Designing and Using DMZ Networks to Protect Internet Servers | Linux Journal

One of the most useful tools in firewall
engineering today is the DMZ, or DeMilitarized Zone, a network
where all publicly accessible services are placed so they can be
more closely watched and, also, isolated from one’s internal
network. DMZs, bastion servers and Linux make a particularly good

But what, really, is a DMZ? Is there more than one correct
way to design one? Does everyone who hosts internet services need a
DMZ network? These are issues I really haven’t addressed yet, so
this month we’re going to take a higher-level look at DMZ

By the way, you may decide that your current DMZ-less
firewall system is reasonable for your needs. I hope you keep
reading, regardless: any host or service (whether on a DMZ or not)
that has direct contact with untrusted networks demands particular
care, and many of the techniques and considerations discussed in
this article apply to both non-DMZ and DMZ environments.

Some Terminology

Let’s get some definitions cleared up before we proceed.
These may not be the same definitions you’re used to or prefer, but
they’re the ones I use in this article:

  • DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone): a
    network containing publicly accessible servers that is isolated
    from the “internal” network proper but not necessarily from the
    outside world.

  • Internal Network: that which
    we’re trying to protect: end-user systems, servers containing
    private data and all other systems with which we do not wish the
    outside world to initiate connection. Also called the protected

  • Firewall: a system or network
    that isolates one network from another. This can be a router, a
    computer running special software in addition to or instead of its
    standard operating system, a dedicated hardware device (although
    these tend to be prepackaged routers or computers), or any other
    device or network of devices that performs some combination of
    packet filtering, application-layer proxying and other access
    control. In this article the term will generally refer to a single
    multihomed host.

  • Multihomed Host: any computer
    having more than one network interface.

  • Bastion Host: a system that
    runs publicly accessible services but is not itself a firewall.
    Bastion Hosts are what we put on DMZs (although they can be put
    anywhere). The term implies that a certain amount of OS-hardening
    has been done, but this (sadly) is not always the case.

  • Packet Filtering: inspecting
    the IP headers of packets and passing or dropping them based on
    some combination of their Source IP Address, Destination IP
    Address, Source Port (Service) and Destination Port (Service).
    Application data is not considered, i.e., intentionally malformed
    packets are not necessarily noticed, assuming their IP headers can
    be read. Packet filtering is part of nearly all firewalls’
    functionality but is not considered, in and of itself, to be
    sufficient protection against any but the most straightforward
    attacks. Most routers (and many low-end firewalls) are limited to
    packet filtering when it comes to network security.

  • Proxying: to act as an
    intermediary in all interactions of a given service type (FTP,
    HTTP, etc.) between internal hosts and untrusted/external hosts.
    This implies, but does not guarantee, sophisticated inspection of
    Application-Layer data (i.e., more than simple packet filtering).
    Some firewalls possess, and are even built around,
    Application-Layer Proxies. Each service to be proxied must be
    explicitly supported (i.e., “coded in”); firewalls that rely on
    Application-Layer Proxies tend to use packet filtering or rewriting
    for services they don’t support by default.

  • Stateful Inspection: at its
    simplest, this refers to the tracking of the three-way handshake
    (host1:SYN, host2:SYNACK, host1:ACK) that occurs when each session
    for a given TCP service is initiated. At its most sophisticated, it
    refers to the tracking of this and subsequent (including
    application-layer) state information for each session being
    inspected. The latter is far less common than the former.

That’s a mouthful of jargon, but it’s useful jargon (useful
enough, in fact, to make sense of the majority of firewall-vendors’
propaganda). Now we’re ready to dig into DMZ architecture.

Types of Firewall and DMZ Architectures

In the world of expensive commercial firewalls (the world in
which I earn my living), the term firewall nearly always denotes a
single computer or dedicated hardware device with multiple network
interfaces. Actually, this definition can apply to much lower-end
solutions as well: network interface cards are cheap, as are PCs in

Regardless, this is different from the old days when a single
computer typically couldn’t keep up with the processor overhead
required to inspect all ingoing and outgoing packets for a large
network. In other words, routers, not computers, used to be the
first line of defense against network attacks.

This is no longer the case. Even organizations with
high-capacity Internet connections typically use a multihomed
firewall (whether commercial or OSS-based) as the primary tool for
securing their networks. This is possible thanks to Moore’s law,
which has provided us with inexpensive CPU power at a faster pace
than the market has provided us with inexpensive Internet
bandwidth. In other words, it’s now feasible for even a relatively
slow PC to perform sophisticated checks on a full T1’s-worth
(1.544MBps) of network traffic.

The most common firewall architecture one tends to see
nowadays, therefore, is the one illustrated in Figure 1. In this
diagram, we have a packet-filtering router that acts as the initial
but not sole line of defense. Directly behind this router is a
proper firewall, in this case a Sun SparcStation running, say, Red
Hat Linux with IPChains. There is no direct connection from the
Internet or the external router to the internal network: all
traffic to it or from it must pass through the firewall.

Designing and Using DMZ Networks to Protect Internet Servers

Figure 1. “Multihost Firewall”

By the way, in my opinion, all external routers should use
some level of packet filtering (aka “Access Control Lists” in the
Cisco lexicon). Even when the next hop inward from such a router is
an expensive and/or carefully configured and maintained firewall,
it never hurts to have redundant enforcement points. In fact, when
several Check Point vulnerabilities were demonstrated at the most
recent Black Hat Briefings, no less a personage than a Check Point
spokesperson mentioned that it’s foolish to rely solely on one’s

What’s missing or wrong in Figure 1? (I said this
architecture is common, not perfect!) Public services such as SMTP
(e-mail), Domain Name Service (DNS) and HTTP (WWW) must either be
sent through firewall to internal servers or hosted on the firewall

Passing such traffic doesn’t automatically expose other
internal hosts to attack, but it does magnify the consequences of
such a server being compromised. Hosting public services on the
firewall isn’t necessarily a bad idea on the face of it, either
(what could be a more secure environment than a firewall?), but the
performance issue is obvious: the firewall should be allowed to use
all its available resources for inspecting and moving packets.
(Although there are some possible exceptions that we’ll examine

Where, then, to put public services so that they don’t
directly or indirectly expose the internal network and overtax the
firewall? In a DMZ network, of course! At its simplest, a DMZ is
any network reachable by the public but isolated from one’s
internal network. Ideally, however, a DMZ is also protected by the
firewall. Figure 2 shows my preferred firewall/DMZ

Designing and Using DMZ Networks to Protect Internet Servers

Figure 2. “Multihoned Host” Firewall with DMZ

In Figure 2 we have a three-homed host
as our firewall, placed so that hosts providing publicly accessible
services are in their own network with a
dedicated connection to the firewall, with the rest of the
corporate network facing a different firewall interface. If
configured properly, the firewall uses different rules in
evaluating traffic from the Internet to the DMZ, from the DMZ to
the Internet, from the Internet to the internal network, from the
internal network to the Internet, from the DMZ to the internal
network and from the internal network to the DMZ.

This may sound like more administrative overhead than with
internally-hosted or firewall-hosted services, but actually, it’s
potentially much simpler because the DMZ can be treated as a single
entity. In the case of internally hosted services, each host must
be considered individually unless they’re all located on a single
IP network otherwise isolated from the rest of the internal

Other architectures are sometimes used, and Figure 3
illustrates two of them. The Screened Subnet architecture is
completely dependent on the security of both the external and
internal routers. There is a direct physical path from the outside
to the inside, a path controlled by nothing more sophisticated than
the router’s packet-filtering rules.

Designing and Using DMZ Networks to Protect Internet Servers

Figure 3. “Screend Subnet” and “Flapping in the
Breeze” DMZ Architectures

The right-hand illustration in Figure 3 shows what I call the
“Flapping in the Breeze” DMZ architecture, in which there
is a full-featured firewall between the
Internet and the internal network but not
between the Internet and the DMZ, which is placed
outside of the firewall and is protected only
by a single packet-filtering router.

Both the Screened Subnet and Flapping in the Breeze
architectures still show up in firewall textbooks (albeit with
different names), but in my opinion, they both place too much trust
in routers. Such trust is problematic for several reasons: first,
in may organizations routers are under a different person’s control
than the firewall is, and this person many insist that the router
have a weak administrative password, weak access-control lists or
even a modem attached so that the router’s vendor can maintain it;
second, routers are considerably more hackable than well-configured
computers (for example, by default they nearly always support
remote-administration via Telnet, a highly insecure service); and
third, packet filtering is a crude and incomplete means of
regulating network traffic.

Even an OSS/freeware-based firewall can support IPSEC,
application-layer proxies, stateful inspection, RADIUS
authentication and a variety of other sophisticated controls
unavailable on most routers. When all is said and done, routers are
designed to route, not to protect.

What about Cisco PIX? The PIX firewall
is a router but with a hardened and
security-focused version of the Cisco IOS operating system.
Although it relies heavily on simple packet filtering, it supports
enough additional features to be a good firewall if properly
configured. When I question the viability of routers as firewalls,
I’m referring to nonhardened, general-purpose routers.

In summary, what one’s DMZ architecture looks like depends on
what one’s firewall architecture looks like. A firewall design
built around a multihomed host lends itself to the DMZ architecture
I recommend (see Figure 2), in which the DMZ is connected to its
own interface on the firewall host and, thus, is isolated from both
the Internet and one’s internal network.

Deciding What Should Reside on the DMZ

Once you’ve decided where to put the DMZ, you need to decide
precisely what’s going to reside there. In a nutshell, my advice is
to put all publicly accessible services in the

Too often I encounter organizations in which one or more
crucial services are passed through the firewall to an internal
host despite an otherwise strict DMZ policy. Frequently, the
exception is made for MS-Exchange or some other application not
necessarily designed for Internet-strength security to begin with
and which hasn’t been hardened to the extent it could be.

But, the one application passed through in this way becomes
the dreaded single point of failure: all it takes is one
buffer-overflow vulnerability in that application for it to be
possible for an unwanted visitor to gain access to all hosts
reachable by that host. Far better for that list of hosts to be a
short one, i.e., DMZ hosts, than a long one (and a sensitive one),
i.e., all hosts on the internal network. This point can’t be
stressed enough: the real value of a DMZ is that it allows us to
better manage and contain the risk that comes with Internet

Furthermore, the person who manages the passed-through
service may be different from the one who manages the firewall and
DMZ servers and may not be quite as security-minded. If for no
other reason, all public services should go on a DMZ so that they
fall under the jurisdiction of an organization’s most paranoid
system administrators, namely, its firewall administrators.

Does this mean that the corporate e-mail, DNS and other
crucial servers should all be moved from the inside to the DMZ?
Absolutely not! They should instead be split into internal and
external services (see Figure 2).

DNS, for example, should be split into external DNS and
internal DNS. The external DNS zone information, which is
propagated out to the Internet, should contain only information
about publicly accessible hosts. Information about other, nonpublic
hosts should be kept on separate internal DNS zone lists that can’t
be transferred to or seen by external hosts.

Similarly, internal e-mail (i.e., mail from internal hosts to
other internal hosts) should be handled strictly by internal hosts,
and all Internet-bound or Internet-originated mail should be
handled by a DMZ host, usually called an SMTP Gateway. (For more
specific information on Split-DNS servers and SMTP Gateways and how
to use Linux to create secure ones, see the October 2000 issue of
Linux Journal.)

Thus, almost any service that has both private and public
roles can and should be split in this fashion. While it may seem
like a lot of added work, it need not be, and in fact, it’s
liberating: it allows you to construct your internal services based
primarily on features or other management- and end-user-friendly
factors while designing your public (DMZ) services based primarily
on security and performance factors. It’s also a convenient
opportunity to integrate Linux, OpenBSD and other open-source
software into otherwise proprietary-software-intensive

Needless to say, any service that is strictly public (i.e.,
not used in a different or more sensitive way by internal users
than by the general public) should reside solely in the DMZ. In
summary: all public services, including the public components of
services that are also used on the inside, should be split if
applicable and hosted in the DMZ, without exception.

Allocating Resources in the DMZ

Okay, so everything public goes in the DMZ. But does each
service need its own host? Can any of the services be hosted on the
firewall itself? And should one use a hub or a switch on the

The last question is the easiest: with the price of switched
ports decreasing every year, switches are preferable on any LAN and
especially so in DMZs. Switches are superior in two ways. From a
security standpoint, they’re better because it’s impossible to
sniff or eavesdrop traffic not delivered to one’s own switch-port.
Because one of our assumptions about DMZ hosts is they are more
likely to be attacked than internal hosts, this is important. We
need to think not only about how to prevent these hosts from being
compromised but also about what the consequences might be if they
are—being used to sniff other traffic on the DMZ is one possible

The other way switches are better than hubs is, of course,
their performance. Most of the time each port has its own chunk of
bandwidth rather than sharing one big chunk with all other ports.
Note, however, that each switch has a backplane that describes the
actual volume of packets the switch can handle; a 10-port 100Mbps
switch can’t really process 1000MBps if it has an 800MBps
backplane. Even so, low-end switches disproportionately outperform
comparable hubs.

Still, a hub may yet suffice for your DMZ depending on the
number of hosts on your DMZ, the degree to which you’re worried
about a compromised DMZ host being used to attack other DMZ hosts
and the amount of traffic to and from the DMZ.

The other two questions can usually be determined by
nonsecurity-driven factors (cost, expected load, efficiency, etc.)
provided that all DMZ hosts are thoroughly
secured and monitored. Also, firewall rules (packet filters, etc.)
governing traffic to and from the DMZ need to be as paranoid as

Guidelines for Securing DMZ Hosts

It would seem to be common sense that each host on a DMZ must
be thoroughly nailed down. But sure enough, one commonly encounters
organizations paranoid (prudent) enough to have a DMZ but not quite
paranoid enough to secure their DMZ properly. The good news is that
with a little time and a properly suspicious attitude, you can
significantly lower any system’s exposure to compromise by script

Always run the latest stable version of your operating
system, software and kernel, and keep current with security patches
as they are released.

If everyone followed this simple and obvious tenet, the
“Rumors from the Underground” list of hacked web pages on would be a lot shorter. As we discussed last
month in “Securing DNS”, the vast majority of DNS-based hacks
don’t apply to the most recent versions of BIND; the same can
safely be said for most other Linux network software packages. We
all know this, but we don’t always find the time to follow

Disable all unnecessary services and dæmons.

A program you don’t use for anything important is a program
you’ve got little reason to maintain properly and is, therefore, an
obvious target for attackers. This is an even easier thing to fix
than old software. At setup time, simply delete or rename all
unneeded links in the appropriate runlevel directory in

For example, if you’re configuring a web server that doesn’t
need to be its own DNS server, you would enter something like the

mv /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S30named /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/disabled_S30named

(Note that your named startup script may have a different
name and may exist in different or additional subdirectories of

While any unneeded service should be disabled, the following
deserve particular attention:

  • RPCservices: Sun’s
    Remote Procedure Control protocol (which is included nowadays on
    virtually all flavors of UNIX) lets you execute commands on a
    remote system via rsh,
    nfs, etc. Unfortunately, it isn’t
    a very secure protocol, especially for use on DMZ hosts. You
    shouldn’t be offering these services to the outside world—if you
    need their functionality, use ssh
    (the Secure Shell), which was specifically designed as a
    replacement for rpc services. Disable (rename) the nfsd and
    nfsclientd scripts in all subdirectories of /etc/rc.d in which they
    appear, and comment out the lines corresponding to any r-commands
    in /etc/inetd.conf. (Warning: local processes sometimes require the
    RPC portmapper, aka rpcbind—disable this with care, and try
    re-enabling it if other things stop working).

  • inetd: The
    Internet Dæmon is a handy way to use a single process (i.e.,
    inetd) to listen on multiple ports and to invoke the services on
    whose behalf it’s listening on an as-needed basis. Its useful life,
    however, is drawing to a close: even with TCP Wrappers (which allow
    one to turn on very granular logging for each inetd service), it
    isn’t as secure as simply running each service as a dæmon.
    (An FTP server really has no reason not to be running FTPD
    processes all the time.) Furthermore, most of the services enabled
    by default in inetd.conf are unnecessary, insecure or both. If you
    must use inetd, edit /etc/inetd.conf to disable all services you
    don’t need (or never heard of). Note: many rpc services are started
    in inetd.conf.

  • linuxconfd: While
    there aren’t any known exploitable bugs in the current version of
    linuxconf (a system administration tool that can be accessed
    remotely), CERT reports that this service is commonly scanned for
    and may be used by attackers to identify systems with other
    vulnerabilities (CERT Current Activity page 7/31/2000,

  • sendmail: Many
    people think that sendmail, which is enabled by default on most
    versions of UNIX, is necessary even on hosts that send e-mail only
    to themselves (e.g., administrative messages such as Ctrl+tab
    output sent to root by the crontab dæmon). This is not so:
    sendmail (or postfix, qmail, etc.) is needed only on hosts that
    must deliver mail to or receive mail from other hosts. sendmail is
    usually started in /etc/rc.d/rc2.d or /etc/rc.d/rc3.d.

  • Telnet,
    FTP and
    POP: These three protocols have
    one very nasty characteristic in common: they require users to
    enter a username and password that are sent in clear text over the
    network. Telnet and FTP are easily replaced with ssh and its
    file-transfer utility scp; e-mail
    can either be automatically forwarded to a different host, left on
    the DMZ host and read through a ssh session or downloaded via POP
    using a “local forward” to ssh (i.e., piped through an encrypted
    Secure Shell session). All three of these services are usually
    invoked by inetd. These dæmons are usually started by

Run services “chrooted” whenever possible.

Some dæmons, such as named, have explicit support for
being run in a “chroot jail” (i.e., such that to the chrooted
process, “/” is actually some other directory that can’t be
navigated out of). This is a valuable security feature; if a
chrooted process is hijacked or exploited somehow, the attacker
will not be able to access files outside of the chroot jail.

On Linux, even processes that don’t have built-in chroot
support can be run chrooted: simply type chroot
chroot-jail path command string
. For example, to run the
imaginary command bubba -v plop chrooted to /var/bubba, you would

chroot /var/bubba /usr/local/bin/bubba -v plop

Note, however, that any system files a chrooted process needs
in order to run must be copied to appropriate subdirectories of the
chroot jail. If our imaginary process bubba needs to parse
/etc/passwd, we need to put a copy of the passwd file in
/var/bubba/etc. The copy need not, however, contain any more
information than the chrooted process needs; to extend our example
still further, if bubba is a server that only anonymous users may
access, /var/bubba/etc/passwd probably only needs one line (e.g.,
nobody::50:50:Anonymous user::/bin/noshell).

Run services with unprivileged UIDs and GIDs whenever possible.

While some dæmons will only work if run by root (the
default UID of processes invoked at startup time), nowadays many
programs can be set to run as unprivileged users. For example,
Postfix, Wietse Venema’s sendmail replacement, usually runs with a
special, unprivileged account named postfix.

This has a similar effect as chroot (and in fact the two
often go together). Should the process become hijacked or otherwise
compromised, the attacker will gain a level of access privileges
lower than root’s (hopefully much lower). Be careful, however, to
make sure that such an unprivileged account still has enough
privilege to do its job.

Delete or disable unnecessary user accounts.

Some Linux distributions have, by default, lengthy
/etc/passwd files that contain accounts even for use by software
packages that haven’t been installed. My laptop computer, for
example, which runs SuSE Linux, has 22 unnecessary entries in
/etc/passwd. Commenting out or deleting such entries, especially
the ones that include executable shells, is important.

Configure logging and check logs regularly.

This is another thing we all know we should do but often fail
to follow through on. You can’t check logs that don’t exist, and
you can’t learn anything from logs you don’t read. Make sure your
important services are logging at an appropriate level, know where
those logs are stored and whether/how they’re rotated when they get
large, and get in the habit of checking the current logs for

grep is your friend here:
using cat alone tends to overwhelm
people. You can automate some of this log-parsing with shell
scripts; scripts are also handy for running
diff against your system’s
configuration files to monitor changes (i.e., by comparing current
versions to cached copies).

If you have a number of DMZ hosts, you may wish to consider
using syslogd’s ability to consolidate logs from several hosts on
one system. You may not realize it, but the syslog dæmon can
be configured to listen not only for log data from other processes
on the local system, but on data from remote hosts as well. For
example, if you have two DMZ hosts (bobo and rollo) but wish to be
able to view both machines’ logs in a single place, you could
change bobo’s /etc/syslogd.conf to contain only this line:

*.*        @rollo

This will cause syslogd on bobo to send all log entries not
to its own /var/log/messages file but to rollo’s.

While handy, be aware that this technique has its own
security ramifications: if rollo is compromised, bobo’s logs can
also be tampered with. Furthermore, rollo’s attacker may learn
valuable information about bobo that they can subsequently use to
attack bobo. This may or may not be of concern to you, but you
should definitely think about whether the benefit justifies the
exposure (especially given that the benefit may be that you can
more effectively prevent your DMZ hosts from being compromised in
the first place).

We’ll close with the guideline that makes DMZs worthwhile in
the first place.

Use your firewall’s security policy and anti-IP-spoofing features.

Naturally, you want to carefully restrict traffic from the
outside world to the DMZ. But it’s equally important to carefully
restrict traffic from the DMZ to your internal network (to protect
it in the event that a DMZ host is compromised) and from the DMZ to
the outside world (to prevent a compromised DMZ host from being
used to attack other networks).

It goes without saying that you’ll probably want to block all
traffic from the Internet to internal hosts. (You may or may not
feel a need to restrict traffic from the internal network to the
DMZ, depending on what type of access internal users really need to
DMZ hosts and how much you trust internal users.) In any event,
your firewall-security policy will be much more effective if your
firewall can distinguish between legitimate and phony source-IP
addresses. Otherwise, it might be possible for an external user to
slip packets through the firewall by forging internal source

By default, most firewalls don’t have this functionality
enabled (the feature is usually called something like
anti-IP-spoofing. Even if your firewall supports it, you’ll
probably have to configure and start it yourself. It’s well worth
the effort, though.