Finasteride Price Comparison: Where to Buy Cheaper Finasteride Online – Fin vs Fin



How does Finasteride work?


Finasteride, also known as “Fin,” is one of two major FDA approved drugs to treat normal, male pattern baldness (the brand name you probably know is Propecia®). Going bald obviously stinks — that’s why my friend and I are so passionate about this site! And we’re not alone; almost 2/3rds of American men will experience hair loss by the time they turn 35. So thinning as you get older is normal. BUT, unlike our grandad’s generation, there is actually something we can do about it!


When a healthy male starts to lose his curly locks (or straight, whatever you have or had), scientists believe that a hormone called DHT (dihydrotesterone) interacts with the hair follicles on his head, causing them to shrink (and eventually stop producing hair). DHT is a derivative of testerone, the hormone you already know of that makes men “manly” (or something like that). So your macho-ness is causing you to go bald — which seems ironic. The image below visualizes how DHT may cause follicles to shrink:


DHT causing hairloss imageDHT causing hairloss image


What researchers think Fin is doing is blocking DHT, not letting it interfere with those precious hair follicles. The medicine is believed to work by by inhibiting the production of an enzyme called
5α-Reductase.” 5α-Reductase converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), so Fin inhibits this process, reducing the DHT in your body and scalp, and reducing the amount of DHT that causes hair loss. 


how finasteride workshow finasteride works


The reputable hair loss prevention providers, like the ones we recommended above, make it pretty clear that this treatment will slow or stop hair loss – but not bring back what’s already gone. So it makes a lot of sense to start trying to save your hair as soon as you can, so that you can keep as much as you can!



Is Finasteride safe?


This is a drug, so it makes sense to talk potential side effects. You could even consider the risk of side effects part of the cost of medicine! The good news is that it is considered “generally safe” which means that for the vast majority of men who use it, there will be no noticeable side effects, or if there are any side effects that are not going to be truly nasty ones. But, again, you do need to get a prescription – and the online providers who we recommend can do this for you online (in most states) and online + over the phone/video chat in a few other states. So answer the questions honestly, as you want the doctor to make sure they know enough about your medical history to give you a responsible and safe treatment plan.


The most talked about side effects are sexual dysfunction that may occur in a small percent of men taking the drug. According to an article in The Indian Dermatol Online, a long term study showed that drug-related sexual side effects such as decreased libido, ED, and ejaculatory disorders occurred in <2% of men.


A list of the reported Finasteride side effects include:


  • Decreased libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Ejaculatory issues
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Swelling in hands, feet or breasts


Women and children should NOT take this medicine. The drug can cause birth defects and women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant should not handle the pills.


The online providers we recommend will complete a telemedicine doctor’s visit. It is important that you accurately answer the questions in the doctor’s visit so that the physician can make sure there are not other conditions that would make you not a good candidate for this hair loss medicine.