Creating a Blog Using
This menu is located to the right of the post field.
1. To add labels to your post click the Labels tab to expand it.
Then type labels into the text box and click Done
These labels will be words readers can search for your post with.
2. To schedule a time for your post to go live, click the Schedule tab to expand it.
Then choose Set Date and Time from the menu by clicking the circle next to it.
Then select a date and time for the post to go live.
You can do this by either typing in a date or selecting one from the calendar.
Then click Done.
3. To customize your permalink, click the Permalink tab to expand it.
Then select Custom Permalink by clicking the circle next to it.
Then type in a custom permalink and click Done.
This is now the URL for your post.
4. To add your location, click the Location tab to expand it.
Then type your location into the Search bar and click Search. The map should show you your location.
Then click Done.
5. The Options tab allows you to do many things once expanded
To disallow or allow reader comments, choose the preferred option by clicking the circle next to it.
To change the compose mode, choose the preferred option by clicking the circle next to it.
To change the way line breaks are made, choose the preferred option by clicking the circle next to it.