Describe A Family Business That You Know – IELTS Speaking Cue Card |

This article contains the Describe A Family Business That You Know Cue Card Sample Answers.

During Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will have exactly one minute to prepare and speak on a specific topic. This is the IELTS cue card task. You can learn how to communicate clearly and successfully by reviewing sample answers.

This IELTS cue card gives you an opportunity to share one of your opinions on a family business you know.

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Describe a family business that you know.

You should say:

  • About a family
  • How do you know the family?
  • What is the type of business?
  • What is the story behind the success of the family?

Sample Answer 1

Here is the sample for “Describe A Family Business That You Know” topic

  • About a family
  • How do you know the family?
  • What is the type of business?

My grandmother lived in a village, and she always ensured that I had sumptuous meals whenever I visited her on vacations. One afternoon, when she was setting the table for lunch, she realised that the pickle jar was empty. She became tense as she knew that I would be famished. Suddenly, we heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to find a boy of about the same age as mine, carrying a bag. He told me that he had some delicious bottles of lime pickle, which was hand made by his mother. I urged my grandmother to get one. The boy left, and I enjoyed the food with the pickle. The pickle was extraordinarily delicious and seemed to be made out of high-quality mustard oil. A few days later, we found the boy selling pickles to our neighbours. My grandmother enquired his whereabouts. We got to know that his mom prepared the pickles and he went about selling them. He also did various other jobs to pay for the high-quality oil they needed to make pickles. From then on, we made it a practice to buy lime pickles from him. He soon became my friend, and I paid visits to his house. From then on, I had been witnessing the growth in his business. A few months later, he had rented a small room near our house to store the pickle bottles.

  • What is the story behind the success of the family?

The business grew more, and three years later, he invited me for the opening ceremony of his shop. They sold a variety of condiments from wild lime to tomatoes. Out of sheer hard work, he opened branches in many places. Today his brand is very famous, and I find it in every supermarket. Although poor, they worked hard to ensure the quality of their products. Hard work and dedication are the secrets of their success.

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IELTS Material · Describe A Family Business That You Know

Sample Answer 2

  • About a family
  • How do you know the family?

In India and across the world, you can effortlessly find a myriad of family businesses. While some are successful at a global level, others are well-known in their own cities and states. Not going too far, I would like to talk about the business of my family. In the mid-90s, my great-grandfather was allotted a shop in Ambala city, Haryana, after he came to India from Pakistan. However, he didn’t use the shop much. My grandfather put it on rent. It was my father who commenced working in it and established the foundation.

  • What is the type of business?

The shop is today quite famous for its tea and aloo parantha. They also sell other necessary items, such as bread, butter, milk, ice cream, biscuits. However, it is not a grocery or a rationing store.

My father is the eldest of three sons. Since my grandfather didn’t earn much, the responsibility to feed the family fell on my father’s shoulders. He had to stop his studies when he has in the 8th standard. My father only had Rs. 60 in his pocket that he used to buy ingredients for tea. He worked pretty hard on the shop, built connections with the influential people in the city. This enabled him to keep the shop open 24/7. Everybody came to know about this spot; thus, right from police officers to rickshaw pullers, the shop became a famous tea spot for everybody in no time.

  • What is the story behind the success of the family?

Gradually, my uncles also joined my father, and they built a 4-storeyed building in no time. Today, the entire city knows about the products they can get at this shop, and my entire family is successfully thriving on it.


Here are the vocabularies for “Describe A Family Business That You Know” with examples:

  • Sumptuous:lavish
    Eg: The Antilla is one of the most sumptuous residential buildings in the world.
  • Famished: extremely hungry
    Eg:After a prolonged day at work, I was famished.
  • Urged: to persuade someone to do something
    Eg: I urged my father to buy me the latest mobile phone.
  • Extraordinarily: unusually
    Eg: His taste in products is extraordinarily upgraded.
  • Condiments: a substance used to give flavour to food
    Eg: Indian food is nothing but tasteless without condiments.
  • Sheer: used to emphasize the degree or size of something
    Eg: All it needs is sheer determination to reach the highest peak of success.

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