Create a travel blog in an online journal

Have you always dreamed of keeping your own travel blog? Then Travel Diaries is the right tool for you. Keep a travel blog by adding stories, photos and maps in a digital journal for free.

Keeping a blog of your trip

Travel Diaries is a web application that allows you to keep a travel diary for free. The editor is designed in such a way that it seems like you are working in a real diary on your screen. Per chapter, you can decide whether you want to share it with friends and family or keep it completely private. As soon as you share a chapter, we convert it to a blog. You can choose to share your diary via the editor by email, via Facebook or Twitter, or by simply sharing the link with people.

Public diary shared through editor on screens

Create and share a travel blog

On your blog, your followers can easily read all the chapters in your diary. At least if you’ve made them public, as we understand all too well that you might prefer to keep some stories to yourself. Is your diary completely finished? Then you can have your travelogue printed simply with the touch of a button so that you can keep your self-made travel diary after the trip. This way you will not only become a travel blogger at Travel Diaries, but also a published writer 😉

Writing is never easy. Not only do you need talent, but above all, you need a good dose of perseverance. Even the most renowned writers still need to find the courage to sit at their writing table every day. So, how are you meant to write something when you are constantly distracted by thousands of travel stimuli?

Tips for keeping a travel blog

Do you want to make a travelogue? Then keep in mind that you have a goal. By publishing your stories in your own travel diary, you capture your memories in a way that will ensure that they can never be lost. Not only are they recorded online, but they are also published in a real book, allowing you to place them on your bookshelf after your wonderful trip. 

Diary filled with Travel Memories safely stored on a bookshelf

In addition, friends and family can follow your blog during the trip. This allows for every story you write to be an update for those supporting you at home. They will undoubtedly be happy to be able to read another great travel blog from you. When you have finished a new chapter, you can notify them via a private message or by posting the new chapter on your social media. The reactions of people at home alone provide enough motivation to keep writing.

Create a writing ritual

Aren’t these enough reasons to sit down and write your stories? Then make it a regular moment. Set your alarm on your phone at a specific time and make sure to sit down and write your stories at that moment, wherever you are. Whether on the beach or in the middle of a busy Bangkok street, find the first best place where you can write your online journal and give the writer in you a moment to reflect.

Write texts easily in the web editor or mobile app of Travel Diaries

Typically, it is helpful to do this right after getting up or just before going to bed. This makes it a nice morning or evening ritual where you can relive your adventures with a cup of coffee or tea in hand. Are you still finding it difficult? Then give yourself a reward after each chapter you have completed. You can buy another mango from the street vendor or eat a toffee from that bag that you secretly smuggled from home.

Your travel blog in a printed diary

The best moment comes of course when you can print your own travel diary. You spent hours toiling and sweating to get the photos in the right size, put the cards in the right place, and choose the perfect layout for your travel diary. You have removed all typing and spelling mistakes from your stories and made sure that the texts are easy to read. Then, you also had to choose a cover photo from all the hundreds of photos you took. But eventually, it is finished; the perfect travel diary is ready.

Time to print it! With one click – ok, and entering the address and making a payment – your own publication will be printed on beautiful paper with a soft or hardcover. You can print your travel diary from a minimum of 24 pages. Then your diary costs €23.40. For a hardcover, you pay just a little more and your book is slightly more expensive per extra page. But in the end, we all know that making a dream come true is priceless. Congratulations, you are now a published travel writer!

Printed and published Travel Diaries