Discover Digital Business – RMIT University

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Hi, my name is Dr. Vince Bruno and I’m a senior lecturer and an academic staff member of the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics, which includes the Bachelor of Business (Digital Business) here at RMIT. I’m actively involved in information systems area and have worked as an academic at RMIT for many years.

But before that, I worked as an IT professional in the financial and insurance industries. And today, I’m going to tell you a bit about RMIT’s Bachelor of Business (Digital Business) program in the College of Business and Law. I’ll explain some of the key learning outcomes of the degree, the structure of the program and the kinds of industry engagements you can expect as a student.

Before I get started, I’d like to acknowledge the people of the Woiwurrung and Boonwurrung language groups of the Eastern Kulin Nations, on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the university. RMIT respectfully acknowledges their ancestors and elders past and present and emerging. And while we conduct our work remotely, I want to pay my respects to the wider unceded lands of this nation.

This broad curriculum in the Bachelor of Business (Digital Business) incorporates IT strategy and governance, financial technology, digital business transformation and creativity, innovation, and design. There is also an opportunity to participate in a variety of work-integrated learning practices to make you career-ready.

This degree is a lot, also, about solving business problems and having that digital awareness is an important part of the program. The Bachelor of Business (Digital Business) is an excellent avenue through which you can learn how digital influences and often defines the modern workplace in this increasingly digitally-led world. Industry 4.0 is driven by digital disruption technologies, where digital literacy becomes the key part to benefiting from these digital innovations.

By studying this program at RMIT, you will enhance your career prospects. Ranked number 55 in the world for graduate employment and 60 for partnerships with employers. It is top 150 in the world for business and management studies.

There are many pathways into this program. So, you’ll see from the slide … It’s quite small, but you’ll see that there’s from the VET sector, you’ll find the different diplomas and associate diplomas that you can get in through. And of course, there is recognition of prior learning to get into the program by doing those different diplomas and associate diplomas. And of course, there’s the standard ATAR entry into the program as well.

Okay. As you can see from the course structure, the program’s broken up into three distinct areas. There is a business core area, which all Bachelor of Business’ at RMIT do. And you’ll find that it covers all of the business disciplines: Prices and Markets, Introduction to Management, Marketing, there’s the accounting, there’s the Business Statistics, Commercial Law, Macroeconomics. But the discipline major that is the digital business part of it has … You can see the different discipline areas there, which I’ve mentioned earlier.

The third year is the flexible options, that provide you a couple of different opportunities there, with a second business major. So, there’s a quite a few of majors you can choose from from the business college, which includes the accounting degree potentially, logistics, information systems. There’s quite a few that you can choose from. I would suggest the logistics might be a great one, because that’s a big growth area at the moment.

There is extensive opportunity for industry engagement in this program. This includes opportunities to work on industry projects in work-integrated learning courses, such as Digital Business Transformation and Leadership in Decision Making. There’s also opportunities to work in local and overseas work placements and exchange. There are business internships and different innovation tracks that you can be involved in.

You can work in student teams as part of a Fastrack Innovation Program. In this elective course, you will work with mentors to develop and present a solution to a real-world problem. Take up positions for one or two days per week for one semester, through our Business Internship elective. Or take part in a business competition, business forum, hackathons, and industry networking events.

The university is ranked number four in Australia for our partnerships with employers, number five with graduate employer rate in Australia and over 11,000 students participate in work-integrated learning placements in 2019.

This degree embeds many exciting industry engagement experiences. By studying this degree, you can take advantage of these many industry partnerships that will enable you to make connections with organizations like Deloitte’s Digital, Salesforce, Telstra, Mercedes, PwC, Swisse, and many more.

So, I currently have students in information systems degree that have work placement in many of these organizations. One of the other partners we also have is the Australian Computer Society, which provides our accrediting body and another avenue in which we can go to events to connect with industry.

RMIT partners with 215 universities around the world. There are opportunities to complete global mobility programs and study tours, that can help you with standing out in the job market. And also, ticking the box which RMIT has, to gain a global passport and work on the global stage.

In most cases, full-time students can gain credit points towards your study while experiencing another culture and teaching style. One of the ways you can do this, is by using your electives to do an exchange or a study tour. I, personally, have been involved in the China Study Tour for many years, and it’s a great experience where it’s broken up into three aspects, visiting commercial organizations, academic studies at universities and the cultural aspects. So, it’s a great way to engage and immerse yourselves in a culture, from a business and from different perspectives.

As a graduate of this degree, you can look forward to a successful career that can take you all over the world. Graduates from this program have the opportunity to gain employment, a diverse range of organizations and roles related to Business Analyst, Systems Analyst, Project Manager, Digital Strategist, Technology Manager, Digital Business Development Manager, and job titles that I don’t even know exist yet, because I know that this area is constantly changing. And from when I started here at RMIT to now, the job titles just keep coming.

The three year Bachelor of Business (Digital Business), you’ll see the admission requirements for both the prospective domestic and international students. Domestic students successfully need to complete Year 12 and need an ATAR of about 67.3. International students require an Australian Year 12 equivalent, which may also include the completion of RMIT Foundation Studies program or a post-secondary recognized diploma in the relevant discipline. English language requirements will require the completion of one of the following English proficiency tests listed here.

Important dates that you need to take note of, is that we have orientation in February, 22 to 26, which is the week before the classes start. Classes start, of course, in the 1st of March and the last enrollment date, which is another one of those academic deadlines, is 8th of March.

Let me end by saying thank you for taking the time to hear about our fantastic digital business program at RMIT. For more information about digital business studies at RMIT, check out our website or call Study@RMIT on 9925 2260.

It’s been my privilege to be a part of the information systems and business analytics community at RMIT. And I look forward to welcoming you to one of our programs. Take care and enjoy your day.

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