Create a WordPress blog – a few steps to success

Contributions (posts) should always include a headline. Headlines should be written in an engaging manner to encourage page visitors to keep reading. Headlines are also an important SEO criterion. Each post should be supplemented with its own title tag – provided by an SEO plugin. The text has a good chance of attracting numerous readers if it captures the essentials in a short and crisp way. A good outline with subheadings usually makes for more easily digestible blog content. It’s also advised to add keywords that are relevant to your topics.

But good stories aren’t all about test. Scale down photos before you upload them because the maximum file size for uploads is limited. At 1,920 pixels, you’re usually on the safe side. When posting images to the WordPress library, users often forget to enter “alternative text” and “title” tags. Both tags are important to boost image SEO. Careful though: always ensure you have the rights to share images or use copyright-free photos only, otherwise things could become expensive.

A WordPress blog, once set up, thrives on the interaction with users. Comments can enliven a blog but may also attract spammy posts. It’s a good idea to add a plugin that filters for spam comments. If you decide to enable comments, you must add a relevant section to your privacy policy. In addition, you may want to add a privacy notice to the comment page. If this is the first time you’re using WordPress, you can approve comments manually to monitor how your audience interacts.