Electric Spear


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Electric Spears are a type of Spear icon.png Spear added in the Downpour DLC. They have a large cone-shaped tip that glows blue and white, sparking with electricity.

An Elite Scavenger with an Electric Spear on its back

Electric Spears stun whatever they hit on impact. This effect is similar to the shock from Centipedes icon.png Centipedes, stunning most targets for seven seconds. A visual effect is emitted during impact, which looks similar to thrown Flashbang icon.png Flashbangs, but much less bright. Note that the spear must embed into the creature to take effect; like regular spears, they will harmlessly bounce off of Lizards icon.png Lizard heads. Using an Electric Spear too many times (this varies randomly: on the low end, as few as 3; high end, up to at least 16) causes the spear to lose its charge (noted by a popping sound) and become inactive. Inactive electric spears can be found in Scavenger icon.png Scavenger treasuries, which can be charged by hitting an electric creature (such as a Centipede, Giant Jellyfish icon.png Giant Jellyfish, or Inspector icon.png Inspector) or by being hit by a Singularity Bomb icon.png Singularity Bomb’s shockwave. They can also be found wielded by Elite Scavenger icon.png Elite Scavengers.

Electric Spears are a very effective combat tool against creatures with lots of health, such as Vulture icon.png Vultures. Flying creatures will fall to the ground when stunned, leaving them vulnerable. Unlike Explosive Spear icon.png Explosive Spears, Electric Spears can be reused multiple times, so stunning a target can allow the Slugcat head.png Slugcat to retrieve and use it again.

Electric Spears can be embedded in walls and climbed. Unlike other spears, Electric Spears can be can be pulled back out and reused after being embedded. They can also be destroyed by overuse; there is a chance for the spear to break with a loud pop after it strikes a creature. This chance is significantly increased when hitting electric enemies.

Hitting an underwater creature with an Electric Spear will fully discharge it, but will also deal massive damage to any living thing in a large radius in the water.

  • Inactive Electric Spears found on the ground can be hard to distinguish from regular Spears, as their larger tip will be hidden in the ground.
  • Centipedes are immune to the stunning effect of the electric shock unless they have taken a significant amount of damage.
  • Attempting to turn an Electric Spear into an Explosive Spear while playing Artificer will fail and instead shock and stun the player as if an Electric Spear had hit the player, causing the player to drop all items being carried.
  • Hitting a wall with an Electric Spear produces the same effect as if it hit a creature, but a charge is not used up.
  • An inactive Electric Spear can be charged even by Centipedes that are dead.
  • If a active Electric Spear hits any centipede or a giant Jellyfish it has a chance to explode (depending on the creature) as if it was an explosive spear but with the blue effect that the electric spear normally creates.