Foreign Trade University Program – Economics | Colorado State University

Established in 2008, the CSU-FTU Vietnam Economics Curriculum Project originated as a curriculum development initiative, specifically to help FTU align its undergraduate curriculum with international norms. The project was established and supported by Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training, who funded parts of the project for the first three years.

As it evolved under the leadership of CSU Professor of Economics Bob Kling, the program became a multi-dimensional partnership between the universities. Since 2014, more than 1,000 FTU students have taken courses from CSU faculty in Hanoi, while almost 200 FTU students have transferred to CSU to complete their CSU degree.

Beyond the success of the core programming, CSU has welcomed more than a dozen FTU graduates and FTU faculty members into its graduate Economics programs; provided short-term research methods training for visiting scholars; and extended cooperation to also include Vietnam Forestry University and Vietnam Water Resources University.