Essay about Internet is What is Global Area Network | Bartleby

What is Global Area Network:
Global Area Network is a network, composed of interconnected of different networks that cover a unrestricted geographical area. The term is synonymous with Internet, which is called as Global Area Network.
Compared to Local Area Network (LAN)and Wide Area Network(WAN), Global Area Network covers a large geographical area, because a Global Area Network(GAN) is used to support mobile communication over a number of wireless LAN’s, the challenge of any GAN is transferring user communication from one local area to the next local area.
The most used network after GAN type is Broadband GAN. The Broadband GAN is a glob al satellite internetwork that uses portable terminals for

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BGAN users frequently use PEP software or other packet accelerators to increase the performance. Multiple manufacturers are made BGAN terminals. All the terminals have similar capabilities. The main two services that apply to basic BGAN usage are the Standard Background Ip and Telephone voice. The ISPs charges for BGAN service averages about US$7.50 per Background Megabyte. For voice calling is on average US$1 per min and varies depends on the destination of the call like landlines, cell phones, other satellite phones which are more expensive.
Nowadays BGAN is the fastest available global data link through portable terminal. It has good voice calling quality & anyone can be easily set up this link. Easy To Use:
BGAN is designed for ease of use and simplicity. In set up and use of BGAN there is no technical experts are required. We can track service usage and charges in real time, so that It’s easy to manage costs. We can use the same device across the world and user interface is standard across all terminals. There are no problems with local telecom networks, because we are directly connected to the