Download English for Business Communication Teacher’s book PDF


Introduction Unit 8 The middle of the presentation 5R
Briefing 58
Module 1 Cultural diversity
1 Holding the audience’s attention 58
and socialising 2 Structure (2) The main body 59
3 Listing information 59
Unit 1 Building a relationship 1
4 Linking ideas 61
Briefing 1
5 Sequencing 62
1 Cross-cultural understanding ( I ) 1
2 Welcoming visitors 4 Unit 9 The end is near … this is the end 65
3 Small talk: keeping the conversation going 6 Briefing 65
1 Structure (3) The end 65
Unit 2 Culture and entertainment 10
2 Summarising and concluding 66
Briefing 10
3 Questions and discussion 6R
1 Cross-cultural understanding (2) 10
2 Inviting, and accepting or declining 1 1
Module 4 Meetings
3 Eating out 16
Unit 10 Making meetings effective 74
Module 2 Telephoning 74
1 What makes a good meeting?
Unit 3 Could I leave a message? ]8
2 Chairing a meeting
3 Establishing the purpose of a meeting 7R
1 Preparing to make a telephone call 18
2 Receiving calls 19
Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but … 83
3 Taking and leaving messages
Briefing 83
4 Asking for and giving repetition 23
1 The structure of decision-making 83
5 The secretarial barrier 24 2 Stating and asking for opinion 84
3 Interrupting and handling interruptions 86
Unit 4 Good to hear from you again! 27
Briefing 27 Unit 12 What do you mean by … ? 91
1 Cross-cultural communication on the 9]
telephone (1) 27 91
1 Asking for and giving clarification
2 Setting up appointments 29 2 Delaying decisions 93
3 Changing arrangements 32 3 Ending the meeting 94
4 Ending a call 33
Module 5 Negotiations
Unit 5 Unfortunately there’s a problem … 36
Unit 13 Know what you want 98
Briefing 36
Briefing 98
1 Cross-cultural communication on the
1 Types of negotiation 98
telephone (2) 36
2 Preparation for a negotiation
2 Problem-solving on th e telephone 36
3 Making an opening statement
3 Complaints 38
Unit 14 Getting what you can 105
Module 3 Presentations
Briefing 105
Unit 6 Planning and getting started 43 1 Bargaining and making concessions 105
Briefing 43 2 Accepting and confirming
1 Presentation technique and preparation 43 3 Summarising and looking ahead
2 The audience 45
Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want 112
3 Structure (1) The introduction 46
Briefing 112
Unit 7 Image, impact and making an 1 Types of negotiator 112
• •
ImpreSSIOn 50 2 Dealing with conflict 112
Briefing 50 3 Rejecting 115
1 Using visual aids: general principles 50 4 Ending the negotiation 117
2 Talking about the content of visual aids SI
Optional case studies 119
3 Describing change SS
• • •
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This second edition provides improvements to the own suggestions based on their own experience,
overall design and appearance of the book as well however limited. There is plenty of scope for
as various small changes and updating of eliciting students’ ideas, impressions and
material. The most important content change is opinions. Classes should be geared towards as
the introduction of more practice exercises in much participation as possible. Everyone has
response to users’ requests. See the paragraph experience of all five of the skill areas treated in
Quick Communication Check below. the course, whether in English or in their
own language.
Aims of the course
The course is intended as an opportunity for
intermediate-level students to develop confidence The five modules can be studied consecutively as
and fluency in five key communication contexts: a conventional course. However, with some
socialising, telephoning, presenting information, students a module may be studied where specific
participating in meetings and handling training in one area of communication skills is
negotiations. The course has twin aims: improving required.
communication technique and developing and There is, nonetheless, a certain logic in the
consolidating the target language appropriate to order of the five modules. The first module,
the above communication contexts. Socialising, is a scene setter. It establishes the
A further key aim is the development of effective teaching and learning approach used in the
learning strategies for both language and course. The second module, Telephoning, treats a
communication skills. The teacher’s role in this is fairly restrictive amount of language as is typical
critical. It is important that certain principles are in telephoning. The third, Presentations, is in
upheld, such as the need for preparation of many ways the core of the course, as skills
communication tasks, the importance of practice, involved in presenting are often a feature of
and the need for linking the teaching objectives participating in meetings and negotiations.
with perceived professional needs. The students However, the more interactive nature of the latter
should be encouraged to reflect on their own two contexts is reflected in the nature of the
performance, to identify ways in which it can be material in the final two modules. These two, and
improved, and to monitor both the accuracy of the Presentations module, contain many
their language and the effectiveness of their recommendations for effective communication
communication skills. strategies and at the same time build up the
The course is primarily geared towards students’ repertoire in terms of language.
improving speaking and listening skills, though The final module, Negotiations, is perhaps,
reading and writing tasks are also included. Part un surprisingly, the most challenging in terms of
of the method for the development of fluency and language. In many ways, but partly because the
confidence in speaking is the importance of language is more complex, effective study of the
involving students in as much discussion as final module is dependent on having already dealt
possible. As a skills-driven course this is especially with the previous module on Meetings.
suitable, as students are encouraged to make their
listening material Reading texts
There are over 80 different recordings in the book. Throughout the book, certain principles relating
The tasks accompanying them range from initial to efficient reading techniques should be upheld.
general comprehension points to understanding Explain that it is not necessary to understand
important details. every word. The objective is to understand the
The first listening typically concentrates on main ideas. Detailed reading or studying of texts
meaning. Students are asked to identify key is neither desirable nor is it required.
information. Check carefully that these main The tasks accompanying reading texts mainly
points are understood. It is important that relate to the identification of key points and are
meaning is established before students are asked designed to stimulate students’ thoughts and ideas
to think about language. As a general rule, on the topics included.
teaching aims should keep these two activities
separate. The distinction should be made clear to
language Checklists
the students and should influence students’
developing learning strategies.
The Language Checklist at the end of each unit is
The second listening task normally focuses on
a summary of some of the key language that has
the target language for the unit in question.
been introduced in the unit or that can be used in
Encourage students to repeat what they hear and
practice tasks and role plays. The Language
to make notes. Writing down new language
Checklists are not prescriptive and offer only a
normally aids recall, but not all students can be
sample of the sort of language that can be used.
persuaded to do this. In any case, avoid slowing
They are included as a support to students, as a
down lessons for excessive writing of models from •
possible self-study resource and as quick reference
the tape.
Occasional writing – and even use of dictation
Always check that students understand the
– can be helpful.
phrases offered and that they are able to
Some of the later listening material in the final
pronounce them correctly. Remind them that they
module on Negotiations is more difficult than the
can be selective, choosing the phrases they prefer,
earlier modules.
or even alternatives not included in the Checklists.
The Checklists are useful in preparation for the
role plays in each unit. Students should also refer
Pronunciation work
back to previous Checklists when they need to.
There is little overt treatment of pronunciation
features in the course. However, it is an option to
Quick Communication Check
include this aspect of language training with this
material. It is recommended that if you want to
Each unit now includes a page of exercises
spend additional time to focus on features of
designed to offer an additional check on students’
phonology, the course does offer good, authentic
learning. The exercises reflect the target language
sounding dialogues. These can be used to sensitise
in each unit, typically represented in Language
students to the implications of stress, intonation,
Checklists. These exercises are desinged for self
pausing and thought groups. For further guidance
study use, having an integrated answer key on
on these aspects, see Speaking Clearly (Cambridge
each page. The Quick Communication Check thus
University Press, 1991).
serves as further practice, as consolidation, and as
a simple test to check student’s learning.
Skills Checklists Timing
The Skills Checklists summarise the key points of Most units will take around three hours.
technique for effective communication skills as Approximate recommended timings are given in
introduced in each unit. In some cases, further the Teacher’s Book for each section of each unit.
points are included, either for discussion in class Guide times include neither any material marked
or as additional recommendations for students to as optional nor the Transfer tasks. The latter
think about in their own time. require homework or out-of-class preparation.
Like the Language Checklists, the Skills The times suggested are approximate and will
Checklists are intended as a source of reference vary according to the preferences and competence
for future work, especially in preparing for of the students involved, as well as student
telephone calls, presentations, meetings or numbers. It is important not to labour the
negotiations where the language used will material. The tasks are intended to be fairly
be English. quick, but use your discretion. Clearly with
extended role plays or where preparation is
involved there may be some variation beyond
Transfer tasks
the times suggested.
In most cases the aim of the Transfer tasks is to
have students practise target language in defined
communication contexts that relate directly to
their own immediate environment, their home,
their studies or their work. In this way the
Transfers aim to create a bridge between the
classroom and the student’s world .

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• Cross-cultural understanding (1) • Small talk: keeping the conversation
gO•i ng
• Welcoming visitors
Briefing 1:1 situation
Many of the activities which lend themselves to
This module looks at issues relating to working
discussion and brainstorming will require more
with professionals from other countries where
support from you. Prompt and elicit thoughts
cultural misunderstandings may cause
from the student and feed in your own ideas and
embarrassment. It relates closely to the later
those included here. There are two role plays
module on Meetings. This unit focuses on
where you will need to take a part, as well as two
developing personal relationships and mutual
dialogues based on flow charts where you will
understanding between business partners. Unit 2
need to take the right-hand role in eventual
looks more directly at socialising within a business
practice. With more competent speakers, you may
context, invitations, entertaining, and eating out.
be able to add variations, thus increasing the need
The unit begins with an ice-breaker as a chance
for spontaneity on the part of the student.
to develop small talk, before looking specifically at
working with British and American people, Timing: 3 hours
together with suggestions on preparing for
contacts with other countries. Knowledge and
1 Cross-cultural understanding (1)
understanding is essential in order to get on well
with one’s partners from other countries.
1 Circulate the groups, prompting comment on
Socialising is instrumental in this: it is about
the photograph. Different students will
making relations.
comment on different things, but draw out
The second section deals with welcoming
ideas on:
visitors and helping them to feel at ease. This
• where it might be (country / hotel/factory
theme is used as a lead-in to small talk, which is
/ office, etc.)
developed in the final section of the unit and
• why they are there (for a
again in Unit 2. Small talk is looked at in terms of
meeting / seminar / new venture / chance /
various topics and how to keep conversation
tourism, etc.)
going. There is a lot of scope for discussion of
• what kind of relationships are represented
students’ own ideas in the unit. The Transfer
(friends / new business partners / same
includes an option on a small research project.
company, etc.)
Think about the extent to which your students
may travel to other countries or are likely to • topics of conversation (business/ non
receive visitors. This is important. In the latter business, hobbies, interests, small talk such
as weather, travel, plans, the hotel, travel,
case, discuss which aspects of the students’ own
colleagues, other countries, etc. )
country, town or culture might be interesting or
unusual for a visitor. • what they won’t be talking about …
Cultural diversity and socialising
For five minutes, get groups of students to act out 3 If necessary, allow a second reading to find the
a typical situation as shown in the photograph. answers.
Join in yourself, exaggerating your speech a) Eye contact is important. Not maintaining
patterns, encouraging a playful and humorous eye contact indicates someone who is
approach to the exercise. Then discuss issues unfriendly, insecure, untrustworthy,
arising from the illustration: inattentive and impersonal. But it is
• Humour. Ask to what extent humour enters considered rude to stare. Americans signal
into business relationships – or even jokes. interest and comprehension by bobbing
In some countries, such as Britain, joking is their heads or grunting.
often used to relieve tension. In others, such b) Similar to Americans where eye contact is
as Germany, that might be regarded as concerned. The English (sic)><- pay strict
flippant or unprofessional. Sean O’Casey, the attention to a speaker, listen carefully, and
Irish playwright, said that the Irish turn a blink their eyes to let the speaker know he /
crisis into a joke and a joke into a crisis. she has been heard and understood.
• Women in business. In which cultures is this c) Taught to direct their gaze at their teacher’s
unlikely? Where are women having an Adam’s apple or tie knot.
increasingly prominent role in business? d) A gesture of respect.
(Italy and the UK are examples, although e) If a person of a lower class stares at
less than 10% of company executives in the someone of a higher class.
UK are women.) In some countries, despite f) Anger.
legislation aimed at improving career
><- Note: It is a small but significant point that the
opportunities for women, few reach the top
text, from an American source, speaks of ‘ the
(Norway, for example, although the field of
English’. Many foreigners refer to ‘the English’
politics is an exception) ..
when perhaps it would be more correct to say
• Alcohol and business. In cultures where
‘the British’. Discuss with learners what the
alcohol is taboo, this is, of course, not an
terms Britain, the UK, Northern Ireland, Wales,
issue. However, while it is not unusual to
Scotland and England refer to. Incidentally, the
have a glass of wine or a beer with lunch in
British often make the same mistake when they
Europe, it is very bad form to drink too
refer to Holland, which is actually a region of
much. In Italy, a nation of wine drinkers, it
the Netherlands.
is very unusual to drink outside meal times,
whereas in Sweden it is not unusual to have
4 Introduce the question by asking why some
a beer with colleagues after work.
sort of research is a good idea before doing
• Coffee. In many countries, coffee and
business with people from different countries
business seem inextricably linked. Coffee
or cultures.
seems to be what cements relationships,
a) Elicit / Suggest that:
everywhere from Saudi Arabia to Argentina,
• partnerships need to be built on trust and
via North America and Norway.
shared understanding
• Tea. In China and Japan, tea is more popular.
• initial research can help one know more
about potential partners and their country,
2 After ten minutes’ discussion of these issues to
so avoiding embarrassment.
set the theme for the module, go on to the
Think about possibly taboo subjects, such as:
reading task. Ask students to read the text and
• politics in countries where open political
quickly decide what is the main idea expressed
diversity is not tolerated, or where
in the text.
democracy has a meaning different to your
Answer: Everybody is different. Signals mean
understanding of the term
different things to people of different cultures.
• talking about family relationships
Building a relationship UNIT
• alcohol and certain foods
• discussing business too early, etc.
SO if you are going on a business
trip, or meeting someone from
Refer to the Skills Checklist. Fundamental things
another country – perhaps a
to consider include:
different culture – what do you
• some basic geographical knowledge
need to think about?
• some knowledge of political and economic
Well, it’s not so obvious. I always
conditions PETER:
try to know something about the
• religion and specific customs
actual political and economic
• public holidays
situation in the other country –
• attitudes and expectations regarding
the politics, the economics. I
entertaining visitors
should always know something
• business conventions.
about that, about what’s
El C;) b) Introduce the recording. The speaker is happening. Also if I’m going
abroad, I find out a little about the
an experienced negotiator, used to dealing with
infrastructure – I mean the
people from varied cultural backgrounds. He
suggests seven areas that are important for telecommunications, the
someone planning to do business across a transportation, that sort of thing.
And do you find out about the
cultural frontier. Ask students to identify six
of them. general background, basic
information about the country?
Key The· culture, yes. Certainly, the
religion, the language – I might
The following seven areas are mentioned:
learn a few polite phrases – the
• the actual political and economic situation
– stability geography, maybe a little history.
– trends And how people live, what kind of
– outlook culture it is, how people socialise,
food, drink, all that is very
• infrastructure
– telecommunications I• mportant.
– transport What about family life?
Yes, that too. How families live, if
• religion / language
private life and business ever mix
• geography / history
… and also business customs and
• culture / customs
– people conventions. I don’t want to be
– food / drink / socialising surprised by anything.
• attitudes / families
PHOTOCOPIABLE (i) Cambridge University Press 2003
• business customs / conventions.
End by saying the list is not closed – there are
plenty of other things one could also mention.
As a further discussion point to develop, it might
be interesting to ask students if they think this
type of research is as important when one is Facilitate a very brief discussion on the value of
planning to receive a visitor as it is when one the points included in this section. Students may
plans to go abroad. In many cases, similar identify particularly useful considerations to think
research would be advisable in both instances. about. Refer again to the Skills Checklist.
NIT 1 Cultural diversity and socialising
Ask again why preparation for contact across • length of stay / hotel, etc.
culture is important. Points to bring out include: • special interests / needs
• it is a question of courtesy that one should • reference to previous contact / other
be interested in one’s business partners and small talk.
in their countries
1′-1 0 1 Introduce the recording at Evco S.A.
• tact and consideration are important
and play once. Elicit answers:
• knowing something about your partners can
a) The meeting is quite informal. They use
save embarrassment
first names, they interrupt each other a
• one will not be expected to be an expert:
little and generally seem relaxed.
most people will be tolerant, so long as
goodwill and good manners are evident.
b) They have never met: Louise and Klaus have
spoken on the phone a couple of times.
Timing: 70 minutes
c) Klaus wants to buy some fish to take home.
2 Welcoming visitors
1-1 0 2 Play the recording again. Given the
Welcoming visitors involves making people feel
situation, Louise’s interruption is probably
relaxed and comfortable in a new environment.
acceptable, as is the immediate use of first
An essential part of this is small talk – or making
names. On the other hand, Lars begins to talk
conversation which is not directly concerned with
about the programme for the day quite
reaching a business deal. The theme of small talk
quickly. Poor Klaus! This is a bit soon, surely!
is developed in more detail later in the unit.
Let’s hope they allow their visitor more time to
Read the opening questions, making sure
relax with more small talk and a sit-down.
students understand the focus of this section .

Elicit suggested answers: Option
What happens when a visitor arrives with an
Decide whether to spend more time on the
appointment to visit a company?
language in this extract. Perhaps highlight
• goes to reception
language for: introductions / questions about the
• introduces himself / herself / states reason
trip / taking of coat / offering refreshments /
for visit (who?)
referring to programme for the day, etc. Notice
• is taken to / met by the right person.
too how the small talk begins in discussing the
What are the typical stages of the first meeting?
weather and the fish. Ask learners how the
Suggest the first stage to the students: welcome
conversation could have developed – if Lars had
and introductions. What might follow? Use the
not decided to get down to business.
board or OHP to illustrate this structure.
Note: The participants in this conversation are
Stages of a meeting
lucky. Klaus asks about fish and the ice is broken.
Welcome and introductions Sometimes getting conversation going can be
difficult. Point out that the module contains ideas
Small talk / Settling in
for dealing with problems like this, beginning
with the next section in this unit.
Preliminaries / Plan for the visit
Begin discussions
Hello, my name’s Klaus Ervald. I’ve an
What conversations take place (in stage two above)?
appointment …
• offer of refreshments
Oh hello, Klaus, I’m Louise Scott. We’ve
• questions about trip
spoken on the phone a couple of times.
• first visit / previous visits
Nice to meet you.
Building a relationship UNIT
It’s nice to be here. some of our services and then we could
Oh -let me take your coat. have a look at a few reports on
Thanks. campaI• gns …
Oh, here’s Lars. Lars, this is Klaus, he’s
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2003
just arrived.
Hello, Klaus. Pleased to meet you … and
LARS: 3 Explain that the focus here is on offering
welcome to Evco.
assistance and stating one’s needs. Start by
KLAUS: asking the students to suggest ways to:
Is this your first visit to Sweden?
• offer assistance
No, I’ve been to Stockholm two or three
• accept or decline such offers
times but it’s my first visit to Malmo.
• state one’s needs.
Klaus, let me get you a drink.
1- ‘ 1( ~) Then introduce the situation.
Yes, I’d like a tea, if possible, thanks.
Play the tape once.
Sure. With milk, or lemon?
With lemon, please – and sugar.
a) to send an email c) drink
b) to send some newspaper
Did you have a good trip?
flowers to his ex-wife e) taxi
Absolutely no problems.
That’s good. You did fly, didn’t you – to
Yes, that’s right, then I drove down here. Yes, that’s all right. I’m a little early –

Oh that’s good. Malmo can be a little wet I can wait a few minutes.
at this time of the year … you’ll have to Well, can I get you a drink of
come back in the summer. something – a tea or a coffee, perhaps?
Oh, I’d like that. I always like coming to No, I’m fine thanks – but there is one
Sweden – and ah! A problem! I need thing – I’d like to send an email, a file
some fish. Can you advise me? I always on this disk, if I may – it’s rather
take back some fish, some salmon. urgent.
Oh, yes, gravlax. Yes, of course. You can use my
And pickled herring too, in tomato sauce computer.
and the other one with onions and dill Thanks, that would be good.
and pepper. Can you suggest a good place Let me show you … Here you are.
to get some? You can use this.
Gravlax? It’s always wonderful … the Thank you very much.
airport might be the best place. And the Anything else? Do you need anything
herring, too. to read, the Economist or something,
Okay, I’ll have to get to the airport early. while you’re waiting?
If I’m late, I might miss the plane. I can’t No, it’s okay. I’ll send this email then
go home without the fish! I can prepare some work while I’m
No! Certainly not. Well, we’ll get you waiting.
some for lunch anyway! Right, I’ll leave you for a moment.
Okay, here’s some tea. Thanks. Oh, one other thing, I need
Oh, you’re very kind. to send some flowers to my ex-wife.
SO, apart from fish, can I explain the Today is the fifth anniversary of our
programme – I think we sent you an divorce. She didn’t like all the
outline for the day – if you agree, we travelling I did. I think some flowers
could start with a video which explains from Australia would be rather
appropriate, don’t you?
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:.:’ :””
“,” .”” .

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