Department of Economics – Bachelor of Science in Business Economics | Western Kentucky University

Sample Degree Path for B.S. in Business Economics

The Business Economics major combines courses in economics with those in accounting, finance, information
systems, management, marketing, and quantitative business analysis. This unique array
of courses leads to a  Bachelor of Science degree and provides students with skills highly desired by employers.

The major requires a minimum of 72 hours of coursework. This major does not require an additional minor or a major, but students
are strongly encouraged to purse a minor or a certificate to enhance a particular skill set such as data analytics, entrepreneurship or sales.
The program is designed for students to be able to add a minor and still graduate
in four years, especially if that minor is in the College of Business. The B.S. in
Business Economics requires students to take two business electives and leaves room
for five general electives (see the Sample Degree Path). Students wishing to pursue a minor can take coursework for the minor instead of
the general electives. If you are interested in adding a minor, ask your advisor to
see which of the business minors or certificates will work best with your degree.

To earn the B.S. in Business Economics, students must complete the following courses:


ACADEMIC CORE (27 hours)

MATH 123 

 Mathematical Applications for Business

ACT 110 

 Accounting for Decision Makers                                        

BDAN 250 

 Introduction to Analytics

ECON 202 

 Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 206 


FIN 330 

 Principles of Finance

MGT 210 

 Organization and Management

MKT 220 

 Basic Marketing Concepts

MGT 498 
ENT 496 

 Strategy and Policy
 Small Business Analysis and Strategy


BA 170 
BA 175 
BA 220 

 Business Student Basic (Freshmen)
 University Experience Business (LLC)
 Special Topics in Business (Transfers and Change of major)

MGT 261  

 Business Communication Fundamentals

ECON 399  

 Career Readiness in Economics

ECON 499  

 Senior Assessment 

ECON 203 

 Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON 302 

 Microeconomic Theory                                                             

ECON 303 

Macroeconomic Theory 

ECON 306 
ECON 307 

 Statistical Analysis 


 Financial Data Modeling

ECON 414 
 Managerial Economics 

ECON 375 
ECON 390 
ECON 434 

Moral Issues of Capitalism 
Economics, Law, and Public Choice
The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination

ECON 465 
 Regression and Econometrics 

Four ECON 
 300- and 400-level ECON courses not already required for the major.   Some courses
may count as Colonnade Connections courses

Two  Professional 
ACCT 220 or any 300- or 400-level College of Business course not already required
by  the major


Some upper-level electives may satisfy Colonnade Connections requirements: ECON 375
is in the Social and Cultural category, and ECON 385 and ECON 430 are in the Local
to Global category. Note, only one of these courses can be used to satisfy the Connections
requirement – the rest must be taken from other disciplines.