Essay on Effects and Impact of Social Networking Sites

One of the persuasive parts of human interactions, social networking sites are extensively used nowadays and we humans can’t even think of one day without their use. These advent use of social networking sites sometimes can affect the physical, mental and spiritual health of human beings. The effects and impact of social networking sites are also a common essay topic in the school curriculum and various academic and competitive exams like IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, UPSC, etc. This blog brings you samples of essays on the effects and impacts of social networking sites with tips & tricks on how to write an essay.

Tips for Writing an Essay

To write an impactful and scoring essay here are some tips on how to write a good essay on the effects and impact of social networking sites:

  • The initial step is to write an introduction or background information about the topic
  • Use the formal style of writing. Also, avoid using slang language while writing an essay.
  • To make an essay more impactful, write dates, quotations, and names to provide a better understanding
  • Use jargon wherever it is necessary but don’t overuse it. 
  • Make your essay creative by adding information in bulleted points wherever possible
  • Always remember to add a conclusion where you need to summarise crucial points
  • Once done make sure to read through the lines. Also, check spelling and grammar mistakes before submission

Sample Essays 

To help you in writing an effective essay here are some sample essays on the given topic

Essay on Effects and Impact of Social Networking Sites in 200 Words 

As the coin has two faces head and tail, everything has its pros and cons. Social networking sites have made our lives much easier than before. These sites are helpful in many ways such as some of the sites are informative, some are for entertainment, some are a source of income for people and much more.

Almost 98% of people across the globe use the internet and social networking sites. Most of the users are adolescents, and it is evident that these social networking sites are penetrating steadily the lives of people globally. These are one of the main reasons for depression and anxiety. Further, these are also one of the prominent ways to crimes such as cyberbullying. As the majority of social networking site users are adolescents and teenagers, who feel sudden pressure to grow up fast in this online world. Some of the very prominent impacts include poor sleep, negative body image, eye fatigue, anxiety, depression and many more. Thus, all of us need to schedule the time and energy we use on it. Further, we require to be careful while using these sites so that we do not fall prey to cyberbullying. 

Essay on Effects and Impact of Social Networking Sites in 300 Words

Internet usage has been altered by the popularity of social networking over the past few years. These sites had enabled us to share concepts, information and sensations at the fastest possible speed. It has also helped us in interacting faster with our lecturers and professors. We can now post, share notes, and attend lectures online using these social networking sites. According to the data, a large portion of the population that uses is teenagers, mostly students. Most include Facebook, Youtube, Skype and MySpace are known for attracting millions of users daily. For some, these social networking sites are a path to enrich their social lives for the separated family member that brings them together in virtual places despite being physically separated.

Students consume a lot of time while uploading and downloading information related to their careers or academics. While researching for their projects and studies students often use, however, most of them cannot log out of these sites. Further, due to the continuous growth in the popularity of such sites, students feel a sudden urge to use these networking sites because of peer group pressure. To some extent, these sites are one of the strongest tools for communication due to continuous growth in technology.

Sites like Facebook, Instagram, MySpace, etc. are also known as virtual places where people keep in touch with their family members, friends and relatives, however, this is also a place where most people fall victim to cyberbullying. Thus, there are both positive and negative impacts of social networking sites, it depends upon how you are using these networking sites for what purpose. To stay physically, mentally healthy and peaceful you must limit yourself from spending more time on social networking sites.

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