Crystal Shop Online Buy Genuine Healing Crystals | ASANA

Gemstones and Their Uses

Regardless of the ailment befalling you, there is a healing crystals helper that can assist you on your path to transformative healing. There are a thousand ways to look at pseudosciences, and many of the new age practitioners, as well as the scientists claiming falsehoods, have not yet experienced the inner sanctum of magic contained in the very earth around us.

The mind is an enigma to the very top scientists of today. The mind, not located only in the brain as many people have thought, allows us to draw on the magic of whatever we perceive to be magical. With things such as crystal healing stones, we already have innate energetic frequencies that are present and therefore make spiritual, physical, and mental healing so much easier.

The magical arts were never taught to those who could not conceive of something beyond the physical world. Until the student understood these finite truths of the spiritual realms, they would be left in their own delusions of a solid reality.  Science has caught up, and since the discovery of the atom, we have begun opening scientists’ minds to the fact that something more significant than this solid-seeming life is possible. Quantum physics is allowing the foundation for newer theories to have a grounding. In all these new areas of exploration, we believe that they will sooner than later admit to the energy vibration effect on human beings.

Until that time, we need to work with the crystals, the plants, and other pseudosciences such as global healing modalities from Mikao Usui’s Reiki. When choosing your crystals, the types of healing crystals that you want is really up to you and your desires right now. Remember that “the only constant in life is change – Heraclitus.” This means that your crystal uses will change, the way that you incorporate healing crystals and their meanings into your life now will change and evolve over time. The best healing crystals for sale for you now will change as you begin to heal and work with the energies of the healing crystals more and more. 

Authentic Crystals and Real Gemstone Shop

Throughout the ages, we have learned from our ancestors and forbears to worship the land, and all that mother earth provides us with. Through the ages, we have also built our skyscrapers over her soil, tarring the pathways through the mountains and blasting the caverns in search of gold and diamonds. There are spaces left where we can return to hear the song of the earth mother, but sometimes we cannot venture into these places, and instead, many of the spiritual folk who have the understanding and the calling of the earth mother have chosen to turn their homes into sacred places.

Healing crystals provide us with the ability to bring mother nature’s teachings and energy into our homes and into our hearts. Remember, the journey of the crystal is as far as your own inward journey for healing will be. The crystal that you choose when searching where to buy healing crystals has traveled from is nesting place deep within the earth, it has been transported across thousands of miles sometimes, and then it has been polished and created into art to give you the most beautiful part of it.

Every crystal in our crystal shop originated somewhere, and with this crystal, you are bringing the energy and the vibration of that part of the earth with healing crystals into your home and into your life.

Mother earth is a powerful healer. Every one of the healing crystal stones contains her essence, and regardless of how big or small the crystal that you are holding, it has the essence of mother earth. It is this essence, this piece of healing magic that you are tapping into and connecting with when you choose to step onto the spiritual journey of healing stones and crystals.

Even your healing crystal jewelry has been lovingly crafted into a piece of magic for you to adorn yourself with and for you to call on when you need the attributes of the crystal that you have charged it with no matter its Ear cuff or any other piece of Jewelry. The question of ‘real healing crystals‘ falls upon the logical mind and the ego. We only find that the rational mind is asking these questions about whether or not a pseudoscience truly works or not. The heart understands, and so does intuition. The logical mind cannot understand something that it feels and does not see as a solid part of the matter in front of it.

The crystals for emotional healing do not work by appeasing the logical mind; they work through the heart chakra and the energetic frequencies of love and healing filter through the spiritual bodies and the physical body chakra stones to infuse you with a vibrational lift and a necessary change for crystal healing to occur.