European Cloud Hosting – EOSC Marketplace
Exoscale is a simple to use yet advanced on-demand compute and storage as a service platform available from several locations in Europe with resources spinned up in seconds at an affordable per minute pricing: a) Cloud servers, quick to get started, easy to run and scale, fully cloud native, b) Object Storage, S3 compliant, no lock-in, cloud native object storage solution, for any kind of data, pay only what you use, c) GPU Servers, latest generation cards, extra-large SSD storage, d) DNS zones with straightforward web interface, e) Runstatus, hosted status dashboards for developing teams. Exoscale is a simple to use yet advanced on-demand compute and storage as a service platform available from several locations in Europe with resources spinned up in seconds at an affordable per minute pricing: a) Cloud servers, quick to get started, easy to run and scale, fully cloud native, b) Object Storage, S3 compliant, no lock-in, cloud native object storage solution, for any kind of data, pay only what you use, c) GPU Servers, latest generation cards, extra-large SSD storage, d) DNS zones with straightforward web interface, e) Runstatus, hosted status dashboards for developing teams. With Exoscale we’re building infrastructure and services to help European teams build cloud native applications. This relentless focus allows us to build a cloud platform that’s both powerful and enjoyable to use. Exoscale is also the ideal partner for those looking to respect the strict Swiss data privacy laws. We also help engineers ensure that the workloads started in Austria, stay in Austria. Same goes for workloads started in Germany: we guarantee that they will remain in Germany. This means that your projects are GDPR-compliant when you work with Exoscale.Trusted by engineers across Europe. Our customer success engineers have helped hundreds of customers from all over Europe migrate, run and scale production workloads on Exoscale.