Data Analytics in Business

Participants in GTPE courses are required to complete an online profile that meets the requirements of Georgia Tech Research Security. Information collected is maintained in the Georgia Tech Student System. The following data elements are considered directory information and are collected from each participant as part of the registration and profile setup process:

  • Full legal name
  • Email address
  • Shipping address
  • Company name

This data is not published in Georgia Tech’s online directory system and therefore is not currently available to the general public. Learner information is used only as described in our Privacy Policy. GTPE data is not sold or provided to external entities.

Sensitive Data
The following data elements, if in the Georgia Tech Student Systems, are considered sensitive information and are only available to Georgia Tech employees with a business need-to-know:

  • Georgia Tech ID
  • Date of birth
  • Citizenship
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Religious preferences
  • Social security numbers
  • Registration information
  • Class schedules
  • Attendance records
  • Academic history

At any time, you can remove your consent to marketing emails as well as request to delete your personal data. Visit our GTPE EU GDPR page for more information.