Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

Creative Commons License
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Electric Charge and Coulomb’s Law

  • Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter.
    Electrons carry a charge of negative one “electron unit”, and
    protons a charge of positive one “electron unit”.
  • Electric charge is conserved in a closed system.
  • The SI unit for electric charge is the Coulomb:
                about 6.25 x 10^18  electrons    add up to 1 Coulomb
  • The Coulomb is a very LARGE amount of charge — ordinary
    situations contain a tiny fraction of a Coulomb.
  • If one Coulomb per second moves past a fixed point in a wire,
    that wire is carrying a current of one Ampere.
  • Conductors allow charge to move freely through them.
    Metals are good conductors.
  • Insulators keep charged particles nearly fixed in place.
    Glass, rubber and plastic are good insulators.
  • Coulomb’s Law describes the force between two charged point-like

                                q1 * q2
                    F   =  k * ----------


                   k    =  Coulomb's constant = 8.99 x 10^9    (N*m^2/C^2)
                   q1   =  charge on first particle            (Coulombs)
                   q2   =  charge on second particle           (Coulombs)
                    r   =  distance between particles          (meters)

    If the result is positive, the force is repulsive.
    If the result is negative, the force is attractive.

  • The electric forces from several particles add together as vectors.

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Creative Commons License
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.