Electric Dipoles | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki

If an electric dipole is placed in an external electric field the charges will feel forces in opposite directions by virtue of their opposite signs, causing a rotation if the two charges remain bound to one another. Hence, the forces actually manifest themselves as a torque.

The black external electric field causes red forces in opposite directions on the charges, resulting in rotation of the blue dipole moment in the direction indicated by the yellow arrow.

Since the torque is largest when \(\vec{p}\) is perpendicular to \(\vec{E}\) and decreases as the two vectors become more parallel, it is best modeled as the cross product between the two vectors.

The torque on a dipole \(\vec{p}\) placed in an external field \(\vec{E}\) is

\[\tau = \vec{p} \times \vec{E}\]

Two charges \(+Q\) and \(-Q\) are placed at \(x = 1\text{ m}\) and \(x = -1\text{ m}\) respectively in an external field \(\vec{E} = 3 \hat{x} + 4 \hat{y}.\) What is the torque on the dipole?

In order to evaluate the cross product, write down the dipole.

\[\vec{p} = q\vec{d} = (Q) (2 \hat{x}) = 2Q\hat{x}\]

Now evaluate the cross product.

\[\tau = \vec{p} \times \vec{E} =( 2Q\hat{x}) \times (3 \hat{x} + 4 \hat{y}) = (8Q \text{ Nm})\hat{z}\]


None of these choices



What is the torque on an ideal electric dipole with moment \(\vec{p} = -A \hat{z}\) placed in an external electric field \(\vec{E} = B \hat{z}?\)