DRK Team

Dr. Kevin P. McCormack –

Principal Consultant

Dr. McCormack is currently President of DRK Research, a global research network. He is also associated with several Universities such as Northwood University and Skema Business School (an International Graduate school).


He has over 30 years of business leadership, engineering, teaching, research and consulting experience in the areas of information technology, operations management, and supply chain management. Dr. McCormack is also a judge for the Manufacturer of the Year award for the state of Alabama, home of several international manufacturers’ locations (Honda, Mercedes, Lockheed, BASF, Nucor, U.S. Steel, and Siemens Automotive) as well as dozens of defense and automotive suppliers. Some of his clients have been Chrysler, Daimler, Texas Instruments, USMC, USAF, Chevron-Phillips, Shell, Exxon-Mobil, Dow Chemical, Standard Charter Bank, Microsoft, Intel, several state governments, Wal-Mart, Campbell’s Soup, General Mills, and PepsiCo.

Dr. McCormack has degrees in Chemistry, Engineering, an MBA and a DBA. He has also developed and delivered courses in Information Technology, HR, Operations Management, and Supply Chain Management at the graduate and undergraduate level both in the U.S., China and Europe. He has published five books and over 100 articles in Quality Progress, Business Process Management Journal, Supply Chain Management, Benchmarking: A International Journal, Supply Chain Management Review and several others.


James Waters – JK Data Analytics co-founder and DRK Research Partner
Jim is currently a partner and Data Analyst/Consultant with DRK Research focusing on the process manufacturing industry. Recently, Jim has worked closely with Dr. McCormack in the design and implementation of sophisticated data management and data analysis technologies to deliver timely business intelligence information for customer management teams. Together, they developed Dynamic Spend Analytics, a combination of advanced data analysis technology and state of the art procurement best practices. Jim has experience with numerous data sources and manages DRK’s data quality analysis and data classification analysis delivery operations. As a Mechanical Engineer, Jim spent years in industry supporting various supply chain operations. While at Texas Instruments, Jim attended training at Michael Hammer’s Center for Reengineering Institute and applied this training in customer-based reengineering consulting assignments.


Dr. Marcos Paulo Valadares de Oliveira – Associate Partner
Marcos has taught Logistics and Supply Chain Management courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in Brazil, the list of Business School where he teaches includes Fundação Dom Cabral, Pontifícia Universidade Católica and Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. He holds a MsC (2006) and a PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Marcos has published in several local and international congresses like IPSERA, EUROMA, POMS. His current research interests include the supply chain maturity models, logistical performance and logistical networks. A native of Brazil, Marcos graduated in Business Administration from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and worked as a Information Technology Manager for almost 15 years when he had a chance to participate in several projects including software development, warehouse systems project, and logistical related activities. Marcos also took CMM courses at Software Engineering Institute and participated for almost 3 years as a PMI/OPM3 team member. Now he holds a Assistant Professorship at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) (Federal University of Espírito Santo).


Dr. Peter Trkman – Research Collaborator
Dr. Trkman is a professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana. His research and teaching interests encompass technology adoption, e-government and various aspects of the supply chain, business process and operations management. He has participated in several national and international projects (both research and consulting), mainly in the area of business process redesign. He published over 60 papers/book chapters, including papers in Computers & Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Government Information Quarterly, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Online Information Review, Supply Chain Management – An International Journal, Technology Forecasting & Social and Telecommunications Policy.