ESSEC Business School | CY Cergy Paris University

ESSEC Business School, founded in 1907, is a major player in management education on the world stage which holds the “Triple Crown” by having EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA accreditations. ESSEC Business School has 7,060 students in initial training and 5,000 participants in continuing education spread over four campuses (Cergy, La Défense, Rabat and Singapore) plus a fifth campus, the augmented digital campus, accessible to the entire community and which allows follow programs remotely.

With a wide range of management programs, more than 500 partner companies, a network of 62,000 graduates, a faculty made up of 142 permanent professors in France and Singapore, including 19 emeritus professors, recognized for the quality and influence of their research, ESSEC Business School perpetuates a tradition of academic excellence and cultivates a spirit of openness. The mission of ESSEC Business School, a world school with French roots, is to give meaning to the leadership of tomorrow in order to prepare women and men ready to undertake to meet contemporary economic, environmental and social challenges. Faithful to its humanist values ​​and its pioneering spirit, ESSEC Business School has made a strong commitment: to become the school of reference to support and positively influence the way in which to respond to the major questions that agitate companies, organizations and society. company.