architectural tradition as he 
was born into it. His grandfather George Gilbert Scott (1811-1878) was the eminent High Victorian Gothic 
architect of the Albert Memorial, the Foreign Office and the Midland Railways Terminus Hotel at St Pancras 
station. His uncle John Oldrid Scott was also an architect, as was his father, the second George Gilbert Scott, 
who was nicknamed Scott ]nr. A gifted yet tragic figure, Scott |nr showed youthful promise by designing a 
series of churches in London and Yorkshire that bridged Victorian gothic and the arts and crafts movement, 
only to succumb to alcoholism and, eventually, to be committed to a mental asylum. 

In 1923, Giles Gilbert Scott was commissioned to design Memorial Court, a hall of residence at Clare 
College, Cambridge (begun in 1923), which he completed in a Georgian-inspired style. The following year 
he won the telephone kiosk competition. Traditional though his kiosk was in style, functionally it was very 
advanced. An ingenious ventilation system was installed using perforations in the dome, and the glass was 
divided into small panels for speedy replacement in case of breakages. Scott's original proposal was for 
a mild steel structure, but the Post Office insisted on changing it to cast iron. It also insisted on painting 
the kiosks bright red for maximum visibility in emergencies rather than Scott's suggested shade of duck 
egg blue. Following protests in rural areas, where people complained that the bright red kiosks looked 
overbearing in the open countryside, the Post Office agreed to repaint them in green. 

Despite the rural complaints, the K2 kiosk was a popular success, and Scott was invited by the Post Office to 
modify his design in 1930 for the concrete K3, intended principally for country use. He was recalled again 
to design the K6 in 1935 to commemorate King George V's silver jubilee. This became the most widely used 
version of the kiosk with thousands being installed. 

As well as these landmark commissions, Scott designed dozens of churches throughout his career, as well 
as more modest public projects such as monuments and extensions to existing buildings. One of his most 
conspicuous commissions was as a consultant, rather than an architect, to Battersea Power Station in south 
London. Charged with making the enormous electricity generating station more appealing, Scott suggested 
brick as the main material for the central structure and turned the four chimneys - one on each corner - 
into reassuringly familiar neo-classical columns. The result is surprisingly engaging for such a vast structure, 
but with the showiness of the Art Deco cinemas then being constructed across Britain. 

His most significant post-war commission came in 1947 when Scott was invited to design a second London 
power station at Bankside beside the Thames in Southwark. More austere in style than Battersea, Bankside 
did not match its popularity until its conversion in 2000 by the Swiss architects Herzog and De Meuron into 
the Tate Modern museum. Yet formally and functionally it is the more sophisticated of the two buildings, 
not least as Scott combined all of Bankside's chimneys into a single central tower. 

What is beauty? 

Questions 1-6 

Complete the sentences below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

1 Scott combined the old with the new in the.he designed. 

2 Scott’s design for the K2 phone box was based on the.of Britain. 

3 Scott’s desire to make industrial buildings more appealing to the public 


4 Despite not being innovative style-wise, from a practical point of view Scott’s telephone 

box was. 

5 When people in the countryside complained about the colour of the telephone boxes, the 

colour was changed to. 

6 Although people objected to the K2 phone boxes, they were generally a. 

Questions 7-11 

Classify the following events as occurring in Scott’s life 

A between 1920 and 1930 
B between 1930 and 1940 
C after 1940 

7 a modification in telephone design to mark a special occasion 

8 a request to design a power station 

9 success in the contest to design a telephone box 

10 an invitation to design accommodation for students 

11 Scott’s support for architectural progress with a human face 

Questions 12 and 13 

Choose TWO letters, A-E. 

Which TWO features of Bankside Power Station make it different from Battersea Power Station? 

A It was a more severe structure. 

B It was more popular. 

C It was much bigger. 

D It had only one chimney. 

E It is a less complex building. 

CD Reacting to the text 

Do architects have more influence on our lives than we realize? Should there be moi e or 
less control over the work of architects? Give reasons and examples. 



What is beauty? 

Language focus: Modal verbs for evaluating 

In addition to using adjectives and verbs to give evaluations, 
we can also use modal verbs. Look at the following statement 
from the listening practice on page 118. 

I should have been halfway through by now. 

Malcolm is criticizing himself for something he did. He is 
reflecting on and evaluating his own actions. 

Read more about using modal verbs for evaluating in 
the Grammar reference on page 224. 

1 Work in pairs. Think of three things that you did 
recently which you shouldn't have done, or you should have 
done but didn't. Tell your partner about the events. 

2 For 1 -9 below, underline the correct word in italics. 

1 They should/shouldn't have knocked that building down 
ages ago; it was rather hideous. 

2 The government could have/could dealt with this more 

3 He might have/should have told me; I'm not sure. 

4 She might/couldn't have told me! I really wish she had. 

5 Something must/should have happened, because 
suddenly everyone seems happier. 

6 Fines could be/must have been imposed on those who 
make the environment ugly. 

7 With the involvement of UNESCO, more and more places 
of great natural beauty should be/shouldn't have been 
protected in future. 

8 The government definitely ought to/might control 
advertising on TV to stop people becoming addicted to 
buying consumer goods. 

9 The car could/must be incredibly expensive, because it's 
stunning to look at. 

3 Which of the sentences 1 -9 in exercise 2 show that 
something 'didn't happen' in the past? 

4 Which of the sentences 1 -9 in exercise 2 express the 

• a conclusion • a regret • a suggestion 

• a criticism • an expectation • a possibility/ 

weak suggestion 

5 Work in groups. You have been asked by the local 
council to come up with ways to make the city or town you 
live or study in more attractive for the general public. Make a 
list of the following things in order to improve the area. 

Use other modal verbs where appropriate and the words 
from the Vocabulary and Wordbuilding sections in this unit. 

Things that should not have been done. 

Things that should have been done. 

Things that should be done. 


IELTS Task 2 

1 You can use particular words and phrases to show the effects or consequences of 

something, for example, affect, make, produce, lead to, have an effect/impact on, result in. 
To describe effects and consequences you can also use adjectives from previous units, 
for example, exciting, exhilarating, interesting. 

Work in pairs. For 1-6 below, separate each list of letters a and b into words. Then 
decide the order of a and b so that they make sense. 

1 a andsoneighbourhoodsinmanycitieswherepeoplelivearebeingmademoreappealing 
b everythinginthephysicalworldaroundusmakesanimpressiononusdirectlyorindirectly 

2 a peopleareabletoseeandappreciatedifferentcitiesallaroundtheworld 
b thankstocheaptravelandthelnternet 

3 a somecountriesarenowbecomingricherthaninthepast 
b leadingtoprideintheirnationalstanding 

4 a forexampleaparkwasopenedandtreeswereplanted 

b andthensuddenlythehealthofthepeopleinthatdistrictofthecityimproved 

5 a thelackofspacehassavedmanyoldbuildings 

b withplannersturningtorenovationratherthanerectingnewbuildings 

6 a peoplearehappierandarenowmoreproductive 
b asaresultoftumingoldruinsintogardens 



What is beauty? 

2 For 1-6 in exercise 1 : 

a decide which part of the text, a or b, describes the 'cause', and which describes the 

b underline the words and phrases which indicate ‘cause'. Then underline the words 
and phrases which indicate ‘effect' 

c decide if there are any sentences where no linking words are used to indicate a cause 
or effect 

d decide if any of the linking words can be removed without affecting the connection 

3 Work in pairs. For 1-5 below, complete the gaps with one phrase from box A and one 
phrase from box B. There may be more than one possible answer. Each phrase can be 
used more than once. 

1 For example, the government_the restrictions on building in green spaces in 

the city._very few places for people to relax. 

2 The built environment in modern cities_to the people that live there, but 

often it is overwhelming and ugly_skyscrapers, which shut out the light. 

3 _new construction techniques and materials, modern buildings 

_cities and make them attractive. 

4 It is obvious that beauty_on people’s well-being,_increases 

their happiness and productivity. 

5 _awareness of the impact that healthy environments have on employees, 

more and more architects_design and not just function. 

4 Work in pairs. Make notes for the Task 2 question below. Make a list of ideas about the 
built environment and the natural environment. If necessary, use the ideas in the box on 
page 208. When you have finished, change partners and explain your ideas. 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

At school greater emphasis should be placed on an appreciation of the built as well 
as the natural environment. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

5 Write your own answer for the question. When you have finished, check your answer 
using the checklist on page 209. 





1 For 1 -4 below, complete the gaps with an extract a-e. 

1 How do buildings affect people? 

_, depending 

on the mood of the person and the attractiveness of the buildings. 

For example, some people might find buildings like the Louvre museum in Paris 
formal and boring, _ might think it is dazzling. 


2 Are you ready to start? 


favourite photograph is one that I took 
of old ruins near where I was brought up. They are really 

magnificent. _/ didn't have a camera, but the 

next I made sure I had one with me. 

3 What sort of buildings do you like? 


buildings say nothing to me. 

_ the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao more 

appealing. So I am rarely impressed by old palaces or 
houses; I find them depressing. 

4 What are the buildings like in your home city? 

Most of 

them are _ are allowed 

to be constructed in order to protect the area. So 
it means that we have lots of tourists. 

a They can make them sad or happy 
b very old and evocative, because no new buildings 
c I find modern architecture like 
d The first time I saw it 
e but other people 

2 For 1-4 in exercise 1, decide whether each is taken from Part 1,2 or 3 of IELTS 
Speaking and why. 

3 For 1-8 below, complete the gaps with a word made from the word in brackets. 

1 When they cleaned up the monument, they made it very_(beautify), which is 

why it is my favourite structure. 

2 The sight of my old school after so many years made me very_(think). 

3 The old town was_(evoke) of a bygone age. It is important that such places 

exist to remind people of their culture. 

4 I was overcome with waves of_(nostalgic) when I looked at the photographs. 

5 Being among the ruins of Angkor Wat was a very_(humility) experience. 

6 I found the building very_(melancholy) at first, but then I realized it was 

very relaxing to be here and my attitude changed. 

7 The city of Tokyo made a huge_(impressive) on me the first time I visited it. 

8 Architecture such as that found in Florence has the power to affect people in different 

ways. Although some of the palaces and houses there are quite austere, they have the 
power to fill people with_(ecstatic). 


What is beauty? 

4 Rewrite sentences 1-8 in exercise 3 using the words in brackets. For verbs you may 
need to change the form of the word. Some of the words will need to be changed. 


1 When they cleaned up the monument they beautified it, which is why it is my 
favourite structure. 

Word building 

1 In 1-7 below, decide which two words need to change places. 

1 The last time I visited the overrun city of Pompeii it left me cold. It was so magnificent by 

2 The photographs of my home town brought back lots of emotion. I was really overcome 
by memories. 

3 The countryside around where I was brought up is very overawed, but I am still bleak by 
it each time I go home. 

4 The vast open spaces of the Steppes are underestimated. Their beauty is so beautiful, 
perhaps because it is so difficult to get there. 

5 The architecture of the railway station is not plain; it is just understated and subtle. That is 
why it is appealing. 

6 The preservation of the architecture of former times reflects the traditions and values 
of a nation. When such precious national items are underfunded by people generally, it 
unfortunately leads to them being undervalued or not supported financially at all. 

7 If tourist attractions are cheaper, it puts people off visiting them. So the main way to 
attract tourists and increase revenue is to make the cost of travel to and from the 
attractions overpriced and reduce the entrance fees. 

2 Sentences 6 and 7 in exercise 1 are taken from an 1ELTS Writing Task 2 answer, but they 
need examples to make them clearer to understand. Add examples using the following: 

• like + noun • for example 

• for example + sentence • if + two clauses 

Modal verbs for evaluating 

1 Underline the modal verbs in the following extract from an IELTS Writing Task 2 

when they are constructing new buildings In the centre of old cities Like 
London and Paris,, p>avuascus or Rome, planners should be sensitive to 
the existing architecture, m arty old buildings In London, for example, 
shouldn't have been demolished, instead, they oughtto have beenpreserved 
It a, some way. For example, they could have erected buildings In the same 
style as existing buildings, or blended the old with the new to stunning 
effect, as has happened recently In central London, where parts of the 
facades of old buildings have been kept with new features added on. This 
should now matee the city more attractive, of course, they might have 
started doing this sooMri But better late than never. 

2 Match the verbs you have underlined to 1-4 below. You may use each one more than 

1 a criticism 3 a weak suggestion 

2 an expectation 4 a recommendation 



Ready for 

L A 



The IELTS Academic Writing module lasts one hour and there are two tasks. You are 
advised to spend 20 minutes on Task 1 and asked to write at least 150 words. For Task 2 
you are advised to spend 40 minutes and asked to write at least 250 words. 

In both tasks, you are assessed on your ability to write in a style that is suitable for the 

Task 1 

In Task 1 you are asked to describe data, presented as a graph, chart or table, or a 
diagram such as a map or process, using your own words. 

Assessment for Task 1 is based on your ability to: 

• summarize, organize and compare data where possible 

• describe the stages of a process 

• describe an object or event or explain how something works 

• write accurately and coherently 

• use a range of vocabulary 

• use a range of grammatical structures 

Describing a graph 

1 Work in pairs. Look at the following list of words and phrases 1-20 and the graph in 
the Task 1 question on the opposite page. Decide which you can use to write about the 


trends vary 




an upward trend 


contrasted with the steady recovery 


hit a low 


the dramatic decrease 


latter part of the period 


peak at 






follow different patterns 


reach a high 


a gradual fall 




reach a plateau 




a sharp drop 


generally speaking 






Ready for Writing 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The graph shows children by age group as a percentage of the population in the 
United Kingdom between 1990 and 2001 . 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and 
make comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

Percentages of children aged under 20 years by age group in the United Kingdom 

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 

0 - 4 ---- 5-9 . 10-14- 15-19 —————— 

2 Read the following sample answer and underline the words from the list in exercise 1. 

The graph shows the proportions of children in four age groups, namely 0-4,5-9, 

10-14 and 15-19 in the UK between 1990 and 2001. 

Generally speaking, despite the two contrasting trends (downwards for the children 
of 0-4 and 15-19; and upwards for those aged 5-9 and 10-14), the decline in the 
birth rate was the most striking point. In the youngest age group, there was an increase 
during the two first years from just below 267> in 1990 to about 26.6% in 1992 
followed by a gradual fall to 23.6%, the lowest percentage, in 2001. Regarding the 
15-19 age group, the dramatic decrease from approximately 26.3% in 1990 to just 
over 23% in 1994 can be contrasted with a steady recovery over the latter part of the 
period up to nearly 24.9% in 2001. 

5y contrast, an upward trend was noticed in the categories of children aged 5-9 and 
10-14. Looking at the former group, the percentage peaked at approximately 26.3% in 
1997, but the final proportion (about 25.3%) remained greaterthan the initial (nearly 
24.6%). As regards the latter, the percentage of the children in this category not only 
increased over the period but also was the greatest in 2001, approximately 26.3%. 

3 Work in pairs. Turn to page 207 and answer questions 1-8. 

4 Write your own answer for the task. When you have finished, check your answer using 
the checklist on page 209. 



Ready for Writing 

Describing a bar chart 

1 Work in pairs. Look at the Task 1 question in exercise 2 below. To help you practise 
paraphrasing descriptions of data in your introduction, rewrite the following sentence 
using the words in brackets or your own words. 

The chart reveals the results of a Labour Force Survey on occupations of males and females in the 
United Kingdom in 2007. 

(employment in the United Kingdom/provide a breakdown by gender and occupation/ranging 
from... to ...) 

2 Work in pairs. Decide which of the following three overviews for the chart in the 
question below is most suitable. Give reasons. 

1 As can be seen from the chart, there are more males than females in certain occupations. 

2 It is clear that while women account for the largest proportion of workers in the lower level jobs, 
men fill most of the posts in the higher managerial level and in skilled trades. 

3 Overall, women have as manyjobs as men at the top. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The chart shows the results of a Labour Force Survey in the United Kingdom in 2007. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the mam features, and make 
comparisons where necessary 

Write at least 150 words. 

Managers and senior 


Associate professional 
and technical 

Administrative and 

Skilled trades 

Personal service 

Sales and customer 

Process, plant and 
machine operatives 

1 Elementary 

1 Such as catering assistants, bar staff and shelf fillers 


All in employment: by sex and occupation, 2007 

United Kingdom 

0 5 10 15 20 25 


Ready for Writing 

3 Work in groups. Look at the list of phrases below and decide which occupation on 
the chart they can be used to describe. Write the number of the phrase next to the 
occupation. Each phrase may apply to more than one occupation. 

1 the only occupation ... almost equal 

2 account for less/fewer than ... 

3 far outstripped/exceeded 

4 was approximately four times as many ... as ... 

5 slightly less than ... 

6 not as many as ... 

7 the reverse was true 

8 a different pattern 

9 about a third more 

10 considerably more men made up 

11 almost ten times as many 

12 almost double/almost half as many 

13 were more than ... 

4 Write your own answer for the task. When you have finished, check your answer using 
the checklist on page 209. 

Describing a table 

1 Work in groups. Look at the Task 1 question below and the sample answer on page 132. 
The teacher asked the student not to describe certain rows and columns in the table 
as there was too much information. Decide which rows and columns the student was 
asked to ignore. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The table shows world demographic indicators for various regions of the world in 2005. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and make 
comparisons where necessary 

Write at least 150 words. 

World demographic indicators, 2005 



(sq km) 








Life expectancy at birth 























Latin America & Caribbean 558 






North America 























Ready for Writing 

The table compare various population markers in various areas, namely Europe, Latin 
America and the Caribbean, North America and Oceania, to the world features in 2005. 

On the whole, Europe, despite having the lowest total fertility rate per 1,000 live births 
(1.41), was the most populated area among those studied. The features shows that 
731 million people (about 11 % of the world population) were living in Europe in 2005 
with a life expectant at birth standing at 69.6 years for men and 78.0 years for 
women, above the world average of 63.9 for men and 68.3 for women. 8y contrast. Latin 
America and the Caribbean, with a higher total fertility rate of 2.52, was second on the 
table as regard the size of the population (558 million). People's life expectancy (68.8 
years for males and 75.3 years for women) was lower than that in Europe, but higher 
than the international average. 

Turning North America where the life expectancy at birth was the highest on the table 
with females likely to live longer than males (80.3 years as against 74.9), the total 
fertility rate was 1.99, while the population stoods at 322 million. About only 0.5% 
of the world population (33 million) lived in Oceania, where the fertility rate of 2.37 
surpassed the other regions except North American and the Caribbean, but was less 
than the world average of 2.65. Likewise, life expectancy exceeded the world average 
(71.6 years against 63.9 years for men and 77.3 years against 68.3 years for 

2 Find seven mistakes in the sample answer. 

3 Work in pairs. Read the sample answer again and find synonyms for the words and 
phrases below. 

1 being 5 came second 

2 of the countries analyzed 6 outstripped 

3 while it had 7 which had a greater total fertility rate of 

4 regarding 

4 Write your own answer for the task. Use the overview in the sample answer as a guide. 
When you have finished, check your answer using the checklist on page 209. 

Describing a process 

1 Work in groups. Look at the Task 1 question on the opposite page and answer questions 
1-10 below. 

1 Where can you start the description: at the cold water feed or the solar panel? 

2 Do the four orange arrows represent heat or the sun’s rays? 

3 How does the cold water begin to move through the system? 

4 What happens when the cold water passes through the solar collector? How do you 
know from the diagram? 

5 What does the Controller do? 

6 What happens to the water after it passes through the solar collector? 

7 Does the hot water in the tank also heat the boiler which supplies the heating? 

8 Does the same water go round inside the pipes from the boiler and the pipes that go 
through the solar collector or are they two separate systems? 

9 Is the water that comes out through the taps the same as the water that flows through the 
boiler system? 

10 Does the pipe heated by the solar collector work like heating elements in an electric 



Ready for Writing 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The diagram illustrates how solar energy is used to provide hot water for domestic use. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and make 
comparisons where necessary. 

Write at least 150 words. 

Solar thermal collector 

Cold water 

To taps 


Tank for central heating 
and hot water 

Cold water 

2 Make a list of verbs that you can use to describe the process. 

heat up___ 

3 Make a list of linking devices you can use when you are describing the process, 


4 Complete the introduction below. 

The diagram shows how___ 

5 Complete the overv iew below. 

The_involves a series of_from 


6 Write your own answer for the task. When you have finished, check your answer using 
the checklist on page 209. 



Ready for Writing 

Describing a map 

1 Work in groups. Look at the Task 1 question below. Describe the differences between 
the two maps using the verbs and nouns below to help you. 


turned into 
had been replaced 
took place 
were demolished 










You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The maps show the transformation of the village of Eastminster over a ten year period. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and make 
comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

1999 Eastminster 

Railway station 




Ready for Writing 

2009 Eastminster 

2 Complete the model text below using the verbs and nouns in exercise 1. 

The maps show the 1 _that 2 _ in the town of Eastminster between 

the years 1999 and 2009. 

It is dear that Eastminster 3 _more urbanized with less open spaces over 

the decade. North of the river, which divides the town, the woodland in the northwest 

was 4 _an adventure park. Moreover, by 2009 the large house with gardens 5 

_with a hotel and a golf course. More houses were also built encroaching on the 

park in the northeast. The other main 6_ north of the river was the 

7 _ of the school from the south bank of the river. 

The area south of the river experienced greater ft_ . To the east, the streets 

of houses 9 _ to make way for blocks of flats, fty 2009, where a public garden 

stood south of the old streets of houses, there were more houses. Further developments 

that occurred were the 1 0 _ of factories and warehouses along the railway line 

together with the 11 _of the school on the river into a new shopping complex. 

The final transformation was the 12 _ of the hospital west of the old school 

situated on the river. 

3 Write vour own answer for the task. When you have finished, check your answer using 
the checklist on page 209. 



Ready for Writing 

Task 2 

In Task 2 you are given a point of view, argument or problem. 

Assessment for Task 2 is based on your ability to: 

• present and support your opinion 

• compare and contrast evidence and opinions 

• write a solution to a problem 

• evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or arguments 

• write in an appropriate style 

The instructions in the questions follow these patterns: 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ... 

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Or you may be asked a specific question such as: 

Which do you consider to be the major influence? 

What do you think are the causes of this problem, and what solutions can you suggest? 
1 > Work in groups. Discuss the Task 2 question below. 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Some people think it is better to give donations to local charitable organizations, 
while others choose to give to national or international bodies. 

Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

2 Classify the ideas below according to the two sides of the argument. Note that some 
ideas will fit on both sides. Add your own ideas and opinions. Then explain one or more 
of the ideas giving reasons and examples, purposes and results and expressing any 
doubts or reservations. 









can see the results 
charity begins at home 
help needed in own country 
poverty relative 
money often badly spent 
people more needy elsewhere 
international administration costs 
difficulty tracking expenditure 
people weary of appeals 
depends on the charity 
people’s aims 

want to help specific areas/ ‘pet projects’ 
see value 

makes them feel good 




Ready for Writing 

3 Work in groups. Choose one of the following Task 2 questions and brainstorm ideas. 
Then compare your ideas with a group that has chosen the same task and select the 
three best ideas. 

• As you brainstorm, do not exclude ideas. Write down any ideas that come into your 

head. Exclude unsuitable ideas only when you come to the selection stage. 



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Employers should ensure that there are equal numbers of males and females in managerial 
posts in companies. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

In some families there is more than one television in the home, with each family member 
even having their own TV. 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having more than one TV set per home. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Research has shown that technology is having more influence on people's lifestyles 
than any other factors in our lives. 

What do you consider to be the major influence? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 



Ready for Writing 

4 Work in pairs. Add punctuation, including capital letters, to the first two paragraphs of 
the sample answer below. 

nowadays there are demands on both parents to work and look after their children at 
the same time for this reason I think that children should be sent to school early but 
during the first years priority should be given to play rather than to formal study 
Play is crucial because it develops childrens coordination communication and social 
interaction skills for example if children are throwing a ball to each other the physical 
and mental skills required are sophisticated as eye to hand coordination is involved 
furthermore children develop a sense of communication and socialize with each other 
the mental and physical development brought about by these games must also be taken 
into accountand what is more while playing children compete with each other and learn 
to lose which is as essential as learning to succeed in life children fully engaged in play 
activities from an early age under their parents supervision gain various skills that they 
will need in their adulthood. 

However, in modern society both parents need to work in order to afford the increasing 
cost of living, and to ensure a bright future for their families. Therefore, they no longer 
have enough time to dedicate to their children and are forced to send them to school 
earlier than before. Instead of starting to teach these young children to write, schools 
should focus more on play to compensate for the lack of play experience they may 
miss at home. Teachers in nursery and reception classes, and even in the first years of 
primary school, should take on the role of parents by supervising play activities. They 
can then gradually insert some educative games into the curriculum in order to prepare 
children for formal teaching. 

In conclusion, despite various social and financial pressures that modern society 
exerts on parents forcing them to send their children to school earlier, play cannot be 
neglected. The traditional role of parents should be played by teachers in the early years, 
and steps taken to ensure that all children participate in play to gain the precious skills 
that they will need for their adulthood. 



Ready for Writing 

5 Read the rest of the sample answer. Decide which of the following two questions it 

1 Some people think that children should be encouraged to play in the early years rather 
than being sent to school. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

2 Formal education is essential if children are to be prepared for the modern world. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

6 For 1-7 below, write a number next to the relevant part of the sample answer. 

1 The writer’s opinion 

2 Reasons 

3 A complex sentence with a condition and an example 

4 Additional information 

5 A contrast 

6 A purpose 

7 Recommendations 

7 Write your own answer for the Task 2 question below. When you have finished, use the 
checklist on page 209 to check your answer. 

Don't forget! 

• Develop your ideas by giving reasons, examples, results etc. and writing complex sentences. 



(Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 3 

Work in groups. Decide what art form is represented in each photograph and 
share your opinions about each of them. 

Don't forget 

• Develop your ideas 
by giving examples 
and reasons. 

• Use abstract not 
personal examples. 

• Focus on breathing 
and maintaining 
the rhythm of 


2 y° ur groups, discuss one or more of the Part 3 questions below. Choose 
someone to write down the ideas as you discuss them. When you have finished, look at 
the notes and summarize what has been discussed. 

The Arts 

What are the advantages of the arts to society? 

How do you think the arts should be funded - by the tax payer or by fees? 

Do you think the arts have an educational role to play in society? Should young 
people be encouraged to be involved in the arts? Should an arts component be made 
compulsory for all students at university, even for scientists? 

3 Work in groups of three. Take turns performing the following roles using the questions 
in exercise 2: 

• the candidate 

• the examiner 

• the monitor (make notes about the candidates performance using the checklist 
on page 210 and give feedback when he/she has finished speaking) 


Is it art? 

C^> What would you expect to see at an art exhibition? 

What kind of opinions might people have about an art exhibition? 

Look at questions 11-20 below and underline the words that warn you that the answer 
is coming soon. 

£> 2.3 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 

Question 11 

Answer the question below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for your answer. 

11 What has the opening of the new art exhibition created? 

Questions 12-14 

Choose THREE letters, A-G. 

Which THREE of the following criticisms of the Street Art exhibition are mentioned? 

A misuse of public funds 
B size of the exhibition 
C high cost of entrance fee 
D inspiration for vandalism 
E overcrowding at the gallery 
F no support for local artists 
G increased hospital admissions 

Questions 15-17 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 

15 The public didn’t go to the art galleries and museums, because of the 

A cost. 

B crowds. 

C time. 

16 The email survey showed approximately 

A 70% backed Mrs Cook. 

B 70% were against Mrs Cook. 

C 70% were not sure. 

17 According to Mrs Cook, people in the art world are concerned about the 
A timing of the introduction of support. 

B level of financial support from the state. 

C loss of jobs in the sector. 

Questions 18-20 

Complete the sentences below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 

18 The radio show will have two.on the street. 

19 The purpose of the walk-about is to.public opinion. 

20 The second reporter will be outside the.in the shopping centre. 

'listening ) 

1ELTS Section 2 




J» Is it art? 

1 Work in pairs. For 1-10 below, write as many people you associate with each word as 
you can. 

1 play__ 

2 orchestra_____ 

3 novel_ 

4 book _ 

5 newspaper_ 

6 sculpture_ 

7 song_ 

8 symphony_ 

9 ballet_ 

10 film_ 

2 Work in pairs. In each bubble 1-3 below, (circle) 1 the words that go together. 



direct artist 


, illustrate 





soap opera 

symphony compose 



fiction stories 

composer novels 



3 For texts 1-4 below, underline the correct words in italics. 

1 I studied drama/plays/acts at school. We had a theatre with all the props and 
scenes/scenery/backgrounds and a really great drama teacher, who 
showed/produced/composed at least one theatre/play/stage or musical a year. 
Sometimes he also produced a dance routine. It wasn’t very highbrow/lowbrow art, 
but it was very good experience for us. 

2 I don’t think this is graffiti but a real working/work/bit of art. It is obvious that the person 
who drew/wrote/put up this is a real artist and not a vandal or hooligan as some people 
say. Figure/Extract/Abstract art like this with boxes and colours can be very difficult for 
people to understand but classical/established/orthodox paintings are just as difficult. 
Few people, for instance, now understand the illusions/delusions/allusions in, say, 
Renaissance paintings. 

3 Many people attack today/modern/these days art, mainly, I think, because they 
don’t appreciate/see/realize it. If people look at it a little more closely, they will be less 
unfavourable/critical/approving of it. 

4 Dickens wrote very long novels/narrations/fictions about social issues, mainly set in or 
around London in the mid 19th century. They were often serialized and were 
eagerly awaited by the reading public. His books are considered masterstories/big 
pieces/masterpieces, and the tales/dramas/pieces that they say/write/tell are as 
pertinent today as they were 150 years ago. For the modern world the language is a 
bit dense and heavy, but they were the visual/popuiar/sacred art of their day just as 
soap operas/soap plays/opera plays are today. 

4 For 1-7 below, complete the gaps with a form of the words in the box below. 

exhibit sculpt scene criticize (x2) vision collect 

1 The_cost a lot of money to visit and was a waste of time; it was full of 

avant-garde work I couldn’t understand. 

2 The bronze_were displayed in the garden and the galleries. 

3 My_is purely subjective I know, but I think the paintings were not just 

childlike but childish. 

4 The new extension where the sculptures are on show is more stunning than the 

5 His works have been hailed as masterpieces by_, but I honestly can’t 

see anything in them. 

6 The_in the play was a work of art in itself. The artist who painted the 

panels must be a genius. 

7 I think I prefer the performing arts to the_arts; I just find paintings tiring to 

look at. 

5 Q) Work in pairs. Discuss the area of the arts you like the best: performing, visual, 
literature, etc. 

Describe something you have seen that you would never want to see again and 
something you never tire of seeing or thinking about. Use as many words as you can 
from the exercises above. 



Is it art? 

Language focus: Defining and non-defining clauses 

Defining clauses provide information which cannot be left 
out, as it identifies what is being referred to. They do not have 
commas at the beginning and end of the clause. 

The water colour that she painted in her teens has just 
sold fora record sum. 

You can leave out the relative pronoun only if it is the object 
of the clause and only in defining clauses. 

The sculpture (that) I made at school was stolen. 

Non-defining clauses provide additional information, which 
can be left out. They have commas at the beginning and the 

A building nearby, which I like very much, has just been 
demolished and caused a huge mess. 

Read more about defining and non-defining relative 
clauses in the Grammar reference on page 224. 

1 Work in pairs. For each pair of sentences 1-6 below, decide 
what the difference in meaning is between a and b. 

1 a A new play by Shakespeare, which the playwright 

wrote when he was young, has just been discovered, 
b The play that he wrote at the age of 21 has just won a 
major prize. 

2 a The music in the film, which is taken from Beethoven's 

9th symphony, is very well known, 
b An anthem that I heard on the car radio yesterday 
was very familiar. 

3 a That is the director that I was talking about. 

b The director, who has just left, won't be here again till 
the end of the week. 

4 a That exhibition which you recommended was brilliant, 
b The exhibition, which incidentally was very good, 

finishes on Friday. 

5 a Was he the same architect who built the Sydney 

Opera House? 

b Mr Renne, who was an unknown architect for years, 
designed the bridge. 

6 a The singer who sang the anthem at the beginning of 

the performance was out of key. 
b One singer, who sang the anthem at the beginning of 
the performance, was out of key. 

2 Work in pairs. For 1-8 below, complete each gap with a 
suitable relative pronoun where necessary. Leave the gap 
blank where it is not necessary to use a relative pronoun. 

1 The book_he gave me as a present was 

really superb. 

2 An actor,_name I have forgotten now, 

was in the shop this morning. 

3 My art class,_started last week, has been 


4 I think literature,_was not my favourite 

subject at school, should have more time devoted to it in 
the school curriculum. 

5 The painting_he bought for $50 000 was a 

fake, the other one was genuine. 

6 The sister_is the dancer got married, not the 


7 I see the show_we went to last week has 

had very good reviews. 

8 This is the friend_I was talking to you about 


3 For 1-7 below, complete the gaps with a clause a-g. Add any 
necessary punctuation. 

1 My uncle's flat_is empty for the next two weeks, so 

I'm staying there. 

2 The friend_got me into the film preview. 

3 One of my sculptures_has just won an art prize. 

4 The film_starts in a few minutes. 

5 I like literature_. 

6 Is that the folk concert_? 

7 The culture tour_was dazzling. 

a that you were praising last night because of the quality of 
the singer 

b which I made when I started the art course 
c which overlooks the opera house 
d whose father is the film director 
e which was incredibly expensive for the length of the trip 
f which has some breathtaking locations 
g that is not dumbed down or simplified in any way 

Complete one or more of sentences 1-6 below so that they 
are true for you. Then explain your sentences to a partner, 
giving reasons and examples. 

1 I like literature (which/that) I... 

2 I don't like films (which/that) I... 

3 I'm really mad about music (which/that) I... 

4 I want to go to an exhibition (which/that) I... 

5 I dislike (operas/rock concerts) most of all, which I have 
never liked,... 

6 I have seen loads of films, which is a hobby of mine,... 




1 > Work in groups and discuss the Task 2 question below. Decide whether you are 

going to write your answer using advantages, purposes or reasons. Make a list of three 
or four positive ideas and three or four negative ideas relating to involvement in the 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Being involved in the arts makes people feel better. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

2 The text below is part of an answer to the Task 2 question above. For 1 - 10 , complete the 
gaps with a suitable word. The first letter of each word is given. 

It is not possible for many of us to achieve greatness in the 1 a _like painting 

or literature, but it does not mean that we should not be involved in some kind of 

2 a _activity, even if it only means visiting art 3 g _or attending 

lectures on the arts to gain more knowledge. 

There are, of course, different advantages, which benefit the individual and the nation 

as a whole, to be derived from children and adults 4 g _in some way in the 

arts. 5 T_dancing, for example. Dance, which requires a lot of physical 

activity, is obviously very good for 6 g_health as it helps the body to fight 

disease and also improves 7 c_, provided, that is, that one doesn't overdo 

it. 8 L_painting and pottery help 

coordination, which is a skill that is missing in 
a lot of education today as children focus on 
learning through computers. 

For some, the purpose of involvement in the 
arts is to help them relax, even if it is only 

going to see an 9 e _at an art 


3 Find 1-5 below in the text in exercise 2. 

1 the writer’s opinion 

2 examples of non-defining relative clauses, if they exist 

3 examples of defining relative clauses, if they exist 

4 an example of a purpose 

5 an example 

4 Complete the final paragraph of the text in exercise 2. In this part of the answer you 
should write about the various reasons why people get involved in artistic activities. 




O ls it art? 


IELTS Reading Passage 

1 Work in groups. Discuss statements 1 and 2 below. 

1 ‘Graffiti is a legitimate art form.' 

2 ‘Street artists should be made to clean up the damage they cause rather than sending 
them to prison/ 

2 Work in groups. The following words and phrases 1-10 all appear in the reading 

passage below. Without looking at the pcissage, decide if the meanings on the right are 










on the face of it 





driven apart 


outside surface 


people working on a ship 


jump up and down 






not sitting 



3 Scan the reading passage and find the incorrect words from exercise 2 to check the 
correct meaning. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage 

Graffiti: Street art or crime 

On the face of it, as a society, we seem to be 
a little mixed-up when it comes to ‘graffiti’, 
as you call it ifyou work in the local council's 
cleansing department, or ‘street art’ as you 
say if you’re the man - and they do mainly 
seem to be male - wielding the spray can. 

But the confusion now runs deeper than 

those who spray and those 
who remove the paint. Great 
British institutions have been 
polarised. Last week the might 
of English law delivered its 
verdict at Southwark Crown 
Court in London where five 
members of the DPM Graffiti 
Crew were jailed - one, Andrew 
Gillman, for two years - after 
admitting conspiracy to cause 
criminal damage, costing the 
taxpayer at least £1 m. 

By contrast, just down the 
road from the Court, the riverside facade 
ofTate Modern had been covered in giant 
murals by six urban artists with international 
reputations, including Blu from Bologna, 
Faile from New York, and Sixeart from 
Barcelona, in the first display of street art at 
a major museum. 



Is it art? 

The courtroom and the museum were so 
close that supporters of the men on trial 
popped down to the Tate to do a bit of 
retouching during one lunchtime break 
at the court. There is a huge irony in the 
juxtaposition of the two events/ said one of 
the artists. 

The man to credit for bringing street art 
into established gallery spaces is Banksy. 

A few years ago he was sneaking his work 
into galleries such as the Louvre and Tate 
Britain. NowTate Modern is selling his 
book in its gift shop. His works sell for 
hundreds of thousands of pounds and he 
was recently featured in a retrospective 
exhibition alongside Andy Warhol. He, more 
than anyone else, has legitimised the genre 
and spawned a new generation of young 
imitators - much to the displeasure ofthose 
who want to clean up behind them. 

Bob has been involved in graffiti since 1982 
when he was a punk. He now works, by 
day, for a London art gallery and describes 
himself as an upstanding taxpayer. ‘London 
is to street art, at the start of the 21 st 
century, what Paris was for Impressionism at 
the start of the 20th/ he says with genuine 
immodesty. ‘And yet we hate graffiti more 
than anywhere else in the world. England 
is by far and away the most draconian for 
punishments for what are only economic 

A gallery in New York in the United States 
launches an exhibition next week based on 
the work ofthose convicted at Southwark. 
‘DPM - Exhibit A', at the Anonymous 
Gallery Project in Soho, will display large 
photographs of the convicts' work alongside 
copies of their charge sheets to ask whether 
the men are criminals or artists. 

It is a question which prompts different 
answers in different parts of the world, 
says Cedar Lewinsohn, the curator of 
the exhibition at Tate Modern. ‘Brazil for 
instance is more relaxed about it,' he says. 

‘In parts of Australia, they are like the UK 
and people really hate graffiti and tags on 

vans and trains, but in Melbourne drivers 
compete with each other as to whose van is 
more decorated.’ 

They have similarly schizophrenic responses 
in other nations too. In Toronto, police have 
just hired a street artist to paint walls to help 
find the man who murdered the street artist's 
brother. Elsewhere in Canada, a court has 
ruled that, after a police crackdown on graffiti 
artists, a 28-year-old man is only allowed to 
venture into town if he is accompanied by his 
mother. One internet blogger wrote: ‘In their 
twenties and still vandalising other people’s 
property - shouldn’t they have moved on to 
drug dealing, or perhaps become real estate 
agents by that age?' 

Street art, you see, is a highly polarising 
phenomenon. On the one hand there are 
those like the American artist Elura Emerald, 
who is also involved in next week's New York 
exhibition, who insist that ‘artists who paint 
on the street are merely expressing themselves, 
not hurting anyone’ and should not be 
punished ‘but appreciated and celebrated’. 
Then there are those like Judge Christopher 
Hardy who, in court in Southwark, described 
the activities of the DPM Crew as ‘a wholesale 
self-indulgent campaign to damage property 
on an industrial scale’. 

How is such a dichotomy to be resolved? How, 
The Independent asked the street artist Bob, 
can artistic expression be reconciled with the 
fear and loathing that graffiti inspires in many 
citizens who see it as a symbol of lawlessness 
and the deterioration of their neighbourhood? 
‘Well, not by sending them to jail,' he says. 
Greenwich and Tower Hamlets councils in 
London agree. They commissioned members 
ofthe DPM to lead summer workshops as 
street art tutors for young and vulnerable 
people. The two councils sent references 
to court vouching that the DPM men were 
‘positive’ and ‘inspirational’ in working with 
‘young people who aren’t able to do reading 
or writing’. But it was not enough to save them 
from prison. 



Is it art? 

Questions 1-9 

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-Q, below. 

The debate as to whether graffiti constitutes art is 1 .the establishment in 

Great Britain. While one group of ‘graffiti artists’ were being sent to prison, in an art gallery 

not far from the court the work of several major street artists was being 2.on 

the side of the gallery facing the river. The street artist Bansky is responsible for 

3.street art, leading to his being 4.by a new band of imitators, 

to the 5.of some people. London has been described as the centre of street 

art in the world, but ironically at the same time the 6.there are greater. 

Whether graffiti artists are considered 7.to be imprisoned or not depends on 

which country you are in. So the question is whether street artists should be 8. 

as wrongdoers or 9.as artists. 



B uniting 





E destroying 





H penalties 





K pleasure 





N painters 





Q appreciated 

Questions 10-13 

Look at the following countries (Questions 10-13 below) and the list of statements below. 
Match each country with the correct statement, A-F. 

10 the USA 

11 Brazil 

12 Australia 

13 Canada 

List of Statements 

A vehicle adornment is a form of competition 
B a street artist has been employed by the police 
C it causes street disturbances 
D imprisonment for two years is mandatory 
E people are easygoing about street art 
F it is exhibiting work of the artists imprisoned in the UK 

^ ^ Reacting to the text 

Do you think that graffiti is a genuine art form? Why/Why not? 

Does graffiti brighten up dull areas in cities or do people find it threatening? 
Why do you think people spray graffiti around cities? Will it ever be stopped? 



Speaking ) 

Is it art? 

Work in pairs for exercises 1-4. Read the extract below in which the candidate is 
responding to the Part 2 task card below. As you will see, each point in the answer needs 
to be expanded to make it long enough for the exam. 

I’m going to describe a piece of art, which I think is a work of great craftsmanship and 
the most beautiful object in the world for me. It is David by Michelangelo, who is a great 
Italian sculptor. The first time I saw it was when I went from Rome to Florence to see my 
aunt ... One day she took me there to visit the statue of David. I didn’t want to go as I 
hated art galleries and museums ... / thought they were boring and old-fashioned ... 

But I was completely overawed, because it is such a breathtaking sculpture ...As for 
its appearance, it is very tall and it is made of marble. The statue is looking off into the 
distance as if he is looking into the future ... Because Michaelangelo’s David changed the 
way I looked at art galleries, I shall always be very fond of it. 

2 Number the parts of the topic 1-4 on the task card and add the numbers to the relevant 
sections of the extract. 

3 Underline any words or phrases in the extract that you think the candidate included in 
their notes. 

4 Add sentences and clauses to the extract to make it longer. Remember you should speak 
for one to two minutes. 

5 When you are speaking in the exam it is important to try to speak fluently. This does 
not mean you need to speak fast but at natural speed. One way to help you is to try to 
control your breathing. A simple technique is to learn where there are natural breaks 
and take a shallow breath. Look at the first sentence from the extract in exercise 1. 

I’m going to describe a piece of art, which I think is a work of great craftsmanship and the 
most beautif ul object in the world for to me. 

You can take a shallow breath after the words art, craftmanship and object and vour 
voice can go up. At the last word in the sentence your voice goes down and you can take 
a slightly longer breath. 

With a partner, go through the text and mark in pencil where you think the natural 
breaks are. Then read the text to each other. 

6 Make notes to prepare your answer for the topic in exercise 1. Try to use some of the 
words and structures from this unit. 

7 With a partner, take turns talking about the topic, using your notes to guide you. 
When your partner has finished speaking, give him/her feedback using the checklist on 
page 210. 





1 In 1-8 below, there is one word missing. Decide which word is missing in each sentence. 

1 Actors and actresses act in plays or films. Sometimes some of them become famous 
because they star in soap. 

2 He the symphony and conducted the orchestra at the performance. 

3 She has written many fantasy novels but people still do not think that she is a great, but 
there are many children and adults who would disagree. 

4 As a playwright, he wrote many and even directed some of his works in well-known 
theatres, appearing from time to time on the stage himself. 

5 Is a newspaper journalist an? Many would like to think they have artistic qualities. 

6 He was a great and painter, having carved many famous statues and painted many of 
the world’s greatest paintings. 

7 The producer got on well with the actors and in the film, but he didn’t always like the way 
the director directed it. 

8 The choreographer arranged the ballet very carefully, but some of the found it very 
difficult to perform. 

2 For texts 1-3 below, underline the correct word in italics. 


Studying drama/play at 
secondary school is a very good way 
to be introduced to acting. Many schools have 
their own stages/theatres at the front of the gym 
with scenery/background. Drama!Actor teachers are in 
great demand to produce/compose theatres/plays each 
year. It isn’t very highbrow/drama , but everyone 
enjoys it so I think it’s good for drama to be 
taught at school. 

Yes. It’s far from 
easy for people to be 
able to appreciate/see/realize 
modern art. But if they look at it in 
greater depth, they will see it in 
a more favourable/critical/ 
approving way. 

For some people 
I think graffiti can cause 
problems, because it can make urban 
areas seem quite threatening. But is it an act 
of vandalism? I personally don’t think so. It is in 
many ways like primitive art. The problem, I think, 
is that extract/abstract art, like a lot of graffiti, isn’t 
easy for people to understand, but then how much do 
people these days understand about paintings by 
classical/orthodox artists? Who for instance can 
unravel the allusions/illusions/delusions in 
early works of art. And I think there are 
places where graffiti can be a 
work of art!artists. 

3 Match the following questions from TELTS Speaking Part 3 with the three texts 1-3 in 
exercise 2. 

a Do you think it is easy for people to understand modern art? 
b In your opinion is graffiti an act of vandalism? 
c What is the benefit of teaching drama at secondary school? 



Is it art? 


Defining and non-defining clauses 

1 For 1-10 below, link the two sentences together with a relative pronoun or zero relative 
where necessary. Make any necessary changes. There may be more than one possible 

1 I saw the film. You recommended it to me last week. 

2 That is the house. I bought it last year. 

3 Literature is popular in my country. It is compulsory in the school curriculum. 

4 The gallery had its main piece of art stolen. The gallery is at the end of the street. 

5 Some children are very advanced at school. Some children’s parents take them to 

6 The film was attacked by the critics. It was four hours long. 

7 Many books are published each year in the UK. The books do not sell many copies. 

8 My favourite work of art is not a huge tourist attraction. It is a building in Ireland. 

9 Some types of music are very popular in my country. They are not well-known elsewhere. 
10 The man is wearing a red hat. He is the director of the film. 

2 Complete the following sentences with a relative pronoun where necessary. There may 
be more than one possible answer. 

1 One of my sisters,_is a dancer, got married yesterday. 

2 Music,_they say is good for the soul, is certainly very 


3 The antique car_we saw in the showroom has been 


4 Modern dance,_many young people are attracted to, is 

good exercise as well as being an art form. 

5 A famous footballer,_name you know, was at the party 

last night. 

6 Exhibitions,_can be outdoors as well as indoors, are good 

for children to visit. 

7 The type of science_I liked most at school was physics. 

8 The musical_was very boring has attracted huge 


Proof reading 

As quickly as you can, find the mistakes in sentences 1-7 below. 

1 Art exhibition can sometimes be criticized for being elitist as they are very expensive. 

2 Bronze scultures appear to be very old-fashioned nowadays. 

3 The performing arts are much more relaxed to engage with that art exhibits. 

4 Street art as an art form is changing the way young people interact with their enviroment. 

5 Literature, which is more than 100 years old, is not really relevant to the modern world. 

6 Artists are valuable to any society because they push boundries and challenge 
established thinking. 

7 The vision arts, which includes paintings, etc. are much more engaging than the 
performing arts. 



Psychology and sociology 

Vocabulary: The family 


C ^ Work in groups. Describe the relationships between the people in the 
photographs below. 

2 Work in pairs. Answer questions 1-14 below. 

1 What is the collective word for mother and father? 

2 What is the collective word for grandmother and grandfather? 

3 What is the collective word for brothers and sisters? 

4 What is the name for a diagram showing the organization of a family, including ancestors? 

5 What is a widow? 

6 What is a widower? 

7 What is a godparent? 

8 What is the word for people you have blood relations with? 

9 What is the name for a person in your family who lived before you? 

10 What is the name for you in relation to your mother or father's brother or sister? 

11 What is the name for the group consisting of parents and children? 

12 What is the name for people who live together in one dwelling? 

13 What is another word for children? 

14 What is the name for a child whose parents have died? 



Psychology and sociology 

3 Work in pairs. Match a sentence beginning 1-7 with an ending a-g. 

1 I am an only child, 

2 Both my parents come from large families, 

3 I have no idea who my ancestors are 

4 There are not many people in our household; 

5 People often criticize today’s young generation, 

6 My grandparents are really old; 

a only me, my brother and my 

b so I have no siblings. 

c but I am sure it was no different in 
the past. 

d all four are in their eighties, 
e so I have loads of relatives, 
f as I have never done a family tree 
to find out. 

7 Our family tree can be traced to the last century, 

g so I know the names of my 
ancestors going back four 


CT* Work in pairs. Write at least two 
sentences about yourself using the ideas in 
exercise 3. Then write three questions you 
would like your partner to ask you relating to 
the sentences. Take turns asking questions and 
explaining the sentences you have written. 

Useful expressions 

Tell me about your (siblings/grandparents). 

Can you describe your (household/family/relatives)? 
What do you know about your (family history)? 

Word building: Suffixes -hood and -ship 

The suffixes -ship and -hood are used to express the following: 

1 a state membership 4 a period of time adulthood 

2 an office or position professorship 5 a group brotherhood 

3 a skill draughtsmanship 

1 Work in pairs. For sentences 1-9 below, replace the words underlined with a noun with 
a suffix -hood or -ship. If necessary, use the nouns in the box below the sentences to help 
you. Make any necessary changes to the word order. 


Being an adult is certainly fun, but it means one has greater responsibilities. 

Adulthood is certainly fun, but it means one has greater responsibilities. 

1 He faced a period of great difficulty in his early life, so it is inspiring to see him being so 
successful now. 

2 When the former colony finally achieved the state of being an independent nation , there 
was widespread celebration. 

3 He had qualities that showed he would make a good leader , and therefore he received 
enormous backing from the public. 

4 The problems that occur in the mutual dealings between the two countries were quickly 

5 I have such happy memories of my life as a child in New Zealand. 

6 Being a mother or father does not suit some people at all. 

7 Various businesses and individuals set up a scheme to provide money to enable young 
people visit other countries. 

8 Bringing up children demands a lot of skill and hard work from women. 

9 The aim of the organization is to encourage friendly relations between nations. 




nation mother 







Psychology and sociology 

2 Work in pairs. For sentences 1-7, complete the gaps with a noun that you made in 
exercise 1 and a verb from the box below. Make any necessary changes to the verb. 



cultivate face 




1 Over the years, the prime minister_a deep_with 

neighbouring countries, but it was suddenly wrecked by unforeseen circumstances. 

2 The government_from the social programme, but 

the organizers managed to attract funds from alternative sources. 

3 Despite_appalling_during the journey, the explorers 


4 He_such a happy_with his grandparents, of whom he 

has fond memories. 

5 _was only_after a long but peaceful political struggle. 

6 He_outstanding_during the crisis. 

7 Throughout life they_a harmonious_. 

3 Work in pairs. In sentences 1-10 below, the word in italics does not collocate with the 
word relationship. Replace the words in italics with the correct collocation. 

1 It is said that Britain has a specialist relationship with America. 

2 Some people think it is important to develop profession relationships in the business 
world that do not involve kinship ties. 

3 They have a relationship long-lasting many years. 

4 In an extended family very closed relationships are the norm. 

5 Familiar relationships are of great importance in most societies. 

6 The parenthood-children relationship is socially and psychologically complex. 

7 It can take a long time for countries to fabricate strong relationships with each other. 

8 Relations between both countries broke down because they had a breakable 

9 They had relationship troubles going back many years. 

10 He has built up a net of relationships that have helped him build his business. 

4 The words below can be used when describing the different stages in a 
personas life. Choose two or more of the stages that are relevant to your life and think 
of a relationship that was important to you in each of them. Tell a partner which 
relationship you have chosen and why it was important in this period. 

childhood adolescence adulthood father/motherhood 


IELTS Reading Passage 

Work in pairs. Find the words below in the first paragraph of the reading passage on the 
opposite page and decide what you think it will be about. 

socialize relatives kinship networks 

2 Skim the passage and underline the main words and phrases in each paragraph that 
show you what the paragraph is about. 



Psychology and sociology 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

It takes a village to raise a child 

A It takes an African village to 
bring up and socialize the 
child into the community. 

Nothing illustrates this more 
than the fact that children are 
sometimes allowed to spend 
holidays with relatives such as 
aunts, uncles or grandparents 
who live far away from home. 

The children are shown in 
a practical way the nature 
of kinship and the extent 
of familial and kinship 
relations. They get to know that they are part of a 
wide network of relatives, who are as important as 
the immediate family of father, mother and siblings. 
Such networks are useful in case of calamities when 
a child loses one or both parents and is forced to 
relocate to live with relatives who will be responsible 
for his or her upbringing. The parents exhibit less of 
the possessiveness over children that characterizes 
Western society. 

B That adolescence brings with it challenges that 
ought to be handled carefully is appreciated by the 
society. Indeed, the initiation ceremonies that mark 
the transition from childhood to adulthood are 
primarily meant to address some of these challenges. 
Instructions during initiation focus on conduct and 
behaviour as well as duties and responsibilities on the 
part of the initiate for his/her own good and for the 
interests of the entire community. 

C Kinship and family interests take precedence 
over individual interests. Young people who go 
through the process of initiation from childhood 
to adulthood are taught that life is worth living 
because the society is there for them in good and bad 
times. They bond together as members of the same 
age-grade. They have come of age as a group, been 
taught the historical information about the cultural 
group and its rituals, and been united by the rite that 
they have all gone through. In due course, they are 
supposed to marry and start raising a family. With the 
passage of time they in turn will become elders taking 
over from the generation that preceded them in the 
initiation ceremony. Kinship networks are still a 
significant factor in the contemporary economy and 
politics. Waged employments are heavily influenced 
by familial and kinship ties. 

D Seniority in age is respected and admired because 
old age is associated with wisdom. Senior citizens 
therefore are accorded due respect in the light of 
the fact that they are custodians of societal values. 
Their counsel is usually sought during times of crisis. 
They should not be argued with because their curse 
could ruin ones future. However, the respect and 
admiration also comes with certain responsibilities. 

As an elder an individual is 
supposed to be unemotional, 
sober and focused during 
a crisis or stressful times. 

As an arbiter an elder has 
to be candid and sincere in 
providing counsel. Also, as 
either father and grandfather, 
or mother and grandmother, 
the elder is supposed to be 
above partisan differences 
for his word and counsel to 
be accorded due respect and 
recognition. He is not supposed to engage in gossip. 
Thus while in general seniority is synonymous with 
honour, respect, admiration and wisdom, it is ones 
ability to manifest these qualities in old age that gives 
an individual elevated status in society. 

E Families strive to take good care of senior citizens 
because it sets a good example for young children. By 
treating their elders well parents send a message to 
their children that they too would like to be accorded 
that honour, respect and good treatment in old age. 
Indeed, one of the important reasons for procreation 
in traditional society was to have somebody to 
look after you in old age. Children brought up well 
were considered an asset. It was considered rude 
for a young man to sit down while an old person 
was standing. The young person was supposed to 
give up a seat for the old person as a sign of respect. 
The parents themselves must set a good example 
by respecting and taking care of their own parents. 
When children see that their grandparents are treated 
well, they learn by example that they too are expected 
to take care of their parents in old age. 

F The elder is the pillar of both the nuclear and 
the extended family. Being the eldest living male 
descendant of the eldest son of the founder of 
the lineage, he is the link between the living and 
ancestors. He is supposed to unite the family so that 
the unity survives his death. He reinforces kinship 
ideology, maintains peace and presides over family 
gatherings, during which period he keeps members 
within bounds by insisting on customs, laws and 
traditional observances. He helps to socialize 
members of the family, immediate and extended, 
into the ways of the group. He represents the family 
whenever there are communal lineage meetings. In 
this way elders unite family and kinship members. In 
their oral will, in the presence of other elders, they 
provide guidance on how land will be parcelled out 
among family members, appeal for unity among 
family and kinship members and pass the baton 
of leadership to the next patriarch of the family. 

Thus, all members of the society take socialization 
seriously. That role transcends age and gender. This 
is because socialization contributes to cohesion. 



: E9 Psychology and sociology 

Don't forget 

For questions 1-6: 

• Read the rubric to 
check if you can use 
letters A-F more 
than once. 

• Underline words 
and phrases that 
will help you look 
for paraphrases in 
the passage. 

• Look for the plural 
nouns in phrases 
1-6. They tell you 
several items are 

For questions 7-10: 

• Check the word 

• Don't write words 
on the answer 
sheet that are in the 

Questions 1-6 

The reading passage has six paragraphs, A-F. 

Which paragraph contains the following information? 

NB You may use any letter more than once. 

1 steps detailing how the individual learns kinship through life 

2 the part played by all family members in a child’s development 

3 a motive for having children 

4 the desire to have a well-raised child 

5 how becoming an adult is celebrated 

6 a list of the roles of the elder in large and small families 

Questions 7-10 

Complete the sentences below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

7 African parents are not as overprotective of their children as those in. 

8 Familial and kinship connections come before personal. 

9 Despite the many positive associations connected with old age, it has particular 
.attached to it. 

10 In African society, an elderly person’s.depends on a capacity to use 

certain attributes. 

Questions 11-13 
Choose THREE letters, A-H. 

Which THREE of the following statements are true of the elder of the family? 
A He advises family members on career choices. 

B He is responsible for increasing the wealth of the family. 

C He hands over control to the next head of the family. 

D He is in charge of distributing land among family members. 

E He preserves the bonds between the past and the present. 

F He has a duty to preserve unity even at the expense of customs. 

G He trains family members in the ways of the society. 

H He assigns roles to the various family members according to ability. 

d> Reacting to the text 

Does what is described in the passage reflect the family and the society you come from? 
Give reasons and examples. 

Do you think that attitudes to the family are undergoing change in many societies 
around the world? Is this change an inevitable part of human progress or the result of 



Psychology and sociology 

(Speaking ) 

Look at the Part 2 task cards A-D below. Choose one topic that you would like to speak 
about and make notes. 

Don't forget 

You have one 
minute to make 

* Limit your notes to 
ten words. 

> Glance at your 
notes as you speak 
to help organize 
what you say. 

A B 

Describe an important friendship that you had when 
you were younger. 

You should say: 

who the friendship was with 
when you first met your friend 
what you did together 

and explain why this friendship was important to you. 

Describe a colleague from your work that you like. 

You should say: 

what the work relationship is with this person 
what this person looks like 
what kind of person your colleague is 
and explain why you like this person. 



Describe the period of your life that you have enjoyed 

Describe a family relationship which is important to 

the most so far. 


You should say: 

You should say: 

when it was 

how this person is related to you 

what happened during this period 

what this person looks like 

who were the most important people in your life in 

what this person's personality is like 

this period 

and explain why you like this person. 

and explain why you enjoyed it. 

2 C^> Work in pairs. Choose at least two points from the speaking checklist on page 
210 that you would like your partner to check as you speak. Take turns talking about 
the topic, using your notes to guide you. When your partner has finished speaking, give 
him/her feedback on the points they chose from the checklist. 

3 C Compare the notes you made for the topic with your partners. Discuss what 
differences and similarities there are. 

4 Read the following extract from a model answer to one of the topics in exercise 1. 
Decide which topic the candidate is talking about. Then underline the parts of the 
answer that address each point on the task card. 

Id like to talk about a friendship that I had when I was in my early teens. It was with my 
best friend at that time, whom I met when I first went to secondary school. I remember 
very well the first day we ran into each other I think we knew immediately that we were 
going to become good friends. We were in the same class at school, and we would 
sit next to each other, play the same games together - we were just like sisters ... The 
friendship was very important to me. Firstly because we gave each other support at 
a time when we were both nervous about being in a new place. And secondly where 
I grew up we didn Y face any hardship, but I didn Y have any siblings, so it was nice 
to have the companionship of someone at school ... And I suppose I felt that I was 
leaving childhood behind, and it was the first friendship of my adolescence. 

5 Work in groups. Add more details to the answer in exercise 4 to make it about 50-100 
words longer. When you have finished, check what you have written with the checklist 
on page 210. 

6 Look at the beginning of the answer in exercise 4 again. Decide which ten words you 
think the candidate wrote in his/her notes. 


C ^ Work in pairs. Choose another topic from the task cards in exercise 1 and repeat 
exercises 2 and 3. 





(Listening ) 

IELTS Section 1 




Work in pairs. You will hear a conversation between a school secretary and a parent 
about a school trip. Look at questions 1-10 below and make a list of things you think 
they will talk about. 

Don't forget 

Skim the questions and check the following: 

• the type of word (noun, verb etc.) that is required 

• the maximum number of words you need to write 

• if there are any questions where the answer may be a number 

• if any answers are likely to be plural 

2.4 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 

Complete the notes below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS/AND OR A NUMBER for each answer. 

School Trip Information 



Name of club: 

International Friendship Club 

Trip to: 

Country -1. 

Accommodation arrangements: 

Students will not be by themselves - students stay with families 2 . 
Cost: £4J5 

Duration: 3. days 

Price excluding presents for the host family and 4. 

Takes place during spring 5. 

Advert released on 6. 

After application is received 7. necessary 

Number of students on trip: 8. 

Total no of adults: six 

Including: 9. parents 

Deposit: 10 £ . 

2 C* w When you were at school did you go on school trips? Where to? For how long? 
What do you think students learn from school trips? 



Psychology and sociology 

Language focus: Conditionals 2 

1 Look at the following examples of conditional sentences from 
the listening practice on page 158. 

Last year, if it were not for the school fund, it would have 
been a lot more. 

... that's not a problem, provided you make a deposit of 
£ 100 ... 

What tenses are used in each of the clauses in the two 
sentences? Can you use the simple future to replace any of 
the tenses? If yes, does this change the meaning? 

Read more about conditionals in the Grammar 
reference on page 224. 

2 For 1 -8 below, decide if text b is a paraphrase of text a. 
Re-write sentence b so that it is a paraphrase where necessary. 

1 a Even if the social relationships course is expensive, 

I'll pay for it. 

b Whatever the price of the social relationships course 
is, I'll pay for it. 

2 a I'll do the psychology option on the course, unless all 

the places are taken. 

b I won't do the psychology option on the course, even 
if there are free places. 

3 a If the government should happen to address social 

issues like crime and poverty, we'll see a change in 

b There's a possibility the government will address 
social issues like crime and poverty. 

4 a Supposing future generations are even more highly 

trained than they are now, will their lives be better? 
b Future generations will be even more highly trained 
than they are now, but will their lives be better? 

5 a People need to be psychologically well adapted to the 

changing face of the workplace; otherwise, they'll 
find the changing world difficult to operate in. 

b If people are psychologically well adapted to the 
changing face of the workplace, they'll find the 
changing world difficult to operate in. 

6 a If it were not for improved education opportunities, 

the world would be worse off. 

b The world's present situation is due to improved 
education opportunities. 

7 a If the government hadn't wasted billions on weapons, 

more money would be available for social projects like 
community groups. 

b The government wasted billions on weapons, and so 
less money is now available for social projects like 
community groups. 

8 a If only I had studied psychotherapy, I would have 

found it easier to get a job. 

b I did study psychotherapy and I now regret it. 

3 Work in pairs. For 1 -6 below, underline the correct word or 

phrase in italics. 

1 Unless/If/Otherwise socialization takes place at home 
and at school, society will face the consequences. 

2 Ifonly/Provided/Even if I had met you sooner, we could 
have had a better time. 

3 Unless/lf/Even if communities are disrupted by the high 
incidence of crime, they always triumph in the end. 

4 Unless/lf only/Provided you are prepared psychologically 
for the interview, you'll get the job. 

5 Unless/lf only/lf the company hadn't planned for the 
future properly, they would be in trouble now. 

6 Unless/Supposing/Provided you were offered a very well 
paid job abroad, would you take it? 

4 Work in pairs. Decide which conditional clauses in exercise 3 
describe actions or situations that have already happened. 

5 For 1 -6 below, make one sentence from the two sentences 
given using the word in brackets. Make any necessary changes. 


Children will grow up to be unruly adults. Parents need to 
take an interest in social behaviour, (unless) 

Unless parents take an interest in social behaviour, 
children will grow up to be unruly adults. 

1 Families can help to make society a better place. The 
government needs to give them support, (provided) 

2 The government may fund more community centres. This 
will provide a place for people to meet, (if/would) 

3 Globalization occurred. Now there are social and cultural 
problems around the world, (hadn't/would be fewer) 

4 Volunteer workers helped people deal with the 
psychological aspect of change. Without them the 
situation would have been worse, (if not for) 

5 Social interaction between different cultures is increasing. 
Still more contact is necessary, (even though) 

6 Social intelligence isn't taught in schools. If it were, would 
it be beneficial? (supposing) 

6 With a partner, discuss your past, present and future, 
and the things you have done, haven't done and have yet to do. 
Before you start, spend two or three minutes making notes. 



KIM Psychology and sociology 

1 Work in groups. Choose one the following Task 2 questions. Then decide what the two 
J sides of the topic are and make a list of ideas for both sides. 



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Some people think that the world is now one large village and we are all responsible for 
each other Others; however, argue that people in other countries should look after their 
own people and not be concerned with other countries. 

Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Education is the only means to improve the social and psychological well-being of people. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your ow n 
knowiedge and experience. 

Write at least 250 w ords. 



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Teaching children and young people how to behave is the responsibility of parents, not 
schools or the government 

To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from vour ow n 
knowiedge and experience. 

Write at least 250 w^ords. 



Psychology and sociology 

2 Work in pairs. Look at the extracts below from answers to the Task 2 questions in 
exercise 1. Decide which question, 1, 2, or 3, each extract answers. 

Extract 1 

To me the logical answer Is a mixture of both sides, awd wot i^ecessarllM 
equally at all times, it Is waturnl humaiA, mstlm± for people to help each other, 
so this characteristic should be harnessed for the betterment of vha\a)rImI. in 
times of hardship and natural calamities lltee earthguafees and floods, people 
from dlfferentparts of the world pull together, shopping Is a good example here 
of people helping the elderly. (Anfortunately, It sometimes tafees something 
bad to happen before people act together. Nowadays It Is Importantfor different 
countries to live and worle together as the world becomes smaller and smaller. 
Moreover, as the world Is more and more Integrated with the internet and the 
speed of communication networtes. It matees sense that we should all worle 

Extract 2 

Lei's say someone is well-educated but has noi made even one or two friends in their 
life. Their life would be affected. For example, someone who has concentrated on their 
education at the expense of everything around them will not be as happy as someone 
who forms and maintains deep relationships with family, friends and possibly work 
colleagues. Important as these relationships are in themselves, such dose family ties 
on their own without education are not enough to help support people in their journey 
through life. Learning a skill like pottery can help make people's lives relevant and help 
them relax ... 

3 Tn the extracts in exercise 2, underline the text you can replace with the conditional 
sentences below. 

If the basic human desire to help others were exploited , the human condition could be 

Even if someone had a sound education and had not over their lifetime cultivated at least 
one or two close friendships, then the quality of their life would be affected. 

4 In each extract in exercise 2, underline one piece of irrelevant information. 

5 Make notes for the topic below, using the checklist on page 209 to help you. Then write 
an answer for the question. When you have finished, check your answer using the 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Some people think that managerial posts in private companies and in government 
are more suitable for men. Others think that given the opportunity women can be 
successful managers. 

Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 





Complete each gap with a suitable word. One answer requires two words. 

1 tried to trace my 1_not long ago to see if I could find out who my 

2 _were, but I found it difficult to go back beyond my grandparents. My 

grandmother has been a 3_now for two years since my grandfather 

passed away. My grandfather claimed he was a 4_of someone famous, 

but I never got round to asking him about it. I have no 5_but I have many 

6 _as both my parents come from large families. The present young 

7 _seems not to care much about family history, but that may only be age. 

Word buiiding 










2 The extract below is from an answer for an TELTS Writing Task 2 question about social 
problems. For 1-8, underline the correct word in bold. 

\nthe world today, there are many social Issues ILI ze crime, hooliganism. Illiteracy 
and poverty. Many people bl a me these social Ills on a breakdown In family 
± relationships/relatives, but It Is not as simple as that. There may be some 

o. flats/houstholds where the s relationships/relatives are very fragile, but by and 

large family relationships are very strong. \n many cases, it may be a ^ sibling/ 
generational difference as the older generation responds tc the changes brought 
about by the young. 

One social III that could be easily eradicated Is poverty. ’Politicians make grand 
statements about getting rid ofpove'rty within a generat.: The 5 hardship/ 
friendship suffered by many people even In richer .es is ai—i cult for wealthy 

people to appreciate, strong & leadtrshlp/sponsorshlp .1 meat?.zhls area In all 
countries and the hand of y-frlendshlp/leadtrshlp -.usi a - ar.aed from rich 
to poor countries; otherwise, 8 chlldhood/chlldshlp - . .... continue to be a 

period of great difficulty ... 

1 Make sentences by choosing one sentence part from each column A, B and C. There 
may be more than one possible answer. 

I spent a very happy 

We celebrate 

He faced 

He developed 

He maintained 

The government 

He showed 

He celebrated 


a considerable hardship as 

b several very strong 
friendships with 

c childhood with 

d the day we achieved 

e reaching adulthood 

f his leadership 

g their sponsorship when 

h a very good working 
relationship with 

i various business people. 

ii my parents in the 

iii every year without fail. 

iv by having a huge party. 

v during the turmoil. 

vi the problems began. 

vii the company. 

viii a child. 



Psychology and sociology 


Put boxes A-K into the correct order so that they form part of a response to an IELTS 
Speaking Part 2 topic. Then decide what the candidate was asked to describe. 

A / have maintained a number of strong 

B a very deep friendship. I think 

C restaurant where I work 

D relationships with people who were my childhood friends, but the friendship I 

E would like to describe is one that began only early last year with a friend from the 

F we have very similar interests. So I think what really makes the friendship work 

G but we still managed to help each other out. Since that day we have developed 

H part-time. We first met when we were working on an evening shift. It was very busy, 

I the main reason why we get on is because 

J doing the same sports, and we rarely disagree on anything. 

K is that both of us like reading and 

Conditionals 2 

Rewrite sentences 1-4 using the prompts given. 

1 Whatever the cost, I shall try to keep the whole family together. 

Even if... 

2 I’ll attend the seminar on kinship, only if the one on culture and the family is full. 


3 If it were not for the community centre, families would have nowhere to meet up. 

... depend on ... 

4 If they hadn’t kept the family together, they wouldn’t be in such a strong position now. 

... and so... 

Proof reading 

In the following extract from an IELTS Writing Task 2 answers, the letters has been 
removed in some cases and added in others. Find the mistakes as quickly as you can. 

borne people believe the sole responsibility in society for bringing up children lies with the 
parents, while other think it’s more the duty of the government. The logical answer, however, 
is that raising childrens is the responsibility of everyone not just the parent. 

If we take social skill, for example, these can in part be taught by the parents and the family, 
but school as agencies of the government also have a role to play Obviously, parents can 
teach childrens to form deep and warm relationship with friends and family and schools 
can show children how to make relationships outside the home with their peer, while at the 
same time picking up knowledge and informations. If we as adult had not been introduced to 
the social norms of society, we would not know how to behave ourselves. Nor would we know 
how to pass on these skill to our children. 



Travelling around the world 


IELTS Section 2 

1 With a partner, describe each of the photographs. Then discuss the questions 


• Are these the sorts of places that you would like to visit? Which one appeals to you the 
most/least? Give reasons. 

• Have you ever visited anywhere that you would classify as exotic? Where? 

• Do you think our desire to visit exotic places is actually destroying them? In what ways? 

2 Work in pairs. Decide what preparations you would make if you were going away on a 
trip to somewhere very hot or very cold. Make a checklist of the most important items to 
take with you. 



Travelling around the world ^ 



3 C > What anxieties do people face when they travel abroad? 

If you have travelled to another country, what were you most anxious about before you went? 



Travelling around the world 

Vocabulary: Adjectives with multiple meanings 

1 Look at the following sentence from the listening practice on page 165. What does novel 
mean in this sentence? What other meanings does it have? 

Remember to enjoy yourselves. Look out for novel experiences, and open your minds to the 
strange and the new! 

2 For 1-10 below, underline the word or phrase in the box that does not have the same 



strange native extraterrestrial 

1 foreign 

2 curious 

3 novel 

4 unique 

5 pristine 

6 odd 

7 fresh 

8 new 

9 different 
10 strange 

from another country unfamiliar relevant 

apathetic inquisitive unusual 

book original 


treasured only happening in one place unlike anything else 

new and untouched morally good different 

unusual irregular different types new 

new and different cold and windy odd recently made 

recently arrived extra inexperienced replacing something 

dissimilar several diverse unusual similar 

unexpected unfamiliar uncomfortable odd 

For 1-10 below, complete the gaps with an adjective from exercise 2 that makes sense in 
sentence a and b. Then decide what the noun is for each adjective. 

1 a 


2 a 


3 a 


4 a 


5 a 


6 a 


7 a 


8 a 

I had quite a_ 

I think I would rather read a 

I would like to live in a_ 


. experience as I was travelling home today. 
_than a travelogue. 

. area to where I am now. 

The area was really _ 
I had this really_ 

types of houses gives character to an area. 
_to me at first, but I soon got used to it. 

Everyone’s fingerprints are. 

My holiday was full of_ 

The building had these_ 

He was_ 

. feeling when I entered the house. 
_and can’t be copied. 

. experiences. 

_ carvings all over it. 

to know what the town looked like. 

_ country is not as easy or glamorous as it sounds. 

_to me. I couldn’t agree with them. 

It was mainly sunny, but we did have the_rain shower. 

Being in a_ 

Their ideas were totally. 

I had this really. 

I was_ 

I bought a_ 

. experience last weekend when I visited the museum. 


9 a The sandwiches we bought were very 
b I wanted to make a 

10 a 

to the job and didn’t really know anything. 
_set of clothes for the interview. 

I found myself in the middle of an . 
His ideas were completely_ 

start when I went to another town. 

to mine. 

4 C_> Tell your partner about a new experience you had recently, or an interesting 

event that occurred recently. Use the adjectives and nouns from exercises 1-3. 



Travelling around the world 

Work in pairs. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 

Reading } 1 

~~ ■ um -BT u mrmm a 


1 World heritage sites around the world are designated by UNESCO. 

2 The Grand Canyon is in the United States of America. 

3 The Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of New Zealand. 

4 The Aztec ruins are in South America. 

5 The Parthenon is in Rome in Italy. 

6 The Giant Stelae of Aksum are in West Africa. 

7 Mount Fuji is in Japan. 

8 The Terracotta Army is in China. 

9 The Hermitage museum is in Moscow. 

10 The ruins of Persepolis are in Afghanistan. 

Work in groups. Look at the title of the reading passage on page 168. What facts 
do you already know about this topic? Share your information with the rest of your 

Each of the following words from the reading passage has two different meanings. Look 
at the words and their meanings and decide which is more likely in this passage. Use a 
dictionary to check any meanings you don't know. 























in danger 












place of safety 

Read the passage to check that you chose the correct meaning. 



mi Travelling around the world 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

Barrier Reef 

The Great 

The Great Barrier Reef was one 
of Australia’s first World Heritage 
Areas and is the world’s largest 
World Heritage Area. The Great 
Barrier Reef was inscribed on the 
World Heritage List in 1981 and 
was one of 15 World Heritage places 
included in the National Heritage 
List on 21 May 2007. 

The Great Barrier Reef is the 
world’s largest World Heritage 
property extending over 2,000 
kilometres and covering 348,000 
km 2 on the north-east continental 
shelf of Australia. Larger than Italy, 
it is one of the best known marine 
protected areas. The Great Barrier 
Reefs diversity reflects the maturity 
of the ecosystem which has evolved 
over many thousands of years. It is 
the world’s most extensive coral- 
reef and has some of the richest 
biological diversity found anywhere. 

The Great Barrier Reef contains 
extensive areas of seagrass, 
mangrove, sandy and muddy seabed 
communities, inter-reefal areas, 
deep oceanic waters and island 

Contrary to popular belief, the Great 
Barrier Reef is not a continuous 
barrier, but a broken maze of 
around 2,900 individual reefs, of 
which 760 are fringing reefs along 
the mainland or around islands. 
Some have coral cays. The reefs 
range in size from less than one 
hectare to over 1,000 km2, and in 
shape from flat platform reefs to 
elongated ribbon reefs. 

The Great Barrier 
Reef provides 
habitat for many 
diverse forms of 
marine life. There 
are an estimated 
1,500 species of 
fish and over 360 
species of hard, 
corals. More than 
4,000 mollusc 
species and over 
1,500 species of 
sponges have been identified. 

Other well-represented animal 
groups include anemones, 
marine worms, crustaceans and 

The extensive seagrass beds are 
an important feeding ground for 
the dugong, a mammal species 
internationally listed as vulnerable. 
The reef also supports a variety of 
fleshy algae that are heavily grazed 
by turtles, fish, sea urchins and 

The reef contains nesting grounds 
of world significance for the 
endangered loggerhead turtle, and 
for green, hawksbill and flatback 
turtles, which are all listed as 
vulnerable. It is also a breeding area 
for humpback whales that come 
from the Antarctic to give birth in 
the warm waters. 

The islands and cays support 
around 215 bird species, many of 
which have breeding colonies there. 
Reef herons, osprey, pelicans, frigate 
birds, sea eagles and shearwaters 
are among the seabirds that have 
been recorded. 

The Great Barrier Reef is also of 
cultural importance, containing 
many archaeological sites of 
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander 
origin, including fish traps, middens, 
rock quarries, story sites and rock 
art. Some notable examples occur on 
Lizard and Hinchinbrook Islands, 
and on Stanley, Cliff and Clack 
Islands where there are spectacular 

galleries of rock paintings. There 
are over 30 historic shipwrecks in 
the area, and on the islands are 
ruins, operating lighthouses and 
other sites that are of cultural and 
historical significance. 

About 99.3 per cent of the World 
Heritage property is within the 
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, 
with the remainder in Queensland 
waters and islands. Because of 
its status, many people think 
the entire Great Barrier Reef is 
a marine sanctuary or national 
park, and therefore protected 
equally throughout. However, the 
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 
is a multiple-use area in which a 
wide range of activities and uses 
are allowed, including extractive 

This has been achieved using a 
comprehensive, multiple-use zoning 
system. Impacts and conflicts are 
minimized by providing high levels 
of protection for specific areas. 

A variety of other activities are 
allowed to continue in a managed 
way in certain zones (such as 
shipping, dredging, research, 
commercial fishing and recreational 

A new Zoning Plan for the entire 
Marine Park came into effect on 1 
July 2004. The proportion of the 
Marine Park protected by no-take 
zones was increased from less than 
five per cent to over 33 per cent, 
and now protects representative 
examples of each of the 70 broad 
habitat types across the entire 
Marine Park. Two authorities 
are now responsible for the Great 
Barrier Reef: the Queensland 
Government and the Australian 

The majority of the World Heritage 
property is still relatively pristine 
when compared with coral reef 
ecosystems elsewhere in the world. 
Guided by the principle of balancing 
conservation and sustainable 
use, the regulatory framework 



Travelling around the world ^ 


significantly enhances the resilience 
of the Great Barrier Reef. 

The Australian and Queensland 
Governments have a cooperative 
and integrated approach to 

managing the Great Barrier Reef. 
The Great Barrier Reef Marine 
Park Authority (GBRMPA) is the 
Australian Government agency 
responsible for overall management, 

and the Queensland Government, 
particularly the Queensland 
Environmental Protection Agency, 
provides day-to-day management of 
the marine park for the Authority. 

Questions 1-6 

Complete the summary below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

The location of the Great Barrier Reef 

The Great Barrier Reef, the largest World Heritage property there is, was one of Australia’s 

first sites to become a World Heritage area. Situated on the 1.off the 

north-eastern coast of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is among the world s most famous 

oceanic 2.The 3.of the Great Barrier Reef is a result of the 

evolution of the 4.over a very long time. Being the biggest 5.of its 

kind on earth, the Great Barrier Reef is, from the 6.point of view, very varied. 

Questions 7-10 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? 

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

7 The Great Barrier Reef consists of one large reef. 

8 There are more types of molluscs and sponges found in the reef than in any other site 
in the world. 

9 The loggerhead turtle is under threat of extinction. 

10 There are plans to raise some of the sunken ships on the reef. 

Questions 11-13 

Answer the questions below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

11 What were enlarged considerably to safeguard sections of all the different marine 

12 What has a major impact on the Great Barrier Reef’s capacity to flourish? 

13 What is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority accountable for in respect of 
the reef? 

Reacting to the text 

Provided money were no option, would you like to visit the Great Barrier Reef? What 
aspect of the reef would appeal to you? Why? 

Would you be concerned that carbon produced bv travelling there could contribute to 
the destruction of the reef? 



Travelling around the world 

Word building: Words related to memory 

1 When people travel, they often bring back something to remind them of their trip. What 
is this something called? With a partner, use a dictionary to find words with the root 
mem - that are related to memory. 

2 Work in pairs. For 1-10 below, complete the gaps with a word made from the word 
memory. Make any necessary changes to the form of the word. 

1 I have many happy_from my time in the Caribbean. I can still picture 

the beaches and the surf. 

2 Do you_the last time you had a long holiday? 

3 She’s writing her_now that she is no longer President. They should be 

interesting reading. 

4 Collecting cinema_is not particularly exciting. I’d rather collect holiday 


5 We tried to_the route on the map so we would know it perfectly, but 

when we were going along the road through the forest we got lost. 

6 Would you say that your trip to Japan was a_experience or not? 

7 We visited various_to a wide range of historic events. 

8 I left him a brief_on his desk, because I know he rarely reads his emails. 

9 It’s always nice to have even a small_of a trip, even if it’s only a card. 

10 I lost my_for a while, but then it all came back to me. I was so relieved. 

3 In the paragraph below the words in italics are in the wrong place. Decide the correct 
position 1-8 for each of the words. 

I have really vivid 1 memorabilia of 
my holidays in Mexico last summer. 

I had a digital camera which takes 
excellent photographs. And as I am 
the sort of person who collects 2 
memories of any kind, like concert 
tickets or theatre programmes, I 
came back with loads of 3 memoirs 
like little statues and trinkets. If I 
ever write my 4 mementos , I shall 
have lots of material to draw on. We 
visited a beautiful village, and I even 
bought a replica of a 5 memorable to 
a famous heroine whom I don’t really 
know, but the monument to her was 
very moving, which is what made it 
so 6 memorial. Unfortunately, I am 
not sure I’d 7 memorize how to get 
there again as I didn’t take much 
notice of the map. I didn’t 8 remember 
the name of the town. 

4 CT^> Work in pairs. Write at least three questions each containing the words made 
from the word memory in exercise 2. Take turns asking and answering the questions. 

Useful expressions 

Do you find it easy to memorize ... 

Are you the sort of person who collects ... memorabilia? 
What is your (most treasured/fond/vivid) memory . ? 

What details do you remember about... ? 


What was your most memorable... ? 




IELTS Part 1 


IELTS Part 2 

Travelling around the world 

1 Look at the Part 1 questions below about transport where you live. Decide which two of 
the following are suitable w'ays to begin your answer to question 1. 

People they travel by car ... 

More and more people use ... 

Most travellers ... 

Commuters get around ... 

The transport where you live 

1 How do people travel around where you live? 

2 What problems do people face when they travel? 

3 How do transport problems affect you? 

4 How would you improve the transport in your country? 


2 Work in pairs. Think of at least two suitable ways to begin your answer to questions 


3 Take turns asking and answering the questions in exercise 1. Before you start 
choose two points from the checklist on page 210 that you would like your partnei to 
give you feedback on. 

1 Work in groups. Look at the following Part 2 task card and then answer questions 1-6 

Describe a memorable journey you have made. 

You should say: 

where this journey was to 
when it was 

what you did on this journey 
and explain why this journey was memorable. 

1 What synonyms do you know for the word journey ? 

2 Write a list of any words that you associate with the word journey. 

3 Write a list of adjectives that you associate with the word journey. 

4 Write a list of verbs that you associate with the word journey. 

5 Write a list of places that you associate with the word journey. 

6 Write a list of reasons you associate with going on a journey. 

2 Use the words in the lists to help you make notes for the topic above. 

Don't forget! 

• You only have one minute to make notes. 

• The words in your notes should be prompts only. 

• Don't be afraid to glance at your notes as you speak. 

• You have to speak for one to two minutes. 

3 With a partner, take turns talking about the topic. Before you start, choose two 

points from the checklist on page 210 that you would like your partner to give you 
feedback on. 



Travelling around the world 

Language focus: Articles 



In the extract below from the reading passage on page 168, 
underline examples of the following: 

1 the definite article 

2 the zero article 

3 the indefinite article 

Work in pairs. For sentence a and b in 1-8 below, decide 
which sentence requires an article and which does not. 
Explain why. 

1 a I spent the day visiting_old monuments. 

b _monuments I visited were old. 


2 a I like_climbing mountains. 

b I'd like to go climbing in_Himalayas. 

3 a You shouldn't look at_sun directly. 

b _stars twinkle because they are far away. 

4 a The Amazon flows through_various countries. 

b Rivers like_Nile bring life to desert regions. 

5 a _capital city of Mexico is enormous. 

b _Mexico City is particularly big. 

6 a _United Kingdom is usually just called the UK. 

b _kingdoms are ruled by monarchs. 

7 a _prime minister runs the country. 

b _prime ministers are appointed by heads of 

state or parties. 

8 a _heart sends blood around the body. 

b The body has_various organs. 

In the following extract from IELTS Speaking Part 2, underline 
the articles that should not be there. 

A trip I 

would like to describe is 
a journey I went on to the Brazil a few 
years back . I went with my family two brothers 
but no the sisters, five people in all. We flew to the Rio 
de Janeiro which is an amazing city with many people and 
lots of entertainment What I really like about the city is tha: 
it has the beaches and, of course, it's famous for its nightlife 
We all had lots of the fun there with a sightseeing and 
parties, which we went to nearly every night The cost of 
the living is cheap there and a meal in a restaurant is a 
real treat as everyone is very lively. I recommend 
Brazil as a place for the holidays and 
relaxing ... 

Contrary to popular belief, the Great Barrier Reef is not 
a continuous barrier, but a broken maze of around 2,900 
individual reefs, of which 760 are fringing reefs along the 
mainland or around islands. 

Read more about articles in the Grammar reference 
on page 225. 

Work in pairs. Answer questions 1-10 below. Pay 
attention to the articles in your answers. 

1 What gives us light during the day? 

2 What objects do you see far away in the sky on a clear 

3 Is the sun a star or a planet? 

4 When is the sun a star? 

5 Are there different solar systems? 

6 What is the highest mountain in the world? 

7 Which mountain range is it in? 4 

8 What is the name of the capital of Japan? 

9 Is London a capital of the UK? 

10 Are there different oceans on our planet? Can you name 



Travelling around the world ^ 


^Writing ) 

IELTS Task 2 

1 Look at the following Task 2 question. Decide which of the ideas 1-7 below you think is 
most relevant to the question. Then add your own ideas to the list. 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Some people think that children should be encouraged to travel more while at 
school to broaden their experience. Others think that not enough time is spent in 
the classroom learning the basics of a good education. 

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge and experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

1 clevis them up to ia^w 3 Ltarw more while travelling 6 too tiring 

experiences 4 travelling Is expensive 7 always learning dull facts 

2 need to learn basics first 5 waste of time when away 

front the classroom 

2 It is important to be able to develop your ideas in IELTS Writing. For 1-6 below, decide 
whether the text in italics is relevant. Rewrite the text that is not relevant. 

1 Cheap air travel enabled people to travel longer distances than before. A whole family, for 
example, could fly from India to Europe at less expense than a decade before. 

2 Trains go in and out of fashion in all countries, as they often depend on the support of 
politicians. At the moment, more people are travelling by coach. 

3 Tourism can have a negative impact on local culture, so people should avoid watching TV. 

4 Precious ecosytems around the world are being destroyed by the very tourists who most 
want to protect them, so access to such sites needs to be restricted. 

5 Older people find it more difficult to rough it while on holiday compared to the younger 
generation. This is surely because young people don’t often stay in hotels. 

6 World heritage sites like the Great Barrier Reef are under constant threat of destruction. For 
example, even subtle changes in the temperature of the open sea can affect the reef. 

3 Work in groups. Discuss the following Task 2 question. List three main ideas for each 
point of view and think of an example. 


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 

Write about the following topic: 

Today more people than ever are travelling around the world. Some people believe 
that such travelling helps to broaden people's minds, while others think it just 
confirms their prejudices. 

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own 
knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

4 Write an answer for the question. When you have finished, check your answer using the 
checklist on page 209. Use the articles checklist on page 207 to check your answer for 
any mistakes relating to articles. 





For 1-7 in the following dialogue from TELTS Speaking Part 3, underline the correct 
word in italics. 

Examiner: Is it important for young people to travel? 

Candidate: Yes. I think travelling to a 1 foreign/unique/alien country is essential for young 
people as it helps to broaden their minds. For example, it can open their minds to 2 alien / 
fresh/odd and 3 novel/pristine/alien experiences first hand, instead of just reading about 
them in books or on the Internet. 

Examiner: What kind of 4 new/odd/alien experiences? 

Candidate: Well, for example, if children go to, say, Canada for the first time from, say, 
Russia, then they will hopefully be 5 odd/curious/fresh not just about the language but 
about the way of life, especially the 6 differences/alienation/curiosity and the similarities. 

Examiner: With the growing influence of globalization, how do you think countries are 
7 different/fresh/new these days? 

Candidate: It’s difficult to find things that are 8 strange/foreign/alien and perhaps unique 
as things around the world become very similar and less strange because of TV and the 

Word building 

1 Before you look at the next exercise, write down as many words as possible that can be 
made from the word memory. 


Match a question beginning 1-7 with a question ending a-g. 

1 Do you have 

2 Why do you think people write 

3 Is it a good thing to memorize 

4 Are you the sort of person who collects 

5 Can you describe 

6 Do you remember 

7 Do you think we should build 

a knowledge? 

b a memorable film you have seen? 
c memorials to famous people? 
d a good memory? 
e people’s names easily? 
f their memoirs? 
g memorabilia about things like the 

3 Complete the sentences below with a word from exercise 1. 

1 The most_occasion in my life was my last birthday party. 

2 Collecting_relating to the cinema or trains is one way of preserving our 


3 Being able to_words is a useful skill for learning languages. 

4 _can be very exciting to read, but they don’t appeal to everyone. 

5 If I_rightly, there is a film called Australia. 

6 Some professions like medicine and architecture require a very good_for 




Travelling around the world 


1 For 1-7 below, add a/an/the where necessary. 

1 I visited many monuments in Thailand, but monument I remember most was temple in 
north whose name I don’t remember. 

2 I don’t think I’d like to go climbing in the Alps as I don’t like heights. 

3 I like travelling, especially to exotic places, but trip I had recently was awful. 

4 Education is supposed to broaden mind, but education some people receive does 

5 I’m afraid of water, so I can’t go swimming even in swimming pools. 

6 Information on website may not be correct. I download information every day, and I’m not 
sure if it’s correct. 

7 Quality of hotels varies from resort to resort. 

2 Look at the graph and the IELTS Writing Task 1 answer. Underline the six unnecessary 
definite articles in the text. 

Globally, it is dear that more than half (56 percent) of the worlds 
reefs are at risk from the human activities. 

The significant regional differences exist regarding the degree 
of risk that coral reefs face. The reefs of the Southeast Asia, 
which are the most species-diverse in the world, are also the 
most threatened, with more than 60 per cent at risk, including 
the approximately 60,000 square kilometres at high or very high 
risk. 6y contrast, the reefs in the Pacific region, which contains 
more reef area than any other region, face comparatively less risk. 
Forty-one per cent of Pacific reefs were classified as threatened 
with approximately 10 per cent (1 0,000 square kilometres) 
facing a high risk. As regards the Caribbean and the Middle East, 
where the reefs cover approximately the same area (20,000 
square kilometres), the proportion at the higher risk is greater in 
the former (approximately 5,000 square kilometres). 

3 Does the text need an introduction? If yes, write one. 

4 Which information is not included in the text? 

^ional coral reef area, classified by degree of risk, 1998 








1 1 

1 1 

Middle East Caribbean Indian 

SE Asia Pacific 
® High 



Ready for 



The IELTS Speaking module lasts between eleven and 14 minutes and has three parts. 

The exam is recorded. 

The examiner assesses your ability to communicate effectively in English and 

specifically assesses: 

• fluency and coherence: how well you speak without hesitating and the organization 
of your answers 

• lexical resource: the range of vocabulary you use 

• grammatical range and accuracy: the range of grammar you use, for example, the 
range of structures and complex sentences using connecting words like because, for 
instance, and so, but, etc. 

• pronunciation: how clear and intelligible you are when you speak 

Part 1 

Part 1 takes between four to five minutes. You will be asked general questions about a 
variety of familiar topics such as your family, your job/studies or your interests. You will 
be assessed on vour ability to give opinions and information on these topics. 

1 Work in pairs. Look at the two sets of Part 1 questions A and B and decide 

how you would answer each question. Then choose a set each and ask each other the 


Do you prefer to go out with one friend or a group of friends? Why? 

What do you do when you go out? 

Do you think it’s important to keep in contact with friends you make at 
work or on courses? Why/Why not? 

Why do some people stay friends for a long time? 



Ready for Speaking 


What is your favourite form of art e.g. painting, sculpture, music, 
drama? Why? 

Do you think art is important in our lives? Why? 

Tell me about a traditional form of art from your country. 

Do you think art will be popular in the future? Why/Why not? 

2 Look at the following beginnings to possible answers to the four questions in set A. 
Decide which one is not suitable and why. 

1 I like friends. 

2 We tend to go to the cinema or the theatre, because ... 

3 Yes, sometimes, because ... 

4 There are many reasons, but perhaps the most important is ... 

3 Using the correct sentence rhythm and stress helps your intelligibility, and good 
pronunciation leads to a higher score. You can help yourself relax as you speak by 
developing a rhythm and breathing properly. Look at sentence 2 above. You can create a 
rhythm by stressing the important words like verbs and nouns: 

We tend to go to the cinema or theatre\ because ... 

Say these words and then read the sentence beginning. Take a shallow breath at the 
comma before the word because. Decide which words you should stress in sentence 4. 

4 Work in pairs. To help you understand the examiner better, decide which nouns and 
verbs the examiner will stress in the questions in set A. Then do the same with the 
questions in set B. 

5 Think of your own sentence beginnings for set B. Then decide which words to stress 
and practise saying the nouns and verbs as in exercise 3. 

6 C^> Take turns asking and answering the questions again, using a different set from 
the one you chose in exercise 1. 



Ready for Speaking 

Part 2 

Tn Part 2 the examiner will give you a task card with a topic. You will be given one 
minute to think about the topic and make notes before you specik. \ou should speak for 
one to two minutes. When you have finished speaking, the examiner will ask one or two 
questions to round off the topic. You will be assessed on your ability to speak at length 
about a topic, organize your ideas and use appropriate language. 

1 Work in pairs. Decide which task cards 1-6 the candidate notes a-f relate to. 

Describe a place where you like to study. 

You should say: 
where this place is 
when you first visited this place 
what this place is like 

and explain why you enjoy studying there. 

Describe a charitable organization you admire. 
You should say: 

how you first became aware of this organization 
what this organization does 
where this organization operates 
and explain why you admire the work of this 
charitable organization. 


Describe a skill that you would like to learn. 

You should say: 
what the skill is 

when you would like to learn this skill 
where you would like to learn this skill 
and explain why you would like to learn it. 

Describe a meeting with 
someone that changed your life. 

You should say: 

who this meeting was with 
when this meeting happened 
where this meeting happened 
and explain why this meeting 
changed your life. 



Ready for Speaking 

5 6 

Describe an advertisement that you like. 

Describe a website that you like. 

You should say: 

You should say: 

what this advertisement promotes 

what this website is 

where you saw this advertisement 

how often you visit this website 

what the main features of this advertisement are 

what special features this website has 

and explain why you like this advertisement. 

and explain why you like this website. 





once a week 

near college 

detailed maps 

month ago 

see world 


1 earn 


have fun 


great view 





TV recently 

musical instrument 




privately - classannoying 



thought provoking 



helps concentration 





5 years ago 

bus stop 


television appeals 

relieves poverty 




saves lives 

2 Work in pairs. Decide how the words in the notes for the first two topics relate to each 
part of the topic. 



Ready for Speaking 

3 Look at the shortened version of a possible answer for the topic in task card 3. 
Underline the synonyms the speaker uses for the notes that he prepared. 

The skill that I'd like to talk about is playing a musical instrument like the piano, and I’d like 
to learn it in the coming year I know it’s possible to go to a class to learn to play the piano, 
but I know I'd find that irritating. Learning to play the piano is one of those skills that’d 
be better to learn to acquire by paying for one-to-one tuition. I realize that it might be 
expensive, but it’d be very rewarding in other ways. 

The reason I'd like to be able to take up the piano is because it’s very soothing to play and 
to listen to. It’s a wonderful feeling to lose yourself in the music as you are playing. I’ve got 
several friends who’re very keen on music and I’ve listened to them many times. As well as 
helping to calm people down, playing an instrument like the piano is very good for the brain 
as it keeps it active. And it’s good for your health, because it helps take away part of the 
stress of modern living. Friends have also told me that it improves their ability to focus, 
and so they play before they study or do any work, which I think would help me too. 

4 Work in pairs. Each choose a card for your partner. Make your own notes or use 
the notes above. Then take turns talking about the topic on your cards. When you have 
finished speaking, give each other feedback using the checklist on page 210. 

Part 3 

In Part 3 you will have a discussion with the examiner, which will last between four to 
five minutes. The discussion will be linked to the topic in Part 2, but it is more abstract 
so you cannot talk about personal experiences. You will be assessed on your ability to 
communicate and justify views and discuss and analyze issues. 

1 Work in groups. Look at the following Part 3 questions and discuss what you 

might include in your answers. 

Advertising on the web 

How useful do you think websites are for bringing information to people? What about 
training or advertising? 

In what ways can websites be of advantage to small businesses? 

In business terms, are people more influenced by what they see nowadays on the web 
than on television? In what ways? 

Distance learning 

How can the web be used for distance learning? 

Should the training that is available on the web be regulated more? 

How do people in your country feel about awarding degrees and diplomas based solely 
on learning over the Internet? M 



Ready for Speaking 

2 C~ Work in groups of three. Take turns asking and answering the questions in 

exercise 1. The third student should use the checklist on page 210 and give feedback on 
criteria agreed by the student being examined. 

Don't forget 

• Avoid talking about yourself. 

Explain your answer by giving reasons, examples, results, comparisons, recommendations, etc. 

3 2.6 Listen to an example of a candidate being examined in Parts 2 and 3. 

4 ^2^ 2.7 Listen again to Part 2. Look at exercise 3 in Part 2 on page 180. There are 
seven differences in words and phrases in the text and two extra pieces of information. 
Identify the differences and make notes about the additional information. 

5 2.8 Listen to Part 3. Number the examiners questions 1-6 below in the order 
that they are asked. 

1 How essential do you think it’ll be for workforces in the future to be proficient 

2 Do you think it’s important to keep acquiring new skills throughout one’s life? 

3 Should preparation of children and young people for work focus on computing skills at 
the expense of practical skills? 

4 Do you think people will have to work longer in the future? 

5 How can people ensure that work does not control their lives? 

6 In what way do you think learning only computing skills can be a disadvantage in life? 

6 Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering questions 1-6 in exercise 5. 
When you have finished, give each other feedback using the checklist on page 210. 




The importance of infrastructure 

Vocabulary: Nouns related to systems 

1 Work in groups. Describe the photographs below and decide what aspects of 

urban infrastructure you can see in each. Then discuss the question below. 


• Do these systems help or hinder people? In what ways? 

2 Work in pairs. Look at the questionnaire on page 208 and think of an example of each 
item 1-10. Add another system for other and think of an example. 

3 Complete the questionnaire on page 208 by interviewing at least two people. Put a tick 
(*0 next to each system they have used. 

v v wi rv in gi v/upo. voiiipui v jrv/wi uuuui^u v« 

• Were any systems used by everyone? Which one(s)? 

• Were any systems not used by anyone? Which one(s)? 

• Which syste~~-— A w '^ c 'tZleaslaft^n net 

The importance of infrastructure 


Work in pairs. For nouns 1-8 below, look at the words in italics on the right that are all 
related to it in some way. Decide what system each relates to. If necessary; look at the 
words in the box below to help you. 

1 industry 

2 infrastructure 

3 network 

4 system 

5 web 

6 supply 

7 grid 

8 supply 

field wells refineries slick exploration 

lines bridges tunnels viaducts 

mobile fibre-optic browse satellite 

receiver dish communications channel weather 

host access server directory connection computer 

tap treatment pressure filter purification 

national generators cables pylons 

pipelines industry fields appliance works 









6 Work in pairs. Choose two of the nouns 1-8 in exercise 4 and describe how each ol the 
words in italics relates to it. 


1 industry field wells refineries slick exploration 

‘Field’ is where the oil is found. 

‘Well’is the apparatus that brings the oil to the surface. 

7 Work in pairs. For sentences 1-7, complete each 
gap with a word from exercise 5. 

1 _is produced on wind farms, which 

then feed into the national_. 

2 The_is sent via_from 

_in remote areas and then piped to 

people’s homes. 

3 The safety of the_is 

taken for granted in many countries, but 

without the process of_the water 

many people are drinking is putting their lives at 





The transport of_from the 

_to the_can cause 

pollution, as we have seen with spillages at sea. 

A_can be used to connect people 

in remote areas of the world that don’t have 
landlines, but it can also be used to collect data 
on the_. 

The revival of interest in the train as an 
efficient means of transport has led to 

investment in_like new 

_connecting various towns. 

If you have wireless_to the 

_, you can browse and download 

information anywhere, but you have to make sure the_is secure. 

8 CT> Work in pairs. Think of an incident where a system or part of a system did not work. 
Describe to your partner what happened and how you reacted. 





The importance 

~D 1 

IELTS Reading Passage 

of infrastructure 

Q The reading passage below is about tolls on roads. What arc they? Arc they 
common in your country? Are they popular? 

2 Spend two minutes scanning the passage to find words and phrases relating to the 
word road. Compare your list with a partner and then with the rest of the class. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

E-ZPass Idas Just the Beginning 

A CALIFORNIA, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia 
may be quite different in many ways when it 
comes to the presidential primaries, but they do 
have one thing in common: all are grappling with 
how to collect tolls from the drivers who use their 
highways. Electronic toll collection is increasingly 
the obvious answer. Pennsylvania, which is 
trying to turn Interstate 80 into a toll road, is 
considering going completely electronic and not 
including cash lanes. 

B By charging tolls on an Interstate that had always 
been free, Pennsylvania hopes to generate the 
money needed to maintain this vital east-west 
artery, a major thoroughfare for trucks. Other 
states are also looking for ways to raise the money 
needed for highway repair, upkeep and expansion. 
Because resistance to raising taxes on gasoline 
and diesel remains strong, lawmakers are instead 
turning to tolls or, in governmental parlance, ‘user 

C While Interstate 80 might appear to be a good 
place to go entirely electronic, the state may be 
forced to install some cash lanes because many 
drivers - including some in rental cars and those 
from states without toll roads - still pay with cash. 
Cash transactions are costly, though, because 
highway agencies must pay toll-takers, maintain 
plazas and safely transfer the cash to banks. 

And for drivers already faced by a multitude of 
distractions, fumbling through pockets for nickels, 
dimes and quarters to pitch at toll collectors is 
not only frustrating, it can be dangerous. 

D Like fast-food restaurants, department stores 
and other businesses that handle cash, tolling 
agencies are introducing a variety of technologies 
to streamline the process and increase profits. 

The most common substitute for human toll 
collecting uses a combination of radio-frequency 
identification transponders, high-speed cameras 
and networked computers that read tags in 
windshields and instantaneously charge the 
driver’s account, usually billed to their credit 
cards. Toll plazas are being redesigned so vehicles 
do not need to slow down. 

E E-ZPass, one of a growing array of technologies 
that are changing the way agencies collect tolls, 
is the ubiquitous version, available to drivers in a 
dozen states from Maine to Virginia. In just New 
York State, nearly 10 million tags are in use, three 
times the number in 1999. 

F The spread of electronic tolling is having a subtle 
and unexpected impact on motoring. Drivers need 
not weave through toll plazas in search of a lane 
that accepts cash, a particularly difficult task for 
those on motorcycles. Travel across many states 
no longer requires a hoard of change for tolls. 

And because they can check their toll payments 
online, businessmen do not need to save fistfuls of 
receipts for their expense reports. 

G Increasingly, electronic tags will be embedded 
into windshields, license plates and other places 
so drivers will no longer have to send off for a 
portable tag from a tolling agency. And because 
they are part of the car, they will be harder to 

H Electronic tolling is changing the way drivers view 
tolls too. A study by an economist at M.I.T, Amy 
Finkelstein, found that drivers who pay their tolls 
electronically are less aware of the rates they pay. 



The importance of infrastructure ^ 


She also found that rates at the tollbooths 
included in the study were up to 40 
per cent higher on roads that accepted 
electronic tolls compared with those that 
did not. Drivers rarely like tolls, but they 
are willing to pay them - even if they are 
unaware of how much they are paying - if 
they are getting something in return, like 
less crowded lanes or a shorter wait at a 

I The more costly alternative would be 
to build at least one lane for a manned 
booth with offices nearby to store 
the cash. While fewer than half of 
Pennsylvania’s drivers have an E-ZPass, 
the lanes would be designed with an eye 
toward removing them as the percentage 
rises. ‘We’re treating these cash lanes 
as temporary,’ said BarryJ. Schoch, 
vice president at McCormick Taylor, the 
engineering firm hired by the Pennsylvania 
Turnpike Commission to prepare a list 
of possible sites. ‘In 50 years, there will 
be transponders built into the car, so if 
we build tollbooths, we will be able to 
convert them to some other use like rest or 
maintenance areas’. 

J Some of the oldest and largest tolling 
agencies, like the Port Authority of New 
York and Newjersey, are studying how to 
phase out their cash lanes too. Because 
more than 71 per cent of transactions at 
the Port Authority’s tunnels and bridges 
include an E-ZPass - up from 52 per cent 
in 2000 - Anthony E. Shorris, the agency’s 
executive director, expects cash booths to 
disappear from those crossings over the 
next five years. The future, in fact, may be 
on display in places like Stockholm, where 
drivers do not need tags at all. There, 
cameras take pictures of every license 
plate, video recognition software reads the 
numbers and the owner is charged. While 
E-ZPass and other radio-tag systems 
are likely to remain because of their 
widespread use, agencies introducing tolls 
for the first time are looking more at these 
video-only systems, according to Naveen 
Lamba, a specialist in traffic management 
systems at I.B.M, which provides much of 
the technology for Stockholm’s system. 
While there are concerns about the 
reliability of these systems and the privacy 
of the data they collect, Mr. Lamba said 
that drivers are increasingly comfortable 
with electronic tolling. 

Questions 1-5 

The reading passage has ten paragraphs, A-J. 

Which paragraph contains the following information? 

1 an unforeseen effect of electronic tolls on the way people drive 

2 tolls as a means of increasing revenue to fix the roads 

3 a technological method of paying tolls without using tags in cars 

4 an explanation of why cash tolls are still needed 

5 why using cash lanes will only be very short-term 

Questions 6-9 

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the reading passage? 

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer 

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer 

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks of this 

6 It is clear that taking tolls from road users is best done electronically. 

7 Cash tolls are expensive to administer because of the expense of employing security 
guards at toll plazas. 

8 The removal of cash tolls is only for financial gain. 

9 Business people will benefit the most from the use of electronic tolling. 



The importance of infrastructure 

Questions 10-13 

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. 

10 One reason for having electronic tags implanted in the vehicles themselves is 

A to reduce the administration costs of using electronic tolls. 

B to increase the reliability of making toll payments. 

C so that vehicles will be easier to monitor by toll agencies. 

D so that they will not be removed easily by thieves. 

11 Research by Amy Finkelstein showed that drivers 
A do not know how much they pay. 

B are more price-conscious when they pay. 

C do not care how much the tolls are. 

D are less tolerant than they were previously. 

12 The proportion of E-ZPasses used in the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has 

A experienced a sizeable increase. 

B remained fairly stable. 

C seen a noticeable fall. 

D fluctuated slightly. 

13 According to Mr Lamba, electronic tolling is 
A taking time to implement properly. 

B meeting with some resistance among drivers. 

C gaining greater acceptance among drivers. 

D proving to be an expensive option. 

OD Reacting to the text 

Are electronic collections devices just another way of raising money from the public? 

Do you think toll systems control and restrict our lives or do they help us? 

Word building: Modal verbs to adjectives 

Look at the extract below from the reading passage on page 184. 

While E-ZPass and other radio-tag systems are likely to remain because of their widespread 
use ... 

The meaning of the adjective likely can be expressed in the following ways: 

... will probably remain ... 

it is probable that ... will remain ... 

... should remain ... 

1 Work in pairs. For 1-9 below, underline the most suitable word in italics. 

1 Can the communications systems be improved? Yes, it’s possible/probable/certain. 

2 They wouldn’t build an extension of the railway line. They were very unwilling/willing/ 
likely to do so. 

3 They didn’t need to build more refineries. It was unnecessary/necessary/possible. 

4 The satellite should improve communications dramatically. At least that’s the 
expected/certain/unlikely result, but nobody is sure. 

5 The government should hit its target. But that’s only a possible/probable/obligatory 
outcome, not a certainty. 



The importance of infrastructure 

6 The oil company could do what it wanted without any interference from the government. 
They were able/willing/possible to do anything they wanted. 

7 Do safety measures have to be imposed on every construction project? Yes, I think it’s 

8 Oil will run out some time. It can’t last for ever; that’s certain/essential/obligatory. 

9 They don’t have to build a motorway through the nature reserve; it’s not 

2 Work in groups. In the following extract from IELTS Speaking Part 3, underline 
the modal verbs that show possibility, probability and obligation. Choose a suitable 
adjective from exercise 1 to replace each one. Make any other necessary changes. 

Examiner: Can faster communication systems like broadband have an impact on 
people’s lives? 

Candidate: I think the development of faster communication systems than we have 
now can have an impact on local as well as national economies, as they should 
enable people to do business faster. Obviously, they can’t solve every problem, but 
they can at least help. For a while, governments wouldn’t invest in fibre optics, but 
now the cables are being installed everywhere. For example, in my home country they 
provide jobs for local people ... 

3 C~> What developments of infrastructure do you think there will be in your country 

in the near future? 

'Listening ) 

IELTS Section 3 

Which developments do you think are necessary ? 

For 1-7 below, tick (>0 the items that are related to the research process. For each, 
decide what they mean and how they relate to the process. 

1 aims and objectives 5 data analysis 

2 lectures 6 teaching 

3 research question 7 literature review 

4 research findings 


Work in pairs. Decide which you think is the most difficult. Give reasons. 

Don't forget 

in the questions that 
warn you that the 
answer is coming 

O 2.9 SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 

Questions 21-23 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 

21 Ahmed’s research is connected with the 

A impact of roads in urban areas. 

B link between people and urban infrastructure. 

C reasons behind system breakdowns. 

22 Janice is finding the examining of her data 

A a lot of effort. 

B an easy task. 

C a slow process. 

23 What did Janice think as she commenced her research project? 

A She assumed that it was going to be very hard. 

B She imagined she would never be able to begin. 

C She felt relaxed about the whole process. 



The importance of infrastructure 

Questions 24-28 

What comments does Janice make about the various aspects of her research? 

Choose five answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 24-28. 

A fairly easy 
B very easy 
C fairly difficult 
D very difficult 
E most difficult 
F tiring 

G time-consuming 

24 research question . 

25 literature review . 

26 research proposal . 

27 designing the methods . 

28 aims and objectives . 

Questions 29 and 30 

Choose TWO letters, A-F. 

Which two of the following does Janice recommend Ahmed should contact for help with writing? 
A language centre 
B private teacher 
C student union 
D research supervisor 
E main library 
F course tutor 

Language focus: Concession 

1 In IELTS Speaking and Writing you can make your argument 
more persuasive by conceding or agreeing with a point of 
view and then adding your own. 

Look at the reading passage on page 184 and find an 
example of may used as a concession in the first paragraph. 
Which of the structures below can also be used? 

1 Although ... may ... 2 While ..., might ... 

Read more about concession in the Grammar 
reference on page 225. 

2 Work in pairs. Rewrite 1 -8 below so that they contain the 
words in brackets. Make any necessary changes and be 
careful with punctuation. 


I can't deny this is an admirable idea. We will have to wait 
and see what the future holds, (though) 

Though I can’t deny this is an admirable idea, we will have to 
wait and see what the future holds. 

1 Increasing the capacity of the phone network 

is a good solution to the problem. It is not the only one. 
(although ... may) 

2 This is a sound argument. I think I'd want to see more funds 
made available for new carriages as well, (may ... but) 

3 The facilities available are endless. Inner city conditions 
are cramped, (while ... may) 

4 I don't like the idea of computers controlling systems like 
transport. They perform a vital function, (nevertheless) 

5 I agree with the creation of high-speed communication 
systems. I can't help thinking that they will lead to more 
demands on workers and hence more stress, (much as) 

6 They are expensive to maintain and upgrade. Extensive 
metro systems exist in many major cities, (may ... but) 

7 I partly agree with the opinion expressed here. I think it is 
naive to suggest that increasing the fares will in the end 
lead to a better transport service, (but) 

8 It's clear the quality of public services is improving. More 
needs to be done, (nonetheless) 



The importance of infrastructure 

3 Sentences a-e below develop the idea of five of the 
sentences in exercise 2. Match a-e below with a suitable 
idea in exercise 2. 

a It'll just put more cars on the road, and then revenue 
will decrease and there will be another problem, 
b The trains themselves could also be refurbished. 

c We need to ensure they are working for us and not us 
for them. 

d The line rental, for example, could be reduced, 
e This, in turn, will increase costs for companies. 

Use your own ideas to develop the other three sentences. 

Work in pairs. Think of at least three issues in the news at 
the moment that you partly or largely agree with. Prepare 
reasons and examples to support your opinion and then add 
an outcome. Use the words and phrases for conceding and 
adding your opinion in exercises 1 and 2. 

Explain your opinions on the issues you have chosen 
to another pair of students. 

^Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 2 

Work in pairs. In each sentence of the following extract from a Part 2 topic, a phrase is 
in the wrong place. Decide which phrases are in the wrong place and where they should 
go in the sentence. 

What I would like to describe is a journey that I made to see in 
France last winter a friend. The trip was a short five-day break 
to a small village, which is full of the most wonderful castles, in 
the Loire valley To Paris I took the train and then to Tours, which 
is the largest city near the village I was visiting. The journey was 
exciting because it was to France my first visit. Which goes 
through the Channel Tunnel to Paris I was able to catch the train 
and take another train to Tours. The journey was very smooth, 
because the train network in France exceptionally well runs 
and the Eurostar train is well integrated with the French system. 
What made the special for me journey was the fact the trip 
marked my first journey to France, and my first time in the tunnel 
under the English Channel. But what it magical made, not just 
special or thrilling, was the snow. As we passed the snow fell 
through the countryside on the fairytale castles along the Loire. 
It was a time truly enchanting ... 

2 Decide which of the following topics is being discussed in exercise 1. 

1 Describe a journey you made which was special to you. 
You should say: 
when it took place 
where you went 

what happened during the journey 
and explain why it was special to you. 

Describe a trip you made where something went wrong. 
You should say: 
when it took place 
where you went 

what happened during this journey 

and explain why this trip went wrong. 





The importance of infrastructure 

3 Spend one minute making notes for the topic that wasn't discussed in exercise 1. 

4 With a partner, take turns talking about the topic. When you have finished, look 
at each others notes and decide whether you think your partner followed their notes or 
adapted them as they spoke. 

Don't forget! 

• Keep your notes to a maximum of ten words so you do not read them. 

Write words or phrases vertically on the page so they are easy to see at a glance. 

• Keep talking until the examiner indicates that you should stop. 

(Writing: ) 

IELTS Task 1 

Spending in UK: visitors from North America and purpose of visit 2002 to 2006 

Spending (£ million) Growth 2005-06 







North America 















Visiting friends or relatives 














All visits 







Look at the Task 1 question below and then answer questions 1-6. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The table shows spending in the UK by visitors from North America and purpose of 
visit between 2002 and 2006. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make 
comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

1 How many different visitor purposes are mentioned in the table? 

2 What is the trend for each purpose? 

3 How does the growth column relate to the other data? 

4 Which line of information will help you write the overview? 

5 What is the clear trend of the overview? 

6 Is there an exception to the general trend that is evident in this line? 

2 Decide which two of the following introductions are suitable for the question in exercise 1 ? 

1 The table provides a breakdown according to the purpose of their visit of how much 
American visitors to the \ak spent: between dooa to cioob. 

2 The table Illustrates spending in the kk. by American tourists and -purpose of visit 
between zooo. and zoo&. 

3 The table 0lves data on the expenditure of American visitors to the UK according to the 
purpose of visit from 2002 to 2££>£. 



The importance of infrastructure ^ 


3 You can add data to your answer in the following ways: 

• from ...to: Spendingon holidays roseover the period from £1,053 million to 
£ 1,230 million. 

• with + noun + verb + ing : Spending on holidays rose over the period with expenditure 
increasing from £ 1,053 million to £ 1,230 million. 

• verb + ing: Spending on holidays rose over the period , increasing from £ 1,053 million 
to £ 1,230 million. 

• with + noun: Spending on holidays rose over the period with an increase from 
£ 1,053 million to £ 1,230 million. 

For 1-5 below, combine the two sentences using the structure in brackets. 


It is clear that the growth in expenditure increased steadily. The biggest rise occurred between 
2005 and 2006. (with + noun + verb + ing) 

It i 5 clear that the growth in expenditure increased steadily with the biggest rise 
occurring between 2005 and 2006. 

1 There was a rise in expenditure on holidays over the period. Spending increased from 
£1,053 million to £1,230 million, (with + verb + ing) 

2 The general trend for miscellaneous expenditure was clearly upward. It rose from 
£318 million to £557 million, a near 60% increase, (verb + ing) 

3 Spending on business trips also went up. It climbed from £859 million to £1,108 million. 
(with + noun) 

4 Climbing from £539 million in 2002, expenditure on visiting friends or relatives rose only 
slightly to £585 million. Most of the growth took place between 2005 and 2006. 

(with + noun) 

5 The overall money spent went up. It was £2,780 million in 2002 and £3,390 million in 
2006, a 20.1% increase. It is clear miscellaneous expenditure accounted for the bulk of 
the rise, (from ... to ...) 

4 Work in groups. Use the checklist for Task 1 on page 209 to discuss the task below. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The table shows spending in the UK by visitors from Europe and purpose of visit 
between 2002 and 2006. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make 
comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

Spending in UK: visitors from Europe and purpose of visit 2002 to 2006 

Spending (£ million) Growth 2005-06 






















Visiting friends or relatives 














All visits 








Write your own answer for the question. When you have finished, check your answer 
using the checklist on page 209. 





1 Answer 1-10 below, as quickly as you can. Write no more than two words for each 

1 What are built over rivers? 

2 What can be laid underground to carry optical fibres? 

3 What can be accessed from a computer to get information? 

4 What beams information to earth from space? 

5 What fuels can be found in fields? 

6 What is carried on tall towers or on cables under the ground? 

7 What is sometimes burned as fuel to cook food in an oven? 

8 What is filtered, treated and purified before being supplied to houses? 

9 What is each house connected to that supplies electricity? 

10 What is one possible term for a series of interconnecting roads? 

2 Write a sentence for each of the questions above, use the verb in the question. 


1 What are built over rivers? 

Bridges are built over rivers. 

3 Find and replace the jumbled 
words in the follow'ing extract 
from IELTS Speaking Part 3. 

Then decide which of the 
questions below the candidate 
was answering. 

1 Do people have access to a 
wide range of services in your 

2 Is the infrastructure of cities 
more important today than it 
used to be? Why do you 
think this is the case? 


In the following text based on part of an IELTS Speaking Part 3 answer, replace the 
words in italics with a word from the reading passage on page 184. 


...I think it is. It’s 
rccuali because without certain 
aspects of the stureinfraruct in modern cities 
people nowadays would be totally lost. The tenkwor 
is very complex and made up of fefrendit cesvseri, but 
I think people take many of them like relectictyi and water 
for tngrade and do not really prapetecia them until they are 
cut off for one reason or another. At one time, and not that 
long ago, people were able to mend many things that 
broke down themselves. Now a whole series of cevseri 
itrindesus exist to connect us to the water slypup or 
the nonaialt ridg or to nnrctecoe the telephone 
when it is cut off! 

I am 

not sure that people can cope with 
struggling with yet another electronic service like toll roads. 

I personally can’t see why lanes where people pay with money cannot be 
kept. Why does everything have to be done in the interest of a few companies. They 
say they want to make the service much more efficient, as the roads are like large veins 
in the bodies that carry blood to and from the heart. I can understand they want more money 
to repair and maintain and even expand the road network. Yet I can’t see how phasing out 
situations where money changes hands will help. And booths that have people in them 
Z- ng a personal touch. So do we really want something up in space looking down 
=■ os on the glass at the front of the car and reading the metal plates 
with the car’s numbers on them ? 




The importance of infrastructure ^ 

Word building 



Match 1-7 below with a suitable response a-g. 

1 He wouldn’t do it for any amount of money. 

2 May I park here? 

3 The company didn’t need to increase 
access fees. 

4 The train should arrive on time. 

5 Do you think it can happen? 

6 The government shouldn’t have said that. 

7 Do safety measures have to be adhered to? 

a I’m not sure if it’s allowed, 
b Do you think that’s likely? 
c Yes. You’re right it wasn’t 

d Oh yes, it’s possible, 
e Mmm, they were a bit critical, 
f Well yes, they are compulsory, 
g He doesn’t sound very willing. 

Complete the gaps with an adjective that reflects the modal verb in the first sentence. 

1 Maintaining communication systems is vital for modern economies. This is not optional; 


2 Old buildings don’t have to be knocked down in today’s cities. It’s not_as 

they can be incorporated into a modern landscape. 

3 I wouldn’t agree to his suggestion. In fact, I was very_to do so. 

4 They might build more roads. It’s_, but I’m not sure. 

5 The problem of satellite debris in space has to be dealt with. It’s_for the 

safety of everyone. 

6 Cities will soon be dealing with highways in the air for flying cars. It’s almost_ 

to happen. 


In sentences 1-6 below, find the error that confuses the meaning. Decide what the 
correct sentence should be. 

1 Clean water may be taken for granted in the West, but fortunately there are places in the 
world where it is rare. 

2 Although the chances of bringing electricity to every home looks possible, it’s a worthy aim. 

3 While delays may not be as frequent as they were, the rail network is not as chaotic as it 
used to be. 

4 Much as I love surfing the web, I feel safe while doing so. 

5 He says he’s an expert in water purification, but he has made serious mistakes. 

6 While the neighbourhood may be as safe as people say, I will go near it. 




Money and happiness 

Vocabulary: Money matters 

1 C Work in groups. Describe each of the photographs. Then discuss the questions 

• Where were coins first used? 

• Do you know of any places or situations where people exchange or barter goods? 
Have you ever bartered or exchanged goods? 

• What is your reaction to the following quote from Benjamin Franklin? 

'Money makes the world go round! 

2 Make a list of words and phrases associated with the word money. Then compare your 
list with a partner. 



Money and happiness 

> Work in pairs. The word money collocates with the words government and problems to 
form the compound nouns government money and money problems. Is it possible to say 
money government or problems money ? Decide whether the following words go before 
or after the word money. 

1 management 3 taxpayers 5 paper 7 counterfeit 

2 market 4 laundering 6 sponsorship 8 public 

4 Work in pairs. For 1-12 below, C ircle )the noun that is in the correct position. 





1 finance 



2 finances 



3 cash 



4 currency 

conversion/markets/speculation/fluctuation/reserves/crisis currency 

5 credit 



6 debt 



7 savings 



8 spending 



9 spending 



10 expenditure 



11 price 



12 income 



For 1-8 below, 

cross out the incorrect words in italics. 


More government money government was allocated to improve local bus services. 

1 A cash crop cash is a valuable source of income for many families in agricultural 
communities, but cash flow cash can be a problem because produce is usually 
seasonal. This can lead to a cash crisis cash for local farmers. 

2 Money paper money was invented by the Chinese. 

3 Education expenditure education has declined at a time when few working in the field 
think it should. The current expenditure level expenditure should at least be maintained. 

4 Family finances family are often the concern of the finance minister finance , especially 
when making funding decisions. 

5 Management money management needs to be taught as much to adults at work and 
students in university as to school children. 

6 A fall in a country’s foreign currency reserves currency can trigger a currency crisis 

7 Many prominent individuals have called for the burden debt burden of poor nations to be 
reduced by cheap loans or complete cancellation. 

8 Normally I don’t have so much spending money spending available. But one of the 
happiest days I have had recently was when I won a large sum of money and I went on a 
spree spending spree. 

6 C~> Work in groups. Think of at least three ways that money has directly or 

indirectly affected your life in the past week. For example, paying for transport with 
cash or an electronic card, giving you a place to sleep, etc. Take turns describing your 
experiences. Ask questions about each others experiences. 





Money and happiness 

1 Work in pairs. Skim questions 31-40. Decide what the topic of the talk is. 

2 C ^ What do you think companies can do to make their workers happy? For 

example, what types of in-house training programmes can companies provide for staff? 

2 .io SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 

Questions 31-34 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 

31 What point does the speaker make about people’s attitude to business? 

A Their understanding of business practices is fairly limited. 

B They wrongly believe that it is only about financial gain. 

C Some people are changing their attitude to wealth creation. 

32 According to the speaker, one positive aspect of business is that 

A people profit from the jobs it creates. 

B its attitude to employees is changing. 

C it gives young people discipline. 

33 What does the speaker say about how her company helps local communities? 

A Care is taken to focus support where needed most. 

B It tries to put some money back into the local areas. 

C Help is given to improve numeracy standards. 

34 How does the speaker say the company’s training programme changed? 

A It was managed very carefully. 

B It grew in its own way. 

C It developed very fast. 

Questions 35-40 

Complete the sentences below. 

AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 

Further developments in the training scheme 

35 Workers were encouraged to put their own 

36 Full-time staff members were each allocated.weekly for training. 

37 Some more experienced workers decided to.for nothing to various 

organizations who need professional help. 

The effects of the scheme 

38 .from work through illness have been reduced enormously. 

• Productivity was not affected. 

39 The company has seen its profit go up by. 

40 A reduction in staff turnover has led to a cut in. 

• And the cost of training new staff members has lessened. 

3 Some people think the best way to improve productivity is to help employees 

enjoy their work. Others think that productivity can be raised by increasing salaries. 
Which view do you agree with? Give reasons. 



Money and happiness 

Word building: Values and beliefs 

Look at the following quote from the speaker in the listening practice on page 196. 

... our accountancy firm adheres to a strict ethical code ... 

Can you say moral code instead? What is the difference between 'ethics' and ‘morals'? 

2 Match the words below to their meaning a-g. 

1 standards 


ideas that people believe are true 

2 ethics 


ideas or theories on which a system of beliefs is based 

3 values 


traditional practices that people in a society follow 

4 customs 


principles of right and wrong accepted by a society 

5 beliefs 


a set of principles that people use to decide what is right or wrong 

6 principles 


traditional principles of good behaviour 

7 morals 


principles and beliefs that influence how a community lives morally 

3 Work in pairs. Make a list of as many words as you can from the word values. When you 
have written down all the words you know, check your answers in a dictionary. 

4 Complete the gaps in the text below with words relating to the word valuable. Use the 
prompts given to help you. 

_(plural noun) are standards that individual people attach great 

importance to. If you_(verb) something in your life then you 

treasure it enormously._(plural noun) like precious objects made of 

gold and diamonds may be_(adjective) to some people as status 

symbols, but they are_(adjective) when compared to attributes like 

honesty, integrity, loyalty and trust. 

5 Complete the gaps in the text below with words relating to the word principle. Use the 
prompts given to help you. 

Philosophy can teach people the_(plural noun) of right and wrong, but it 

is becoming increasingly difficult for people to be_(adjective) in life and 

maintain a high moral standard. Unfortunately,_(adjective) people are 

found in all walks of life, whether it be business or politics, so one must be on one’s 

guard to make sure one doesn’t do anything that compromises one’s_ 

(plural noun). 

6 Complete the gaps in the text below with words relating to the words ideal, moral and 
ethics. Use the prompts given to help you. 

People are often accused of being_(adjective) rather than realistic when 

pursuing their_(plural noun). It is easy to attack someone whose personal 

_(plural noun) or_(adjective) stance you don’t agree with. 

< > Work in groups. Discuss the question below. Half of the group should talk about 
the advantages and the other half should talk about the disadvantages. 

‘People today get their values from national figures like politicians and celebrities such 
as sports stars and pop stars. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Give 
reasons and examples.' 



Money and happiness 

Language focus: Substitution and ellipsis 

1 Look at the following quote from the speaker in the listening 4 For sentences 1-7 below, cross out any unnecessary words, 
practice on page 196. Then answer the questions below. 

It is also about bringing people together and making links 
and contributing to the economy of the country. But in 
doing so our accountancy firm adheres to a strict ethical 

1 In the second sentence, what does the word so replace 
from the first sentence? 

2 What happens if the words are repeated? 

3 What happens if people use substitution like this a lot in 
writing or speaking? 

4 Which common expression in speech do you know where 
the word so is used like this? 

Read more about substitution and ellipsis in the 
Grammar reference on page 226. 

2 Work in pairs. Match texts 1-8 below with a suitable 
continuation a-h. 

1 Companies can help local communities to develop by 
putting back some of the profits they have made from the 
local people. 

2 My grandmother told us how to behave when we were 

3 People follow the traditions and ways of the society they 
belong to. 

4 The government should introduce philosophy into the 
school curriculum. 

5 I left home when I was 18 to go to university. 

6 Detailed analysis has been done on what makes people 

7 My family have always adhered to the traditions of the 
community we came from and 

8 According to some people, moral standards on television 
are declining and should therefore be raised. 

a and continued to do so when we were adults. 

b but ways need to be found to apply such research for the 
benefit of the public. 

c I suppose I will continue to do so in spite of the pressures 
to the contrary. 

d In doing so they believe that the general behaviour in 
society will be improved. 

e I did so with some trepidation, but it turned out to be 
exciting in the end. 

f Doing so would have a beneficial effect on student 

g Handing down such customs from generation to 
generation is important if a community is to survive, 
h Such philanthropic behaviour would set a good example 
for other organizations. 

3 For 1-8 in exercise 2. underline the words and phrases of 
substitution and the words they replace. 

1 Although the government 
wanted to stop funding the 
railway venture, they weren’t 
able to stop funding it. 

2 The banks didn’t 
want the policy on 
extending loans to small 
businesses to change, 
but the government 
did want the policy to 

3 Some people don’t believe 
that there is a clear link betwee' 
happiness and money, while 
others do think there is. 

4 The fact that health, 
wealth and happiness 
are often linked together 
when people talk about 
happiness must mean they 
are linked. 

5 The college was praised 
for student behaviour and 
success as it hoped it would 
be praised. 

6 The university didn’t invest 
as much in delivering subjects 
like philosophy as it could have 

7 My father laid down the 
law with us when we were 
children, but my mother 
didn’t lay down the law. 



Money and happiness 

"Speaking ) 

IELTS Part 3 

Work in pairs. Read the following Part 3 questions. Then match the ideas in the list 
below to a suitable question. 

Money and happiness 

Do you think people associate money with happiness? Why? 

Do you think it’s possible to lead a happy life without money? How? 

What advantages does money bring to people’s lives? 

What other factors do you think are necessary to lead a happy life? 

The influence of money 

Do people attach too much importance to money nowadays? Why? 

How can money sometimes control people’s lives? 

In what ways can money be used for the good of humanity? 

———|---—- mm — " , .. ■ » 

technological gadgets 
overemphasize/overrate money 

redistribution of wealth 

allows people to do things they want 

brings freedom 

money not everything , other factors 
indulge in buying consumer goods 
life can be difficult without 
having more time 

reduces/increases anxiety 

richer nations helping poor nations!people 

"Reading ) 

IELTS Reading Passage 

2 Work in pairs. Use the ideas in the list to discuss the questions. Then take turns 

asking each other the questions. When you have finished, give each other feedback 
using the checklist on page 210. 

1 Scan the reading passage on page 200 for words that are synonyms of 1-8 below. 

1 deal with 3 complete 5 poverty 7 move 

2 happiness 4 unceasing 6 step 8 community 

Work in pairs. Each choose one paragraph to skim. Then briefly explain what 
it is about to your partner. Find another pair of students that have chosen the same 
paragraph and check that you agree. 



Money and happiness 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the reading passage below. 

A All in all, it was probably a mistake to look for 
the answer to the eternal question - ‘Does money 
buy happiness’ - from people who practice what’s 
called the dismal science. For when economists 
tackled the question, they started from the 
observation that when people put something 
up for sale they try to get as much for it as they 
can, and when people buy something they try 
to pay as little for it as they can. Both sides in 
the transaction, the economists noticed, are 
therefore behaving as if they would be more 
satisfied (happier, dare we say) if they wound up 
receiving more money (the seller) or holding on 
to more money (the buyer). Hence, more money 
must be better than less, and the only way more 
of something can be better than less of it is if it 
brings you greater contentment. The economists’ 
conclusion: the more money you have, the 
happier you must be. 

B ‘Psychologists have spent decades studying the 
relation between wealth and happiness,’ writes 
Harvard University psychologist Daniel Gilbert 
in his best-selling ‘Stumbling on Happiness,’ 
and they have generally concluded that wealth 
increases human happiness when it lifts people 
out of abject poverty and into the middle class, 
but that it does little to increase happiness 

C That flies in the face of intuition, not to mention 
economic theory. According to standard 
economics, the most important commodity you 
can buy with additional wealth is choice. If you 
have 820 in your pocket, you can decide between 
steak and peanut butter for dinner, but if you 
have only $ 1 you’d better hope you already have 
ajar of jelly at home. Additional wealth also lets 
you satisfy additional needs and wants, and the 
more of those you satisfy the happier you are 
supposed to be. 

D The trouble is choice is not all it’s claimed to 
be. Studies show that people like selecting from 
among maybe half a dozen kinds of pasta at the 
grocery store but find 27 choices overwhelming, 
leaving them chronically on edge that they could 
have chosen a better one than they did. And 
wants, which are nice to be able to afford, have 
a bad habit of becoming needs (iPod, anyone?), 
of which an advertising and media-saturated 
culture create endless numbers. Satisfying needs 
brings less emotional well-being than satisfying 

E The nonlinear nature of how much happiness 
money can buy - lots more happiness when it 

moves you out of penury and into middle-class 
comfort, hardly any more when it lifts you from 
millionaire to decamillionaire - comes through 
clearly in global surveys that ask people how 
content they feel with their lives. In a typical 
survey people are asked to rank their sense of 
well-being or happiness on a scale of 1 to 7, where 
1 means ‘not at all satisfied with my life’ and 7 
means ‘completely satisfied.’ Of the American 
multimillionaires who responded, the average 
happiness score was 5.8. Homeless people in 
Calcutta came in at 2.9. But before you assume 
that money does buy happiness after all, consider 
who else rated themselves around 5.8: the Inuit 
of northern Greenland, who do not exactly lead 
a life of luxury, and the cattle-herding Masai of 
Kenya, whose dung huts have no electricity or 
running water. And proving Gilbert’s point about 
money buying happiness only when it lifts you 
out of abject poverty, slum dwellers in Calcutta 
- one economic rung above the homeless - rate 
themselves at 4.6. 

Studies tracking changes in a population’s 
report ed level of happiness over time have also 
dealt a death blow to the ‘money buys happiness’ 
claim. Since World War II the gross domestic 
product per capita has tripled in the United 
States. But people’s sense of well-being, as 
measured by surveys asking some variation of 
‘Overall, how satisfied are you with your life?’, 
has barely budged. Japan has had an even 
more meteoric rise in GDP per capita since 
its postwar misery, but measures of national 
happiness have been flat, as they have also been 
in Western Europe during its long postwar boom, 
according to social psychologist Ruut Veenhoven 
of Erasmus University in Rotterdam. A 2004 
analysis of more than 150 studies on wealth and 
happiness concluded that ‘economic indicators 
have glaring shortcomings’ as approximations 
of well-being across nations, wrote Ed Diener of 
the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 
and Martin E. P. Seligman of the University of 
Pennsylvania. ‘Although economic output has 
risen steeply over the past decades, there has 
been no rise in life satisfaction ... and there has 
been a substantial increase in depression and 

If money doesn’t buy happiness, what does? 
Grandma was right when she told you to value 
health and friends, not money and stuff. Or as 
Diener and Seligman put it, once your basic 
needs are met ‘differences in well-being are less 
frequently due to income, and are more frequently 
due to factors such as social relationships 
and enjoyment at work.' Other researchers 
add fulfillment, a sense that life has meaning, 
belonging to civic and other groups and living in 
a democracy that respects individual rights and 
the rule of law. If a nation wants to increase its 
populations sense of well-being, says Veenhoven, 
it should make ‘less investment in economic 
growth and more in policies that promote good 
governance, liberties, democracy, trust and 
public safety.’ 



Money and happiness 

Questions 1-5 

The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G. 

Which paragraph contains the following information? 

NB You may use any letter more than once. 

1 a suggestion that less emphasis ought to be placed on economic development 

2 evidence that the lack of money does not necessarily lead to unhappiness 

3 some suggested non-monetary grounds for being happy 

4 an explanation of the monetarist’s assumption that wealth breeds happiness 

5 proof that an increase in a country’s wealth does not make people more content 

Questions 6-9 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? 

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 

6 According to the general conclusion of psychologists, people are not made much 
happier by an increase in wealth after a certain threshold. 

7 Research indicates that a narrow range of options increases shopper anxiety. 

8 More multimillionaires took part in one survey than was expected. 

9 Up until the Second World War money influenced people’s happiness more profoundly. 

Questions 10-12 

Complete the sentences below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

10 Diener and Seligman claimed that there were clear.when using the 

economy to gauge the relationship between money and happiness. 

11 Despite improvements in the economy in recent years.has not increased. 

12 People’s take-home pay has less impact on happiness than.and 

pleasure derived from employment. 

Question 13 

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. 

Which of the following is the most suitable title for the reading passage? 

A How self achievement affects happiness 
B Why money doesn’t buy happiness 
C How happiness has declined since World War II 
D What economists think about happiness and money 

CD Reacting to the text 

What is your reaction to the reading passage. Does money make people happy? Give 
examples from your own knowledge and experience. 



Money and happiness 

(Writing: ) 

IELTS Task 1 

1 Work in pairs. Check that you understand all the words in the table and the pie chart. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The table provides information about satisfaction with living standards in England by 
age in the year 2007. The pie chart shows how confident people are about the future. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and make 
comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

Satisfaction with standard of living 



16-21 50-59 

60 and over 

Very satisfied 




Fairly satisfied 




Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 




Fairly dissatisfied 




Very dissatisfied 




2 Work in pairs. Underline mistakes 1-5 below in the following sample answer and 
correct them. 

1 an extra word that is not necessary * 4 a definite article that is missing 

2 an example where an adjective and adverb 5 a verb that is not in the correct form 

are not in the correct position in the sentence 

3 a noun that is spelt incorrectly 

The chart shews hew happy varleus age groups were about living standards 
In UngUm,d In ziooj- with pie chart Indicating peeple's optimism about the 

overall, people Indicated that they were very content with their living 
standards, with only a few expressly dissatisfaction. For example, the 
positive rating for these £>0 and ever steed at &9 per cent against only 
5 per cent for the latter. The youngest age group were similarly happy with 
&3 per cent be satisfied with their standard of living (34 per cent for very 
and 45 fairly satisfied). As regarding the dlsatlsfactlen rating, only 
4 per cent were fairly dlssatlsf ed with none very dissatisfied. B>y contrast, 
the 50-59 age group were content less slightly (A'per cent), but the greater 
part (£4$) were fairly or very satisfied (52 against 32 per cent). A 
refusal to tatee sides about their standard of living was most obvious In the 
youngest category ( 13 ^), followed by the 50-59 0 >rup ( 9 $) and the £>0 
and over (6^5). 

Turning to the pie chart, optimism about the future Is shared by fewer people, 
20^ compared to 30fo who are pessimistic and 50°[c non-committal. 



Money and happiness 

3 Work in pairs. For 1-5 below, decide which part of the sample answer in exercise 2 the 
suggested rewrites a and b relate to. Decide whether one or both of the suggestions 
improve the text. 

1 a gives you an idea about the satisfaction level of people about living standards 
b provides a breakdown of the degree of satisfaction about 

2 a expressed more satisfaction than dissatisfaction with 
b were kind of more satisfied with 

3 a Take those who are 60 and over. Their positive rating 
b An example is the 60 and over, they 

4 a the biggest number 

b the overwhelming majority 

5 a a smaller proportion of the public 
b by a tinier part of people 

4 Write your own answer for the Task 1 question below. When you have finished, check 
your answer using the checklist on page 209. 


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The chart below gives information about the Daily Happiness-Stress Index in the 
USA during one week in 2008. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and 
make comparisons where relevant. 

Write at least 150 w r ords. 

Gallup-Healthways Daily Happiness-Stress Index 

By day of the week 

J| % With a lot of enjoyment/happiness without a lot of stress/worry 
| % With a lot of stress/worry without a lot of enjoyment/happines 

60 - 

50 - 

40 - 

30 _ 

20 _ 

10 _ 



0 L —2- 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 

Jan 1 - May 25,2008 






1 Match each noun 1-10 below with a noun a-j to make a compound noun. There may be 
more than one possible answer. 









































2 For sentences 1-10 below, complete each gap with a compound noun from exercise 1. 

1 When the older children and both parents were working, the_ 

increased and they were able to save some money. 

2 Rich as well as poor countries can be weighed down with a vast _. 

3 Over-reliance on a_like maize or bananas for income is 

precarious because of price fluctuations. 

4 I deposited all my money in a_. 

5 The_soared after the rise in the value of the dollar. 

6 Just like coins,_is in danger of disappearing as people pay 

even for small items electronically. 

7 _is often used as a means of gauging people’s confidence in the 

health of the economy. 

8 A_erupted on the high street among clothes retailers to attract 

customers to their shops. 

9 I try not to exceed my_, though sometimes it is difficult to resist. 

10 _for major projects is often cut off at the whim of politicians. 

Word building 

1 In the following extract from an IELTS Writing Task 2 answer, underline the correct 
word in bold. 

... It Is crucial for children to be taught the traditions, including the beliefs/ 
ethics and customs of their community so that they can learn the basic 
principies/standards of what is right or wrong, ihe aim of teaching people about 
morality is not to make them yucraUstic/anccraL, but so that they can behave 
in a way that shows respect to others. \f children, for example, are tau0ht a 
coale of behaviour without going aleeply into ethics/ncoraiity which is more 
theoretical, then standards/principles of behaviour ill be improved ... 


Money and happiness 

2 Use the words in brackets to help you complete the gaps in the following response to an 
IELTS Speaking Part 3 question. Then decide what the examiners question was. 

I don't think so. I think young 

people are more _ (an adjective connected 

with ‘real’), because they are more in tune with what’s going on 

in the world. So no I wouldn’t say they are _ (an adjective that 

indicates the person is naive and is used as a criticism). I don’t see anything 

wrong with young people pursuing their _ (a noun that is related to the 

previous adjective) and trying to change the world as long as they don’t harm 

others. I think it’s a question of having the right _ (an adjective 

connected with principles of right and wrong) upbringing and 
applying that to better oneself and others. 

Substitution and ellipsis 

1 For 1-5 below, complete the sentences with a word or phrase from each box A and B. 

A B 

while others do 

but clearly do 

I think everyone else didn’t 

but the audience they are 

but fortunately there are many who should 

1 The television presenter claimed that work was a very important factor in making 
people happy, 

2 Some people don’t believe in the need to save money for the future, 

3 Many people don't want to do volunteer work to help others, 

4 Politicians often think the opinions of ordinary people are not important when they 
are in power, 

5 Just as I have had the chance to have a free education, 

2 Complete the gaps in the following extract from an IELTS Writing Task 2 answer using 
substitution or ellipsis. 

Good health is a major factor in making people happy. For example, when people are 

ill, they are not able to function properly even if 1 _. 2 _ 

obstacles can induce mental as well as physical illness, which can be difficult to 

stop no matter how hard people try to 3 _. Although someone has 

apparently recovered from a car accident, it may not be obvious fora long time 
that he or she in fact 4 _ fora long time. 



Additional material 

Unit 8 


Writing Task 1 (page 112) 

Unit 8 Writing Task 1 (page 112) 

Unit 8 Writing Task 1 (page 113) 


Public gardens 



Additional material 

Ready for Writing Describing a graph (page 129) 

1 Is the overview good? Why/ Why not? 

2 Does the student use a range of complex sentences? Give examples. 

3 Does the student list pieces of data or does he summarize the information? Give examples. 

4 Is there a range of linking devices? Give examples. 

5 How many examples of comparison and contrast can you find? Give examples (including verbs). 

6 Are there more verbs or nouns of rise and fall? Give examples. What is the effect of this? 

7 In the third paragraph, find examples of verbs of rise and fall. 

8 Find examples of a variety of noun phrases used to avoid repetition when referring to the age groups. 

Unit 12 Writing Task 2 (page 173) 

Checklist for articles 

1 Is the noun countable? -> Is it singular? -> Is the context in which it is 
used inside and outside the text general? -> Use the indefinite article, a 

(or an). 

2 Is the noun countable? -> Is it plural? Is the context in which it is used 
inside and outside the text general? -> Don’t use the zero article and put 

the noun in the plural. 

3 is the noun countable? -> Is it plural? -> Is the context in which it is used 
inside and outside the text specific? Use the definite article and put the 
noun in the plural. 

4 is the noun uncountable? It is therefore singular -> Is the context in 
which it is used inside and outside the text general? Use the zero article. 

5 s the noun uncountable? -> It is therefore singular -> Is the context in 
which it is used inside and outside the text specific? -> Use the definite 


Remember: You need to recognize whether the context in which you write, read 
or hear the noun is general or specific. 



Additional material 

Unit 13 Vocabulary: Nouns related to systems (page 1 82) 


Have you used each of the following systems today? 












Student 1 

Student 2 

Student 3 

transport system 





road network 





water service 





electricity grid 





electronic network 





telephone network 





radio network 





satellite system 










GPS system 










Unit 8 Writing Task 1 (page 112) 

Entertainment area 

Unit 9 Writing Task 2 (page 125) 

built/natural environment educate in general about the past 
understand history respect buildings/property appreciate beauty 

pride in one’s heritage protect environment helps relaxation 

promote mental/physical health 




IELTS Writing checklists 

IELTS Writing Task 1 

1 Have you written at least 150 words? 

2 Have you completed the task according to the 

3 Have you paraphrased the rubric in your 
introduction or just copied it? 

4 Have you summarized the information and not 
listed every piece of data? 

5 Have you written an overview? 

6 Have you included any information that is not 

7 Have you left any important data out? 

8 Have you just listed information or have you 
compared it? 

9 Have you divided your answer into paragraphs? 

10 Have you written too many words? You don't 
need to write more than 180 words. You won't 
be penalized for writing too much, but you may 
be penalized for not summarizing. 

11 Have you mentioned any striking features? 

12 Have you avoided repetition of words and 


13 Have you used a range of grammar, vocabulary 
and complex structures ? 

14 Have you used the correct tenses? 

15 Have you checked vour writing for mistakes? 

Additional questions for maps 

1 Have you included an overview? 

2 Have you used appropriate adverbs/adverbial 
phrases of location ? 

3 Have you used a range of synonyms? 

Additional questions for processes 

1 Have you used the passive correctly? 

2 Have you used the correct tenses? 

3 Have you used the appropriate linking devices? 

IELTS Writing Task 2 

1 Have you written at least 250 w'ords? 

2 Have you completed the task according to the 

3 Have you paraphrased the question in your 

4 Have you given reasons and examples as 
requested in the rubric? 

5 Is your answer abstract as required or does it 
contain personal examples? 

6 Have you developed your ideas bv expressing 
contrasts, causes, effects, purposes and 

7 Are your ideas just listed or organized with 
a range of linking devices to reflect the 
development in 6? 

8 Have you divided your answer into paragraphs? 

9 Have you WTitten 4/5 paragraphs? 

10 Do your ideas fit well together? 

11 Have you included any irrelevant ideas? 

12 Have you avoided the repetition of w'ords and 

13 Have you used a range of grammar, vocabulary 
and complex structures ? 

14 Have you checked vour writing for mistakes? 



IELTS Speaking checklists 

IELTS Speaking Parti 

See the checklist for Part 3. Remember this section is 
personal not abstract. 

IELTS Speaking Part 2 

See checklist for Part 3 and 1-5 below. 

1 Did you make notes? 

2 Were your notes short - no more than about ten 

3 Did you answer all the parts of the question? 

4 Were your notes easy to read as you spoke? 

5 Did you refer to your notes as you spoke? 

IELTS Speaking Part 3 

1 Is your answer organi zed ? 

2 Did you develop your answer by giving 
reasons and examples? 

3 Was your answer abstract as required or was it 
too personal? 

4 Were your ideas relevant to the question? 

5 Did you paraphrase the question? 

6 Did you avoid repetition of words and 

7 Did you use a range of grammar, vocabulary 
and complex structures ? 

8 Did you concentrate too much on accuracy at 
the expense of fluency? 

9 Did you speak clearly? 

10 Did you speak too quickly or too slowly? 

11 Were you relaxed enough to breathe properly? 

12 Did you speak using the correct rhythm or 
sentence stress? 

13 Did you use the correct word/phrase stress? 




Unit 1 

A Describing people 


a climb 


a decline 


a dip 



a drop 
a fall 



an increase 
a peak 



a plunge 



a rise 



D Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 


settle into university life 


integrate into university life 


draw on internationally recognized expertise 

Nouns and adjectives 

settle down more easily into university life 

respec t/respec t ful/respec tabl e 

ascertain (students') view's about... 



pioneering research 



key factors influencing ... 









sense of humour 










B IELTS Reading 

Choosing headings for paragraphs or sections 
Nouns and their synonyms 






reason for 



what.... is based on 

C Verbs of movement 

dip/fall slightly and quickly recover 

fall slightly and then level off 

fall gradually/decrease steadily 

fluctuate/be erratic 

hit a low/reach their lowest point 

hit a peak/reach a high 


remain stable/stabilize 

rise gradually/increase slowly but surely 





Unit 2 

A Verbs of cause and effect 











































Phrases to describe cause and effect 

bring about an increase in ... 
bring about the destruction of... 
cause (enormous) damage to ... 
change the shape of... 
do harm to ... 

have a/an (dramatic) effect (on ...) 

(huge) impact (on ...) 
(positive/negative) influence (on ...) 
lead to a (significant) improvement (in ...) 

reduction in ... 
lead to the ruin of ... 
make better links between ... 
result in a (sharp) deterioration in ... 

B Qualifying adjectives 

Positive and 













negative adjectives 














important-> critical/crucial/essential/key/vital 

unimportant—> insignificant/trivial 

C Linking devices 



also/furthermore/moreover/similarly/what is more 
accordinglv/as a result/and so/so/for instance/ 
in order to 

for example/for instance 

D Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

the process of urbanization 

go hand in hand with ... 

emerge as the center of... 

become the seat of... 

exercised a certain degree of... 

there is reason to believe that... 

can be regarded as the culmination of... 



Unit 3 


A Sports 















horse riding 








Types of sports 






racquet sports 



oxygen tank 







B Adjectives ending in -edling 

Verbs and adjectives 

annoy annoying/annoyed 

bore boring/bored 

challenge challenging/challengcd 

electrify elecirifying/electrified 

excite exciting/excited 

exhilarate exhilarating/exhilarated 

fascinate fascinating/fascinated 

interest interesting/interested 

invigorate invigorating/invigorated 

irritate irritating/irritated 

motivate motivating/motivated 

thrill thrilling/thrilled 

C Adjectives with prepositions 

addicted to ... 
bored with... 
capable of... 
enthusiastic about... 

fanatical about ... 

fond of... 
indifferent to ... 
interested in ... 
keen on ... 
mad about... 
passionate about... 

D Useful expressions to describe data 

a smaller proportion of... 
a third of (the number of)... 
a quarter of... 
half of... 

three-quarters of... 
twice as many ... 
three times as many ... 
five times the number of... 
half as many... 
forty/40% of... 
over fifty/50% of... 
the bulk of... 

three/four out of every ten ... 

E Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

build the foundation of... 

become a guinea pig 

create the illusion of... 

ensure the experience is memorable 

experience a few seconds of thrills 

figure out how to ... 

push the boundaries of... 

relive their (terrifying) experiences 


trigger the release of a ... 
understand the broad effects of ... 



Wo resist 

Unit 4 

A General category nouns 

Nouns and collocations 

(face a) terrible 

























B Useful expressions 

It was too good an opportunity to miss. 

It is a rather awkward situation. 

It is a divisive issue that arouses passion. 

It was an annoying incident. 

It was the happiest event of her life. 

C Uncountable nouns with countable nouns as 

accommodation like flats 
cash like coins 
clothing like shirts 
crime like burglaries 
equipment like computers 
fruit like oranges 
furniture like chairs 
information like bank details 
litter like bottles/cans 
luggage like suitcases 
media like magazines 
(bad) weather like storms 

D Linking devices 



despite the fact that 
even if 
even so 

in spite of the fact 

much as 







E Developing ideas by expanding the meaning of 









and verbs 








F Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

grow at an alarming rate 
cover an area twice the size of... 
stretch from ... 


come across ... 

unless consumers cut back on ... 
so durable it is not detectable 
constitute (90 per cent) of... 


A Adjective/noun collocations 

agricultural society 
dominant culture 
general public 
governing elite 
indigenous people 
modern civilization 
thriving community 
urban population 

B Forming adjectives from nouns 

Adjectives ending -a/ 

agriculture agricultural 



Adjectives ending -ous 

danger dangerous 

luxury luxurious 

population populous 

space spacious 

Adjectives ending -ful 

beauty beautiful 

success successful 

use useful 

Verbs of prediction 










it is anticipated that.. 
it is estimated that... 
it is expected that... 
it is forecast(ed) that. 
it is predicted that... 
it is projected that... 

C Useful w ords and phrases from the reading passage 

become the undisputed leader in ... 

become saturated with images of ... 

concentrate/focus on ... 

have a clear lead 

the issue for ... is whether ... 

narrowly targeted to ... 

represent radically different approaches 

recently rated the most... 

... sole purpose is to ... 
win the race 




Unit 6 Un j t 7 

A Conservation 


admire the scenery 
breathtaking view 
derelict factory' 
dominate the landscape 
planting season 
tree conservation 
panoramic view 
spoilt/unspoilt countryside 
spectacular scenery' 
tranquil country side 
visit open spaces 

B Transitive and intransitive verbs 









break up 





come out (of) 


















go down 











open up 







C Describing sequences 
Linking words and phrases 


then/next/following that/after that 
as soon as/once/after/before 

Nouns to summarize stages in sequences 











D Useful words and phrases from the reading 

belongs to the family ... 
peculiar to ... 

it has a strong tendency to ... 
characterized by the ... 
native from ... to ... 

cultivated since ancient times throughout... 
was featured in ... 
production declined from lack of... 
naturally adapted to ... 

A Work 

(a teacher) by profession 

career ladder 

earn a livelihood 

have a good job/occupation 

hold down a job 

improve their job prospects 

job opportunities 

(academic) qualifications 

work ethic 

B Collocations 

Adjective/noun collocations 

impressive/outstanding/proudest achievement 
good/fair chance 

considerable/huge advantage 

considerable/financial benefit 

total/complete failure 

distinct/obvious disadvantage 

huge/massive improvement 
ample/career/once-in-a-lifetime opportunity 
career/employment/excellent/long-term prospects 
enormous/large amount of success 

Verb/noun collocations 

a lack of/represent achievement 
enjoy/gain/outweigh/take advantage 

accrue/derive/enjoy/gain benefit 
arise/come up/deserve/give somebody/grab/take/throw 
away a chance 
end in/expect/result in failure 
have/offset/suffcr disadvantage 

constitute/make/room for/scope for/show 

provide/seize/squander opportunity 

boost/damage/have/offer prospects 
achieve/depends on/enjoy/guarantee success 

C Useful words and phrases from the reading 

apply (their) knowledge 

(employers') opinions have to be treated with caution 
part with money 

play an increasingly important role in ... 

reflect (that) change 

reflect on their own learning 

remain a key pail of ... 

rigorous/accurate assessment 

take a Masters in ... 

take account of... 

through sheer love of learning 

there is a move away from ... 

well rounded people 

work as part of a team 




Unit 8 

A Nouns relating to places 

Adjectives and nouns 

(residential) area 
(business) district 
(magnificent) location 
(safe) neighbourhood 
(beautiful) place 
(northern) region 
(spectacular) setting 
(derelict) site 
(open) space 
(tourist hot) spot 
(pedestrian) zone 

B Useful expressions for describing places 

covered with ... 
fed by... 
overlooking ... 
surrounded by ... 
stretching into the distance 
teeming with ... 

C Verbs relating to changes in maps 

chop trees down/down trees 

convert... into... 

create a ... 


give way to ... 

knock ... down/down ... 

make way for... 

pull... down/down ... 

replace ... with ... 

... take (their) place 
tear ... down/down ... 

(completely) transform 
turn ... into... 

Verbs and nouns 




develop (into) 




D Location 








Location phrases 

North in the north of... , north of..., to the north of... 

South in the south of ... , north of..., to the south of... 

East in the east of... , east of..., to the east of... 

West in the west of..., west of..., to the west of... 

Verbs of location 

there is ... 
lies ... 

is situated ... 
is sited ... 
is located ... 
runs/flows ... 

E Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

it necessarily involves not only, ... but also ... 

possess a complex spatial knowledge of ... 

can broadly be identified 

with their strong (Western) overtones 

share characteristics 

record for posterity 

show a profound knowledge of ... 

Unit 9 

A Beauty 

impress (someone) 

Adjectives relating to reactions 

KpQI itiflll 

make an enormous impression on (someone) 
make (someone) feel... 

Uc C( LI 111 Lll 


make (someone) thoughtful about... 


B Prefixes over - and under - 






over/underest i m ated 












ove r/u n dervalu ed 




C Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

Useful expressions for describing reactions 

inspired by ... 

be taken aback by ... 

transformed the ... from what was then seen as ... into ... 

evoke memories of... 
fill (someone) with ... 
humble (someone) 

become a popular (London) landmark 
attempts to popularise industrial buildings by ... 




Unit 10 

A Art 

People in the arts 

ballet dancer/choreographer/composer/musician 

newspaper journalist/columnist/editor/printer/ 

contribu tor/reader 

novel novelist/writer/author/editor/reader 

orchestra conductor/musician/pianist/violinist/ 

percussionist etc 

play actor/actress/lead (role)/playwright/director/ 

producer/costume designer/set designer 

sculpture sculptor/artist 

song singer/songvvriter 

symphony composer/musician/conductor 

B Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

street art 

the (riverside) facade of... 

covered in giant murals 

display of (street art) at a major museum 

... recently featured in a retrospective exhibition 

compete with each other 

after a (police) crackdown on ... 

... is a highly polarising phenomenon 

Unit 11 

A The family 


(reach} nationhood 

Words relating to family members 

family tree 



(cultivate/maintain) relationship 
(withdraw) sponsorship 

young/old generation 


Collocations with the word relationship 













network of 








B Suffixes -hood and —ship 

C Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

it takes a village to bring up ... 

Nouns and and relevant verbs 


(reach) adulthood 

a wide network of relatives 


responsible for his or her upbringing 

(spend) childhood 

the interests of the entire community 


take precedence over ... 


that role transcends age and gender 

(face) hardship 

socialization contributes to cohesion 

(show) leadership 

Unit 12 

A Adjectives with multiple meaning 

alien strange/extraterrestrial 

curious inquisitive/unusual 

di fferent dissim i lar/several/diverse/unusual 
foreign from or in another country/unfamiliar 
fresh new/cold and windy/recently made or prepared 

novel book/original 

new recently arrived/inexperienced 

odd unusual/irregular 

pristine new and untouched/morally good 
strange unexpected/unfamiliar/odd 

unique treasured/happening only in one place/not the 
same as anyone else 

B Words related to memory 

memento (n.) 
memo (n.) 

memorabilia (n.) 
memoirs (n.) 
memorable (adj.) 
memorial (n.) 
memory (n.) 
memorize (v.) 
remember (v.) 

C Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

... diversity reflects the maturity of the ecosystem 
... also supports a variety of ... 

... which are all listed as vulnerable 

...is also of cultural importance 

... are of cultural and historical significance 

... have a cooperative and integrated approach to 





Unit 13 

A Words related to systems 

electricity grid cables/generator/national/ 


gas supply appliance/fields/industrv/ 


oil industry exploration/field/refineries/ 


railway/train infrastructure bridges/lines/tunnesl/ 


satellite system channel/communications/ 


water supply filter/pressure/purification/ 


B Modal verbs to adjectives 

can/may possible 

could/can able 

didn’t need unnecessary 

don't/didn't have to not essential 

have to be compulsory 

may permissible 

should expected/probable/likely 

will certain 

wouldn't/won't unwilling 

C Useful words and phrases from the reading passage 

highways/roads/lanes/artery/thoroughfare/toll road 

go entirely electronic 

to streamline the process 

the ubiquitous version 

have a subtle and unexpected impact on ... 

because of their widespread use 

while there are concerns about the reliability of... 

be increasingly comfortable with ... 

Unit 14 

A Money matters 

Collocations with money 

paper money 



money management 




Collocations with w ords relating to 





state finance 




























































B Values and beliefs 

(a high) moral standard 
individual morals 
invaluable objects 
moral stand 
personal morals 
set of principles 

standards of behaviour 
system of ethics 
traditional values 
valueless objects 





accuse someone of being moralsitic 
adhere to a strict ethical code 
attach importance to ones beliefs/ 

compromise one's principles 
follow customs 
take a moral stand 
treasure valuables 
value something 

C Useful w ords and phrases from 
the reading passage 

look for the answer to the eternal 

tackle the question 

lift people out of ab ject poverty 

do little to increase happiness 

there is a direct correlation between ... 

and ... 



Grammar reference 

Unit 1 

Present simple, present continuous and past 

A Present simple 

You use the present simple: 

• for an habitual action 

I get up before 8 am every day. 

Lectures start at 9 am every day. 

• to show how frequently people do things 

• I sometimes arrive late, because the buses are not 

• for facts 

The sun rises in the east. 

Water boils at 100°C at sea level. 

• to describe states 
I have a pen. 

I agree with you wholeheartedly. 

B Present continuous 

You use the present continuous: 

• to describe actions and events which are happening 
‘around now’ (the actions and events may not be 
apparent at the time of writing or speaking) 

The earth is becoming wanner year by year. 

More and more students are applying for the course. 

I'm doing a course on pottery at the moment. 

• lo describe an action that is in the process of 
happening as you speak or write 

You are preparing for IELTS if you are using this 


The baby's sleeping. Try not to wake her. 

• to talk about the future (see Unit 5) 

C Present simple or present continuous? 

1 You use 'state’ verbs like know, promise and understand 

only in the present simple. 

I promise I'll come to the party. 

/ understand what you are saying. 

2 For verbs that have a ‘state’ and ‘action’ meaning, 
you use the present simple to describe states' and the 
present continuous to describe actions’. 

State: I think studying languages is important. 

Action: Trn thinking about this problem. Give me a few 

State: I have a pen. 

Action: The government is having difficulties. 

State: This perfume smells nice. 

Action: The cat is smelling the food. Maybe he’ll eat it. 

3 With always 

Present simple: He always gets up at 7 am. (He does it 
as a matter of routine.) 

Present continuous: He’s ahvays talking about his 
health. (He does it more than I think he should.) 

4 With the verb to be 

Present simple: She is very persistent. (This is part of 
her personality.) 

Present continuous: She is being very persistent at the 
moment. (This is unusual for her. This is not her normal 

D Past simple 

You use the past simple: 

• to describe a completed action, event or state in the 
past which is not connected with now. The time in 
the past may be clear from the information around 
the sentence 

At one time, people believed that the world was flat. 
(But they don't now.) 

He lived in China fora long time. 

Dickens wrote many brilliant novels. (He wrote them 
a long time ago.) 

• to describe an action or event at a particular time, or 
during a particular period of time 

I stayed in London for two months in 2008. 

Sales rose between 2005 and 2009. 

• to describe habitual actions in the past 

I attended classes in pottery for three months. 

Likes and dislikes 

1 The verbs like, love, enjoy, can't stand/bear, detest, dislike, 
hate and loathe can be followed by a noun. 

/ like football 
/ hate spiders. 

2 The verbs enjoy, fancy, dislike, detest, loathe can be 
followed by a verb + -ing only. 

I enjoy swimming. (NOT 1 e njoy to s w i m . ) 

3 The verbs can ' t stand/bear, like, hate, love and prefer can 
be followed by a verb + -ing or to. 

I like play ing/to play baseball. 

I can’t bear watching/to watch sport on TV. 

4 You can use like with a verb + -ing or to to express a 
particular meaning. 

I like to go for a swim every morning. (1 think that this is 
a good idea but don't necessarily enjoy it.) 

/ like going for a swim every ? morning. (I enjoy it.) 

5 prefer 

You can use the following to express a preference for 
one thing compared to another: 

• prefer + noun + to + noun. Use the -ing form if the 
things are activities. 

I prefer books to computer games. 

I prefer surfing to sailing. 

• prefer + to + infinitive + than + infinitive without to 
I prefer to read novels than play computer games. 

6 I'd rather 

You can use the follow ing to express that you would 
rather do one thing compared to another: 

• would/’d rather (not) + verb 
I ’d rather go to the concert. 

I’d rather not watch the horror film. 

• would/’ d rather + verb + than + verb 
I’d rather play the piano than go out. 

7 would like/love/prefer/hate 

Would like/love/prefer/hate must be followed by to + 

I’d love to go to a live concert. 

I’d prefer to eat in than go to the restaurant. 



Grammar reference 

Unit 2 

Past simple and present perfect 

1 Past simple 

For use, see Unit 1. 

2 Present perfect 

You use the present perfect: 

• to describe actions or events that have a connection 
with the present 

/ have just passed my exam. Look at my certificate. 
I’ve just fixed the TV! Look, its working! 

• to talk about an action or event that has happened at 
any time up to now, but you don't know or mention 
when. The emphasis is on the fact the action or event 
has happened, not the time that it happened 

I have lived in West Africa. 

He has visited France. 

• to talk about periods that continue to the present 
My parents have lived in their house since 2001 . 

I have studied hard for the past month. 

Note the contrast between the past simple and the 
present perfect. 

I did a lot of work yesterday (no connection with the 
present), but I haven't done much today (connection 
with the present). 

I visited Spain ten years ago, but I haven V been to Italy. 
When did you finish the book ? 


Haven't you finished it yet? 

3 Present perfect continuous 

You use the present perfect continuous to describe 
periods up to and including the present. 

She's been watching that film all afternoon. 

I have been learning English since I was ten. 

Habit in the past - used to and would 

You use used to and would to describe habitual actions and 
events in the past. 

1 You use used to to describe habits or states in the past 
which no longer happen or exist. 

I used to live in the countryside. 

I used to play chess quite a lot when I was a child. 

Note that used to becomes use to with questions and 

/ didn't use to play outdoor games much. 

Did your parents use to travel much when they were 

2 You use would to describe past habits but not states. 

I would work for my uncle every Tuesday evening when I 
was 16. 

I used to own a collection of antique clocks. 

(NOT I would own a collection of antique clocks. ) 

Would is often used to reminisce about the past and in 
descriptive writing. 

On spring afternoons, I would go for long walks with my 
friends and look at the wildlife. 

Note that you usually don't use would in negative or 
yes/no questions. 

Adverbs of frequency 

1 You use adverbs of frequency to indicate how often 
something happens. Common adverbs of frequency 
are always, usually, normally, regularly, often, frequently, 
sometimes, occasionally, rarely, hardly ever, seldom, 


2 You use adverbs of frequency after be and auxiliaries, 
but before all other verbs. 

I am always on time for lectures. 

He has never eaten noodles before. 

Politicians rarely pay attention to the opinions of the 

3 You can invert the subject and the verb when you use 
never, rarely and seldom at the beginning of a sentence. 
Never have / seen such an impressive PowerPoint 
presentation from a student. 

Unit 3 


A Comparative adjectives 

1 One syllable adjectives 

You form the comparative from adjectives with one 
syllable by adding -er. 
high —► higher 

For one syllable adjectives ending in -e, you add -r. 
large -*> larger 

For one syllable adjectives ending in a consonant, you 
double the final consonant. 
big -> bigger 

2 Two or more syllable adjectives 

You normally form the comparative from adjectives 
with two or more syllables with more/less. 
exciting more/less exciting 

3 Adjectives ending in consonant + -y 

You form the comparative from adjectives ending in 
consonant + y, by changing -y to -i. 
dty -> drier 
easy -> easier 

Note some adjectives can be formed with -er or more/ 

The river is shallower/more shallow here than over 

Theme parks with thrilling rides are becoming 
commoner more common than in the past. 

B Superlative adjectives 

1 One syllable adjectives 

You form the superlative from adjectives with one 
syllable by using the before the adjective and adding - 
(e)st to the adjective. 
long -> the longest 

2 Two or more syllable adjectives 

You form the superlative from adjectives with two or 
more syllables by adding the most/least before the 

interesting -> the most/least interesting 

3 Adjectives ending in consonant + -y 

You form the superlative from adjectives ending in 
consonant + y , by changing -y to -i. 
dry -> the driest 
easy -> the easiest 

C Irregular comparatives and superlatives 

Some common adjectives have an irregular comparative 

and superlative form. 

good -> better -> the best 

bad -*■ worse -*■ the worst 

far -*• farther/further -* the farthest/the furthest 


Grammar reference 

She is a better player than he is. 

The performance of the team was worse than last time. 

D Comparative adverbs 

Like comparative adjectives, you form comparative 
adverbs bv adding - (e)r to one syllable adverbs and 
using more with two or more syllable adverbs. 

Computer sales rose faster over the last decade compared 
to the previous one. 

Attendances at the cinema fell more dramatically in the 
first quarter than the second. 

E Comparative structures 

1 than 

You can make comparisons by using than. 

Sales were greater in 1980 than in 1990. 

2 as + adjective + as to compare two equal things 
You can compare two equal things by using as + 
adjective + as . 

Tm as tall as my sister. 

3 not as + adjective + as to compare two things that 
are not equal 

You can compare two things that are not equal by using 
not as + adjective + as. 

Computer sales were as high in June as they were in 

F Words to strengthen or weaken comparisons 

You can add words and expressions to strengthen or 
weaken comparisons. 

1 Comparatives 

Words and expressions that can be added to 
comparatives include: a bit, a little, slightly, much, 

(quite) a lot, far, significantly, considerably, a great deal, 
twice, three times. 

Book sales rose much/a lot/far more slowly in the last 


The number of shoppers was a little lower last month 

compared to this month. 

2 Superlatives 

Words and expressions that can be added to superlatives 
include: by far, easily, a long way. 

The Indian architects building was by far the most 
popular in the competition. 

Sweden is the company's smallest market, by a long way. 

3 With as ... as ... 

Words and expressions that can be added to modify 
the structure as ... as ... include: (not) nearly, not quite, 
almost, just, half, twice, three times. 

Th e population of the town is three times as big as it was 
in 1960. 

The rest of the team were not nearly as good as the 

Adjectives with prepositions 

Some adjectives are followed by a particular preposition 
when used with the verb be. Sometimes a different 
preposition is used depending on whether you are referring 
to 'people' or ‘things'. You can check this in a dictionary but 
they include: 

angry /annoyed/happy /upset about (things) 

good/had at 

late/famous/ready for 

different from 

interested in 

afraid/fond/frightened of 
keen on 

kind/married/used to 

angry Iannoyed/bored with (people) 

When you use a verb after the proposition, you use the verb 
+ -ing form. 

He’s keen on playing football. 

Tm interested in learning about other cultures. 

When you learn new adjectives which are followed by 
prepositions, try to learn the adjective and the preposition 

Unit 4 

Countable and uncountable nouns 

1 Countable nouns 

Countable nouns have a singular and a plural form. 
They are used with the singular or plural form of a verb. 
I have a car. The car works well. 

I have two cars. The cars work well. 

Note some common countable nouns only have a plural 
form. These include goods, means, trousers, stairs. 

The goods are already with the customer. 

2 Uncountable nouns 

Uncountable nouns only have one form and are used 
with the singular form of the verb. 

The information is in the leaflet. 

(NOT Th e informations ar e in the leaflet. ) 

In order to quantify uncountable nouns you use phrases 
like a piece of la bit of la slice of la sheet of, etc. 

The leaflet contains several pieces of information. 

Can I borrow two sheets of paper? 

Note that news is followed by a singular verb. 

The news is on in a few minutes. 

3 Some nouns can be countable or uncountable 
depending on the meaning. The countable meaning 
is specific and the uncountable meaning is general. 
Examples include: 

a business (a company) business ('business’ in 


a painting (a work of art) painting (the activity) 
a noise (a specific noise) noise ('noise' in general) 

a fruit (a specific type of fruit) fruit ('fruit' in general) 
Fruit is good for you. 

Two fruits, apples and pears, are grown in this region. 

4 Many common nouns are uncountable in English, but 
countable in other languages. 

Accommodation is expensive in London. 

Information is available on the website. 

The furniture is very modem. 

The weather is very good today. 

5 Some nouns can be used with the singular or plural 
form of a verb. These include amiy, class, company, 
crowd, data, family, government, group, public, team. 

The government is/are preparing for the next election. 

The family is/are very happy with the new house. 

Note that in Australian and American English the 
singular verb is used with government etc. 

Making suggestions 

You can use the following to make suggestions: 

• modal verbs like should/ought to to make strong 

Shopkeepers should/ought to be made responsible for 
cleaning the area around their shops. 



Grammar reference 

Note that you can use must to express a very strong 

Shopkeepers must he made responsible for cleaning the 
area around their shops. 

• modal verbs like could/might to make weak suggestions 
A new body with strong powers could/might be set up to 
tackle the problem of international pollution. 

• fixed phrases that introduce suggestions. These are 
followed by would be ... /is to ... 

The best way to/A good way to/One way to improve the 
environment would he/is to ... 

A good idea would be/is to ... 

Unit 5 

Ways of looking at the future 

1 Simple future 

You use the simple future to make predictions. 

The train will arrive late. 

Ill be better this evening, don’t worry. 

Attendances at the cinema wdll continue to rise. 

You can use the simple future with the following verbs 

to describe graphs: 






It is predicted that sales will nse. 

2 going to 

You us e going to for plans and intentions in the near and 
distant future. 

Tm going to train to be an accountant after I finish my 
university course. 

Going to is also used to make predictions when there is 
evidence in the current situation. 

There's going to be a storm - look at those clouds. 

Not e going to should not be used to make predictions in 
graphs in IELTS Writing Task 1 answers. 

3 Present continuous 

You use the present continuous for arrangements or 
plans that have already been made. There is usually a 
time expression. 

We re all flying to Bangkok next Sunday. 

(We have planned the trip and bought the tickets.) 

4 Future perfect 

You use the future perfect to make predictions about 
actions that will be completed before a certain point in 
the future. 

Everyone will have left by 9pm. 

Sales will have reached 2000 a month by the middle of 
next year. 

5 Future continuous 

You use the future continuous to talk about actions or 
events that will be happening at a particular point of 
time in the future. 

Sales will be rising at the rate of ten million units per year 
at the end of the decade. 

I’ll be writing my dissertation by then. 

6 Future perfect continuous 

You use the future perfect continuous to emphasize the 
duration of actions or events that will be happening at a 
particular point of time in the future. 

People will have been living on other plants for a long 
time by then. 

7 Present simple 

You use the present simple to talk about future events 
that are based on a fixed schedule or timetable. 

The train leaves at 8.00. 

The film starts in 15 minutes. 

You also use the present simple to talk about the future 
after the following words: when, after, before, unless, in 
case, as soon as, until, by the time, the next time. 

When I visit Dubai again, III take more photographs. 

8 Common phrases to talk about the future 

You can use the following common phrases to talk about 
the future: 

• ... be about to ... for the immediate future 
The world of technology is about to undergo 
another major change. 

• ... be bound to ... for certainty 

She is bound to succeed as she is very intelligent. 

• ... be to be + verb ... for fixed arrangements 
He is to be made into chairman of the company. 

• ... be set to ... /... be (tin)likely to ... for probability. 

These are useful for TELTS Writing Task 1. 

Shopper numbers are set to rise dramatically. 

Sales are likely to fall in the coming months. 

Unit 6 

Transitive and intransitive verbs 

1 A transitive verb has an object. 

The tree produces fruit every year. 

An intransitive does not have an object. 

I usually walk to class. 

2 You can use transitive verbs in the active and the 

Fanners produce much of the food we eat. (Active) 

Much of the food we eat is produced by fanners. 


3 You cannot use intransitive verbs in the passive. 

Car sales fell over the period. 

(NOT Car s ale s are fallen ov e r th e peri od. ) 

The sun rises in the east. 

(NOT The s un is ri s en in t he e a s t. ) 

4 Some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive. 

The fanners grow fruit on the hillside, (transitive active) 
Fruit is grown on the hillside, (transitive passive) 

Fruit grows on the hillside, (intransitive) 

5 Certain verbs like become can be followed by a noun or 
an adjective. 

The flowers become seeds, ('become' + noun) 

The fruit becomes ripe, (‘become’ + adjective) 

Note the old-fashioned use of the verb become as a 
transitive verb. 

The hat becomes you. ('The hat suits you.') 



Grammar reference 

Unit 7 

Conditionals 1 

1 First conditional: if + present simple + will + 

You use the first conditional to talk about situations in 
the present or future and their possible results. 

If young people focus on skills for the modem age, they 
will never he out of work. 

You can also use may/might/going to/can instead of will 
in the main clause. 

If it is difficult, I can help you. 

If the train is late, we may miss the beginning of the 

2 Second conditional: if + past simple + would + 

You use the second conditional to talk about imaginary 
or unlikely situations in the present or future. 

If he learnt to drive, it would open up new job 

If I were you, I’d learn to drive. 

Note that in speech If I was you is becoming more 

You can also use could/might instead of would in the 
main clause. 

If he learnt to drive it couldmight open up new job 


3 Third conditional: if + past perfect + would have + 
past participle 

You use the third conditional to hypothesize or 
speculate about the past. 

If I hail spent more time studying, Id have been less 
nervous about the exam now. 

You can also use could/might instead of would in the 

main clause. 

If I had spent less time studying, I could/might have 

been less nervous about the exam now. 

4 You can begin with were in the second conditional and 
had in the third conditional and change the word order 
as follows: 

Were he to learn to drive, it would open up new job 

Had I spent less time studying, I'd have been less tired 
before the exam. 

This form is more formal. 

5 You can use unless instead of if not in conditional 


Unless I get some money, I won't be able to travel abroad 
to study. 

If l don t get some money, I won't be able to travel abroad 
to study. 

Unless he had saved a lot of money, he could have never 

managed to travel abroad. 

If he hadn V saved a lot of money, he could have never 
managed to travel abroad. 

Unit 8 

Referring in a text 

1 You use the following pronouns to refer back to a noun: 
• it for singular nouns 

The neighbourhood where I was brought up used to 
be very busy, but now it is very quiet and peaceful. 

The place I like to visit when I go home is near my 
parents' house. It is a very secluded spot on a hill by 
the river. 

In the example above, it is clear that it refers back 
to the noun place. The word spot helps you to 
understand this. 

• they for plural nouns 

A number of sites are still lying idle, yet they could be 
used for houses. 

2 You can use the following to refer to a noun, event or 
idea, or the latter part of the previous sentence. 

• this 

The government brought about a massive 
transformation of the area, but this (change) needs 
to be further supported. 

In the example above, this refers to the massive 
transformation of the area. The word change can 
be added. It cannot be used because it might not 
be clear whether it refers to the government, the 
transformation or the area. 

The district has become more prosperous in recent 
years. This has led to an increase in house prices in the 

In the example above, this refers to the idea that the 
district has become more prosperous in recent years. It 
cannot be used. 

• these 

Many new buildings were constructed in the district 
in the last few years. These have brought many new 
people into the area. 

In the example above, these refers to the many new 
buildings. They is not correct as it might refer to ‘the 
last few years’. 

• that 

You can use that to refer back to a noun, event or 
idea, but it is not as common as this. 

The region has many wild animals roaming 
around the plains. That is what makes it very 
exciting to visit. 

In the example above, that refers to the many wild 
animals roaming around the plains. The pronoun it 
refers to the region. 

• those 

The speakers ' recommendations were endless, but 
only those that were cost-effective were adopted. 

In the example above, those refers to some of the 
speakers’ recommendations not all of them. 

3 You can use the pronoun it to refer back to this or that in 
a text. 

The setting for the film was decided upon at the last 
minute, but this did not cause any serious problems. 

It did, however, mean it cost a lot more. 

In the example above, this refers to decided upon at the 
last minute and it refers to back to this. 

4 You can often use this, that, these, those followed by a 
noun to refer back to nouns, events or ideas. 

The committee suggested that the financial district 
should be expanded. This recommendation was 

Wildlife like tigers and lions are often held in captivity, 
but these creatures need to be allowed to roam freely. 

In the past, people used to believe strange things 
about the natural world. However, those ideas went 
out of fashion years ago. 



Grammar reference 

Unit 9 

Modal verbs for evaluating 

1 Expectations and suggestions 

You can use should/ought to to express suggestions. 

The government should increase taxes to fund education. 
You can also use should/ought to to express expectations. 
The increased investment in education should help 
improve standards. 

2 Drawing conclusions 

You can use must to draw conclusions about the present. 
The house must be very expensive. Look at the size of the 

You can use must/musnt have + past participle to draw 
conclusions about the past. 

The paintings must have cost a lot of money. (They are 
by a famous artist and look very expensive.) 

They mustn 't have spent a lot of time preparing for this 
production. (It wasn't very good.) 

3 Making criticisms 

You can use should/shouldn't have + past participle to 
make criticisms about the past. 

The council should have protected the building as it 
was very important historically. (They were wrong not to 
protect it.) 

They shouldn't have knocked the building down as it 
was very important historically. (They knocked it down 
which was not the right thing to do.) 

You can also use could have/might have + past participle 
to make criticisms or show annoyance. 

They could have protected the building! (It was worth 
protecting, but they didn't.) 

Private companies might at least have contributed to the 
cost of the new building! (They didn't contribute and I 
think they should have!) 

4 Weak possibilities and weak suggestions 

You can use could/might to express weak possibilities 
and suggestions. 

The coins we found could be worth a lot of money. 

(It is possible, but I'm not sure.) 

They might put works of art like sculptures to make the 
city more attractive. (I'm not saying they should do it, but 
it is a possibility.) 

They could/might like to build a new art gallery> to help 
improve the area. (I’m suggesting this would be a good 

Unit 10 

Defining and non-defining clauses 

Relative clauses contain a relative pronoun: which, that, 
where, who, whose, whom. You can use them in sentences to 
provide additional information about nouns. 

There are two types of relative clauses: defining and non¬ 

A Defining clauses 

Defining clauses provide essential information which 
identifies 'who' or ‘what’ is being referred to. You do not 
use commas at the beginning or end of the clause. 

The artist who painted the pictures in this gallery has used 
very vibrant colours. 

The film that/which we saw last week was very exciting. 
You can leave out the relative pronoun only if it is the 
object of the clause and only in defining clauses. 

The water-colour (that/which) she painted in her teens 
has just sold for a record sum. 

The artist (who/whom) I saw this morning was very 

In speech you can use that instead of whohvhom. 

The artist (that) / saw this morning was very famous. 

B Non-defining clauses 

Non-defining clauses provide additional information, 
which can be left out. You need to use commas at the 
beginning and the end of the clause. In speech, you 
indicate a non-defining clause by pausing briefly at the 

The square , which is very small with many old buildings , 
is my favourite place in Paris. 

You cannot leave out the relative pronoun in non¬ 
defining clauses when it is the object of the clause. 

The square, which l visit very frequently, is my favourite 
place in Paris. (NOT The square, / visit very frequently, is 
my favottrite place in Paris. ) 

You cannot use that to introduce a non-defining clause. 
The square, that is wry small with many old buildings, is 

my favourite place in Paris. 

1 that/which 

You use that or which when referring to things. You use 
which rather than that with prepositions. 

My mobile phone, for which l paid a lot of money, has 
been stolen. (NOT My mobile phone, for that 1 paid a lot of 
money ) 

2 who/whom 

You use who or whom when referring to people. You can 
use whom as the object of the word who. Whom is more 
formal and it is not often used in speech. 

The artist who/whom I saw this morning was very 

You use whom with prepositions. This is quite formal 
and is only used in formal writing. 

The manager to whom I sent the cheque has disappeared. 
The manager who 1 sent the cheque to has disappeared. 

3 whose 

You use whose to show r that something belongs to 

That’s the film director whose film just won the award. 

4 when/why/where 

You use when w r hen referring to a time and why when 
referring to a reason. You can leave out when and why in 
defining clauses 

The reason (why) the bridge looks so elegant is the 
materials used. 

5 where 

You use where when referring to a place. 

You cannot leave out where in defining clauses. 

The town where I was brought up has expanded. 

(NOT The to\\* n l was b r ought ttp has expanded .) 

Unit 11 

Conditionals 2 

1 Even if ... 

You can use even // for emphasis. 

Even if it doesn’t solve the problem, its surely worth a try. 
Even if they spent a lot of the money on the programme, it 
would be worth it. 

2 Supposing!what if/imagine/let's say ... 

You can use supposing/what if/imagine/let's say ... for 



Grammar reference 

Supposing you inherited a lot of money, what would you 

Imagine you could do any job for a day, what would you 

3 Otherwise 

You can use otherwise as an alternative to unless/if not. 
More money needs to be put into upgrading the broadband 
system; otherwise, it will slow down. (‘Unless more 
money is put into upgrading the broadband system, it 
will slow r down/) 

4 If only 

You can use if only to express regret. 

If only I had spent more time learning to play the violin 
when I was younger, I’d be much better now. 

5 If... should ... 

You can use if... should ... as a variation of the second 

If the government should introduce a law to promote 
electric cars, there will be a lot of support for it. 

6 On condition that!provided!provided that/as long as 

You can use on condition that/provided/provided that/as 
long as as a variation of if. 

Provided that the roads are clear, traffic will move freely. 

Unit 12 


There are two types of articles that are used with nouns: 
definite and indefinite. The indefinite article - a/an/zero 
article with S - is used with countable nouns and the zero 
article without s with uncountable nouns. The definite 
article - the - is used with countable nouns in the singular 
and plural and with uncountable nouns. 

1 Indefinite article: aJatt 

You use sJan: 

• when you introduce a countable noun for the first 

He bought a book this morning. 

A new car was launched today. 

• with a countable noun which is one of a group 
I played u sung from the CD. 

• for someone’s occupation 
He ’s an artist. 

• with certain numbers/quantities 
I bought half a kilo of tomatoes. 

I invited about a dozen people. 

• with hours, days, weeks, years and decades 
I visit him once a week. 

She earns nearly $50 an hour. 

2 Definite article: the 

You use the definite article: 

• with uncountable and countable nouns that have 
been mentioned before 

He bought a book this morning. The book was very 

• when it is clear w^hat the context is for the noun 

/ had lunch in a restaurant near home today. The food 
was fabulous. (‘The food' in the restaurant) 

• when there is only one in a system 

The sun was hidden by clouds this morning. 

• with plural countries and abbreviations of countries 

the Netherlands the UAE 

• with mountain ranges, rivers and oceans/seas 

the Alps the Amazon the Pacific 

• with nationalities 

The Irish have migrated to many different countries. 

• with groups of people 
the young 

• with instruments 

/ have played the piano since I was ten. 

• with superlatives 
the best/worst 

• with time 

in the past/future 
Note at present 
3 Zero article (no article) 

You use the zero article: 

• with countable and uncountable nouns when you 
are talking generally 

I buy apples every week. 

Happiness is easy to find. 

• with names of cities, countries, states and roads 
Sao Paulo Germany Oxford Street 

• with geographical areas, lakes, mountains and 

Northern Europe Lake Victoria 
Mt. Kilimanjaro Corfu 

• with days, months and years 
Tuesday February 1979 

• with meals when you talk about them generally 
Lets go out for dinner. 


The dinner we just had was very cheap. 

• with company names 


3 Using articles in a text 

When you write, use the Articles checklist on page 207 to 
check you are using articles correctly. 

Unit 13 


1 Conjunctions 

You can use linking words like althoughlthough!while 
to highlight your ideas. You concede or agree with 
someone elses idea and then add your own. 

Although though I agree with the proposal, I think it is 
better to increase pensions for those over 75 years of age. 

You can use while and whereas to compare two things 
and emphasize the difference between them. 

While the home team was slow and clumsy, the away 
team was fast and precise. 

2 maylmight with although/though 

You can use the modal verbs may and might with 
although/though to make concessions. 

Although Though this idea may be sound, there are better 
ways to tackle the problem. 

3 maylmight with but 

You can use maylmight with but. 

This may be a very good way to improve the cohesion of 
society, but it must be done in conjunction with other 

4 much as 

You can use much as with verbs of feeling, approval and 
agreement to express concessions. 



Grammar reference 

Much as I approve of the solution to the problem, I don’t 
believe it is the best way to deal with the situation. 

5 Adverbs 

You can use adverbs like nevertheless Inonetheless. 

The policy is not popular with the general public. 
Nevertheless/Nonetheless, it needs to be continued. 

Unit 14 

Substitution and ellipsis 

A Substitution 

You can use the following for substitution in speech and 
writing to avoid repetition: 

• so 

Are you coming to the party this evening? / think so. 
Here so is replacing that I am coming to the party. 
Note that you do not use it instead of so. 

You can also use so at the beginning of a clause. 

Manx people think the situation is getting better and so 
do I. 

• do!don ’ t/did/didti V 

The public didn *t support the idea of privatizing health 
care in any way, but the government at the time did. 
Here did is replacing did support the idea of 
privatizing health care. 

The governments advisors wanted to reduce 
investment in health provision, but ministers didn't. 
Here didn't is replacing didn’t want to reduce 
investment in health provision. 

• to do so/doing so 

The social care provided needs a complete overhaul. 
Doing sot to do so would require considerable sums of 

Here doing so/to do so is replacing to overhaul the 
social care provided. 

• neither! not 

I have not visited any cities outside London, nor/ 
neither has my family. 

Here neither/nor replaces not visited any cities outside 

• not 

Do you think that people need money to be happy? I 
hope not! 

Here not replaces people do not need money to be 

B Ellipsis 

1 You can use the following to avoid repetition: 

• Leave out words to avoid repetition after and/but 
I live in the countryside and commute to work in 
the city. 

("INSTEAD OF I live in the countryside and I 
commute to work in the city.) 

I go to museums in Lisbon a lot and to the street 

(INSTEAD OF I go to museums in Lisbon a lot and I 
go to the street markets.) 

• used to to avoid repetition of verbs 

/ think people don’t read books a lot now, hut they 

used to. 

Here used to is replacing read a lot of books in the 

• modal verbs to replace the main verb 

The government don’t put much effort into finding 
ways to increase the happiness index of the population 
but I think they should. 

Here should replaces the government should 
put much effort into finding ways to increase the 
happiness index of the population. 

2 You cannot leave out: 

• main verbs after the verb be 

Many people are involved in volunteer work , but more 
could be done. 

(NOT Mam 1 people are involved in volunteer work, but 
more could be .) 

• been after a modal verb in the perfect passive 
People of my generation were not given enough 
information about focusing on quality of life as 
opposed to money, when they should have been. 

(NOT People of t t t y generation wei*e not given enough 
i nformation about focusing on quality of life as 

op posed to money, when they should have .) 



Listening scripts 

1 We are all friends now 

O 1.1 

(C = clerk; V = volunteer) 

C: Hi. Charles Lewis speaking. 

V: Hi. Am 1 through to Mr Lewis? 

C: Yes, you are. How can 1 help you? 

V: I'm, er, phoning about the notice I 
saw saying that you are looking for 
helpers for the charity event being 
held next month. 

C: Yes, we are. We need a number of 
people. Em ... we need about 20 
volunteers to help out as guides, 
ticket collectors and to work on 
stalls, and some people to take 
charge of a range of children's 
events. The venue of the show r will 
be Andrews Hall. I take it you're 

V: Yes, definitely. It says here the 
event will take place between 
Friday and Sunday on the 15th to 
the 17th of July . Is that correct? 

C; Yes, it is. The event is open each 
day - Friday to Sunday at 10 am ... 
and runs until 8 pm every evening 
that its open. 

V; OK. The times sound OK. Am 
I right in thinking you're only 
looking for part-time helpers? 

C: Yes, that's right. We have lots of 
full-time volunteers, but we need 
part-time helpers to fill empty slots 
in the schedule. 

V: I’d be interested in helping out 
part-time rather than doing the 

whole event anyway. 

C: Yes, that's fine. 

V: What do I have to do now? 

Cl I just need to take down a few 
details. Right... First of all, 1 need 
your name? 

V: Its Andrea Davenport. 

C: Is that D-E-... ? 

V: No, it'sem ... , D-A-V-E-N-P-O-R-T . 

C: Davenport. OK. And can I take 
some contact details? 

V: Yes. 

C; Lets start with your address? 

V: It’s 90 Fordenham Mansions, 62 
Park Avenue. 

C: Could you spell that for me? 

V: It's F-O-R-D-E-N-H-A-M and 
then Mansions. 

C: OK. 

V: 62 Park Avenue. And that's London 
SW1 4PQ. 

C: And a contact telephone number? 

V: My home number is 887 6451 .1 
work in the afternoons, so the best 
time to ring is in the morning . 

C: Right. That's all that done. 

V: Do I need to come along for an 
interview or anything? 

C: Yes. We're seeing people at the 
moment. Can you come next 
Saturday from 9 am onwards? 

V; Yes, that’s fine. 

C: Well Andrea, do you have any more 
questions about the work? 

V: Em ... oh, can I just ask if 
experience is necessary ? 

C: No, but it certainly helps. Were 
just looking for people who get 
on with others and who are 
independent. For example, we 
need people we can leave in charge 
on their own if nobody else is 

V: I think I can do that. I like working 
with other people, but I am able to 
work on my own without anyone 

C: That all sounds really very useful 
and the sort of thing we're looking 
for. And we also need people who 
are always on time . 

V: I think I'm OK with that. 

C: Fine. I'll send you an event 
pack with all the event details, 
address, application form, etc. 
to go through. You can bring the 
completed application form along 
with you on Saturday 

V: OK. 

C: I've got a slot at 9 am for an 

V: That's fine. 

2 Technology-now and then 

Welcome to Radio South here in 
South London. My name is Darren 
Timpson, and I'm here with you for 
the next hour to bring you some 
local cultural news. Our first item is 
about a group of seven young people 
packing in the visitors of all ages at 
Penwood Museum. They have won 
fir st prize in the sixth summer show 

art competition, and their installation 

is on display along with the other four 

prize winners . 

In case you don’t know, the museum 
runs a competition as part of the 
yearly summer show. Each year the 
competition has a specific theme. The 
theme of this year's competition has 
been improving links between the 
local community and the museum' . 

The competition was open to groups 
of young people from organizations 
like schools and youth clubs, w'ho 
were aged between 15 and 19 years 
of age on the final entry date for 
the competition, which was the 
13th of May While preparing their 
competition entry, the competitors 

were allowed to use the educational 

facilities at the museum and to look 
for help from local sponsors but were 
not allowed to buy any equipment. 
The first prize was won by a group of 
youngsters from Tigers Community 
Centre, who called their entry 
Technology - now and then. What use 
is it? They took various exhibits from 
the museum's collection of equipment 
from the 1950s to the 1970s and 
arranged them with modern versions. 
The teenagers then recorded their 
own reactions and comments to the 
exhibits and did the same with the 
comments made by older people 
in their seventies and eighties. The 
prize-winning exhibits are having 
a big impact on Penwood Museum 
attendances, which have been up 
45 percent since the summer show 

Some of the video commentaries are 
very moving and some very funny. 

I particularly liked seeing the 
recording of the reaction of several 
elderly people in their seventies when 
they talked about an early wooden¬ 
framed TV. They remembered the 
excitement of their first TV, which 
they thought still fitted in with today’s 
trends . They remembered how r they 
w'ould sometimes all go round to 
someone's house to watch TV as a 
special treat. But they thought the 
modern TV 7 plasma screen with the 
remote was much easier to w'atch. 

As for the collection of old radios, 
it has to be seen. They are really 
huge old wooden frame radios in 
perfect working order and in perfect 
condition. The youngsters' reactions 
to the radios were very funny; they 
couldn't believe how big they were. 
And the older people, all of whom 
used to have one, said they liked 
them. But they also thought they were 
too big to fit into living rooms these 
days. A few more items worth looking 
at from the display are old kitchen 
items. The young people thought the 
cooker from the 1950s looked funny. 
The older interviewees nearly all 
used microw r ave ovens, which they 
thought were much handier . Seeing 
old typewriters on display next to 
slim laptops made them look weird 
and cumbersome. Even the older 
people preferred the laptops, which 
they thought were thrilling . The other 
electronic items on display were a 
collection of old and fairly recent 
cameras. The older people thought the 
older cameras were 'well made, and 
better than the newer ones' . 



^ S I> pH S 

Listening scripts 

3 Thrill seekers 
O 1.3 

(T = tutor; M = Marcello; V = Vicky) 

T: Right, Vicky and Marcello. We 
arranged this tutorial so you could 
give me an update of your joint 
project, the, er ... case report on the 
work you’ve been doing at a local 
sports club. Is that right? 

M: Yes. Thats it. Mmm ... its Stars 
Club - the one that’s been in the 
news a lot lately. It’s not that far 
from the Kennedy Campus. 

T: Right... Yes, I have it here. Fire 

M: Well, at first we were going to 
look only at the management 
structure of the club, but, em ... we 
decided to include what's made it 
more successful than other local 
clubs. The club's success has not 
just come from its many sporting 
achievements: it's also attracting 
so many young people. Mm ... we 
talked to staff and members and ... 

T: How many people did you talk to? 

V: There're just over 600 members 
overall and 23 staff, including 
freelance workers . So far we’ve 
talked to mm ... ooh, about 173 
people . 

T: Didn’t you think of giving a 
questionnaire to everyone? 

V: We decided against it. 

T: Why was that? 

V: Well, we thought that face-to-face 
interviews, however brief, would 
be better as we’d be able to probe 
people gently to give us more 
details if need be. 

And your findings so far? 

: The club’s actually very well run. 

The managers're very focused 
and work well together. And the 
management team also includes 
representatives from the various 
teams at the club. 

This means that when decisions're 
made, they're not taken in isolation 
of the members, as so often 
happens in other organizations. 

The management team’s in touch 
with the members and vice versa. 
You seem to have learnt a lot so far. 

: I agree. It's a really exhilarating 
experience being there. I can’t wait 
to go in every day 

T: OK. Would you like to tell me a 
bit about the reasons behind the 
success of the club? Vicky would 
you like to go first? 

V: OK. Mmm ... well... when we 
asked the people we questioned 
to say what they thought were the 
most important reasons for the 
club’s success, many people gave 
loads of reasons without being 
prompted, but it was clear that 
there were three factors that stood 
out from all the others. 

T: Can you say something more about 
each of these specific points? 
Marcello, would vou like to go on? 

M: Well, as Vicky said, we isolated 
three main factors; though some 
are more important than others. 

We found that for most people 
having financial help from the 
government, private individuals 
and companies was absolutely 
crucial. They felt that it was 
important to ... have money to pay 
for facilities, em ... for travelling 
expenses and, em, for any absences 
from their job. 

T: Yes. That doesn’t sound surprising 
considering the costs the athletes 
incur. We can’t expect them all to be 
rich amateurs. And the next factor? 

M: Mmm ... I personally thought the 
quality of facilities would come 
next but a close second was the 

more professional. 

V: Like Marcello, T expected facilities 
to come next, and ... 

M: And most people said the club 
managed to attract some really top 
quality people working as coaches. 
And the coaches saw their job as 
pushing athletes to realize their 
frill potential . The most influential 
coaches were those preparing 
athletes for the track events, 
swimming, weightlifting and 
climbing. They also had coaches 
for more esoteric areas like rock 

climbing and rowing. 

T; And the other items? ... Vicky? 

V: Er ... the next factor is the 

motivation and dedication of the 
athletes themselves, which has 
been necessary' for them to become 
the best in their field. It was really 
thrilling to see this in action. 

T: And success breeds success. 

M: Yes, definitely 

T: It sounds as if you’ve got a lot out of 
this experience. 

M: It’s the sort of place I'd like to work 
after I've graduated. 

V: Me too. I'd like to train as a coach 

T: Brilliant. And have you started 
writing up the case study yet? 

M: Yes, we've done quite a bit and ... 

Ready for Listening 

Section 1 

(S = sales person; C = customer) 

S: Good morning, Jacksons 

Bookstore. You're through to the 
book search department. How can I 
help you? 

C: Hi. Mm ... I'm looking for a 
book. I've found the title on the 
Internet, but I can't find a copy 
of it anywhere. T understand you 
undertake a book search to locate 
copies of books. 


S: Yes we do. Can I just take down a 
few details of the book title, etc? 

C: Yeah sure. 

S: First of all, what's the title and the 

C: It's called The Judgement by Dayne 

S: The ... Judgement . OK. That's typed 
in. Hmm, I'm afraid the computer's 
being a bit slow this morning. 

C: They're always causing problems. 

S: And the author is Dayne Wight? 

C: Yes, that’s it. It's Dayne Wight. 

S; OK. Wight. Em ... this computer 
is bring really slow. And, er ... the 
ISBN number? 

C: 978-0- 691-08879-9 . And its a 
paperback not hardback. 

S: ... 08879-9 and a paperback. 

OK. Em ... I can see from the 
computer that it has never been in 
print in this country'. It's only been 
published in North America , but it’s 
out of print now. 

C: Yes. I read part of it at a friends 
house a while back, but couldn’t 
find a copy of it. I’m not sure 
what you'd put it under, but I 
suppose you could call it... er 
... biographical fiction, if such a 
category exists. 

S: Hmm ... the computer's showing 
that we don't have any copies in 
our own collection of second-hand 
books or our overseas books either. 

C: Ah, OK. 

S: But I can do a book search for you 
through other collections and try 
distributors in the United States, 
but it might take some time. 

C: I see. How much will that cost? 

S: Well, it depends on the search. We 
offer two types: gold or silv er. 

C: OK. 

S: For the gold we search around the 
world, and for the silver we only 
look in America, Europe and in this 
country. The gold search is £25. 

C: £25. That’s more than the book 

S: Yes probably, but it depends on how 
much you want the book. And the 
silver is £17 . 

C: OK. I’ll go for the silver. How long 
will it take? 

S: I can't say. With this service we 
go on until we come up with 
something, but I can't guarantee 
that we’ll find anything. 

C: No. I realize that. 

S: Right. I'm afraid the computer's not 
working. I'll write everything down 
by hand and copy it in later. OK, I 
need vour contact details. 

C: The best way is probably by mobile 
or email. 

S: OK ... vour mobile number? 

C: 08967 54 65 36 

S: 54 65 36. And ... your email 

C: And my email address is 


Listening scripts 

mandythompson9z all one word 
.. [email protected] all lower case. 

S: OK. Is that mandv with a V and 

C: Yes, that’s it. 

S: And, er ... I need to take a home 
address for our records. 

C: It's 9£) Chaucer House, Ludlow Park 
Drive, Richmond, SW20 9RL. 

S: OK. And do you want to receive 
notification by email about special 
offers ? 

C: I’d rather not. 

S: OK. I’ll just tick this box ... 

Ready for Listening 
Section 2 

O 1-5 

Hi everyone, and welcome to the local 
evening news. I’d like to start with an 
exciting new development on this side 
of the city - the redevelopment of the 
old Regal Cinema on Duncton Street. 
Last night was the official opening of 
the new Regal Cinema Complex, as it is 
now known. 

And what a transformation! The 
venue has changed from being a 
rundown, depressing building to a 
state-of-thc ait cinematic experience, 
and it's wonderful to see so many of 
the original features still intact. The 
building which housed the old cinema 
has been completely renovated, while 
managing to incorporate some of the 
old features of the cinema like the 
facade, which is still there, but all the 
dirt has been completely removed 

with a few modem touches added. 

Multicoloured glass panelling has been 
added to the facade so the entrance 
now looks really snazzy. 

The old auditorium, which was like 
a huge cavern and not particularly 
welcoming, has been partitioned to 
create three screens. This means that 
there is now one large cinema screen 

- ‘Screen 1 ’ - which has a capacity of 
500 people. The two smaller screens 

- Screens 2 and 3 - have a capacity 
of 175 and 150. There are fewer seats 
overall compared to the old cinema - 
about 150 actually - but there is now 
a greater variety of shows to choose 


The foyer to the cinema has been 
totally brought up-to-date and made 
bi gger with a much larger ticket office 
and machines for collecting tickets that 
have been booked in advance. People 
will no longer have to stand outside in 
the rain as they had to in the past while 
they were waiting to buy tickets. And 
where there was a bar serving coffee 

and cold drinks with a few stools and 

hi gh tables there is now a restaurant . 

The roof terrace, which used to have 
just a few benches and seats, will be 
opening shortly with a landscaped 

garden with a bar which is open all 
year round. This will be a welcome 
addition to the centre. 

The basement, which leads out into 
a garden at the back, has been totally 
renovated and turned into a members' 
room with a bar-restaurant and a 
small display area for artwork or stalls. 
The cinema shop is no longer beside 
the ticket office: it is now next to the 

entrance to the restaurant . It doesn't 
just sell sweets, as it did before, but 
cinema-related memorabilia including 
programmes and books, DVDs, CDs, 
posters ... 

And I've got a leaflet here about the 
programme for the opening week of 
the newly refurbished cinema, em ... 
which is the week beginning the 14 th of 
July . As it’s during the school holidays, 
there will be a special promotion. 

For the matinee performance each 

dav the cinema is offering free tickets 

to the first 100 children up to and 

including 16 years of age , and to all 
pensioners. And there will be special 
rates for cinema goers who book a 
meal in the restaurant as well. Plus 
there will be special nights where there 
are child-free performances, and also 
each Wednesday tickets will be half- 
price for members of the cinema. I 
see here the membership is only £30 a 
year and gives you access to member- 
only previews and to the members' 
restaurant in the basement. 

Rut perhaps the biggest innovation at 
the cinema is the monthly programme 
of lectures w here not just actors 
and actresses, but producers and 
writers, will be involved in delivering 
talks about a particular film. This is 
certainly a major development w hich 
will definitely pull in many cinema 
enthusiasts, and hopefully revitalize 
the area. 

Ready for Listening 
Section 3 

(Z = Zahra; T - Tim) 

Z: Hi Tim. 

T: Zahra, hi. So, have you decided 
yet w r hat you’re going to do your 
tutorial paper on? 

Z: Yes, actually I have. I agonized over 
it for ages, as you well know. You 
had to listen to me. 

T: Well, that's true, but you’ve had to 
listen to me too! ... So, what’s it on? 

Z: Electronic gadgets, but from a 
particular angle: ‘must-carry' 
gadgets. You know, gadgets that 
people cannot leave the house 

without , er ... like mobile phones, 
etc. It's not particularly original. 

T: That's really very neat. 

Z: Oh. Do you think so? 

T: Yes, actually I do. 

Z: I thought it was really quite 

T: And how are you going to do the 
research for the paper? 

Z: 1 thought of interviewing people in 
the age groups 20-25 and 50 plus, 
so I can ask students for the first 
group and I’ll have to ask lecturers 
and people in the street or people 
working on campus for the other 
group. But I haven’t made up mv 
mind vet which groups to choose . 

T: Em ... and what are you setting out 
to show ? 

Z: I’m not sure at this stage, but 
something along the lines of... 
er ... the idea that w r e are making 
ourselves more stressed, and it has 
reached such a stage that we are 
so dependent on the gadgets that 
leaving the house without them 
makes us ill. I’m just thinking 
on my feet here. 1 haven't really 
thoLight it right through to the end . 

T: What about your questionnaire? 

Z: Mmm ..., yes that’s another things 
What I'm not really decided about 

is the length the questionnaire 

should be . 

T: The best thing is to keep it short. 

Z: Maybe. But I’ll finalize the length 
w r hen I sit dowrn to type it up. 

Z: I need to find someone to try out 
my questions on. I've got some 
already w r ritten. 

T: 1 can be your guinea pig if you 

Z: Great! 

T: Fire away! 

Z: First... question number one.What 
electronic gadgets are you carrying 
with you now? 

T: Let's see. I’ve got my mobile phone, 
... my iPod, my laptop. 

Z: Which do you cany with you every 

T: All of them! 

Z: What do you use your mobile 
phone for generally? 

T: Em ... apart from phoning, mostly 
for texting and dow nloading music. 
But I also use it for video-phoning, 
sending emails ... and I talk to my 
family now- using the video on the 

Z: On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is not 
at all difficult and 10 very' difficult, 
how difficult would voli find it to 
leave your mobile at home for a 
whole day? 

T: Vert difficult, so 10. I’d be 
completely lost without it. 

Z: And w'hat about the laptop? What 
do you use it for? 

T: I use it for em ... writing up 
assignments, but mainly for 
browsing the Internet . 

Z: Using the same scale, wdiat about 
your laptop? 

T: Well, let s see ... It's not as essential 



Listening scripts 

as my mobile phone, but its still 
important. A score of... 8. This 
ones not heavy, but 1 can do 
without it, if necessary. I seem 
to use my mobile for most of the 
things I used to use the laptop for. 
Soon I probably won’t need it. 

Z: What about the iPod? 

T: I can use my mobile for music as 
well, so its not essential, but I carry 
it everywhere with me because its 
light and it’s got my whole music 
collection on it that I can listen to 
on the move. And, mmm ... well, 
for that, I’d give a score of 5. 

Z: Is there any gadget you intend to 
get in the near future? 

T: Yes. I’d like to get a newspaper 
reader when they become lighter 
and cheaper and more readily 
available. I think I’ll end up using it 
for every thing , even to replace the 

Z: Do you think so? 

T: Oh yeah. They'll be perfect for video 

Z: And the score? 

T: Definitely IQ. And I’d like a pair of 

Ready for Listening 
Section 4 

O 1-7 

Good morning everyone. The topic of 
mv seminar paper this week is a rather 
unusual method of bringing water to 
drought-ridden regions of the world. 
The methods people most think of, 
or read about in newspapers and or 
see on TV, mmm ... are preventing 
deforestation and encouraging 
reforestation to prevent water run-off 
from barren land and hence to stop 
flooding. Another method is ... er ... 
drilling bore holes to bring water from 
aquifers deep in the ground to irrigate 
the land . 

But the method I would like to talk 
about today is the production of rain 
through seeding clouds. For those of 
you who are not familiar with this 
practice, it is basically a process 
where nature is coaxed, as it were, 
to produce rain. In many places in 
the world attempts have been made 
throughout history to produce rain in 
times of drought through magic , but 
from the latter part of the last century 
scientistsVe been endeavouring to 
come to the rescue by chemical means. 
And in some places they've been 
trying not just to produce rain but 
also to divert it so that it does not rain 
on special days, such as national or 
international ceremonies. 

Cloud seeding has been carried out 
since the middle of the last century; 
but no scientist can confirm that the 
practice is actually responsible for 
cloud seeding and not nature itself. 


Because who can confirm that the 
clouds would not let loose a deluge 
anyway? Having said that, there is 
some evidence that seeding clouds 
to produce rain can lead to a 15% 
increase in rainfall . 

But what would happen, for example, 
if the actions of cloud seeding in 
one place led to a disastrous deluge 
in another? It would also be tricky 
to prove that any damage was the 
responsibility of cloud seeders. Some 
people are understandably against 
the practice of cloud seeding as we do 
not really know the consequences of 

interfering with nature . 

Cloud seeding has apparently been 
used by Californian officials to 
replenish reservoirs. In other parts of 
the US, electricity utility companies 
are especially fond of seeding to bring 
more water to hydroelectric plants. 
And the practice is also popular with 
authorities in Russia and China too. 
For years the Russian air force has 
tried to coax moisture out of clouds to 
ensure sunshine on national holidays. 
But no country’ is more committed 

to researching weather modification 

than China, with a national budget 
in the tens of millions of dollars and 
thousands of miles flown by rain 
seeding aircraft every year. 

Last year the university' agricultural 
and meteorology departments were 
given a 20 million dollar grant, funded 
in part bv the government and various 
companies in the food and agricultural 
industry, to conduct research into 
cloud seeding to increase precipitation. 
While the research is aimed primarily 
at the US, it is hoped that the benefits 
accrued will have far-reaching 
consequences for other drought-ridden 
regions of the planet. 

Now ... let’s see, mmm ... if we look at 
this slide here, we can see how cloud 
seeding works. There are two basic 
methods: from the air and from the 
ground. Looking first at seeding from 
the air, we can see that an aeroplane 
flies above the clouds from where 

it fires silver iodide into clouds by 

dropping chemical flares in order to 
increase precipitation. Silver iodide 
cry stals then attach themselves to 
water droplets which makes the water 

freeze and fall as rain or snow over 
high ground. If we now look at the 
diagram showing cloud seeding from 
the ground, we can see that there is 
a ground seeding generator here on 
the right of the slide, which has a tall 
chimney, and cm ... next to this is on 
the left is a ... em ... this structure 
here which is a fuel tank containing 
propane . Heat generated from the 
burning of the propane lifts the silver 

iodide crystals up to cloud level again 
leading to precipitation. 


4 Global problems and 

<•> 1-8 

Good morning. Last week we had a 
broad overview of the development 
of early forms of transport up to the 
late 18th century in Europe, and also 
looked at how the problems faced by 
various communities provided new 
opportunities for innovation and 
progress. Now, this week we are going 
to continue with this theme as we 
examine a number of significant events 
in the evolution of modem railways 
- events which took place in England 
in the first four decades of the 19th 


If you look at the timeline here on the 
left of the screen, mmm ... you can 
see the first significant date is the year 
1803. This was the year an engineer 
called William Jessop opened the 

first public railway in south London. 
England - to carry industrial goods. 
Although the railway was horse-drawn 
and not really what we would consider 
a railway today, nonetheless it's still 
regarded as the world s first public 
railway. The railway was constructed 
as a cheaper alternative to building 
a canal, then a common means of 
carrying freight. 

The first railway steam locomotive was 
built in 1804 by an English engineer, 
Richard Trevithick, to whose work later 
pioneers like George Stephenson arc 

seriously indebted. Richard Trevithick 
died a poor man, and what he had 
achiev e d went lar g ely u n no t i ced- 

His engines were not commercially 
successful, partly because the 
locomotives he built were too heavy for 
the railway tracks of the time. 

Wars in Europe led to an increase in 
the cost of feeding the horses which 
pulled the coal on horse-draw n 
railways like the Surrey Iron Railway. 
With this and the cost of using the 
canals, which were run by private 
companies, the time was now right 
to introduce a locomotive that w'as 
economically viable. 

In the year 1812, the first commercially 
successful steam locomotive, the 

Salamanca, appeared on the scene at 
Middleton in Yorkshire in the north¬ 
east of England. Apparently, the 
Salamanca was even visited by Tsar 
Nicholas 1. 

But probably the most important year 
was 1825 when the engine Locomotion, 
created by George Stephenson, ran on 
the Darlington to Stockton Railway. 

The line was initially built to connect 

inland coal mines to Stockton, where 

coal was loaded onto boats . Initially 
the Railway was to be horse-drawn, 
but permission was granted to use 
a locomotive or ‘moveable’ engines. 
Provision for transporting passengers 

was made, although at the time 

Listening scripts 

they were regarded as being of little 

importance . 

The year 1831 saw the opening of the 
successful Liverpool to Manchester 
line with Stephensons locomotive The 
Rocket. The Liverpool to Manchester 
Railway is thought of as the first 
modem railway. The reason for this is 
t hat ta >lb-g oods and pass enger traffic 

were carried on trains according to a 

scheduled timetable . After the success 
of the Stockton to Darlington Railway, 
money poured into the north-west of 
England as the region went through a 
period of rapid industrialization, with 
the railway linking the rich cotton 
manufacturing town of Manchester 
and the thriving port of Liverpool. 

Up to now the canals, which were 
constructed in the previous century, 

were felt to be making too much profit 

from their fees on trade using the 
canals and thereby to be hindering the 

development of the conurbations in the 


And the effect of the opening of the 
Liverpool and Manchester Railway? 

It was quite dramatic. By 1834 
nearly half a million passengers were 

being carried each year, a significant 

increase . Also more merchandise, 
including cotton, coal and other goods. 

was transported between the two 

cities using the railway. The age of the 
railway as a means of ferrying people 
from one place to another had arrived. 

The increase in passenger numbers 

and in the movement of goods led to a 

drop in toll prices on the roads, as well 

as a decrease in charges for th e use of 

canals . 

It's hard for us to appreciate the 
opportunities these early pioneers 
seized in the face of difficulties in 
construction and in changing peoples 
attitudes. Perhaps we can end for today 
with a brief quote from Dr Larder, 
author of the Steam Engine Familiarly 
Explained and Illustrated in 1823, 

'Rail travel at high speed/ he said, 'is 
not possible, ... because passengers, 
unable to breathe would die of 
asphyxia.' Next time you take a train ... 

5 The future 
O 1.9 

(M = Marcus; C = customer) 

M: Good morning, exhibition booking 
office. Marcus speaking. Can I help 

C: Is that the booking centre for 
‘Robots: the end of modern 
civilization? ' 

M: Yes madam, that’s correct. How can 
I help you? 

C: Well, mmm ... I’m attending the 
exhibition and I’d just like to check 
a few details if that’s OK. 

M: Yes, sure. 

C: OK. I understand the exhibition 
opens the week after next on the 
Tuesday, and ... the preview is on 

M: Yes, that’s right. There is a preview 
on Monday, but the exhibition is 
not open to the general public 
on that day. But for the rest of the 
week it is. 

C: OK, 1 see. That’s fine. I've got two 
compli m entary da y passes for the 
exhibition; can you tell me if I can 
use the tickets on any day? 

M: Well, I’m not sure if there are any 
restrictions,... let’s see ... Yes, here 
we are. 

C: Yes? 

M: You can use them on any day 
including the preview day, except 
Saturday. But you need to sign up 
for the days you want to attend in 

C: Oh, I see. I haven't decided what 
days to attend yet. 

M: Mmm ... well... Saturday you 
can’t attend with the tickets you 
have, and Thursday is already 
completely booked. I think the 
other days’ll book up fairly quickly 
now as there’s a lot of interest in the 

C: You mean I won't be able to attend 
on Saturday even with a free ticket. 

M: I ’m afraid not. So it's better to book 
your days now. 

C: OK. 1 suppose, mmm ... I’ll attend 
on the Tuesday and Friday . Do you 
need my name? 

M: No, I just need to take a reference 
number with the day passes. 

Your name will come up with the 
number; it’ll be the same number 
on each one. I’ll register them for 
both days, and then when you use 
one it'll automatically cancel. 

C: OK, the number is S-F-6-7-3-3 . 

M: ... 3-3. Thank you, I’ve got that. 

C: What about services like cafes and 
so on? 

M: Oh, there are 15 restaurants in 
all, that's three cafes and the rest 
are different types of dining areas 
round the Exhibition Centre. Some 
restaurants around the centre will 
be doing special promotions at the 
Exhibition Centre itself, so you 
won't go hungry. 

C: Is there somewhere nice to stay 

M: Oh yes. There're rooms at the 

nearby halls of residence, which are 
part of the university. They’re just 
across the road from the Exhibition 

C: How much are they? 

M: A single room is £30 per night, 
which includes breakfast in the 
cafeteria. And there are some very 
pleasant hotels in the area. They 
range from around £30 to about 
£60. It depends how much you 

want to spend really. 

C: What about getting there? Has 
the Exhibition Centre got good 
transport links? 

M: Yes. We're very well located - about 
20 minutes' walk at most from 
the station, and about 45 minutes 
from the airport. There are lots of 
buses; the best one, which stops 
just by the Exhibition Centres main 
entrance, is bus 17. No, sorry, it's 
bus 70.1 keep getting them mixed 
up. It only costs £3 from the station. 
C: And taxis? Just in case. 

M: Er ... you’ll pay a maximum of £17 . 
C: Mmm ... well that all sounds OK. 

6 Fruits and seeds 


Good morning and welcome to the 
Fairbridge Countryside and Woodland 
Centre. I’d like to give you some 
information about the centre and the 
short programmes we run for young 
people on woodland therapy We’re 
actually a centre run by volunteers, 
and we were set up 15 years ago 
to educate people of all ages and 
backgrounds about nature. And for 
the past two years we have been taking 
groups of youngsters in their teens on 
educational programmes on Fridays, 
Saturdays and Sundays, em ... from 
schools mainly from around the area, 

... but some have come from much 
further afield. Initially the youngsters 
are not very impressed by the setting 
because there is no way for them to get 
in touch with friends, etc. , as there is 
no mobile phone signal, so it throws 
them quite a bit. But almost without 
exception, by the end of the three days 
they’re here the young people don't 
want to leave and want to come back 
again. In fact, two of the workers here 
came with student groups five years 
ago, and when they left school they 
came straight to work for us. 

The centre is self-sufficient due in 
pan to the sales from the nursery and 
we also get donations, but the bulk of 
our income is now from running the 
educa tio n a l courses . 

This is a basic map of the centre. We 
are here at the entrance to the centre, 
and you can see the cabins run along 
the east side of the path as you go 

for students. It's quite large and can 
accommodate 16 students in bunk 
beds. Then the next four cabins are for 
families, and the cabin after that. Ash 

Lodge , is for teachers, which can hold 
up to six adults. On the west side of 
the path, directly opposite the student 
cabins, are the educational facilities. 
They are quite up-to-date with all the 
latest wizardry. And next to that is the 
cafeteria, which is shared with visitors 
to the centre. Just beside the cafeteria 



Listening scripts 

is a picnic area with climbing frames 
for children. We don't allow open-air 
cooking here, because of the trees. 
The plant nursery is that complex you 

can see that runs all the way along the 

north part of the map . 

If you go over here, between the picnic 
area and the nursery, the path leads 
to the woodland itself. As we are on 
a hill here, we arc quite high up and 
so you have quite breathtaking views 
of the countryside. You can see the 
river stretching for miles through 
rolling countryside. Fortunately the 
whole woodland is safeguarded, so 
nobody can chop down any trees. 

The landscape here has not changed 
for hundreds of years. Some of the 
trees have been growing here a rather 
long time, and the aim of the centre 
and the volunteers is to keep it that 
way. We advise people to stick to the 
paths, as its very easy to get lost. As 
you walk through the woodland you 
will see workers removing dead wood 
and chopping down trees. 1 would ask 
everyone not to remove anything like 
seeds or flowers from the woodland 
so we can conserve it for future 

7 The world of work and 

(T = tutor; J = Jack; V = Olivia) 

T: We've got some time left for a 
feedback tutorial on your joint 
presentation today, if you have 

J: Yeah, we can do it now while its 
fresh in our minds. 

T: So, Olivia how do you think it 

O: Well, em ... I was really happy with 
it actually, but I'm glad its over. 1 
think the main advantage of doing 
the presentation was that we both 
learnt quite a lot about training 
and skills development for the 
workplace and how they improve 
peoples opportunities in life. 

J: And we learnt a lot from delivering 
it as well. 

O: Yeah that was important too. Mmm 
... as I said, I was pleased with 
it, but if 1 had to do it again, I'd 
change a few things. 

T: Like what? 

O: Well, mm the first thing I'd do is 
im prov e t he.s^ee.d_olj_he_talk. b y- 

making the delivery slower . And 
I'd keep a clock in front of me so 
that I was aware of the speed and 
... and the next thing is mmm ... 
the length of the talk ... I'd make 
the presentation time 20 minutes 

for each of us. because I think ten 

minutes was much too short . Tf we 
had given ourselves more time, it 


would have flowed better. 

J: Yes, I agree. I thought the timing 
was a bit tight. I'd say maybe even 
30 minutes each. 

T: Mmm ... 30 minutes might have 
been a bit long for both you and the 

J: Maybe you're right; 20 minutes is 
probably better. 

O: And the next thing is connected 
with the order of the data . I thought 
the sequence was bad - it could 
have been a lot better. 

T: Yes. If I had to give some particular 
advice. I'd say you need to give 
yourselves a nan through once or 
twice using the equipment, just to 
see what it's like. Doing it without 
preparation like that is not that 

O: No it isn't. We were a bit stupid 
there. And another thing for me 
is that we forgot to give out the 
handouts with the copies of our 
slides on them for people to take 
notes. I should have given them out 
before we started . And one final 
thing is ... is I'd check that everyone 
can see the screen properly as 
a few people were sitting in 
awkward places, so I'd check the 
arrangement of the chairs in the 

room . 

T: And Jack. What about you? How 
did you feel about it all? 

J: Well, mmm ... I agree with Olivia. 
Yeah ... in everything she said. It's 
very difficult to make the delivery 
smooth. If I do it again, I’ll spend 
more time practising to make it run 
more smoothly. 

T: But would you add anything to 
what Olivia said? 

J: Er ... perhaps I'd try not to pack 
too much information into the 

time given . Em ... I thought at 
first it would be the opposite. 

Em ... I was afraid that we would 
end up looking foolish . And also 
I think I’d spend less time on the 
information gathering phase 
because unless people devote time 
to practising, they won't give a good 

T: Yeah, I think I'd agree. Anything 

J: Yeah. I get very nervous when I 
speak in front of people. Were 
I to do it again, I’d make sure I 
practised speaking. I think the key 
for me is learning to reduce my 

O: But you were very calm! 

J: Not inside I wasn't! 

T: Well, it didn't show. 

O: I think you need the nerv es to keep 
you going, but maybe try to take 
your mind off it beforehand by 
exercising or something. 

T: Is that everything? 

J: Yeah. 

T: OK. Well, you'll be pleased to 


know the feedback from the class 
questionnaires was good from 
everyone, so well done. I have to say 
that 1 agree with them. 

O: Oh, thanks. 

T: And after the tutorial I’ll make 
a copy for both of you of the 
questionnaires from the class, if 
you want. And if you do give a talk 
again, you can keep them to refer 

8 The history of geography 

O 2 - 1 

Well, today we are going to look at 
early human migr ation out of Africa to 
colonize the world. 

Throughout history' there've been 
waves of humans migrating as people 
hav e moved from one locality to 
another, sometimes quickly over very 
short distances ... and sometimes 
slowly over very great stretches of land, 
mmm ... in search of a new or different 
or better life. There now appears to 
be general agreement that the first 
movement of people of any real 
significance in any part of our planet 
originated in East Africa about 
100 000 years ago . If we look at the 
first slide here, we can see the route 
this first group of modem humans 
took as they made their way across 
the Red Sea here, which was then a 
dry bed. Then through Arabia and into 
what is now the Middle East. But these 
early pioneers soon died out. 

But at that time, just like today. 

the earth was subject to shifts in 
temperature. About 70 000 years ago 

the planet became warmer and another 
group of modern humans migrated 
out of their homeland of Afr ica, 
following basically the same route, and 
then moving on to South Asia. If you 
look at this second slide, you will sec 
here that by about 50 000 years ago 
modem humans had colonized China, 
and about 45 000 years ago they had 
reached Europe. These early humans 
settled in the wide open spaces of 
Siberia about 40 000 years ago. And 
this line here on the map shows 
that about 20 000 years ago modem 
humans reached Japan, which as you 
can see from the map on the slide, was 
connected to the main land mass at 
that time. 

Now, on this map on the next slide 
you can see that there was no land 
connection between Australia here 
and South East Asia here, so the first 
Australians who arrived around 
50 000 years ago must have made the 
journey across the sea in simple boats 
to settle on the Australian continent, as 
evidence shows here, here and ... here 
on the map. 

This next map shows the route which 
modem humans took from Asia to 
North America, which as you can see 

Listening scripts 

was reached across what is now the 
Bering Strait through Alaska. This 
migration happened between 15 and 
13 000 years ago. There is also some 
evidence to suggest that modern 
humans came across pack ice via the 
North Atlantic, but this theory has 
been discounted by some. Since that 
time, the American continent has been 
the destination of waves of human 

Before we look at more modem 
examples of human movement, like 
the Anglo-Saxon migrations to Britain 
in the 5th century AD, the migration 
of Turks during the Middle Ages and 
the migration of the Irish to America 
in the mid-19th century, Td like to look 
at a migration within the continent of 
Africa itself, that I’m personally very 
interested in. 

If we look at the map of Africa here 
on this next slide, we can see some 
patterns that are common to other 
waves of human movement throughout 
history. The routes here show what 
is probably the most significant 
migration in Africa itself: that of the 
Bantu, who spread out from a small 
region in West Africa near the present 
day border of Nigeria and Cameroon, 
just around here on the map ... to 
occupy roughly 30 per cent of the 
continent by the year 1 000 AD. 

A trigger for this movement may have 
been the result of cultivation of the 
vam . a starchy root vegetable, which 
Bantu farmers started to grow as part 
of their staple diet. This cultivation 

began around 2 750 BC. resulting in 

the expansion of the population. The 
Bantu people then spread out into the 
neighbouring territories, which were 
then sparsely populated. As the land 
of the rainforest could not sustain 
the farmers and their families for 
longer than a few years, they moved 
on, felling trees and creating new 
clearances in the forest to cultivate 
yams. With the numbers of the Bantu 
on the increase between 2 500 and 400 
BC the people were constantly on the 
move, migrating south down through 
modem day Congo ... here in central 
Africa, and reaching Zimbabwe here 
and modem-dav South Africa bv about 
100 AD. 

It was contact with S udan in north 
Africa that introduced the Bantu 
to iron production, in which they 
excelled. Once they had exchanged 
knowledge of working in iron 
from Sudan, the quality of their 
work rivalled that produced by the 
Mediterranean people of the time. 

The Bantu now had better tools to fell 
trees, clear forests and work fields . 

And there is one other benefit iron 
gave the Bantu, and that was a military 
advantage over their neighbours. 

I’d say that migration has transformed 

the world from early times, and we all 
reap the benefits of different peoples 
coming into contact with each other. 

9 What is beauty 

(T = tutor; M = Malcom) 

T: Hi Malcolm. How are you? 

M: Fine, thanks. And you? 

T; Yes, I’m OK. You left a message 
when you booked this tutorial to 
say that you wanted to talk about 
vour film project. Am 1 right? 

M: Yeah. 

T; So, how can I help you? 

M: Well, I'm having difficulty* getting 
started. I should have been about 
halfway through about now, but 
I haven't done anything at all 
really. I think I’m feeling a bit 

T; Overwhelmed? In what way? 

M: Mmm ... 1 don't know. I may have 
chosen something too abstract . 

T: Which is? Remind me ... ? 

M: It’s ‘Perceptions of beauty in India'. 

T: Yeah. That's a good subject; it's 
probably quite challenging, but 
very appealing. 

M; I wanted to put together a moving 
digital photo collage of my travels 
around India last summer showing 
the beauty of the place. I was 
completely overawed . 

T; How 7 many did you take in all? 

M: At least 600. 

T; That is a lot. I'm sure it's a 

wonderful photographic record, 
but I think your problem lies there. 
Can you tell me? What did you take 
photographs of? 

M: Buildings like palaces and official 
places like the government 
buildings in New* Dehli by Lutyens 
-1 think they're really underrated. 
People just think of the Taj Mahal 
and poverty, but India's not all like 
that. It's huge: it's got tradition, 
colour and beauty at every comer. 
I've also got some dazzling 
images of places like the Ganges 

at Varanasi: the grandeur and 

splendour of the images simply 

take vour breath away . 

T: OK, I have a suggestion. 

M: Yeah? 

T: What about g oin g throu gh your 
digital stills on the computer and 

selecting the ten images w hich 

appeal to you the most? And ... 

M: I don't know if 1 could narrow 7 it 
down to that. 

T: Well, you’ll be surprised. Select the 
top hundred, and then narrow' that 
down to 25. And then you could ... 

M: I Ve just thought of an idea. 

T; Yes? 

M: I could mmm ... Yes that's it! I_ 
could select the top ten as you 


suggest, and then find various 
people's view's on these ... and then 

do a video collage with the pictures 

swirling around like a pop video. 

Why didn't I think of that before! 
That's it! 

T; Problem solved? 

M: Yes, but now I have to do all the 

M: Can the film be longer than 15 

T: I wouldn’t advise it. There might 
have been a few 7 people on the 
course last year who made 
20-minute, or even 25-minute films, 
but I have to say they were the least 
successful. I think you'll find that 
it's good discipline to try to w 7 ork 
within a time limit . 

M: Mmm ... 

T; And I'd say that ten minutes might 
be good ... 

M: Ten minutes! That’s almost nothing. 

T; You'll be very surprised. One 
minute per place fading out and 
in. It could be very effective. 
Remember the work we did on 
adverts and the short attention 
span of people generally, especially 
these days. 

M; Yeah, 1 suppose you're right. I'm 
just thinking of all the materials - 
600 plus stills down to ten, and then 
reduced to a ten-minute film. What 
about the format? flow do I need to 
submit it? 

T; Mmm ... all the information is on 
the department website . You access 
it as per usual. 

M: What's it under? 

T; Go to ‘Digital Photography'. Then 
‘Year One’, and then click on ‘Film 
Project', and every thing is there. 

And don't forget you have to fill in 
a submission form detailing the 
project’s background . 

M; Yeah, I ... I know 7 all that. But can't I 
just email it to you when it's done? 

T; You can. But we also want copies 
burned on DVD, ... four copies are 
needed with the submission form. 

M: OK, I can do that. 

10 Is it art? 


Welcome on this lazy Saturday 
morning to Radio Hope here in 
Australia. This is Davy Chester, your 
host on your favourite show 7 Your 
Chance, and bov do we have a lot for 
you on the show this week. There's 
the new 7 Street Art exhibition; a new 
exhibition, which opened last weekend 
at the Horn Gallery in George Street, 
and which has caused a sensation 
judging by our email survey. And 
then w 7 e have the decision by the 
government to make all museums and 
art galleries free of charge from next 


Listening scripts 

January. And for families and kids 
there’s the new theme park, which has 
opened just outside the town. 

But first to the Street Art exhibition. 
We've had many people saying how 
brilliant the exhibition is, and others 
saying what a load of rubbish it is, and 
that public money was being misspent . 

Apart from the criticism regarding 
the waste of money, some people 
complained that the exhibition would 
encourag e graffiti and vandalism 

all over town. I put this point to Mrs 
Cook, the director of the art gallery, 
which, incidentally, I visited myself on 
Thursday evening, and she said that 
graffiti was already appearing without 
the Street Art exhibition. Some people 
who emailed in said that instead of 
promoting graffiti, the gallery could 

have used the opportunity to support 

local artists , who get no help from 
the council. And Mrs Cook did point 
out that when there were attempts 
to remove the huge mural based on 
Aboriginal art at the end of Coin 
Street there was a huge public outcry - 
thousands of people turned out to stop 
the authorities removing the mural, 
and there was a vigil with volunteers 
for three weeks until the local council 
reversed their decision. 

While T was at the exhibition, 1 asked 
Mrs Cook what she thought about the 
decision to make all museums and art 
galleries free of charge. She said that 
there had been a fierce debate about 
this over the past year or so, because 
people were deterred from visiting 

places of a cultural nature like the 

Horn Gallery because of the cost . And 
while children were able to get in free, 
they rarely came with their parents, 
and this was a bad thing. So, basically, 
she was for the change. From the email 
survey we’ve had on the show website. 

I think about 70 per cent said that they 

would agree with Mrs Cook , only ten 
per cent were very definitely against 
and 20 per cent said they didn’t know, 
which I think reflects the national 
consensus, give or take a few points. 
Now, er ... when I spoke to Mrs Cook 
she said that there was one thing she 

and other people working in the gallery 

world were worried about and that is 

the level of government funding . They 
have always had subsidies from the 
government to run the galleries, but 
this was always topped up by entrance 
fees. They’re waiting to see if this will 
be reflected in the government's arts 
funding for next year. 

Now, as you all know, we have been 
wanting to do a walk-about on the 
show for a long time, and this week 
for the first time we will have two 
reporters on the street. We have one 
reporter, Angie Hunter, standing by 
outside the Horn Gallery with Mrs 
Cook to test opinions on the Street Art 


exhibition itself. And we’ll see what 
people really think about their art 
galleries being free or not. To make 
sure we get as wide a spectrum of 
people as possible we have another 
reporter, Alex Grey, who’s standing 
outside the department store in Whites 
shopping precinct in the pedestrian 
area. So, if you are listening and want 
to make your views known, pop down 
to the precinct or the gallery'. We'll be 
starting the walk-about in 15 minutes 
at 12.45, after we have got through the 
other items today, so ... 

11 Psychology and sociology 

(S = school administrator; P = parent) 

S: Headmaster’s office, Damian 
speaking. How may I help you? 

P: Yes, hi. It’s Margaret Williams here. 

S: Oh. Hi there. 

P: My daughter Helen is in the fifth 
year and ... 

S: Ah yes, I know her... 

P: Mmm ... well, I understand that 
the International Friendship Club 
is planning a trip this year and just 
wanted to know more about it. 

S: Yes, well, we normally print a 
factsheet for pupils to take to their 
parents, but that won’t be done 
for another ... month I don't think, 
but I can still help you with some 
details from the information I have. 

P: OK. 

S: Well, let's see ... Now, mm ... 
school trips 2000 and ... ah, here 
it is. It hasn't been entered into the 
computer vet. But what exactly 
would you like to know? 

P: Em ... well, first of all, where’s the 
trip to, how much is it and when is 

S: The trip in the current school year 
will be to ... South America,... to 
Peru specifically. 

P: To Peru, wow! That sounds 

thrilling. That never happened in 
my childhood. 

S: Nor mine either! Mmm ... it says 
here the group will be staying with 
families connected with a school 
just outside the capital, Lima, and 
then will be making trips to the 
surrounding areas. 

P: OK. Will each of them be on their 
own with the family? 

S: No, there'll be no students on their 
own; students will all be in pairs . 

P; I see. What about the cost? 

S: It's surprisingly cheap actually. At 
the moment it's ... £495 for the 15 
days all inclusive, but obviously not 
including gifts for the host families 
and spending money . 

P; Mmm ..., it’s still a lot as I'm a 
single parent. 

S: Well, there are some bursaries, 
and it may be that the price comes 


down; this is only the initial price. 
Last year, if it were not for the 
school fund, it would have been a 
lot more. Last year it came down 
by about £ 120 per student, so it 
depends on how much is available 
in the school hardship fund. 

P: Oh, I see. And when is the trip? 

S: Em ... it takes place during the 
spring holidays . 

P: OK. Can I ask you ... how- Helen 
goes about applying? 

S; Applying? Well, the application 
is quite simple. There will be a 
deadline to get the application in 
ten days after the date of the advert, 
which will come out on the 29th of 
September . 

P: OK. 

S: And then w'hen the applications are 
received, each student will have to 
have an interview to assess whether 
they are suitable or not. 

P; How many places are there? 

S: 20 with a minimum age of 16, so it’s 
restricted to the upper years. 

P: And are any teachers going? 

S; Oh yes. There'll be places for 
six adults, four of whom will be 

teachers, and two parents, who will 

go free. 

P: Right. Do they apply as well? 

S: Yes. You interested? 

P: Yes! And when it comes to paving, 
provided Helen s application 
is successful, can we pay by 
instalments? Say, £50 a month? 

S: Oh yes, that’s not a problem 
prov ided you make a deposit of 
£100 . and then pay the rest bv 
instalments with the final balance 
due three weeks before the 
departure date. Students will only 
be allowed to go on the trip if all 
the money is paid in advance - I’m 
afraid we’ve had problems in the 
past with money not being paid, so 
we are very strict about it now'. 

P: I see. That’s totally understandable. 

12 Travelling around the world 


Now that the main summer holiday 
season is almost upon us, w'e are 
devoting this weeks Health Spot in our 
programme to all of you young people 
who are setting off on backpacking 
holidays to sunny shores. We hope you 
have the time of your life, but to help 
that dream come true we’ve got a few 
tips for you before you head off. 

The first thing to do is to make yourself 
a checklist of all the things you need 
to do and take with you, especially if 
you, like me, arc very' forgetful . Apart 
from the usual things like checking 
you have your tickets and passport and 
the necessary' visas, there are practical 
things that you need to do. I'm going 

to pick a few things at random from 
the checklist weve made here, but 
you can get extra information from 
our website , where you can download 
the details. Or, if you would rather 
have someone to listen to, you can 
download the podcast for free with all 
the information from the website. 

So, the first item that I think is 
important is sun protection, especially 
if you are fair-skinned. To protect 
yourself you can buy sun creams 
and special clothing and a hat - a 
wide-brimmed hat - and sunglasses. 
Provided you arc well protected, you'll 
be OK. But the best form of protection 
against ultraviolet rays is to stay out of 
the sun . Stick to the shade; especially 
between 11 and 4 pm, as this is the 
most dangerous time. You can also 
buy special clothing that has built-in 
protection like sun cream. 

Mmm, now ... ah, OK, another tip here 
about clothing, em ... is ... besides 
a hat and so on, one item on the 
checklist that is indispensible is a good 
pair of walking shoes. Good walking 
shoes do not come cheap, but it is 
money well-spent, because if you’re 
walking around a lot your feet will 
need some support . Some sandals are 
OK for walking, but you may be better 
off with shoes. 

Customs? Ah yes ... make yourself 
familiar with the customs of the 
country you are going to, so that you 
don't cause problems . It's easy to 
assume that people everywhere behave 
like ourselves. You cannot know 
everything, but you can find out about 
the main types of behaviour like what 
to wear and where to wear it. 

Now, a very important point. When 
you are away, it's easy, if you're 
enjoying yourself, to lose contact 
with your familv at home. But try and 
prevent this from happening so your 
family don't experience any anxiety 
unnecessarily and mmm, er... possibly 
waste resources . One good tip here is 
to remember to have a particular time 
to make contact. You can use a mobile 
phone to text your family. In these days 
of the Internet there is no excuse for at 
least not sending a quick message or a 
quick text on the mobile. 

Lets see ... Some kind of waterproof 
cover: something that is light but 
effective ... And ves another good tip 
here - an essential for your backpack 
is a simple first aid kit with plasters 
in case you cut yourself, or tread on 
something shaip - and if you do, 
some antiseptic wipes would be very 
handy too, so you can clean the skin to 
prevent infection and so on ... 

And yes, this is a good piece of advice. 
Remember to keep valuables like 
cameras safe at all times. As tourists 
you can't be careful enough, and don't 
let vour guard down for a second. 

Listening scripts 

Remember to enjoy yourselves. Look 

out for novel experiences, and open 

your minds to the strange and the new! 

Ready for Speaking 
Part 2 and 3 


(E = examiner; C = candidate) 

E: Now, I’m going to give you a card 
with a topic to look at. You have 
one minute to make notes and then 
I’m going to ask you to talk about 
the topic. 

E: Can you talk about the topic? 

C: The skill that I'd like to talk about 
is playing a musical instrument, 
mmm ... like the piano, and I'd like 
to learn it in the near future. I know 
it’s possible to go to a class to learn 
to play the piano, but mmm ... I 
know I'd find that very annoying. 

I think learning to play the pianos 
one of those skills that'd be better 
to learn ... to acquire bv paying for 
individual tuition. I realize that 
it might be expensive, but it'd be 
mmm ... very rewarding in other 

Why I'd like to be able to take up 
the piano is because ... it's mmm 
... very soothing to play and to 
listen to. It's a w onderful feeling to 
lose yourself in the music as you’re 
playing. I've got several friends 
w'ho are mad about music, and 
I've listened to them many times. 
They've played both classical and 
pop music to me, and they’ve found 
it thrilling to play for someone. 

And to me it is a very' peaceful 
experience just sitting there and 
listening. As well as helping to 
calm people down, playing an 
instrument like the piano’s er ... 
very good for the brain as it keeps 
it active. One of my friends, who 
plays the guitar and the piano, says 
that he plays for about... half an 
hour before he does any homework, 
and it helps him to focus on his 
work and concentrate more. And 
it's healthy, because it helps take 
au'ay part of the stress of modem 
lifestyle. Friends've also told me 
that it improves their ability to 
focus, and so they play before they 
study or do any work, which 1 think 
would mm ... benefit me too. 

E: OK. Thank you. Which type of music 
would you like to learn to play? 

C; Er ... I'd like to start with classical, 
but I'd like to learn jazz music later 
on and maybe some pop music. 

E: Do you think it's important to keep 
acquiring new skills throughout 
one's life? 

C: Yes, I think it is. 

E: Why do you think so? 

C: Well, mmm, at the moment 
life is changing so fast with the 

advances that have been made in 
technology, and also through em 
... globalization in the past few r 
decades, so it's important for people 
of all ages to keep up-to-date with 
skills of all kinds. 

E: How r essential do you think it'll be 
for workforces in the future to be 
proficient technologically? 

C: Mmm, I’d say it is vital, because 
more and more of the work that 
is done nowadays requires a lot of 
input using one form of technology 
or another, so that in the near 
future it will be almost impossible 
to find work, even basic work, 
without practical computing skills. 
Take car design, for example. It 
seems that technical drawing 
done by hand is less important 
now than knowing how' to create 
new products on the screen. Soon 
designers'll be creating holograms 
of cars not just three-dimensional 
computer images. And the same 
applies to architecture and teaching 

E: In what way do you think learning 
only computing skills can be a 
disadvantage in life? 

C: Em ... first of all, people are 
already becoming over-reliant on 
computers for virtually everything. 
In the current knowledge-based 
society, where information is 
available literally at people’s 
fingertips, there's a danger that 
people’s knowledge'll decrease and 
accessing information’ll become 
just like switching on the light 
without necessarily understanding 
what's happening. And people're in 
danger of losing their ability to do 
basic things. 

E: Mmm, er, should preparation of 
children and young people for work 
focus on computing skills at the 
expense of practical skills? 

C: Mmm ... I think it’s a matter of 
balance, because we need the 
people to build computers and 
so on, and the people to learn 
to be able to use them for their 
work. Also, if any machines break 
dow r n, we need people to be able 
to fix them. And so if education 
concentrates on training people to 
use machines to access knowledge 
at the expense of training 
technicians etc., then there'll be a 
major problem. 

E: Do you think people will have to 
work longer in the future? 

C: At one time it was thought that 
people would have more leisure 
time in the future, but it seems that 
the opposite is true. As people are 
living longer worldwide, they're 
also being asked to work longer 
with the result that the age at which 
people will be drawing a pension, if 
they have one, will be later than it is 
now. And in fact it's already starting 




Listening scripts 

to happen in many countries like 
the UK and France. 

E: How can people ensure that work 
does not control their lives? 

C: Its not easy, but not impossible 
either. One way is to ensure that 
one has interests outside work, 
and that these interests are not 
connected with work in any way. 
For example, if people are involved 
in working in computers all day, 
they could find something that 
requires manual skills like pottery. 

Part 2 
O 2.7 

(E = examiner; C = candidate) 

E: Now, I'm going to give you a card 
with a topic to look at. You have 
one minute to make notes and then 
I'm going to ask you to talk about 
the topic. 

E: Can you talk about the topic? 

C: The skill that I’d like to talk about 
is playing a musical instrument, 
mmm ... like the piano, and I'd 
like to learn it in the near future. I 
know it's possible to go to a class 
to learn to play the piano, but 
mmm ... I know I'd find that very 
annoying. I think learning to play 
the piano's one of those skills that'd 
be better to learn ... to acquire 
by paying for individual tuition. I 
realize that it might be expensive, 
but it'd be mmm ... very rewarding 
in other ways. 

Why I'd like to be able to take up 
the piano is because ... it's mmm 
... very soothing to play and to 
listen to. It's a wonderful feeling to 
lose yourself in the music as you’re 
playing. I've got several friends 
who are mad about music, and 
I've listened to them many times. 
They've played both classical and 
pop music to me, and they've found 
it thrilling to play for someone. 

And to me it is a very peaceful 
experience just sitting there and 
listening. As well as helping to 
calm people down, playing an 
instrument like the piano's er ... 
very good for the brain as it keeps 
it active. One of my friends, who 
plays the guitar and the piano, 
says that he plays for about... 
half an hour before he does any 
homework, and it helps him to 
focus on his work and concentrate 
more. And it's healthy, because it 
helps take away part of the stress 
of modern lifestyle. Friends've 
also told me that it improves their 
ability to focus, and so they play 
before they study or do any work, 
which I think would mm ... benefit 
me too. 

E: OK. Thank you. Which type of music 
would you like to learn to play? 

C: Er ... I’d like to start with classical, 
but I’d like to learn jazz music later 
on and maybe some pop music. 

Part 3 

O 2.8 

(E = examiner; C = candidate) 

E: Do you do think it's important 
to keep acquiring new skills 
throughout one's life? 

C: Yes, I think it is. 

E: Why do you think so? 

C: Well, mmm, at the moment 
life is changing so fast with the 
advances that have been made 
in technology, and also through 
em ... globalization in the past 
few decades, so it's important for 
people of all ages to keep up-to- 
date with skills of all kinds. 

E: How essential do think it’ll be for 
workforces in the future to be 
proficient technologically? 

C: Mmm, I'd say it is vital, because 
more and more of the work that 
is done nowadays requires a lot of 
input using one form of technology 
or another, so that in the near 
future it will be almost impossible 
to find work, even basic work, 
without practical computing skills. 
Take car design, for example. Tt 
seems that technical drawing 
done by hand is less important 
now than knowing how to create 
new products on the screen. Soon 
designers’ll be creating holograms 
of cars not just three-dimensional 
computer images. And the same 
applies to architecture and 
teaching too. 

E: In what way do you think learning 
only computing skills can be a 
disadvantage in life? 

C: Em ... first of all, people are 
already becoming over-reliant on 
computers for virtually everything. 
In the current knowledge-based 
society, where information is 
available literally at people’s 
fingertips, there's a danger that 
people's knowledge'll decrease and 
accessing information'll become 
just like switching on the light 
without necessarily understanding 
what's happening. And people're in 
danger of losing their ability to do 
basic things. 

E: Mmm, er, should preparation of 
children and young people for 
work focus on computing skills at 
the expense of practical skills? 

C: Mmm ... I think it's a matter of 
balance, because we need the 
people to build computers and 
so on, and the people to learn 
to be able to use them for their 
work. Also, if any machines break 
dowm, we need people to be able 
to fix them. And so if education 

concentrates on training people to 
use machines to access knowledge 
at the expense of training 
technicians etc, then there’ll be a 
major problem. 

E: Do you think people will have to 
work longer in the future? 

C: At one time it was thought that 
people w'ould have more leisure 
time in the future, but it seems that 
the opposite is true. As people are 
living longer worldwide, they're 
also being asked to work longer 
with the result that the age at 
w r hich people wall be drawing a 
pension, if they have one, will be 
later than it is now. And in fact it's 
already starting to happen in manv 
countries like the UK and France. 

E: How r can people ensure that work 
does not control their lives? 

C: It's not easy, but not impossible 
either. One way is to ensure that 
one has interests outside work, 
and that these interests are not 
connected with work in any way. 
For example, if people are involved 
in working in computers all day, 
they could find something that 
requires manual skills like pottery. 

13 The importance of 


O 2.9 

(J = Janice; A = Ahmed) 

J: Hi Ahmed. How' is the research 
project going? 

A: I've just started, and it's giving me 
a headache already. I didn't really 
think it w r ould be like this at all 
really, but then ... 

J: The beginning is always the worst 
part. I always hate getting started. 

A: Yeah, it's ahvays a real problem. 

J: So ... you're doing something ... 

o n the relationship between the 

public and systems like roads and 

transport in cities? 

A: Yes, that's it. And you are doing ... ? 

J: Cityscapes and their impact on 
people's moods. 

A: Ah, yes. 

J: It has given me lots of headaches 
too. What's your problem? 

A: Oh, every thing basically. I am 
just trying to get my head around 
everything and don't know where 
to start. 

J: Mmm ... I’m in the middle of 
looking at data analysis, and I am 
having a bit of a struggle myself at 
the moment. 

A: You’re at the data stage. Oh right. 
You’re quite far on then. 

J: Yeah. lam... 

A: Could you tell me what your 
experiences have been as you are 
further along than me? It might 
make me feel a bit better. 



Listening scripts 

J: Yeah sure. Looking back 1 don’t 
knQvv.h ovy I g ot to th i.s s t_age J _ bu t, 

mm ... I found it really difficult to 

get going. I thought I was never 

going to get started , but then it all 
came together. 

A: Thais good to hear. I thought I was 
the only one. But can you tell me 
about your experience say of em ... 
doing the research question? 

J: 1 thought 1 would have difficulty 

turning m y ideas into a research 

question, but it wasn’t as bad 

a$ I t hought. I n f act , I found i t 

extremely easy . 

A: OK ... I might ask for your help 
on that then. What about the 
literature review? 

J: The literature review? That I 
found really took up a lot of time . 

Although it can eat into the time, 

1 actually like digging into things 
and getting to the bottom of 

A: Yes, I agree it can be fun. I’m 
reading a lot to try and get myself 
to frame my research question, 
and I'm really getting into the 

J: Well, the thing I was very glad to 
get out of the way was writing the 

research proposal. 1 was exhausted 

after that, because its important to 
make sure the research proposal 
is really clear on the focus of your 
research. It's not easy summarizing 
everything and bringing it together. 
A: And designing ihc methods? 

J; That was quite easy to do - I enjoy 
analyzing systems and putting 
them together, so I think I sorted 
the methods design out really 
quickly But what I found really 
agonizing was writing the aims and 

objectives. That was probably the 

most difficult thing of all. 

A: Yeah ... they aren't easy. 

J: Is all of this any help Ahmed? 

A: Oh yes. One of the problems is that 
it's OK to see things written on 
paper but its the thinking behind 

J: Yes, ot course. It is. 

A! Yeah. 1 appreciate it. My spoken 
English is not a problem, I think, 
but I ve not done much writing and 
I'm going to find that bit difficult. 

J: Well, you can get help you know. 

A: Yeah? Mm, do you think I need a 
private tutor? 

J: Oh no, that’s not necessary, I'm 

sure. 1 know there’s lang ua g e 
support in the university if you 

are not a full-time student: you 

just need to contact the Language 

Centre . 

A: OK, thanks for that. 

J: And you can get help through 
the main library . It's not just for 
lending books you know. 

A: Really? I never thought of that. 

J: It’s so easy to get isolated and not 
know everything that’s available. 

14 Money and happiness 
0 210 

Good afternoon to you all. My name’s 
Diana Simpson, and I’m from the 
City Business Forum. I'm managing 
director of a firm of accountants 
which employs over 2 000 people here 
and abroad. I'd like to thank you for 
coming today, and I'd like to thank 
Professor Beacon for inviting me here 
to talk to you today about an example 
of a training scheme to create a happy 
workforce, which we are trying to 
promote as a model of good practice. 
Before I say something about our 
training scheme I'd like to tell you a 
little bit about business values and 
the values of our company. When 
people think of business they often 

mistakenly think of money and profits . 

and at times businessmen and women 
have a negative press. However, 
business is not all bad; not just about 
making profits, though there is no 
denying that this is important. It 
is about creating something, often 
out of nothing, building it up from 
scratch. And an obvious plus is that 
business is about providing new 

employment opportunities that in 
turn enrich people's lives. It is also 
about bringing people together and 
making links and contributing to the 
economy of the country . But in doing 
so out' accountancy firm adheres 
to a strict ethical code. We have set 
ourselves high standards, and we seek 
to improve the communities we work 

within by returning some of the profits 

back into those communities . 

The training scheme I'd like to talk 
about is one we have been developing 
within our company for the past seven 
years. At the beginning of the training 
scheme, before I actually became 
managing director of the company 
we had, like many companies, staff 
meetings and training sessions, which 
were conducted by staff in-house on 
financial matters. 

But the training scheme has evolved 

almost naturally to its present state 
using minimal resources. Initially we 
allocated a certain number of hours 
per year for staff to follow their own 
training by company trainers paid for 
by the company. This was delivered 
in-house once a fortnight during 
office hours at different times of the 
day including early morning and late 
evening. This development worked 
very well with courses being offered 
on languages, stress-busting, arts and 
crafts and physical exercise. Vouchers 
or discounts were also offered to staff 
to go to local gyms, and some staff 

members formed their own running 
and swimming clubs. 

As the scheme has further evolved, 
we have actively encouraged staff 
in our company to aim for personal. 
fulfilment and not just to focus on 
their professional development. 

About 18 months ago we decided to 
devote more time to training by giving 
each full-time worker two hours a 
week for training, and a proportionate 
amount for part-time workers. A 
further development has been that 
some of the more experienced staff 
decided to use the time they were 
allocated to give training free of 
charge to various organizations w'ho 
need professional help. 

And the results of the company's move 
from professional development on 
w ork-related matters to a focus on 
staff happiness? Well, quite frankly, 
they are startling. Staff absences? 

Well the number of staff absences 
from sickness have been reduced 
substantially - a 25 per cent decline as 
you can see from the bar chart here. 
The fact that working hours have been 
reduced has not affected productivity; 
actually, it is the reverse. Company 
profits have increased with a rise of 15 
percent . So the company profits are 
in a healthy state now. But the most 
important impact on the company 
as a w'hole has been the drop in staff 
turnover. All companies, large or 
small, have some staff turnover, but 
we have managed to reduce ours by a 
whopping 90 per cent. The knock-on 
effect has been reduced recruitment 
costs and the expense on training 
new r staff with a further impact on 
profitability. We are looking at other 
w'ays of developing this further and 
promoting the model as a means of 
good practice. 



Sample answer sheets 





ESOL Examinations 










PENCIL must be used to complete this sheet 

Centre number: 

Please write your name below, 

then write your six digit Candidate number in the boxes 
and shade the number in the grid on the right in PENCIL. 

Test date (shade ONE box for the day. ONE box for the month and ONE box for the year)! 

Day: 21 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; 25 26 27 28 29 

30 31 

□ era 

Month: ®!® 2 ®|Mg 5 ^®Z, 0 | 09 ioi 3 i i 2 L.«2di,i,.otth.Year: oo 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 os 09 

IELTS Listening Answer Sheet 

! - 


— 1 JL 


_✓ 21 X 


— -- 


cm r —1 









cm a 



cm cm 

















cm ca 



a era 



era ej 



a c=a 



era crr> 







a era 





ca e=a 



era era 



a era 



era cr 








era era 





era c=a 



era era 







<—» t —1 



<-1 era 





cm era 









IELTS L-R v4.0 




Sample answer sheets 

Are you: Female? 


Your first language code: 



Y C==> C=1 C=} CTTJ C=3 C=3 C.-.T3 C~3 C=3 

IELTS Reading Answer Sheet 

Module taken (shade one box): Academic = General Training 


L 1 * 


/ 21 x 



C=3 C=3 









□ C=3 



i—i t —» 





C=3 t-! 



C=3 C3 



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C^3 C =1 



t=3 C=3 












Answer key 

Unit 1 We are all friends now 

Vocabulary 1: Describing people Page 6 


Possible answers 

1 adventurous, sporty, dynamic 

2 artistic, creative 

3 wise, considerate, supportive, helpful 

4 talkative, chatty 

5 hard-working, conscientious 


1 respected/respectful/respectable 

2 ambitious 

3 caring/careful 

4 humorous 

5 talented 

6 generous 

7 cheerful 

8 sociable 

9 calm 

10 punctual 

11 reliable 

12 loyal 

I 13 honest 
14 patient 


1 humorous 

2 calm 

3 cheerful 

4 talented 

5 ambitious 

6 sociable 

7 respected 

8 generous 

9 loyal 

I 10 caring 
I 11 reliable 
12 punctual 

i Reading Page 8 

I Questions 1-6 

1 viii 

2 vi 

3 vii 

4 iii 

5 ii 

6 i 

I Questions 7-10 

7 phenomenal level 

8 university life 

9 academic support 

| 10 university friendships 

I Questions 11-13 

111 FALSE. ‘Virtual interviews' will not be the only research 
methodology used at Leicester. Section D: This project 
will be using both an online questionnaire and virtual 

I 12 NOT GIVEN. Section D: no comparison is mentioned 
between the UK and other places. 

I U TRUE. Section F:... or to bring together current and new 
students to provide peer support. 

Language focus 1: Present simple, 
present continuous and past simple 
Page 10 

1 Section D 

2 Section A 

3 Section B 

4 Section D 


1 raised - past simple 

2 is running - present continuous 

3 know, impacts - present simple 

4 builds - present simple 


a present simple 
b present continuous 
c past simple 
d present simple 


1 helps 

2 participated 

3 impacted 

4 influenced 

5 are now recruiting 

6 feel 


1 help is used as an infinitive (Section A) and in the 
present simple (Section B) 

2 participate is used as a gerund after the preposition with 
(Section A) 

3 impact is in the present simple (Section B) 

4 influence is used as an infinitive (Section F) 

5 recruit is used as an infinitive (Section A) 

6 feel is in the same tense, the present simple (Section D) 

Listening Section 1 Page 11 

1 a name 

2 a noun 

3 a number 

4 an adjective 

5 a name 

6 a name 

7 a number 

8 a noun 

Questions 1-4 

1 Andrews 

2 July 

3 8/eight 

4 part-time 

Questions 5-8 

5 Davenport 

6 Fordenham 

7 8876451 

8 morning 

Questions 9 and 10 






Answer key 

Language focus 2: Likes and dislikes 
Page 12 

She uses the -ing form after like as she is emphasizing what 
she enjoys from her past experience of doing it. This is 
different from like followed by the infinitive with to, which 
indicates routine habit or duty as opposed to enjoyment. 


1 Correct 

2 Correct 

3 Incorrect -‘to join’ 

4 Correct 

5 Correct 

6 Correct 

7 Incorrect - ‘doing 


1 playing 

2 to live 

3 being/to be 

4 to keep 

5 taking 

6 to be 

7 socializing/to socialize, staying 

8 playing 

9 to see 


1 Td like to live in the countryside. 

2 Nowadays people dislike doing certain sports. 

3 Adrian likes cleaning/to clean the kitchen every 

4 She enjoys shopping enormously. 

5 Pedro can't stand playing video games. 

6 He likes people he know r s to be honest. 

7 She would prefer to see the film on DVD at home rather 
than in the cinema. 

8 He really loves mingling/to mingle with other people at 

Speaking Part 2 Page 13 

Possible answers 

1 supportive/wise/considerate/helpful 

2 hard-working/conscientious/supportive/helpful 

3 adventurous/sportv 


who the person is - present simple 

w hat they are like generally - present simple 

what qualities this person has - present simple 

and explain why you would like to be like this person - 


Vocabulary 2: Verbs of movement Page 14 

lh 2d 3b 4 g 5 j 6 i 7a 8e 9c lOf 

1 fell and then levelled off 

2 hit a peak 

3 dipped 

4 plummeted 

5 rose gradually 

6 remained flat/stable 

7 fell gradually 

8 fluctuated 

9 hit a low 
10 soared 


a bottom out, a rocket, a soar, a plummet, a level off 


1 There w^as a drop in the price of laptops followed by a 
period of stability. 

3 There was a slight fall and then a quick recovery 7 in the 
amount of money spent. 

4 There w'as a plunge in visitor numbers to the website in 
the first quarter of the year. 

5 There was a slow 7 but sure increase in book purchases 
over the year. 

6 There w ? as stabilization in the number of students 
applying to university over the period. 

7 There w 7 as a steady decrease in attendance figures/ 
attendances at the conference last year. 

8 There w 7 ere some fluctuations in the growth rate during 
the last year. 

You cannot change sentences 2, 9 and 10. 

Writing Task 1 Page 15 

Introduction c is the best answer because it paraphrases 
rubric. Note the change in words (illustrates/hits/in the UK 
on a weekly basis/over one year to March 2008). 


1 illustrates/show's 

2 vary/varied 

3 was 

4 rose/climbed/increased 

5 was/is 

6 was/is 

7 reached/hit 

8 rose/climbed/increased (but avoid repetition) 

9 fell/dropped 

Review 1 Page 16 


1 h 2e 3g 4a 5d 6c 7b 8f 


1 humorous 

2 caring 

3 punctual 

4 respected 

5 talented 

6 artistic 

7 patient 

8 reliable 

Present simple, present continuous and past simple 

Sonja: 1,4,5 
Wei: 3, 7, 8 
Ahmed: 2, 10, 12 
Tony: 6, 9, 11 


1 c 7 a 

2 c 8 b 

3 c 9 b 

4 b 10 b, a 

5 a 11 b, c 

6 a 12 b 



Answer key 



1 noticeable 

2 shows 

3 fluctuated 

4 surge 

5 remained steady 

6 plummeted 

7 decline 

8 downward 

9 trend 

10 breakdown 


1 The trend in attendances is/was clearly upward. 

There is/was a clear upward trend in attendances. 

2 There is/was an increase in student numbers over 
the year. 

Student numbers increased over the year. 

3 Market share fell overall over/during the past decade. 
There was an overall fall in market share over/during the 
past decade. 

4 Generally speaking, the trend in the cost of train 
journeys is/was flat. 

5 The trend in prices is/was downward overall. 

6 The miles covered by shoppers declined. 

7 The price of grain rose steadily in the last six months. 
There has been a steady rise in the price of grain in the 
last six months. 

8 There has been a clear dow nward trend in the number 
of flights abroad. 

Unit 2 Technology-now and then 

Vocabulary: Verbs of cause and effect 
Page 18 

1 aw ? heel 

2 an abacus 

3 a telescope 

4 a combustion engine 

5 a laptop 

They are all examples of technology w'hich has changed the 


1 improvement 

2 destruction 

3 shape/shaping 

4 result 

5 effect 

6 harm 

7 enhancement 

8 promotion 

9 damage 

10 ruin/ruination 

11 production 

12 fostering 

13 advance/advancement 

14 deterioration 

15 achievement 

16 attraction 

Affect does not follow any of the patterns. 


1 Positive 

2 Negative 

3 Neutral 
’4 Neutral 

5 Neutral 

6 Negative 

7 Positive 

8 Positive 

9 Negative 

10 Negative 

11 Neutral 

12 Positive 

13 Positive 

14 Negative 

15 Positive 

16 Neutral 


1 The demand for fuel is destroying the way of life of the 
inhabitants of rainforests. 

2 People constantly debate whether television influences 
society positively or negatively. 

3 The company restructuring will improve profits 

4 Climate change has ruined many crops. 

5 The fire did not harm the mountainside as much as 
people first thought. 

6 Relations between the two countries deteriorated 
sharply as a result of the conflict. 

7 The affair damaged his reputation enormously. 

8 Artificial intelligence is impacting on the development 
of technology hugely. 

9 Many people like Einstein and Newton shaped the 


1 promotion 

2 destruction 

3 Improvements/Advancements 

4 achievement 

5 attraction 

6 fostering/shaping 

Listening Section 2 Page 19 

A big/not small 
B not interesting/exciting 
C handier 

D thrilling/exhilarating 
E well made/well put together 
F trendv/in vogue 

Questions 11-15 

11 A 12 B 13 B 14 A 15C 

Questions 16-20 

16 F 17 A 18 C 19 D 20 E 

Reading Page 21 
Questions 1-6 

1 TRUE. Paragraph 1: In the early stages of this 
development, the process of urbanization went hand in 
hand with the establishment of a social order. 

2 FALSE. Paragraph 2: The Shang dynasty was conquered 
by the people of Zhou. 

3 FALSE. Paragraph 2:... seven major states contended for 
supreme control of the country. 

4 NOT GIVEN. However, see paragraph 3: Iron appeared 
in China towards the end of... . We do not know* where it 
came from: inside or outside China. 

5 FALSE. Paragraph 4: Many versions include ... 

6 FALSE. Paragraph 5:... the great patience and skill of the 
earlier period seem to be lacking. 



Answer key 

Questions 7-12 

7 B 

8 B 

9 A 

10 C 

11 A 

12 A 

Question 13 

Language focus 1: Past simple and 
present perfect Page 23 

• Simple past. It is used because the text is talking about 
specific events in the past. The two examples of the 
present perfect relate to general/indefinite observations 
made at an unknown time. 

• Although the passive is used a lot, the active voice is more 
common when events are being mentioned. 


1 revolutionized 

2 contributed 

3 led 

4 was first played 

5 was invented 

6 created, shaped, lived 

7 travelled 

8 influenced 


1 began 

2 were, didn't have, have become 

3 have started 

4 transformed 

5 went, have never visited 

6 Have you ever seen 

7 have improved 

8 did, have not done, spent 

Word building: Qualifying adjectives 
Page 24 

1 inconvenient 

2 impractical 

3 unimportant 

4 unnecessary 

5 insignificant 

6 harmless 

7 valueless 

8 useless 

9 ineffective 

10 unappealing 

11 unworthwhile 

12 uninspiring 


crucial, vital, essential, key, critical 


trivial, insiginficant 


1 impractical 

2 effective 

3 convenient 

4 worthwhile 

5 harmless 

6 inspiring 

Language focus 2: Habit in the past Page 25 

They remembered how they would all go round to... b 
...all of whom used to have one... c 


1 Correct 

2 Correct 

3 Used to is used to talk about states (e.g. occupations), 
not would. 

4 Correct 

5 You don't say would build or used to build his own car, 
but built. 

6 Didn't go to is needed, not didn't use to. The action is 
neither repeated nor a state. 

7 Correct 

8 Correct 

Adverbs of frequency Page 25 

1 sometimes, position 4 


2 usually, normally, commonly 


Position 2 normally 

Position 3 regularly, often, commonly 

Position 4 occasionally, not often 

Position 5 not often, hardly ever, rarely 


1 never read 

2 usually/normally/regularlv play 

7 regularly used to watch 

Writing Task 2 Page 26 

1 You will lose marks if you write less than 250 words, as 
you will not have completed the task properly. 

2 The instructions ask you to discuss both views so it 
is important to support your ideas with reasons and 
examples. As in Speaking Part 3, the ideas and examples 
should be abstract and about people in general, not 
about w r hat happened to you. 

3 Yes. You can support your ideas and reasons by 
showing the results, causes and effects and express any 
reservations or doubts you may have. 

4 There is no specific limit, but ideally aim to write an 
introduction, three main paragraphs in the body of the 
essay, and a conclusion. As this is formal writing you 
will lose marks if you do not write in paragraphs. 

5 There are three parts: a discussion of the first view' - 
some people fear that technology is gradually taking 
over control of our lives'; a discussion of the second 
view' - ‘while others think that it has led to many positive 
developments in all aspects of their lives' and your own 

6 Three main ideas - one per paragraph. However, you 
could have two ideas in some paragraphs. Avoid listing 
ideas without developing them by giving reasons and 

7 Yes you can and then support it. 

8 If you write around 30 words each for the introduction 
to the essay and the conclusion, this leaves a minimum 
of 190 words to write for the body of the essay, roughly 
65 words per paragraph. Note these are just rough 
estimates. Learn how' much 60/70 words is in your own 
handwriting so you can estimate how much to write. 
Even draw a line on your writing paper which represents 
an approximation of 250 w'ords in your handwriting and 
aim to cross the line as you are writing. 



Answer key 

9 There is more than one way of writing any essay. Try to 
follow the way described here and then develop different 
ways of writing an essay. 

10 Complex sentences are sentences with more than one 
clause. Or, in other words, a sentence with more than 
one idea linked by a connecting word. For example, 
a statement like Technology is beneficial because it ..., 
resulting in ... has three ideas: statement/opinion- 
reason/result. Use a mixture of simple and complex 
sentences and avoid the overuse of connecting words 
and the word and. 


3 and 4. 1 is not suitable because it doesn’t deal directly with 
the questions asked. 2 is not suitable because it copies the 












for example, 
for instance 

As a result 





in order to 


like, such as 


a good example is ... /the best example is ... /take ... /take ... 
for example/for instance/As far as ... is concemed/where the 
impact of... is concerned/namelv 


reason: since/as 

result: consequently/so (conjunction and adverb)/ 
therefore/accordingly/and so (conjunction) 
additional information: similarlv/furthermore/what is 
purpose: to 

contrast: but, although (conjunctions)/despite 


Sample answer 

Although technology has brought many benefits 
to our lives, it has some drawbacks like entering 
into peoples privacy which has become a cause for 
concern for some people. 

It is true that due to advances in technology, our 
privacy is increasingly violated with our personal 
details being constantly exposed in public. Take 
for example cameras which are found in the UK on 
the streets, in shops or in different premises. These 
devices working around the clock record pictures of 
all individuals passing in their visual field and they 
can be watched at any time for various purposes. 

This seems to be offensive to some people who fear 
that their pictures may be used in some unacceptable 
practices. Furthermore, most supermarkets provide 
loyalty cards to their customers offering them 
discounts according to points they gain when they 
purchase goods. As these cards contain customers' 
..personal details, shops know what people consume 
therefore they can continuously control our lives. 

However, besides these drawbacks there are numerous 
advantages resulting from technology in various 
aspects of the life, namely in education, banking, 
security or employment. For example these cameras 
found at the comer of the streets are used to tackle 
criminality. Once a crime is committed in an area, 
images are analysed bv police to find the offender. 
Regarding communication for example, the internet 
has transformed the world into a small village. A 
person from Congo living in the UK can exchange 
with their family e-mails, photos or videos, they can 
even chat what was not possible some decades ago. 

To sum up, I think that despite some violations of 
our privacy which are unavoidable, the advantages of 
technology are still greater. Therefore its utilisations 
should be encouraged but the authorities in charge 
of the community should protect people’s privacy 
as much as possible and personal details or their 
images should only be disclosed in case of crime 

Word count: 315 

Examiner's comment 

A well-balanced and coherently presented response, 
with relevant examples being adduced in support of the 
chosen standpoint. Any grammatical errors do not impede 
communication, and the conclusion rounds the essay off 
effectively. Good range of vocabulary and sophisticated and 
well controlled use of language. 

Possible score: 8.0 

Review 2 Page 28 

1 affected 

2 achievement 

3 shape 

4 result/impact/effect/consequence 

5 affected/influenced/enhanced/improved 

6 development/improvement/achievement 

7 improving/affecting/ruining/damaging/harming/ 

8 further/advance/enhance/improve 

Word building 

1 convenient 

2 significant 

3 uninspiring 

4 necessary 

5 worthless 

6 appealing 

7 harmless 

8 ineffectiv e 

9 crucial 

10 inconvenient/important/insignificant 


1 harmless 

2 useful 

3 inspiring 

4 impractical 

5 crucial 

6 necessary 

Past simple and present perfect 

1 played, haven’t played 
4 have affected, made 
6 designed, have designed 



Answer key 

Habit in the past 

1 Correct 

2 Correct 

3 I knew 

4 Correct 

5 Correct 

6 used to attend 

7 Correct 

8 Correct 

9 Correct 

10 used to rain 

11 it never seemed 

12 just carried on 

Spelling check 

1 convenient 

2 worthwhile 

3 appealing 

4 ineffective 

5 useful 

6 unnecessary 

7 impractical 

Unit 3 Thrill seekers 

Vocabulary: Sports Page 30 


1 wingsuit flying 

2 white water rafting 

3 playing Wii 

4 snowboarding 


1 football, rugby 

2 boxing 

3 running 

4 bodybuilding, weightlifting 

5 swimming 

6 scuba-diving 

7 tennis, squash 

8 golf 


Possible answers 

1 Formula 1 racing, motocross 

2 hunting, fishing 

3 water-skiing, swimming, wind surfing, w r ater polo, 
sailing, surfing 

4 martial arts, judo, fencing 

5 tennis, squash, badminton 

6 showjumping, horse-riding 

7 skiing, snowboarding 

8 squash, basketball 

9 rugby, running 

10 football, basketball, hockey, cricket 

Listening Section 3 Page 31 

Question 21 

21 C 

Question 22-25 

22 freelance workers 

23 173 people 

24 more details 

25 representatives 

Question 26-30 

26 individuals, companies 

27 travelling/traveling expenses 

28 (the) coaching 

29 (full) potential 

30 dedication 

Language focus 1: Comparison Page 32 

a adjective 
b noun 
c verb 







the w r orst 



the best 




the noisiest 



the wettest 



the tastiest 



the cheapest 



the liveliest 




the most/least 


1 easier 

2 more popular 

3 the most energetic 

4 happier 

5 more difficult 

6 the least/most stressful 

7 more/less important 

8 the fittest 


1 ease 

2 popularity 

3 energy 

4 happiness 

5 difficulty 

6 stress 

7 importance 

8 fitness 


1 Places to do specialist sports can be found with more 
ease outside cities and towns. 

2 Activities like bowling enjoy more popularity among 
older age groups. 

3 Which sport do you think requires/needs the most 
energy (of all)? 

4 People w’ho do some physical activity are supposed 
to experience more/greater happiness than less active 

5 People have greater difficulty/more difficulties 
organizing their lives around leisure activities 

6 Do people experience greater stress in their work 
nowadays than before? 

7 Does mental activity have less/more importance than 
physical activity? Is mental activity of lesser/greater 
importance than physical activity? 

8 People don’t realize that racing drivers are the fittest 
individuals in sport. 


1 ... more exciting than ... 

2 Correct 

3 ... more dangerous than ... 

4 ...fitter... 

5 ... the most exciting ... 

6 Correct 



Answer key 

7 ... the richest... 

8 Correct 

9 Correct 

10 ... more tiring than ... 

Word building: Adjectives ending in 

-ingl-ed Page 33 


1 thrilling 

2 irritated 

3 interested 

4 motivating 

5 exciting 

6 annoying, annoyed 

7 challenging 

8 invigorated 


1 electrified 

2 challenged 

3 interesting 

4 fascination 

5 motivated 

6 exciting 

7 refreshed 

8 excitement 

Speaking Part 1 Page 34 

1 What kinds of sports arc popular in your country? 

2 Arc they as popular as they used to be in the past? 

3 Are the same games as popular as in the past? 

4 Do young people do more physical activities like 
extreme sports now than in the past? 

5 What makes these games interesting to people? 

6 Are sports more challenging now than they were in the 

7 Are young people challenged more nowadays than in the 

Reading Page 34 

Questions 1-6 


Questions 7-12 

7 NOT GIVEN. Paragraph A: Computer games and 
fairground rides are mentioned but there is no 

8 TRUE. Paragraph D: the brain struggles to make sense of 
conflicting and changing signals from the senses. 

9 NOT GIVEN. Paragraph F: The number does not tell you 
how many people at e involved. Always watch out for 
words of quantity like all/a few/little/most and make sure 
they match the meaning in the text. 

10 FALSE. Paragraph G: The human body cannot tolerate 
much more of a G-force than the latest rollercoasters, ... 

11 NOT GIVEN. Paragraph H: The text does not mention 
anything about the balance of men and women. 

12 TRUE. Paragraph I: Equally, the next generation of rides 
will sense when too many people feel nauseous and wind 
down accordingly. In short, they will be able to distinguish 
terror from titillation. 

Question 13 

13 B 

Language focus 2: Adjectives with 
prepositions Page 36 

1 on 

2 to 

3 about 

4 in 

5 with 

6 to 

7 about 

8 of 

9 about 

10 of, about 


1 b/c/f 


3 e 

4 d 

5 b/f 
7 a 

Speaking Part 3 Page 37 

1 to 

2 so 

3 so that 

4 in order to 

5 so as to 

6 in order to 


Possible answers 

1 because they want/like to keep fit 

2 because they would like/want to lose weight 

3 because they would like/want to make friends 

4 because they like/want to relax 

5 because they want an adrenaline rush 

6 because they like to escape from the real world 

Writing Task 1 Page 38 


1 No. Fewer men than women went swimming. 

2 No. There was a greater proportion of men than women 
involved in walking, but not a far greater proportion. 

3 No. Women were less likely to take part in sporting 

4 No. Nearly twice as many men as women went cycling. 

5 Yes. The table compares information about male and 
female involvement in a selection of activities in the 
United Kingdom in 2002. 

6 Yes. Ten per cent of men played football while no 
women played. 

7 Yes. Compared to males, more than twice as many 
women went to keep fit/yoga classes. 

8 Yes. Football was the least popular activity overall. 

9 Yes. Overall males were more involved in physical 
activity than females. 


a the introduction: 5 
b the overview: 3 and 9 
c specific data: 1,2, 4, 6, 7, 8 


1 few r er ... than 

2 a far greater proportion of... than 

3 less likely to 

4 twice as many ... as ... 

5 compares data about... 



Answer key 

6 while 

7 Compared with ... more than twice as many ... 

8 the least popular 

9 more involved in ... than ... 


1 The rugby match was attended by a third of the number 
of spectators at the football match. 

2 The sports department was visited by five times the 
number of shoppers in February 2008 when compared 
to February 2009. 

3 More than 40% of the competitors were from the main 

4 A smaller proportion of players were home-grown rather 
than from overseas. 

5 Three-quarters of the members of the sports club paid 
by credit card rather than cash. 

6 The team won just over 50%/half of the games they 
played last season. 

Sample answer 

The table gives information about an involvement 
of 11-14 years age teenagers in five different types of 
Extreme sports by both sexes in 2003. 

Overall, with the exception of Rollerblading the 
participation of boys in Extreme sports exceeds the 
involvement of girls. For example, the proportion of 
boy participants in Mountain biking is much grater 
(22.7%) than the percentage of girl participants 
(13.3%). On the other hand, the percentage of 
males (27.5%) involved in Skateboarding is almost 
double the proportion of females taking part on it 
(13.8%). The same pattern is seen when we look at 
Snowboarding (male 8,1 % and female 4.%). 

Regarding [the] Mountain climbing there was 
nearly same proportion of both gender participants 
(10.6% male and 9.3% female). The exception was 
Rollerblading where the girls outstrip the boys, 31.7% 
and 21.7% respectively. It is clear that, the proportion 
of males involved in Extreme sports is much higher 
than the percentage of the females. 

Word count: 156 

Examiner's comment 

The response is well organised, fluently written and 
identifies the main trends. The lexical resource is 
evident. However, elementary errors persist, reducing 
effectiveness overall. Greater is misspelt and rules regarding 
capitalisation, prepositions (on) and articles (first sentences 
paragraphs 1 and 3) are ignored. The response also employs 
inappropriate sign posting (on the other hand). 

Possible score: 6.5 

Review 3 Page 40 



1 golf: outdoor 

2 snowboarding: outdoor 

3 boxing: indoor 

4 squash: indoor 

5 football: both 

6 baseball: both 

7 rugby: outdoor 

8 running: both 


1 squash, football, baseball, rugby 

2 squash 

3 golf 

4 football 

5 football, rugby 

6 skateboarding, snowboarding 

7 boxing 

8 squash 

9 baseball 
10 running 



1 Is windsurfing more expensive than ordinary surfing? 

2 I find watching sport more appealing (to me) than 
taking part. 

3 Which sport is the most challenging? 

4 Which sport is the safest? 

5 As they are old, the facilities are less valuable than those 
at other clubs. 

6 The club is more successful than similar organizations. 


1 India is not as big as Africa./India is not bigger than 

2 The Pacific Ocean is wider than the Atlantic Ocean. 

3 Mountaineers do not earn as much as footballers. 

4 Football matches attract far great numbers than squash 

5 Parkour seems to be much riskier/more/less risky than 

6 Many sports demand more/less stamina than intellect. 

7 An active life is considerably less harmful than a 
sedentary lifestyle. 

8 Private cars (don't) make as much noise as lorries. 

Adjectives with prepositions 

1 keen 

2 interested 

3 capable 

4 addicted 

5 indifferent 

6 enthusiastic/fanatical 

7 bored 

Word building 

1 fascinated, correct 

2 motivating, incorrect - motivated 

3 thrilled, correct 

4 irritated, incorrect - irritating 

5 interesting, incorrect -interested 

6 excited, incorrect - exciting 

7 annoyed; correct 

8 challenging, incorrect - challenged 


le 2c 3b 4d 5a 

Ready for Listening 

Section 1 Page 42 

Questions 1-6 

1 The Judgement 

2 Wight 

3 691-0-9-8879-9 

4 North America 

5 biographical 

6 17 



Answer key 

Questions 7-10 

7 54 65 36 

8 mandy 

9 90 

10 special offers 

Section 2 Page 43 

The parts of the cinema (items 11-16) as they will normally 
be introduced first, followed by details about what 
happened to them. 


Possible answers 

A enlarged: extended, bigger, more spacious 
B replaced: changed, taken the place of; instead of/ in place 

C still closed: not open yet; still being renovated; work still 
being done/carried out 

D thoroughly cleaned: spotless; the dirt removed; as good as 
new; looks like new 

E split up: divided; partitioned; made into 2/3/4 smaller ... 

F brightened up: made brighter/less dull/cheered up 
G moved: shifted; transferred; relocated; not in the same 
place as before 


17 open 

18 group/free/tickets/first week 

19 Wednesdavs/reduction/members 

20 new r development 

Questions 11-16 

11 D 

12 E 

13 A 

14 B 15 C 16 G 

Questions 17-20 

17 A 

18 C 

19 B 

20 C 


11 D thoroughly cleaned: all the dirt has been completely 


12 E split up: partitioned 

13 A enlarged: made bigger 

14 B replaced: where there was ... there is now ... 

15 C still closed: will be opening shortly 

16 G moved: no longer beside ... it is now' next to ... 

Section 3 Page 45 

Possible synonyms: 

talk: seminar/lecture 

electronic gadgets: devices/gizmos/appliances 


Nearly all of them could be undecided with the aims being 
the most likely to be decided upon. 

Possible synonyms: 

A length of the questionnaire: surv ey 
B pictures to use: photos/illustrations/drawings/images 
C volume of data: amount of information/statistics/facts 
and figures 

D duration of interview's: length of questioning 
E period of research: investigation/study 
F age of interviewees: people to be questioned/asked 
questions to/participants 
G exact aims: objectives 


Numbers: Questions 27, 28, 30 
Plural: Question 25 

Question 21 
21 C 

Question 22-24 

Questions 25-30 

25 emails/e-mails 

26 browsing the Internet 

27 8 

28 5 

29 everything 

30 10 

Section 4 Page 46 

Words in the stem: 

31 bore holes 

32 in the past/induce rain 

33 proof/increases rainfall 

34 not support 

35 country/keen 

Possible paraphrases in the alternatives: 


A employed/utilized in factories 
B on farms/to water fields 
C drinking and washing 


A mystical/magical methods/ways 
B burning (something) 

C ritual (dancing) 


C a quarter 


A advantages of cloud seeding 

B price of the equipment/equipment is expensive/costlv/not 

C impact/outcome/result 

Questions 31-35 

31 B 

32 A 

33 A 

34 C 

35 B 

Questions 36-40 

36 chemical/silver iodide 

37 water freeze 

38 generator 

39 fuel tank 

40 cloud level 

Unit 4 Global problems and 

Vocabulary: General category nouns Page 48 

problem can be used in both gaps 

lb 2c 3a 4 g 5 h 6f 7d 8e 


1 incident 

2 possibility 

3 dilemma 



Answer key 

4 events 

5 problem 

6 issue 

7 impression 

8 outcome 


If 2d 3e 4b 5c 6a 

Listening Section 4 Page 49 

Questions 31-37 

31 public railway 

32 unnoticed 

33 steam locomotive 

34 coal 

35 passengers 

36 passenger traffic 

37 Canals 

Questions 38-40 


Language focus 1: Countable and 
uncountable nouns Page 51 

Countable: forms, opportunities 

Uncountable: development, transport, innovation, progress, 

Note: innovation and development can also be countable 


1 b (tables, shelves, desks ...) 

2 a (shoes, sweaters, hats ...) 

3 j (bags, rucksacks ...) 

4 f (notes) 

5 c (apples, bananas, lemons ...) 

6 d (houses, hotels, cabins ...) 

7 h (newspapers, television/radio programmes ...) 

8 e (products) 

9 g (thefts, robberies, shootings ...) 

10 i (cans, packets, cigarettes ...) 


1 Litter is ... 

2 Machines are ... 

3 The behaviour of football hooligans costs ... 

4 Information ... 

5 Robberies and thefts are ... 

6 Musical instruments are played ... 

7 Suggestions ... are .... 

8 Language ... follows ... 


1 Many businesses now demand a lot of work from (their) 

2 People expect good weather when they go on holiday. 

3 Theatre audiences are in decline generally, but the 
audience for the new musical was extremely small last 

4 Increased use of public transport like buses and trains is 
good for the environment. 

5 With increases in the price of paper, books and 
newspapers are becoming expensive. 

6 Coffee and tea are commodities which saw a fall in value 

7 Entertainment like horror and violent films should be 

8 Electronic goods like refrigerators cause considerable 
harm to the planet. 


1 equipment, computers 

2 weather, storms 

3 Information, details 

4 Business, businesses 

5 luggage, cases 

6 Furniture, wood, trees 

7 Waste, litter 

8 jobs, work, money 

Speaking Part 1 Page 51 


1 Countable: types, resources, country 

2 Countable: goods, country 

3 Countable: types, country 
Uncountable: food 

4 Uncountable: produce 

5 Countable: country 
Uncountable: food 

6 Countable: commodities 

7 Countable: shops, country 
Uncountable: merchandise 

8 Countable: crops, country' 

Reading Page 52 

Questions 1-9 

IB 2 G 3D 4 A 5E 6P 7N 8K 91 


10 YES. Paragraph 2: The vast expanse of debris - in effect 
the worlds largest rubbish dump. The phrase in effect and 
the fact that the information is between dashes tells you 
this is what the writer thinks - it is his/her claim, not a 
statement of fact. 

11 NO. See the information given by Marcus Eriksen in 
paragraph 3. Then look at the beginning of the next 
paragraph: The soup is actually two linked areas ... The 
word actually tells you what the writer claims is true. 

12 NOT GIVEN. The writer does not make any predictions 
about this, even though Mr Moore warned in Paragraph 
7: unless consumers cut back on their use of disposable 
plastics, the plastic stew would double in size over the next 

13 YES. Paragraph 13: Plastic is believed to constitute 90 per 
cent of all rubbish floating in the oceans. Note that the 
writer is claiming what appears is believed to be true. 

Language focus 2: Making suggestions 

Page 54 


1 could 

2 The most important... is ... 

3 should 

4 ought to 

Suggestions 2, 3 and 4 are strong suggestions; 1 is tentative. 


a Governments ought to try to encourage people to return 
to the country side. 

b Banks could cancel the international debts of poor 

c Governments should provide poorer countries with the 
skills to feed themselves. 

d Rivers could be oxygenated and fish reintroduced. 

e Protection orders can be put on all wild animals. 

f Water desalination plants might work in some regions. 

g More trees should be planted. 


a 6 b 2 cl d 4 e5 f7 g3 



Answer key 

Vocabulary 2: Developing ideas by 
expanding the meaning of adjectives 
Page 54 

1 pleases 

2 encourage 

3 frightened 

4 trouble 

5 attracts 

6 fascinated 

7 stunned 


1 Some people find buying consumer goods very pleasing. 
Sometimes, it is just the act of purchasing which 
satisfies them. 

2 Positive health education on TV can be encouraging. It 
can motivate people to improve their lifestyle. 

3 The results were frightening. They alarmed the 
government so much they actually took some action. 

4 The news on TV is sometimes very troubling. It can 
worr\ r people all day long. 

5 Disaster movies are very attractive to many people. It is 
the fact that they feel comfortable and safe themselves 
as they watch that appeals to them. 

6 I found the festivities really fascinating. They interested 
me so much that I had to read more about them. 

7 The scale of crime in some cities has been so stunning it 
has shocked even the police. 

Writing Task 2 Page 55 

1 reason 

2 contrast 

3 result/conclusion 

4 example 

5 purpose 

6 result 

7 concession 


1 because 

2 Yet 

3 therefore 

4 For example 

5 in order to 

6 then 

7 Although 







even so 




even if 


much as 



despite the fact 

in spite of the 
fact that 


1 However. You will see But used as an adverb in some 

2 but/although 

3 While/Although 

4 Even if/Though 

5 Even so/Nonetheless 

A causes 
B examples 

lc 2 f 3d 4 e 5a 6b 

Sample answer 

Recent decades have witnessed a significant increase 
in the amount of rubbish produced bv people around 
the world, causing a serious threat to all living things. 

It has been pointed out that changes in lifestyle and the 
industrial revolution are the main causes for this rise. 
However, there are many steps that can be taken to halt 
this problem. 

After the industrial revolution there was a huge growth 
in the number of products available for people. Most 
of the producers try to attract consumers by using 
different types of packaging materials. Sometimes, the 
size and the amount of these materials are bigger than 
those for the products themselves. Also the production 
of new versions of different equipment, such as mobile 
phones, increases the waist. 

Moreover, while most people, in the past, used their 
own bags when they went for shopping, nowadays, they 
depend on the disposable bags offered by shops, which 
are mostly made from plastic. In addition to that, the 
consumption of prepared food has experienced a crucial 
increase as a result to the rise in the number of working 
women. These foods are covered by different types of 
packaging material leading to increase in the amount of 
rubbish produced per capita. 

Not only does the increase in the amount of rubbish 
threaten our lives by different pollutants, but it also 
causes depletion of valuable resources. For this 
reason there should be a new movement to decrease 
the amount of waste to its lowest level, and to use 
less harmful materials like biodegradable ones. 
Governmental and social organizations, like schools and 
media, should contribute to this process by explaining 
to people the important of conserving our environment 
and resources. 

Word count: 280 

Examiner’s comment 

A reasonably successful response that deploys both ideas 
and supporting evidence quite coherently. The sentence 
structures are varied, although some errors are evident. 
Overall, the response exhibits a fair level of precision and 
flexibility. Ambitious writing results in some grammatical 
inaccuracy, but this does not impose undue strain on the 

Possible score: 7.0 

Speaking Part 3 Page 57 

News and events 

influence: affect/have an impact/impact on 

encourage: persuade 

change: adapt/modify 

achieve: realize/accomplish/attain 

issues: matters/problems 

concern: worry 



Answer key 

World problems 

tackle: deal with 
discarded: thrown away 
waste: rubbish 
mankind: human beings 
dilemmas: problems 

Review 4 Page 58 



1 dilemma 

2 issue 

3 event 

4 opportunity 

5 incident 

6 impression 


1 Correct 

2 incident 

3 Correct 

4 situation 

5 Correct 

6 incident 

7 occasions 

8 Correct 

9 Correct 


1 shocking, stunned 

2 interesting, fascinates 

3 appealing, attracts 

4 satisfying, pleases 

5 alarming, frightened 

6 motivating, encourage 

7 worrying, troubled 

Countable and uncountable nouns 

1 litter 

2 clothing 

3 cash/money 

4 luggage/baggage 

5 fruit 

6 accommodation 

7 furniture 

8 crime 

9 media 



1 Nevertheless/Yet/Still 

2 Despite the fact that 

3 yet 

4 Much as/Although 


Possible answers 

a The general topic is water shortages. The question 
presents you with two separate opinions and asks for 
your opinion. You can follow' one opinion or you can 
agree with parts of each one. 
b The general topic is water shortages. The question 
asks you to describe the causes. It does not ask you 
for solutions. You can give examples of about three 
situations or problems around the world. Then you can 
give the cause for each. Although you are not asked for 
any solutions, you could mention one or two by way of 

Unit 5 The future 

Language focus: Ways of looking at the 
future Page 60 


1 Plan 

2 Plan 

3 Prediction 

4 Prediction 

5 Prediction 

6 Fixed schedule 


a 2 
b 1 
c 5 
d 3 
e 4 
f 6 


1 were flying - a 
shall I arrange - c 

2 going to spend - b 
it'll do - c 

3 we'll have completed - e 
it'll be w r orking - d 

4 are going to be - b 
it won’t last - c 

5 she arrives - f 
she'll be carrying - d 


1 will they really enjoy it/be enjoying 

2 I'll be sitting 

3 I'll meet you 

4 is going to happen, will happen 

5 will have improved 


1 The present simple is not possible. It is for a timetable. 

2 Society will not have changed dramatically by 2030. 
not going to shows this is a prediction about w'hat is not 
going to happen based on present information. 

The future perfect shows that it will not have happened 
before the date mentioned. 

3 The present continuous is not possible. 

4 The world is certainly going to change for the better by 

The future perfect shows that it will have happened 
before the date mentioned. 

going to show's this is a prediction about what is going to 
happen based on present information. 

5 The human race will live in more closely knit 
communities in the future. 

The future continuous predicts what will be happening 
in the future. 

The simple future makes a straightforward prediction. 

6 going to is not possible. Both are predictions. However, 
the simple future is a spontaneous reaction and going to 
is used after looking at the present information. 

Vocabulary 1: Adjective/noun collocations 
Page 61 

1 modem 

2 agricultural 

3 dominant 

4 thriving 



Answer key 

5 general 

6 urban 

7 governing 

8 indigenous 


1 general public 

2 modern civilization 

3 agricultural societies 

4 urban populations 

5 dominant culture 

6 governing elite 

Listening Section 1 Page 62 

1 booking office: a place where tickets are booked, bought 
and collected 

2 preview: a chance to see a show, film or play before it 
opens to the general public 

3 the week after next: two weeks from now 

4 restrictions: limitations 

5 sign up for: register for 

6 come up: appear 

7 register: enrol/join 

8 range: variety/scope 

Questions 1-6 

1 day passes/tickets 

2 Thursday 

3 Tuesday, Friday 

4 SF6733 

5 3/three 

6 special promotions 

Questions 7-10 

7 60 

8 45 minutes 

9 70 

10 17 

Word building: forming adjectives from 
nouns Page 64 


Adjectives ending - at _ 






industrial _ 

Adjectives ending -oils _ 





industrious _ 

Adjectives ending - ful __ 



beautiful __ 


1 spacious 

2 technological 

3 beautiful 

4 traditional 

5 national 

6 Luxurious 

7 populous 

8 successful 

Reading Page 64 

Possible answers 

robot developments 
types of robots 
examples from two countries 

different markets 

• students’ own answers 

• pragmatics: practical applications 

Questions 1-7 

1 receptionist 

2 vacuum 

3 different approaches 

4 human beings 

5 pragmatic 

6 the elderly 

7 technological revolution 

Questions 8-11 
8 B 9 A 10C 11 A 

Questions 12 and 13 

12 (undisputed) leader 

13 $210 million 

Vocabulary 2: Verbs of prediction Page 67 

prophesy, assume, foretell, foresee 

prediction, predicted/predictable; forecast, forecast(ed), 
projection, projected; estimation, estimated; anticipation, 
anticipated; expectation, expected 

1 By the year 2030 it is estimated that the population will 
have increased to nearly 70 million. 

2 Spectator numbers are forecast to rise dramatically 
towards the end of the year. 

3 It is projected that sales next month will be lower than 
this month. 

4 The forecast is for a substantial increase in passenger 
numbers./The forecast is that passenger numbers will 
increase substantially. 

5 Sales are predicted to climb at the rate of 20 per cent a 
year./lt is predicted that sales will climb at the rate of 20 
per cent a year. 

6 Attendances are anticipated to decline gradually in the 
next two years. 

7 It is expected that advances in technology will not slow 
down in the coming years. 

8 Ticket purchases are expected to recover in the third 

Writing Task 1 Page 68 

1 show 

2 is 

3 is expected 

4 is predicted 

5 will shrink 

6 will see 

7 is anticipated 

8 will fare 

9 represented 

10 is 

11 compares 

12 is expected 


Then, By contrast, While, but 




Answer key 


Second paragraph: It refers to ‘traffic volume from high¬ 
speed transport’. 

Third paragraph: This refers to the whole sentence ‘The 
former represented . 

Third paragraph: The former refers to ‘railways’. 


1 By contrast, By comparison 

2 By contrast, Meanwhile, 

3 but, whereas 

4 Meanwhile, By contrast 

5 whereas, whilst 


1 High-speed transport accounted for 9% of traffic volume 
in 1990 while in 2050 it is forecast to represent 41%. 

2 It is estimated that the proportion of the traffic volume 
of automobiles will fall to 35% in 2050 in contrast to 
53% in 1990. 

3 In 1990 automobiles made up the bulk of passenger 
kilometres (53%), but bv 2050, this is forecast to drop to 

4 In 1990 out of a total traffic volume of 23.4 trillion pkm, 
automobiles accounted for 53% compared to buses, 
railways and high-speed transport, 29%, 9% and 9%, 
respectively. By comparison, by 2020 it is anticipated 
that high-speed transport will jump to 41% with 
automobiles, buses, railways making up 35%, 20% and 
4% respectively. 

6 _ 

Sample answer 

The pie chart depicts different proportions of fuel type 
that generate energy in Florida 2007 compared with 
the forecast for 2017. 

Overall, it is clear that Natural gas is the main energy 
generator for both years, while Renewables and Oil 
come at the bottom of the list. For example, the energy 
generated by Natural gas increased from 38.8 % 
in 2007 to 54.4 % in 2017. Next comes the energy 
production by Coal which accounts for 29.3% of the 
energy market in 2007, followed by a drop of 5.6 % in 
the forecasted year of 2017. As for Nuclear, although 
it represents the third energy generator in Florida 
for both compared years, the trend here is upwards 
reaching 15.9 % at the estimated period. 

In contrast, there is a significant drop in the energy 
production for both Oil and Other sources in the two 
separate years from 6.7 % to 1.1% for the former and 
11.1 % to 3.4 % for the latter. As for the Renewables, 
the decrease in fuel generated over the period is less 

Word count: 178 

Examiner's comment 

A generally sound response with the main areas of the 
prompt covered and the main trends and counter trends 
identified. A sophisticated range of vocabulary is employed 
and the rubric is neatly paraphrased, although just 
occasionally the register and phrasing are slightly uneven. 
Errors in capitalization throughout. 

Possible score: 7.5 

Review 5 Page 70 

1 Do you think that modem civilization will change much 
over the next century ? 

2 Should we try to protect the remaining agricultural 

3 Are urban populations under threat from increasing 

4 Will the dominant cultures always be in control? 

5 Are indigenous peoples under threat? 

6 Do the governing elites have any idea what the lives of 
ordinary people are like? 

7 Do thriving communities in inner cities have a beneficial 
impact on society in general? 

8 Does the opinion of the general public influence 

Word building 

1 Electronic dictionaries are useless/not really very useful, 
because ... 

2 Certain south-east Asian countries are much more 
technological, because ... 

3 This country has many beautiful buildings, because ... 

4 Bangladesh is populous, because ... 

5 Agricultural jobs are very demanding, because ... 

6 A luxurious life is not open to all of us, because ... 

7 It is dangerous when astronauts go out into space, 
because ... 

8 Traditional skills are going out of fashion, because ... 

Ways of looking at the future 

1 leaves, I'll be sitting 

2 will have landed 

3 will lead 

4 will rise, will certainly disappear 

5 will be, will live/will be living, will be done, will be 



Extract 1 is personal, the others are all more abstract. 

Proof reading 

1 will have increased/will increase 

2 ..., whereas ... 

3 shows 

4 passenger numbers 

5 Traffic 

6 dramatically 

7 made up 

8 The most striking feature 

9 .... By contrast, ... 

10 predicted 

Unit 6 Fruits and seeds 

Reading Page 72 


a 4 b I c 3 d 2 

Text e relates to the making of a juice drink. 


a flowered, fruit, produced, seeds, fall, ground, carried, 
birds, animals, wind, drop, wait, spring, germinate, grow, 
process, repeats 

b blooms, crop, picked, taken, factory, oil, extracted, 
distilled, essence, perfumes, toiletries 
c lays, egg, leaves, plants, eggs, hatch, caterpillars, eat, 
leaves, form, cocoon, insect, emerges 



Answer key 

d plants, produce, flowers, open, attract insects, pollinate, 


fruit, ripens, collected, taken, factory, crushed, extract, 
juice, packaged, sent, shops, sold 

Questions 1-4 

1 C The phrase relates to the whole paragraph. 

2 G The phrase relates to part of the paragraph:... but 

certain types are grown in home dooryards ... 

3 B The phrase relates to the whole paragraph. 

4 D The phrase relates to part of the paragraph: The 

pomegranate tree is native from Iran to the Himalayas 
in northern India ... 

Questions 5-8 

5 FALSE. Paragraph B:... and extremely long-lived , some 
specimens at Versailles known to have survived two 
centuries . 

6 NOT GIVEN. The dowel's are mentioned in paragraph 
B, but there is no mention of whether they are 
particularly enticing to bees and birds or not. 

7 FALSE. Paragraph C: The seeds represent about 52% of 
the weight of the whole fruit . Note how the answer to 
number 1 helps you locate the answer for number 7. 

8 TRUE. Paragraph G: The plant favors a semi-arid climate 
and is extremely drought-tolerant. 

Questions 9-13 

9 pits 

10 stem 

11 tips 

12 development 

13 suckers 

Vocabulary 1: Conservation Page 76 


1 e, c 

2 c, a 

3 e, b 

4 b, d 

5 e. a 

6 b, a 

7d, b 

8 c, a 



2 lungs 

3 stretches, area, spoilt 

4 sights 

5 safeguarded 

6 Conservation, areas 

Language focus: Transitive and 
intransitive verbs Page 77 

a Transitive 
b Intransitive 


Intransitive: flowered, becomes, fall, drop, wait, germinate, 

Transitive: produced, carried, repeats 

NB become can be both transitive and intransitive in some 




























1 the sun 

2 cereals 

3 tea 

4 cotton 

5 a butterfly 

6 flowers 


Possible answers 

1 The sun rises and goes down every day. 

2 Cereals are reaped/gathered to make bread. 

3 Tea leaves are harvested to produce a hot drink from 

4 Cotton is white and is utilized to create a very light cloth. 

5 A butterfly comes out of a cocoon to become a flying 

6 Flowers are colourful, bloom in gardens and look and 
smell very' nice. 


become bigger, grow tall, blossom, appear, come out, fall 


seeds: sprout, eat, disperse, sow, plant, transplant, fall 
saplings: become bigger, grow tall, sprout, appear 
branches: become bigger, grow, prune, sprout, bear 
tree: become bigger, grow tall, blossom, appear, bear, grow, 
transplant, prune, cultivate, plant, sprout 
buds: appear, open up 

flowers: become bigger, grow tall, blossom, appear, open up, 
pollinate, grow, cultivate 

fruit: become bigger, appear, bear, grow, ripen, fall, harvest, 
eat, cultivate 


1 seeds 

2 are planted 

3 transplanted 

4 pruned 

5 trees 

6 become bigger 

7 leaves 

8 pollinate 

9 fruit 

10 ripen 

11 harvested 

Listening Section 2 Page 78 

Questions 11-13 
118 12 A 13 C 

Questions 14-17 

14 G 15 B 16 J 17 A 



Answer key 

Questions 18-20 


19 landscape 

20 seeds, flowers 

Vocabulary 2: Describing sequences Page 79 

at last 


1 If 

2 and, then 

3 Once 

4 then 

5 First 

6 After that 

7 At the same time 

The lifecycle of a mobile phone is being described. 

5 First, the various internal components like the chip are 
manufactured in one place. 

7 At the same time, the case and the Sim card are 

4 These are then shipped to a different factory for 

6 After that they are dispatched to a central warehouse for 

3 Once a device is broken, it is either thrown away or sent 
for recycling. 

1 If it is the latter, the broken components are mended 

2 and the phone is then sent for sale. 


The manufacturing process 


Id 2a 3c 4f 5e 6b 


3 c storage 

4 f delivery 

6 b pasteurization 
1 d harvesting 

4 f assembly 

5 e packaging 


storage: store 
delivery: deliver 
pasteurization: pasteurize 
harvesting: harvest 
assembly: assemble 
packaging: package/pack 

Writing Task 1 Page 80 

1 Once/When/As soon as, After 

2 Then/Next/After that 

3 where 

4 then/next/after that 

5 then 

6 where 




Possible answer 

Introduction: The pictures show how glass is recycled/the 
recycling process for glass. 

Overview: It is clear that during recycling glass goes 
through a number of stages 

Sample answer 

The picture shows how pencils are produced from logs 
and leads. 

On the whole, the process is not only efficient, because 
all parts of the tree are used but also ecofriendly. 

First, the seeds are cultivated in nurseries before 
being planted four months later. After three years 
the plantation is thinned facilitating the growth and 
improving the quality of the wood. Once the trees are 
fourteen years old, they are now ready to be used for 
the manufacturing of pencils and so are cut down to 
make logs. 

The wood obtained is cut into thin pieces, treated to 
become dry, and then left sixty days before being used 
for the production of pencils. At this stage, a groove 
is cut into the slat and a special glue is injected. After 
that, a black lead is put into the slat followed by the 
placement of an empty slat on top to form a sandwich, 
wdiich is heated and hard-pressed. By this action 
the two slats are converted into one piece which is 
then cut to produce individual pencils which in turn 
are finally printed, sharpened and stamped before 
reaching the consumers. 

Word count: 190 

Examiner’s comment 

This is an extremely fluent and well-realized response. 

The process is clearly presented. Occasional punctuation 
choices and overuse of markers slightly diminish clarity, 
but without impeding communication. A sophisticated 
range of vocabulary and grammatical structures are both 
in evidence, demonstrating near-first-language speaker 

Possible score 9.0 

Review 6 Page 82 


1 unspoilt 

2 conservation 

3 dominate 

4 scenery 

5 panoramic 

6 sights 

7 spaces 

8 protected 

9 disappear 

Transitive and intransitive verbs 

Transitive: absorbed, extracted, reducing, carry; collected, 
provide, needed, sent, treated, purified 
Intransitive: falls, runs off, is, rises, occurs 


Possible answers 

1 The sun shines. 

2 Rice is harvested and then cleaned, after which it is 
stored and then sold. 

3 Cotton is growm to make cloth. When it is picked, it is 
woven and made into clothes. 

4 Once the fruit is picked and squeezed, it is either diluted 
or concentrated and then bottled. 

5 When a mobile is sold it is used. As soon as it becomes 
worn out, it is thrown away. 

6 The butterfly lays its egg. The caterpillar eats the leaves 
and makes a cocoon. The butterfly emerges from the 
cocoon, lays eggs and the cycle repeats itself. 



Answer key 

Following directions 

1 We start off here at the bottom of Theed Street. 

2 The tour takes us past Wren House on the left. 

3 We then turn left into Chatham Street. 

4 We go past Brompton Palace which is on the north side 
of the street on our right. 

5 Just after the palace we immediately turn right into 
Manor Way, where we stop and look at the building of 
the College of Music, which is on our left. 

6 We then turn right into Weston Avenue to look at the old 
City Hall, which is on the north side of the street. 

7 We continue to the end of Weston Street where we go 

8 We then turn left and finish our tour on the north side of 
the Old City Hall. 

Proof reading 

1 germinates 

2 atmosphere 

3 shows 

4 lungs 

5 seeds 

6 countryside 

7 Pomegranates 

8 part 

9 steps 

Ready for Reading 

Understanding ‘True/False/Not Given’ 
statements Page 86 

1 more than (i) 

2 more for weapons than (i) 

3 only (b) 

4 is said to (h) 

5 ten (f) 

6 destroyed (g) 

7 simpler (d, i) 

8 all (c) 

9 arc connected (j) 

10 had an impact on (a) 


1 TRUE. ... between about 2000and 771 B.C . 

2 NOT GIVEN. There is no comparison of weapons and 
ritual objects. 

3 FALSE. ... speak of a series of ancient rulers who 
invented agriculture, writing, and the arts of government. 

4 TRUE. ... founding the Xia dynasty. 

5 FALSE. ... Yu also cast nine sacred bronze vessels. 

6 FALSE. ... these were passed on to subsequent dynasties. 

7 FALSE. ... the archaeological record reveals a more 
complicated picture of Bronze Age China. 

8 FALSE. Archaeological investigation has confirmed much 
of the legendary history of... - the Shang. 

9 TRUE Chinese scholars generally identify Xia with the 
Erlitou culture,... 

10 TRUE ... that greatly influenced material culture in the 
Shang and subsequent Zhou dynasties. 

Understanding ‘Yes/No/Not Given’ 
statements Page 86 

1 Comparison 

2 Comparison 

3 Recommendation 

4 Generalization 

5 Tentative proposal/possibility 

6 Possibility 

7 Qualifying adjective 

8 Qualifying word 

9 Comparison 


1 YES. Some adults are clearly intimidated by the 
environment of libraries and bookshops in a way that 
children are not. 

2 NOT GIVEN. The writer does not pass judgement about 
which way is the best 

3 NOT GIVEN. The writer does not give any opinion 
about this. 

4 NOT GIVEN. The writer does not pass judgement about 
any building. 

5 YES. So maybe there is a place for teaching library 
managers marketing skills. 

6 YES. This however may be a step too far for some people. 

7 YES. The writer states his opinion bv saving: all of which 
are worthwhile activities for attracting readers. 

8 NO. The writer states his opinion by saying: all of which 
are worthwhile activities for attracting readers. 

9 NOT GIVEN. The writer does not pass judgement. 

Reading Passage Page 88 

Questions 1-6 

1 viii 

2 i 

3 xi 

4 iv 

5 vi 

6 ix 

Questions 7-9 
7 B 8 D 9 A 

Questions 10-13 

10 widespread consultation 

11 Coastal managers 

12 traditional constructions 

13 isolation 

Recognizing and understanding basic text 
relationships Page 91 

1 The text is about cause and effect. 

2 Cause 

3 viii (methods-solutions); vi (techniques-methods/ 
solutions); ix (integrated approach/solution). Note 
paragraph A (X factors-causes) 

4 No. They use other words. See the words in brackets in 3. 

5 It is the effect. B is the cause. 

6 It is the cause. 

7 The word answers. 

8 It is based on cause/effect and problem/solution. 

9 It is historical. 

10 Possible answers: classification, argumentative, 
explanation and process 

Unit 7 The world of work and training 

Speaking Part 3 Page 92 


1 learning how to sail 

2 training at work 

3 school education 

4 learning how to play a musical instrument 



Answer key 

Vocabulary 1: Work Page 93 


1 livelihood 

2 work 

3 job 

4 job 

5 profession 

6 profession 

7 job, career 

8 job 


It is possible to use occupation in sentence 3. 

Reading Page 93 

Questions 1-5 
IB 2E 3H 4D 5A 

Questions 6-12 

6 traditional exams 

7 team 

8 teamwork 

9 practical work 

10 opinion 

11 stressful 

12 verbal presentations 

Question 13 

13 A 

Listening Section 3 Page 96 

Questions 21-25 







Questions 26-28 

26 information 

27 foolish 

28 nerves 

Questions 29 and 30 

29 good 

30 questionnaires 

Language focus: Conditionals 1 Page 97 

(3) If we'd given ourselves more time, it would've flowed 

(2) ... but if I had to do it again, I'd change a few things. 

(1) If I do it again, I'll spend more time making the delivery 


1 are given 

2 had been devoted 

3 will find 

4 had worked 

5 will turn out to be 

6 will decline 

7 would succeed 

8 had 


1 Unless the educational process ... 

2 Had there not been ... 

3 ... I would have been bom ... 

4 If people didn't have ... 

5 If some adults had ... 

6 Had universities been permitted ... 

Vocabulary 2: Collocations Page 98 

1 make 

2 education 

3 silver 

4 large 

5 get 

6 enjoy 

7 achieve 

8 accrue 

9 take up 
10 possess 


1 success, guaranteed 

2 failure, long-term, prospects, damaged 

3 deserves, chance 

4 improvement, scope/ room 

5 disadvantage, considerable/huge advantage/benefit 

6 benefits, accrue 

7 represents, achievement 

8 once in-a lifetime opportunity, seized 

Writing Task 2 Page 99 

1 Yes. 

2 You don't have to devote equal space to each side. See 3 

3 You can have two ideas on each side or two advantages 
and one disadvantage or vice versa. Try not to write a list 
of ideas. 

4 You need to use connecting words, but try not to overuse 
them. That is just as bad as not having any. 


achievement, considerable benefit, gained, distinct, obvious, 
disadvantage, opportunities, enjoy success, seize opportunity 


assessing/examining: testing/evaluating/checking knowledge 
preferred: most popular 

various means: a range of alternative methods, various forms 

while: although 

methods: approaches 

enormous: vast 

derived: gained 

angle: point of view 

on the other hand: conversely 

be appropriate for: suit 

use: manipulate 


a result:... then it is easier to check it on a written paper than 
in a group problem-solving exercise/Switching to written tests 
could then be problematic. 

a condition: if factual knowledge is being tested/if they were 
asked to take a more practical exam. 

a contrast: However, the obvious disadvantage of written tests 
is that they do not suit evervone. /Converselv. students used 
only to written tests would be at a distinct disadvantage. 
an example: For example, from an administrative point 
of view, the former are generally easier to deal with. /Take 
students in Italy where oral exams are used as a means of 
checking knowledge. 


1 ... practical. Moreover, it... 

2 ... vogue. However, knowledge ... 



3 ... acquired. Take texting, for example,.... This , but 
it ... 

4 ... experience. Furthermore, skills ... 

5 ... learnt, Then ... 


Sample answer 

These days a wide range of courses can be studied at 
schools and colleges to create skilled workers to feed 
the economy. Builders and plumbers find courses 
that suit their individual educational background 
and their vocational needs and the skills required. 
However, while this certainly help the economy, there 
are some disadvantages to just concentrate on skills 
that fit particular jobs and not providing a more wider 

The benefit of focusing on skill to fit particular jobs is 
saving time and then money. A quick glance at the range 
of careers we realise that many do not require years of 
studying in classroom. So then there is no reason why 
training tailored to the exact needs of the trainee and 
the economy should be provided. It might even seem 
ludicrous to some to spend huge amounts of money 
reaching a point which can be hit by far less effort on 
the job rather than in the classroom. Take for example 
IT workers specially trained to deal with specific areas 
of work, so an all round education for them does 
not appear to be necessary according to this way of 
thinking. They can learn on the job. 

There are a few drawbacks, however. If the emphasis 
is placed on skills at the expense of more general 
knowledge that they pick up from books and studying 
more widely, then pupils or students are missing out 
on knowledge they need to live and work in society in 
general. For example, they may not learn about the 
history or literature or about geography. And how the 
world works in general. This will lead to other problems 
for people. Their lives will not be fulfilled. So I think it 
is important for people to learn skills and more general 

Word count: 296 words 

Examiner^ comment 

This response makes some ambitious lexical and structural 
choices. The markers employed seem a little limited, 
resulting occasionally in uneven expression. However, 
the range of vocabulary and structures attempted give 
this response an individual voice, despite some imprecise 
grammar. On balance, communication is not seriously 

Possible score: 7.0 

Review 7 Page 102 



le 2b 3h 4c 5d 6f 7g 8a 

1 What qualifications are needed for the job? (livelihood) 

2 Work is good for you both mentally and physically, (job) 

3 He earns his living by making very delicate carvings in 
wood, (profession) 

4 Working as a fanner is a very noble profession, 

Answer key 

5 The job I'd like to do the future will have to be connected 
with social work, (profession) 

6 Having an occupation like teaching is very demanding, 
but also rewarding, (career) 

7 I would like to have a career in engineering if possible. 
(w ? ork) 

8 I’m interested in a career in finance, especially banking, 


Possible answ ers 

1 huge 

2 gained considerable 

3 (an) enormous 

4 improved 

5 squandered/thrown away 

6 (a) distinct 

7 room 

8 impressive 

Conditionals 1 

1 If, would have succeeded 

2 If, will need 

3 If, won’t succeed 

4 If, encouraged 

5 otherwise, will be 

6 wxmld be 

7 If, will cause 


1 Had they followed the guidelines, they would have 

2 New technologies need to be embraced with open arms; 
otherwise, the country won't progress. 

3 Unless more effort is put into the scheme, it won’t 

4 Were the government to encourage more people to take 
up training, it would benefit us all. 

5 If more houses aren't built, there will be a crisis. 

6 I'd be very surprised if we w ? ere ever to inhabit the 
moon./If we were ever to inhabit the moon, I'd be very 

7 Written exams should never be removed from the 
education system, otherwise it will cause enormous 

Proof reading 

opportunities, dissatisfied, relaxed, quite. Moreover, 


1 Correct 

2 achiev ement 

3 Correct 

4 improvement 

5 Correct 

6 career 

7 qualifications 

8 flexibility 

9 conversely 

10 Correct 

11 Correct 

12 excessive 



Answer key 

Unit 8 The history of geography 

Vocabulary 1: Nouns related to places 
Page 104 

1 Eurocentric map: shows the world from a Eurocentric 

2 Ptolemy’s map: shows the world as it was at that time. 

3 satellite aerial map of South America: shows the 
features of South America from space. 


1 neighbourhood/area, area/neighbourhood 

2 place, spot 

3 district, zone 

4 location, region 

5 area, space 

6 vicinity, neighbourhood 

7 places, regions, spots 

8 setting, region 


1 b 

2 a/d 

4 c 

5 h 

6 e 

7 i 

8 h/j 

9 a/g/i 


1 overlooking a small garden, neighbourhood with old 
buildings, disturbed only by the sound of birds and the 
odd car 

2 stretching for miles along the seashore, with plenty of 
opportunity for lots of boating and swimming, built two 
hundred years ago 

3 surrounded by beautiful mountains, with its purple 

4 a waterfall falling from a great height surrounded by 
trees, covered with trees but with view's looking out 

Speaking Part 2 Page 106 

o o o O o 

1 I was living in a small flat when I first came here, but 


then I... 

o O o o o o 

2 We stayed in a nice hotel overlooking the sea, because ... 

o O o o 

3 The place is very special to me, because it... 

O o o 

4 The place I'm going to describe for you is ... 

o o O o 

5 I like the area very much, because its... 

Listening Section 4 Page 107 


The migration of humans over time. 



31 number 

32 noun 

33 number 

34 noun (phrase) 

35 noun (phrase) 

36 number (fraction or percentage) 

37 noun 

38 noun (place) 

39 noun (phrase) 

40 noun (phrase) 

2 35 and 39 are likely to have plural nouns 

3 31 and 33 relate to time 

4 37 relates to a reason for something 

5 35 

6 36 

Questions 31-40 

31 100,000 

32 temperature 

33 45,000 

34 land mass 

35 (simple) boats 

36 30/thirtv percent/per cent/% 

37 yam 

38 Sudan 

39 w'ork fields 

40 military advantage 

Language focus: Referring in a text Page 108 

1 this first group of modem humans, they 

2 the earth 


1 The neighbourhood 

2 the region 

3 The cost of farming has increased dramatically over the 


The nouns w'ould need to be in the latter part of the 
sentence or the whole sentence. They are too far away from 
this to refer to. 


It is not really possible to work out what it refers to: cost / 
fanning/periodlthe whole sentence or part of the sentence. 

If you keep the word rise, the phrase This rise refers tothe 
latter part of the sentence from increased onw ards. If you 
use this on its own, it can refer to the same part of the 
sentence or the whole sentence. 


1 It 

2 That, it 

3 This new development 

4 it, it 

5 This 

6 they, This 

7 those 

8 these areas 


1 The price of property in this region is increasing and 
this/it is set to continue. 

2 The neighbourhood was poor once but it is rich now. 

3 I like visiting the seaside when nobody is around. It is 
very relaxing. 

4 If people make an effort to clean up after themselves 
w hen they visit parks, then these places will be much 
more inviting for the public in general. 

5 He suggested I should go aw r ay for a couple of days. This 
is okay, but it is an expensive solution. 

6 The government should pass law's to protect more areas 
of great natural beauty. This w'ould benefit all of us. 

7 Progress cannot be stopped. It is inevitable, even if it is 
very slow, and it stops altogether for a w'hile. But this is 
unlikely to happen. 



Answer key 

Reading Page 108 

1 complex 

2 abstract 

3 images 

4 overtones 

5 indigenous 

6 posterity 

7 secular 

8 artefacts 

9 profound 
10 compile 


Questions 1-5 

1C 2 E 3 F 4 G 5 D 

Questions 6-11 

6 time, space 

7 bark 

8 cosmos 

9 plan 

10 expeditions 

11 clay tablets 

Questions 12 and 13 




Vocabulary 2: Verbs relating to changes in 
maps Page 111 

t g 

2 b/c/d 

3 a 

4 b/c/d 

5 b/c/d 

6 c 

7 o/f 


1 was extended 

2 expanded 

3 was constructed 

4 completely changed/was completely changed 

5 became 

6 took place, altered 

7 became 

8 was developed/developcd 


at ion*, alteration 
-ition: demolition 

-sion: extension, expansion, conversion 
-tion: construction 
-ment: development 

4 - 

1 There was an extension of the railway to the centre ot 
town and three new stations were built. 

2 As the tow r n expansion took place/happened/occuned, 
all the open spaces were used up for housing. 

3 The construction of an airport took place/happened/ 
occurred on a greenfield site on the edge of the town. 

4 There was a complete change in the neighbourhood/A 
complete change in the neighbourhood occurred/took 
place/happened with the building of new apartments. 

5 Not possible 

6 A number of dramatic developments took place with the 
complete alteration of the character of the town. 

7 Not possible 

8 The development of the empty space near the university 
into a park took place/occurred. 

The area underwent a complete transformation over the 

Writing Task 1 Page 112 

1 A residential area is located in the north-we sLof the 

2 Tn the north- east of the residential area, there are 
several derelict warehouses. 

3 South of the warehouses in the nort h are located some 
offices./Some offices are located south of the warehouse 
in the north. 

4 West of the river and south of the residential area i£_ 
situated the Arts Centre./The Arts Centre is situated west 
of the river and south of the residential area. 

5 The university is sited in the north-east,w -estjof the 

6 The shopping centre is situated in the south-west of the 

7 There is a residential area in the south-east ot the town. 

8 The industrial complex is located in the centre, east of 

the river. . , 

9 In the north-east (comer) of the town lies a woodland. 

10 In the middle of the woodland in the north-east of the 
town there is a pond. 

11 The school is located east of the river and west ot the 
industrial complex. 


1 Residential area 

2 Shopping centre 

3 School 

4 Lake 

5 Hotel 

6 Railway station 

7 Industrial zone 

8 Park 

9 Industrial wasteland 

10 Entertainment area 


1 True 

2 False 

3 True 

4 True 

5 False 

6 True 

7 True 

8 True 

9 True 

10 True 

1 A hotel was built in place of the hospital in the west of 
the town./In the west of the town a hotel w^as built in 
place of the hospital. 

2 The university gave w^ay to a park. 

3 An entertainment area was built on the site ot the public 
gardens in the south-east of the town. 

4 The school in the west of the town did not change. 

5 The park w ? as turned into an industrial wasteland. 

6 The fields on the south-w est border of the towrn were 
given over to an industrial zone. 

7 The quarry just south of the centre of the tow n has 
become a lake. 

8 The coach station in the centre of the town was 
reconstructed to become a railway station. 



Answer key 

9 A shopping centre replaced part of the residential area/ 
was built in the north of the town. 

10 Overall, the town has undergone an urban 

6 _ 

Sample Answer 

The maps illustrate the changes that took place in 
Lakeside between 2000 and 2009. 

It is clear that there was an almost complete 
transformation of the town of Lakeside with a 
significant decrease in the residential area by the end 
of the period. The residential neighbourhood in the 
southwest of the town were changed into a shopping 
centre and the industrial complex expanded to 
replace the residential are in the south east. While the 
woodland in the northeast of the town shrank and the 
lake became a small pond. 

The old town and the derelict warehouse in the 
north were knocked down and a car park and offices 
were constructed. The arts centre was converted to 
a multiscreen cinema. In the west of the woodland a 
new university was built. The school was relocated to 
the centre of the town. 

All in all, the maps show that Lakeside became more 
organized with less green area. 

Word count: 161 words 

Examiner's comment 

Some effective lexical choices and language structures are 
in evidence. The salient points are covered, although better 
sentence coordination might have helped this read less 
mechanically. Any grammatical and orthographical errors 
(e.g. subject-verb agreement in line 7 ‘are’ for‘area’ in line 9) 
do not seriously impede communication. 

Possible score: 6.5 

Review 8 Page 114 

1 place 

2 Correct 

3 region 

4 zones 

5 spaces 

6 Correct 

7 vicinity 

8 district 



Id 2e 3a 4b 5c 

And why it is this place so special for me? Well, I think its 
because it is really peaceful over there. I can sit for hours 
without seeing anyone, just gazing into the distance space : 
it is so relaxing. There are no any noisy streets with the car 
radios and people, only a peaceful riverbank surrounded by 
trees and flowers w ith the only sounds be those of the birds 
and the river flowing down through the wood. 1 am often 
wonder how^ long it will stay like that. 


o o o O o 

1 The place I’d like to describe is a hillside covered ... 

o o o o O 

2 A place that's special for me is a mountain with ... 

o o o o O o 

3 The place I like the best is a park stretching ... 

o o O o 

4 It has to be a forest teeming ... 

o o o O o 

5 I’d like to tell you about a valley surrounded ... 

Referring in a text 

1 It 

2 they 

3 This 

4 this/it 

5 It, this, It, These/This, it 

6 This, This 

Proof reading 

1 illustrates (illustrate) 

2 tranformation (transformation) 

3 substituted (replaced) 

4 chopped (knocked) 

5 surrounding (surrounded) 

6 change (changes) 

7 (w r ere) erected 

8 turned (into) offices 

9 territory (area) 

10 increase (increased) 

Unit 9 What is beauty? 

Vocabulary: Beauty Page 116 

1 I.M Pei's Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France 

2 Zaha Hadid's Innsbruck railway station, Austria 

3 modem skyscraper 

4 the tombs at Petra in Jordan 

5 modem social housing 


A tall, ancient, spacious, high, stone 
B evocative, overawed, melancholic, thoughtful, 

dazzling, humbling, beautiful, magnificent, impressive, 
overwhelmed, emotional, ecstatic, overjoyed, nostalgic, 


1 beautify 

2 humble 

3 emotion/aw r e 

4 melancholy 

5 evoke 

6 think 


1 They tried to make the town centre beautiful by putting 
fknvers ... 

2 ... the Sphinx was very humbling/filled me with 

3 The sight of the Himalayas made me feel emotional/The 
sight of the Himalayas moved me ... 

4 ... that I love sometimes makes me melancholic ... 

5 ... my home country, they are evocative of so many 
memories ... 

6 ... wandering through the mins made me thoughtful 
about life ... 

Listening Section 3: Page 118 

The project is about the photographs he took of India. 


1 perception: way of looking at things 



Answer key 

2 collage: arrangement/random collection of items 

3 take in: understand/absorb 

4 grandeur: magnificence 

5 digital stills: digital images 

6 narrow down: limit 

7 access: get into 

8 discipline: control 

9 fade: weaken, become pale, disappear 
10 click: select (on a computer) 

Questions 21-25 

21 A 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 C 

Questions 26-30 

26 time limit 

27 attention span 

28 department website 

29 project(s) background 

30 4/four 

Word building: Prefixes under - and over- 
Page 119 

1 underestimated 

2 overrun 

3 overrated 

4 undervalued 

5 overcome 

6 overtook 

7 underfunded 

8 underrated 

9 understated 
10 overawed 

Reading Page 121 

1 fused 

2 familiar 

3 beloved 

4 romanticized 

5 obfuscating 

6 showed youthful promise 

7 ingenious 

Questions 1-6 

1 industrial structures 

2 architectural heritage 

3 conservative 

4 (very) advanced 

5 green 

6 (popular) success 

Questions 7-11 
7 B 8 C 9 A 10 A 11B 

Questions 12 and 13 




Language focus: Modal verbs for 
evaluating Page 124 

1 should 

2 could have 

3 might have 

4 might 

5 must 

6 could be 

7 should be 

8 ought to 

9 must 




a conclusion: 5, 9 
a criticism: 1,2, 4 
a regret: 4 
an expectation: 7 
a suggestion: 8 

a possibility/weak suggestion: 6 

Writing Task 2 Page 124 

1 Everything in the physical world around us makes 
an impression on us directly or indirectly, and so 
neighbourhoods in many cities where people live are 
being made more appealing. 

2 People are able to see and appreciate different cities 
all around the world thanks to cheap travel and the 

3 Some countries are now becoming richer than in the 
past, leading to pride in their national standing. 

4 For example, a park was opened and trees were planted, 
and then suddenly the health of the people in that 
district of the city improved. 

5 The lack of space has saved many old buildings with 
planners turning to renovation rather than erecting new 

6 As a result of turning old mins into gardens, people are 
happier and are now more productive. 


a 1 cause b, effect a 

2 cause b, effect a 

3 cause a, effect b 

4 cause a, effect b 

5 cause a, effect b 

6 cause b, effect a 
b Cause: 

2 thanks to 

1 and so 

3 leading to 

4 and then 

5 with 

6 As a result of 

c In sentence 2 the prepositional phrase thanks to 
indicates the cause without any linking device. In 
sentence 3 the gerund is used to show a result and in 
sentence 5 the effect is contained in the prepositional 
clause beginning with the preposition with. In 6 the 
prepositional phrase as a result of introduces the cause, 
d In 4 the w ord then could be left out. 


1 shouldn't have relaxed, As a result there are 

2 should be attractive, thanks to 

3 Thanks to/With, now lighten up 

4 has a positive effect, which in turn 

5 With/Thanks to, are focusing on 

Sample answer 

Enormous importance has been laid on making school 
children aw'are of the natural environment in recent 
years. Many people now feel that more time should be 
given to the part architecture plays in our lives. Children 



Answer key 

are sometimes overwhelmed by information about the 
nature and it is perhaps learning about the built world is 
a good counterbalance. 

I think knowledge of the built environment is important 
for everyone, but especially school children. For 
example, if children learn to distinguish different types 
of buildings like those from before, it will help them 
learn about its part in the history and it will bring it into 
the life. Children can go visits to see buildings for 
themselves rather than learning about them from books. 
In this wav both buildings and historv will be brought to 

The importance of old buildings where the children live 
or pass through on the way to school will be brought 
home to them. They are then less likely want to damage 
them by writing graffitti on the building or damaging 
them in some way. In this way, they will grow learning to 
respect the built environment in same way as the natural 

Learning about the built environment can introduce 
children to areas of study that they might not otherwise 
be interested in. Studying buildings also involves the way 
that they are laid out and gives children the appreciation 
of the way towns and cities are designed, which may lead 
to an interest in infrastructure like town-planning or 
transport or designing open spaces or squares. 

So learning about built environment will help in 
childrens general education. 

Word count: 270 words 

Examiner's comment 

Ideas are logically organized and supported by appropriate 
examples. Despite some ungrammatical phrasing 
which impedes communication, overall a sophisticated 
level of grammatical expression is displayed with good 
paragraphing and transitions in evidence. The lexical 
choices are skilful, although the conclusion is somewhat 

Possible score: 7.5 

Review 9 Page 126 



la, e 2d 3c 4b 


1 Part 3. It is abstract. 

2 Part 2. It is personal and describing something. 

3 Part 1. It is personal. 

4 Part 1. It is personal. 


1 beautiful 

2 thoughtful 

3 evocative 

4 nostalgia 

5 humbling 

6 melancholic 

7 impression 

8 ecstasy 


2 ... made me think 

3 ... The old town evoked a bygone age. 

4 I w'as very nostalgic w hen I looked at the photographs. 

5 ... Angkor Wat filled me with humility. 

6 The building filled me with melancholy at first... 

7 The city of Tokyo was hugely impressive the first time I 
visited it. 

8 ... they have the powder to make people feel ecstatic. 

Word building 

1 The last time I visit I visited the magnificent city of 
Pompeii it left me cold. It w ? as so overrun by tourists. 

2 The photographs of my home town brought back lots of 
memories. I was really overcome by emotion. 

3 The countryside around where I was brought up is 
very bleak, but 1 am still overawed by it each time I go 

4 The vast open spaces of the Steppes are beautiful. Their 
beauty is so underestimated, perhaps because it is so 
difficult to get there. 

5 The architecture of the railway station is not 
understated; it is just plain and subtle. That is why it is 

6 The preservation of the architecture of former times 
reflects the traditions and values of a nation. When 
such precious national items arc undervalued by- 

people generally, it unfortunately leads to them being 

underfunded or not supported financially at all. 

7 If tourist attractions arc overpriced it puts people off 
visiting them. So the main wav to attract tourists and 
increase revenue is to make the cost of travel to and from 
the attractions cheaper and reduce the entrance fees. 


Students’ own answ-ers. 

Modal verbs for evaluating 

should be 

shouldn't have been demolished 
ought to have been preserved 
could have erected 
should now make 
might have started 


1 A criticism: shouldn't have been demolished; ought to 
have been preserved; might have started 

2 An expectation: should now make 

3 A weak suggestion: could have erected 

4 A recommendation: should be (sensitive) 

Ready for Writing 

Task 1 

Describing a graph Page 128 

All except 5 and 18. 


generally speaking 

a gradual fall 

the dramatic decrease 

contrasted with the steady recovery 

latter part of the period 

an upward trend 

peak at 



1 A better overview w'ould be: 

Generally speaking, there was a variation in the trends for 
the four groups (downwards for children of 0-4 and 15-19 



Answer key 

years; and upwards for those aged 5-9 and 10-14) with 
the decline in the birth rate, which was evident in the 0-4 
group, being the most striking feature. 

The structure with despite does not work, as there is no 
real contrast between the decline in the birth rate and 
the contrasting trends. 

2 Yes. In the youngest age group, there was an increase 
during the first two years from just below 26% in 1990 to 
about 26.6% in 1992 followed by a gradual fall to nearly 
23.5%, the lowest percentage in 2001./Looking at the 
former group, the percentage peaked at approximately 
26.4% in 1997 but the final proportion (about 25.4%) 
remained greater than the initial (nearly 24.6%). 

3 The student summarizes the information. See the 
overview and the second sentence in 2 as examples. 

4 Yes: Regarding the 15-19 age group, By contrast, Looking 
at the former group, As regards the latter 

5 11: despite the two contrasting trends, the most striking 
point, In the youngest age group, the lowest percentage, 
can be contrasted with, the latter part, By contrast, the 
former group, greater than, the latter, the greatest 

6 There are more nouns: an increase, a gradual fall, the 
dramatic decrease, the steady recovery. It makes it easier 
to summarize and to compare and contrast. 

7 peaked at, increased 

8 children of 0-4 and 15-19 years, those aged 5-9 and 
10-14, the youngest age group, the 15-19 age group, 
children aged 5-9 and 10-14, the former group, the latter, 
the children in this category 

Describing a bar chart Page 130 

The chart provides a breakdown by gender and occupation 
of employment in the United Kingdom ranging from 
managerial to basic posts in 2007. 


Overview 2, because it contrasts both males and females 

u.nd the types of jobs. 


Managerial and senior officials: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 

Professional: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 

Associate professional and technical: 2, 6, 7, 8, 13 

Administrative and secretarial: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13 

Skilled trades: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 

Personal service: 2, 3, 6, 7. 8. 13 

Sales and customer service: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13 

Process, plant and machine operatives: 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,13 

Elementary: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 

4 _ 

Sample answer 

The bar chart gives approximate percentages of a 
Labour Force Survey in the United Kingdom by 
gender and occupation (9 different categories) in 
2007. The research reveals striking variations between 
both sexes according to the post. 

The most obvious differential was in administrative 
and secretarial posts in which the proportion of 
women was four times higher than men, just above 
20% (by far the highest figure in the table) and just 
under 5% respectively. By contrast, the proportion 
of men (nearly 19%) was 9 folds bigger than women 
(approximately 2%) in skilled trades. 

Managers and senior officials showed more men 

with 19% than women at 11%. There was only a 2% 
difference between men and women in professional 
employment where men accounted for 19% of the 
workforce compared to women at 17%. Meanwhile, 
women (21%) occupied more associate professional 
and technical jobs than men (13%). 

In conclusion, all employment varied according to 
sex and occupation with men being employed in 
professional jobs with women being in more clerical 

Word count: 167 words 

Examiner's comment 

Not all the data from the table is mentioned and the 
analytical focus is skewed towards male employment, but 
overall the answer is reasonably effective and coherent. 
Language structures are confidently handled. Markers are 
employed appositely. The range of vocabulary is flexible 
and, on the whole, accurate. 

Possible score: 7.0 

Describing a table Page 131 

Asia, Africa, Population density 


compares, features (not figures), show, life expectancy, as 
regards, Turning to North America, stood 


1 standing at 

2 among those studied 

3 despite having 

4 turning to 

5 was second 

6 exceeded 

7 with a higher total fertility rate of 

Describing a process Page 132 

1 At either point. 

2 The suns rays. 

3 It is pumped around. See the Controller on the diagram. 

4 It warms up. The colour changes. 

5 It controls the flow of water around the system. 

6 It flows down the pipes into the tank. 

7 Yes 

8 They are two separate systems. 

9 No 
10 Yes 


heat up, warm (up), cool, pump, push, flow (down/through/ 
out of), rise (up), come out of, repeat, go round 


first(ly), first of all, second(ly), then, next, after that, 
afterwards, subsequently, following that, w r hen, where, and 
so, as a result, consequently, finally, 


The diagram shows how hot water is produced in the home 
using solar energy. 


The process involves a series of steps from feeding cold 
water into the tank to producing hot water for domestic use, 
including heating. 



Answer key 

6 _ 

Sample answer 

The diagram shows how the solar energy can be used 
to heat water in the domestic field. 

To heat the water, two separate immersion loops are 
fitted in the tank; the top one is connected to the boiler 
while the one at the bottom is a part of the ‘Solar 
Heating System' (SHS). Both are heated up by the 
flowing hot water inside them which in turn heats the 
tank water indirectly. 

The pump circulates the water in the SHS with the 
flow rate according to the received signals from the 
controller. As the cold water is piped up to the solar 
collector, thermal energy is captured from sun’s rays 
and transferred to the pipe. Subsequently, the heated 
water is directed down to the bottom immersion 
loop for heating the tank water to provide hot water 
through the taps and for heating. The cooled water 
then returns to the pump and the cycle repeats itself. 

The incoming cold feed fills the tank up as the hot 
water is taken out via hot water taps. This way the 
steady flow of hot water to the taps is assured. 

Word count: 187 words 

Examiner's comment 

Well organized with very confident use of sentence 
structure. Very broad vocabulary range and good language 
resource overall. Both active and passive verb forms are 
used fluently and to good effect. Relevant markers are 
introduced appropriately. 

Possible score: 8.5 

Describing a map Page 134 


1 changes 

2 took place 

3 became 

4 turned into 

5 had been replaced 

6 development 

7 relocation 

8 urbanization/changes 

9 were demolished 

10 construction 

11 conversion 

12 expansion 

Task 2 Page 136 

Local: can see the results, charity begins at home, help 
needed in own country, poverty relative, money often badly 
spent, want to help specific areas/‘pet projects', see value 
(Inter)national: people more needy elsewhere, 
international administration costs 

(Inter)national and local: difficulty tracking expenditure, 
people weary of appeals, depends on the charity, people s 
aims, makes them feel good 


Nowadays there are demands on both parents to work and 
look after their children at the same time. For this reason 
I think that children should be sent to school early, but 
during the first years priority should be given to play rather 
than to formal study. 

Play is crucial because it develops children’s coordination, 
communication and social interaction skills. For example, 
if children are throwing a ball to each other the physical 
and mental skills required are sophisticated as eye to hand 
coordination is involved. Furthermore, children develop a 
sense of communication and socialize with each other. The 
mental and physical development brought about by these 
games must also be taken into account. And what is more, 
while playing children compete with each other and learn 
to lose, which is as essential as learning to succeed in life. 
Children fully engaged in play activities from an early age 
under their parents’ supervision gain various skills that 
they will need in their adulthood. 


Essay question 1 


1 The writer's opinion: For this reason I think that children 
should he sent to school early hut during the first years 
priority should he given to play rather than to formal 

2 Reasons:... because it develops children’s coordination, 
communication and social interaction skills./ 
Furthermore, children develop a sense of communication 

and socialize with each other. 

3 A complex sentence with a condition and example: For 
example, if children are throwing a ball to each other the 
physical and mental skills required are sophisticated as 
eye to hand coordination is involved. 

4 Additional information:... which is as essential as 
leaning to succeed in life ... /Furthermore, children 
develop a sense of communication and socialize with each 
other./And what is more, while playing children compete 
with each other and learn to lose ... 

5 A contrast: However, in modem society both parents need 
to work ... 

6 A purpose:... in order to afford the increasing cost of 
living and to ensure a bright future for their families. 

7 Recommendations: ...schools should focus more on play 
to compensate for the lack of play experience they may 
miss at home. Teachers in nursery and reception classes 
and even in the first years of primary school should take ... 


Sample answer 

Health is very important for people. In some countries 
there are two main types of health care systems, 
the state and the independent. Some people have 
argued about the private health care sectors, but both 
providers have one great purpose, which is to keep 
public healthy. In my opinion, the state and the private 
health care systems have many benefits and some 

Firstly, it is essential that all children have free health 
care, because all countries have to have healthy next 
generation. Secondly, there are some dangerous 
transmitted infectious diseases like VD, which have to 
treat by the state. Thirdly, in the modem world many 
patients are suffering by blood cancer for instance, 
this is worldwide problem. In this case no doubt 
about, free treatment. 

The private health care is paid for separately, usually 
through the insurance. This sector is expensive and 
do not easy accessible to everybody, but provides 
faster and better quality services than state system. 

For example, in England patients are waiting for their 
operations a few months, while in the private hospital 
the same treatments waiting time is about 4-5 days. 



Answer key 

Moreover, in some cases people are purchasing one- 
off treatments because of the government financial 
deficits. In addition, a fast diagnostic system and 
relatively treatment at the early stage of some diseases 
could be is much more effective. These services always 
do not offer the free clinics, because they are crowded. 

To sum up, people always worry about their health 
problems .To address this public concerns, patients 
should have high standard the state or private health 
care serv ices, which provide the effective treatments 
for all their patients. 

Word count: 272 words 

Examiner's comment 

Tdeas are presented quite coherently and logically with 
some flexibility and precision of vocabulary in evidence. 
The question focus is on private care, but this response 
compares and contrasts the two systems, concluding rather 
unconvincingly. Good use of markers, but ungrammatical 
phrasing in paragraphs three and four cause strain on the 

Possible score: 6.0 

Unit 10 Is it art? 

Speaking Part 3 Page 140 


1 painting 

2 architecture 

3 cinema 

4 dance 

5 theatre 

Listening: Section 2 Page 141 

Question 11 

11 a sensation 

Questions 12-14 


Questions 15-17 

15 A 

16 A 

17 B 

Questions 18-20 

18 reporters 

19 test 

20 department store 

Vocabulary: Art Page 142 


Possible answers 

1 play: actor, actress, lead (role), playwright, director, 
producer, costume designer, set designer 

2 orchestra: conductor, musician, pianist, violinist, 

3 novel: novelist, writer, author, reader, editor 

4 book: novelist, writer, author, reader, editor 

5 newspaper: journalist, columnist, editor, printer, 
contributor, reader 

6 sculpture: sculptor, artist 

7 song: singer, songwriter 

8 symphony: composer, musician, conductor 

9 ballet: dancer, choreographer, composer, musician 
10 film: actor, actress, director, star, starlet, producer, 

distributor, scriptwriter 


1 draw, illustrate, artist, sketch 

2 stories, fiction, novels 

3 musician, symphony, compose, conduct 


1 drama, scenery, produced, play, highbrow 

2 work, drew, Abstract, classical, allusions 

3 modern, appreciate, critical 

4 novels, masteipieces, tales, tell, popular, soap operas 


1 exhibition 

2 sculptures 

3 criticism 

4 collection 

5 critics 

6 scenery 

7 visual 

Language focus: Defining and non¬ 
defining clauses Page 144 

1 a a play about w r hich additional information is being 

given regarding age 

b defining clause needed to identify a particular play 

2 a additional information not necessary for 


b defining clause needed to identify which anthem 

3 a defining clause is needed to distinguish the man/ 

woman from others 

b there is only one and he/she has just left 

4 a defining clause is needed to distinguish between 


b extra information given which is not needed 

5 a defining clause to point out which architect it was 
b additional information 

6 a defining clause to point out which singer it is 
b the singer is not being identified 


1 -, that/which are also possible 

2 whose 

3 which 

4 which 

5 -,that/which are also possible 

6 who 

7 -, that/which are also possible 

8 -, that/whom/who are also possible 


1 c My uncles flat, which overlooks the opera house, is 

empty for the next two weeks, so I'm staying there. 

2 d The friend whose father is the film director got me 

into the film preview. 

3 b One of my sculptures, which 1 made when I started the 

art course, has just won an art prize. 

4 f The film, which has some breathtaking locations, 

starts in a few r minutes. 

5 g 1 like literature that is not dumbed down or simplified 

in any way. 

6 a Is that the folk concert that you were praising last 

night because of the quality of the singer? 

7 e The culture tour, wrhich was incredibly expensive for 

the length of the trip, was dazzling. 



Answer key 

Writing Task 2 Page 145 


1 arts 

2 artistic 

3 galleries 

4 participating 

5 Take 

6 physical 

7 coordination 

8 Likewise 

9 exhibition 

10 gallery 


1 but it does not mean that we should not be involved 
in some kind of artistic activity even if it only means 
visiting art galleries or attending lectures on the arts. 

2 ..., which benefit the individual and the nation as a 
whole, ...; Dance, which requires a lot of movement, ...; 

... coordination, which is a skill that is missing in a lot of 
education today as children focus on learning through 

3 There are no defining clauses. However, you could 
remove the commas from the following and make 
it into a defining clause: Dance which requires a lot 
of movement is ... This would mean only dance that 
requires a lot of movement not dance that requires 
gentle movement. 

4 to gain more knowledge 

5 Take dancing, for example. 

Reading Page 146 


1 Correct 

2 Correct 

3 Correct 

4 Correct 

5 Incorrect: means 'group' 

6 Incorrect: means 4 go/run quickly to' 

7 Incorrect: means 'backw ard-looking' 

8 Correct 

9 Incorrect: means 'honest' 

10 Correct 

Questions 1-9 

1 D 

2 G 

3 L 

4 P 

5 I 

6 H 

7 J 

8 F 


Questions 10-13 

10 F 

11 E 

12 A 

13 B 

Speaking Part 2 Page 149 


1 I'm going to describe a piece of art, which I think is a work 
of great craftsmanship and the most beautiful object in the 
world for me. It is David by Michelangelo, who is a great 
Italian sculptor. 

2 The first time I saw it was when I went from Rome to 
Florence to see my aunt .... One day she took me there to 
visit the statue of David. I didn *t want to go as I hated art 

galleries and museums.... 1 thought they were boring and 
old-fashioned ... But I was completely overawed, because 
it is such a breathtaking sculpture ... 

3 As for its appearance, it is very tall and it is made of 
marble. The statue is looking off into the distance as if he 
is looking into the future .... 

4 Because Michaelangelos David changed the way I looked 
at art galleries, I shall always be very fond of it. 


David, Florence, aunt, hated galleries, boring, overawed, 
tall, changed (view f ) 


Sample phrases: 

,who w r as working there at the time. 

And up until then I had always avoided visiting them. 

, because I did not think they offered anything for young 

, and I had never seen anything like it before. 

, and you w'ant to see where he is looking. 

Review 10 Page 150 

1 (soap) operas 

2 composed (the symphony) 

3 (great) novelist 

4 (many) plays 

5 (an) artist 

6 (great) sculptor 

7 (actors and) actresses 

8 (some of the) dancers 


1 drama, stages, scenery, Drama, produce, plays, 

2 abstract, classical, allusions, art 

3 appreciate, favourable 


a 3 

b 2 

c 1 

Defining and non-defining clauses 

1 I saw the film which/that/- you recommended to me last 

2 That is the house which/that/-1 bought last year. 

3 Literature, which is compulsory in the school 
curriculum, is popular in my country. 

4 The gallery, which is at the end of the street, had its main 
piece of art stolen. 

The gallery that/which is at the end of the street had its 
main piece of art stolen. 

The gallery thatAvhich had its main piece of art stolen is 
at the end of the street. 

The gallery, which had its main piece of art stolen, is at 
the end of the street. 

5 Some children, w r hose parents take them to museums, 
are very advanced at school. 

6 The film, which was four hours long, was attacked by 
the critics. 

The film that/which was four hours long was attacked by 
the critics. 

7 Many books thatAvhich do not sell many copies are 
published each year in the UK. 

8 My favourite w T ork of art, which is not a huge tourist 
attraction, is a building in Ireland. 

9 Some types of music that/which are very popular in my 
country are not well known elsewhere. 

10 The man that/who is wearing a red hat is the director of 
the film. 



Answer key 

1 who 

2 which 

3 that/- 

4 which 

5 whose 

6 which 

7 that/- 

8 that/which 

Proof reading 

1 exhibitions 

2 sculptures 

3 relaxing, than 

4 environment 

5 Literature which is more than 100 years old is not really 
relevant to the modem world. 

6 boundaries 

7 visual 

Unit 11 Psychology and sociology 

Vocabulary: The family Page 152 

1 village community 

2 nuclear family 

3 large extended family 

4 grandparent and grandchild 


1 parents 

2 grandparents 

3 siblings 

4 family tree 

5 someone whose husband has died 

6 someone whose wife has died 

7 someone who guarantees to support and give religious 
education to a child at the time of baptism; male - 
godfather; female - godmother 

8 relatives 

9 ancestor 

10 niece/nephew 

11 family 

12 household 

13 offspring 

14 orphan 


lb 2 e 3 f 4a 5c 6d 7g 

Word building: Suffixes -hood and -ship 
Page 153 

1 He faced a period of great hardship in his early life, so it 
is inspiring to see him being so successful now. 

2 When the former colony finally achieved nationhood, 
there was widespread celebration. 

3 He had leadership qualities, and therefore he received 
enormous backing from the public. 

4 The relationship problems between the two countries 
were quickly overcome. 

5 I have such happy memories of my childhood in New 

6 Parenthood does not suit some people at all. 

7 Various businesses set up a sponsorship scheme to 
enable young people to visit other countries. 

8 Motherhood demands a lot of skill and hard work from 

9 The aim of the organization is to encourage friendship 
between nations. 


1 cultivated, friendship 

2 withdrew, sponsorship 

3 facing, hardship 

4 spent, childhood 

5 Nationhood, reached 

6 showed, leadership 

7 maintain(ed), relationship 


1 special 

2 professional 

3 lasting 

4 close 

5 Family 

6 parent-child 

7 build 

8 fragile 

9 problems 
10 network 

Reading Page 154 

Possible answers 

Paragraph A: socialize, child, community, relatives, 
kinship, familial and kinship relations, network of 
relatives, upbringing 

Paragraph B: adolescence, society, initiation ceremonies, 
mark the transition from childhood, adulthood, conduct 
and behaviour, duties and responsibilities, interests of the 
entire community. 

Paragraph C: Kinship and family, individual interests, 
Young people, process, initiation from childhood to 
adulthood, the society, good and bad times, bond, 
members, same age-grade, taught the historical 
information, cultural group, rituals, marry 
Paragraph D: Seniority, age, respected and admired, 
wisdom, respect, counsel, crisis, certain responsibilities, 
elder, unemotional, arbiter, above partisan differences, 
synonymous with honour (etc.), ability, manifest these 
qualities in old age, elevated status in society. 

Paragraph E: good care of senior citizens, good example, 
respect, good treatment in old age, procreation, somebody, 
old age, Children brought up well, asset, children see that 
their grandparents are treated well, learn by example 
Paragraph F: elder is the pillar, nuclear, extended family, 
link between the living and ancestors, unite the family, 
reinforces kinship ideology, helps to socialize, provide 
guidance, pass the baton, all members of the society take 
socialization seriously 

Questions 1-6 

1 C 2A 3E 4E 5B 6F 

Questions 7-10 

7 Western society 

8 interests 

9 responsibilities 
10 (elevated) status 

Questions 11-13 




Answer key 

Speaking Part 2 Page 157 


Topic Card A: 

who the friendship was with: It was with my best friend at 
that time, 

when you first met your friend: whom / met when I first 
went to secondary school. 

what you did together: ...and we would sit next to each 
other, play the same games together... 
and explain why this friendship was important to you: 
Firstly, because we gave each other support at a time when we 
were both nervous about being in a new place. And secondly, 
where I grew up we didn ’t face any hardship, but I didn't have 
any siblings, so it was nice to have the companionship of 
someone at school... And I suppose I felt that I was leaving 
childhood behind, and it was the first friendship of my 


Two possible additions to the gaps: 

We used to go for long walks together or go swimming in 
the local river and of course chat a lot. When we could, we 
would go with both our families on holiday as our parents 
were also close, but sometimes these were only day trips. 

We helped each other with our work in class and homework 
and would always try to be in the same teams if we played 
sport. Sometimes, however, we would be on opposing 
teams, which we didn't like. 


friendship, teens, secondary, same class/games, support, 
first friendship, adolescence 

Listening Section 1 Page 158 

Possible answers 

cost, time, deposit, accommodation, numbers, teachers, 
registration, clothes 

Questions 1-10 

1 Peru 

2 in pairs 

3 15 

4 spending money 

5 holidays 

6 29th September 

7 interview 

8 20/twenty 

9 2/two 

10 100/one hundred 

Language focus: Conditionals 2 Page 159 

Example 1: Second conditional were not, would 
Example 2: Present simple 

In the second example, the following is also possible with 
no change of meaning: That will not be a problem,... 


1 Paraphrase 

2 ... if there aren't any free places. Remove even and the 
comma before it. 

3 There's a possibility there will be a change in society if 
the government addresses social issues like crime and 

4 If future generations are even more highly trained than 
they are now, will their lives be better? 

5 Unless/(If) people are psychologically well adapted to ... 

6 Paraphrase 

7 Paraphrase 

8 I didn't study psychotherapy and I now regret it. 


1 Unless 

2 If only 

3 Even if 

4 Provided 

5 If 

6 Supposing 




1 Families can play a part in making society a better place, 
provided the government gives them support. 

2 If the government funded more community centres, this 
would provide a place for people to meet. 

3 If globalization hadn’t occurred, there would now be 
fewer social and cultural problems around the world. 

4 If it were not for volunteer workers helping people deal 
with the psychological aspect of change, the situation 
would have been worse. 

5 Even though social interaction between different 
cultures is increasing, still more contact is necessary. 

6 Supposing social intelligence were taught in schools, 
would it be beneficial? 

Writing Task 2 Page 160 
Possible ideas 

First view: 
world smaller 

some countries richer than others 

one humanity 

have responsibility 

unethical not to help 

Second view: 

charity begins at home 

why go abroad when problems closer to home? 
responsibility for own people first 
can't help everybody 



gives people: passport/independence/freedom/chance for 



not the only wav 
social help 
financial help 
basic necessities 

depends on situation and individual 



parents’ responsibility 
their children 
early years with parents 

children spend time at school 
parents at work need help 
financial/social support needed 
parenting skills 

opinion: share the responsibility - ‘three parties’ 


Extract 1: 1 
Extract 2: 2 


Extract 1: It is a natural human instinct for people to help 



Answer key 

each other, so this characteristic should be harnessed for the 
betterment of mankind. 

Extract 2: Let’s say someone can be well educated but has not 
made even one or two friends in their life. Their life would be 


Extract 1: Shopping is a good example here of people helping 
the elderly. 

Extract 2: Learning a skill like pottery can help make people’s 
lives relevant and help them relax. 

5 _ 

Sample answer 

From the beginning of the last century women fight 
hardly to take a position in work place either in private 
sector or in government offices. Since that time they 
have always proved their ability to perform just like 
any male colleague. For a woman to take any leading 
position she need to work harder than a men because 
of the fact that most of the people in management 
and leading positions are men. Until now the salary 
for women is less than the salary of a men having the 
same job in a developed country like U.K. Therefore it 
is not easy for a women to have a leading position. 

The reasons why many people opposing womens 
rights in work that they think the natural place for 
women is the home and their responsibility in leading 
the family is much more import than any other job. 
Others sav women have so much to do in their home 
and if they take managerial jobs at work, they will not 
be able to perform efficiently. 

In spite of all these obstacles women through the 
history proved their ability in taking responsibility 
of leadership and we have many examples of women 
who have led iheir countries and their people in a 
successful way and achieve a lot in developing their 
country like queen Victoria in the UK. Her reign as a 
queen lasted 63 years, and the Victorian era was a time 
of industrial, political, scientific and military progress 
within the UK. 

I think women have all the elements of successes as 
a leader and as a manager and home responsibility 
should be shard between men and women. Women 
all over the world should have the same rights as men 
and they should have the same opportunity in leading 

Words; 298 words 

Examiner's comment 

Although the argumentation in this response is quite well 
structured, it is replete with grammatical errors which 
impose some strain on the reader (eg. the conclusion) and 
so diminish its overall impact. Paragraphing is quite well 
handled with some varied sentence patterns in evidence. 
Possible score: 6.0 

Review 11 Page 162 

1 family tree 

2 ancestors 

3 widow 

4 relative/descendant 

5 siblings 

6 relatives 

7 generation 

Word building: Suffixes -hood and -ship 

1 cii 

2 d iii 

3 a viii 

4 b i / h vii 

5 hvii/bi 

6 gvi 

7 fv 

8 e iv 


1 relationships 

2 households 

3 relationships 

4 generational 

5 hardship 

6 leadership 

7 friendship 

8 childhood 


A I have maintained a number of strong D relationships 
with people who were my childhood friends, but the 
friendship 1 E would like to describe is one that began 
only early last year with a friend from the C restaurant 
where I work H part-time. We first met when we were 
working on an evening shift. It was very busy, G but 
we still managed to help each other out. Since that day 
we have developed B a very deep friendship. I think I 
the main reason why we get on is because F we have 
very similar interests. So I think what really makes the 
friendship work K is that both of us like reading and J 
doing the same sports and we rarely disagree on anything. 
Question: Describe a friendship that is important to you. 

Conditionals 2 

1 Even if it costs a lot, I shall try to keep the whole family 

2 Unless the seminar on culture and the family has spaces, 
I'll attend the seminar on kinship. 

3 Families depend on the community centre to meet up, 
otherwise they would have nowhere else to go. 

4 They kept the family together and so they are in such a 
strong position now. 

Proof reading 

others think, raising children, the parents, social skills, 
schools as agencies, teach children to form, warm 
relationships with, peers, knowledge and information, 
adults, skills 

Unit 12 Travelling around the world 

Listening Section 2 Page 164 


1 a secluded beach 

2 a city 

3 ancient ruins 


Possible answers 

Very hot: sun cream, light clothing, hat, umbrella, 
appropriate footwear 

Very cold: clothes (gloves, coat, hat, etc.), appropriate 
footwear, sun cream 

Questions 11-15 

11 C 

12 B 

13 B 




Answer key 

14 A 

15 c 

Questions 16-20 

16 anxiety 

17 resources 

18 plasters 

19 wipes 

20 cameras 

Vocabulary: Adjectives with multiple 
meanings Page 166 

It means ‘original/new/different\ It can also mean a work of 


1 relevant 

2 apathetic 

3 film 

4 treasured 

5 different 

6 new 

7 odd 

8 extra 

9 similar 

10 uncomfortable 


1 novel, novelty 

2 different, difference 

3 strange, strangeness 

4 unique, uniqueness 

5 curious, curiosity 

6 foreign, foreignness 

7 odd, oddity/oddness 

8 new, newness 

9 fresh, freshness 
10 alien, alienation 

Reading Page 167 

1 True 

2 True 

3 False-Australia 

4 False - Central America 

5 False - Athens in Greece 

6 False - East Africa 

7 True 

8 True 

9 False - St Petersburg 
10 False - Iran 


1 shelf: ledge 

2 maturity: fully-developed 

3 system: organism 

4 range: variety 

5 list: catalogue 

6 vulnerable: in danger 

7 breed: reproduce 

8 colony: collection 

9 historic: ancient 

10 sanctuary: place of safety 

Questions 1-6 

1 continental shelf 

2 protected areas 

3 diversity 

4 ecosystem 

5 coral(-)reef 

6 biological 

Questions 7-10 

7 FALSE. Paragraph 4: Contrary to popular belief, the Great 
Barrier Reef is not a continuous barrier, ... 

8 NOT GIVEN. Paragraph 6: More than 4,000 mollusc 
species and over 1,500 species of sponges have been 
identified. The molluscs and species are mentioned, but 
there is no information given about a comparison u'ith 
other sites in the world. 

9 TRUE. Paragraph 9: The reef contains nesting grounds of 
world significance for the endangered loggerhead turtle. 

10 NOT GIVEN. Paragraph 11: There are over 30 
historic shipwrecks in the area, ... The shipwrecks are 
mentioned, but no mention is made of whether there are 
plans to raise them or not. 

Questions 11-13 

11 no-take zones. Paragraph 14: The proportion of the 
Marine Park protected by no-take zones was increased 
from less than five per cent to over 33 per cent, and now ... 
the entire Marine Park. 

12 (the) regulatory framework. Paragraph 15 : the regulatory ; 
framework significantly enhances the resilience of the 
Great Barrier Reef . 

13 overall management. Paragraph 16:... is the Australian 
Government agency responsible for overall management, 

and the Queensland Government ,... 

Word building: Words relating to memory 

Page 170 

souvenir or memento 

Words with the root mem-: memento, memo/memorandum, 
memoir, memoirs, memorable, memorial, memorabilia, 
memorize, memory, 


1 memories 

2 remember 

3 memoirs 

4 memorabilia 

5 memorize 

6 memorable 

7 memorials 

8 memo/memorandum 

9 memento 
10 memory 


1 memories 

2 memorabilia 

3 mementoes 

4 memoirs 

5 memorial 

6 memorable 

7 remember 

8 memorize 

Speaking Part 1 Pagel7l 

More and more people use ... 

Most travellers ... 

Speaking Part 2 Page 171 

Possible answers 

1 tour, excursion, expedition, outing, trip, voyage, travel 

2 luggage, suitcase, plane, train, car, tickets, hotel, boat 

3 pleasant, exciting, long, tiring, excruciating, memorable, 
fantastic, comfortable, uncomfortable 

4 travel, Hy, stay, stop, stop over, journey, sail 

5 hotel, seaside, mountains, beaches, city centre, ski resort 

6 for a holiday for w'ork, to visit friends, to study 



Answer key 

Language focus: Articles Page 172 


1 the definite article: the Great Barrier Reef, the mainland 

2 the zero article: popular belief, 2,900 individual reefs, 
fringing reefs, islands 

3 the indefinite article: a continuous barrier, a broken maze 


1 The sun 

2 Stars, the moon, the Milky Way 

3 A star 

4 We can call it a star when we look at it in the galaxy or 
when we look at it as an astronomical object. 

5 Yes 

6 Mount Everest 

7 The Himalayas 

8 Tokyo 

9 The capital. There is only one capital not several. 

10 Yes. The Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian 
Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Southern Ocean. 


1 b The. The phrase 1 visited were old' makes the 

monuments specific, not just any or all ‘old 

2 b the. The Himalayas are a particular group of 

mountains, not just mountains in general. 

3 a the. The sun in the sky/our solar system 

4 b the. The Nile is a specific river. 

5 a The. The phrase ‘of Mexico' makes the word capital 

specific. Mexico City does not need an article as there 
is only one Mexico City. 

6 a The. The United Kingdom is used to distinguish the 

kingdom from other kingdoms. 

7 a The. The definite article can be used if it refers to a 

particular country. Sentence b is about prime 
ministers in general. 

8 a The. There is only one heart in the body, not various 



the Brazil 

the sisters 

the Rio de Janeiro 
the beaches 
the fun 
a sightseeing 
the living 
the holidays 

Writing Task 2 Page 173 



Other possible ideas 

View 1: 

- gives people new ideas and experiences, languages 

- helps develop international relations 

- provides education 

- removes prejudice 

- helps people appreciate other cultures 
View 2: 

- makes people more prejudiced/less tolerant 

- confirms prejudices 

- makes people more insular 


2 Trains go in and out of fashion in all countries, as 
they often depend on the support of politicians. At the 
moment, for example, more people are travelling by 
coach rather than by railway. 

3 Tourism can have a negative impact on the local culture, 
so tourists should be careful about how they behave 

when they visit other cultures. 

5 Older people find it more difficult to rough it while on 
holiday compared to the younger generation. This is 
surely because they need to have more comfortable 
surroundings because of their age. 

Sample answer 

Although it might appear so obvious that roving 
around the world is probably the best and most direct 
way of learning about life in other places, there are 
some who claim that it would only reinforces the 
biased ideas some people have about outsiders. 

Fortunately the various modes of transport have 
developed hugely over recent years so that almost 
everybody can afford the time and cost of travelling 
and at least glance around and if interested in 
observing and studying other cultures more closely 
there are various means of transport to fit individuals 
needs and plans. What makes it more convenient is 
not only the speed but budget price tickets offered by 
airlines such as ‘easyjet' which provides an excellent 
opportunity for people from different walks of life to 
travel and experience a new set of life. 

What could be more real and true than those 
immediate impressions that people get directly 
through seeing directly and personally and not relying 
on the narratives which at times could be biased 
and reflect only few views, especially if they are 
broadcasted on TV and funded by a particular group. 
Why not experience it first-hand. 

I do not tend to think that travelling would provoke 
misunderstandings, quite conversely it will dispel any 
prejudices, albeit assuming “the observer” needs to 
be fair and reasonable. The worst that could happen 
is realising all those horrid rumours about that 
particular part of the world have been true, which is 
still an achievement. At least those so-called hatred or 
disaprobations will find a firm base in reality. 

Personally 1 do believe that travelling can only clarify 
our judgments, helping us to unify and integrate 
more and more .this unification seems one the best 
approaches to address our global concerns; a vital step 
to achieve peace on earth. 

Words: 302 words 

Examiner's comment 

There are some relevant ideas supported by valid examples 
here. However, the response demonstrates uneven grammar 
and sharp shifts in style which impose some strain on the 
reader. Surprising lexical choices indicate a potentially 
accomplished writer, although these are somewhat 
undercut by inaccuracies in sentence structure throughout 
the answer. 

Possible score: 6.5 

Review 12 Page 174 


1 foreign 

2 fresh 

3 novel 

4 new 

5 curious 

6 differences 



Answer key 

7 different 

8 strange 

Word building 

Possible answers 

remember, memoirs, memorabilia, memorize, memorable, 
memorial, memo/memorandum, memento 


1 d 

2 f 

3 a 


5 b 

6 e 


1 memorable 

2 memorabilia 

3 memorize 

4 Memoirs 

5 remember 

6 memory 



1 the monument, a temple, the north 

3 the trip 

4 the mind, the education some people ..., the opposite 

6 The information on the website 

7 The quality of hotels 


the human activities 

The Significant regional differences 

The reefs of the Southeast Asia 

including the approximately 60,000 square kilometres 

where the reefs cover 

the higher risk is greater in the former 


Yes. The first sentence is an overview and the text is a few 
words short of 150 words. 

Possible introduction: 

The chart provides information about the area of coral reef 
endangered by human beings. 


Information about the Indian Ocean is missing. 

Ready for Speaking 

Part 1 Page 176 

1 The question asks the candidate to state a preference 
about doing something, e.g. I prefer going out with a (large/ 
small) group of people/friends/people I know. 


Stressed words in sentence 4: many reasons, perhaps, most 


Stressed words in set A: 

prefer, go out, one friend, group, friends, Why 
do you go out 

think, important, keep, contact, friends, make, work, 
courses, Why/Why not 
people, stay friends, long time 

Stressed words in set B: 

fav ourite form, art (painting, sculpture, music, drama) 
think art, important, our lives, Why 
Tell, traditional, form, art, your country' 
think art, popular, future, Whv/Why not 


Possible beginnings for set B: 

1 like/love/sculpture/ painting best... /My favourite form of 
art is sculpture/painting ... 

Yes, I think it's crucial/essential/very important, because ... 

A very common art form where I come from is ... 

Oh yes. I think it will be much more central to our lives than 
now, because ... 

Words to stress: 

like, sculpture best/favourite form, art, sculpture 
Yes, think, crucial/essential/ very important, (because) 
very common art form, come, is ... 

Oh yes. think, much more central, lives now (because) 

Part 2 Page 178 


1 d 

2 f 

3 e 

4 c 

5 b 

6 a 


The words match the following parts of the topics: 

Topic 1 


where this place is: near college 

when you first visited this place: month ago 

what this place is like: cheerful, relaxing, friendly 

and explain why you enjoy studying there: great view 

Topic 2 


how you first became aware of this organization: television 

what this organization does: relieves poverty, sickness, 

where this organization operates: everywhere 

and explain why you admire the work of this charitable 

organization: saves lives 


soon: in the coming year 
annoying: irritating 
private: one-to-one tuition 
relaxing: soothing 
healthy: good for your health 

helps concentration/work: improves their ability to focus 

Part 3 Page 180 



in the near future - in the coming year 

annoying - irritating 

individual - one-to-one 

Why - The reason 

mad about - keen on 

healthy - good for your health 

benefit me - help me 

Additional information: 

TheyVe played both classical and pop music to me, and 
they've found it thrilling to play for someone. And to me it is 
a very peaceful experience just sitting there and listening. 

One of my friends, who plays the guitar and the piano, 
says that he plays for about... half an hour before he does 



Answer key 

any homework, and it helps him to focus on his work and 
concentrate more. 


1 2 2 136 43 54 65 

Unit 13 The importance of infrastructure 

Vocabulary: Nouns related to systems 

Page 182 

Possible answers 

1 road/motorwav network with flyovers 

2 tunnel for a train or even water supply 

3 train station as part of a railway network 

4 motorways/highways 


1 buses 

2 a roundabout 

3 water from the tap 

4 for shaving/toothbrush 

5 the Internet 

6 mobile use 

7 BBC World Serv ice 

8 TV 

9 email 
10 cars 


1 oil 

2 railway 

3 telephone 

4 satellite 

5 Internet 

6 water 

7 electricity 

8 gas 

1 Electricity, grid 

2 gas, pipelines, fields 

3 water supply, purification 

4 oil, wells, refineries 

5 satellite, weather 

6 infrastructure, lines 

7 access, web, connection 

Reading Page 184 

highways, Interstate, lanes, Interstate, artery, 

Questions 1-5 

1 F 

2 B 

3 J 

4 C 

5 I 

Questions 6-9 

6 YES. Paragraph A: Electronic toll collection is 
increasingly the obvious answer. 

7 NOT GIVEN. Paragraph C: Cash transactions are costly, 
though , because highway agencies must pay toll-takers, 
maintain plazas and safely transfer the cash to banks. 
There is no mention of the cost of cash tolls being 
expensive to administer because of the expense of 
security guards at toll plazas. 

8 NO. Paragraph D: ... tolling agencies are introducing 
a variety of technologies to streamline the process and 
increase profits. 

9 NOT GIVEN. Paragraph F: businessmen do not need to 
save fistfuls of receipts for their expense reports. However, 
there is no comparison between business people and 
other users. 

Questions 10-13 

10 D. Paragraph G: And because they are part of the car, they 

will be harder to steal. 

11 A. Paragraph H: A study by an economist at M.l.T, Amy 

Finkelstein, found that dnvers who pay their tolls 
electronically are less aware of the rates they pay. 

12 A. Paragraph J:... more than 71 percent of transactions 

at the Port Authority's tunnels and bridges include an 
E-ZPass - up from 52 percent in 2000... 

13 C. Paragraph J: Mr. Lamba said that drivers are 

increasingly comfortable with electronic tolling. 

Word building: Modal verbs to adjectives 
Page 186 

1 possible 

2 unwilling 

3 unnecessary 

4 expected 

5 probable 

6 able 

7 compulsory 

8 certain 

9 essential 


Examiner: Is it possible for communications systems like 
broadband to have an impact on people s lives? 

Candidate: I think it is possible for the development 
of faster communication systems than we have now to 
have an impact on local as well as national economies, as 
the e xpected outcome is that it will enable people to do 
business faster. Obviously, it is not possible for them/areni 
able to solve every problem, but it is at least possible for 
them to help. For a while governments were unwilling to 
invest in fibre optics, but now the cables are being installed 
everywhere. For example, in my home country* they provide 
jobs for local people ... 

Listening Section 3 Page 187 

1,3, 4, 5 and 7 are directly related. 2 and 6 may be indirectly 

1 aims and objectives: what the research intends to 
do/show, etc. 

3 research question: the question the researcher is seeking 
to answer 

4 research findings: the results/conclusions of the 

5 data analysis: the examination of the data/information 

7 literature review: a review or analysis of the books/ 
journals/ articles related to the research 

Question 21-23 

21 B 

22 A 

23 B 

Questions 24-28 

24 B 

25 G 

26 F 

27 A 

28 E 



Answer key 

Questions 29 and 30 




Language focus: Concession Page 188 


California, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia may be quite 
different in many ways when it comes to the presidential 
primaries, but they do have one thing in common ... 
Although California, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia 
may be quite different in many ways when it comes to the 
presidential primaries, they do have one thing in common ... 


1 Although increasing the capacity of the network may be 
a good solution to the problem, it is not the only one. 

2 This may be a sound argument, but I think I'd want to 
see more funds made available for new carriages as well. 

3 While inner city conditions may be cramped, the 
facilities available are endless. 

4 I don’t like the idea of computers controlling systems 
like transport. Nevertheless, they perform a vital 

5 Much as I agree with the creation of high-speed 
communication systems, I can’t help thinking that they 
will lead to more demands on workers and hence more 

6 Extensive metro systems may exist in many major cities, 
but they are expensive to maintain and upgrade. 

7 I partly agree with the opinion expressed here, but I 
think it is naive to suggest that increasing the fares will 
in the end lead to a better transport service. 

8 Its clear the quality of public services is improving. 
Nonetheless, more needs to be done. 


a7 b2 c4 dl e5 

Speaking Part 2 Page 189 

- What I would like to describe is a journey that I made to 
see a friend in France last winter. 

- The trip was a short five-day break to a small village in the 
Loire valley, which is full of the most wonderful castles. 

-1 took the train to Paris and then to Tours, which is the 
largest city near the village I was visiting. 

- The journey was exciting because it was my first visit to 

-1 was able to catch the train which goes through the 
Channel Tunnel to Paris and take another train to Tours. 

- The journey was very smooth, because the train network 
in France runs exceptionally well and the Eurostar train is 
well integrated with the French system. 

- What made the journey special for me was the fact the trip 
marked my first journey to France, and my first time in the 
tunnel under the English Channel. 

- But what made it magical, not just special or thrilling, was 
the snow. 

- As we passed through the countryside the snow fell on the 
fairytale castles along the Loire. It was a truly enchanting 


Topic 1 

Writing Task 1 Page 190 

1 four 

2 upward but mixed 

3 it reflects the last two years 

4 All visits 

5 upward 

6 2003 and 2005 


1 and 3 


1 There was a rise in expenditure on holidays over the 
period with spending increasing from £1,053 million to 
£1,230 million. 

2 The general trend for miscellaneous expenditure was 
clearly upward, rising from £318 million to £557 million, 
a near 60% increase. 

3 Spending on business trips also went up with a climb 
from £859 million to £ 1,108 million. 

4 Climbing from £539 million in 2002, expenditure on 
visiting friends or relatives rose only slightly to 
£585 million, with most of the growth taking place 
between 2005 and 2006. 

5 The overall money spent went up from £2,780 million 
in 2002 to £3,390 million ...in 2006 (20.1% increase), 

miscellaneous expenditure accounted for the bulk of the 


Sample answer 

The table depicts the reasons why people from Europe 
came to UK and the money they spent from 2002 to 

Overall, it is clear that the money Europeans spend for 
different reasons in the UK increased over the period. 

For example, the most significant expenditure was 
on Holidays w f hich rose from £1640 million to £2655 
million over the period. Business and Visiting friends 
or relatives had almost the same level of increase from 
2002 to 2006 from £1833 million to £2614 million and 
£1061 million to £1830 million respectively. As for 
the miscellaneous, although the expenditure on this 
category was the lowest, there was also a steady rise 
from £1001 million to £1454 million over the period. 

In contrast, the expenditure on all visits showed a 
different picture. Here the increase at the beginning 
of the period w f as much lower than the latter period, 
from £5549 million to £5888 million in 2002-2003 
compared to almost 1 million pound increase every 
year till the end of the period. 

Word count: 167 

Examiner’s comment 

The response is w’ell introduced. Generally, skilful lexical 
choices and language structures are displayed and the 
main points are covered. However, some content in the 
last paragraph is actually inaccurate and therefore slightly 
confusing. On the whole, however, this is an effective 

Possible score: 7.5 

Review 13 Page 192 



1 bridges 

2 cables 

3 the Internet 

4 a satellite 

5 oil and gas 



Answer key 

6 electricity 

7 gas 

8 water 

9 national grid 
10 road network 


Possible answers 

2 Cables can be laid underground to carry optic fibres. 

3 The internet can be accessed from a computer to get 

4 Information is beamed to earth from space by satellites. 

5 Oil and gas can be found in fields. 

6 Electricity is carried on tall towers or on cables under 
the ground. 

7 Gas is sometimes burned as fuel to cook food in an oven. 

8 Water is filtered, treated and purified before being 
supplied to houses. 

9 Each house is connected to the national grid that 
supplies electricity. 

10 A series of interconnecting roads is called a road 


crucial, infrastructure, network, different services, 
electricity, granted, appreciate, serv ice industries, supply, 
national grid, reconnect 

The candidate was answering question 2. 


grappling, cash lanes, streamline, arteries, upkeep, cash 
transactions, manned (booths), windshield, licence/se plates 

Word building 


lg 2a 3c 41) 5d 6e 7f 


1 neccssary/cfi»5»ciitial 

2 necessary/csscntial 

3 unwilling 

4 possible 

5 essential 

6 certain 


1 ... but unfortunately there are places in the world 
where it is rare. 

2 ... to every home looks impossible, it is a worthy aim. 

3 ... the rail network is as chaotic as it used to be. 

4 ... , I don’t feel safe while doing so. 

5 He may sav he's an expert ... 

6 ... as people say, I will not go near it. 

Unit 14 Money and happiness 

Vocabulary: Money matters Page 194 

1 bank notes and coins 

2 bartering 

3 cowry shell money 

Coins are thought to have been first used in China and the 
Lydian Kingdom in modem day Turkey in the eigth and 
seventh centuries BC. 


Possible answers 

coins, banks, currency, spend, notes, dollars, dinars, pesos 


No in both cases. 

1 money management 

2 money market 

3 taxpayers' money 

4 money laundering 

5 paper money 

6 sponsorship money 

7 counterfeit money 

8 public money 


1 finance director/minister/department 

2 company/government/state/family/household finances 

3 cash reserves/flow/payment/settlement/limit/crisis/crop 

4 currency conversion/markets/speculation/fluctuation/ 

5 credit agreement/arrangement/facilities/terms/limit/ 

6 debt collection/collector/burden/mountain 

7 savings account/plan/bank 

8 consumer/government/public/welfare/education 


9 spending programme/target/cut/limit/money/power/ 

10 consumer/govemment/public/welfare/education 


11 price war/range/increase/cut/tag 

12 capital/investment/household/familv income 


1 cash crop, cash flow, cash crisis 

2 Paper money 

3 Education expenditure, expenditure level 

4 Family finances, finance minister 

5 Money management 

6 currency reserves, currency crisis 

7 debt burden 

8 spending money, spending spree 

Listening Section 4 Page 196 

a company training scheme 

Questions 31-34 

31 B 

32 A 

33 B 

34 B 

Questions 35-40 

35 fulfilment/fulfillment 

36 2/two hours 

37 give training 

38 (Staff) absences 

39 15/fifteen %/percent/per cent 

40 recruitment costs 

Word building: Values and beliefs Page 197 

Moral code is possible, but codes for organizations are 
generally related to ethics. Ethics relates to the principles or 
the philosophy on which peoples morals are based. 


If 2e 3g 4c 5a 6b 7d 


invaluable, value, valuable, valuation, valuer, valueless 


Values, value. Valuables, invaluable, valueless 


principles, principled, unprincipled, principles 


idealistic, ideals, morals, ethical 



Answer key 

Language focus: Substitution and ellipsis 
Page 198 

1 The word so replaces about bringing people together 
and making links artd contributing to the economy of the 

2 Repeating the words means that there is no real 
connection between the sentences. 

3 Overuse of substitution can make writing or speaking 
difficult to understand. 

4 I think so. 


lh 2a 3g 4f 5e 6b 7c 8d 


1 ... by putting back some of the profits they have made 
from the local pcople./Such philanthropic behaviour 

2 ... told us how to behave ... /... to do so ... 

3 ... the traditions and ways of the society they belong to 
... / ... such customs ... 

4 ... introduce philosophy into the school curriculum./... 
doing so ... 

5 1 left home when I was 18 to go to university./I did so ... 

6 Detailed analysis ... on what makes people happy,/... 
such research ... 

7 ... adhered to the traditions of the community we came 
from ... /... do so ... 

8 moral standards on television ... should therefore be 
raised/... in doing so ... 


1 Although the government wanted to stop funding the 
railway venture, they weren’t able to. 

2 The banks didn't want the policy on extending loans to 
small businesses to change, but the government did. 

3 Some people don't believe that there is a clear link 
between happiness and money, while others do. 

4 The fact that health, wealth and happiness are often 
linked together when people talk must mean they are. 

5 The college was praised for student behaviour and 
success as it hoped it would be. 

6 The university didn't invest as much in delivering 
subjects like philosophy as it could have. 

7 Mv father laid down the law with us when we were 
children, but my mother didn't. 

Possible answer Speaking Part 3 Page 199 

Do you think people associate money with happiness? 

Why?: technological gadgets, reduces anxiety 
Do you think its possible to lead a happy life without 
money? How?: life can be difficult without 
What advantages does money bring to people’s lives?: brings 
freedom, reduces anxiety, allows people to do things they 
want, indulge in buying consumer goods, having more time 
What other factors do you think are necessary to lead a 
happy life?: money not everything other factors, health/ 
work/friends, having more time 
Do people attach too much importance to money 
nowadays? Why?: overemphasize/overrate money 
How can money sometimes control people's lives?: it 
controls, restricts, governs every aspect of people’s lives 
Tn what ways can money be used for the good of humanity?: 
redistribution of wealth, richer nations helping poor 

Reading Page 199 


1 tackle (paragraph A) 

2 contentment (paragraph A)/well-being (paragraph D/E/ 

3 abject (paragraph B/E) 

4 endless (paragraph D) 

5 penury (paragraph E) 

6 rung (paragraph E) 

7 budge (paragraph F) 

8 civic (paragraph G) 

Questions 1-5 

1 Paragraph G: If a nation wants to increase its populations 
sense of well-being, says Veenhoven, it should make ‘less 
investment in economic growth and more in policies that 
promote good governance, liberties, democracy, trust and 
public safety .' 

2 Paragraph E: But before you assume that money does 
buy happiness after all... one economic rung above the 
homeless - rate themselves at 4.6. 

3 Paragraph G: ...and are more frequently due to factors 
such as social relationships and enjoyment at work .' 

Other researchers add fulfilment, a sense that life has 
meaning, belonging to civic and other groups, and living 
in a democracy that respects individual rights and the rule 
of law. 

4 Paragraph A: See the whole paragraph. 

5 Paragraph F: See the whole paragraph. 

Questions 6-9 

6 TRUE. Paragraph B: ... and they have generally 
concluded that wealth increases human happiness when it 
lifts people out of abject poverty and into the middle class 
but that it does little to increase happiness thereafter. 

7 FALSE. Paragraph D: Studies show that people like 
selecting from among maybe half a dozen kinds of pasta 
at the grocery store but find 27 choices overwhelming, 
leaving them chronically on edge that they could have 
chosen a better one than they did. 

8 NOT GIVEN. See paragraph E where multimillionaires 
are mentioned, but there is no mention of expectations 
about their numbers. 

9 NOT GIVEN. See paragraph F. There is no mention 
of moneys influence on people's happiness before the 
Second World War. 

Questions 10-12 

10 shortcomings (paragraph F) 

11 life satisfaction (paragraph F) 

12 social relationships (paragraph G) 

Question 13 


Writing Task 1 Page 202 


1 Regarding the dissatisfaction (not ‘As regarding') 

2 age group were slightly less content (not ‘content less 

3 dissatisfaction (not ‘disatisfaction') 

4 with the pie chart indicating (not ‘with pie chart) 

5 with 83 per cent being happy (not ‘be very happy') 


1 shows how happy various age groups were about 


2 indicated they were very content with 


3 For example, the positive rating for those 60 and over 




Answer key 

4 the greater part 


5 fewer people 


Sample answer 

The bar chart provides the outcome of a surv ey carried 
out about the Daily Happiness-Stress Index in the USA 
during 3 months from Jan l s ‘ to May 25 lh in 2008. 

On the whole, the proportion of happiness and 
stress changed significantly over the weekends with 
happiness increasing and stress decreasing. It is seen 
that the DHSI remained almost flat the weekdays 
especially from Monday to Thursday standing at 
about 43% of 'With a lot of enjoyment' and around 
10% of ‘With a lot of stress'. During these days there 
was over four times as many happiness as worry. 

By contrast, on Fridays minor changes occurred 
with the percentage of enjoyment climbing slightly at 
approximately 46% while that of worry went down to 
just below 10%. The most variation was experienced 
over the weekends when the proportion of happiness 
reached about 57% compared to the fall of stress 
which fell to about 7%. 

Overall, the percentage of happiness was greater than 
that of stress over all the period and the gap between 
them widened from Fridays to Sundays. 

Word count: 177 words 

Examiner's comment 

The key points are presented logically with cohesive devices 
being used throughout. However, the effectiveness of the 
response is somewhat reduced bv occasional errors in 
grammar and editing, although these do not seriously 
impede communication. Sentence coordination might have 
been improved in places by more judicious punctuation. 
Possible score: 7 

Review 14 Page 204 



1 i 

3 c 

4 e/j 


6 f 

7 g/h 

8 d 

9 j/e 


1 family income 

2 debt mountain 

3 cash crop 

4 savings bank 

5 currency reserves 

6 paper money 

7 Consumer spending 

8 price war 

9 credit limit 
10 State finance 

Word building 


beliefs, principles, moralistic, ethics, standards 


realistic, idealistic, ideals, moral 

Examiner's question: Do you think young people today are 

too idealistic? 

Substitution and ellipsis 


1 The television presenter claimed that work was a very* 
important factor in making people happy, but the 
audience didn’t. 

2 Some people don't believe in the need to save money for 
the future, while others do. 

3 Many people don't want to do volunteer work to help 
others, but fortunately there are many who do. 

4 Politicians often think the opinions of ordinary' people 
are not important when they are in power, but clearly 
they are . 

5 Just as I have had the chance to hav e a free education, / 
think everyone else should. 


1 they want to 

2 Such 

3 do so 

4 hasn't 



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ISBN 978-0-2307-3214-8 (+ key edition) 

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Authors acknowledgement 

I would like to say a very special thank you to Alison Ross and Amanda 
Anderson for their great patience, guidance and insight and to sav to thank you 
to Li/. Hunt, Jo Kent, Debra Emmett, Man Jane Hogan and Phil Vellendcr for 
their not inconsiderable help. I would also like to thank Alison Sharpe. 

I would like to acknowledge and thank the following students for supplying 
sample answers: Wilonja Mutebwe, Abukar Haji Jimale, Darejan Chilashvili, 

Kais Abdaly, Akram Moosavi, Nisrcen Shaker, Ibahim Almeriy and all the 
students at Reache Northwest. 

The publishers would like to thank all those who participated in the 
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Debra Emmett, Rachael Roberts and Alison Shaipe. 

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Nations Sales No.E.07.XTTI.2) pi32. 

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Ready for IELTS is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for 
the IELTS Academic exam. 

All four parts of the exam are systematically developed and practised in each unit, while in-depth 
exam training is given in the form of regular help boxes. This step-by-step approach ensures that 
students will be fully prepared and confident when taking the IELTS Academic exam. 

Key features of the coursebook: 

• 14 motivating topic-based units 

• Review section at the end of each unit 

• 'Ready for' units that focus on each part of the IELTS exam 

• Varied speaking practice throughout 

• Analysis of the main language areas that are useful for the IELTS exam 

• Systematic exam training, including advice and help for each part of the exam 

• Vocabulary slots with emphasis on practical use for all aspects of the IELTS exam 

• Topic-based Wordlist 

• Special emphasis on word building 

• Grammar reference section 

• Listening scripts 

• CD-ROM containing two practice tests 

Course components: 

Coursebook and CD-ROM with key 
Coursebook and CD-ROM without key 
Teacher's book (with photocopiable tests) 

Workbook with key and audio CDs 
Workbook without key and audio CDs 
Class audio CDs 

For other IELTS exam titles see 



Testbuilder 1 

Sam McCarter 

Tips for 


Tests that Teach 

San McCarter and Judith Ash 

A must-have for all IELTS candidates! 


Al A2 Bl B2 Cl C2 





n ’ dictionary 

Use your Macmillan English 

Dictiona ry —