‎Fing – Network Scanner

What fkn Ever


Well seems like fing is doing what he’s supposed to,I think, not sure… I contact tech support and all I seem to get back is an auto response saying I’ve opened a ticket then 2 days later I’ll get another auto response saying “How did we do” word to the wise, If the cable co comes to service your home or business REMOVE FING AND DONT MENTION IT” they came out to my place and I told them the problems I’ve been having and he was very curious on how I knew all this information. I asked if he knew about Fing Box, 3 different cable repair men said “ no, what’s that? I’ve never heard of it”! Well when they got upset due to me having a lot more information than him ( so I thought) they all on different days pull out their phones and I see the fing app on their phone! They couldn’t backpedal enough, throw out more lies and leave fast enough saying a supervisor would have to come out. Then they hooked a big box outside to my cable and fing went through all his colors, went off, turns back to white, which is a Reboot mode and it’s never been the same and fing support has not answered any thing I’ve asked sense. I WOULD LIKE TO GET AN EXCHANGE!!! But for now ….. nothing but auto response saying “ Hey, How did we do… would be nice to actually get a human response and a support phone number to contact a human being!!! Technology has passed humanity.. it’s sad … Mark R.