Describe a Family Business: Check Out the Potential Answers for IELTS Cue Cards

Studying abroad is a great opportunity provided by the IELTS exam to complete your dreams and make your upcoming future bright. You can get admission to the most renowned universities of the world by scoring higher on the test.

Cue card topics are asked by the examiners in the speaking section to test your abilities to answer randomly about a particular topic along with checking your spirit, vocabulary, grammar, and creativity.

Let’s elevate our learning for the cue cards by reading the sample answers on the topic:  describe a family business. Two sample answers are given in the article so that you know the perfect sequence to start your answer. Let’s start.


The IELTS test is the privilege to the candidates to get admission in their choice of university in the English- speaking countries. The high competition and different sections in the question paper make it a little challenging for those candidates who don’t prepare for it concentratedly. You should take out time for each section and try to do self-assessments for getting the idea of the time required for each question.

Everyone has different capabilities. Many are facts in reading and answering but few take time to solve the question paper. Prepare according to your strengths and weaknesses to come out as a winner. If you want to know about the sample answers to describe a family business cue card, read below.

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IELTS Speaking

Are you worried about the IELTS speaking section? Do you want to go beyond your comfort zone to prepare for it vastly and get good scores? Are you here to know the effective ways of answering the cue card topics? If any of these questions answer yes, you are at the right place.

The IELTS speaking section is explicitly explained in this article along with the answers to describe a family business cue card. This portion is the best to test your proficiency in the language along with your grace, communication, confidence, body language, and presentation. You are advised to not take this section lightly, rather put your best to perform exponentially before the test takers.

Important Points to Speak while Answering the IELTS Cue Card Topic

The significant points to be added to your answer are given below. This topic needs a sequential answer to be given so that all the necessary aspects are included in it. You should make sure that you start the answer by giving the information asked in the topic and end it by sharing your personal experience with it.

This will impress the examiners and make you strong and confident. When you answer sequentially, you tend to forget a few sections to include in it. To improve your capabilities of answer delivery and get maximum marks.

#. What is the business?

#. Who are the customers?

#. Who established this business?

#. And explain why you like it?

Describe a Family Business: IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer One

What is the Business?

Business is always thought of as producing name and money. The businesses are not grown easily. It takes a lot of sweat, blood, intellect, and mindfulness to develop a business. The business that I will discuss today is my friend’s business.

My friend and his family have recently started a business delivering food to the home of the customers. This business is unique and magnificent for the people in today’s era. My friend got the idea of starting the business last year.

This is not just professional work but it is a social responsibility to reach out to the needy people and the ones who require it due to other major reasons as food is the necessity of all human beings.

Who are the Customers?

The customers of my friend’s business are the needy people or the office workers who can’t prepare food on their own and feel comfortable ordering it from outside. My friend provides homemade food to the customers at an affordable price. From last year, the prominent customers are COVID patients or their families.

Due to the outbreak of the pandemic, this was an urge of the society to get food at home with hygiene and low costs. My friend initiated it to do the welfare of the people. This is the time of stepping forward for the people who need it. The customers get happy by receiving the food in the hygienic wrappers and enjoy homemade delicacies.

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Who Established this Business?

My friend Vansh has established this business along with his family. He observed the problems and needs of the society of being at their homes and the need for hygienic food. It is a humanitarian service along with a business.

However, his father has some other business of opticals, this was a huge step taken by their family. They are serving the people in need without taking a single penny and asking for a very low cost from the others.

Customers like their food and servicing and this is the reason that their business is touching greater heights. He offers the complete meal along with a salad made with nutritional vegetables. The business is now at its apex and many people come there to enjoy the food and my friend is still serving the needy without charging anything along with the home deliveries.

And Explain Why You Like It?

I am tremendously overwhelmed by observing such a kind nature of my friend and his stepping forward towards humanity. He started the business in a time of need and has served many families and patients by delivering the food at their doorsteps.

Food is the fuel needed by our body and homemade food prepared with love and concern has some different bliss added to it. I liked the concept of his business and have been helping him in delivery as well as other aspects.

Standing beside a person in need is the biggest deed and my friend has proved that we can combat challenges by being united and helping each other. This makes me extremely happy and proud.

Describe a Family Business: IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer Two

What is the Business?

The business started by my uncle is event management. My uncle along with his son is involved in it. The business is working well for their family. I will discuss their efforts in making it perfect. It is rightly said, “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Human beings must carry out their functions perfectly and diligently to upgrade their business and, hence, their life. I believe that the vision and reason behind doing something are more important than the task itself. I liked the reason behind my uncle’s business. I will share my observations and perspectives of their business.

Who are the Customers?

The customers of my uncle’s event management are the people who want to celebrate some moments with their family and friends. The people who celebrate birthdays, marriages, occasions, and parties, etc. are the customers of their business. They ask for the needs of their customers and provide the best services for making their event special.

My uncle put in some extra effort for the celebrations of their customers. They always provide extra services to make the people happy and turn their moment into more joy. They have made their business visible in the city by enlarging their number of customers. The customers become happy by keenly enjoying the moment.

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Who Established this Business?

My uncle established this business when he was young and now his son is helping him tremendously to make it more reachable to the people and exemplifying people’s moments. When his business started, it was hardly approached by the customers but with the hard work and large efforts by my uncle, his company is the best in the city for providing services to the events.

And Explain Why You Like It?

I like his business and the efforts that he carries out for reaching extravaganza enjoyment. He has recently surprised a girl on her birthday with the best gift that she wanted. He called her brother from Australia and resolved their differences along with gifting the girl with her needed material. I am overwhelmed to see his small inputs for generating happiness in other people’s lives. I believe that bringing a smile to somebody’s face is the best gift in life and he has been achieving it for a long time.

IELTS Preparation Tips for 2021

This is the most crucial point of time to focus. You have to prepare broadly for the examination as high competition makes it a bit challenging to conquer. The candidates prepare a proper study plan to complete the entire syllabus and get time for solving the previous year’s question papers along with the sample questions.

Mock tests are immensely helpful during this time to give you a clear idea of your level of preparation and make you confident about your goal. Your preparation must be perfect before the exams and you should do maximum revisions. Different sections of the exam can confuse you. Learn the effectiveness of answering the questions within the given time.

Importance of Speaking in IELTS

This section is extremely important for the IELTS test because you need to be confident and fluent while speaking in English. This is not only essential to getting high scores in the exam but will make you self-confident and presentable for professional people.

It enables you to get perfect in communication which is the most significant aspect for sustainability. You will understand the regularities and perspectives of other people and will understand them by your proficiency in the language.

Therefore, you need to prepare for it wholeheartedly to ace the test and get admission to the university of your choice.

Also Read: Describe an Adventurous Thing You Did When You Were a Child: An Interesting IELTS Cue Card Topic

Tips of the Speaking Section

The speaking section is an integral part of the examination. It must be prepared perfectly to score higher. It is essential not only for scoring in the test but also for upgrading your skills in the proficiency of communication for the English-speaking country.

The best tip for this section is working on your vocabulary and grammar as these two make you a worthy person to speak in front of the professionals and make you presentable. You should speak to your friend or anyone from your colleagues in English. This will make your communication fluent and bring creativity to your mind while speaking.

Reach out to different words each day and try to include them while speaking. Practice will make you perfect. You need to be consistent while preparing.

Cue Card Topics

The speaking portion consists of the cue cards questions. These questions must be answered within a few minutes after being asked by the examiners. You must take 2-3 minutes to prepare your answer and then go for it without fumbling and taking long pauses. The topics are simple but you require a format to answer them. The topics that can be asked are given below.

#. Describe the last time you had some medicine.

#. Describe a wild animal.

#. Describe your favourite place.

#. Describe an activity that you enjoy after coming from School

#. Describe a tradition in your country.

#. Describe a performance you enjoyed watching.

#. Describe a challenging thing you did.

#. Describe an old friend that has taught you something.

Also Read: Describe a Poisonous Plant in your Country: Solved IELTS Cue Card 2021 Answer


Therefore, the answers must be adequate and top-notch along with fast. You must not take long pauses in between the answers or start fumbling. This can degrade your performance and ultimately hinder the scores.

You should visit the IELTS Ninja website to reach out to more such incredible articles that will prove to be highly beneficial to you because numerous articles are present on the cue card topics with multiple sample answers. You can choose the best for you to deliver. You can comment below to resolve your queries and confusion.

Moreover, through the website, you can get connected with the experts who will help you in every way possible and give you the right direction to step forward. We wish you good luck in the future!