Electric Blue ColourVUE Crazy Glow Lenses (2 lenses) | Alensa UK

These coloured lenses are completely transparent; therefore, it might
look like you are wearing nothing at first glance. Go under a UV light and
surprise everyone around you! Once you’re on the dancefloor, these lenses will
start glowing for a radiating effect!

Cosmetic coloured lenses
without power

Non-dioptric coloured lenses are contacts that won’t
correct your vision. They are used solely for cosmetic purposes. For anyone who
wishes to buy cosmetic lenses like these, it’s advisable for your eyes to be
measured for a “plano” prescription, meaning one with zero vision correction. A
professional measurement beforehand will also tell you which lenses should
comfortably fit you, and which lenses won’t.

About GLOW lenses

These colourful and playful contact lenses are manufactured by MaxVue Vision
and are a staple for all those searching for something fun to wear for
Halloween, cosplay, at a party, etc. ColourVUE Glow Crazy lenses are annual
contact lenses designed to cover your natural eye colour and produce a unique
glowing effect under UV light. Glow lenses are purely for cosmetic purposes.

About ColourVUE Crazy Lens

Crazy lenses are coloured
contact lenses. These coloured lenses are specifically designed to cover your
natural eye colour with unique, popular, and fantastical patterns. These lenses
are ideal for costumes, cosplay, and events like Halloween. They are produced
with a variety of replacement schedules but, with proper care, usually last
quite long. Crazy lenses are definitely the best choice to put the finishing
touches on an amazing look.