Create a VPC Network

You can choose to create an Automatic mode or Custom mode Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. Automatic mode networks create one subnet in each Google Cloud region automatically when you create the network. For Custom mode VPC networks, you have to create a network and then create subnets that you want within a region. You can create subnets when you create the network or you can add subnets later, but you cannot create instances in a region that has no subnet defined.


Ensure you have a Google account and access/login information to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Console.


  1. Log on to the GCP Console

  2. Click

    VPC Networks



    VPC Networks

    page appears.

  3. Click

    Create VPC network


    Create a VPC network

    page appears.

    Thepage appears.

  4. In the


    textbox, enter a unique name for the VPC network.

  5. Under


    , choose




    as the

    Subnet creation mode

    . If you choose


    , then in the

    New subnet

    area, specify the following configuration parameters for a subnet:

    1. In the


      textbox, enter a unique name for the subnet.

    2. From the


      drop-down menu, select a region for the subnet.

    3. In the

      IP address range

      textbox, enter an IP address range.

    4. To define a secondary IP range for the subnet, click

      Create secondary IP range


    5. Private Google access

      : Choose whether to activate Private Google Access for the subnet when you create it or later by editing it.

    6. Flow logs

      : Choose whether to activate VPC flow logs for the subnet when you create it or later by editing it.

    7. Click



  6. To add more subnets, click

    Add subnet

    and repeat the steps in Step 5. You can also add more subnets to the network after you have created the network.

  7. Choose the

    Dynamic routing mode

    for the VPC network.

  8. Click




The VPC network and subnet are created.

What to do next

Create Firewall rules for VPC networks.