Department of Business Information and Technology


The Business Information and Technology (BIT) Department offers majors or concentrations
for degrees including the Bachelor’s (BBA), Master of Science (MS), and the Doctorate (Ph.D.). Qualified undergraduate students can apply for the Accelerated Bachelors/Master’s Program in Information Systems (BBA/MS). The Department also offers several four-course Graduate Certificate Programs – Data Analytics for Technology, Data Analytics for Management, Information Assurance (Cybersecurity), Project Management, and Software Testing. The college’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program also includes MIS courses, some of which are required for the degree
and others that serve as electives.

Our faculty have doctorate degrees from top schools around the country, and many have
worked in senior IS positions in the business world, specializing in technology innovation,
electronic commerce, systems development and testing, database management, and the
management of information systems in contemporary organizations.The BIT Department
within Fogelman College is the home of several nationally and internationally recognized
programs. Our dedicated BIT faculty members prepare graduates for local and global
positions in the fields of information technology management, data analytics, and
cybersecurity. Fogelman is the only business college in the Memphis area that is fully
accredited by the prestigious Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

In addition to a strong emphasis on excellence in teaching, the BIT Department faculty are involved in extensive research projects and other scholarly activities, such
as working on funded grants, writing textbooks, and working with business organizations
in various capacities. 

The Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) program is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) coded and offers
graduates an opportunity to extend their Optional Practical Training (OPT) for F-1
Students to 3 years. Classes taken to earn certificates can count towards a master’s
degree in Information Systems for degree-seeking students. Admission to certificate
programs does not require a GRE or GMAT score.


Check out our brochure for more information!

School of EconomicsIf a career in one of the most sought-after, growing fields with dynamic job opportunities
and enormous earning potential sounds intriguing, then majoring in Business Information
& Technology (BIT) may be for you. Among the qualities that lead to success in this
field are strong communication, problem solving and analytical and critical thinking