Four Types of Control Mechanisms in Business

Although small-business owners are known for many laudable qualities, a few stereotypical ones can make the most even-tempered owner squirm. Take the one that suggests a business owner must covet control – and seize it with relish. How the tables might turn when that small-business owner must develop four types of control mechanisms. The perfectionistic, leave-no-stone-unturned tendencies of a controlling personality may serve him well. Anyone following in his wake will learn, too: There are times when it pays to be a control freak.

See the Big Picture of Control Mechanisms

Control mechanisms naturally speak to the business owner who appreciates that a certain number of processes, procedures and protocols are necessary to guide, inform and protect an organization. Running a business without control mechanisms would be like trying to navigate the treacherous waters of the Atlantic Ocean in a sailboat that lacks the proper safety equipment and provisions. To stay afloat, you have to be prepared for the worst.

Financial controls are usually the easiest type of control mechanism for someone new to the concept to grasp, perhaps because their absence could wreak such obvious chaos on a business. Lumen Learning cites examples of financial policies that lay out rules for managing cash. For example, a company may limit the number of people who can write checks that exceed $250 or require two people to sign checks for more than $10,000.

Companies big and small have three compelling objectives for establishing control mechanisms, as explained at WisdomJobs:

  • To give the business owner and managers a way to monitor the organization’s operation.
  • To identify mistakes, fix them and prevent them from reoccurring.
  • To evaluate how front-line managers, who confront the control mechanisms more often than anyone else, are performing.

Control Mechanisms Cover Four Bases

Four of the most effective types of control mechanisms in business are:

  • Bureaucratic controls, which are those “rules and procedures that direct and influence the actions of sub-units,” according to The Intact One. A good example of bureaucratic controls are those financial policies that detail how a business should manage its cash.
  • Cultural controls, which are the norms and values espoused by a company that are embraced by employees. Cultural controls regarding work ethics represent a fine example of how employees on the same page as the company can direct their behavior about such things as deadlines and quitting time. Such discipline can reduce the need for managerial supervision and, possibly, additional control mechanisms.
  • Output controls that explain how people working in multiple departments pull together to achieve a company’s output or productivity goals. These controls are measured by such criteria as growth, market share, productivity, product quality and profitability.
  • Personal controls that pivot on interactions between employees and their supervisors. At small businesses, in particular, these controls may do more than set the tone for controls to follow; they may spell out most of the practices for how the growing business should operate.

Consider Small Business Financial Controls

While control mechanisms are designed to breed greater order, discipline and accountability in a small business, there is no right number of control mechanisms that a business should have. It makes sense that the larger the company, the more control mechanisms it might put in place. It’s equally possible that a small-business owner might brush aside the need for control mechanisms entirely, assuming that they’re too much work for a business he knows inside and out.

Count on your small-business attorney and accountant to recommend the control mechanisms that make sense for your small business. Before you jump to any conclusions, good or bad, consider the sensibility of just 10 of the 17 financial controls that SCORE recommends every small business put in place to reduce the chance for fraud and theft:

  • Make job offers conditional on a background check.
  • Separate your business and personal finances – and keep them that way.
  • Spread financial tasks such as paying bills and running payroll among different employees.
  • Review every bank, credit and debit card statement yourself.
  • Conduct financial reviews and audits at random, unannounced times.
  • Require a second person to OK all petty cash transactions.
  • Review all outgoing payments yourself – and sign all checks yourself, too.
  • Require vendors to submit invoices that teem with details and avoid vague language.
  • Make cash flow projections every month.
  • Establish an inventory control system that will grow with your business.

If you’re getting the idea that control mechanisms can be written and tailored to your business and your specific concerns, you’re on the right track, and if you ask around, you’re bound to find support among other small-business owners – kindred spirits who know that control freaks know a thing or two about protecting their interests with control mechanisms.