Duryea Electric Supercharger | Duryea Technologies

All superchargers, both belt-driven and electric, compress air and increase the amount of air delivered to an engine. The additional oxygen enables complete fuel combustion, which in turn increases boost and decreases particulate emissions.

A belt-driven supercharger’s performance depends on the speed of the engine. Therefore, it can lag until the engine reaches a sufficient speed. Although there is a net gain in horsepower, belts are a parasitic drag, siphoning off some energy from the engine to drive the supercharger.

An electric supercharger, also known as an e-supercharger, is driven by an electric motor, which is powered by stored energy. An alternator, maintains this stored energy. This highly efficient system provides boost instantaneously, well before the engine is up to speed, offering superior performance without the lag associated with turbo chargers.

Most particulate emissions emitted by an engine running at part load (idling, decelerating or accelerating) occur when there is insufficient oxygen to combust fuel completely.  An electric supercharger’s output is independent of the engine. Its electronic controls increase airflow at critical times to allow for complete combustion. The result is more power and a cleaner burn from your fuel.