There’s a limited amount of room in your track lists so you can’t have every different type of column at once. Also, some columns are inherently wider than others (the {$Album} column tends to be wider than the Length column) so rather than give you a set number of columns you could choose, we assigned each column type a weight based on how much width it usually takes up and you can choose as many columns as you want, provided the total weight of column types you put in those columns doesn’t exceed a certain weight: 100.

For example, the general SourceAudio site uses these columns: (at the time this was written)

  • Title (12)
  • {$Catalog} (11)
  • {$Album} (15)
  • {$Artist} (12)
  • {$Genre} (10)
  • Length (6)
  • Plays (5)
  • Added (7)

You can see the weights of these columns in the parenthesis and if you add them up, it’s 89, and we add 5 more because one of the columns ({$Catalog}) is showing an icon. So the total general SourceAudio weight is 94 out of 100. We could add another small column, like Key (5) or throw in another icon, like {$Album} art and we’d still be within weight. However, if we wanted to add a wider column, like {$Publishing} (12), we’d be at 106, and we’d have to get rid of something else.

Notice that we don’t use every bit of the available weight on the general site and you certainly don’t have to either. The system will stretch existing columns to take up more room, if you give it the space to do so, and you end with a nicer presentation (in our mind) than if you cram in as much as you possibly can. Just something to think about. Don’t feel like you have to get to 100 weight.

Hopefully that gives you a feel for how track list columns work. There are some tradeoffs to consider when deciding what columns you want on your site but we give you the flexibility to use some different ones depending on what metadata your tracks do or don’t have. Please let us know if you have any questions or problems at

You can see how much weight each column has by looking at the number in parenthesis under Available Columns.

* some smaller track lists might still use their default columns

This tool allows you to choose what columns appear on most* track lists on your site. The list of all the available columns is on the right and the list of what columns you’re currently using is on the left.There’s a limited amount of room in your track lists so you can’t have every different type of column at once. Also, some columns are inherently wider than others (the {$Album} column tends to be wider than the Length column) so rather than give you a set number of columns you could choose, we assigned each column type a weight based on how much width it usually takes up and you can choose as many columns as you want, provided the total weight of column types you put in those columns doesn’t exceed a certain weight: 100.For example, the general SourceAudio site uses these columns: (at the time this was written)You can see the weights of these columns in the parenthesis and if you add them up, it’s 89, and we add 5 more because one of the columns ({$Catalog}) is showing an icon. So the total general SourceAudio weight is 94 out of 100. We could add another small column, like Key (5) or throw in another icon, like {$Album} art and we’d still be within weight. However, if we wanted to add a wider column, like {$Publishing} (12), we’d be at 106, and we’d have to get rid of something else.Notice that we don’t use every bit of the available weight on the general site and you certainly don’t have to either. The system will stretch existing columns to take up more room, if you give it the space to do so, and you end with a nicer presentation (in our mind) than if you cram in as much as you possibly can. Just something to think about. Don’t feel like youto get to 100 weight.Hopefully that gives you a feel for how track list columns work. There are some tradeoffs to consider when deciding what columns you want on your site but we give you the flexibility to use some different ones depending on what metadata your tracks do or don’t have. Please let us know if you have any questions or problems at [email protected] You can see how much weight each column has by looking at the number in parenthesis under Available Columns.