Creativity: It’s Important to Your Business – Creativity: It’s Important to Your Business

What do you think of when you think about creativity? Some people think that creativity only lies within the paintbrush of an artist or in the sculpture of an architect, but perhaps creativity can appear in more places than just a studio. In reality, creativity is not detained within one sector, and that’s the beauty of it.

So, what is creativity you might ask? Well, according to Gestalt psychologists, creativity is defined as something that generates a new idea, insight, or solution through imagination rather than through logic or reason. Creative thinking often takes a different approach to problem-solving, and when that kind of approach is taken in a business atmosphere, the outcome can be both rewarding and pleasantly surprising.

Creativity and Innovation in Business 

creativity hands griping papercreativity hands griping paperHave you ever heard of a business that had great success without any creative or innovative ideas? The chances that you have are slim to none because creativity is the driving force behind most businesses’ success. Creativity and innovation are often the reason that businesses flourish in today’s world—setting the bar higher for the next ‘big’ idea. Creative thinking leads to the implementation of innovative ideas in the workplace.

Importance of Creativity in Business

creativity strategy meetingcreativity strategy meetingCreative business ideas set companies apart from one another. Without creativity and innovation, every company would follow the same patterns in marketing/promotion, technique, or even the goods and services they may be selling. Creativity is crucial for businesses today, especially when the market is dependent on innovative, breaking technology. The collaboration of creative minds has the ability to push creative business ideas into reality. Once your business brain is able to think outside the box, the possibilities are endless.

Now that we’ve established how important creativity is to business success, it is only fair that employees have the opportunity to channel their inner creative mind.

Importance of Creative People in Companies

ight-bulb-on-green-backgroundight-bulb-on-green-backgroundPeople who believe that they aren’t the ‘creative type’, are probably the same people that believe creativity only comes from an artistic perspective, but the truth is, everyone is able to channel creative thinking when put in the right environment. Employing creative people to join your team allows for a more imaginative approach to business problems. Creative thinking can ultimately set your business apart from all of the others, making consumers want to have your product and service over others.

What if you were to channel the whole team’s creativity? Yes, in many cases there is only a small part of the company with the responsibilities of creative work, but your business could prosper much more if you had your entire team involved with creative brainstorming. 

What You Can Do to Implement Creativity in the Workplace

Implementing creativity in the workplace can be a challenging task, especially when you have a diverse group of employee skill sets. Get your employees engaged in more creative thinking and ideas with these tips.

Intellectually challenge your employees.

Match your employees with problem solving experiences that will help them think and approach situations creatively. Give the employee a certain problem or task and have them solve it in numerous ways. It is important that your employees are challenged a little bit every day. Too little of a challenge will cause boredom, but too much will cause stress. It is important to find a healthy balance.


Freedom of expression.

Employees are most creative when they can choose which work methods they would like to use. If a method or line of work seems to be too difficult, it can suppress creativity. Avoid this negative byproduct by allowing your employees to work in their own way. It is also very important that employees take breaks from certain projects, assignments, or problem solving. When a break is taken, the mind regroups, and creativity can strike up again.

Create diverse work groups.

Diversity allows creative minds to collaborate and solve problems. When in a group, employees can listen to different approaches and build their opinions and thinking process off of one another. Have you ever been in a meeting where different thought processes were being expressed, and a great idea popped in your mind after someone voiced a similar approach? Working in diverse groups can help your employees further reach their creative capacity.

Being in a safe place.

Most of a person’s creativity evolves here. When an employee feels safe in their environment, they will most likely voice more of their creative business ideas. In order for an employee to feel safe, they must have encouragement from their managers and fellow coworkers. This helps employees know that they can think freely and creatively without judgment. This is not to say that you can’t let an employee know when they aren’t doing their best. That’s when corrective criticism can come into play.


Organizational support.

This goes along with encouragement. Your entire team should praise creativity and allow others to feel as if they can discuss their ideas openly to multiple people in the office. You may not agree with some ideas, but never make a person feel as though it was a bad idea.

Allowing your employees to utilize their creative thinking throughout the workday can enhance self-confidence and motivation. Furthermore, by motivating your employees, they work harder to help make the business a success.

Advantages of Creativity in the Workplace

creativity team having a meetingcreativity team having a meetingIt’s clear to see that accepting creativity and innovation into the workplace can be advantageous for everyone. By implementing creativity, you open the door for employees from all different departments to come together as a team, increasing engagement and interaction in the workplace. When employees are able to work as a cohesive team, the staff morale goes up, making the environment more fun, happy, and laid back. This ultimately attracts more employees and retain quality workers. Creativity will always make your employees want to learn more by seeking multiple options, ideas, and solutions for the business. Your business can’t lose with creativity on its side.

CATMEDIA Knows the Importance of Creativity

Here at CATMEDIA, we know the importance of creativity in the workplace and put our creative minds to work every day. Without creativity and innovation, we would not be able to meet our client’s needs properly. Want to know more about our creative services? Visit our website! 




CATMEDIA is an award-winning Inc. 500 company based in Atlanta, Georgia. Founded in 1997, the company specializes in advertising, creative services, media production, program management, training, and human resource management. As a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), CATMEDIA provides world-class customer service and innovative solutions to government and commercial clients. Current CATMEDIA clients include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

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