Economic Development and Growth Enterprise Program (EDGE) – Industry, Energy and Technology

The Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprises (EDGE) Program provides incentives to encourage significant new business investment in the province to help diversify the economy and stimulate new private sector job creation, particularly in rural areas.


A new business or an existing business interested in expanding in the province may apply for EDGE status if there is the potential to create and maintain 10 new permanent jobs in the province; it is prepared to make a minimum capital investment of $300,000 or generate incremental annual sales of $500,000; it would not establish or expand in the province in the absence of the EDGE incentives; the EDGE incentives will not give it a direct competitive advantage over other existing businesses in the province; and the new business activity will have a substantial net economic benefit to the province.


Companies approved for EDGE status are eligible for the following incentives and benefits:

  •  A 100 per cent rebate on provincial corporate income tax and the provincial health and post-secondary education (payroll) tax for a period of 10 years if the business is established within the northeast Avalon area, or for 15 years if it is established outside the northeast Avalon area.
  •  A 50 per cent rebate on federal corporate income tax for the periods referenced above.
  • A further five-year period of partial rebates on the provincial and federal taxes referenced above, declining by 20 per cent in each year of this phase-out period.
  • A 100 per cent rebate on municipal property and/or municipal business taxes for 10 or 15 years, followed by a five-year phase-out of such rebates, where individual municipalities elect to participate in the EDGE program.
  • Access to unserviced Crown land for $1.00 where such land is required to implement the company’s business plan.



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