Electric vehicles – Fuels & Technologies – IEA
Policies have major influences on the development of electric mobility. Policy approaches to promote the deployment of EVs typically start with a vision statement and a set of targets. An initial step is the adoption of electric vehicle and charging standards.
Economic incentives and regulatory measures are often coupled with other policies that increase the value proposition of EVs. Such policies often aim to harness the multiple co-benefits arising from greater electrification of transport, most prominently energy diversification in a sector that is 90% dependent on oil products and the reduction of local pollutant and GHG emissions. Measures that provide crucial incentives to scale up the availability of vehicles with low and zero tailpipe emissions include fuel economy standards, zero-emission vehicle mandates and the rise in the ambition of public procurement programmes.
Regulatory measures related to charging infrastructure include minimum requirements to ensure “EV readiness” in new or refurbished buildings and parking lots, deployment of publicly accessible chargers in cities and on highway networks, and are complemented by requirements regarding inter-operability and minimum availability levels for publicly accessible charging infrastructure.