Film Photography Blog | Film Shooters Collective
I especially loved doing this in Mexico, where things are so vibrant and beautiful while being weathered and used. I love the juxtaposing aesthetic that I seem to find there. I had no grand plan with the photos, they were merely things that caught my eye and I was so busy with work there, I never had much time to think about what kind of images I was collecting.
It wasn’t until the boredom of the pandemic lockdown that I actually looked at the images with some thought. I had over five years worth of trips to Mexico and as I looked at them all as a whole, I couldn’t believe how much they felt in tune with each other. Perhaps it was the state of the lockdown, or the perspective of a foreigner in a new land, or something I unconsciously seek out, but I noticed all the images had an inherent loneliness to them. Quiet scenes of a place or short moments with someone alone, they had a solitude to them. I thought of the poem I referenced before and the whole thing screamed “book” to me.