ERIC – EJ1311045 – Teaching Pronunciation to Adult Speakers of Spanish in Business English Lessons: Two Aspects to Consider, MEXTESOL Journal, 2020

Knowledge of the target specialized language should be of use to English for specific purposes teachers who teach pronunciation. Knowledge of the target learners’ first language (L1) should also be useful when these teachers use contrastive analysis, error analysis or interlanguage theory. However, as far as teaching the pronunciation of the language of Business English (BE) to speakers of Spanish is concerned, the researcher observed that the study of the interrelationship between these two types of knowledge may be somewhat unexplored after surveying 1,452 abstracts or introductions from four specialized journals. Owing to this, to differences between English pronunciation and Spanish pronunciation, and to previous research showing that adult speakers of L1 Spanish may have difficulty in pronouncing English vowels, the researcher has explored two aspects of the language of BE (word length and word transparency) and discussed the implications of both aspects for teaching two pronunciation features (vowel sound sequences and word stress) in BE lessons. This has been done by referring to previous research and corpus data, and by contrasting the pronunciation of English with the pronunciation of Spanish. This exploratory study provides some reflections that it is hoped will be useful for teachers who use any of the three above-mentioned theories and want to know more about differences between the pronunciation of English and Spanish to teach the pronunciation of the language of BE to adult speakers of L1 Spanish.

MEXTESOL Journal. Bernardo Couto 48, Col. Cuauhtemoc, Alcadía Cuauhtemoc, Ciudad de Mexico, 06880, Mexico. Tel: +55-55-66-87-49; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: