Connecting – Viva: learn

Activities | Viva’s added value | Benefits for children

Local churches and organisations are deeply rooted in their communities, and often working with the most vulnerable in society. There are thousands of ministries in cities and many are working with children, yet they are often working in isolation and unaware of the work of other churches and organisations that could be complementary and, if a strong relationship was made, could release them to achieve a greater depth and scale of impact.

Viva supports churches and organisations with a vision to have a deeper impact in children’s lives by building locally-led networks to run collective action programmes designed to tackle the root causes of problems affecting children. We are using our joined-up model across 38 networks and 27 countries to change the situation for children with a scale and depth that would not be possible for a single church or organisation to achieve.

Often the problems faced by children are too large and widespread for a single organisation to bring about the size of change required, only joined up thinking and joined up action will achieve this. People are attracted to Viva’s networks because they provide an opportunity to be part of something bigger, with a clear vision and a sense of acceleration towards achieving this type of greater goal.

As well as being part of a larger body or movement of like-minded envisioned people in the city, participants and children themselves are inspired by meeting with peers, sharing their mutual experiences and learning from one another. People are encouraged, relationships built, ideas, contacts and best practice exchanged. As the network grows, new churches and organisations who were not previously necessarily child-centric are compelled to join the movement leading to an increase in work with children in that city.

The network’s community enables programmes to have a lasting impact as the local churches will continue to build relationship and support for one another whilst being a constant presence for the children they serve. Effective connectivity leads to more coordinated, complementary and efficient services for children leading to more children being served with services sustained for the long term.


Connecting organisations into a network usually begins with Situational Mapping to assess who is working with children in the community, what the greatest needs of these children are, where the gaps in care exist, and what are the potential areas for collaboration.

The belief in the network starts with the vision and potential of what could and needs to be achieved by the Christian body as it responds to children. Defining the vision and ways to communicate it is crucial. Understanding how a network grows and develops is necessary as the engine within the network.

As the network grows, the network actively continues to engage its members, redefining the vision as the needs change and solidifying network identity as a family of churches and organisations committed to their cause. Good, clear communication and events creating opportunities for members to connect with eachother are essential to ensure churches and organisations in the network remain committed and actively contribute to network activities. Activities include:

  • Regular prayer meetings: an opportunity to increase pastoral support, build relationship and discern
  • Working/Action groups: meet more regularly with a focus on specific themes or programmes
  • Annual General Meeting: to celebrate success, reaffirm network vision, launch programmes and ensure churches and organisations in the network are informed on network progress
  • Online and written communications: WhatsApp Groups, social media sites, news emails and newsletters all help to keep churches and organisations informed on opportunities to get involved in network activities
  • All network programmes also include opportunities to build connectivity and strengthen relationships


Viva’s Added Value

Viva has a variety of documents including the network booklet, and network development training that equip the coordination teams to keep member engaged, attract new members and respond and adapt to changing situations within the city.

Healthy growth is evident by the number of churches and organisations participating in the network and those that then convert to committed members.

Positive impact of collective action programmes, speaking with a combined voice and engaging with city authorities as significant partners are all made possible by strong connectivity connecting.

Each year, we run our Network Health Check (NHC) to monitor the development and strength of networks and identify key areas for improvement. Findings are published and recommendations given to help the networks strengthen existing work areas and prioritise new areas of action to reach their potential.

Annual regional network meetings and monthly Family Emails help the networks to position themselves as part of a wider movement working globally for children. A number of networks are also involved in web forums where representatives from different regions come together to design or update training programmes or strategies. Bringing people together in these forums are catalysts for shared vision and increased commitment, as networks learn from and motivate each other.

Viva’s Network Development Team provides support, expertise and shares knowledge to networks every step of the way. Regional teams and International Centre staff make up Viva’s Network Development Team who strategically support the networks to grow and develop their effectiveness and ultimately to change the situation for children in their cities.

Each network has a designated Network Development Team Member who keeps regular contact through skype calls, email, phone and face-to-face meetings with coordinators and Steering Groups to build strong relationships and coach and mentor through challenges and growth in line with partner networks’ own capacity, vision, skills and track record.

Benefits for children

Simply connecting local organisations together already benefits children and their families as:

  • People become aware of which organisations are best equipped to respond to children’s needs allowing an effective referral mechanism using a member directory
  • Children are brought together through debates, sports events, talent shows and other joint programmes with network members, making them aware of others like them in different situations, and the talents and strengths they have despite their situation
  • Situational mapping informs a network’s strategy and identifies the most effective ways to respond to issues affecting children helping key stakeholders to understand the gaps and the potential for future collaboration.

Other Global Christian networks we connect with:

Global Children’s Forum

Global Family Alliance

Lausanne Movement

World Without Orphans

Use this link to order your copy of: Network Development Reflections: A 40 day devotional tool using biblical reflections on network development produced by Viva’s partner network Philippine Children’s Ministries Network (PCMN)