Dataset of directed signed networks from social domain

This dataset contains a range of directed signed networks (signed digraphs) from social domain. The data come from 9 different sources and in total there are 29 network files. There are two temporal networks and one multilayer network in this dataset. Each network is provided in two formats: edgelist (.csv) and .gml format.

This dataset is provided under a CC BY-NC-SA Creative Commons v 4.0 license (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). This means that other individuals may remix, tweak, and build upon these data non-commercially, as long as they provide citations to this data repository ( and the reference article listed below ( ), and license the new creations under the identical terms.

For more information about the data, one may refer to the article below:

Scientific Reports (2020)

Samin Aref, Ly Dinh, Rezvaneh Rezapour, and Jana Diesner. “Multilevel Structural Evaluation of Signed Directed Social Networks based on Balance Theory”(2020)