Free Business Proposal Template

Business proposal types.

There are several different types of business proposals you may create:

  • Formally solicited
  • Informally solicited
  • Unsolicited
  • Continuation
  • Renewal
  • Supplemental

There are several different types of business proposals you may create:

A formally or informally solicited proposal is one which has – one way or another – been requested in advance by the client.

An unsolicited proposal on the other hand may be appropriate if you’ve spotted an opportunity the client may not already know about. In this case, you’re connecting to sell an idea which can benefit the business.

Once you’re already working with a client you may need to create a continuation or renewal business proposal, to update the terms of an agreement or extend an existing collaboration.

If you’re taking on extra work for an existing client, a supplementary business proposal may be required to formalize your agreement and scope everything out.