Does Daily Blogging Really Boost Your Traffic? » Writing From Nowhere


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Professional bloggers will all throw out different suggestions for blogging schedules and there’s no right or wrong answer, but I’m going to suggest something spicy, bold but potentially brilliant: daily blogging. 

Daily blogging entails writing an entire blog post in a day and hitting publish (or schedule) that very same day. There’s no beating around the bush that this is a very demanding approach to blogging, but it could expedite your blogging success greatly.

But before we dive into all of that, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page when we talk about blogging.

Why Do You Want To Try Daily Blogging?  

Some bloggers will enjoy daily blogging for intrinsic reasons, such as self-expression, personal growth and skill development, but this article is speaking to a different crowd. 

I’m talking to the bloggers who want to grow traffic, build authority and make money: bloggers who are in this on a professional level (or trying to be). All discussions of daily blogging “success” in this blog post will be in that context. 

Before you start attempting daily blogging, there’s one extremely important warning that you need to be aware of:

Daily Blogging Won’t Pay Off Right Now 

It will most likely take years. 

Does it feel like the treasure map you had in your hands just unfolded 8x more pages in between you and the X?? It feels that way for everybody when they realize what a long-game blogging is. 

A study by SEO giant Ahrefs found that the average page ranking in Google’s top 10 is 2+ years old. And, on average, those that rank at position #1 are almost 3 years old. Only 22% of pages in Google’s top 10 results were created within 1 year. 

Daily blogging is a business of planting seeds: you plant now and won’t harvest the full crops for years. Without that expectation, you’ll never succeed for long at your daily blogging goals.

This is of course in reference to getting Google traffic, and you can get traffic from Pinterest much faster.

There’s no dressing up the commitment and spinning daily blogging as if it’s not a huge commitment that you won’t benefit directly from for a long time. So.. is daily blogging worth it? I think professional blogger Jon Dykstra summarizes it nicely:

“It’s amazing how fast a year goes by. You could sit and read about how to blog, or you could bang out one to three articles per day. I strongly encourage you to just write and publish.”

Are you soberly motivated? Let’s dive in!

Why Blog Daily? 

Are you trying to make money from blogging? How’s it going – is the cash rolling in, or are you still waiting? Let’s see where you fall in the stats: 

According to a survey, 10% of aspiring bloggers don’t make any money from their blogs. 63% of them make $0.01 – $99 per month. 37% make more than $100 a month, and 13% make at least 5-figures annually. 

Daily blogging can be effective because it shows commitment, follow-through and dedication to your blog. 

4 Effects Of Daily Blogging (When Done Correctly) 

What treasure is waiting at the end of your daily blogging practice?

1. You Increase Your, well, everything, Dramatically

The foundation of blogging is writing. By dedicating yourself to your craft of writing, you’re going to improve your quality, develop your voice and increase your writing speed.

Daily blogging is an incubator. If you published one blog post a week instead of one a day, it would take you 7x longer to get to the same destination.

If (or when) you’re making money from your blog, your income will also ultimately be affected by how much you write.

You’ll also explore your writing topic on such an intimate level that you’ll get to know yourself and your passions so well. It’s not unlike the Morning Pages practice by Julia Cameron. In her famous text, The Artist’s Way, she insists that all students of the book write 3 full pages of conscious thought first thing every morning. Julia Cameron describes the Morning Pages in this way:

“Pages clarify our yearnings. They keep an eye on our goals. They may provoke us, coax us, comfort us, even cajole us, as well as prioritize and synchronize the day at hand….They will point the way True North. Each morning, as we face the page, we meet ourselves.”

It would be impossible for daily blogging to not offer this same direction and clarity. What a gift for both yourself and your blog.

You’ll also increase the number of places you’ll blog! Before attempting daily blogging, I would have never thought I could write an entire article on a train ride. But, with my daily blogging goal and a kombucha in hand, I had the motivation to bang it out. Netherlands, 2021

2. You expand your ranking keywords significantly 

Assuming that every blog post that you write has been optimized correctly and will ultimately rank on Google in due time, daily blogging will scale your traffic indefinitely. 

Need help with optimization? Use my SEO checklist.

Not every keyword will have the same traffic potential (measured in search volume), so it’s not entirely correct to say that daily blogging versus weekly blogging will eventually multiply your traffic by 7. After all, some keywords will get 100,000 searches per month, and some will get 10.

But think of it like this: your blog is an island, and every blog post (and keyword) is a bridge coming into your island. Daily blogging builds 7x the bridges into your island.

Do you still struggle with choosing keywords? Get my checklist and I will walk you through the process:

3. You Position Yourself As An Authority

…to both humans and algorithms. Publishing daily will present a very valuable, professional front to your industry and readers.

Google also likes to see sites that publish frequently, consistently and on the same topic. It builds something called “topical authority.”

It’s speculated by professional bloggers that the future of Google rankings is content depth and topical authority, and daily blogging (done correctly) will achieve this 7x faster than weekly blogging.

It’s this exact shift that makes niche websites so valuable, which leads right to point #4:

4. Easily Build Up Multiple Sites As Once

If you don’t feel you can write on the same general topic every day, consider a lifestyle blog (like this one – I write about remote work but also the lifestyle that surrounds it) or a handful of niche websites.

NIche sites are extremely focused and are generally very profitable websites that answer every question on a specific topic.


There’s no topic too specific: I’ve seen very profitable websites about swimming pools, chainsaws, books, knives. A good niche site topic is one that you already have a broad knowledge base on and can therefore write a lot without having to do a lot of research.

For example, after moonlighting as a babysitter and nanny from ages 12 to 27, I started a niche website on babysitting called Better Babysitting. I cover all sorts of topics like what to wear to a babysitting interview and how to write your babysitting resume.

Daily blogging is a great way to build up multiple sites at once. You won’t tire of the topic because you’ll always be able to switch gears, and you’ll build up multiple income streams at the same time.

3 Blogging Basics To Remember As You Try Daily Blogging 

Blogging can change your life, but it won’t amount to anything if you’re making some beginning blogger mistakes. 

1. You *Have* To Write Content That People Want To Read 

For example, let’s take a mocktail blogger: if a mocktail blogger wanted to write a recipe on virgin Bloody Mary. 

Keyword research dictates titling the recipe something clear that we know people are searching for, like “virgin Bloody Mary,” “alcohol-free Bloody Mary,” “Bloody Mary mocktail,” or so on. 

A huge mistake that is common amongst new bloggers writing titles like “grandma-approved Bloody Mary recipe,” or even worse, “how to make my favorite drink without alcohol.” 

A clear title that we know people are searching for (by using Keysearch) is “Virgin Bloody Mary Drink,” which happens to be the title of a recipe by my friend Natalie of The Mindful Mocktail which you can discover on the first page of Google.

Daily blogging will not amass to anything if you don’t learn how to find keywords that people are searching for and optimize correctly for them. 

2. Don’t Write About Yourself 

A good blog post is a lot like a good conversation: it’s not all about you and has personality.

Readers of your blog may very well be interested in who you are, but only after you’ve helped them. 

As a rule of thumb, do not teach by telling stories. Take your experience and reduce it to concrete advice, steps and hacks.

An easy way to tell if you’re subconsciously doing this is to count how many times you use the word “I” in any given blog post, versus how many times you use “you” and “your.” 

In addition to being reader-focused, you is also a power word! It’s a moment where you turn and look at the camera. In journalism and professional writing, you’re not supposed to use the word “you” because it’s unprofessional.

What a joy that blogging doesn’t have rules!

Take advantage of the opportunity. Write for the reader and talk right to them. Connection is essential.

Those are just the major mistakes in regards to daily blogging, but be sure to go fix all of the beginner blogging mistakes that are lingering on your site.

3. Don’t Make Your Blogs Thin

As Neil Patel succinctly puts it, “longer posts usually perform better on every level.” 

A good rule of thumb is to have blog posts be at least 1,200. Writing this much should ensure that you answer the big questions around this topic, use your keyword enough time and offer value. 

Length isn’t an exclusive metric, but a longer piece implies more information, more and ultimately more value for the reader. 

You should use the content assist section of Keysearch to see how long the pages currently ranking in Google’s top 10 for any given search are. For example, you can see here that the average Google 1st page word count for “daily blogging” is 2,733 words. I know that if I show up with a 500-word piece, I’m never going to compete.  

You can get 20% off of Keysearch and only pay $13.60 per month with the discount code KSDISC.

Should I Post On My Blog Daily? Final Thoughts

Have you been convinced to try daily blogging? Anyone who wants to blog professionally can benefit from publishing quality, SEOed content every single day, but not all will have the time.

I think anyone who has blogging ambitions and the time owes it to themselves to try daily blogging. You have no idea how it could change your life.