Email and Business Writing Skills

— Every business letter is written to a purpose and has its own special aim. One of the features of this article is to show how the various letters set out to achieve their aims. The article can be of special help to those who are in business and use commercial correspondence. More and more of our work today is undertaken through writing rather than in person or on the phone. As we are writing so much more these days, we depend on our writing skills to influence, persuade, encourage, collaborate, and to lead. Yesterday’s writing is passive and wordy, and it sounds really dull. It puts a distance between you and the reader. Today’s writing sounds more conversational. It’s clear and transparent. The personal context makes it more positive and interesting. We connect with the world today largely through email, websites, bllogs, texting and social media. When connecting through these channels we have only bare facts, without voice and body language. That’s why it make sense to use writing that’s as close as possible to spoken language and to make a greater connection with your reader.