Effective Business Introduction Templates to Inspire You – INK

A business may send an introduction letter when it wishes to engage with another firm or organization or expand its market. This introduction letter intends to communicate or introduce a business’ products and services to potential clients.

All essential information is specified, including the benefits of the company’s products/services. The business introduction template in this guide will help you to compose your business introduction for different occasions. 

An effective business introduction letter should display your company’s contact information, as this will help interested persons to contact you.

This article discusses how to write the perfect business introduction letter. You can make use of any of the templates provided.

What Is A Business Introduction Letter?

A business introduction letter is a formal document to communicate the company’s products and services.

A company can increase its audience by utilizing such letters to introduce the nature of its operation to prospective clients. Your business introduction letter should convince and spark the interest of your target audience to interact with your company.

How to Write The Perfect Business Introduction Letter

Writing a business introduction letter can be time-consuming. And that’s the reason why we have written some steps that will guide you. This step-by-step procedure will make it easy for you to write an effective business introduction letter.

1. Use A Business Introduction Template

If you intend to employ proper formatting, it is best to use a company’s introduction letter template.

Using a template will help you place all the necessary information correctly. Don’t worry. As you read on, you will come across some templates you can use.

2. Conduct Research on the Company

Before you research your company of interest, you should research them. This will help you to learn more about the company’s brand identity, the nature of its markets, and the type of products it renders. Your discovery will help you design a strategy that will interest clients in your business.

3. Become familiar with their needs

After conducting successful research on the company you intend to send your letter to, you must familiarize yourself with their needs. When you become aware of your recipient’s needs, it becomes easy to provide specific information that will be relevant to them.

4. Begin with an irresistible statement

Following the other steps, you can then go ahead and write your letter. The first few sentences can either discourage your reader or intrigue them. That is why you must start your letter with an irresistible sentence. If you do, it will be easier to gain luck from your recipient.

5. Include relevant information

Take out unimportant details. Your aim should be to state why you have written a business introduction letter to your selected company.

Either you’re writing to partner with them or introduce a new product or service. Any detail that does not help your recipient understand your business is unimportant. This means you should aim for fewer words when writing your letter. 

6. Add a call to action.

Adding a call to action will inspire the company to interact with you.

Your call to action may be to offer a discount to the first twenty persons who patronize your business. It is always essential to hook your reader with a call to action. Sometimes, you only get a positive response if you ask them to click on a link or contact you for more information.

7. Conclude your letter

After you include your call to action, you can close your letter. It is common to end formal letters in more conventional ways like ‘yours truthfully’ or ‘yours sincerely.’ But it is best to use a more personal closing, like ‘best wishes.’ You may also use other-not-so-common statements.

8. Deliver your letter

Before sending your letter, make sure to proofread it. This will help you locate spelling errors and other typographical errors for correction. When you have made all necessary corrections, ensure the mailing address is accurate, then send your letter.

hands stretched over brown table with laptop and papershands stretched over brown table with laptop and papershands stretched over brown table with laptop and papers

Business Introduction Template

The examples below will give you an insight into how to structure your business introduction letter. 

1. Business-to-Business Introduction Template

From: Susan Brown CEO,

Flourish farm,

Inc. 591 Grand Avenue

Suite G102, San Marcos 

December 15, 2022

To: Frank Jordan CEO,

Fresh farm products, Inc.

607 Grand Avenue Suite

G102, San Marcos

Dear Mr. Jordan.

I, Susan Brown, I’m writing on behalf of Flourish Farm regarding our company’s entry into a new market in San Marcos, California. I want to introduce our company to you and provide information about our natural foods and supplements. We currently operate in other markets and have expanded our reach to Washington.

Since we offer similar products, I decided to extend my hand for a partnership with you. Let’s meet to discuss how we can work together to satisfy our customers. There are services that your organization offers that we don’t. We will provide quality products and services if we work with your organization.

Attached are our products and their prices. We have also included other ideas that you may find intriguing. Don’t hesitate to contact me when it is convenient for you, so we can discuss my request.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your feedback.

Best wishes, Susan Brown, CEO of Flourish Farm, Inc.

2. Business-to-customer Introduction Template

From: Flourish farm,

Inc Susan Brown, CEO

591 Grand Avenue

Suite G102, San Marcos

December 15, 2022.

Dear reader, 

My name is Susan Brown; I am the CEO of Flourish farm, Inc. We’re an all-natural supplement product provider. We help our customers improve their health and well-being through natural foods, supplements, and other natural health products. 

Our business has expanded its market to your neighborhood! We will be celebrating our new location’s grand opening this coming weekend.

We will be extending a 10% discount on all products in our store to the first 50 people to arrive. This is a special offer, and I wanted to share it with you!

Join us at our promotional event and grand opening, which is scheduled for this weekend, 10 January. From 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. where you can see samples of our products.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Best wishes from all the team members at Flourish Farm, Inc.

Susan Brown, CEO

Flourish Farm, Inc.

3. Cold Email Introduction to a Sales Lead

Subject Line: Offering [prospect name] Value Through [product or service offered]

Hello [lead’s first name],

I wanted to get in touch with you as I noticed that you [anything that makes them a good fit for your products]. My name is [name], and I work at [company name] as [job position].

We offer [product or service] to organizations like yours. Our approach to [product or service] includes [differentiating product or service qualities], providing you with benefits of [Value of using your product or service].

I’d love to set up a conversation to discuss some of the problems you could run into in [industry your solution addresses]. When are you free? Tuesday at 2 p.m. or Thursday at 1 p.m.?

Speak soon.

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

4. Event Follow-up Introduction to Connection Email

Subject Line: Hi [connection name]! Great Meeting You at [event name]

Hello [connection name],

I enjoyed getting to know you at [event]. I sincerely hope you had as much fun participating in [certain event activities] as I did.

I’d want to carry on the conversation we started during the event regarding [previous topic of discussion]. And see if we can [purpose of further connection] by providing a product or service or creating a partnership.

Like I indicated when we spoke, [some issue you raised that demonstrated how you could offer Value to the recipient]. Please let me know if you are available for a call to discuss this further within the next week or so.

Speak soon.

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]


Writing a business introduction letter will be easy for you if you follow the tips and use the business introduction template in this article. Remember to mention all the details that you consider relevant. When you do, your introduction letter will be as effective as you want it to be.