Electric Car Companies: Here’s Who Makes All the EVs

The electrics are coming! Hardly a month goes by now where we don’t hear about several new electric cars and crossovers on the way to the U.S. from all manner of automakers big and small. Everyone’s hoping to get a piece of Tesla’s action, all while betting big that car buyers are getting ready to move away from combustion and hybrid-powered vehicles to full EVs. Maybe you’ve even been considering making just such a switch yourself.

Many of those very same (especially European) automakers have also set calendar dates for when they’ll start or finish phasing out internal combustion engines entirely. We already told you about all the EVs you can buy in 2021, plus the electric SUVs available, and now it’s time to run down all the electric car companies who make them. Who’s making what, right now and in the foreseeable future? Read on for a list of every company and brand already building or planning EVs for the U.S. market, organized in alphabetical order and accompanied by a list of their current and future electric cars, trucks, and SUVs.