Degree in business administration: Job and salary prospects | WHU

Even though business administration is a generalist course, during your studies you will specialize in one thematic focus area – and this will usually determine your later career choice. The following areas are usually relevant for career entry:

  • Accounting
  • Controlling and auditing
  • Marketing and sales
  • Human resources management
  • Production and logistics

These areas are found in both small and large enterprises. With these skills you can expect to work in a wide range of industries: Automotive, IT/technology, banking and other financial institutions, e-commerce, tourism, or logistics and trade. You’ll also find business administrators in the areas of public administration, unions, and media companies. Hospitals, research and educational institutions, and associations also need to consult business administrators. As a result, you have a wide variety of jobs to choose from after studying Business Administration. That’s why specializations and in-depth modules are such important parts of any degree.

You should gain practical work experience during your time at university. In particular, this will help you to decide in which direction you want to go, and makes it easier when it comes to entering employment later. For example, at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, one of Germany’s top business schools, you are required to complete two internships, at least one of which must be abroad. The study schedule at WHU includes a semester abroad at one of WHU’s 200 partner universities in the fourth or fifth semester. You will be thoroughly prepared for that through the extensive provision of language courses.