Explore Business Management – RMIT University

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Hello everyone. My name is Dr. Margaret Heffernan, and I’m the program manager of the Bachelor of Business Management degree at RMIT university. Today, I’m going to hopefully inspire you to join us at RMIT for your studies. I always say to new students, RMIT the only place to be. And I’m going to share with you some information about several things. Firstly, the key features of the Bachelor of Business Management, how we connect you with integrating your learning for the workplace, how we connect you with industry while you studying. So by the time you graduate, you have a toolbox of skills that employers want, really useful outcomes we’ve found. Our programs are world renowned and allow students to work across a variety of disciplines, such as marketing, accountancy, human resource management, international business, to replicate what you’ll experience in the real world. And essentially to give you the best start to your career. At RMIT, we’re committed to supporting indigenous people’s reconciliation.

So, before I start sharing with you information about the program, I’d like to acknowledge the people of the [00:01:23] language groups, the Eastern cooler nations on whose unseeded lands we conduct the business of the university are MIT, respectfully acknowledges their ancestors and elders past, present and emerging. And while we conduct our work remotely, I want to pay my respect for the wider unceded lands of this nation. So now for a few minutes, let’s explore the fundamentals for the bachelor of business management degree. So during your studies, you’re going to learn how to lead teams deal with complex issues and make business decisions. And the degree is informed by research and industry partners. It’s basically centered on integrating contemporary approaches to leadership, strategic management, sustainability, and diversity. So we can cultivate in you, skills that are in high demand by industry. We also hope that you will gain vital skills including, strategic thinking, which our industry partners says is absolutely vital for today’s volatile environments.

We also want ethical and socially responsible decision making skills built in you. Managing innovation because that’s, what’s going to stimulate our future in your careers. And of course, effectively managing people through change, which is a constant in our lives now and managing in cross-cultural environments. Because as you know around the world, we’re globally diverse on every characteristic. And you can see on the slide in the right hand box, that we’re actually number 55 in the world for graduate employment. We’re also number 60 in the world for partnerships with employers and we’re in the top 150 in the world for Business and Management studies. And we take pride in these impressive rankings when you consider the number of universities globally. This slide has got a lot of information on it. So I’m going to quickly summarize it for you. And these are the various pathways that you can come into the degree.

Now, many of you have come from different institutions, different types of schooling and whatever. And you can see their website pathways.rmit.edu.au. And please explore all your study options with this. So for example, if we look at the left hand column on the pathway program, you can see there are various diplomas, associate degrees, advanced diplomas, diplomas of international business information technology, just to name a few. The second column then explained to the duration of the pathway program. And as you can see there, it varies from 1 year to 1 and a half years to 2 years. The 3rd column then gives you information on how much more time do you spend to complete your degree. So what’s the additional duration. And again, you can see, depending on the pathway program that you’re entering in, that it comes from 1 year to 2 years extra study. And then the final column is the total duration of your studies. So that combined you can see, it varies between 3 years, 3 and a half years to 4 years. But I consider whatever pathway you take, it’s going to be a fantastic investment of your time.

Let’s look more deeply now at our course structure.

So as you can see on the left hand column, you will progress through 3 main pathways. So we have the business common course, which comprises 8 core subjects that are common to the degree. You will then from those courses, have a better idea of what you might want to do your discipline major in. And you can see there that in this degree, then you will do a further 4 courses at 2nd year and then finish up with 4 courses in your final year. We also give you flexible options because we know that everyone has particular preferences and career plans in mind. So your options are that you can do a 2nd business major, or you might like to study two minors, or you might like to do 1 minor and 4 electives. So this is just an example of the program structure. And please be mindful that our courses may change may not be available at each semester, but at the time of recording this, this gives you an idea of the sense of options.

But again, that if you are querying about the best structure of your course for you, please do reach out to the university. We have loads of staff here that can help explain this in more detail. So let’s talk briefly about our industry connections. As you saw on the course structure in discipline major, you’re exposed to courses such as organization analysis, strategic management in your common core. It’s in marketing, it’s in economics, it’s in information systems, it’s in accountancy and it’s also in law. So I in industry connections from all these range of disciplines and we have very extensive what we call industry engagement. And as you can read here on these five dot points that working on industry projects in what we call work integrated learning. So we have courses such in the final year as management in practice and clients from industry and a range of organizations work with you to be able to apply everything you’ve learned over the course of your degree.

And as students feedback routinely, is just the most amazing experience to be able to have that real time contact with actual clients out there. And for many of our students, who’ve done impressive presentations. It’s actually gone on to lead to internships and graduate employment. So this is a great opportunity. We also have an… I know you, you all love travel. I love travel. You’ll be able to have overseas work placements as well as local work placements and that both paid and unpaid, I really wish I was the student again, to be able to take these opportunities. You’re also going to be working a lot in teams and groups because that’s skills that industry is really looking for. And there’s a particular program that I think is one of the best entrepreneurial programs I’ve ever seen. And you be working in a student team as part of what we call a fast track innovation program.

This is an elective, but I’d really encourage you to do this because you’re going to be working with mentors to again, develop and present solutions to real world problems. We also have electives called business internship, and here you’ll be taking up a position for one or two days a week, for whole semester. And again, this is an internship and giving you that exposure to apply what you’ve been studying. And finally, there’re heaps of opportunities to be mentored by industry professionals. And so, as you can see on the right hand column again, this is where we rank against other places that were number 4, straight for our partnership with employers. We’re number 5 for the graduate employment rate in Australia as a result of these industry connections. And in 2009, as students were really busy, they undertook 11,698 work integrated learning placements.

So industry partners.

So here’s just an example of our industry partners. As you can see, broad range, we have Ernst and Young, IKEA, Tonic 15, Metro, Arkadin collaboration services, Luminary, NDIS. ANZ said Luminact, DHL, and others who constantly wanting to come on board. So here’s just two examples of what’s been happening this year. So in semester 1, our students had the opportunity to work with Ernst and young, which has, is one of Australia’s top 4 accounting and professional service companies and all the while working virtually in digitally. But they said the learning outcomes were still as great as if they had been working face to face because of the intense engagement with that company. And semester 2, as students are going to be working with Metro trains to develop management solutions within the Metro tunnel project, which as you know, is one of the largest infrastructure projects in Victoria.

And so these learning opportunities allow students to not only apply their knowledge, but they’re dealing with practical problems that the companies have identified. The students then do a presentation to these companies on what are their solutions. And as I said earlier, often this can lead to ongoing internships or work placements. So it’s really fantastic part of add. Great. I mentioned earlier about the opportunities overseas, just have a look at this 215 universities around the world for you to choose. If you want to go and have a study semester or part of your degree over there. And we’ve got very solid partnerships, as you can see in North America, Canada, Mexico, the United States, for example, and then South America, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, South Africa, 21 across the whole of Europe, 12 in Asia, from China through to Indua, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, and so on.

And then in OCR a bit closer to home, new Caledonia and New Zealand. And I’d really encourage you when you come to study with us to think about taking these global opportunities, because employers now expect you to have high levels of global awareness of high levels of cultural awareness and how better to show that when you’re a graduate say, look, I actually went and lived over there. I developed some new languages. I’m now culturally aware of that particular region and country. And we find that our graduates who are ambassadors through this opportunity just have the best career opportunities. So our graduates have also found employment across a diverse range of professional commercial, industrial, and also not for profit organizations. And as you can read here, various roles, particularly organizational strategy and innovation, occupational health, and safety, international development, coordination, and advice, public infrastructure administration, and policy advocacy and social assistance.

But this is just a small snapshot of the career outcomes for you. And we credit this to the really rich, diverse range of our courses that we deliver with you, that you experience across multiple disciplines combined with all the extra curricular opportunities that are also available on campus. We’ve also got a career center here at our MIT that will give you advice on your jobs and your internships and your between semester employment and things like that. So what we’re really committed to do is going right back to developing that cultivated mind and skilled hand, so you can get out there and just have the best career possible. So I’m hoping by now, you’re really eager for this presentation to finishing get to that computer and logic entry application.

So what are their requirements? Well, you can see on this slide, we have different requirements for both domestic and international students.

So for domestic ATAR the moment is 67.85. That is for year 12 applicants. But the selection criteria is that, minimum of Australia near 12 or equivalent, you have to have units 3 and 4 with the study score of at least 30 in English, your EAL or at least 25 in English, other than EAL. You may eligible for adjustment factors, which will be applied to your selection rank. And again, we have lots of information on the RMIT website and specialist staff that are happy to talk about that with your. For international students and general admission. Again, we are looking for Australian year 12 or equivalent secondary school qualification with a minimum 65% average, and there could be other equivalent qualifications, which include completion of the RMIT foundation studies program, or recognize post secondary diploma in the relevant discipline with the required grade. So I encourage you to go back to that earlier information on the program pathways, because again, your admissions may also be influenced by that.

You can see here that a prerequisite for international students is English language requirements, and you have to complete one of the English proficiency tests, such as IELTS. TOFL the piece and test of English and Cambridge English. And so on the program page, you’ll see the minimum scores required for all of that. And for full entry requirements, including non year 12, please go to the RMIT website and there’re heaps of information there that will help. So 2021, what are some important dates? So the orientation is always on the 22nd to 26th of February. Our classes begin on the 1st of March for the first semester and the last day to enroll for semester 1 is the 8th of March. Please review the program information on the website, please contact us if we can help in any way. But we really hope that this summary of the program has given you sufficient information to start making that all important decision.

Thank you, for taking the time to learn about our globally recognized programs. And as you’ve heard, we’re very big on application. Have you ever Googled the, the RMIT motto? I want you to take a few moments to read about our history. So our RMIT was established in 1987, 133 years ago as a working man’s college. And its motto is Perita manus mens exculta, which we still use today. And it means skilled hand cultivated mind. And that’s what we want for you that you’re applying what you learn for real world scenarios. So for more information on these programs, be sure to check the program information website available on our website. And of course, any of the staff in the school of management are very happy to take your queries at any time. So RMIT it’s the place to be.

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