
Farming / Mining

Farming is the process of checking your plots every ~8 seconds to attempt to find a proof in order to be rewarded Chia (XCH) coins. Sometimes this process is referred to as Chia Mining.

ChiaLinks cannot guarantee or endorse any third party tools. There is a screening process in place for open source projects to ensure no malicious code at the time of inclusion but there is no guarantee that the code has not changed since. There have been tools in the past that have become malicious resulting in lost XCH and compromised private keys. Use at your own risk.


Chia Cryptocurrency Farming Guide

A guide to understanding farming requirements and selecting hardware (cases, drives, etc.) based on budget and quantity of disks. (Chia Decentral) Chia Hard Drive Buying Guide

Guide to understanding and selecting the best hard drives for storing plots and farming on. (Chia Decentral) How to move the Chia database to a new disk

Short guide on how to move your blockchain database files to another drive if your main disk is running out of space. Start Chia

Starting guide and resources for farming Chia.


3D printed HDD rack

3d printed Chia themed HDD rack with fan holder for farmers. 3D printed stackable HDD rack

3d printed HDD rack that is modular and stackable. Chia Address Widget for Android

An Android widget to check your address balance. Chia Calculator ChiaLinks Recommended

Estimate how much XCH you can earn from farming based on projected network growth and coin price. Chia Dashboard

An app that can monitor your Chia services and report it to a web service so you can monitor your farming remotely with a slick dashboard. Chia Exporter

RPC/Websocket based metrics exporter for Chia Chia Harvest Graph

Put your mind at ease to see if your harvesters are harvesting right. Monitor the down-time due to spotty internet, un-synchronized node, slow farmer/harvester process, etc. Chia Log Analyzer

Real-time Chia log analyzer to monitor farming and harvesting statistics. Chia Node List

A list of peer IPs of active nodes on the Chia network to add manually if you are having sync issues. Chia public nodes list

Chia public node that shares available 8444 peers every hour. Chia Stock to Flow Model

Stock to flow model predicting XCH price based on Chia’s emission schedule. Chia Sync Network

List of official introducer and nodes, as well as public nodes to aid in resolving syncing issues. Chia Telegram Bot

Windows Powershell script to monitor log files and trigger a Telegram notification. Chia Wallet Monitor

Python program to get notifications when you get XCH. chia-monitor

A comprehensive monitoring and alerting solution for the status of your Chia farmer and harvesters. ChiaAlert Telegram Bot

Self-hosted telegram bot to watch your Chia farm stats. Chiabot Discord Bot

A Discord bot that monitors your chia farm summary and sends notifications when blocks are found and new plots are completed. Chiadog

Python program to automate monitoring of your farmers/harversters to notify you of potential malfunctions and successes. Amazon price tracker

Tracker for hard drives prices available on Amazon (international locales supported). Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) Calculator for Chia

DCA strategy investment calculator to see what historical returns are possible when dollar cost averaging your investment in Chia (XCH) cryptocurrency. Prometheus Chia Exporter

Display full node statistics in a Grafana dashboard to monitor your farm. ShuckStop – WD external drive price tracker

Tracker for Western Digital external hard drives prices across US retailers. SpaceScan Tax Statements

Calculate your Chia taxes with ease. XCHScan Chia Farming Calculator

XCHscan provides a simple tool to help you figure out if you’ll be profitable farming Chia.


Chia farming – Am I unlucky or is my farmer broken

An introduction to how the probability of winning blocks in Chia works. Figure out if you are unlucky or you are having real network problems with your farmer or harvester. (Chia Decentral) Chia farming in Ubuntu Server for beginners switching from Windows

A video for folks that are currently farming Chia in Windows and want to switch over to Ubuntu server, for lightweight and low power, headless (no monitor) Chia farming. (Chia Decentral) Chia farming on multiple systems – introduction to harvesters

Walkthrough of setting up a farmer and remote harvester to avoid multiple systems on the same network from conflicting with each other. (Chia Decentral) Competitive Chia Farming – Deep dive into HDD power and TCO ChiaLinks Recommended

The most comprehensive analysis of Chia farming power usage and total cost of ownership (TCO). A must watch for serious farmers looking to understand and increase the energy efficiency of their farm. (Chia Decentral) How to farm Chia on multiple computers using Chia harvester

A walkthrough of how to set up harvesters in Windows to farm from multiple machines without a full node. (NotAnotherTech) Official Chia Farming Dashboard

A video for folks that are currently farming Chia in Windows and want to switch over to Ubuntu server, for lightweight and low power, headless (no monitor) Chia farming. (Chia Decentral)


Competitive Chia Farming – Deep dive into HDD power and TCO ChiaLinks Recommended

The most comprehensive analysis of Chia farming power usage and total cost of ownership (TCO). A must watch for serious farmers looking to understand and increase the energy efficiency of their farm. (Chia Decentral)

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