Executive Summary Example For A Business Plan

The Executive Summary writing could be overwhelming. Hence we have come up with a detailed executive summary example. We hope that this example explains you well and helps you with an executive summary outline that serves your objection.

Please understand that the executive summary format may differ with respect to the business and the business requirements. It is possible that two similar businesses may have completely different executive summaries.

Important details about the example:

The following example is explicitly drawn out for people wanting to start child care services in America. The business name/domain and other important details are fictional facts and figures. We, as a company has solely used the details to draw an example for our readers like you. Any relevance in the details and the format of the business plan’s executive summary is completely coincidental.

Executive Summary Example:

Executive Summary For Samantha’s Child Care Services

child care services


Samantha’s Child Care Services is a day child care service center in Seattle, Washington.

The center offers daycare and hands-on learning facilities for children between three to five. The center is headed by Samantha Wheeler, from UCLA University with 15 years of experience working as Principal of CIS of Seattle.

The main objective of presenting this executive summary for child care is to seek investments.


Today’s children need a hands-on learning experience right from the start. They need to learn the lessons that don’t feel like ‘learning’. They should not feel forced to learn. Rather, they must enjoy it. They need a curriculum that allows them to read, write, play and have fun.

On the contrary, the school system is failing.


Samatha Wheeler, the founder, and director of Samantha’s Child Care Services is trained and has been teaching and looking after children for more than 5 years.

According to her experience, here are the solutions Samantha’s Child Care Services offer:

  • Offering practical learning experiences
  • Including activities like developing activities in art, self-defense, robotics, phonics, and others under the same roof.
  • We will nurture and look after the neighborhood children like their parents would by offering more than just babysitting.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to offer holistic childcare along with fun and engaging extracurricular activities to children. So that they don’t miss the joy of community.

Learn more about how to write a vision statement for your business.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to offer every child here fun and an international standard daycare center where kids can be groomed and prepared to be leaders of tomorrow.

Learn more about how to write a mission statement.

Target Market

Samantha’s Child Care Services will be offering child care/development for infants aged three to five.

Our services are specifically for families where both parents (or all elders) are working professionals. And due to work obligations, can not manage child care during the day.

Which includes:

  • Corporate Executives
  • Business Professionals
  • Sports Professionals
  • Government Officials
  • Families

We will be targeting parents and guardians who are looking for a daycare center that offers help in the overall development of their child.

Competition and Competitive Advantages:

  • Direct Competition:

    • Sunflower Day Care
    • Little Lilies Child Care
  • Indirect Competition:

    Preschools and kindergartens.

  • Tertiary Competition:

    Home Schools, Stay-at-home parents, and Nannies.

  • Competitive Advantages

    • We offer quality childcare services with hands-on early education at affordable prices
    • Everything that a child needs for a healthy and happy childhood, we provide under one roof.
    • It’s not just another child care center. But a child’s second home. Where every child is looked after and nurtured, physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

Procedure and Implementations

The current procedure at Samantha’s Child Care Services are:

  • Renovating the center
  • Management provisions
  • Recruiting teacher’s staff
  • Recruiting a team of pediatric nurses and counselors
  • Setting up the marketing team
  • Culinary team to suffice breakfast and lunch provision

Team Size:

Management Team 5 people Teacher’s Staff 5 Teachers Team of Pediatric Nurses 3 Nurses No. of counselors 1 counselor Marketing Team Culinary Team 3 people Total team members

Financial Summary

Samantha’s Child Services has been a side hustle for the last two years. During that time, it’s been quite stable. However, upon the thought of expansion, here are a few financial facts and figures for Samantha’s Child Care Services:

  • Our sales projections for the first year are $270,000.
  • We project a growth rate of 10% per year for the first three years.
  • The salary for each partner will be $30,000

Financing Requirements

We are seeking an operating line of $100,000 to finance our first-year growth. Samantha Wheeler, the founder has invested $47,000 to meet working capital requirements.

Write executive summary for your business plan

Even if you don’t own a child care center, you can still implement this business plan executive summary format for your business.

  1. Define your business idea

    It is very important to mention what you do, how you do it, and for whom you do it. Of course, you don’t have to go into the details of how you started. Explain the purpose of your business and the impact it brings to the market.

  2. Identify business metrics

    The business metrics are also called key performance indicators. These key indicators vary with the type of business. However, here are a few metrics you can consider regardless of your business-

    1. Year-on-year revenue
    2. Number of customers and users
    3. Industry rankings and positions
    4. Marketing investments and results
    5. Year-on-year return on investments
  3. Pay attention to your niche

    While you get into framing your business plan, stay close and true to your niche. Study the recent trends and techniques going on in the industry. Try to be a little intuitive so that you can see those trends and techniques. We would suggest you go through the business plans that have worked in your industry. This will help you to stand out from your competitors.

  4. Use simple language

    Any person, regardless of his/her age and designation, has an attention span of 5th grade. Plus your readers are busy. They are looking for a business and do not want to be impressed by your vocabulary. In that case, write your content in the simplest manner possible. The best is if you can stick to your industry lingo. In any case, writing short and easy sentences with a decent vocabulary is the best fit for your executive summary for the business plan.

  5. Don’t write the executive summary first

    Writing an executive summary first can put you in a big confusion. Because, it is simply too early to give any facts and figures, let alone the briefs. To write a business plan, you need to do a lot of research. You need to go to the very bottom of all the aspects before you come to any conclusion. Once you complete all other chapters of your business plan, Now that you know how to write an executive summary.